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01x06 - Aniqatiga

Posted: 02/08/14 08:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

How long have you known about your tumor?

Are you high?

I had a migraine, so I took...

You're lying, unless you took the whole bottle.

(roaring) I don't want to become one of those things.

You know what I'm asking. Thank you.

How long does he have?

Take this time and make the most of it.

Hallucinations are one of the symptoms of the infection.


This wasn't a g*dd*mn accident!

I've got a reply for that message!

(wind blowing)

I'm sorry, Doreen.

We fought through seven outbreaks together, and I always thought I was the one leading you.

It turns out you were the one pushing me.

Have you located Balleseros?

No, not yet.

Alan: Doreen's m*rder was no coincidence.

I'm not sure I follow.

Oh, you follow just fine.

But let me spell it out for you anyway: whatever Balleseros is up to, it has everything to do with this virus.

If you want to pretend you don't know that, that's fine.

But I want him found.


(Balleseros grunting with effort)


Who's this?

Dr. Rae Van Eigem.

I found her on Level B after Level R was sealed off.

She died before the coma could set in.

You found her on Level B?

Why wasn't I notified?

There wasn't time.

I isolated her and tended to her needs as best I could.

This is NARVIK-B. She should be a vector, not a corpse.

How did she die, Sarah?

Morphine. Overdose.

Who administered the dose?

I did what I thought was right.

So much for not k*lling the infected, right, Doc?

I am going down to Level R and I am bringing back Dr. Walker. You might want to inform your boss.

He's dealing with an emergency situation.

What emergency situation could possibly be more pressing than this outbreak?

He'll be back when he's finished, and no one is going down to Level R. No one in, no one out. That includes Dr. Walker.

You're gonna sh**t me, Daniel?

Is that really your play here?

You need to get back to your lab.

I don't work for you! Do you have any idea what this thing is? What it's doing to people?

I'm aware, yes. People are sick.

Not sick, they're dying!

Your brother is showing signs of improvement.

My brother barely has brain activity, no thanks to Hatake!

Dr. Hatake and I both want the same thing you do.

That g*n in your hand is telling a different story, son!

Will you two cut it out?

Get back to work.


I'll take care of her.

(faint children's laughter)

(faint children's laughter)

(girl laughing)

(gasp) Peter.

What are you doing here?

I came to help you.

Help me with what? You...

You're not real.

Feels pretty real.

Go away.

Still here.

You must want me to stay for a reason.

Like what?

Who is she?



(vector shrieking)

(vector shrieking)

(vectors shrieking)

(happy instrumental music)

So, what now?

I'm going down to get Julia.

Wait, what about...

She wrote the book on viral splicing and RNA binding proteins.

I need her... We need her to fight this thing.

Alan, we don't know how sick she is. We don't even know if she can work.

No, we don't. But Doreen is dead, Balleseros has gone missing, and we are back to square one. Jules is our best hope.

She's our only hope.

How do we get down to Level R?

The stairwells are sealed shut and Daniel controls the elevator.

I'll have to improvise.

By the way, these are for you, for your migraines.

Gabapentin. Where did you...

Dr. Sulemani used them for OCD. They should work.

No more morphine.

All right? I need you sharp.

You and I are all we have left. If we don't have each other, if we don't back each other up, we have nothing.

Absolutely. And...

Thank you.

System voice: Cafeteria is now open.

Cafeteria is now open.

Cafeteria is now...



Oh, my god.

What is it?

Your wound.


No, it's... it's healing remarkably fast.

Must have good genes.

Must have.

Are you all right?

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That I was hallucinating! That Jaye wasn't real.

Why did you let me go on believing she was here?

Do you enjoy watching people suffer?

I am a doctor first, like you.

My job is to save people.

By lying to them?

I didn't tell you, because I didn't need to. You were disoriented, and speaking to Jaye seemed to be helping.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

(pounding on door) (vector shrieking)

Not everyone can be saved.

(Julia groaning in pain)

Dr. Walker?


Julia. (Julia hyperventilating)

It's been a long time since I've made thermite.

It was in high school senior prank.

It didn't go very well.

This was no quarantine.

It was a "seal and forget."

Dark in there. I can't see much.

They're probably all huddled in the labs.

We'll never find her like this.

We have to go inside.

I think I see something at the end of the hall.

(vector shrieking)



(vector roaring in pain)


If there's an abrasion or a cut or anything of the kind...

I'm fine.

We have to make sure. You know that.

I had no idea there'd be so many of them.

I ought to have my head examined for putting you at risk.

I chose to go down there with you.

First Doreen, then Jules.

I can't lose you too, Sarah.

Um... what are we gonna do about Julia?

To get to her, we have to go through those...

Those monsters?

I was going to say "those patients".

Desperately sick patients. If we want to get to Jules, we'll have to treat them first.

What if we can't?

Then they'll bury this base, with us in it.

What are you doing?

You passed out. Don't worry, Julia.

We'll have you back on your feet in no time.

What are you doing to my eyes? I can't see.

What is that?

I'm giving you a sedative.

You should sleep.

(groggily): I don't want to sleep.


You're going to be OK.

(Hatake humming softly)

(Hatake humming softly)

System voice: Access granted.

Aw! What the hell?

Who are you?

I could ask you the same thing.

I'm Anana.


Where am I?

You're in my home.

Are these really necessary?

Don't know you from Adam.

In that case, maybe I should cuff you too.


(groaning) I'm Sergio.

I assume I have you to thank for punching me in the face?

You kept trying to fight me. How are you feeling otherwise, Sergio?

Like hell.

That's better than expected for a guy who was left for dead on the ice.

What is this green shit? It's a seaweed pack.

We're not exactly near the Mayo Clinic, so relax.

You're the law?

Only peace officer within 400 miles of Tonrar settlement.

(kettle whistling)


Means "ghost."

Sounds scarier than what it is. We don't stay in one place very long.

Here, drink this. It'll warm you up.

You're lucky to have all your fingers and...

What'd you have to do that for, huh? I was trying to be hospitable.

It hurts.

Good! Let that be our introduction.

Bullshit! What am I, a hostage?


This can be as dirty as you want it to be.

What do you want?

I want what's in here.

Tell me what you know about Arctic Biosystems.

I don't know anything.

That's how you want to play it?

All right, then maybe you are a hostage.

This is ridiculous!

If you want to talk, great.

If not, I can always bring you back to the base and let whoever tried to k*ll you finish off what they started.


Come have a look at this.

Tell me what you see.

The virus is attacking the cell, multiplying rapidly.

Look again.

Look more closely.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe I didn't see it before.

How could you have? We weren't looking for it.

He's using the virus as a delivery mechanism.

The question is: What's the virus bringing to the party?

And why?

Son of a bitch.

Dr. Farragut.

What's in the virus?


I saw it with my own eyes.

What did you splice into its genetic code?

I don't know what you mean.

I know you're using the virus as a delivery mechanism.

Now, what kind of gene therapy are you messing with?

You used my brother as a lab rat!

You played with his life, with Julia's life, with the rest of those poor people on Level R. You put this place here so you wouldn't be regulated, so you could play God with people's lives! Look where's it's gotten you!

Tell me the truth.


NARVIK is a delivery system.

But there is no conspiracy, Dr. Farragut.

That, I'm afraid, is in your head. As far as your brother...

He was no lab rat.

What then? What is all this?

A way to treat what was once untreatable.


All five classifications. Think of it: a cure for one of the deadliest diseases of our time.

Instead of causing harm, the virus delivers a cure.

It's brilliant.

Unfortunately, we haven't perfected it yet.

It wasn't the virus.

Sarah: What's not?

The virus made Peter sick but it didn't change him. It was the gene therapy inside the virus.

What did you put into the NARVIK-B strain that changed him?


We hadn't introduced the gene therapy.

There is something inside this virus.

And I will find it.

I need you to tell me what's really going on here.

It doesn't concern you.

Your safety and the safety of this base is my only concern.

I can't protect you if I'm in the dark.

A lot has happened while you were away. Balleseros found Dr. Hvit.

What? How did he...

It's not a problem.

I took care of him.

Took care of him? How?

Introduced him to the business end of an ice axe.

Left him out on the ice.

What have you done?

You said yourself he was a threat. I eliminated him.

You fool! Don't you see?!

When he fails to check in, they will come.

You need to eat.

Your body is trying to heal.

Like you care.

You're no good to me dead.

Fine. I just want to know why I'm here.

So, we're doing this dance again?

I told you why you're here. Arctic Biosystems.

I already told you, I don't know anything.

You knew enough that someone tried to shank your ass and leave you for dead.

That was a personal thing.

Had nothing to do with the base. What about the research they do?

Tell me about the children.

What children?

What are you talking about?!

We can try this again later.

Gonna be the same whenever you try it.

That depends on how hungry you get!
(girl humming)

They are so cute at that age.

What is this place? Why did you bring me here?

Hey, this is your dance party. I'm just along for the ride.

Maybe you should ask her.

About what?

Maybe she's trying to get you to remember something.

Something you've forgotten.

How am I supposed to remember something I've forgotten?

Nothing's ever really forgotten.

Not if you don't want it to be.

Go ahead, ask her.


I'm Julia.

That's my name too.

What is this place, Julia?

This is my house.

You mean you live here?

Only in the summer.

I come here with my mommy.

I used to spend the summer with my mommy too.

You did?

Mm-hmm. In a place called Montana.

Have you ever heard of it?

(Young Julia laughs.)

Of course I have, silly.

Where do you think we are right now?

Yes. This is where I grew up.

This is Montana, where I lived with my mother.

I'm home.

(classical flute music)

Now we wait.

Something like that.

What the hell?


Have you ever...

What's it doing?

Reacting to the cold.

Extreme low temperatures.

Slowing down the effects of the virus.

Which means this might work on humans.

We need to get Peter on ice.

Lift his head. All right.

Alan, what was that thing?

Whatever it was, the cold slowed it down.

I've never seen anything like that in my life.

Sarah, no one has seen anything like that.

It's working.

It's working, but we have to get him colder.

There was a lab. Down on Level G, doing some kind of cryo work.


Um... Dr. Victor Adrian.

You stay here. Get him colder and get him prepped to move.








Do you understand?!

Easy! - You want to know why you're here? Take a look.

What am I looking at? A bunch of kids?

Missing kids.

Thirty-one over the past two decades, all within 200 miles of Arctic Biosystems and your precious Dr. Hatake.

I don't understand.

Someone's been stealing our children.

You have no idea who you're protecting.

Or maybe you do. Hmm?

You tell me.

(dog barking outside)

You try anything again, I will sh**t you.

That's funny.


Whoop, whoop, whoop!

We'll sneak up on her slow.

I'll be right behind you. Don't be afraid.

Victor Adrian?

Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop!

I'm Alan Farragut of the CDC.

Piss off. Hey!

I was watching that.

I need your help.

I've been stuck here for a week like a caged animal.

What do you expect me to do? Put out a welcome mat?

I know the situation has been less than ideal.

(Victor laughs.)

Now that is the understatement of the year.

What do I get out of it?

Excuse me?

Quid pro quo.

I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

Do we understand each other?

What is it you want?

First, you're gonna call off the guards.

I haven't taken a shit without a chaperone for the last six days.

Second, I want to be first in line out of this hell-hole when the cavalry arrive.

All right, all right. You help me solve this, and you will be first in line.

I guarantee it.

Dr. Alan Farragut, how may I be of assistance?

You work with cooling systems?



VFC Immersion. Latest and greatest.

Does it work?

Why don't you say hello to some of my friends?

(groaning in pain)



(He laughs.)

(Balleseros yelling)

Stop right there!

You both work for Hatake.

Is that it?!

Let him go.

He tried to k*ll me back at the base!

What? When?

You want information about Hatake? Here's your man!

Go ahead! Ask him!

Are you out of your mind?! That's my brother!

Daniel is your brother?

Who's Daniel?

That's my brother Tulok!

You want to tell me why you att*cked my brother?

I was just... trying to escape.

This is a picture of me and my brothers.


You met Tulok outside.

This is Miksa.

He disappeared when we were kids.

He was only four years old.

Where's Miksa now?

You tell me, you son of a bitch.

Have you seen him?

I need to go back to the base.

We need to go back to the base.

Look, I didn't know we'd be trying this out on an actual person, let alone someone as bad off as he is.

I can't promise anything.


VFC immersion hypothermia.

Human trials, take one.

How do you stop the body's natural defense mechanisms against the cold?

It is all in how we cool the body down. The solution is taken into his lungs while it simultaneously soaks into the skin and envelops the entire body, inside and on the out.

So how does he breathe?

He doesn't breathe.

Humans don't breathe for the first nine months.

It's a matter of keeping him oxygenated.

Either way, we still have a deal, right?

No matter how this goes.

Just give me a little more time, Peter.

Let's do this.

(cutlery clinking)

Please, Julia, come on. Time to eat.

(Tchaikovsky: "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy")

Why are you here?

You're the one that made her sick. This is all your fault.

My fault? Don't blame me.

We're all trapped here because of her.

That's not fair.

Who said anything about fair?

This is all in your head. Why are we even here?

I don't know.

Pass the cranberry sauce.

Thank you.

It's all about you, Julia.

It's always been about you.

He's right, y'know. He's right.

You got us into this mess.

I'm not-I mean, I didn't-I just, I didn't mean to get... Oh, come on.

I just want answers.

You don't even know the right questions to ask.

Why you, Julia?

Why this virus? Why now?

I'm starved.

Can we do this while we eat?

You have all the answers.

You just don't know it.

I'm trying to remember, but I can't.

Just figure it out already.

Figure it out so we can eat.

Would anyone like sweet potatoes?

(young Julia humming)

Maybe the question isn't why we're here as much as why are we're here.

This place, the cabin where you grew up.

Maybe this would be easier if we all ate something.

Will you carve, Jules?

(young Julia humming and giggling)


(others): Mmm!

Wait, this isn't supposed to be happening.

This is not happening!


Sarah: Are y... are you sure about this?

He'll adapt.


He'll settle. It's normal.

Normal for what?

It's okay. The monkeys did the exact same thing.

The rats too.

This is k*lling him. Alan.


He's drowning.

No. No. If there's any chance we could save him...

His core temperature's dropping.

It's 95.




Fifty-five degrees.


Can he see us?

No. I don't think so.

But it's something.


The CDC seem to have had a breakthrough.

I'm sorry for disappointing you.

Please forgive me, father...

It's my fault.

I didn't prepare you well enough.

I made a mistake.

There are no mistakes, only opportunities wasted.

It won't happen again.

Good. We don't have much time to prepare.

What do you want me to do?

First... show me Major Balleseros' body.

It's amazing. Brain activity isn't 100%, but it's a start.

(breathing shakily)

Alan, are you okay?

This is where I left him.

Right here.

I took his jacket and boots. He couldn't have got far.

He's been taken.

I'll go find him.

(helicopters approaching)


We'll deal with this later.

They're here.

Are you OK?


System voice: Warning: incoming flight. Warning: incoming flight.

Thank God. The cavalry's here.


I never got the call out.
