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04x06 - I Made a Mistake

Posted: 04/18/24 17:36
by bunniefuu
-[dramatic music playing]
-[Zack] Bliss, I really do love you.


-Are you breaking up with me? [chuckles]
-I can't marry you. I'm sorry.

Irina, will you marry me?

Zack, easiest yes of my life.

[both laugh]


[laughs, gasps]

-[Brett] Oh.

-You're so handsome.
-Thank you. Yeah, you're beautiful.

Thank you.

-Will you marry me, Jackie?
-Of course I'll marry you.

-I love you.
-I love you too.

[dance music playing]

I don't think I've ever had this level
of attraction with somebody,

because it didn't start physically.

This is setting the tone
for the rest of our lives.

-[Chelsea] And it's good.

I wanna cherish this forever.

I was all-in with you.

Like, I still care about you.

-Would you have rather been with her?
-No, I'm right where I need to be.

Then let it go. Let it f*cking go, Kwame.

♪ Fighting… ♪

[Jackelina sobbing]

[Jackelina] I'm in my emotions.
I'm thinking about home.

I can't go back
to that shit, man. [sobbing]

Needs lime juice.
Gonna get some. [chuckles]

[Jackelina] Irina hates her man.
I know it.

Oh, my God. You're the worst.

I'm so drained
from, like, this relationship.

I think we should call it.
I don't think it's gonna work out.

♪ For tomorrow… ♪

Would you, if you had the chance,
like, explore things with Bliss?

♪ Never surrender ♪

I made the wrong choice.

-You know I did, and I do too.

-["With You" by Mar G Rock playing]
-♪ Ah, how can I sleep at night? ♪[/i]

♪ I feel so lost when I'm not with you… ♪

I'm sad about leaving Mexico.

[Micah] That thing looks extremely heavy.

Good thing you only have one bag,
so you can help me with mine.

-[Paul] Oh, God, what did I sign up for?

We gonna get out of here.
We gonna finish packing.

-♪ Rack it up, pack it up, zip it up ♪
-[snapping fingers][/i]

♪ Back to the top
Here we come, hey, hey ♪[/i]

I'm excited.
You see the excitement in my face?

-I don't know.

Yes, you can. We can.

We are embarking
on an exciting new chapter.

I would love to stay
in this little fantasyland

of everything's just
about us forever. [chuckles]

But that's just not realistic.

-I love you.
-I love you too.

-♪ Wouldn't change a thing ♪
-♪ It feels good to be me… ♪

-We are out.
-Don't make me go.

[Micah chuckles] Adios.

-[Tiffany] How about you?
-[Brett] Lot of change to real life.

But I'm excited.

[clicks tongue] Me too.


Okay, don't get carried away.

[both laugh]

Oh, you got that? [laughs]

-[pop music playing]

♪ I hope my heart won't fail me now ♪

♪ Yeah! Won't be afraid
Of the drives in my way ♪

♪ 'Cause you make me believe ♪

♪ Anything is possible ♪

[Vanessa] Welcome to the Emerald City.

That's right. Vanessa and I are here
in beautiful Seattle, Washington.

[Vanessa] Five couples got engaged
and fell in love sight unseen.

One of those relationships seems
to not have worked out.

[Irina] If in some crazy life,
weeks from now, Zack is in my mind,

and I can't stop thinking about him,
I'm gonna reach out and do something.

Maybe it'll be too late.
Maybe he already moved on.

But I couldn't get over the uncomfortable
feeling I felt with him physically.

[Tiffany] Look at this!

-This is nice.
-[Marshall] Oh, let's go.

[Nick] The getaways are over,

and now our couples are about to enter
the most intense phase of this experiment.

[Vanessa] They have their devices back
and headed home,

where they're gonna be living together
in a new shared apartment.

-All right.
-[Micah] Wow!

You're gonna take your shoes off.

[Tiffany] This will be my side.

-And all of that will be yours.
-[Brett] Yeah.

'Cause you're so flashy, you know.
I'll brush your shoulders off real quick.

Oh! Oh! Oh! You cute. [laughs]

Will age, race, looks, family,
even financial circumstances matter?

Ma'am, you have your shoes on in our bed.

-Come on now.
-I'm sorry.

[Vanessa] How will they integrate
their lives, their careers, their homes?

-[Jackelina] I clean four times a week.
-Four times a week? Okay.

-I think it's important to be clean.

And I think that's come
from, like, me being in dentistry.

-Everything has to be clean.

Now they are just three weeks
away from the altar

and the most important decision
of their lives.

How often do you think
you're gonna work from home?

Because I'm gonna be working from home,
like, 100% of the time.

-I think 75% of the time.

-We can do it.
-We're not gonna get much done, I feel.

We're both gonna get fired
in the first week. [laughs]

-[laughs] Yeah, well, we lost our jobs.
-[laughs] Yeah. Whoops.

Will they prove that love is blind?

-[pop music playing]

[Bliss] How was, um,
your trip with your fiancée?

Horrible. She treated me like shit.

We're sleeping
on the opposite sides of the bed.

We don't touch. Zero affection.

-I was over her on day two. [laughs]
-[Bliss] Mm-hmm.

-You know what I thought when in Mexico?

You were [/i]the girl that I was looking for.

-That's, like, so annoying though.
-It's f*cked up to say.

-[Bliss] Very annoying to hear.
-I know. I'm just telling you the truth.

I knew, like, when I told you no,
like, as I walked out the door,

that I f*cked up.

Like, I knew it, and it was too late.

You proposed to her, Zack.

I did, because I still loved her.

But that's not a reason--

There's more than just
one person for people.

I don't know. It makes me,
like, question you a little bit.

I got what I deserved,
for sure. [chuckles]

-[Bliss] I mean…
-I made a bad choice.

You know, you actually, like,
put in all this effort with the cupcakes.

-Don't remind me. I literally-- [laughs]
-I know.

-They were good.
-[Bliss] Oh, fine. It's over.

But it showed your character.

Her character was
pretty revealed through, like--

Like, she forgot my birthday.

-[laughs] You're backtracking hardcore.

-[Zack] What do you mean?
-I don't know.

This is just such a weird scenario.

-Weird situation.
-No, I know it is.

-We've never seen each other before.
-You never even had to see my face.

Right, so I was like, "He may not even
be cute. Like, who cares?" [laughs]

-Surprise. I'm not.
-[both laugh]

-This makes it easier.
-[Zack] Way easier.

I'm just kidding. I think
you thought I was, like, some, like--

[chuckles] I don't know what you thought.

I just kind of, like, imagined you…

Which is, by the way, my type, is like…

kind of a little bit more nerdy.

Yeah, I mean, I am nerdy.
I just don't look like a nerd. [laughs]

Which is fine,
but I think I sound like a nerd.

Like, my voice, you know.

Yeah, yeah,
your voice does not match your body.

[chuckles] It doesn't, really?

Why? Is it just, like, weird
connecting my face to my voice?

I just like looking at your eyes.

-Yeah, you have really beautiful eyes.
-Thanks. [laughs]

You have pretty eyes too.

[chuckles] But I also don't wanna give you
any compliments right now, so…

Do you find my eye contact to be too much?

-No, why?
-That's good.

-Am I looking away?
-No, we just--

I think I tend to kinda,
like, look around.

I tend to maintain
really strong eye contact.

-I love good eye contact.
-That was the first thing Irina said.

You maintain
too much eye contact? [laughs]

She's like, "You don't blink very much."
I'm like, "f*ck you."

-I'm like…

-[Bliss] That's funny.

Your brain works very similar to mine.

We have similar types
of weirdness, actually.

Like, the coincidences,

the things we talked about,
the songs… the owl.

-Pretty freaky.
-Yeah, it was.

[laughs] I guess I also, like,
didn't expect anything coming into this.

I didn't expect to have
any sort of, like, true feelings,

and also my logical side is like,

"How can anyone have these types
of feelings in that short a time?"

Did it surprise you when it did?

-[Bliss] Um, yeah, yeah, it did.
-Me too.

And I feel like no one will understand it,
and that's such a dumb thing to say.

-No, it's not. It's not.
-But, like…

"You're batshit crazy. You knew this
person for how long and fell in love?"

Yeah, it doesn't make any sense at all.

[laughs] It makes no sense.

So, I thought going in,
like, there's potential here.

I didn't think
I was actually gonna fall in love, like…

And you know the difference, right?

You know the difference between
liking someone and loving someone.

Yeah. Definitely.

It's just been
a very emotional couple of weeks.

That's for sure.

[exhales deeply]

I know. I don't know… [chuckles]

…if we're gonna
end up together at some point.

And I didn't, like, have the plan
of, like, trying to win you over.

-Yeah, no, I just…

I do think, regardless of what happens,
we were supposed to meet each other.

-[Zack] Like, that's… I believe that.

I believe that too.


You're just cute.

-I'm really happy that we got to meet.
-[Bliss] Me too.

I was really, like, nervous
and felt weird about it--

I was nervous too.

["Catching Feels" by Killian M playing]

♪ Lost in this place with you… ♪

[sighs] Anyway.

So, it was very, like,
interesting to meet you in person.

Super crazy weird.

Yeah, I'm glad we did it.


♪ The way you look
The way you're looking ♪

♪ Catching feels… ♪

Do you wanna walk to the door?

♪ And now we're catching feels… ♪

-Hopefully, we do it again.
-[Bliss] We'll see.

♪ The way you look
The way you're looking ♪

♪ Catching feels… ♪

♪ The way you look
The way you're looking ♪

♪ Catching feels… ♪

-[Kwame] Hey.
-[Chelsea] Yes.

Our food is here.

-[Chelsea] Ooh, smell good?

-Our first take-out meal.

-In our home!
-In our home.


Three weeks ago,
I was sitting on my couch,

playing Xbox in my boxers.

And now, like, this is full-out adulting
to the highest degree.

I'm engaged.

We live in a house together.
And that shit is crazy.

I didn't know what to expect
walking into our place

and what it would look like.

I know!

Like, walking into it with you,
I just feel at home in it.

It just feels like home
is when I'm with you.

You're great
with the cheesy movie pick-up lines.

-[laughs] You love it though!
-I do.

-Don't you lie. You love it!
-I do!

-It's the greatest. [laughs]
-You love it!

How do you feel about,
like, cleaning duties?

That's both of us.

-Do you know how to vacuum?

-Babe, I know how to vacuum.
-Just checking. I'm just checking.

-You've been a bachelor your whole life.
-Turn it on and move it around the carpet.

[laughing] Okay?

Good job, babe.
You're such a genius, baby.


-What are the other things, ma'am?

What about 'em?

Do we put 'em in the sink?
Do we put 'em on the counter?

Do we put 'em in the dishwasher?

Put it in the sink. At least, like,
at the base, they're getting in the sink.

-Basically, they're going in the sink.

[chuckles] At the base.

What is a base? Base of what?

Base means no matter what,

by the time we go to sleep,
they're in the sink.

-Oh, go to sleep in the sink?
-Babe, at best, they're clean.

So, you're gonna get 70% at best,
30% at base.

That's not bad, right?

Let's get it up to 90% in the dishwasher.

I'm happy with 80.

I really don't like going to bed
with a dirty kitchen.

I will say this.

You need to remember
to flush the toilet when you go pee.

-[both laugh]
-[Kwame] Like, it's the weirdest habit.

No, that's only when at night, like,
when I don't wanna wake you up.

Don't worry about waking me up.
Just flush the toilet.

[laughing] Okay?

-Okay, babe.

-I love you.
-Mmm. I love you too.

[Kwame] Mm!

-["Don't Stop Dreaming" playing]
-♪ Lightning inside of us ♪[/i]

♪ Keep on believing ♪

Um, yeah.

I don't really know how to,
like, start this conversation, but…

Oh, God.

Um, before we got on the plane
to leave Mexico,

um, Irina came up to me
and kind of, like, let me know

that she has, like, attraction to you.

And I don't know.
It just made me feel really weird.

Did you, like, have any,
like, indication that she was,

like, into you, like, in Mexico?

When we went to the pool party,
she was, like, kind of, like, handsy,

like, touching my leg and stuff.

I was just, like, "You know what?
That's weird."

But I didn't think anything of it.

Zack was standing, like, right next to us.

So, I was just like, surely, like,

"You wouldn't be trying to make an actual,
like, move on me."

It kind of put, like, doubt
in my head about, like, where…

[sighs] …um, like, where we're at.

I don't know.
It just, like, made me think, like,

was there, like, more that went on
that I didn't know about?

[Paul] I definitely have
no intention or desire of,

like, going any…
pursuing anything with her.

I just, like, thought it was so weird
how, like, she ended it with Zack

and then immediately, like,
jumped ship to, like,

her, like, "best friend's," like, fiancé?

Yeah, it's a weird move.

Yeah, it's frustrating because I feel like

it's coming strictly
from a point of attraction.

Which I get.
Like, yeah, you're hot, but, like…

-You know? I don't know.

You're my fiancé.
You're an extension of me, and it's, like…

At this point, you know,
if what you, like, are saying is true

and there's not, like,
something I don't know about,

or, like, there's not, like,
unresolved feelings on your end,

then, like, at this point,
I feel like it's between her and I.

I feel bad for Zack.
Like, Zack's my boy and…

Yeah, I do too.
I feel like he's, like, easy to laugh at.

But I mean,
everything that he's done, like,

that she's, like,
been really turned off about,

he was doing the same exact stuff
in the pods.

The only difference is
now she can, like, see his face.

-You know?

I feel like I've been,
like, guilty of kind of, like,

like, laughing along at, like,
the whole, like, Zack thing,

'cause he's, like, such a character.

But when it comes down to it, I feel like
he did come into this very open.

-And yeah, he might be extremely goofy.
-[Paul chuckles]

-But that's his genuine self, you know.
-[Paul] It is.

-That's what I love about him.
-[Micah] Yeah.

I will say that whenever she was, like,

kind of coming on to me at the pool, I…

One of the reasons why I didn't,
like, immediately call her out

in front of everyone is that, like,
I feel very secure with our relationship.

I feel like I know you really well.

-[Micah] You make me feel so confident.
-It feels right.

[Micah laughs]

-You really questioning me? Damn.

[Micah] Every day that goes by,
I feel stronger and stronger towards him.

I don't think there's much
that could kind of, like,

like, break us at this point.

I think that sureness
and that confidence is really sexy,

and I'm really excited
to explore the physical side of things.

So, hopefully, Paul complies.
[laughs] I don't know.

So what do you wanna do tonight?
Do you have anything in mind?

Hmm, I don't know. I mean…

[laughs] I feel like it's kind of
an obvious answer when it comes to me.

-I got it. I got it.
-[both laughing]

-["Feel Love" by Full Circle playing]

♪ Feel love… ♪

So cute! I gotta bring my lava lamp.
I gotta bring my--

Lava lamp? Is this 1972?

-You got a lava lamp?
-It's fun!

You for real got a lava lamp?

-I got a lava lamp.
-What color?

-Mind your business. You'll see it.

[laughs] You ungrateful.

-"Oh, you got a lava lamp."

Don't worry about it.
Now you don't want it.

I'm gonna bring it.

We're back in real worlds, work routines,

friends, family, phones, social media.

It's-- It's a lot, but I'm excited still.
Just ready to take the world on.

Well, what's the first thing
that you wanna do?

-Now that we're back.

[both laugh]

That's the most exciting part,
is just waking up to her every day,

being able to cook breakfast
and, like, send her off to work.

And get started with my day
and wait till she gets home.

You know, I've told my parents, obviously,

and my brother and my sister,

uh, that I am engaged.

They're over the moon.

-So, um, they just saw how happy I was.

Okay, well, I guess I have to be up to par
when I see them and not pull up in…

You can pull up in anything.
You'll be good.

[both laugh]

-Um, I told, um…

…my mom. I told my dad.

They were like, "Huh? This is not Jackie."

-Yeah. Yeah.
-[laughs] "This is not Jackie."

They didn't believe me.
I was like, "No, I'm being dead-ass."

And they were like, "Huh?"
I still don't think they believed me.

It's kind of one of those things
where I just let 'em sit in it,

and then I'll hit them… whenever.

I just… I'm trying to hold that off
as much as I can.

[Marshall] Mm-hmm.

You think they will wanna meet me?

-I would hope so.

I think so.

And my dad's really cool.

My dad's not--
My dad will be like, "Oh, okay, nice."

And then my mom is more like…

Like me, but like…

Oh, so, it'll be fine.
I'll get along with her great.

-[Jackelina laughs] I hope so.

[Jackelina] I hope so.


-["Hourglass" by Mak London playing]
-♪ Time is slippin' fast ♪[/i]

♪ I don't wanna crack like an hourglass… ♪

-[water running]

Whatever is yours is mine,
and whatever is mine is yours.

Is that what you're trying to say?

[Tiffany laughs]

I love this man,
but at the same time, like,

I like my bathroom to be very clean.

And Brett has no issue
with hopping out the shower,

and there's water on the floor,

and that's actually one of my pet peeves.

Mm. [chuckles]

[both mumbling]

Like, I've mentioned it to him before.
He's like, "Babe, it's just water."

But for me, I'm like… [groans]

[laughing] Like, it's just…

I mean, it's just gonna be
an adjustment process.

But… But that's my boo.

I wish we had a TV in here.

In a bedroom, your attention is supposed
to be either sleeping or on me.

-Why you need a TV?
-My attention is on you now.

My attention is definitely on you.

-["Free Spirit" by Conor Manning playing]
-♪ Stare into my eyes ♪[/i]

♪ I need to be with… ♪


I'm really happy here.

-And I really mean that.
-Thank you.

I think you're amazing.

-[Brett] I think you're amazing too.

Mmm! Mmm! [chuckles]

♪ Losing myself, losing ♪

♪ Losing myself tonight ♪

♪ Oh! ♪


-Hi! Good morning.

-Come here.
-Thank you.

Good morning.

[Paul] Waking up next to Micah,

I feel like I immediately
just wanna roll over

and give her a kiss.

Our physical connection is great.

We're super, super comfortable
around each other,

and that's something that's been missing
in my life for a long time.

Last night, oh, my God,
you were, like, moaning.

-[Paul] Oh, no.

[both laugh]

I'm gonna put tape
over your mouth next time.

[Paul] You should.

Yeah, Paul and I definitely,
like, took our time

and we didn't, like, rush into anything.

But, like, we have
gotten our physical connection

on the same level
as our emotional connection.

Um, and I feel really--
really great about both.

[Paul] How'd you sleep?

[Micah] Well, actually,
I slept really good.

I don't know. It felt so, like, real,
like, being in an actual, like, house.

I woke up at 7:00 a.m., and I was like…

Yeah, you wake up like
a little Energizer Bunny.

-[laughing] I know.
-Just, like, popping out of bed.

I'm like… [groans]

-What do you have planned for today?
-[Micah] I'm talking with Irina tonight.

-Oof. [inhales]

-That should be fun.
-I'm nervous.


-I get that.
-It's a weird way to feel.

-But I do.

I could see that. Complex emotions.

-Mm-hmm. We'll see how it goes.
-[Paul] I have faith you'll handle it.

Maybe I'll go see Zack.

-Didn't he ask you to hang out last night?
-[Paul] Yeah.

-You ditched him.
-No. Yeah, I did.

-Hanging out with my fiancé in bed.
-[both laugh]

-I got more important things to do.

-[Paul] Yeah. Bigger fish to fry, Zack.

[laughing continues]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I never wanna be far away from you ♪[/i]

♪ Far away from you ♪

[Chelsea] We're here.

-[Kwame chuckles]
-I can't wait to show you my place.

Here's my bathroom.

[Kwame] Ooh, I like this.

-[Chelsea] Nice.
-[Kwame] Okay.

-[Chelsea] I have morning affirmations.
-[Kwame] Okay.

-This is the living area.

-[Chelsea] There's my bed.
-[Kwame] Yeah.

[Chelsea] Here's the kitchen.


Oh, my gosh. There's so much pink in here.

[Chelsea] So much pink in here.

It was, like, literally all pink.

You know what I'm saying?
With pink shoes and pink nails.

Like, just bright and just, like,
colorful and just, like, in your face.

I'll have to get used to that.


Oh, my gosh, even the wine is pink.

[both laughing]

I appreciate all your colors.
They're all beautiful.

-[Chelsea] Good match, right?

Babe, so, you do want to bring
your pink water bottles? [sighs]

-[Chelsea] Yes, pink water bottles.

So, like, what's-- what is--
what's with the pink, though?

-Like, what, you just like pink?
-It's always been my favorite.

But in terms of decorating,

I got this apartment
after my ex and I broke up.

[Kwame] Mm-hmm.

And he was pretty controlling
about how I decorated our home.

[Kwame] Okay.

And after that, I was free

and could finally decorate
the way I'd always dreamed of,

in the way that, you know,
was my truest representation of who I am.

-[Kwame] Okay.
-And that is entirely this apartment.

That's why this apartment
has been such a healing space for me.

[Kwame] Mm-hmm.

To fully express myself and be myself.

That's kind of the main reason why

I went so out there with the pink.

I was very self-expressed and fulfilled,

and I think I can still be that
in our place.


-I'm about it.
-Thanks, babe.

-[Kwame] Of course.
-That's sweet of you.

-["You've Got Me" playing]
-♪ When I'm scared ♪[/i]

♪ I find myself thinking about you… ♪

I think a lot of stuff
got real for me tonight.


You know, I don't come home
to anybody. [sighs]

[sniffles] Single people
have a lot of lonely nights.

Like, I constantly FaceTime my friends
when I eat dinner every night.

Just so that I can share, like, that,
you know, connection with somebody.


everything's different now.

[sniffles] I get to come home to Kwame.

And that's a whole new feeling
for me. [sniffles]

-I've wanted it for so long.
-[Kwame laughs]

So hopefully you don't know all this
and not wanna marry me.

-I'm sorry. [laughs]

-I guess I haven't--
-Oh, I mean…

[both laugh]

You didn't say no.

-Of course I still wanna marry you.
-Baby, you didn't say no.

-Mm. Mmm!
-I love you no matter what.

[Kwame] Yo, your man's out!

My baby, y'all gonna be best friends,
going to bed at nine o'clock every night.

[Kwame laughing] Yeah, he like to sleep.
I like that.

-He likes his sleep. He's gonna love you.

-Just like I do.
-Right. [chuckles]

♪ My heart beats so lonely without you ♪

♪ I'd climb mountains
To get you here with me ♪

Oh! [laughs]

Hey, guys. Oh!

Guys, meet Brett.

-Brett. This is Jennifer.

-I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you. Hug.
-Nice to meet you, Jennifer.

-[Tiffany] We got my soul sister, Kristy.
-Kristy. Oh, hi.

-[Tiffany shouts]
-[woman] I know. You look so cute!

-[Tiffany] How long have y'all been here?
-We've been here for a little bit.

Y'all have ultimate margaritas yet?

I was like,
should I order you guys a margarita?

Didn't know if he would want an ultimate
margarita, so we were gonna wait.

-I'm game for whatever, so…
-[Jennifer] Yeah.

-So, how's it been?
-Um, it's been good.

So, what made you attracted to Tiffany?
How did you know that she was the one?

-[Tiffany] Mmm.
-[Brett] Hmm.

Um, one, like, her authenticity.

I could see how much of a caring
and nurturing and loving person she was.

And then just even through hearing
her voice, I felt, like, real support

and love and, like, caring for me.

-I'm like, this girl has never seen me.
-[Kristy] For real. Yeah.

[Brett] Every time I'd go
into the pods, I felt like this person

wants me to be my best version of myself.

-Like, 100%. But I guess that's a…

That was so--

But that is like… But that's awesome.

-[all laughing]

-No, but, like, that's you, Tiff.

When did you know? Who knew first?

-[Jennifer] Tiff?
-[Kristy] Tiff?

-She-- She knew.
-Tiff, how--

-I did.
-[Kristy] How quick did you know?

I was very adamant
about telling him, like, "I like you."


She also decided
to take a nap during a date.

[Jennifer] Nuh-uh.

-Let's go ahead and clear that up here.
-It was really bad.

So, Brett, uh, her name on my phone
is "Miss Sleeping Beauty."

-Because she is a phenomenal sleeper.

[Kristy] She will nap anywhere
and everywhere.

She's fallen asleep on us,
so you're not boring.

-Do not take it personal.

You proposed to me
the day after I fell asleep.

-Yes. Okay.

Yes, he proposed to me the day
after I fell asleep. [snaps fingers]

-Boom! I see him for the first time.
-Сan't wait for that shit.

-I was looking b*mb.
-Oh, man.

Tiff, how were you guys?
How were you, Tiff?

You guys ran?

-I didn't run.
-I ran to her.

[all] Aww!

What were your reactions?

-When that opened, what was it?
-[Tiffany] What were your first thoughts?

The door opened…

-Tunnel vision.
-[Tiffany] Yeah.

-[Jennifer] Yes.
-Like, literally, I mean this.

-I didn't see anything else, except her.
-[Bre] Aww.

[Brett] I cannot tell you the color.

I knew there was a red carpet. That's it.

I was like, "This girl is
absolutely gorgeous. How"--


[Brett] "How…"

[Jennifer] Tiffany! Yeah!

-Like, we know it, but it's nice to hear.
-We know, but okay.

No, seriously, I'm like,

"How is she such an amazing person
on the inside?"

"But then, at the same time,
look like this?"

-[Kristy] Right?
-[Brett] Like, how is that possible?

I'm, like, saying to myself,
"Brett, how did the stars align?"

-You guys got so lucky.

-[Jennifer] Literally--
-[Kristy] The stars definitely aligned.

-But they always align with this one.
-[Tiffany] Oh!

[Kristy] You know.

[laughing] Oh, Kristy!

Just seeing her, like,
happy and on this journey,

I just want somebody that's gonna put her
on the pedestal that all of us put her on

and that's gonna
love her through her faults

and love her through everything.

And I wanna know
that the person that I'm giving her to

is gonna pick her up
in the way that I would pick her up

and is going to love her
in the way that I love her.


[Bre] Aww, Tiffany!

[Tiffany] Stop, Kristy.

I was trying not to get
to this point tonight.


I truly love this girl with, like,
everything, and, like, she is my soul.

And she is an amazing,

phenomenal, like,

one of the best people I've ever met.

So, you are really lucky.

I'm like, you're really lucky, Brett.
I'm like…

Oh, I've-- Yeah.

You can take her heart,
but don't do anything with it.

'Cause I know where you live,
and I'm gonna come find you.


With that, I just wanna let you know,
Tiffany, that I do love you.

-[Janae] Oh, my God!


[Janae] Oh, my God!

-["Forever in You" playing]
-♪ The stars lined up, they were ours ♪[/i]

♪ You said you'd fly with me to Mars… ♪

[mouths] I love you.

[Janae] I love it. You're getting married!

-Y'all are so cute.

♪ Don't move, think we got something… ♪


Get back to the house. Make them babies.

[laughing] What?

♪ Fell into ♪

♪ Don't stop looking at me like that ♪[/i]

♪ I'm all-in ♪

♪ Right when I saw you, I knew ♪

Can I ask you this?
What is it about Micah that you love?

[Paul] Dude, there's honestly,
like, quite a lot.

The principal thing is her perspective.

The way that she sees the world
is so, so close to mine.

And it's just kind of this,
like, underlying understanding

that, like, life is chaos,

and that we gotta do the best
with the hand that we're dealt.

And I love that.

And I also like that
she's not overly analytical like I am.

Um, so she, like,
really brings me this joy.

She meets the minimum criteria
for the perfect woman.

What I see with what you want out of life…

-I see her taking you there.

I love that.

I think Micah would
genuinely follow you anywhere.

It's kind of funny.
She's, like, super cute about it.

I walk in the other room, come back,
and she's like, "Did you miss me?"

-Why do you think she's doing that?
-She needs that affirmation.

-Which is a good sign for you.

-She's clearly in.
-[Paul] Sure.

You have trouble
expressing your affection.

No doubt. Yeah.

-And she needs more of it.
-[Paul] Yeah.

I mean, I told her I loved her,
but it doesn't come to me like it comes--

Let me tell you. Really what
everybody wants is to feel appreciated.

I mean,
that was the crazy thing about Irina.

Like, she made me feel so appreciated
when we were in the pods.

And then we get out into the real world,
and she did the exact opposite.


And so, what I would say, man, is
making her know what you appreciate

and love about her is so important,
and it's important you do that every day.

Seriously, not just, like, once a week.

Like, every day.
It doesn't have to be something big.

-Let me tell you.

Nobody gets tired
of hearing why you love them.

I really do think that I love her.
Like, I do think that.

-You've got a really good girl.
-[Paul] Yeah.

[Zack] Is she growing on you?

[Paul] Extremely. Like, every single day.

When I've been out with you guys,
I've gotten that vibe.

So, you did get to talk to Bliss, right?

[Zack] Yeah.

And the crazy thing
is the chemistry that we have.

Seriously, it's wild.

[Paul] Is it?

-[Zack] I did not anticipate it.

I didn't-- Like, obviously,
the psychological chemistry was there.

Sure, it was there, on paper…

But, like, when we were together, I just…
I felt something completely different.

Really? What?

-I mean, she's the full package.
-[Paul] Okay.

-And this is where I'm at right now.

You know
there's a million options out there.

At some point,
if you really want marriage,

if you really want it, if that's
what you want, and it is what I want…

If you really want it, at some point,
you're gonna have to pick someone.

What is the cost of continually waiting
for that next better person

or the cost of continually just trading?

-Always moving on to someone better.

-What is the cost of that?
-[Paul] Yeah.

And I feel like, for me,
that is what I've been confronting.

I wanna have a wife. I wanna have kids.

I wanna have someone who's on my side
that's gonna help me change the world.

Yeah, I love that.

At the end of the day,

you gotta pick the person that you
wanna spend the rest of your life with.

You have to know
what really matters to you.

And I'm like,

everything that matters is there.

[Paul] Yeah. Dude, yeah.

-["Earth" playing]
-♪ When the light falls down ♪[/i]

♪ And the city sleeps ♪

♪ You and I are alone and always there ♪

♪ We will meet again
We will found home here ♪

♪ We will found home here… ♪[/i]

Hi, you crazy bitch!

[both laughing]

Good to see you. Hi!

-How are you?

-I'm good. How are you?

Have you met his family yet?


No, not yet.

-Have you started wedding planning?
-We have started a bit.

Yeah, it's something really exciting.
I feel like we're in a good place.

But, like, honestly,
the end of the trip in Mexico

was kind of hard for me to,
like, wrap my head around.

You letting me know
that you were, like, talking, like,

about, you know, like, my fiancé,

like, behind my back, like, sucks.

-It did put me in a negative headspace.
-Oh, 100%. Yeah.

Paul, he said that, like,
"Now that you say something,

I wasn't gonna say anything,
but she was touching me,

being all feely in the pool."

And like, that was,
like, behind, like, my back.

And how do you think that makes me feel

when, like, I was literally your lifeline
to all of these girls?

-Yeah, yeah.
-You had no one. I stuck up for you.

I always was, like,
"That's my bitch. She's a good person."

Like, I never left your side.

Was I the big fool here that,
like, missed your, like, red flags,

or was it just a misunderstanding?

I really appreciate you a lot, by the way.

I never want you
to feel like I'm going behind your back

or being sneaky or anything.
Like, that makes me feel so icky.

'Cause I myself, like,
I do admit, like, we were doing that.

Like, that's so sneaky. [laughs]

-And then me seeing Paul…

I was way more attracted to him
than I was to Zack.

-Like, he was attractive. Like, great.

[laughing] Like, honestly,
f*cking good for you, okay?

But, like, I know
I was a little bit flirty with him.

-I just didn't notice it.
-It was an attraction thing.

I didn't have to--

Okay, that literally is not
why we were on, like, this experiment.

You didn't feel, like,
the love in the pods with Paul,

but he was hot, and now you're like…

-Like, dude.
-No, I'm gonna be honest.

I just felt a connection.
It was like a… like, just a connection.

It made me think,
like, am I missing something?

Do I not know something?
Should I question Paul?

At the airport, I was like, I want
to punch him in the back of the head.

Like, it made me feel so caught off guard.

And, like, I don't want someone
that I consider, like, a "best friend"

to, like, make me feel doubt in,
like, someone that I'm trying so hard

to build this future with.


You don't have to worry about,
like, what I feel about Paul, or--

I could literally give a f*ck.
I know he's not interested.

My thing is, like, our friendship.
Like, it's our friendship.

Like, if we were to continue being friends
and, like, I marry this person,

like, are we able to hang out?
Like, should I feel comfortable?

Like, are you gonna get drunk
and be flirty?

I don't think I'd ever make a move.
If I felt that way, like,

I would be, like,
"Oh, like, sit me down, Paul."

I haven't seen Paul.

Paul doesn't sound like he, like,
wants to see me or, like, talk to me.


-[pop music playing]
-♪ I like my roads ♪[/i]

♪ With some twists and some turns ♪

♪ Make friends with the fire
Drinking the fuel ♪

♪ I'm a rebel ♪

♪ I'm a rebel, rebel… ♪

♪ I'm a rebel ♪

-["Long Way Home" playing]
-♪ Hey! ♪[/i]

-♪ Hey! ♪
-♪ Surrounded by… ♪


[stove clicks]

♪ Hey! Hey! ♪

♪ All around,[/i] people are in a rush ♪

♪ But when I'm with you
I just can't get enough ♪

♪ We'll leave all our cares on the road ♪

♪ When it's you and me together ♪

♪ Let's take the long way home… ♪


-Good morning.
-Hi. Oh, food.

-Is that pancakes?
-[Marshall] Mm-hmm.

-Yeah. I got some pancakes.

I see some fruit residue.

-That must mean a jam or something.
-It's a compote.

-Strawberry and raspberry compote.
-[Jackelina] A compote!

I'm hella lucky. Oh, my gosh.

-♪ Long way home ♪

The fact that you woke up hella early
this morning to make me breakfast…

Go to the market and everything.

[Jackelina] Wow, look at this!

I'm about to tear this shit up.

Wow! I feel like I'm in a restaurant.

That's so sweet of you. Thank you.


-You're gonna eat with me, right?

[Jackelina] Oh, shit, this is good.

IHOP ain't got nothing on you.

-[Marshall] Nothing.

[Marshall] I tried to tell you, girl.

[Jackelina] Eating like this every day,
I'm gonna be easily 600 pounds.


-[Jackelina] I'm so blessed.
-You are.

I would have never thought
to even be waking up with a fiancé,

let alone a fiancé
who is going to cook me food.

I'm not used to this.
I've never experienced love, period.

So, experiencing this
is a whole new thing for me.

He made up my plate.

Usually, when people cook,
they don't really make people plates.

But Marshall made me a plate,
and I just sat down.

And that was so special to me,
'cause I'm like, this is so nice.

Like, I've never been treated
like this before.

Why don't you go ahead and get rolling?
I'll take care of the dishes.

-Because I'm washed up, ready to go.
-I'm just trying to eat another plate.

-Oh, for real?

-Want another plate?

-That was actually really good.
-I'm glad you liked it.

-I'm impressed.
-More to come. More to come.

I'm impressed.

-["Imagine" by Thomas Bergersen playing]
-♪ Thousand, thousand miles ♪[/i]

♪ I fly up high ♪

♪ So I can see your face ♪

♪ And we'll be together again ♪

[Chelsea] I'm definitely nervous.
How are you feeling?

I mean, I'm trying to be
a little less nervous.

What we're about to do
is just a very unique situation.

[Kwame] For sure.

And I think it's very normal
for any and all of our parents

to have some type of… reaction.

Yeah, I get that.

You and I haven't dealt
with that yet firsthand.

[Kwame] Yeah.

-[Chelsea] You know?

-What's up?
-[Kwame] Nothing at all.


I feel like your anxiety
is becoming my anxiety, you know.

-Like, I wanna be very… Let it happen.
-[chuckles] Welcome to marriage.

[Chelsea] I didn't share
too many details with my dad

before I embarked on this experiment.

So, I think it might be
a little bit shocking to him.

Will he be 100% supportive
of us getting married in two weeks?

I don't know.


-Do you know what his name is?
-No, no clue.

-[Chelsea] His name is Charlie.
-Oh, cool. Charles.

-Charlie. He goes by Charlie.
-Okay. It's my dad's name too.

[Chelsea laughs]

Of course it is.

[Kwame] What's up?

-Nothing. I'm just a little nervous.

-I just want it to go well.

You know, my dad's
been married before, I mean…

-For a long time, like…

He-- He's gonna know the questions to ask.

You know why we're getting married[/i]
in a couple weeks, right?[/i]

So, if he asks, tell him why
this is different from anything else.

And that's all there is to it.

You just tell your truth.

The more we worry, the more we just
keep going down different rabbit holes

of what the possibilities could be, right?

The more calm we are,
the more calm he'll be.

I love me a good Kwame lecture.

-You give more lectures than I give you.
-I don't think so.

Oh, whoa there, buddy.

You give me a good lecturing pretty often.

-I think you give me more.

I think we're both on edge here a bit.

Um, but I'm the one
who has to do the impressing.

Not necessarily.
This is us having to do the impressing.

But, like, I'm coming
into your family, right? And he's--

For sure, for sure. There's that dynamic,
but we also are gonna be a partnership.

For sure. I-- I understand that.

He's gonna be looking
at our dynamic, like, both of us.

[Kwame] Okay.

It's just kind of like a wild card.

You just don't know
how they're gonna react.

-[Kwame] Yeah.
-He's met boyfriends before of mine.

Oh, boyfriends before?

-Okay. Awesome.

My dad likes to test a little bit.

But, like, he's never disliked,
really, like, at least openly to me

and one of my exes.

But I don't think he's ever really, like…

liked one for me, for, like,
my husband, you know.

That makes sense.

Have you ever liked anyone
for your life partner?



-Great. Do you like me as your partner?

All right, then, I think we're doing okay.
That's a great start.

It means that I'm… a little bit ahead
of most of the guys you dated, right?

[doorbell rings]

[Chelsea sighs] Oh, my God.

-Oh, my God.
-[Kwame laughs]

[dramatic music plays slowly]


Do you trust me that I'll do all right?

[music fades out]


Then trust me.

-["Europa" by JT Ruff playing]
-♪ I feel hopeless ♪[/i]

♪ When I lose your love ♪

♪ Loser, loser, loser ♪

♪ I can't withdraw
From this addictive drug ♪

♪ Withdrawal from this drug ♪

♪ Oh, stimulated anticipation ♪

♪ Take one hit and I'm already faded ♪

♪ Higher than ever
When I feel your touch ♪