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04x08 - Pick Me

Posted: 04/18/24 17:37
by bunniefuu
[slow-tempo music playing]

I believe there's nobody in this world

who I'm meant to be with more than you.

Will you marry me?

[heart beating]


-It's this one…

-["If You Love Her" by playing]
-♪ Kiss her with passion ♪[/i]

♪ As much as you can ♪

♪ Run your hands through her hair
Whenever she's sad ♪

♪ And when she doesn't notice
How pretty… ♪

-[Bliss] It's pink.
-[both laugh]

♪ …over and over so she never forgets ♪

♪ Take it ♪

♪ If she gives you her heart ♪

♪ Don't you break it ♪

♪ Let your arms be a place
She feels safe in ♪

♪ She's the best thing
That you'll ever have ♪

♪ She'll love you
If you love her like that ♪

[Bliss laughs] I can't believe
you did that.

[Zack] I'm so excited.

-[Bliss] This is nuts.
-This is f*cking insane.

[Bliss] Yeah.

[laughing] Who proposes
to someone twice in a month?

-[Zack] Just me.
-[both laughing]

I really thought
you might say no. [laughs]

[Bliss] Oh, I thought about it.

I should have said no
and then maybe, "Just kidding."

But I really do feel like
it's right, though.

As scary as that is, you know.

Trusting the intuition thing
and trusting life.

But you better not ever f*ck up again.

[pop music playing]

♪ Don't give up, my friend ♪

♪ You know the love will never end ♪

♪ You got to just hold on ♪

♪ Hold on… ♪

[Zack] I'll try not to.

You haven't even met my dog yet.

Or my kitten.
And you're allergic to them. [laughing]

-What are we gonna do about that?
-I'll get an allergy shot.

We'll see if it does anything.

Now I have to tell my family. [laughing]

Oh, no. Like, "Wait.
I thought he dumped you."

Yeah, my family, uh,
is gonna be a little surprised too.

[Bliss] My mom's gonna literally be like,
"You're finally not an old spinster."

My dad's probably gonna think that too,
but he won't say it. [laughing]

[Zack laughs] Well, let's hope
that's what your dad thinks.

-[Bliss] You're very scared about my dad.
-I am.

I'm glad you said yes.

-[Bliss] I must really like you.
-I know.

So, when did you-- What was--

I'm so-- I'm just very shocked. [laughs]

When did I know
I was gonna propose? [exhales]

-Is that what you're asking?

Like, when we got back from Mexico.
When I met you, I just knew.

I knew.

I knew before you knew.
Which feels stupid. I feel so dumb.

-[chuckles] But I don't know.

I feel like it's that thing,
like, when you know, you know.

Yeah. Well, when we were in the pods,

I felt it too.

I mean, think about how crazy it is.
You barely even made it there.

I know. I literally--
Yeah, I was super sick.

And yet, it still…

ended with us on this boat.


I'm engaged to Zack.

[laughing] I don't know. Life is weird.

It's exciting and shocking. And… [laughs]

I mean, the thing about it is, and…

I feel so cheesy saying this,

but I feel like I knew
that he was my person,

like, literally from meeting--
just hearing-- our first date.

Like, I literally feel like I knew,
deep in my soul, that it was right.

So, even though there's
all this crazy drama that's happened,

and he was literally engaged
to someone else,

I feel like it is right.


[Zack chuckles]

[Bliss] I think it's dumb
that people say that,

but now I actually get it.

You know, you know. [laughs]

-[pop music playing]

♪ I'm alive and feeling the sun ♪

♪ And I won't look back ♪

♪ I'm running to chase the light ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

-♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪
-♪ It's a beautiful crazy life ♪

♪ Beautiful crazy life ♪

♪ It's a beautiful crazy life ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ I'm alive, got air in my lungs ♪

♪ And my heart beats fast ♪

♪ It's a beautiful crazy life ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! ♪

-[Brett] Here you are, madame.
-[gasps] Thank you.

-[silverware clattering]
-Oops. It's still good.

-[Brett] It fell?
-[Tiffany] Oh, my gosh.

All right. Ready.

Ooh, that is perfect.

-Anything for you, my darling.
-Oh, gosh, you're too sweet.

This is why I usually like dark meat,

whereas, like, a chicken breast,
white breast-- or excuse me, white meat…

[Tiffany laughing]

What's so funny?

-Nothing. Keep going.
-What? What's so funny?

-No, you're laughing. What's so funny?
-I like dark meat too. [laughing]

["Best Bad Thing"
by Foreign Signals playing]

-[laughs] Okay.
-[Brett laughs]

♪ I want your love, I… I… I need it ♪

♪ I need your love… ♪

[line ringing]

♪ Give it up, give it up, give it up… ♪

[Chelsea] Ugh, hi, babe.[/i]

Hey, babe. You sound like you had
an overwhelming day at work.

I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm running late.

Oh, no worries. I'm literally just
hanging out with Rock, per usual.

-Take all the time you need.
-Thank you, baby. Bye.[/i]

Okay. Bye.

♪ I need your love, I… I… I want it ♪

♪ Give it up, give it up, give it up
Give it up, give it up to me, yeah ♪

I haven't really introduced them
to a lot of people.

-[Paul] Really?

Not a lot of boyfriends?
Not a lot of fiancés?

-Not a lot of fiancés. Zero, to be exact.
-[chuckles] Yeah.

-Well, happy to be the first. [laughs]
-Yeah. [laughs]

[Paul] Hopefully, I'm the last.

Mm-hmm. I think my dad has
an understanding of what's going on,

but my mom literally has zero idea.

We're gonna have to
explain the whole thing to her, huh?

I have not even told her
that I'm engaged. So, like…

[Paul inhales]

Well, break the news. [chuckles]

-I'm nervous, though.
-[Micah] Are you nervous?

I hope that when they see me
that it makes sense to them.

They're like, "Oh,
this is the guy that she's looking for."

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I'm, like, so nervous.


[Micah] Oh, my gosh, I missed you so much.

-I missed you too.

Hey. Paul.

-Nice to meet you.

-Another Paul? What the hell?

-Hi, Dad.

-Oh, my gosh.
-What the hell? You growing up?

-Trish. Nice to meet you. Paul.

[Trish] Oh, yeah. Well, that'll be easy.

-We all got a Paul.
-[Micah] Grab a seat.

-On that side.
-Oh, Paul got these for you.

[Trish] Oh, thank you.

-You're welcome.

Oh, my God. Stop.

[Trish] Well, that's so nice. Thank you.

[Micah] Oh, my gosh. Mm-hmm.

I haven't told you guys anything,
but we're engaged.



-Dad's face, he's like, "What the hell?"
-He's like, "I'm not so sure about this."


Yeah. It's weird 'cause I know,
like, going into this experience, like,

I, like, conveyed to you guys, like,

that there's no way that
I'm gonna be able to, like, actually,

you know, like, meet someone

that I wanna be, like, engaged to.

But, like, it just,
like, happened, like, so naturally.

I don't know if you guys, like,
know much about how it works,

but basically, we live,
like, in a townhouse together.

And we'll live there,
like, until the wedding day.

Oh, okay.

Speaking of the wedding.
You guys wanna come? [laughs]

-When is it?
-It's in a couple weeks.

-Couple weeks? [laughs]

-What kind of wedding will it be?

It's gonna be, like,
a totally, like, normal wedding.

Like, I want it to be, like, vintage.

Like, glam, like, I want it to be really,
like, cute and, like, timeless.

And Paul's just gonna go with it.

-[Paul laughs] Yeah, I'm very easygoing.
-He doesn't care. He's just gonna show up.

[Paul] She's got a good taste.

So I trust her with the wedding
and picking out all that stuff.

[Micah] I'm gonna extend invites

to anyone who wants to come,
like, in our family.

I'm gonna have
a good amount of friends there.

People you know.
Like, Rachel will be there. Shelby.

Where are you guys gonna live?

[Micah] The fact that I'm,
like, working fully remote,

it's very likely
that we'll end up being here.

We're probably moving into his place.

[Paul] Oh.

[laughing] His interesting place that
I need to redecorate from start to finish.

I'm just kidding.

Yeah, I told Paul once we have kids,
we're gonna have to have a complex…

[laughs] …for my family to live on.

-[Paul] Yeah, she did say that.
-[Trish chuckles]

I told him in the pod,
it's non-negotiable.

-My family will actually also be there.

Hopefully. Someone needs
to help raise these kids.

How many children do you want?

Um, I think, ideally, two.

[Micah] I'm definitely not ready
to have kids now, but…

I think I wanna, like, have a really cool,

like, epic, like, marriage,

like, well, you know,
before we bring kids into the equation.

But we're happy
that we are on the same page, like,

regarding having children.

He's like, "Oh, we have to name
our son Paul if we have a son."

I was like, "I'll consider a middle name."
That's as far as this is going.

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy.
Like, it was really fast, right?

Like, you can't deny it.
But, um, it's definitely real.

[Micah] It's definitely real,
and it's happening.

Do you like him?

-Do I get thumbs up, thumbs down?
-Be honest.

He's a Paul.
He was good to go from the beginning.

You were good by birthright.

-[Paul] Thank you.

I get good vibes from Paul,
probably 'cause he's Paul.

I mean, I don't know him.

He could be a serial k*ller
for all I know.

[Trish laughing]

But my first impression of him
is I trust the guy.

You know what I mean?

-[laughs] The whole thing is odd.
-[Paul] Definitely.

But we're accepting it
because we know our daughter.

Things usually work out with Micah.

My biggest worry is
that Micah's gonna get her heart broken.

I never really thought about that,
but yeah, that obviously is.

It means a lot to me that,
um, you guys approve, you know.

-[laughs] Do you approve?
-It does.

-Look at the dude's face. Smiling's happy.

[Paul] Thank you, guys.

[Micah laughs]

-["Brighter" by Knockabout playing]
-♪ We keep it ♪[/i]

♪ We keep it brighter today ♪

[Marshall] In this moment,
this whole relationship with Jackie

is very bleak.

The other night,
she says that I needed to boss up.

The way she made me feel in that moment

when she said that I wasn't a man,

that I wasn't doing grown-man stuff…

That hurts because I truly,
genuinely do love this girl.

So, I left. I was staying at my apartment.

I'm very self-aware that
in that moment I could have blown up,

but I did not. I needed time.

Now we're here,
and I don't know where we stand.

-You're packing your stuff?
-[Jackelina] Yeah.

[Marshall] For what reason?

-I'm not about to play games with you.
-What game are we playing?

You didn't wanna sit here and talk.
You're like, "I'm leaving."

What else am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?

Sit in my feelings and sleep next
to someone who said I was not man enough?

I never said
you weren't man enough for me.

I just said to be more aggressive.

We don't have sex, bro.

We don't have sex.

Oh, that… that's on my account?

I'm just saying. Do something.

Like, try and get me
in the mood or something.

I have been nothing but down for you.

Marshall, you're gonna give me a migraine,

'cause you're irking the shit out of me.

[Marshall] It's always what you feel
and how you think.

And then when I am aggressive--

And then when I am aggressive,
you shut me down.

-You're never aggressive.
-That's not who I am.

Okay. Well, that's it, then.

If you can't accept me for that,
then I don't know what to tell you.

What I'm saying to you now--

[Jackelina] I'm not saying for you
to be aggressive 100% of the time.

So, what are you telling me, then?

-[Jackelina] Who you clapping at?
-You. In your face.

[Jackelina] You're not clapping at me.

-You better fix it.
-Is that not me being aggressive?

I'm testing you now. Is that aggressive?

I told him I wanted him
to be more aggressive.

Like, boss up.

Switch it up. That way
we don't be like that old grandpa.

And then he's talking about,
"Oh, what you said to me

really seared into my brain,
and I just can't get over that."

I didn't even say it
to where I was derogatory

or I've defamed you or anything. f*ck no.

What do you want?

I wanna have a conversation with you.
I wanna be able to speak my piece clearly.

Speak your piece
and speak it clearly, please.

I'm always kissing on you.
I'm always rubbing on you.

I'm always doing these things.
What do you do for me?

That is why I'm confused.

You have done nothing to make me feel
seduced or special or anything.

Make me feel like something, Jackie.

I make you feel nothing?

So why are you still with me
if didn't make you feel like nothing?

I see you as a project,
and I saw potential.

I thought that you were just gonna
come around to me at some point.

-I was waiting for that.
-Oh, that's really wild.

-I'm a project?
-I saw you as a project.


You have not been
in a real relationship before.

You also say that you're
not emotionally available at times.

I've been in relationships before.
I have that experience, so I saw you--

What are you, a f*cking puppeteer?

And I'm a puppet?

-I'm gonna get the rest of my shit, bro.

Like, I'm a f*cking project.
I'm a f*cking project.

[Marshall] I said "project."


f*cking emotions are going.

But what I see in you
is limitless potential.

And I know that I can be that person
to bring that out of you.

I don't see you as a project.

I see you as someone
who I can uplift and empower.

And I told you that from jump.

This is what marriage is.

This is what
a committed relationship looks like.

Having tough conversations
even when we don't want to.

You know exactly how I feel about you.

I don't hold anything back.

I f*cking love you.

["Before We're Leaving Here"
by Faith Richards playing]


♪ Tell me that you're sorry… ♪

[Jackelina sobbing] I'm sorry.

♪ Tell me everything you know… ♪

[continues sobbing]

♪ I'm trying to be open… ♪

I didn't mean to hurt you. [exhales]

♪ And either way ♪

♪ I need to make it clear ♪

♪ Before we're leaving here ♪

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Hey, hello, don't say you can't[/i] ♪[/i]

[Tiffany] So, this is where,
like, I love to go walking.

It's where I go
to, like, clear my head and stuff, so…

The trees are beautiful. The landscaping…

Seems like a nice, uh, bougie corner.

Very fitting for you, right? [laughs]

-I had to get you, babe.

It's less than two weeks to the wedding.

We still have so much
to figure out. [laughs]

And I'm slightly nervous.


The wedding is in less than two weeks.

-It is.
-What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do with the cake?
I gotta find a wedding dress.

I don't know how to plan these things.

Um, and I think just, like, trying
to get everybody here right now, it's…

it's kind of taking its toll on me.

All right, well,
let's tackle one thing at a time.

-[laughing] Yeah. Sorry.

So, this is not scaring you?

Honestly, it doesn't.

Why doesn't it scare you?

Because of you.

-I see the future so clearly with you.

So, I don't feel stressed.

I don't have any doubts.

I don't feel like
I'm rushing into a decision.

-I don't feel pressure.

And I'm sure whatever we do
is gonna be amazing.

Can I tell you something interesting?

My auntie told me recently,
she's like, "Yeah, you know,

your grandma and granddad, like,

they got married after six weeks
of knowing each other."

"And they were together
for 60 plus years."

-[Brett] Wow.
-My grandfather.

He had the most beautiful skin.

-Just like you.

Oh! Whoa. Okay.
Nice way to slide that in there.

-Yo, I mean, you do have beautiful skin.
-[laughs] Really?

Do you see me? I'm like…

-You know. I try.
-I'm peeling over here.

Man, this feels good.

And I'm all in. And I love you.

-Well, I love you too, Tiffany.

-[Brett laughs]

Brett. [laughs]

-Are you tearing up?

Yo, this is a tear of joy.

Goodness gracious.



We're gonna make it.

-["Just Love" by The Other Guys playing]
-♪ I got love, just love ♪[/i]

♪ You'll never be alone
Let's bring it back home ♪

♪ I need love, just love ♪

♪ Bring it back home ♪

♪ Nobody here alone ♪

♪ Get up, get up and live your life ♪

♪ Light up the sky like laser beams ♪

♪ Don't hold back on what you dream ♪

They weigh 5,000 pounds apiece. [laughing]

-No, it's fine.
-Okay. It's a good workout, right?

[sighs] Okay.

Here we go.

The last month has been
like an entire year… [chuckles]

…condensed into a month.

I came back here. Got to meet Bliss.

Immediately felt the connection
that we had in the pods.

Felt it even stronger.

Got engaged.

Now I'm moving in with her.

Mind you, at the same time,
I'm in the process of--

I literally just moved to Seattle
to start my own law firm.

So, I'm trying to balance that.

And then I got a wedding in two weeks.
So, there's a lot.


-Let's not put this on the bed.
-Stairs… Oh, my God.

-[Bliss laughs]
-You're k*lling me.

-It's dirty. It's dirty.

See, there's the ground rules.

Don't put suitcases on the bed. [laughs]

-Don't put shoes on the bed.
-The suitcase.

-Not even a trace of dirt on that.
-That's so not true.

I mean, I'm making
a very, very big decision,

and I'm doing it very, very quickly.

And, like, that's not lost on me. Um…

I mean, the truth is, like, I take so long

before I ever
make a decision with anything.

And sometimes that's to my own impediment.

And so, we decided
this is what we wanted to do.

That we're gonna go forward
with the wedding.

Um, and I think that was because…

we just feel it.

-I'm pretty grumpy in the morning.
-Are you?


[laughs] And I don't know, actually,
if I told you about my alarms.

-Oh, God!

-Yeah, I know.

I think it's gonna hit us more

that we're, like, here
and living together, like, tomorrow.

Like, waking up together and, like, how--
You know what I mean?

-[Zack] Mm-hmm.

Everything's like a whirlwind.

Yeah. I feel like
I haven't processed anything.

I'm like, I got engaged to someone
that was just engaged to someone else.

-Yeah, that is kind of weird.
-That's okay.

I've cried so much. I literally don't know
if I have any tears left inside.

Like, I think I'm done forever
crying about you.

It's definitely, like,
a challenge for me, for sure.

Battling, like, my pride and…

through this has been hard.

Part of me wanted to never, ever,

ever talk to you again
because it's hurtful.

I-- I get it. I get it.

But I love you a lot,
and I've been very forgiving to you.

I'm trying to, like, let it go.

And I understand.

But I'm still gonna have,
like, those feelings sometimes of, like,

concern of being second choice.

Like, that grosses me out,
and, like, makes me feel icky.

[Zack] Right.

But you're clearly not.

-I don't think that's clear to me.
-Is it? Is it really not clear to you?

I don't think so. I think
from a third-party perspective--

-I'm asking you.
-Well, I know that I'm better than her.

-No, no, no. Not "better."
-Not better, but, like, I know… [laughs]

-There's the pretentiousness.
-You know what I'm saying.

-I get it.

But what I'm saying is

I think you clearly know that

there's not a single part of me
that would wanna be with her.

There was a whole part of you
that wanted to marry her.

Before I met her.

I had a real love with you.

Like, I really loved you.

Why are you saying it
in past tense? [chuckles]

'Cause I'm talking about the past.
I still love you, obviously.

But what I'm saying is, like,

I had this very strong connection.

And I had a strong connection
with her as well,

and I did love her.
I loved who I thought she was.

I'm not saying I would have--

And what I've said to you this whole time
is that you were the right choice.

Yeah, but it still doesn't take away
my feeling about that.

Yeah, I get it, but it doesn't make you
the second choice.

Like, it doesn't.
Because there's nothing--

Like, you'd be the second choice
if I still wanted to be with her.

Or if a part of me was like,
"I wish I could be with her."

That would make you
a second choice, right?

That'd be like,
"Okay, you're just settling."

No, there's no part of me
that wants to be with her.

You're my fiancée,
and I'm planning on marrying you.

♪ If only there was a way
To face these things ♪

♪ Something someone could say ♪

♪ To make me believe it's all right ♪

♪ Just don't think twice ♪

♪ I kind of hate that advice ♪

♪ I'm scared of falling… ♪

You're gonna get a bath.


You're gonna get all clean-clean.

So have you ever bathed
a dog before, babe?

Not even close. Never.

[Chelsea] You ever bathed,
like, a baby before?

-[Kwame] A baby?

-[Kwame] Yes.
-[Chelsea] Okay.

I love Rocky.
Rocky is a really, really great dog.

[Chelsea] You love Kwam, huh?

[chuckles] Look at him
looking at you like, "Daddy."

I'm spraying him with water.

-Of course he's looking at me.
-Save me. Save me.

-[Kwame laughs]
-What's that supposed to mean?

He loves you. You know it.

Rocky is like her child.

Rocky is the child
that I already have now.

You know what I'm saying?
I don't think I've ever had something

that strapped to my waist before.

Good boy.

Get his tail.

Always get a little extra.

-Gotta wash their bum.
-[Rocky whimpers]

I'll do that part.

[both laughing]

[Kwame] We're still adjusting.


Speaking of kids and bathing babies.

I've always wanted a lot of kids.
Like, growing up, I used to want six kids.


You know, I've just always wanted
to be a mom, Kwam.

And, like,
there were moments when I was like…

[groans] "When is it
gonna happen for me?" You know?

I feel you.

I just never pictured myself,
like, you know…

being, like, an… older mom or…

That can be difficult.

And you said three years is okay?

I gotta be honest with you.
I don't, like--

I think there has to be a period of time
for us to, like, really enjoy each other.

Like, admittedly,
I always, like, envisioned this…

this lifestyle of just,
like, being with my partner

and, like, traveling the world, and…

There's a question that does come up
'cause right now we have Rocky, right?

And that doesn't make things easy
to just kind of get up and go.

You also have your job,
which, you know, you have in Seattle

and don't have the same flexibility
that I have.


I mean, and then on top of that, like…

[chuckles] We are thinking
about having kids

in three to four years now.
You know what I mean?

When they're younger,
you can put 'em in a front pack,

and they don't do anything.
You know, like, when they're babies.

What, we go to Cabo
and lay in the sun with our newborn?

[laughs] You know?

People travel with their kids
all the time.


We can hire a nanny to travel with us.

-Baby, the sky is the limit.
-You say things like it's easy to do.

Oh, trust me. I get that.

-You know how I think.
-I could homeschool.

All right.


It's just making sure
that we do get time to ourselves,

'cause once those kids come out,

things change.

Like, do you wanna settle down?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

I don't know. I'm--
I'm just inquiring about…

Kind of, it seems to be like
you're leaving a part of yourself behind

or you're sad to, like,

see that lifestyle go.

I'm hap-- I'm--

I've always been willing
to do this for us, you know?

Willing to do what?

Move to Seattle.

Sacrifice what you want?

[chuckles] Don't take it
in that direction.

I'm not sacrificing what I want.

But I am compromising.

Welcome to marriage.

[laughs] I understand that, baby, but…

[Chelsea clears throat]

If we're being honest here,
the compromise coming from this side is

pretty darn big.

I didn't say anything wrong about it.

I just said, "Hey, consider how
I'm feeling in this moment."

That's all I ask. Is that fair?



-[pop music playing]
-♪ You wanna say where this will go ♪[/i]


♪ 'Cause you done crossed a line and ♪

♪ I can't turn a blind eye ♪

♪ Your time is up, is up ♪

♪ You wanna look me in the eyes ♪

♪ Try to test me here tonight ♪

♪ Yeah, I already know ♪

-Hello! [laughs]
-[man] Hey!


-[Micah] Hi.
-[Paul] Hey, what's up y'all?

-How's it going? Paul.
-[man] How you doing, brother?

Not bad. Not bad.

[Micah] It's my best friend's birthday.

And I'm bringing Paul to kind of, like,

give him an introduction
to, like, all my friends.

-Have you met Paul? This is Paul.
-Paul. [laughs]

[Micah] By the way, this is my fiancé.
I think I forgot to mention.

Paul's looking like a snack.

And I'm like, "Okay,
as long as I can present him well,

maybe my friends will like him."

-All right. Cheers.

-Cheers to… I guess, you guys.

-No, cheers to you! Happy birthday!
-Happy birthday.

But thank you, as well.

[pop music playing]

-Wait. Your outfit is so cute.
-Wait, no, but real-life shit.

[Paul] What?

Do you get to sleep next
to her every night?

It's crazy. It's so crazy.
I love it. [chuckles]

Before actually seeing her,
'cause obviously, she's gorgeous…

-You were just hearing her voice.
-[Micah] Shut up!

What drew you to her?

[Paul] We just would laugh the whole time.

There would be some banter,
and then I'd go, like,

"So, where do you find meaning in life?"
Like, right after that.

To me, it was just one of those things
that was really obvious.

And I would say, like,
I'm a super logical guy,

but with her, I really went with my gut,

like, intuition and how I was feeling.
And yeah, clearly it paid off, you know.

Not to put you on the spot,
but how serious are you?


I need to know how serious you are.

How serious am I? I think…

I don't really date that casually,
to begin with.

And I sure as hell
don't get engaged casually.

[Shelby] Yeah. Understandable.

-I'm like, "You don't?"
-Yeah. [laughs]

So, I think, uh, with that indicator,
like, it's pretty serious for me.

She's my harshest critic.

Like, anyone I date,

like, has to pass, like,
her test and Micayla too.

Because, I mean,
Shelby has single-handedly,

like, terminated relationships for me.

-A couple of them. I'm not kidding.
-Like single-handedly.

-Because they weren't good people.
-[Paul] Yeah.

And they sucked.

Obviously, it is kind of a skill
to date Micah.

-Oh, I know. I know.
-Are you sure?

'Cause I don't know if you'd be here
right now if you did.

So, I do need to say this.

Like, I know how beautiful she is,
but for someone who has never seen

how she looks
and just hears how she talks, like,

you create something in your head.

-[Paul] Right.

But was it even close to what…
how she is and what she looks like?

It's so strange, because it's yes and no.

It's kind of hard to explain.
So, the experiment

and the whole experience is,
like, weirdly complex.

[Micah] He's a scientist.

-That's why he talks in these big, long--
-Yeah, sorry. [laughs]

This whole, like, articulate manner. Yeah.

[Micayla] It's weird.
I don't know how I feel about it.

We're not used to that. [chuckles]

I'm just getting roasted now.
Welcome to the roast of Paul.

Shelby makes, like, a first impression,
and it's just, like, boom.

-[Micayla] Oh, yeah. I mean…
-She's not wrong.

Either way, I'll have something
a little bitchy to say at some point.

[both laugh]

[Shelby] So keep it up.

I'm serious about it, though. [chuckles]

Don't say that kind of stuff to me.
I'll get pissed.

She's easily angered.

-I mean, can't say that I care.
-Don't be like that.

I don't know. I mean, I don't.

-I mean, you should.
-I care for you.

That's, like,
really the worst attitude to have.

If you don't care about what she says,
that's, like, a major issue.

No. I 100% do, but I'm not gonna
take it personally is what I'm saying.

Oh, you don't take her
little comments personally?

But you should care
how she feels about you.

Yeah, yeah, so, that's true. For sure.



We need sh*ts. Where's the bartender?

I think I have to
let y'all take this shot.

I'm gonna run to the restroom.

Micah, Micah.

-Are you in love with him?

Yeah, 100%.

I don't know. It just feels like
it's what it's supposed to feel like

when you find, like,
your other half, I guess.

That sounds crazy coming out of me.

-I can't even say…
-[Shelby] Sounds crazy.

Yeah. I know. That kind of makes me sick.

I know. I didn't know
I could talk like that. Sometimes--

Look at Shelby.

-Shelby's like, "I've never heard--"
-I know.

I've never heard you talk like that.

[Micayla] No, like, I really like him.

I know. He's, like, so great, right?

-You're not sure.
-Yeah. She really isn't.

I'm 100% not with it.

-You're not with it at all?
-No, not at all.

-You're not with it?
-[Shelby] No.

You don't like him?

[Shelby] He's extremely nice.

He's the best guy ever… right now.

[man] What do you think of Paul?


You're a hater.

I'm not a hater.

I'm the most protective person of Micah

because that's my best friend
in the entire world.

And I will never not be skeptical
because of how I feel about her.

And I've been there for so much.

And I just think that I need more.

I need more.

-You're not into it?

Are you being serious?

I just feel like
that this wasn't meant for you.

Like, you're meant to have
the most spectacular everything.

You're Micah.
And I think you deserve that.

You're meant to have
the best wedding of your life.

[sobbing] You're meant to have all this,
and this isn't it.

-["Never Surrender" by Liv Ash playing]
-♪ We're a phoenix rising ♪[/i]

♪ From the ashes fighting… ♪

But this isn't it.

This isn't it.

♪ Ooh-ooh, this is our battle ♪

♪ Living for tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll never, never surrender ♪

["Up All Night" by CURIO playing]

♪ I wanna have fun, wanna have fun ♪

♪ Wanna have it, I stay all night ♪

♪ I wanna have fun
Wanna have fun, wanna have fun… ♪

Thank you for wearing pink
for my birthday.

-[laughs] You're welcome.
-Very sweet of you.

Yeah. I'm glad it came out
the way you wanted it to.

-You came out the way I wanted you to.


-[Kwame] What's up? What's up?


-How are you, man?
-[Chelsea] Oh, my goodness!

-[Tiffany] Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
-How are you?

I've missed you so much.

It's Chelsea's birthday.
We're all getting together.

-It's my birthday!

[Kwame] I'm happy to see everybody.

We had incredible times
in the pods together.

I'm very curious to see a lot of people
that I really missed.

To see how everybody's doing.

So, tonight's a celebration.

I just have to say…

-[Kwame] What's up?
-I just really like Paul's style.

-[laughs] This is recently created.
-[Micah] No. You don't like Paul's style.

-You like my style on Paul.
-[laughs] Oh, okay.

[Micah] Paul doesn't have style.

-Look like a Silicon Valley millionaire.
-[laughs] You're mine.

[laughs] You know what I'm saying?

["Swangin and Bangin"
by Crocodile Q playing]


[Paul chuckles] Look at this guy.

-[Kwame] Wait.


Who is this?

[Kwame] Josh Demas.

-[Tiffany] No!

He made it back. How the f*ck… [chuckles]

I'm back. You feel me? [laughs]


[Brett] Seeing Josh D, that was a shock.

It's like the ultimate plot twist.


Hi, guys.

-[Micah] Oh, my God. You're back?


Oh, my God, are you okay?

-[laughs] Are you okay?
-It's literally insane.

-What are the f*cking odds?
-[Chelsea laughing]



What the f*ck, baby? [laughing]

I'm so happy for you.

-It's crazy. I don't know what I'm doing.
-I know.

I am so shocked to see Bliss and Zack.

-Your face lights up the whole room.
-I could not be happier right now.

-Thank you. [laughing]
-[Micah] I agree.

The fact that he was able
to chase after her

and, you know, get her to get back
on board with him

is, like, really magical.

Cheers to Zack and Bliss.

I wish you all the luck. [laughs]

Delete it. [laughing]


-["Dangerous Youth" playing]
-♪ Everybody get down ♪[/i]

♪ I'm blowing up on the bar… ♪


♪ Don't stop… ♪

-[Josh] Oh! Whoa! Man!
-[man] What's going on?

Oh, my God. Where the hell is Jackie?

-[Josh] Oh!

[Chelsea] He's by himself.
He's by himself.

-What's up?

-What's up?

-[Marshall] It's your birthday?
-It's my birthday.

-Happy birthday.
-[Chelsea] Thank you.

Yes, yes, of course, of course.
Hey, what's up?

-What's up? Hey, what's up?

-[Marshall] Bliss?

What's up? Hey!

-Nice to finally meet you.
-You too.

-You all good? You good?
-Yeah, we're good. We're engaged.

-Oh, shit! Congratulations.
-[Bliss] Yeah. Thanks.

That's what's up.

-Hey, hey, are we back in the pods?
-[Paul] I know.

I see B Nasty out here. Hey, hey, Kwame.

-Is this B Nasty?
-[Kwame laughing] Yeah.

You're like, "I'm being nasty."

-[all laughing]

[Chelsea] What's going on?

Uh, we had a falling out.

[exhales, clears throat]

[clicks tongue]

-She's on her way. We talked about it.
-Okay. Okay.

But I don't really know
where we stand after this.

Uh, it's, you know,
ebbs and flows to this.

-It is. It is. It is.
-[/i]It's… Yeah.

-[clears throat] That's normal.

Yeah, we'll be fine. You know?

I know. I just hope you can get some…
You know, feed off the energy, you know.

-Get your spirits up a little bit.
-Yeah. Absolutely.

Feel the love of the community.
We're all supporting you guys.

[Josh laughs]

-What the hell is with this dude?
-I don't know.

This is what we had
to deal with every day. [laughs]

I was like, "And you are?"

Send him home again.


How are you and Chelsea doing?

-We're really good.
-[Tiffany] You are?

Yeah. I love her.

I don't think that there's a person
who is both internally and externally

a better fit for me than Chelsea is.

-I believe that, you know.
-[Tiffany] Yeah.


[Kwame] The biggest thing on my mind
is changing our lifestyle.

Our lifestyles are so different.

[Tiffany] How so?

Right, like, she goes into work
about seven to seven.

-Right? She's there most of the week.
-Uh, yeah.

[Kwame] She has a dog.

And she lives in Seattle, you know.
A few of these things to consider.

[Tiffany] Mm-hmm.

I don't mind transitioning
into that lifestyle.

-[Tiffany] Mm-hmm.
-I don't mind having a dog at home.

And, you know,
waiting for my wife or fiancée,

you know, at home and prepping dinner.

But, like, I feel as though I'm somebody
who tends to compromise a lot, right?

-Ooh. Okay. Yeah. I feel you.
-[laughs] You know?

And that's what I'm trying not to do here.

But also trying to make sure
that the amount or level of energy

that I put into making this situation work
is something that will be healthy for me,

and will make me happy
ten, 15, 20 years down the line.

-You have to be sure about what you want.

And even if that's not it,
it doesn't make each other the bad person.

It's just sometimes
your lives aren't aligned

to what you want in the future.

-Or where you see yourself.

It was honestly kind of a mess in Mexico.

Like, Zack pretty quickly was,
you know, I think, thinking about you.

Um, I know she was very quickly,
like, not interested in him.

And she was, like, coming on to Paul.
I've heard, like, really awful stuff.

And, you know, I even had a conversation
with her, you know, after Mexico.

And I sat her down and I was like,
"First of all… no."

Like, it's just you were her only friend.

-No, I know.
-She ostracized herself from everyone.

She had no one. I was her lifeline.

For her to do that to you, that really
speaks to the type of person she is.

Everyone can grow and learn,

and I hope that for her,
but that's just, like, so horrible.

I'm so sorry that she did that.

Yeah, I appreciate that. I remember
when I was talking to her, like,

the first point of business was
I wanted to be like, "What the heck?"

"Why would you do that with Paul?
How could you do that?"

More importantly, I was like,
"You know, Irina, at some point,

you have to look at the situation
and be like,

when there's, you know,15, 30 people
all feeling the same way about you,

at some point, you have to realize
maybe it's you, not them."


-There he is.
-[Bliss chuckles]

-[Micah laughs]
-Anyway. [laughs]

-Mouth full of salmon. Bliss.
-[Bliss laughing]


-She likes the salmon taste.

-[Bliss] I know.

[Zack] I'll top you guys off.

He is really sweet.

I think that
he is a really genuine person.

He is.

If you want this with him,
I feel like it will work, you know.


Couple of nights ago, Jackie told me
that she wanted more from me.

She needed more from me.
She wants me to be more aggressive.

[Brett] Mm-hmm.

Let her tell it, she wants me
to be more aggressive in the bedroom.

[Brett] Mm-hmm.

You know, somebody who
will slap her around a little bit.

-Not physically, but like-- yeah.

-Drama. Mm-hmm.
-Not who I am. It's never who I will be.

She wants that toxic kind of love.

And I recognize it, 'cause I've dealt
with women like that before.

I'm the first real man in their life
who treats them like something.

[Brett] Yep.

And I never thought
that it would be… this bad.

The self-sabotaging.

[Brett] Hmm.

It's hard because
I do genuinely love this girl.

I think from the start in the pods,
me and you always been good.

You know, so,
thank you for opening up to me.

-I've opened up to you.

With that being said, you are a good dude.

You're trying to do the best.

You're trying to show her
what the life with you could be like.

This is who you are.
This is what you're about.

And if she's not ready for that,
then she is just not ready for that.

She wants to be with me.

She fucks with me tough.
That's what she says.

She never told me she loves me.

-She tells me that she cares about me.

And so, now, I'm just like, kind of,
like, between a rock and a hard place

because I don't know what that means.

And we're two weeks away from the wedding

that I could potentially
be left at the altar.

-We all came here for marriage, right?

-I wanna be married.
-[Brett] Mm-hmm.

I wanna walk away with a marriage.

["Down on Your Knees"
by Andy Powell playing]

♪ Spin a web, spill your secrets… ♪


♪ And take a drink, you will see ♪

♪ Get down on your knees
And tell me you love me… ♪

-[Micah] Jack. Hello!


[Micah] Hi.

-Keep it together. You're good.
-[Marshall] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

-[Brett] You're good.

You look so hot.

-[Micah] Queen!
-Thank you. I had to.

-[Bliss] Jackie, I know how you feel.
-[Jackelina] Hi. How are you?

[Brett] Hundred percent…

Hi, you. How are you?

-Good. How you doing?
-[Jackelina] I'm okay, babe.

[Marshall] Do you wanna
wear my coat? Here.

No, because it's gonna ruin my outfit.

But you not about to catch a cold.

I'll be fine. No. I'll be fine.
You're ruining my vibe.

-Girl, put this on.
-[clicks tongue] Marshall.

-I have plenty of--
-It's messing up my…

-You look good, actually.

[woman] I'm so excited about it.

-You look good.
-Thank you. Bye.

I came here trying to find love,
and I got screwed over.

But I was really in love with Jackie,

and I was scared of, like,
really putting myself out there.

-Marshall's amazing.
-[Paul] He is.

And, like, I didn't come back here
to, like, f*ck him over or anything.

I just came back here
to see my friends. But like…

Do I put Marshall before how I feel?

I honestly think
that he put himself before how I feel.


It's been eating at me on the inside.

-I'm gonna lay it out there with Jackie.

And whatever happens, happens.

Marshall's a good guy.

But I'm good
at stirring the pot, m*therf*cker.


["Right Man in the Wrong World"
by Chøppersaurus playing]


-Ooh, this is good. This is good.
-[Chelsea] It's good, huh?

I like this.
I'm gonna need, like, four or five.

-[Josh] What's up?

-How are you? How are you?
-[Josh] How you doing.

[Jackelina] Good.

Isn't it weird, like, meeting everybody?

-So weird.
-Like, having the voices.

The voices. It's trippy.

That shit's crazy!

-[Tiffany laughs] Crazy!
-That shit is crazy.

What you all sippin' on?

[Tiffany] It's cool actually
putting the voice with the face.

Like, it's now coming to me.

-Oh! Oh! Is it? Is it now? Is it?
-[Tiffany] Oh! Yeah! Yeah.

[Tiffany] 'Cause it's like,
you kind of drag out, like, your words.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Girl, show me what you look like.

What you talking about?

He never talked like that.

That's a lie.

What the hell are you talking about?
I was all-- I kept it real.


In the pods, he was like,
"I'm a certified lover boy."

-I was like, "Oh, my God."
-I am. I'm a certified lover boy.

-[Bliss] Who certified you?
-I'm a certified tequila boy.

[Tiffany] I was like,
"Okay, Drake. I see you. I see you."

Are you feeling me?
I'm a certified everything. You feel me?

-I'm a certified… Yeah.
-I love that. I love that.

-Ooh. Ooh.
-[Jackelina laughing]

-No, no.
-She lying like shit. [chuckles]


How's everything going? How are you?

Things are good.
Things are really good, actually.

-I'm a dog dad now.
-You are?

Yeah, I walk Rocky three times a day,
um, before Chelsea gets home.

Paul could never.


Dude, like, things are good.

-I mean, um…
-Good. I'm happy.

Someone asked me tonight, "Oh, yeah.
You're going into your wedding day."

"You gonna say yes?"
I'm like, "Don't f*cking ask me that."

-That's, like, you know…

I feel like you're being so, like, genuine
'cause we feel the same, like…

-It's hard.

Paul and I are, like…
We are always so, like, happy together.

But, like, trust me,
it's not all rainbows and sunshine.

[Kwame] When I think about
our wedding day's coming up.

There's a small part of me freaks out.
You know what I mean?

Like, no matter how sure I could feel
about a person, it's like it's--

How would you not?

Like, do you think
that you made the right choice?

You can be honest with me.

[Micah] I feel like I'm very

unsure but hopeful.


-Not to turn the question around, but…

Like, why is that something
that you would wanna ask? Like…

-Do you…
-[both laugh]

Do you feel like you're questioning? Like…

[laughs] Um…

[laughing] Uh…

Chelsea is a person that I could really
see myself with for the rest of my life.

I love who she is as a person.

But Micah has a special place in my heart.

She-- She… will always.

We just have this,
like, very seamless connection.

There's, like, no pressure to it.

There's, like, no overwhelming pressure
on the shoulders.

And in this experiment,

you wanna make sure that you
are not leaving anything on the table,

as we kind of, like, lean
into the last stretch before wedding day.

I was just thinking, in the beginning
of our stages getting to know each other,

things were so easy and natural. You know?

One hundred percent.
I remember you were my number one

for, like, day after day
after day after day.

I know.

I don't know. I feel like even after,
like, all the crap we've been through,

like, I was so excited to talk to you.

And I, like… I still feel that.

Like, when I see you, there's,
like, there's so much electricity.

I feel like we have so much potential.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-[Micah] I care about you.

I think about you. I worry about you.
I'm hoping that you're happy.

Like, I do really, like, feel, like,

that intense, like, care
for you that I always did.

Yeah, I get that.
Um, and I feel the same way for you.

That is obvious.
That is obvious to me that I love her.

Like, it is not a question.

Who knows what happens
when you get to the altar?

-You know, forget about everything.

Like, make her feel special, for real.

I want her to feel special.
I want her to know that she's special.

And what if I do?

What if I make that obvious
that she is special to me,

that she is extremely special to me?

And then it doesn't work out.

-Exactly. That's the risk.
-f*ck, I don't know.

-[sighs] I don't know.

But I think the power of that moment,

if I had to wager, is probably worth more.

Interesting. Better to have loved and lost
than never at all is what you're saying.

-[Zack] Yeah, yeah.

And so, I kind of think that
you should make her feel special.

Yeah. I see what you're getting at now.

Like, that honoring the truth

and realizing it
to its fullest extent of potential.

The truth that, like,
she is extremely special to me,

that I do love her,
and, like, fully representing that.

Yeah. I think you should.

I appreciate the perspective. I think
that was definitely good for me to hear.


[laughs] Okay.

-And we're here.

[Amber laughs] Oh!

-[Bliss] Hi!
-Oh, my goodness. Hello!

Oh, f*ck. God damn it.
It's getting worse, bro.


Hi! [laughs]

-[Chelsea] What the f*ck?
-[all laughing]

[Paul] The last time that Amber and I
spoke to each other in the pods,

it was so incredibly tough for me.

It felt like this sort of one-sided,
you know, damaging breakup.

I'm taking this off.

[Jackelina] Take it off!

[Paul] You know,
seeing her, like, in person,

she's a beautiful girl,

but my connection with Micah is real,
and we do love each other.

-[Josh] Nasty.
-[Kwame laughs]

[Paul] And so, I think that that is
something that I will avoid at all cost.

It's definitely not worth it
at this point.

-[Kwame laughs]
-[Josh] Nasty.

-You like me?

[Amber] Hmm.

Hey, Zack, can you please start it for us?

-[all] ♪ Happy birthday to you[/i]
-[Chelsea] Aww!

[all] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪[/i]

-[all] ♪ Happy birthday, dear Chelsea ♪[/i]

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪[/i]


[Kwame] All right. All right.

[cheering continues]

-[man] Oh, yeah!

I understand.

I understand.

Jackie made her decision.


We both have loved the same person.

We went through some shit.


God damn. We've been talking
to the same woman, goddammit.


I totally do not respect Josh.
I do not respect him as a person.

I tried everything
to get this man kicked off the island,

and somehow he found his way back!

Like, how dare he!

At the end of the day, it is what it is.

It's Mr. Steal-Your-Girl.

-Mm-hmm. [laughing]
-Oh, man.

If you of all people steal her from me,
you can have her.

-Yeah. No, bro.

-Don't look at me like that, bitch.
-Looking like what?

I love you, bro.

-For real. For real, for real
-I appreciate that.

-You know what I'm saying?

-You deserve that.
-Appreciate that.

-Don't let this change us.
-For sure.

Oh, absolutely not. Why would it?

-I don't know. You be talkin'… [laughs]
-[laughs] Why?

You've been talking some shit?
You've been talking shit?

-No. I'm not talking no shit.
-Oh, okay. Oh, okay.

All right. So, we good, then.

-Yeah. Straight up.
-It ain't no thing.

-Oh, my God!

The f*ck?

The f*ck was that?


-Cheers to Jackie.
-Cheers to me and only me.

Like, Jack, though, on the real though.
Like, how is your heart?

Like, how do you feel?

I'm torn.

Do you think you guys are just having
fundamental differences,

and so little things are starting
to bottle up?

-Girl, you're being federal.

You're asking these federal questions,
trying to be in my business.


-[Josh] That's so crazy.
-It is crazy.

-[Josh] You guys care if I'm--
-You don't even know.

You don't even get
what we're going through. [chuckles]

[Josh] Can I have a moment with Jackie?

-[Bliss] Yeah.
-All right?

[Micah] Jackie's face…

-Wait. Hold on.
-[Josh] You gonna whup my ass.

-I'm not. I don't know what's going on.

-I'm supposed to be over here. What's up?
-Okay. Hi.

-What you trippin' for?
-How are you? How are you?

What's up with you?

You're really surprised I came in here?

-I'm surprised.

-Shut the hell up. You weren't surprised.
-I'm surprised. I'm surprised.

-I did not think you was gonna pull up.

Too cool for school.

-How am I too cool for school?
-You too cool for school.

You were talking to MBA cry boy.


I'm gonna be upfront.

Marshall was crying with everybody.

It was from the first day to the last day,
so I was like--

When I was talking to you,
I was keeping it real from the jump.

And then I felt like you were always real.

So, I was just like, I didn't think that
you were gonna be falling for that shit.

-Look over there.
-[Bliss] I know.

-[Zack] I don't like this.
-[Bliss] I know.

-They wanna have a moment to talk.
-I know.

[Bliss] I know,
and we can't control what people feel.

It is weird to see somebody
that you truly care about

with somebody else.

So, like, you genuinely cared about me?

Of course.

That's not even a question.

But then I got put in a position where…

I put somebody else's feelings
above myself.

[Jackelina] Hmm.

And once I got home, I was like,
"I know this brother for a couple weeks."

"I was trying to know shorty for life."

Josh, I think…

You can tell Marshall.
I don't give a g*dd*mn.

You-- You're trying to get in my business.

'Cause I am [/i]trying to get
in your business. What's up?

Because-- but imagine you being--
imagine you being

in love with somebody

and not being able to tell somebody
because some other things happened.

That's so crazy
that you're saying all this to me,

because I feel like we never
talked about emotions in the pod.

-Oh, we didn't?
-I feel like we didn't.

-We never talked about…
-But you didn't tell me that--

We talked about emotions.
We talked about real shit.

We were, like-- I felt like we--

-I had no idea. I had no idea.
-Wait. Okay.

But if that's--

Then, why were…

Why were we always talking together?

I mean, we had a connection,

but you never was, like,
super deep with me, super open.

It's beyond the…

the lights. It's beyond the cameras.

I don't give a f*ck
about none of that shit.

If you truly think you're gonna go walk up
and talk to Marshall and be like,

"Yo, I do," then f*ck it. f*ck me.

You know what I'm saying?
f*ck me. I don't give a g*dd*mn.

But if I walked out of here
without telling you how I felt,

then what type of man would I be?

-I appreciate you telling me.

Thank you for being real.

If you're gonna marry somebody,
you're gonna marry somebody.

But if you don't feel like… heart-to-heart
you're really gonna marry somebody,

pick me.

Do you-- Are--

Are you gonna marry him?

-["Cry No More" by Jake Warren playing]
-♪ You got me breaking down the door ♪[/i]

♪ Head is hurting,[/i] and my heart is sore ♪

♪ Do we really wanna start the w*r? ♪

♪ 'Cause I won't cry no more for you ♪



-Hey, got you something. [chuckles]
-[gasps] Oh, my God!

[Paul] I know that I love you.

I know that
we want the same things out of life.

I have no question
you are the right person for me.

I'm so proud of us. [chuckles]

-[Brett] Keep your eyes closed.
-Oh, my God!


[women cheering, laughing]

[Chelsea] I see myself
walking down the aisle

to my husband in this dress.

[Kwame] I love you with all my heart.

Will you say yes to me
without your mom's approval?

I know you're happy,
but don't fool yourself.

Clearly, I love him.

-You can't tell?
-[man] All right.

-You can't tell?

-[Zack] What are you scared about?
-[Bliss] Your parents got divorced.

-Mine got divorced.

Like, I want it to feel fully right.

It's okay to change your mind in things.

Losing you is my biggest regret.
I do love you.

I wanna be together.

[Marshall] I need answers.
Josh, whatever that is. I need to know.

I think you're so sweet.

Just love me.

-[Micah] It's a big decision.

I just don't know,
like, what he's gonna say.

I feel really stressed.

I'm definitely guilty of thinking more
with my head than my heart.

-[Marshall] This is ball game.
-[woman] Please stand.

You're the person that has everything
to offer. Never settle.

Oh, my God.

[woman] Now is the time to decide
if love is blind.

[Micah] I think that
the best thing that I can do for us

is to give you the opportunity
to answer first.

[woman gasps softly]

[crowd murmuring]

-["Cruise" by Raphael Lake playing]

♪ You wear tattoos like I wear my scars ♪

♪ Chasing shadows in a hotel bar ♪

♪ At least you know just who you are ♪