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04x07 - Second Time's the Charm?

Posted: 04/18/24 17:36
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music playing]

[Chelsea sighs] Well, here goes nothing.

-[Chelsea] Hi, Dad!

Chelsea, how are you?

I'm good. Thanks for coming.

Oh, my goodness.

-Hello, hello.
-Dad, this is Kwame.

-This is my dad Charlie.
-Hey, Charlie.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you as well.

-All right.
-Come on in.

Dad, take a seat.

We both got, you know, the opportunity

to engage in this social love experiment.

[Charlie] Mm-hmm.

And we dated a lot of people.
We do not see one another.

The idea is that you're kind of getting
to the core of your values.

You're being vulnerable,
talking about your life, your stories.

What made you who you are.

[Charlie] Mm-hmm.

Can we have this connection
beyond the physical?

-[Chelsea] Um, and we did.

It really just felt right.

-[Charlie] Hmm.
-And the idea is, you know, is love blind?

Can you fall in love with somebody
without ever seeing them?

And we fell in love blind.

And at the end,

he proposed to me.


-Um, and I said yes.

Oh, you did?

[Kwame and Chelsea laughing]

Well, isn't that something?


-I'm so happy for you, honey.
-Yeah, thanks, Dad.

Oh, my gosh. Well, that's amazing.

[both] Yeah.

I'll be darned.

Um, I'm shocked.

Okay, guys, let's eat. Come on up.

But I'm super hopeful that the rest
of my family will accept Kwame

and will understand our connection
and our relationship.

Just as much as my dad does.

You're in Portland.
You're in Seattle. How's that gonna work?

Our plan is to kind of stay here,
settle here for a couple of years.

And then, who knows?

-It's a lot of variables, a lot of work.
-[Chelsea] Yeah, it is.

-[Kwame] Mm-hmm.
-But, uh, hey, life's too short.

And it's better to be shared.

-Yeah, you got a teammate.

-Yeah, you got a teammate.
-[Kwame] Yeah.

It seems like you're in favor
of what we have going on,

but just wanted to know from you, like,

do-- do I have your blessing
to move forward?


-You guys, I'm so happy for you.
-Thanks, Dad.

-Well, thank you.

-Mmm! We love you, Dad. Thank you so much.
-Yeah, cheers, Charlie.

-I'm so happy for you guys.

-Thank you, Dad.
-[all laughing]

You're getting a good deal on Chelsea.
I'll tell you a story--

-You're get-- [laughing]
-You're getting a good deal.

-Getting a discount.
-You're getting--


"You're getting a good deal
on my daughter."

-On sale!

I love you so much, Kwame.
You can have her 75% off.


[pop music playing]

♪ No one like you ♪

-[Paul] So, how was the flight?
-[woman] Oh, it was great.

It wasn't too long?

It was not. And either I was running
on adrenaline or it just somehow…

I had no anxiety. It was so much fun.

No turbulence or anything.

[Paul] I'm super excited
for Micah to meet my mom.

She has flown in today.
She came all the way from New Orleans.

-I can't wait for you to meet Micah.
-Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait!

So, there wasn't a whole lot
of conversation between me and my mom

on, like, who Micah was.

Like, I wanted her to judge her
for herself, and I hope she likes her.

What was it that drew you to her the most?

What drew me to her initially was
actually, like, this intuitive feeling.

To me, I know, like,
I can't talk to everyone like you can.

[Elizabeth] Uh-huh.

So, I know that if I can talk
to her like that,

then there's something special there.


Hello? Hi!

-[Elizabeth] Hi!
-[laughing] So nice to meet you.

-[Elizabeth] You are gorgeous!
-You're so cute.

-I might cry, and I'm not a crier.
-[laughs] I'm so excited!

-[Paul] Come sit.
-Whew! That was tough. [laughs]

-We have matching hair.

-Oh, wow!

[Micah] Oh, my God.

[chuckles] Trying to make some room.

[Elizabeth] Oh, nice.

[chuckles] I cannot believe
you're engaged.

-Yeah. [laughs]

-I have wanted this for him for so long.
-[Micah laughs]

I mean he's so-- Oh, such a sweetheart.

-Hard to picture, huh?
-[Elizabeth] Yeah.

-[Elizabeth] Yeah.

Well, because I'm the mom,
the helicopter mom.


[Elizabeth] I don't even know how
to start this. I'm a paralegal.

And, um, you know,
I have a big tribe at home.

And he's like the baby Jesus
of the family. He's the firstborn.

And so, as soon as Paul said,

"Yes, I met somebody,
and her name is Micah,"

we went to town.

And I was telling them, I'm like,
"I think we found Micah online."

"But we're not sure."

He's like, "Oh, really?
What do you think?"

I'm like, "Well, I think her dad's name
is Paul. He lives in Mobile."

His mom is a deep beautiful Christian
and owns a daycare."

-"Anything else you wanna know?"
-[laughing] Oh, my gosh!

Well, yeah.

Just from her first name,
you figured all that out?

-From her first name.
-Oh, my gosh. That's so funny.

What was one of the first things
that you were like, "Oh, I like Paul?"

[Micah] Yeah.

We immediately were talking about travel
and just, like, our outlook on life.

And, like, I think that was probably
the first thing that was like,

"Oh, Paul's so exciting."

But like, that, like, showed me,
kind of, like, what he wanted in life

and what he saw as a future.

And I was like,
"That's the exact same mindset I have."

We are very different.

-I'm very, like, hair, makeup.
-[Elizabeth] Kind of like me.

[Micah] Yeah, yeah, like that.

But he also, like,
has the ability to, like, ground me a bit.

And I feel like it just,
like, balances me out really well.

So, I just like how he, like, makes me…

[Elizabeth] Aww!

…behave and act and feel,
and just, like, that security.

I feel like we actually love,
like, being with each other.

Like, when we're not even, like, talking.

We're like… I remember this morning,
you were like, "Where are you?"

I was like, "I'm downstairs."
You're like, "I miss you."

-[chuckles] I love that.
-[Micah laughs]

I mean, y'all are perfect for this.

Perfect fit.

The work thing is going,
like, really well for me,

and we're at the right age,
and clearly, I'm not dating anyone.


I think we're ready for it. Um…

Paul, I've never seen you like this.
So, I'm like…

How so?

Like, just happy and in love and--

'Cause, I mean, he hasn't really had,
like, an even potential fiancée.

[Paul] Yeah, not really.

-[Elizabeth] So, this is huge.

[Micah] I know. I'm excited.

I feel like just, like, seeing you, like,

somehow makes me, like, love Paul more.

I don't know what it is, and I think
I just, like, see such a, like, fun life.

I love her. I see why you love her.

-I knew you would.
-[laughs] Oh, my God, you're so sweet.

I mean it. I'm so serious.

[Micah] I love that Paul,
you know, his mom and I are so similar.

She is just about
the cutest thing I've ever seen.

And I feel like it was just so easy
to, like, make a connection with her.

And I've always really wanted,

like, a good extended family
that I was really close with.

And I feel, like, with her,
there's such a good possibility

that we'd be, like, such good friends.

Not only, like, mother-in-law,
like, daughter-in-law relationship.

I'm just so happy
you made it down here to see us.

It's so funny 'cause,
like, there's so many times

where Paul and I have been like,
"You know, we're so different."

"Like, I wonder
why we're so attracted to each other."

[laughs] And it's, like, well, here we go.

[laughs] You're marrying your mom.

-You guys are so similar.
-[laughs] I love that he says that.

-Oh, my God.

If you support us, then I'm happy.

[Elizabeth] Total support.

Gosh! I'm sorry. I've been
beside myself waiting for this day.

[laughs] Oh, my gosh!

-And you're even more adorable in person.
-Oh, that makes me so happy.

-I'm happy I passed the background check.
-[Elizabeth laughing]

[Micah] That would have
put a big halt on things.


-["Better Than a Dream" playing]
-♪ Better than a dream come true ♪[/i]

♪ Better than a dream come true-ooh! ♪

[Brett] Welcome.

[Tiffany] Okay.

This looks good.

[Brett] So…

Is this my future home?
Like, would I be moving into here?

-[Brett chuckles] Yeah, yeah.
-[Tiffany] Look at all these shoes!

[Brett] Tiffany was with a roommate,
so today we're checking out my apartment,

so she can see if this is a place
that she would wanna live in.

[sighs] Well,
where am I gonna put my shoes?

[Brett] We can buy more boxes.

I would say I'm just most nervous,
anxious, whatever you wanna call it,

just about how, whenever she brings
in her stuff with my stuff,

like, how are we gonna merge it together?


Is that your vacuum?

-That is my vacuum.

-[Tiffany] What is this?
-[/i]It's a VR headset.

Oh. Oh!

-[Brett] Let me show you one other thing.

It's all, like, uh,
controlled through an app.

[Tiffany] Brett! Ooh!

So this is--
you don't have to even hold this.

It has, like,
a little tension rod in the back.

So, you just…

-Hmm! Where's your trash can?
-Right here.

Everything in your place is so high-end.
Bougie Brett!

-[Brett] It's all about efficiency.
-[Tiffany laughs] Okay.

[Brett] Uh, bedroom. Nothing--

-[Tiffany] Nice.
-[Brett] Nothing-- nothing crazy here.

Oh! You're so freaking neat.

-It's not that neat.
-I think it's neat.

-Look at this.
-[Brett] It's not that neat.

-[Tiffany] Oh!
-[Brett] More shoes, yes.

Okay, so you only have two closets?

-The one with…

-All my photography stuff.
-And this one.

So, closet space for us
definitely would be a little bit of a…

a thing.

-I mean, even the computer space.

Where would I work?
Like, would I set up a desk right here?

If you like this building,

like I said, what I could do is just
move into a bigger unit in this building.

-So a two or three-bedroom or something.

[Tiffany] Um…

[Brett] Anyway, that's the tour.

-[Tiffany] I like it.
-That's the space.

I could work with this.

I could.

I'm really excited about moving in here.

-Are you nervous?

Like, when I say that,
that doesn't scare you?

No. Like, if anything,
I've been doing my own thing for so long.


-Like, I'm excited, actually.

I can… I can see myself living here.

-[quietly] That's what I wanna hear.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Na-na-na-na-na, there's no stopping ♪[/i]

♪ We can have it all ♪

♪ We can have it all ♪

♪ In our castle of love… ♪

[knock on door]



-How are you?

-It's good to see you.
-You too.

Bliss and I, we had a lot of chemistry
in our first date in the real world.

I didn't expect the connection
was gonna be that strong.

And I already know
that the psychological is there,

and the emotional is there.

There's your little owl painting.
Who painted that for you?

-Is it a painting? Or a graphic?
-A local artist in Seattle did it for me.

[Bliss] It's cool.

I'm probably notorious
for not striking when the iron's hot.

But truthfully, I just wanna spend
as much time with Bliss as possible.

Because when we're together,

it feels right.

-And if you're in love with someone…
-[Bliss] Yes.

…you've gotta… you've gotta express it.

[Bliss] Can I help do anything?

[Zack] I guess you could add
a little butter and salt

and pepper to the mushrooms.

[Bliss] It's funny
'cause baking is definitely my thing.

-But cooking? [laughs]

-I need really specific instructions.
-I love cooking.

[Bliss] So, how much butter?

Just a small amount.

-[Bliss laughs] How much? This much?
-You see the difference there?

Uh, go with your instincts, Bliss.

-[Bliss] Hmm. Okay.
-That's what I would do.

I do wanna take cooking classes where
you learn how to do different things.

That would actually be fun to do together.

Oh, really? We'll see. [laughs]

[Zack] Oh, no. Catastrophe has happened.


[Zack] One of our steaks,

the bag came open, and it's ruined.

That one's yours, right?

[Zack] Well, the good news is
we have one other steak.

Let's hope the bag did not open
on that one.

[laughs] We're just gonna have
weird steaks tonight.

Oh. No, they're both ruined.

[laughs] Really? Oh, no.

Yep. Oh, man.

[Bliss] Oh, no. It's a sign.

-I should just go home.
-What a catastrophe!

[both chuckle]

I can't tell you how disheartened I am.

It's okay. It's fine.

Sometimes life is stupid that way.

-[chuckles] It's okay.
-[Zack] I know.

We can just have carrots
and the mushrooms.

[Zack] And shrimp.

How embarrassing is that?

-It's okay.

-It's pretty embarrassing.
-It's fine. Don't worry.

I'm sure way more embarrassing things
have happened in your life.

-Yeah, yeah. At least we have this shrimp.

And each other, right?

Oh, I don't know. [laughs]

We'll see. [laughs]

[Zack] I'm really glad
that I overcompensated with the shrimp.

-Yeah, you're, like-- [laughs]
-It was a legit backup plan.

-This looks like a real meal, right?
-Yeah, it looks like a real meal.

[Zack] Tell me what you think
of the carrots.

-[Zack] I want honesty.

-What do you think?
-[Bliss] Mm-hmm.

I actually really am enjoying the carrots.

-I tried goat cheese on the shrimp.
-It's just good on everything.

-Probably not ice cream.

You've never had goat cheese ice cream?

-That sounds so gross.
-[Bliss] What?

-No, I haven't.
-It's so good.

I know that I'm weird. I fully know that.

-Yeah? Yeah.

I'm probably a little weirder.

Yeah, probably.


Have you seen my bedroom?

-No, I haven't. [chuckles]
-Oh, I'll show it to you later.

-It's literally around the corner.
-[laughs] Okay. It's right there.

Yeah, so, like, when you--
Um, I have these motion sensors.

-That will activate sounds.

-Based on when you open a room.
-Wait, why? Like, what sounds?

-'Cause it's just cool.
-Cool? You are weirder than me.

Yeah, I know.

If I wanted the Harry Potter[/i] song to play
when you opened my door.

Oh, okay. That's approved.

-I thought it'd be pretty cool.
-[Bliss] Yeah, that is cool.

-[sighs] Anyway.
-[Zack] Your dress looks pretty.

Thank you.

-I don't know. I like looking at you.

[Bliss] Hmm!

I think this worked out pretty well
for how many things got f*cked up.

With us or the food?

-Probably both, actually.

It's actually like a metaphor
for our relationship. [laughing]

-It's pretty accurate, right?
-Yeah, that cannot be a trend.

[laughing] If this is gonna be anything,
that cannot be a trend.

You get one f*ck-up
by proposing to another girl,

and then we'll see, you know.

[Zack] I'm sorry.

Oh! [exhales]

I don't know. It's all right, I guess.

I have to give you a hard time still.

It's not, like, normal to, like, hang out
with someone that's just dumped you

and got engaged to someone else, so…

I'm gonna give you a little bit
of a hard time sometimes.

-That's fair. I deserve it.


-Are you ready for dessert yet?
-[Bliss] Sure.

I'm hesitant coming into the situation,
because he literally just broke my heart,

and I definitely have my guard up.

But there's just this vibe between us

and this chemistry, and it's
bringing all the feels back. [chuckles]

-Come here real quick.

We'll do a little dancing.

-Oh, really?
-Practice. Yeah.



Loosen your arms.
You're a little stressed.

[Bliss] Wait, am I not loose?

-You're a little too tight.

A big part of me
does wanna pursue things with him

because I deeply love him.

The physical aspect definitely matters.

But if the question is,

can you really fall in love
without ever having seen someone?

Absolutely. Yes.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ At the end of the day ♪[/i]

♪ You're the dream I have I can't shake ♪

♪ You're the last call
That my heart makes ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ You're the one I wanna come home to
You're the feeling that I can't lose… ♪

[Zack] Other hand.

Look at that.
You're like a professional already.

-Have you ever done a dip?
-This is not an outfit for a dip.



♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ You're the one I wanna come home to ♪

♪ You're the feeling that I can't lose… ♪

-[Kwame laughs] Are you ready?
-[Chelsea laughs] Yes.

Oh, my God! I'm just kidding.


It's so cute in here.

[Kwame] Yeah, welcome
to my Fortress of Solitude.

I live in Portland, Oregon.

It's a two-and-a-half-hour
to three-hour drive.

We're gonna go get a few things
that I need to get.

Most important is my work stuff,

but also just get, like,
my clothes and my Xbox.

You know what I mean?
Like, really starting to try

to put things together
that will feel like I'm, you know,

now coexisting in my home with my fiancée.

Check out my fridge.

-Super dope.
-Full of…

-[both laughing]

-[Chelsea] Baby, you're so saucy.

-[Chelsea] It's not too bad.
-[Kwame] So, I'm doing okay.

[Chelsea] There's a wee bit of laundry
on the floor.

[Kwame laughs]

-Oh! [laughing]
-I had to pack, you know.

I was running around,
throwing things around. Don't judge me!

-My bed…

I sleep in maybe 12% of the time.

-No way! You sleep right here?
-I sleep on the couch.

So, when you wake up,
you just walk eight steps to your desk

and start working.

[laughs] Less.

Yeah, this is where all the magic
is not happening.

That's, uh…


I mean, we can open it,
but that's at your discretion.

-Let's open it.
-There's a few things in there.

-Let me just take a peek.

-I have that same lube.

[both laughing]

Sometimes I'm like, "God damn,
we're the same person." [chuckles]

[both continue laughing]

I thought the lack of cleanliness
would bother me more than it does.

He knows for the most part
where everything is.

And I mean, the guy put my underwear

and my bras and my socks,

like, he organized,
when he, like, folded my laundry.

He, like, organized my underwear drawer.

It's, like, the sweetest thing ever.

He has it in him.

-You got some lotion right here.


Ma'am. [laughs]

Bachelor pad.
Got the lotion and the towel.


Within three feet of each other.

Ma'am, come on, would I have-- Come on.


-Hey, you know what? Good for you.

This is comfy though.

-You think this couch can be used?

-Fantastic, let's keep the couch.
-Okay. Okay.

-It's really beautiful here.
-It is.

It's really, really dope.

You know, I really love Portland.

I really do. I know…
I'm, like, okay to move, you know.

But I feel like…
[clears throat] …this is home.

-[Chelsea] It's a very cool place, babe.
-[Kwame] Yeah.

[Chelsea] I like it a lot.

Does it make you think,
"Oh, I might move to Portland?"

No, it doesn't.


-You know?

I definitely think we're gonna settle
in Seattle, regardless of all the factors.

I mean, it is where my family is, right?
Family is really important to me.

And I don't work a remote job.

Um, with Kwame working remotely,
it just kind of makes sense.

You know this really is just,
like, my… my peace.

-You know? So…

That's good.

-That's what home should be.

That's what I want,
and that's what my home is like.

That's what I want
our future home to be like.


I don't have any friends in Seattle.

I play soccer four times a week
in Portland.

Five times sometimes.

I have a running path, and I run
that same path every day. [laughs]

Sometimes I tend to compromise too much,
trying to merge my world with her world.

It's taking some time to make it really

all make sense.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ We're building then learning ♪[/i]

♪ Then breaking up ♪

♪ Sometimes yes, sometimes no ♪

♪ Easy come and go ♪

♪ Letting you in, letting you in ♪[/i]

♪ And you're pushing me out
Pushing me out ♪

[Marshall] Guacamole and queso.

You want queso?

-I'm not a queso bitch.
-Sister's a vegetarian.

Let me look at this pizza.

[groans] I'm really stressed out.
I don't know, man.

I don't know.

I don't think I can do this.
Honestly, I'm really stressed out.

-Stressed out about…?
-I'm really stressed out.

This is a lot.

Stressed out about meeting them?

-Not meeting them. Like, that's whatever.
-[Marshall] Mm-hmm.

But I'm just stressed out with everything.

It's a lot. [sighs]

[clears throat] I need a second.

-All right.

I can give you some time. I can walk them
around the block or whatever and…

No, it's fine. We can just knock it out.

I would much rather you be
in a comfortable headspace

than put you in a position--

I'm in a comfortable headspace right now.

Okay. [sighs]

I think your energy
is making me even more stressed out.

Okay, I'll…

I'll go have a Coke and a smile.

-[Jackelina] Coke and a smile.

-Do that.

I'm gonna light this candle up too.

[Marshall] Jackie has
a tendency to ruminate,

and she tends to stay
in a mood for a long time.

Longer than I would like.

However, that's not up to me,

and I'm just there, chilling, waiting.

Waiting for her
to sort through her own feelings.

Because I can do that for her.

[Jackelina] I have a lot
of thinking to do.

A lot of thinking.

Since my family…

you know, isn't really…

behind me 100%.

I need to make sure
still that they're good.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

And my decision impacts that.

And when I do say my answer,
I need to make sure that I'm okay

with all the repercussions
that come after that.

[Marshall] Absolutely.

I just need to make sure
that I don't hurt the people that I love.

They say families last forever,
and they, you know…

Home is where you never get hurt.
But it's just, like…

They're kinda hurting me right now.

But it's about time that I step
and do what I need to do as an adult.

[Marshall] Mm-hmm.

I can't keep living by my family
and then not living my life.

I'm stressed out.

I have all these things coming
at me all at once.

It's just, right now,
I'm just, like, going through it.

I'm going through the emotions.

My mom, she's not happy
that I got into this experiment.

She's not happy that marriage
is gonna happen so quickly,

and that's getting to me.

And then on top of that,
I'm meeting family today,

and I'm like,
I don't feel like I'm at my best self.

-[Marshall] Yo! Hey, Zoe!
-[man] How you doing?

[Marshall] What's up, baby girl? Oh!

I've been waiting all day for this.

What's up, baby?

[woman] Say, "Hi, Uncle Marsh."

-Hey, Morg.
-Hey, Marsh.

-What's up, buddy?
-[Morgan] You look nice.

[Jackelina] But I gotta put
on a happy face, because I am happy.

It's just right now in this moment,
everything is just, like, crumbling down,

and I'm just like,
bro, like, I need a break.

All right, look who it is.
Say hi to Jackie.

-Hi, Jackie.

Oh, my gosh, you're so cute!

-Oh, my gosh.
-It's great to meet you.

-It's so good to meet you.
-[Marshall] This is Ryan.

-[Ryan] Nice to meet you. How are you?

Good, how are you?

-You're very beautiful.
-[Jackelina] Oh, thank you.

-Y'all hungry?

[Marshall] Bet, we got some pizza.

Which ones do you want?
You want a cucumber?


We gotta eat!

[Jackelina] I know all the good eats.
That's all we do is eat.

-[Marshall] One thing we do, we be eating.
-So, is that how you bonded? How did you--

-Yeah, that's what I wanna hear.
-I need to know everything.

-Like, from the beginning.
-Yeah, how did we bond?

Yo, all right. So, from day one,
I knew it was gonna be her.

Like, we were dating all 15 people.
Fifteen on 15 basically.

-We're just doing rounds.
-[Ryan] Mm-hmm.

Um, it was hard for me
to go through the process,

because I knew that it was her.

Um, it was her or nothing,
for real, for real.

Y'all know how I am.

-[Morgan] Yeah.
-[Ryan laughs] We know how Marshall is.

And so, like,
the other thing about Jackie is that she--

that she was, like,
inspiring me to, like, write.

You know how hard
it's been for me to write.

So, I wrote poems, like,
for the first time in years.

You know what I'm saying?
That's been really hard for me.

And she brought that--
She, like, lit that fire under me.

It's not just me.
You're, like, a creative man.

-Well, I appreciate that.
-And they were beautiful.

I really, like, came out being,
like, a much better person, so…

-[Ryan] Wow.

-I mean, you seem much lighter.
-[Ryan] Yeah, I feel the aura.

-I feel the energy for sure.
-[Ryan] It's good.

Yeah, so, Jackie, did you have,
like, a similar, like, experience?

So, he's taught me just to be more grown.

He's a great listener. He's taught me,
like, sometimes I just have to sit

in my feelings and really just
go through it instead of just reacting.

[Ryan] Okay.

I'm still learning. So, I'm gonna
obviously have, like, some slip-up days.

But he's there to just be like,

"Calm down.
Like, we're good. I'm here. I'm solid."

And he'll let me just be for a little bit.

If I get, like, too over…
I'm just, like, I need to be with myself.

Like, he does. He gives me that space,
and that's what I need.

This is not something light.
This is serious.

-Marriage is biblical. That's serious.
-[Ryan] 100%.

I need to make sure I'm the best
version of me when I say yeah.

Even through the wall, it was just,
like, so captivating, you know.

-Oh, captivating.

-[Marshall] Yeah. Yeah.
-That's a good one.

[Ryan] It's like y'all are
merging in one, you know.

-Just going through the whole time. Huh?
-Oh, look at us.


-We knew we were special.

He's not playing.
Like, he's actually in love.

His aura and his energy just seems
to be radiating,

soon as we came in the house.

I can definitely see
that he really likes her a lot,

and he's definitely trying his best
to really be present,

and in the moment in this experiment,

just to make sure that he's making
the right decision for himself, you know,

when it comes time
to be at the altar and say yes or no.

-That's for life. That's for life.

They both seem
to really, you know, take this seriously

and know that marriage is a big deal.

I mean, they better.

Right? [laughs]

And thank you, guys, for being so gracious

and so open-armed

and just letting me come in
and share in Marshall.

-I really appreciate that.

'Cause I was like, they could be like,

"Nah, no. No way.
You ain't coming near us."

-Knuckle up. Knuckle up.
-For real.

[Morgan] But I mean, like, Marshall, like,

he's a very genuine, caring person.

And anybody that he's gonna propose to,

I know they have to be,
you know, amazing themselves.

So, I was just really,
you know, excited to see you,

to meet you, to get to know you.

So, is love truly blind?

Yeah, I would say yeah.

For sure.

-["Still Water" by Tyrone Wells playing]
-♪ Will you let me be your sanctuary? ♪[/i]

♪ Close your eyes ♪

♪ I'll keep you safe and sound ♪

♪ Let me be your still water ♪

[Paul] Are you ready?

[laughing] Oh, my goodness.

What do you think?

[Micah] Oh, my God, it's so you.

Oh, my goodness.

-What do you think of these couches?
-Oh, my gosh.

Where'd you get your couches?

Um, this one's Craigslist,
and that one was on the side of the road.

-[both laugh]
-On the side of the…

-I'm not joking.


I think that there's a very good chance
that I'm gonna be Paul's fiancée…

[laughs] …and stylist at the same time.

Oh, my God.
Your little work-from-home space?

-Yeah, that's my office.
-[both laugh]

-[Paul] Could you work there?
-Don't know if this looks comfortable.

-A knife?
-A pack of knives.

Yeah, wait, why is there one
on every single table here?

-I'm scared.
-I don't know.

[Micah] What do you think's
gonna happen around here?

I would get rid of, like,
all the different, like, color woods.


A new desk,

a different couch, like, a different TV,
maybe mount something?

[laughs] Aww.

[Paul] As bad as you thought
or is it better?

[Micah] I don't really know
what I was picturing, actually.

Get, like, some art,
a different bed frame.

Change, like,
literally everything, probably. [laughs]

That's, like, an incredibly small closet.

Like, these are the clothes
that I mainly wear. So, these and--

You keep the clothes that you wear
right there on the top of the dresser?

-I just like to be able to see them.
-Yeah, okay.

-[Paul] What's that?

-Is this your grandfather's? [laughing]
-Yeah. [laughs]

Don't worry about it. [laughing]

-Paul, what year…
-[both laughing]

Oh, my God, I'm gonna have a stroke.

[Paul] I always feel like I'm going
to a funeral when I wear this one.

Wow. Okay, let's leave that here.

[Paul] Yeah.

-Very eclectic sense of style.
-It just keeps on giving.

[chuckles] Oh, my God.
I think that's enough of that.

Oh, my goodness.

Well, what do you think?


It's very you. Like, if I came in,
and your place was perfectly decorated,

I'd be like, "Who did this?"

-[Paul] Right.
-You know?

Could you see yourself living here?


I think that
if we were planning on staying,

like, in Seattle for, like, long-term,

I probably wouldn't wanna stay here.

Just 'cause, like, office space.
I'd probably want at least two bedrooms.

Just so we can have space, especially
if you're gonna be working from home.

We have your place here,

I have my place here,
and then the place in Arizona.

-Then we would just get rid of this.

A good tentative plan would be, like,

to kind of, like, bounce back and forth
between here and, like, Arizona.

[Paul] No.

I know. I'm joking, but also not.

-["Tryst" by I, Us, & We playing]
-♪ Love and be strong ♪[/i]

♪ Love cannot fade… ♪

If you give it a chance, like, fine.

Like, what would, like,
upset me is you not, like, trying.


Um, follow up with an email,
if you could, after this meeting.

♪ And I can't shake this game ♪

Oh no, it's-- it's hard getting through,
like, the tough, like, real conversations.

I'm a little worried that Paul won't,
you know, give Arizona a chance.

He needs to be in Seattle for work,
and he has his place here,

and I also have my place in Arizona,
um, and I split my time.

So, we kind of need to figure out
where we're gonna live.

It's just weird, like, looking at him,
like, when we're talking seriously.

I almost feel like
he's a different person.

I'm just like, "Who is that?"
Like, you know what I mean?

But I think that we're gonna have to,
like, work through that

and be able to compromise.

This is the side that is stressful.

-And it's, like, it's real stress.

And I think
that I'm feeling that right now.

-And I imagine you probably are as well.


♪ Call it a tryst, feelings I missed ♪

♪ Now you're loved ♪

I still have not gotten
a chance to talk to my mom.

-[Kwame] You know?

[chuckles] So, I'm not sure if she knows

and just isn't picking up
or what the case?

I don't think that's the case.
I know some parts of me just think like--

I mean, I feel pretty confident
about things.

I'm like, "Yeah, sure she'll be fine."
But at the same time, will she?

You know?

So I'm gonna give her another call.

[Chelsea] Am I able to be a part of that?

You wanna talk to her?

It's-- It's your mom.

-I-- I don't know her.

Obviously, I would love to, uh,
if it was the right opportunity.

-[Kwame] Yeah.
-And in the right moment.

I'd obviously love
to introduce you to her, you know.

Um, I just think this first conversation's
gotta be from me.

All right.

[line ringing]

Do you have a minute to talk?

So, uh, I wanted to just let you know

that I did find someone in the experiment.

Um, her name was Chelsea.

And, um, you know,
I did take the step forward and,

uh, ask her, uh, for her hand in marriage.

And so, I wanted to

kind of just take a chance to tell you,

um, about that experience and where I am.

You're mad?

All right, Mom.
I appreciate your honesty, as usual.

It's a tough situation for a mom
to walk into things like this.

You know, I don't disagree with you.

So, I understand.
I understand where you're coming from.

So, I'll respect that,
but I do think we should, uh…

We should talk
about this again sometime. Bye.

[line beeps]


Didn't go well.

My mom's been
a big part of my life. Massive.

She said that,

as a mother,

as someone who… [chuckles]

…you know, would expect more from me.

Um, I didn't do the right thing.

She doesn't think
that I used my head in this situation.

Um, and that, um,

she can't really say
that she's happy for me.

I mean, that's a little tough
to hear, you know.

Yeah, I'm really sorry. That's…

Yeah, I mean…

…heartbreaking, really. [exhales]

Well, I mean, I told her. I said, "Hey…"

"You have to understand
that the decisions that I've made

for myself in life have been good ones."

"I accepted all the failures
in order to find the successes."

"So, I believe that I make
the right choices for myself."

"And I believe I made the right choice
for myself this time as well."


-It's only uphill from here.

-It's only uphill from here.
-I'm sorry, baby.

[Kwame laughs]

It's gotta hurt.


[slow-tempo music playing]

♪ Come with me to my lonely world ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ To my lonely world ♪



-Your turn to cook tonight?
-[Tiffany] It is.

-I gotta put in some work, right?
-[Brett] Where did you learn how to cook?

Food Network.

-And my mom. [laughs]

I hope it won't make you nervous
if I just kinda…

This is my first meal for you.
So yeah, I'm a little nervous.

[Brett] No pressure.
I have the utmost confidence.

-Do you? Okay.
-[Brett] In your cooking ability.

-[Tiffany] Okay.

So, Brett, I was thinking about, like…

What are we, two weeks?

-Two weeks away from our wedding.
-[clears throat]

-That's crazy to think, ain't it?
-[gasping] I know.

Um, so, I think
I'm just trying to understand, like,

what our lifestyle
would look like out there.

[Brett] Mm-hmm.

I'm comfortable and happy,

like, with what I'm spending,
how much I'm making.

How about you? Like, do you feel
like you're overextended…

-…in your…

-[Brett] No. I'm a really simple person.

[pan sizzling]

[Tiffany] Really?

-Your eyes look like all kind of doubt.

I mean, you do, you know,
you dress very nice, Brett.

I know that stuff ain't cheap. [chuckles]

I looked at some of your wardrobe,

and I was like,
"Oh. Oh, he's spending the big bucks."


I'm not gonna lie.
Yeah, do I have a few things that…

I spent some money on? Of course.

What is the most you spent
on a certain item?

I would say…


The most expensive thing

that I've bought that isn't, like, tech,

because that stuff
is generally gonna be expensive.

[Tiffany] Mm-hmm.

Uh, I got some expensive luggage.

How much did you pay for it?

Like, at least, like, my carry--
yeah, my, uh, check bag was, like,


Brett! No!

-Are you kidding me? Luggage?

But it'll last.

-It should. It better.
-And-- And it looks good.

-Bougie Brett.


You are, like, this creative too.

Like, I think you have very good style
and very good taste.

I just wanna make sure
it's within the budget

I feel comfortable with spending.

Here's my thing.

I don't need to know
everything you spend things on,

just as long as you pay the bills.

Um, and to be honest,

I don't want somebody telling me
how I should be spending my money,

because I'm doing okay already.

[Brett] In terms of,
like, our bills, like,

it doesn't have to be
down the middle for me.

I'd be fine with saying,
"Well, I'll get 75% of this."

-Or 60-40.
-Oh, yeah.

-You know, whatever.

If we, you know, said that
there's a few bills or certain bills.

Like, I don't know if it's a rent
or mortgage or something like that.

If we wanted to pay together to avoid the…

"I paid, and you pay me back.
Or you paid, and I pay you back."

-That feels like a roommate situation.

I pay you.
Then I'm looking at you like, "Hey, babe."

"Like, when you gonna
pay me my half back?"

-You better send me that Venmo real quick.

[laughs] I don't wanna
be sending Venmo requests.

-[laughing] Oh, my God, I know.
-To my wife for our mortgage payment.

That does not sound
like something I wanna do.

Real quick side note.
You are burning up this kitchen.

-[Tiffany] Oh, well, because-- Oh!

[Tiffany] Mm.


-[Brett] Whoa!
-[both laughing]

[pop music playing]

♪ All I know is all I want is you ♪

-At least the sun's coming out.
-A little bit.

-Yeah, it is.
-Our ghost pilot is…

-[Bliss laughs] Ghost pilot. It is trippy.
-[Zack] Ghost captain.

It literally feels like there is a gremlin
or something in there.

-Like, you know, from--

[Zack] I do. I do.

I don't know if I was born when that
came out, but I watched it at some point.

It's like the little-- What are they
before they become gremlins?

I don't know,
but then if you put water on 'em,

they reproduce,
and they create more monsters.

I think if they put water on them
after a certain--

after midnight or something,
they turn into gremlins.

-Or something like that.

They turn into whatever the cute,
like, little furbos.

Did you ever have, like, a furbo?
Or not a furbo--

I had a Furby.

-A Furby. That's it! [laughs]
-Yeah. [chuckles]

-I thought they were the coolest things.
-They were so lame.

-Uh, yeah. They were totally oversold.
-They really were.

They were starting to sell
smart A.I. in a stuffed animal.

-I know.
-And it was not.

It was not.

No, but it's funny 'cause,
like, the random…

Like, the little-- It was like "didja…"

What was it? The little, like…
What were those things called?



They were pretty lame
compared to the toys that are out now.

But you know what never goes out
of style is stuffed animals.

-You don't like pineapple?
-Pineapple is actually my favorite fruit.

-Of all the fruits.
-I don't know how you can pick one.

-They're all so good.
-I think it would go pineapple.

Raspberries, mango.

Mango. Really, mango? After…

I think mango, I'd put mango first above.
I think I would put mango…

Out of those three, I would rate it
mango, pineapple and raspberries.

I make a really good
dark chocolate raspberry cake.

-[Zack] Oh, my God, sounds delicious.
-[Bliss] Yeah, with fresh raspberry jam.

-I'm not a big jam guy.
-It can be meditative thing.


[chuckles] Hmm, like a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich, that wasn't your jam?

I love that. Sometimes I'll make that.

Did you say, "Peanut butter and jelly
was not your jam"? That's hilarious.

[Bliss] I know.
I didn't mean to be so punful, but I was.

[Zack] I really appreciate it.

[both laughing]

[Bliss] I would hold your hand,
but I have to have one hand on the boat.

I'm a rule follower. [laughs]

[Zack] You got one hand on the boat,
one hand on your drink.

[Bliss] I feel like you're
way more nervous about this than I am.


-[Zack] Make sure you didn't fall over.
-That was sweet.

-[Zack laughs] Is my hand cold?
-Yeah, it is. [laughs]

I'm never warmer than people,
but I'm also wearing something thinner.

[Zack] You can tell
someone's colder than you.

It's 'cause they feel warm,
so you always know who's a warm person.

[Bliss] I know. This is
a very bizarre experience for me,

and I actually, like,
don't like it, 'cause you're cold.


I know how other people feel
when I'm like, "Ah, I'm cold."

-They're like, "Get away!"
-Give me your warmth.

-You can have some of it.

-[laughs] I know.

-[Bliss] Oh, you need the sun?
-[Zack] Yeah.

[Bliss laughing]
Okay, just don't fall over.

[Zack exhales] I'm really glad
you're here.

-Look, your hat might go overboard.
-[Bliss] Why?

I don't like it.

It's like a kiss guard.

I just wanna go
to those luscious lips of yours.

-You have to work hard for this.
-[Zack] I will work hard for it.



[laughing] Are you freezing?

Do you want, like, a blanket or something?

Maybe you can ask them for a blanket.

You're just trying to get really close
to me to steal my warmth.

I don't have any to give!

-[groans] You wanna fix my hair?
-It's okay. It's just…


It's fine. It's just gonna do
what it's gonna do. It's okay.

If you could meet anybody in the world,
who would you pick?

-[Bliss] That's alive?

I think I would choose
to meet, like, Oprah.

-Oprah? Winfrey?
-[Bliss] Mm-hmm.

-She's a very, like, powerful woman, yeah.

What about you?

Your parents.

[Bliss] You totally set that up.
You're so cheesy.


My mom is amazing.
I think I told you that.

My dad is amazing in his own ways too, so.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Bliss, you're everything
that I've been looking for my entire life.

You are beautiful, intelligent,



When I'm with you,
you just make me feel warm.

I just wanna be with you.
I just wanna spend time with you.

I believe there's nobody in this world

who I'm meant to be with more than you.

No matter what I did.

No matter how stupid I was.

We were always gonna end up here.

I found my person.

Will you marry me?

[dramatic music playing]