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04x13 - The "Live" Reunion

Posted: 04/18/24 17:40
by bunniefuu
[audience applauding, cheering]

[Vanessa cheering]

Welcome to Love Is Blind: The Reunion.

I wanna say we are sorry we're late.

We are no longer live,
but we are now finally here.


[audience applauding, cheering]

-We're here.

And all of you at home,
you haven't missed a thing.

We've been sitting in these couches
not talking to each other,

so we could save all the tea for you.

We're gonna be diving into this season's
most talked about moments.

-The I dos, the I don'ts,

and all of the love triangles.

We have exclusive,
never before seen footage from the show,

plus we'll have a sneak peek at what
our married couples' home lives are like.

-Yes, yes.
-[all cheering]

But, guys,
that's enough business up front.

Let's get into it.

Audience, please give our cast
a huge round of applause.

[audience applauding, cheering]

As always, we want to thank all of you

for having so much courage
to share your love

and to share your lives on Love Is Blind.

-Jackie and Josh aren't here,

but I sat down with them
for an exclusive interview

that we will show you
later on in the show.

Plus, we will be joined by Irina
here in studio in just a bit.

-[audience booing, cheering]

-Oh, okay, we got a 50-50 audience.

First, I want to say hi to Marshall,
Micah and Paul.

-Hey, y'all.
-[both snicker] Yeah, yeah!

[audience applauding, cheering]

Paul, a little heartbreak shirt?
What is that?

-Little heartbreak shirt.
-A little heartbreak shirt. Okay.

Okay. Zack and Bliss.
A little coordination.

-[Vanessa] Hi. How are ya'll?
-[Bliss] Hi.

-We're good.
-You're good?

And I'm judging by the outfit and
the socks, y'all are still married.

-And the rings.
-And the rings.

-Dead giveaway.
-[all chuckling]

[Vanessa] Did the owl portrait make it
into your love nest together?

[Bliss] Yes, it is.

Yup, it's right there.
We see it every day.

-[Vanessa] Oh, yay! Okay.
-[Nick] All right.

[Nick] Kwame, Chelsea.
Great to see you guys.

-[audience cheering]

Let's get the business out of the way.
Still happily married at this point?

-Very happily married, yes.

-Still feeding each other strawberries?
-All the good things.

Oh, all good things,
including the strawberries.

[Vanessa] Ooh!

And last but certainly not least,
Brett and Tiffany.

[audience applauding, cheering]

Still madly in love
and happy as ever, I'm assuming.


-...didn't see.
-[all chuckling]

[Nick] Hey,
careful with the NSYNC references.

[Vanessa] We only do 98 Degrees references
in this family.

-You're both looking sharp.

But, Brett especially sharp.

I have to ask. Did bougie Brett
get this suit custom made?

-This is a 100 percent custom suit.

[audience applauding]

And the kicks?

You know, I had to make
some statement sneakers.

I didn't make 'em,
but I had to wear some statements.

I was gonna joke,
but it was too long of a delay

that we were actually late
because Brett was getting his pants fixed.

Anyways, Tiffany, your romance,

Brett, your romance together is hot.

Watching you guys sit here.

We've sat here for an hour watching
you guys just all over each other,

so madly in love.

Obviously watching the wedding.

We saw you guys. It was a fairy tale.

The fairy tales continued in life,
I'm assuming?

[Tiffany] Oh, absolutely.

I mean... Well, so here's the thing.

I actually moved down to Portland
and it was like such a...

I don't know,
it was just a big change for me.

But one thing that our family has always
said and supported us on is like,

"Look, never stop dating."

And that's one thing that
Brett is really good with.

-It's true.
-[Vanessa] Aww.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-He keeps sweeping you off your feet.

-He does.
-In a sense, you keep it hot and spicy.

But you need to give yourself
some credit, Tiffany,

because I don't know if you remember

on your wedding day
after y'all got married,

you were very eager to go
to the bridal suite.

[Tiffany] Oh, my Gosh!

You wanted to sneak away so bad,
and this is a reality show.

So this is our never before seen clip
of when they hit the bridal suite.

[audience applauding, cheering]

Roll the tape.

Nah, for real?

[audience laughing]

[Brett] Tiffany.


[Tiffany giggles]


Of course I was joking.

I'm not gonna air your dirty laundry.

I'm curious.
Did you go back to the bridal...

-What is it called when you...
-Get a little quickie in.

No, not a quickie.

[all laughing]

-No, when you get married...
-You consummate.

[Vanessa] Yeah. That's what it is.

Did you consummate? Is this TMI?

I mean, I wanted to,
but I love messing around with him.

I'm quite the jokester.

-We're both jokesters.

Yeah. Yeah.

You didn't want
to mess up the suit just yet.

-Not yet.

Time and place for everything.

I will say, that moment
of you falling asleep, Tiffany,

is definitely going to go down
in the Love Is Blind archives.

And you're probably never
going to live it down.

But we want to know
what was going on in your mind

when your girls woke you up.

You got Chelsea dancing over you.

What were you thinking at that moment?

Uhm, uh-oh...

Well, [chuckles]

I actually didn't remember
what happened.

Like, I knew I just shut my eyes,

and I was like, okay,
like his voice was soothing.

We were playing like a game before then,

and so I was just like,

I think I'm falling in love with you."

It was an emotional release,
and I was just,

all right, I said what I needed to say.


And then I guess I knocked out
for a little while.

-I don't even know how long it was.
-[Nick] You had a good nap.

-I did. Twenty minutes?
-Twenty minutes.

[Vanessa] That's called a power nap.
You get it, girl.

-It was a good 20.
-Yeah, not my finest moment.

But, my girl, she woke me up.

We were always singing
that song in the pods,

and I guess she knew
what I was gonna wake up to.

I didn't know I was
gonna wake up dancing.

I saw it with the rest of the fans.

I was like, my gosh, it just hit me
when I realized Brett wasn't there,

and I thought I'd missed my moment.

-So funny.

Marshall, I gotta ask you,

because I heard that you take,
actually, responsibility

for the two of them getting together.

How true is that?

Yeah, 100 percent, all me.

-No, I'm joking.
-[all laughing]

Not 100 percent. But I will say, though,

after Tiffany and I
decided to call it quits...

Not really call it quits,
but just focus on other people,

Uh, I went to Brett,
and I was just like telling Bret,

Tiffany is a wonderful woman,
and I know...

I felt like I had known Brett
before all of this.

-We had just instantaneously connected,
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

and I felt like Tiffany was
the right person for Brett

and Brett was the right person
for Tiffany.

There's a lot more to that story, uh...

There were a whole bunch
of emotions swirling,

and I just said to Tiffany,

"Your person is here
and you will get through this."

And look where they are now.

-[Nick] Let's hear it from her person.
-[audience applauding]

What's his favorite moment?

Yeah. Brett, I'm curious. When you
think back to how this all started,

way back in the pods
and the year that's happened since,

what's your favorite memory?

What's your favorite memory
of your love story together?

Ooh, uh, without a doubt,

I'd say our last dinner
before the wedding,

-where I surprised her with the portraits.

Uhm, for me that was,
out of all the moments,

or the moment that
I was most looking forward to,

just because of the story behind it.

In the show there's a scene where

Tiffany is like, crying on the couch,

she's overwhelmed by
all the planning that's going on

and we're kind of sitting like we are now

and I'm just kind of telling,
"Hey, it's okay to feel that way."

And that day I actually just
came back from Portland.

I drove three hours up which,
fun little nugget,

it wasn't really mentioned in the show,
but I don't live in Seattle,

I live in Portland.

Uh, so that day I drove up
three hours in the morning

and then drove up three hours back
in the same day from work.

And, uh, I wanted to take her portrait,

she said yes, to make her feel better.

And then I knew that
the last thing she would expect

would be to be surprised with the pictures
from the sh**t and her reaction...

As a photographer,
I started doing photography in 2020.

I had never had my work framed.

So her reaction was everything.

So that was your work
as a photographer.

What do you think about the photography
of Kwame and Chelsea's little engagement...

-How's that moment?
-[all exclaiming]

[Brett] I haven't seen the pictures.

You see the pictures
you saw the whole photoshoot.

-[Nick] We saw the sh**t.
-We loved that.

What was that like for you?

Hi, by the way,
you guys look very coordinated

and still very much in love.

-Thank you.
-[audience applauding, cheering]

I'm going to say now
it's a signature pink.

You got all the shades right?

Fifty shades of pink over here.

Fifty shades of pink. I love that.

What was it like watching
your engagement photoshoot together

for the whole world to see?

What was going on in your guys' minds?

-We loved it. We loved it.
-[Vanessa chuckles]

It was really a dream come true for me.

What the viewers didn't see was that we
connected about Calvin Klein in the pods

before all of that

and we had a date
and it was called the Calvin Klein date.

Yeah, Chelsea, actually,
she got me a gift,

and I opened the box
and it's a pair of boxers.

I'm sitting there like,
"What do I do with these?"

She's like, "Go put 'em on."

-He was like, "Here?" I was like, "Yes."
-And, so...

So, yeah.

I left the pod, put the boxes on,
came back in and we had our date.

-In your Calvin's?
-In both of our Calvin's.

I hope at this point that Calvin Klein
has sent you all some free underwear.

[Kwame] We're waiting for it.

My mom even shopped
before the show with me

for my future

you know, husband,
my mystery man husband's underwear.

I mean, God bless her.

Uh, but she knew this was
going to happen for me.

[Vanessa] Wait.

So the pair that you gave him
wasn't the pair your mom bought, was it?

No. We just, like, went together.

And she was like, "What are we doing?"

Just making sure. I don't know...

No, but it did arrive
after we left to film

and she had to send them to the studio.

So it was a whole thing.

Did you guys print the photos?

We will be. Definitely.

There are blank walls in our house.

I've been waiting
for a year for these pictures.

And, yeah, that date, by the way,
was the day that I knew

Chelsea was the one.
I walked back in

and I actually have
those boxers on right now.

-[Vanessa] Hey!
-[Nick] Hey!

[Vanessa] We got a lucky pair
of underwear, ladies and gentlemen.

[all laughing]

Well, guys, there were so many couples

that said, "I do," this season,
which is fantastic.

But there were also a record number
of a number of love triangles.

And we're going to get to each
and every one of them, don't you worry.

But first, we want to talk
about Chelsea, Kwame and Micah.

Here is a never before seen clip
of the ladies discussing Kwame

and Micah's infamous
poolside chat in Mexico.

Check it out.

-Hi, little Frank!

He's just a little teddy bear.

I know. You remember her?

-What's your dog's name?
-No. This is Rocky.

Hi! What's your name, baby?

...come say hi...

-How are you guys doing?

Moved in. We just got back
and it's a lot going on now.

Yeah. We haven't really seen
each other since Mexico.

And I know we kind of laughed,
like, on a weird "No."

And I think there was, like,
some confusion over,

like some stuff that was like said,

and I know some of the girls said that
you were like maybe feeling like upset.

Yeah. I mean, I'd love
to hear like your take

on what happened at the welcome party.

I, like, made a super unfortunate joke

that, like I thought
was going to be taken as funny.

But it wasn't and in that regard,
it's like I really do regret it.

What was the joke?

I think it was something like to the tune

of like, I don't know like cheers,
like a failed proposal

or something like...

It proceeded
to be a 20 minute conversation.


-It just didn't need to be in that way

-in my opinion.

He was, like, upset,
and that's why he wanted to talk.

But when you like, came over,
it was more to just, like, chat more.

And so I feel like, from an outside
perspective, I would look at that

and be like, "What the hell's
going on over there?"

Yeah, and I did.

-That's how I would have felt too.
-And I was really uncomfortable.

From what you told me in the pods,
you were breaking up with him.

And from what he told me,
he was breaking up with you.

So you guys were like
breaking up with each other

-in your own ways.

I don't know your guys'
relationship, but I didn't...

Obviously, I only knew the connection
that I had with Kwame, right?

-You just wanted to be respectful to me.
-Yeah. 100 percent.

-We both fell in love with the same guy.

And to say that we weren't
threatened by each other would be a lie.

I do apologize if that comment,
like, stirred up, like

...for literally no reason.
That wasn't my intention.

-Well, I appreciate it. Thank you.

Let's get back to our night.

-Take her for a walk. I love you.
-Okay. Okay.

[speaking indistinctly]


So, Chelsea, appeared in that clip

that you and Micah had made up.

But that was before you saw

the actual footage with audio
and some more visual of Micah and Kwame's

Mexico, poolside chat.

What was it like
when you actually watch that?

I mean, it was difficult.
It was very uncomfortable.

Uhm, but we had had that conversation.

Mike and I had had
resolution together, right?

Kwame and I had had hours
long conversation that evening.

And you guys saw a little snippet,
you know of our conversation.

Uhm, so we had moved on.

I mean, you know,
we are happily married right now.

And yes, like that was
an immature comment.

And she understands that
and I believe that she's grown,

and I do really, really
want her to be happy.

And if I may like, I think
that there's something

that I need to say about it,
like, there's three layers.

There's an apology that needs to be said

like first and foremost, that was really
hard for me to watch, right?

It was really hard looking back at that
and being there with my wife as well.

That was incredibly immature of me

to react that way to it
and allow it to go that way.

So it is incredibly unfair to my wife.

And I'm so sorry, baby.

And like, I'm so glad
that we've grown so much together.

And, [clears throat]

I'm sorry I let my ego
get the best of me in that moment.

I'll never do that again, you know?

And then the second layer is, I need
to say sorry to Chelsea's family, right?

It's not an accurate representation of our
relationship and definitely not of me.

I definitely let that moment
get the best of me.

And so they all need to know
how much I care and love for my wife

you know, and she means
the world to me, you know?

And I think a third layer is
for all the people who are out there

who believe in us, who saw that,
and it gave them a really negative light.

You know? So all in all like,

I accept completely what happened there.

And I know that I needed to grow
to get past moments like that.

And I think that I'm in a better spot, and
that puts us in a much better spot, so.

[Nick] Just to be clear,
after the two of you were engaged,

you no longer had feelings for Micah?
That ship had sailed.

I did not.
Uhm, so little did the world know

there were a couple of dates
that Micah

and I had that were long scheduled dates
that we both ended early, right?

Like at that point in time,

by the time we broke up,
we weren't having

as much fun in our dates anymore.

So we both knew it was coming up.

You know, it just had to be that
that final step to make it happen.

But I think we both knew, like our hearts
were going in different directions.

And they were directions
that were definitely better for us

and we needed to take that step.

But to be fair,
thinking back to your reaction,

to your and Micah's last date in the pods.

It seemed like it was a fairly
emotional reaction on your part.

If you knew that you were kind of heading
in separate directions, why was it...

Why were you so emotionally moved
at that moment, it hurt, right?

It hurt, right?

It hurts no matter what.

We've all had those moments
where you separate from someone

that you know isn't right for you,
and you still sit on your bed

and eat ice cream for a month, right?

Right, like, we go through those moments.
You have to process your emotions

regardless of whether my heart
was in a different place and I moved on,

I still needed to process out the pain.

-[Vanessa] Okay.

And so I, I think that I'm okay
with what, what happened.

It helped me process it.

I do think I should have handled
the break-up immediately,

um, with a bit more maturity

because I think we would've gotten
more closure before Mexico.

But all in all, I think
that there was some pain in it

and that's how I processed it.

[Vanessa] Something I noticed
in that clip was, um,

Chelsea, you were telling Micah,

"Hey, you know, you told me
you were gonna break up with him.

But he told me he'd break up with you."

And Micah, you kind of made
a little smirk, you went, mm.

But you didn't say anything.

So, was that not
your recollection of things,

that he was gonna break up with you?
You were always gonna break up with him.


You know,
I don't think I was aware of that,

but I don't think it matters.

Um, I think... I mean, the proof is here.

You know, they're happy, they're married.

Regard, regardless of the cadence...
It happened and it doesn't matter.

You know, we both knew
what was best for ourselves

and we, we followed that.

Yeah. So, why did... Chelsea,

why, did Kwame actually say that to you

or were you just in the moment,
thinking like,

"You told him you were gonna break up,

but he told me
he was gonna break up with you"?

I was so focused on my relationship
with Kwame. Like, the whole time.

And I think that is a little bit why,
at the pool party, I was like, "Whoa!"

But I wasn't involved and like,
I really didn't know how deeply

-they had fallen for each other.
-[Vanessa] No, right.

I'm saying, specifically, when you guys
were walking the dogs,

you actually said, "Kwame told me
he was gonna break up with you."

[Kwame] I have a break-up note in my...

It's still in my note book.

[Vanessa] So, you did.
So that wasn't a lie.

-You did, you just never got to it.
-[Kwame] Yeah, I did.

Yeah, I never got to..
Like, we got into that conversation.

I think it was really, really difficult
because I had written something heartfelt.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-That was meaningful.

Because I think we meant something
to each other in that moment.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-And so, obviously,

you reflect back on it
and you think the conversation just went,

"Hey, I think we should go
in our separate directions,"

and that hurt to hear

because regardless of how little
the connection felt at that point

-there was some depth to it at some point.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

And so, we just...
I felt like in that moment

I needed a bit more closure and acceptance

that we did mean something
to each other at some point

and it helped us
get to this part of our journey

where we are now blessed
to go in the better direction.

[Vanessa] Yes.

And it felt like it was like,
snip, bye-bye.

-[Vanessa] Yes.
-That's what hurt.

-[Nick] Yeah.
-That's all.

And I will say, something that you guys
also didn't see was

in the lounge, I went up to Micah
and I was gonna have like, a truce.

Like, "You know what?
Whatever is meant to be will be.

I really do believe that for both of us."

Before I could even speak, she was like,

"Wait, I'm breaking up with him
right now."

I was like, "Oh."

Like, I was like, "Okay."

It was a little bit shocking to me,
but, like, that's what she said,

that's exactly what she did.

Um, I, obviously,
Kwame was on the other side.

I couldn't talk to him.

I don't know, I can't fact-check anything.
I'll just take what she's saying.

You know?
And she went in there and did that.

[Nick] So, thinking back,
do you feel like,

do you feel like Micah maybe played
with Kwame's emotions

a little bit, in the pods, or not so much?

It's such a complicated experience, right?

I mean, you're falling in love
with multiple people.

And I'm gonna give everyone
the benefit of the doubt.

It's a difficult process and, you know,
we all cope in different ways.

And I'm not saying that, you know...

Condoning, like,
messing around with somebody

or putting someone else down
to make you feel better,

but it is a complex process

and we all deal with it
the best that we can.

I love how much you have reflected.

Specifically, Kwame, when you answered

the question about earlier about
reflecting and wanting to apologize

to your wife and to, you know,
your families and to everybody watching,

because you did post on Instagram.

You said, "I get it, if you don't believe
in it, I get it from what you've seen,"

but you've had fun
falling in love with each other.

-[Kwame] Yeah.
-So, if you had this chance right now

to tell everybody watching,
what do you wanna tell

that you think you wanna address
that is misunderstood about y'all?

About our relationship?

[Vanessa] Or about you guys in general.

I mean, I'll say this, too.
Every single conversation

that Kwame had after Mexico, with Micah,

[Kwame clears throat]

was pushing a narrative that wasn't ours.

[Vanessa] Kwame, anything you think
is misunderstood?

[Kwame] Um, I mean,

I think, all in all,
at the end of the day,

by the time
we were going to step out of the pods

and by the time
we were going to get to Mexico,

it was going to be with Chelsea.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-There's no second guesses.

There's no, "I wish this"
or "I wish that."

Everything happened
the way it was supposed to.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-And we are here because of that.

If there was confusion of,

"Did you think
you'd end up with Micah?" No.

We both knew where we were headed.

We were taking the same journey.

Micah started telling me
she was connecting with Paul,

and I said, "Hey, I'm starting
to connect with someone else, too

and I wanted to let you know."
I wanted to be direct.

I was starting to have
strong feelings for Chelsea.

I think it was only fair,
as everyone going through this experiment,

to address that with the people
we were connected with.

-[Vanessa] I do appreciate

that you told her,
"I'll see her. I'll talk to her."

You were being human

and you said your ego got in the way,
and you were taking it in, visually.

But I respect that you guys
have taken time to reflect

and you look stronger.

Yeah, we were strong,

but if anything, this whole thing
made us even stronger.

Hey now. All right.

[audience cheering, clapping]

[Vanessa] One of my favorite parts

of this season
was when Kwame's sister came on TV.

Like, I want to...

I want her with me all the time.
She's positive, she's joyful,

she's happy, she's encouraging,
she is all the things.

When she came and saw you
in the bridal suite, Chelsea,

watching you melt, I started to cry.
It was such a beautiful moment.

And seeing how much
she means to you, Kwame,

-is so special.
-[Kwame] Yeah.

We also want to know,

have you yet to meet
Kwame's mother, Chelsea?

-Yes, I have met Kwame's mom!
-[Vanessa] What!

-[audience cheering, clapping]

I need all the details.

When? Where? Why? How?


-[Nick] Okay.
-We went to the family for Thanksgiving.

His mom welcomed me with open arms.

[audience exclaiming, clapping]

It was a wonderful first visit.
When I was in his sister's home,

I felt... I was like, "I'm home."

It was loving. There was music, food.
It was just like my family.

And it was such a beautiful experience,
and we went around...

I bonded with his nieces.

We went around a circle
to say what we're thankful for

and his youngest niece said

she was most thankful
for her Auntie Chelsea.

I had to hold back tears,
like, "Get it together."

Um, but it was a wonderful start
to a beautiful journey

as a family together.

[Nick] It's tricky sometimes

to recollect and recall things

-that happened a year ago.
-[Chelsea laughs] It is.

And watching you two sit here tonight
and seeing how happy you are

and how strong you are,
we couldn't be happier.

-Thank you.

[Vanessa] And we can say,

yes, she has met his mother

and yes, Brenda is his sister...


Sorry. Barbara is his sister.

The Internet's making me go crazy.
Everybody can calm down.

They are happy. They're in love.

-And Barbara was not a paid actress.

-[Nick] Put that rumor to rest.
-[Vanessa] Put that rumor to rest.

And if there was, there'd be
a GoFundMe already

-you to contribute to.
-She's that good of a sister.

-She really is.

-[Nick] We all agree.
-A fairy godmother of a sister.

-She's always been my best friend.
-[Vanessa] She practically raised you.

-[Vanessa] I'm really happy for you.

-Thank you.

Now it is time to talk about one
of the most romantic moments

of season four.

The moment that Zack and Bliss
danced to their song

after they got married. Take a look.

-♪ I hope you dance
-♪ Time is a wheel in constant motion

-♪ I hope you dance
-♪ Always rolling us along

-♪ I hope you dance
-♪ Tell me, who wants to look back

On their years and wonder

-♪ I hope you dance
-♪ Where those years have gone

[audience cheering, clapping]

[Nick laughs]

Yep. You guys, watching you...

-See, it gets me, too.
-I've watched it 20 times.

I still tear up.

It's never going to get old.

I want to say, your love journey
has been one that progressed

and it progressed so beautifully.

And at that moment, on your wedding day,
that's when I was such a believer.

Zack, watching your face
when you were staring at your wife

and when you were dancing with her,
I knew this man is in love with her

and I am hoping, holy cow,
for the first Love Is Blind baby.

[Zack, Bliss laughing]

-Not that I'm putting pressure on y'all.
-No pressure.

[Vanessa] It's gonna be...
I think it's gonna be...

How meaningful was that for you, Zack,

to watch and to dance
with your wife to that song?

Yeah, well... It's really interesting.

There was a fan who had commented...

...on one of my... On Instagram,

and it made me really think

about how that song really is a synopsis
of our entire love story.


And the lyrics,

it's pretty wild, right?

Uh, Lee Ann talks about never fearing
the mountains in the distance.

Those mountains
were exactly what I was fearing.

With Bliss.

Like, I was afraid

that it wouldn't work.

I was afraid we couldn't
overcome the mountains

[Nick] Mm.

and I was afraid of what would happen

if it failed.

If we got engaged
and at the altar, it was, "I don't."

Um, and...

-I did take the path of least resistance.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.


I didn't let a hell-bent heart
leave me bitter.

[Vanessa laughing]

You didn't let fear lead you.

You trusted your heart.

Let's talk about another
potential mountain

that you had to maybe overcome.

-Daddy mountain.
-Bliss' father.

We know he was not the biggest fan
of the two of you

getting together.
How has that relationship progressed?

My dad, you know,
he will always show up for me.

He will always be there for me.

At the end of the day,
he's going to trust in me.

And I'm happy to say
that he and Zack are best buds

and they talk...

They can't stop talking to each other
when we're at dinner. It's cute.

-He is paying for a honeymoon for us...
-[Vanessa] Stop it. the Panama.

-Dad has come around?
-[Bliss] Yes.

-[Zack] Can I say something?
-Of course. This is amazing.

I hoped for this.

[Zack] One of the best parts
of our wedding...

I mean, it was amazing.

Like, seeing all my friends and family
that came together in a couple weeks

across, you know,
across the entire country

just to be there was amazing.

But as Bliss was coming up,
her father looked at me.

He gave me a look of approval.

I knew in that moment
that it was going to work out

-and yeah.
-He always comes around.

He strongly loves his children.

[Nick] I think every father
wants the best for their little girl.

Obviously, now he sees
you are the best thing for his girl.

-It's amazing.
-[Bliss] Yeah.

Ya-hoo! So glad Daddy came around.

[audience cheering, clapping]

Zack and Bliss weren't the only ones

that got caught up in some drama
this season.

There was another duo
that had everyone talking

and I am talking about Irina and Micah.

Take a look.

-I know...
-Look at this.

I just went on a date with Paul.

...a little thing.
I just went on a date with Paul.

Like, that's actually really funny.

Looks boring.

[woman 1] Mardi Gras was what I picked
for his date...

[woman 2] Wait, that's so you.

Sounds cute.

-[electronic music playing]

Why does Mardi Gras sound like something
they would do together?

Mardi Gras?


That's not what he wanted,
and that's okay,

but I'm just like, you know,

"You could have been
a little bit more forthcoming

about where you were at

instead of telling me
what I wanted to hear.

Because now I feel like a f*cking idiot
because I believed you.


When's it going to be my turn?

How many times
does your heart have to be broken?

Figures that, you know...

[intense music playing]


I just feel so bad that I hurt him.

[woman 1 crying]

It's crazy.

[woman 2] You didn't do anything wrong.

[woman 3] I need to use the restroom.

-[woman 1] I loved him.

[woman 4] Wait.


We are now joined by Irina.

-Thank you for coming.

What was it like watching that?
Watching it unfold

when you were watching this season?

[sighs in exasperation]

I just need a minute.

[audience chuckle]

I think that throughout this...
Watching that back was really difficult.

It was in multiple parts
and it was a lot with Zack

and with the way things went out,
with the girls in the lounge as well.

I feel like I really came into it
in a selfish perspective

of it was just me on the show,

what I was going through
and what no one else was going around...

No one else is experiencing.

And kind of like,
I wasn't there to make friends.

But in reality, what that...

How that affected other people.

I would say my intention
was never to hurt anyone,

but my impact did.

And it wasn't only seeing
the girls I hurt,

which I will say, I privately apologized
to to all of them,

but I think it was deeper than that.

I think it was seeing people
that were bullied, too,

and them re-watching that
and then feeling the pain that they felt

when they were growing up
in those experiences.

So, I think I'm going through it,
all of it,

and just experiencing and thinking
about everything that happened.

And I know that's not the person
that I want to be and that I'm not.

And it was... It's painful that
that's the image I'm left with on my,

you know, three weeks of this journey.

So, obviously, initially,
you and Zack were together.

Went to Mexico together.
I'm just curious, Bliss,

when you watched that part
of the season back, how did you...

How did you feel about how Irina
was treating Zack out of the pods?

Well, you know, we talked so much
about everything that happened.

He told me every little detail.
I was prepared to see it, but I wasn't...

I was very shocked, honestly,
and I was super disappointed.

And I just really hope
that you grow from this.

It's just sad to see someone
so wonderful be treated so poorly.

And I just hope that you can grow.

[audience cheering, clapping]

[Vanessa] Zack, do you think Irina
ever took your relationship seriously?


I would love to speak on that if I can.

It really hurts to hear Zack say that.

I genuinely think that me and Zack
weren't right for each other.

And when I came into this experience,
I felt like I was in a place to find...

I was ready to meet somebody
I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

And I think that when I went into it,
I came into it thinking,

"If there's anybody there that doesn't
feel right, I'm cutting it off."

Zack was the last guy that I chose
and I still think he's the best guy,

and there's a reason I chose him.

[Vanessa] Yeah.

And I think that we weren't meant to be,

and we can see it from day one
from seeing each other.

to this day, this was the best guy
that I met on the show,

and I meant that,
I came with the intention.

But to be true to myself.
If it wasn't going to work out,

it felt super wrong for me and Zack.

So to sit here and hear him say
that it wasn't true for me,

and that's okay, I understand.
I completely treated you so poorly, Zack.

And nobody deserves
to be treated like that at all,

and I belittled you
and made you feel really small.

And I was going through a lot mentally,

does not mean that
it's an excuse to do that.

Looking back, I'm sorry.

Do you want to add?
I know I'm rambling a little.

But I love you guys' relationship.
I love seeing it unfold.

It was truly one of my favorites,
and that might sound cheesy or cringey,

but seeing Zack be so loved by you
and seeing the things I maybe didn't like,

and seeing you just be in awe
of every little thing he did?

I'll hopefully have that for myself too.

And I truly mean that for the both of you.

[Nick] Zack, I feel like you
may want to say something.

Do you believe the words that are coming
out of her mouth right now,

-or do you still have skepticism?
-[crowd laughing]

[Nick] That's up for you to answer.

-I'm not.
-Yeah, the... [sighs]

[Vanessa] Be comfortable.

You did a lot of things
that hurt a lot of people, including me.

And I mean, you only see
ten percent of it on the camera.

There was so much stuff that happened

that was [chuckles]
just unbelievable.

If we're real,
you went on this show to get famous.

[crowd gasping, cheering]

But look, I... I forgive you.

Like, I genuinely,

I do, too, and we've talked
about that already.

I really don't hold anything against you.
And I know,

there's so many people out here,
that want to attack the people...

the cast on this show,
and you have no idea,

everybody who made a mistake on this show,
it has been punishment enough

for the entire world
to see them at their worst.

Trust me, Irina, Micah,

everybody here who did some...
We all did something stupid.

And so, I 100 percent forgive you, Irina.

And, I... [chuckles]
You know, I...

My last comment, I stand on that.
I have receipts.

But the only receipt
I think the world should see

are the ones I posted
on my Instagram today.

-[crowd gasping]
-And with that said,

I really believe, Irina,

that you will become
an amazing person one day.

I believe that, and I forgive you
for what happened.

And I hope the world does, too.

-[crowd applauding]
-[Bliss] Mm-hmm.


I mean, I could feel
the emotion in your voice

and you touched on something very true.

The experience that you all went through
is one that's so unique

that only you all can understand,

and then you have the perspective
of watching it back,

and I think in that is
a great learning opportunity, um,

to see maybe the way that you came off

in ways that you didn't
necessarily know if that's true.

And we can all learn
from those moments, you know.

Irina, you mentioned
when you were talking to Zack

about wanting to be true to you
and this process and wanting to find love.

But I couldn't help but remember
when you guys did break it off in Mexico,

you're brushing your teeth and he's like,
"I've had a terrible time."

You ask, "You been thinking about Bliss?"
He's like this the whole time.

And you were like, "I was ready to leave
the moment I saw you."

And you kind of said under your breath.
I was like, "Time out. Rewind.

"Did she just say that?"

Right when you saw him in the Reveal,
you're like, "And I'm out."

But you continued to go on.

Yeah, I would love to talk about that.

I think when I saw Zack, I will say
he was completely my type, on paper.

Looks-wise, brown hair.
It wasn't anything about how he looked.

And I know that people are booing me
for that and saying,

"Oh, it's all about looks,"
but it was gut instinct,

and I know Zack felt that
same gut instinct when

Marshall put the blanket over you
and you felt it wasn't right.

I felt that when I saw you
and it was what I was praying for.

I went into this thinking,

"If there's a moment where something
isn't right, I'm cutting it out."

I'd have times in the middle of my dates
where I'd leave and be, "This isn't right.

"You're not a good person,
it doesn't feel right." And I'd leave.

I felt that when I saw Zack,
it was instant uncomfort,

I felt scared, and I didn't feel safe,
and it wasn't safe in the sense of,

I thought he was gonna
hurt me or something.

It didn't feel comfortable for me.

I went back and had a panic attack
and actually asked to go home.

And I said, "This doesn't feel right.
This doesn't feel right."

And I couldn't.
I mean, they asked me,

"Hey, let's go to Mexico
and have a conversation with Zack."

And I said, "Absolutely,
he deserves that 100 percent,"

but I didn't want to continue
because I knew

how hard that felt inside me
and how I was like,

"This isn't going to work."
And he felt it, too.

A 100 percent, Zack.
And it still hurts me,

sorry, to say that you think
I went on the show to get famous,

and I thank you guys for forgiving me.
But that wasn't the reason. And I...

And so, me going to Mexico is me being,
"I'm going to give Zack a chance."

This whole time,
it's me saying I'm giving him a chance.

In reality, I'm treating him
like absolute shit.

I feel like I couldn't have a voice
to tell Zack what I was really feeling,

and Zack is really good with his words.

He's a lawyer.
He's amazing with his words.

But I was in this moment I felt trapped,

and I couldn't tell him
how it was going on with me.

[Vanessa] I don't think it was just words.
There were a lot of actions.

There was pillows over your head.

-There were eye rolls.
-[crowd applauding]

But I do want to say,
And this is something that I...

I always talk about this,
and I'm so sorry to cut you off.

You said you grew up...
And I was wanting to root for you

in the very beginning
because you had a hard time.

People making fun of you, for your acne.
And you felt you were the victim.

So you knew what it was like
to be on that end.


So then to redo it
and to treat people that way

almost seems like it was
an actual malicious thought.

I do want to say that that moment
with the pillow over my face,

watching it back,
I was like, absolute jerk move of me.

I was literally having
a panic attack on that pillow.

-And it doesn't look so 'cause
-[Nick clears throat]

I keep talking on it.
And I was crying.

I was crying under the pillow, and
I couldn't tell Zack how I was feeling.

But I guess also
in hindsight, so sorry...

I need to hear Bliss's
point of view on all this

because my understanding
is there was a DM sent as well,

while you were with Zack, to Bliss,
saying you dodged a b*llet.

-Yeah, she did say that.
-[crowd gasping]

I want to start off by saying
this was a year ago.

This is such a small little blip
in me and Zack's love story

and we have moved on.
I'm willing to address it now

and I don't wanna talk about it further
because I just don't care anymore.

-[Nick] Okay.
-There was a message sent.

You know this. We all know it.

You did tell me when you landed in Mexico
that I dodged a b*llet.

But you also texted him,
"I'm so sorry. Let's talk.

"I hope something
happens with you and Bliss."

So, I don't know.

I think you can have panic att*cks
and you can have trouble with

mental illness, and that's totally valid.

But you're turning around
and doing malicious things,

and you're acting in really cruel ways.
It's hard to reconcile those two things.

-It really is.
-[crowd applauding]

But again, I just hope that
you can take accountability.

There's so much power
in taking responsibility

when you do something wrong
rather than giving excuses,

and I hope you can do that
and you can move forward and move on.

Yeah, I do want to say I wanted
to bring that up here,

that I sent you that message
and a few hours later,

or a few days later, that was completely
out of line for me to say.

And along with Zack, I think a few days
or hours when I got home

and had time to process things
and emotions again, like,

nothing I did was okay.
The way I acted, the way I was talking.

I can't sit here also and blame it.
It was a huge part of mental health,

but I also don't want to blame that
because this isn't okay, um...

But I texted Zack as well,
and I said, "I'm so sorry"

'cause it kind of hit me, that I was,
I've never treated someone so poorly,

and I meant that and I do apologize.

And by the way, I want to say,
I think you came on here today

knowing that this was going
to happen to some extent,

and I want to applaud you
for coming here and confronting it

and dealing with it, and for whatever
it's worth, for apologizing for it.

Micah, I want to ask you
because Irina and Paul

also had some interaction in Mexico
that you were aware of.

I know you had a conversation about it,
but how was that for you

watching those flirty kind of moments
back on the show?

Because at that point,
you guys were friends.

Yeah, um,
it was hard to see, of course.

I'm sure it was hard to see,
like Chelsea had to see with Kwame and I.

Um, I think we both
disrespected our partners

and we disrespected,
you know, other people here.

Um, I think the only thing
both of us can do

is own up to it and apologize
and hope to do better.

Um, I think the fact that we were
really close made it a little harder.

I felt like I was blindsided.

It made me question
a lot of things with Paul, um,

and that's probably what hurt me the most.

[Nick] Yeah, and Paul,
for your part of it,

how is that, for you watching it back?
How do you feel about that?

That flirting moment. And were there
others that happened off-camera?

No. There weren't. But I will say that
I think, from my perspective,

I was very secure in our relationship.

And I knew exactly where Zack stood.

Um, Micah and I, we had delineated
what the boundaries were of what's okay,

you know, in terms of flirting
and what is infidelity, you know?

That was physical intimacy,
that was the boundary.

And I knew what I was willing to do
and what I wasn't.

And so, it's for the very same reason

that I wasn't threatened with the
Micah and Kwame flirting scenario.

Like, um...

You know, we knew
what we were capable of doing

and what we were going to do
and what we weren't and, yeah.

[Nick] There was a line,
and you don't feel you crossed that?

Yeah, I knew that there was no danger
in talking to Irina, flirting, whatever.

There was no danger of affecting
either our relationship

or their relationship.
Or talk thereof.

The beauty of this reunion
is for you guys to get a chance

to say your piece, clear things up,
like rumors about Babs.

-[scattered laughs]
-You know, I got to talk about this video.

Y'all, by the way,
on the Internet, are savage.

Y'all found a video
and you slowed it down

where Paul is leaving the bridal suite,

you'll put an arrow where he's trying to
move his way out of the bridal suite,

tapping a little bridesmaid's tush.

Let's take a look at this video,
see what you think about it.

All our history's hazy

Like driving in the pouring rain

Are we in too deep to heal

The music!

I mean, I will say
the bridesmaid seemed to like it.

-[crowd laughing]
-Clearly she was one that was Team Paul.

Paul is here now.

-What the heck? Seriously.

So, to imply that
that was anything more than me

just gesturing, you know, acknowledging
that I was squeezing past her,

kind of bumped into her shoulder,
is literally absurd.

Literally just walking out of the door.

And gesturing, just like,
"Hey, sorry I bumped into you." Like...

-That was it.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

-[Paul chuckles]
-[Vanessa] Sorry I bumped into you.

-You can bump into me anytime, baby.
-Bump into you anytime.

I will say one of the most
shocking moments,

speaking of you, Paul,
was leaving Micah heartbroken

at the altar after saying no.

And Micah, if Paul had said yes,

would you guys be married today?



-[Vanessa] It's okay.
-[Nick] Take your time.


[Vanessa] I got the golden tissue box.

-[Vanessa] Thank you.

I'm sorry.

All the pressure's been off me,
so I kind of forgot I was here. [chuckles]

-[crowd laughing]


I mean...

I knew in that moment
that the only thing I could do

when I was asked first,
was to give Paul the opportunity

to answer first, and I don't care...

I don't care what anyone
thinks why I did it.

That was my life and my relationship
and a real marriage that was on the line.

And I knew that I was going to say yes.


I didn't want to spend the rest
of our life, if he was to say yes,

wondering if he did it
not to embarrass me.

Or... I needed to know
he did it for him,

and the only way I could get that answer
was for him to answer first.


-And I'm happy I did.
-[Nick] Yeah.

[Nick] Paul, how does that make you feel?

Knowing that she was ready to say yes.

I don't know.
It's difficult, I think. Um...

It's always more clear in retrospect.

-I don't know.

[Nick] Let me ask you this.

If she had not kind of punted to you
and had gone first

and said yes, would that have changed?

So my knee-jerk reaction is no.

Because I don't believe in doing things...
making decisions based on other people.

I really do think that, you know,
you should own your truth,

and that serves both people
in a relationship.

So I don't think that I would have.
But I don't know what that feels like,

to have your partner choosing you,
saying yes, affirming you.

-[Nick] Mm-hmm.
-I don't know what that feels like,

so I don't know.
I can't say with 100 percent certainty

that I wouldn't have changed my answer.

But my knee-jerk reaction is
I'd have said the same.

-I don't know.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

Micah, there was a moment
after you ran off, um,

and they were interviewing Paul,
that he said,

he couldn't see marrying you
because he couldn't see you as a mom.

When you watch that,
how did that make you feel?


I felt like it was the worst thing
that could be said about me.

[Vanessa] You think it's 'cause you know
you would have been a great mom

and he knew how important
it was for you to be a mom?

It's something I've talked about
since the pods,

how important having family
was to me. [sniffles]

[sobs] My mom wasn't supposed to
be able to have children.

The fact that we even survived [sniffling]
my birth was a miracle.

Um... [sniffles]

I didn't have any siblings.
I didn't have a big family,

and it's something
I've always wanted so bad.

And I've said that.
I've always said that.

We even had a date
just a few days before our wedding,

and he said to me, he was like,

"What if I don't want
to have kids down the line?"

And he brought that to me.

And I was so upset, 'cause you know
how important that is to me.

So to hear him say that,
and I've never heard this before,

he's never said that to me.
I've never heard about it

after the wedding.
So it was just a shock.

It hurt.

[Vanessa] What was it that made you say
I can't see her as mom

or the mother to my children?
Our children?

Yeah, I think I phrased that really,
unfairly towards her.

I don't think that it was a reflection

of what she was capable of
or anything like that.

I think the better way to phrase that

would have been
"I can't see us as parents"

because I couldn't envision myself,
as she pointed out,

I couldn't envision myself as a father
just as much as I couldn't see in her,

and I want to take 100 percent

accountability and responsibility
for my half of that equation.

I think it's very possible that the reason

why I couldn't see that in her
was that I wasn't inspiring that in her.

You know, she didn't feel comfortable
with showing that side of her.

[Vanessa] I thought she said she did.

She just talked about it from since
the pods up until your wedding day.

It wasn't evident to me.
In my vision of the future?

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-That wasn't there.

er, whatever you want.

[Vanessa] You wanted actions.
Like, you wanted her...

I just wanted
to be able to see it, I guess. Like...

-I can't.
-What would make you see that?

I'm sorry. Just so I understand.

I think...

It's a little bit ineffable, right?

So, it's kind of an exuding,
a nurturing presence.

It's something that you feel.
There's not really, like...

tangible, kind of like, things,
I don't think.

[Nick] You didn't see enough
of a nurturing presence in Micah?

Is that what you're saying?

-You didn't see that?
-Yeah. I think so.

There was some of that. Um...

But like I said, I'm not saying

that there's anything
about her that is not nurturing.

It's that I didn't give
her the proper inspiration

and motivation to show that side of her.

[Vanessa] Micah, is this explanation
making sense and settling with you?

Or are you as confused as I am?

-I'm just as confused.
-[audience laughs]

No, I don't mean it disrespectfully,

because I understand what you're saying,
but I feel you're dodging the issue.

Like, if there was a moment you're like,

"Yeah, that's just not something
I see in a wife or a mother."

Um, or just you were done
at that point. So...

you don't feel like
this is giving you closure.

I mean...

when I saw it,
obviously, I was heartbroken.

It really hurt and I reached out.

And he made me feel like
I understood what you were saying.

I was like,
"Okay, I get what you're saying,

but the way you're just going back
and forth and backpedaling

and saying all these different things,
it just makes me feel, like, worse."

[Vanessa] You know what's crazy?
You love your mom,

and I thought Micah and your mom...

-[audience chuckles]
-...were like doppelgangers.

Like Frick and Frack,
they got along great.

Even you said, "We have the same hair."

I'm like,
"My God, this is, like, happening."

But there was just something missing
that you didn't find in her.

Sure, yeah,
they're aesthetically doppelgangers,

but obviously extremely
different individuals,

personality and character-wise
and all of these things.

But, um, that's not to say that
there wasn't something missing.

I think that that part of it is true.

But it's just kind of "It is what it is."

You know, some people, uh, connect
in that way and are able to show that,

and that just wasn't evident
in our relationship at that point in time.

So, I would like to say

that it wasn't something that I believed
was just never going to occur.

I thought that that could be something
that was developed over time.

I was entirely open to that occurring,

um, but it didn't happen
in the time timeline that we have.

Didn't involve in the experience.

Then why did I not hear
about it until Friday?

I've never heard that from you.

You've never brought that up to me.

Um, we were done dating,
like, 12 months ago.

[audience chuckles]

You didn't tell me while we were engaged.

You didn't tell me
when we dated after the show.

I've never heard
this until I saw it on TV.

I'm not gonna criticize you and be like,
"Oh, you need to be more nurturing..."

That has to be something
that comes organically.

If it's the reason to say no at the altar,

it's something I should have
been told or talked to about.

-And not be blindsided.
-[Zack] Can I ask you something?

[Vanessa] Sure, Zack.
You want to add to this?

Yeah. I mean, I spoke to Paul
the night before the wedding.

He was up till... I think we were
talking at 2:00 a.m. at night.

[Vanessa] That was probably
a very long talk between you two.


And Paul had no idea.

Like, he was completely torn.

Up to that point, like, he...

I can tell you how long we talked
about the decision he was gonna make

and I don't...

I think he...

was genuinely,
one hundred percent in love with Micah,

and he just didn't feel confident
in making a decision

that would affect them
for the rest of their life.

It just felt like he wasn't certain.

He didn't have that certainty.

I think the thing that
people throw out here is, like,

the short time period
of making that decision.

Um, and, like, you have to be able
to have confidence

or at least enough confidence
to take a jump,

and Paul... Paul really thought
about this incredibly deeply.

It wasn't something that he was...

-I don't think any of us take regret,
-[Nick] No.

like, you didn't throw it to the wind,
but Micah did bring up a good point

that if that is the biggest reason
that maybe you said no,

I think she's right, she deserved to know.

Especially if you loved her
as much as you saw, Zack, and you felt,

and, gosh, she felt.
She was about to say yes.

Sure, I can agree with that.

Like, I could have done
a better job of communicating

the things that I felt
that were missing. Um...

[Nick] Did you think
she was incapable of that change?

Why wouldn't you have brought that up?

No, I don't think she's incapable of it,
but I think it should occur organically.

Not me demanding, like,
"Hey, you be this way for me."

You know, it has to be you.

And I appreciate
who you are and seeing that, you know.

You can't just, like,
request people to be a certain way,

then all of a sudden they are,
and they end up...

If they do that and they just
change themselves to please you,

um, eventually they're gonna begin
to resent that.

And then that facade is gonna break down,

and you're not even
gonna recognize that person.

And then your relationship will dissolve.

So, it has to be organic,
it has to be natural.

I think, um, another character
people remember is Micah's friend, Shelby.

[audience hooting]

But before I get into all of that...

Do you actually think
she was right, in retrospect?

When she said
that he wasn't the right one for you?


I think a lot of Shelby's concerns

lied in the fact that
things are moving too quickly.

I mean...

she didn't know if it was gonna work,

and she didn't want me to have
my heart broken, which it did.

Um, in that way, I think she was right.

I think she has a terrible delivery.

[audience laughs]

Which I understand, I do, too. Um...

But she never wanted me to get hurt.

That was the bottom line.

She never wanted me
to run off the altar crying.

She never wanted me to have
a failed marriage, and that's where...

that's where so much of her...

feelings came from.

And I think even when they first met
at Shelby's birthday party,

I remember my friends asked Paul, like,

"What do you love about Micah?"

Or... And he was like,

"I don't know."

It wasn't because he didn't love me.
I know he loves me or loved me.

But a lot of their concern
came from that it didn't feel natural.

It wasn't easy for either of us
and we were both trying to get there.

We were so in love, but I don't think
we knew what the future looked like.

And she was concerned
that the marriage would fail.

[Nick] Yeah.

Um... not to call y'all out,
but we are doing a reunion,

and I saw some whispering
over there, Zack.

What did you tell Paul?

[audience laughs]


You know, I just feel...
I'm gonna be real here, Micah, like,

you're coming after Paul here
this whole time.

This entire time
when people have been attacking you.

Like, Paul has, like, tried to make peace
with you this entire time,

and I see you over there.

And I understand this is hard,
but it looks like you're...

Yeah, I'm sorry.

It just makes me really angry

because it looks
like you're here for blood.

It seems like he's apologizing over here.

He's taking accountability
for his actions, and, uh...

[sighs] But what I whispered to Paul was,

what was happening behind cameras
is not what you're seeing.

And... what she was saying about Paul,

what people have... have told me
about the conversations that she had,

it sounds like she never was talking
about getting married to Paul.

And there are women here
who have told me that, and...

Just to come out here
and try to make Paul look like

this really bad guy that he's not is...

-I have no intention of making Paul bad.
-[Zack] You never defended him...

in that entire interaction.

-[Vanessa] Wait, there's a lot to unpack.
-[Nick] You heard that?

[Micah] That's not true. Were you there?

So, who here...

[audience exclaims]

Were you there?
Me and Paul have talked about

what actually happened
when he met her friends.

We hung out the entire experience.

All three of us.

We were all friends.

Yeah, it looked terrible.
But you were there.

You're not someone that's gonna sit here
and believe the edit.

You saw how weird shit looked for you.

That's his point, Micah,
we know what happens beyond the edit.

-That's what he's saying.
-[Micah] I understand that.

But I'm not here to attack Paul.

You have to realize,
the things that I've heard

that really hurt and upset me,
I just found out.

I'm not here to attack him.

I'm here because I'm hurt,

and I just want answers
about things I had never heard before.

Zack, you said that people don't think
that she wanted to marry Paul, ever.

-I mean, you brought it up, not me.

[audience laughs]

There have been women who have told me

that in the conversations
they had with her,

very rarely did she ever mention
actually getting married to Paul.

[Vanessa] Women here, so there's three,
four others I can count.

Okay? I don't want to put you on the spot
and make you name names,

'cause there's probably
a LIB code going on.

But you're saying very certainly

that people said
that she didn't want to marry him.

-She was just out to get him.
-[Zack] It was rarely mentioned.

That seems to be
the opinions that I've heard.

Um, what I would say is that...
when I was in the car,

from my own experiences with Micah,
driving her back...


she would talk pretty badly about Paul.

-[Vanessa] Can I ask?
-Like what?

Chelsea, you think
she wanted to marry him?

I know nothing about their relationship.

-Tiffany, did she want to marry him?
-I'm sorry.


They were going through this experience

-of both not knowing...
-We found it.

[audience laughs]

[Irina] I actually was thinking,
I just know that there was times

me and Zack would talk about,
"You think they're gonna get married?"

It was like... I think that everyone,
we're on a TV show.

We don't know what we're...

Many couples didn't know
until they stood up.

A show called Love Is Blind where
you say I do or I don't.

Yeah, but still,
we're all going through this

not really knowing what to expect.

-You know, like, I don't... Yeah.
-[Vanessa] We have some clarity.

Can I ask you, did you guys
try and date after the wedding day?

-You did.
-You did?

[Vanessa] How long?

Well, it was pretty brief here in Seattle

because she had to go
back to Arizona. Um...

Then I visited her in Arizona, um...

briefly, where I stayed a weekend,
and it ended pretty quickly after that.

-[Nick] All right.
-[Vanessa] Okay.

Um, I will say, and again,
you guys went through it,

we will never be able to understand it.

Since Season 1, we've been
more removed from you guys

'cause this is your journey,
and you feel what you feel.

But on another side, I don't think
that a lot of people are here, Micah,

thinking you're out for blood.

I think you do want some answers,
you are hurt as well.

I think you both have said your piece,

-and we thank you for coming on.
-[Nick] Yep.

[Vanessa] And sharing your journey
and being extremely vulnerable.

I know that this is not easy,

and especially that
fourth wall of social media.

Guys, let's move on.

Now it's time to talk about
our third love triangle this season.

That is a triangle of Marshall,
Jackie and Josh.

Now Josh came out of nowhere
to sweep Jackie off her feet,

but spoiler alert,

if you haven't been on social media,
they are still very happily together.

Let's take a look at how
all this started way back in the pods.

Check it out.

[music playing in background]

-How's it going?

Good. How are you?

Well, how are you feeling?
I was worried about you.

What's going with you?
I'm fine, I'm alive. Hello.


I'm trying my best.

-How are you?
-I'm all right.


As soon as I hear your voice,
I'm instantly, like, comfortable.

-Well, good.
-I'm instantly, like,

There's Big Josh, and for me, like,

yeah, we for real, real dug in, like...

You said it, not me.

I love our connection.

I think our connection is,
like, very strong.

And, like, you're so easy to talk to.

You're funny as shit.

Our energies are, like,
on ten when we both come in here.

I love our connection, like, for real.

So is it a problem that I'm not, like...

I know your other guy.

He's very, like, romantic

and touchy... not touchy-feely,
but just, like...

-I'm not like...

Yeah, I'm not crying, I'm not...
You know what I'm saying?

Mmm-hmm. Maybe you're just too hard, man.

-We're both scared.

And I think with time...

we just have to learn
how to give ourselves grace.

-I think we're so hard on ourselves,

and we have to just understand

that this is a hard, long process,

this is a long road.

And it's about personal growth,
too, you know.

Yeah. But I do want you to know
that I really do care about you.

[Jackelina] I care about you, too.

And I really enjoy, like...
I enjoy every moment with you.

I'm not just saying that just to say it.

No. I feel the same.

With us, it's just not forced.

-You know what I mean?

-It comes natural. Like poop.

We're like poop.

Okay, let's not go there.

[Vanessa] It comes natural.

-Like poop.
-I mean, everybody does it.

-Everybody does it.
-Everybody does poop.

Everybody does it. It's true.

Jackie and Josh are not with us today,

but I was able to chat
with them yesterday over Zoom.

Take a look.

[Vanessa] Jackie and Josh, thank you guys

for taking the time
to join us from Seattle.

You look good.

How are things?

-Doing great.
-We're doing good.

Y'all have been dating
since the show ended.

-Correct, yeah.

You've got a year under your belt.

The journey that you took last year

has now been on Netflix
for everyone to see.

Anything you want to say to all those
viewers about the show in your voice?

So, I have grown within the last year.

That person that I've seen

was a totally different Jackie,
to be honest.

I, um...

I will like to clear up some things,
if that is fine with you.


So, I broke up with Marshall

before I saw Josh at the coffee shop.

It looks like I'm a cheater,
and I am not a cheater.

And I understand
what you're saying, which...

Everyone wants to turn left and right.

But at that point
by the wedding dress, you knew.

You knew
you weren't gonna try on a dress

to a man that you wouldn't
walk down the aisle

and even contemplate the idea slightly of...


-[Vanessa] Yeah.

Do you remember the moment
that Marshall pushed you,

and it was the last straw,
and you're like, "That's it. I'm done."

I do.

And it happened off camera,
when we are filming the marriage,

or when we were filling out
the marriage certificate.

He had called me a derogatory name.

And we fought about it
and he left for three days.

I think what it was, it was a bad joke.

It was one of those where we were joking,
but it just came off as bad.

Marshall's gonna be sitting
next to me tomorrow

during the live reunion.

If you could say something to him,

what would you say to him?

Yeah, I would...

I would just say that I take
accountability for my words and actions,

and I hope that he would do the same.

I can take accountability for the fact

that I went from zero
to a hundred really quick,

and I can sit here and say
that I should have heard him.

I should have let him speak
without being on the defense.

We just were not meant to be,
and we both deserve to be happy.

[Vanessa] You know why?
'Cause you have that guy next to you.

I'm dying to know... You kept the ring.

Yes, ma'am. I have the ring.

She says, "Yes, ma'am."
Why do you think he wanted it back?

You can be completely candid.


Marshall wanted the ring back

because he wanted to propose
to another castmate.

-[Josh] And then broke up two weeks

after production stopped filming.

-[Vanessa] But guess who didn't?

Jackie and Josh. Hey, Josh.

Anything you want to say
about your role in this love triangle?

[Josh] I'm not the type to text somebody.

I'm not the type to hit hem up
on any social media.

If I'm going to say something,
I'm going to say it to your face.

And so, when I had gotten,

...back at Chelsea's birthday party,

I was like, "Heck, yeah."

Been cutting a lot of weight.

I had 18 pounds to cut
for this competition.

I had cut 12 at the time.

And I was thinking, love is blind
but love is worth fighting for.

When you talk about cutting weight,

you were saying you were drinking

and it probably made you a little...

Yes. So, I...

Josh, you don't drink on an empty stomach.

Come on. This is like...


[continues indistinctly]

Take a drink because
I'm sh**ting my shot.

It's my one chance.

When you saw him,
did you immediately know "That's Josh"?

Honestly, i didn't see him.

I heard his voice first
and I just have P.T.S.D.

because Josh's voice is so distinct.

-[Jackie] You know?

[Jackie] And then, seeing him
and connecting the voice with the face,

it was kind of just like, wow.

It gave you all the feels


So, I want to know then,
as the people want to know,

what's next for Jackie and Josh?

Are we thinking marriage?

Are we thinking little JJs?

[Jackie] JJ is a little bit.

I think we are taking
our time with everything.

You know what I mean?
I think life comes at you fast

and we don't want to rush anything.

I think, like,
sometimes you can't rush love.

-[Josh] We...

We live together now.

-We've got a dog.

[Josh] We've got a fish.

-[Vanessa] You have a dog?

-I'm a girl dad.

[Vanessa laughing]

[Jackie] Got a fish named Rick, too.

Rick the fish.


-I love it.
-[Jackie] Yeah.

I love it.

Jackie and Josh, thank you
so much for doing this

and sharing so much with us.

We are so happy that
through all of the drama,

you guys found each other.

Thank you.

-Thank you so much. Take it easy.
-[Vanessa] Bye.

[Jackie] Bye.

-[Nick] Okay.
-I'll let that marinate for a minute.

Because there was a lot
going on here in the audience.

[continues indistinctly]

-Lot going on the stage.
-A lot going on the stage.

But the only person that we want to know
what's going on in his head is Marshall.

-What's up?
-[Vanessa] Hey.

Oh, I got some eyebrow action.

A lot of eyebrow action.

What's up?
What's happening?

[Vanessa] All right. [clears throat]

What do you want to say
after watching that video?

[Marshall] Well, first of all,

a lot happened in that video.

-[Vanessa] Okay.
-Let's say that.


I think that a lot of people
want me to be reactionary.

And I think that it's just best
to just let them have their moment.

Because, there's a lot to see
and there's a lot to think back on.

And it's hard to watch a video,

however long it was, two or three minutes,

and talk to each point
that I would like to

because I can't quite recollect
what happened in the video.

-[Vanessa] I can help you.
-Different here,

-talking to somebody.
-[Vanessa] I hear you.

Well, since they aren't here,
we'll start off.

She said she never cheated on you.

She broke up with you
before she had the date with Josh.

The first point she made.


[Vanessa] That's all you have
to say about that?

It doesn't matter
if it was before or a day after,

it's still like,
you're kissing a new dude

immediately after you just
broke up with somebody?

And I was supposed to be what?

So, are you completely blindsided
that she didn't want this to work out,

or did you know
in the back of your mind,

-like, this isn't working out?
-Yeah, I mean...


There's a lot of...

...things that I feel, like, happened
between Jackie and myself that

it would have inevitably
got to that point.

But I think what we
all have to realize is that

that's just the normal ebb and flow
of a relationship.

There's going to be tough times
and great times.

-So you would have made it to the altar?
-[Marshall] Absolutely.

-[Nick] Really?
-I mean, I said it to her in Mexico.

I've run away from stuff before.

And in this moment,
I was not running away.

[Vanessa] Okay.

So, looking back, you don't think
you guys splitting was for the best?

You think you could have figured it out
and had a successful marriage?

Well, that's a twofold question.

Making it to the altar -
I think that making it to the altar

is the precipice
of this entire experiment,

and that was taken from me.

Um, able to have a decision
in that moment,

-I feel like I wasn't able to have that.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

-And I don't know what i would have said.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

But now, it's just...

I mean, back then,
there was no question to answer.

There was no "Will you say I do?"

You don't know
what you'd have said

but you know you would've
made it to that point?

Yeah, and I would have given it
a lot of thought.

[Vanessa] So, another thing
she mentioned in that video is...

-To refresh your memory.
-[Marshall] Thank you.

Um, is that there was a derogatory comment
that was made.

-Do you know what she's talking about?
-I do. I do.

[Vanessa] She alleges.

Was it true?

Because I looked over and you had
all kind of eyebrow action.

Yeah, because there's...

There's a difference between...

...joking with someone
and being able to move on from it

if there's a pressure point.

And being able to...

So, joking with someone
and taking that out of context.


Spinning it and telling everyone
that I said, that it was a term.

Whereas though I feel like
we both were making jabs

and some of those jabs, she wasn't joking.

because we can see in her text messages
that were leaked.

She thought that was true.

In her heart, she felt like whatever
she said to me in that moment was true.

So, for people that don't understand,
there were some texts to her friend leaked

and she was talking about you
in a way that's...

...was not kind.

Not, not kind.

It was more like, "Yeah..."
Go check it out for yourself.

I don't want to put words wrong.

But we want to know your part in this?

So, you said it was from both of you.


[Vanessa] What's the context of what
you said that was derogatory

-that she completely misunderstood?

Yeah, and so...

Jackie's comments
that were made to me,

Uh, where, you know,
she was calling me sweet.

-Calling me, you know...
-[Vanessa] We saw those.

-I'm asking you about... I apologize.
-I'm going to...

Yeah, so, I felt like
it was my turn to make a jab.

And so, I said, you've got
a strong jaw line.

I mean, you could have been a man,
for all I know.

-[audience exclaims]
-And it was wrong, I know.

It was wrong.

Wait. You said this while
signing your marriage certificate?

-No, no, no, no, no, no.
-[audience laughs]

This was the night
before we met my family.

And I held myself accountable
in that moment.

And I knew it was wrong because
she took very clear offense to it.

And I knew, I always hold myself
Accountable for stuff in the moment.

And even in the morning after,

I held myself accountable and I said,
this will never happen again.

And we are just learning each other.

We don't really know
what each other's triggers are,

and so, I thought it was a safe space.

Because she is coming to me,
calling me out of my own...

[Vanessa] She said those things to you?

The things we saw on the text.

She said them to you?

You're saying this was a situation

where you both were joking

-but it went too far?
-[Marshall] Too far.

-[Nick] Okay.
-And i take full accountability for that.

[Vanessa] I don't know how I'd feel
if you talked about me like that.

-I get we're here but...
-[Marshall] For sure.

It was definitely wrong
and I take accountability for that.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-However, I did not say a specific term.

-You didn't use a derogatory term?
-I didn't use a derogatory term.

-I did not.
-[Vanessa] We won't say it here today.

-Imagine the word.
-I didn't say that word.

-[Vanessa] Okay.
-That word isn't even in my vocabulary.

[Vanessa] So, another thing...

I'm on this because you don't remember.

-[Marshall] Yeah.
-She mentioned in the video was the ring.

Oh, my God.
The ring heard round the world.

The damn ring.

[audience chuckles]

At first, I was like, "What?
Okay, what's going on here?"

So when I asked her that question,

Not the response
I thought I was going to get.

She was very hell-bent on saying,

You wanted to propose to somebody
and stay on the show,

when I looked at you
you are like, that is not true.

So, what is your take on that?

So, the reason why I asked
for the ring back was because it was a...

It was a symbol of my love.

You know, we picked out those rings.

And in that moment, I looked at the ring
and i said, "That's for her."

And I felt like she didn't deserve
to have that symbol of my love.

[audience applauding]


And ultimately I did not want
to propose to anybody else.

[Vanessa] Yeah.

-That wasn't the case.

And that's really wild
that she would think that,

because she was literally the only person
that i was worried about in the pods.

You know what I'm saying?

Weirdest thing is she thought
I was proposing somebody else.

So, I'm keeping the ring.

But you did date someone else
and you spoke about this.

When did you start dating her?

And which cast member?

-So, let's call a spade a spade.

How many dates do you classify dating?

Because we went on one singular date.

And although we were talking
back and forth, texting, so...

Back it up.

Kacia sent me a very beautiful
voice message

the day after Jackie and I broke up.

"Hey, I'm thinking about you.

"I know you really loved her.

-"That really sucks"
-[Vanessa] How did she know you broke up?

Social media.

Because she posted...
Because Jackie posted something.


-I am putting it together now. Okay.
-[audience chuckles softly]

So, I mean, it was pretty much
known throughout the cast

-that we had broken up.
-So, she came in?

No, not necessarily coming in
but we had a connection in the pods,

and I feel like that was who she is.

-Kacia is a very caring and loving person.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

She did that out of kindness
of her heart.

And I was like, you know what?

"How you doing?"

-[Marshall chuckles] "Let's talk."
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

Uh, and we explored it.

But I couldn't move forward
because I wanted to distance myself

from that horrible experience that I had.

And I needed time to work on myself.

So, Marshall, obviously
she said quite a bit in that video

but she also said quite a bit
on social media and other ways.

Um, is there anything that
you want to say to Jackie?

She's on the other side.

Anything you want to get off your chest,

correct, say to Jackie in this moment?

There's a lot that I would like to say.

However, I feel like we both deserve
to move on from this.

And the whole "you versus me" thing
needs to die.


[audience applauding]

[Marshall] And not...

Not just because...

There seems to be a need to
clear yourself or defend yourself.

You have a whole dude.

Like you guys have been
together for a year,

and you're still trying to make
something shake between...

Not shake between us but you're trying
to make something out of nothing

and it needs to stop because
it's causing more damage than good.


I don't have feelings.
Haven't had feelings for a year.

So, let's just...

I don't want to call it a truce.

But I've offered that before.

[audience exclaiming]

-[Vanessa] All right.
-[Nick] All right.


-Thank you.
-Now we've gotten that out of the way.

Kind of having a one-sided conversation.

I get that that's hard but...

Difficult because they can't
defend themselves.

[Vanessa] So, how do you feel about that?

Slighted. Again...

For the second time,
in this experiment, I've been slighted.

One at the altar and now at the Reunion.

But are you putting into consideration

the woman who you thought
you were going to marries feelings?

-And why she's not here?

And there's a lot that's going into this

and I'm going to direct this
to the public.

At this point...

This is not about
Jackie and Marshall anymore.

Let that be bygones.

Focus, let them move on.

Let me move on.

And just forget it.

Jackie and Josh are happy.

She's happy.

I'm happy.

-Like, just let it die.

[Nick] Well, speaking
of moving on...

-It's time to change some gears.
-Hey, it's time to move on.

[all laughing]

Time to get back to celebrating
the key ingredient

of this "Love is Blind" experiment,

-which is, of course, the love.
-The Love.

Now, each season, you the viewers
ask to see what life is like

once your favorite couples gets married.

So, here's a taste of what married life
is like with our couples today.

Check it out.

Welcome to the Browns house.

This is Netflix cribs.

Love is Blind Edition.

This is the evolution of the shoe wall

that you may have got
a sneak peek at on the show.

As you can see,
probably about twice as big

because I can't stop buying them.

Let's show you the rest of the house.

Pictures here, you know.

You may recognize these from the show.

She... These are the portraits
that I've shot of Tiffany in Seattle.

This is our living room.

We got, we are about to have
some breakfast here.

Welcome to breakfast at Tiffany's

So, we usually just start off our day
with a little bit of yogurt, some granola.

But this is a special day
because you are in our home.

We are going to have mimosas.

So, cheers to us, babe.

Cheers to the...

To the Browns'.

-Don't hit me.
-[audience laughs]

Hold up.

This is awkward [chuckles]

[murmuring, laughing]

[cork pops]

Hello, welcome to our humble abode.

Uh, Chelsea and I will
give you a quick tour.

Let's go ahead and get started.

[Chelsea] So, here's our entry
to our home.

-You know, we've got dog toys everywhere.

[Chelsea] Here's the money space,

Here's our living area.

We love this.

We have almost panoramic
view of Seattle, the Puget Sound.

People want to know,
where is the pink?

You can see it,
here is my favorite corner.

I call this my happy corner.

And these chairs give me life.

Kwame's couch, everybody.

-Kwame's guitar.
-[Kwame] The guitar.

[Chelsea] We've got cool shelf.

We've got a lot of our photos.

[Kwame] The first photo
we ever took together.

And here we are in the bedroom.

Um, this is our bathroom
but primarily Chelsea's.

Primarily use the one in the office.

[Chelsea] Yeah, don't play.
We have our own bathroom.

[Kwame] Yeah, marriage tip.

My marriage advice?
Get your own bathroom.

Nice to have your own peace.

-Where's Baba?
-[Chelsea] Baba's right here.

I'm going to show it.

I thought I'd bring it out
for you all but I didn't.

This is where I put it.

I either keep it
under the top part of this

or under my pillows.

So, that's Baba's home.

[Kwame] But yeah, this is everything.

So, thank you for joining us.

And we hope you enjoy it.

Good night.

We thought we would
share with you a little song

that I wrote for Bliss on Valentine's Day.

It was like I had a really
nice present for you.

And I was expecting
like a sparkly shiny thing.

But it was way better
than any present I've ever gotten.

It was so sweet.

♪ You don't need to light those... ♪

When I'm with you there
All I see

You don't mean to be no dream girl

It's true you're all
That's In my dream

Put it all away

Yeah baby let's go now

All the way home

-[man] Whoo!
-[audience] Aw.

[audience laughing]

-[audience laughing]


Sleeping beauty is still here.

-[audience cheering, applauding]
-[Nick] Yeah.

So many feels in a little montage.

I gotta say, first of all,
I'm sitting next to Tiffany.

She's like, "I don't remember this video."

But I've got to say,
you wake up so beautifully and delicate.

She's like a Disney princess.
She's like... [giggles]

[Vanessa] I mean,
when he comes to wake you up...

[Nick] Oh, she's like the Disney villain.

-[all laughing]
-It is not.

-You're so graceful and beautiful.
-[Tiffany] Thanks.

I loved watching everything in that video.

I loved how I got emotional
because I don't know if ya'll remember,

but a year ago, we came into the pods.

On the women's side they were like,
"Mom and Dad!"

They were talking about
these two old fogeys.

-[all laughing]
-And I do feel excited and proud.

And I'm not taking ownership,

but when I see the three couples
married and vacationing together...

-...matching bathing suits.

-Doing music montages.

[audience applauding]

Auntie Vanessa is still hoping for that
Love Is Blind baby.

And Zach, nice job on the song, man

-I'm just saying.
-Yeah. Well done.

[Vanessa] Chelsea,
you said marriage advice.

Keep your own bathroom.
You guys were talking about this.

You also said,
Kwame's couch is here.

-Is that the sleep couch?

So is it the own, wait...

It's still the same couch.

It's the same couch I had
at my old place.

Brett and I have the same couch,
by the way.

-[Nick laughs]

-[Vanessa] Do you sleep on that couch?
-[Kwame] No. No. So I just...

Throughout my single life
I used to when I'd be at home,

'cause I really was at home,
I used to travel a lot.

But when I was at home,
I would sleep on the couch a lot.

And so I don't know,
like, once a week or something.

Take it from me, in married life,

we have to sleep on the couch
from time to time.

[all laughing]

-It still happens, it still happens.
-But I always...

There's one thing I do, I wait.

If I spend the night on the couch,
I wake up before she does,

-and then I go...
-[Vanessa] You crawl in bed.

-Okay, I like that.

I have a question.
I didn't get to ask you earlier, um,

about clarifying your name.
It's such a long, beautiful name.

When you said it so beautifully
when you were doing your vows,

I love that you addressed his entire name.

His name is in its entirety

-with the background.

-Kwamie, did you wanna say something?
-[Kwame] Yes, um...

And so there was a moment where I said
that I wanted to introduce myself as Alex.

But when it's Kwame, um,
which, by the way,

the rest of that moment
was because I'm proud of my name.

For some reason, that's not in there.

Um, that was me mentioning that...
I... before I went on the experiment,

I talked to my producer

and kind of talked about how to approach
the experiment in the right way.

We talked about not talking

about race or color
for the first few days.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.

My thoughts were,
"Can I make sure

I honor this experiment
for everybody in it."

So if I go by my first name,
maybe it makes sense

because that way,
I'm not like, "Hey, Kwame,"

then people automatically trying

to put me in an area
where there prejudging, right?

And it helps everybody
take the best out of the experiment.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-And my name is so important to me.

I've always gone by Kwame. And so
when I saw the negative reaction to it,

I needed to declare that up.
I love who I am.

I love my name, I represent.
That needs to be said.

[Vanessa] Yes. Yes.

[all applauding]

I want to say the foot is down,
the man has spoken.

-Barbara is his sister.
-[all laughing]

Chelsea, who looks like
a beautiful Barbie, has met his mother,

and his name is proudly Alex Kwame.

Ladies and gentlemen. Mic drop.

-You know what?
-There's no more. No more drama.

It's obvious 'cause we're sitting
next to you,

how happy you guys are together,
how happily married you are

and how special this year
has been for you.

I gotta ask you, are you surprised
by the reactions out there

from people who who are shocked
and surprised that you didn't say no...

I'm so glad you asked.

-The floor is hers.

-Um, I will say this.
-[Vanessa giggles]

I feel that women feel
the need to explain,

to say they're sorry to defend,

and women need to feel empowered
to make decisions

that are best for themselves. Period.

-[audience cheering, applauding]
-[woman 1] Period.

That is what I did for me.
That is what I did for us.

And I'm so happy that I did,
and I could not be happier.

And marriage is not easy.
We have learned that.

-[Vanessa] What are you talking about?
-It's not easy.

[all laughing]

[Tiffany] But you know what?
It's worth it.

Yes, it's worth it.

I wanted someone to be able to meet me
where I was emotionally,

and Kwame does that.
He also challenges me to be better.

I've never had anybody in my life
do that for me.

[Vanessa] You know what?
I believe that, um...

I hate to say it, but it's unfortunate
people wanna hate when you are happy

and when you know what you want.
Chelsea, you went for it.

But people forget

-Alex Kwame is a grown-ass man.
-[Kwame laughs]

And if he wants the woman,
he's going to get her.

He's not trapped.

He's not in it
because he doesn't want to.

He wants this woman
and he married this woman.

-And she wants it.

What is your response to people?
What do you want to tell them?

You said it beautifully on your Instagram.

-And I loved that.

You're like, it doesn't matter.

-You don't blame people for what they saw.

You know that this journey
was you guys falling in love.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna say
something that Bliss said earlier.

What you're seeing
was literally less than 1%

It's like a dab on what our entire
relationship has been, you know?

And so what we got to experience together
was what kept us moving forward.

It helped us fall in love.

And so, no matter what anyone saw,
no matter any depictions or whatever

the case may be like,
we were madly in love.

And there was a lot more.
The decision I had to make

was not actually Seattle
versus, like, getting married.

It was actually...
I had a much different life.

I was a nomad. I was outside
of the country for six months a year.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-And so that was a difficult life

to think about transitioning from.

That was what was beautiful
because Chelsea and I sat down

we talked about
transitioning from that life,

and she came at it in such
a beautiful, empathetic and caring way.

I knew that if I put that life aside

and I married my dream girl,
we would find that life again,

-and it'd be worth it.
-[Vanessa] Yeah.

Can I say something to all of you?
This is true for everybody on this stage.

-Uh-oh, Daddy's about to talk
-When you do something like this

and you put yourself on TV
and people watch,

they feel entitled to have an opinion,
and that's fair because it's television.

But there's only one truth,

and that's the truth
that you live each and every day.

So you're gonna hear
a lot of noise out there,

you can hear a lot of talk out there.

Live your truth.
True for every one of you up here.

-Live your truth and you're gonna be fine.
-[Chelsea] That's right.

[audience applauding]

-Can I ask you guys to go quickly?

-Sure, Marshall.
-I just think that there's...

there's a lot of grace
that needs to be given to everyone here

regardless of what was said,
what you're seeing

and what we're all hearing. uh...

It doesn't matter... [chuckles]

really, it doesn't
in the grand scheme of things,

because we all put ourselves out there.

And no matter if it's Irina, Micah myself,

anyone on this side, these guys here,

this is all about love.

And it was never supposed to be about
this drama, this hell-bent on fighting.

This is about these two here,
those two there and those two there.

-[Vanessa] And I agree with that.

And what I will say
to to add to that, Marshall,

on that note and real quick
to what you were saying, Kwame.

It's not... We saw a little percentage

but some of it
is about drama and fighting.

Trust me.
I've been with this man for 17 years,

-it's not all roses and butterflies.

-It's not all roses and butterflies.
-[audience laughs]

But it's how we react to those,

how we turn towards each other,
how we work through it.

Whether it's in a relationship
with girlfriends, with my girlfriends,

or whether it's with my husband,
or with my... the people I work with.

So everybody, I'm so proud of you guys

-for continuing to work on yourselves...
-[all applauding]

-...and be better.

Because that is what
relationships are about.

We do have a special clip here.

This is someone from Love Is Blind
in a past season.

They sent a video question
for the married couples.

Let's take a look.

What is going on ya'll?
This is Bartise from season three.

This is my son, Hayden.

He's also a fan
of the Love Is Blind franchise.

He has watched season four,
he has not watched Daddy's season.

He will not ever watch
Daddy's season hopefully,

but we both have a question
for the season four cast

Out of the final couples,
congratulations to you all,

who is gonna be the first
to become parents?

Who is gonna to be the first couple
to have a little cutie-pie

just like I do right here.
Say hi, Hayden. Hi.

-[Vanessa] Cute.
-Take care ya'll.

-There it is.
-If that doesn't make your ovaries burn,

-I don't know.
-[all laughing]

-Y'all, I want a number four so bad.

-I know.
-[all laughing]

Oh, he's going to k*ll me.
But I need to know

who's gonna give me
our first Love Is Blind baby.

I don't want to ask if you're trying
'cause that's TMI.

-Obviously, you're all... [giggling]
-I hope you're all trying.

[all laughing]

-We're practicing.

Well, Brett and Tiffany,

what are you guys thinking
on the baby timeline?

-You want me to go?

No. I was just gonna say, as of right now,

we're really just trying
to enjoy our marriage.

So, like, we're traveling the world,

we're still getting to learn one another.

But the thing is, like,
we're so committed to one another.

We want to have our lives set
before we bring a life into this world.

So it's... it's not about,
"We have to have a baby right away.

"It has to be at the right time."

-[Nick] Yeah.

And I was about to make a joke.

I was like, "Jesus,
y'all really put the baby pressure."

[all laughing]

-[Nick] This one's.
-My god.

But, uh, just to echo
kind of what Tif said,

I mean, you know, obviously for us,

and for anybody,
any one of us that got married,

it's such a drastic transition
and definitely for her, like,

it really wasn't aired that much
in the show,

but me living in Portland
and her living in Seattle

was like a big thing for us
because with my job and her job

it was pretty much understood that

-she would have to relocate.
-[Nick] Mmm.

So, you know, obviously, we went through
a lot of changes as a couple,

but she personally
has made a lot sacrifice

for the sake of our relationship,
and I'm thankful for her.

Um, so with that,
we're loving life together.

-[Vanessa] But...

[Vanessa] Brett, how cute
are baby Air Force 1's gonna be?

-[all laughing]
-We can get them customized.

We can do... We can do colors.
We can do...

Hey, listen. When Baby Brown comes...

-Oh, listen.
-Isn't it Baby Brownie?

I ain't gonna call her Baby Brownie.

[all laughing]

When Baby Brown gets here...

aye, fly.

-[Vanessa] Fly.
-[Nick] Love it, love it.

-[Vanessa] I love it.
-[Nick] No doubt.

[man 2] Gotta name it Brown.

All right, what about here?
Chelsea and Kwame?

I think when I entered this
like I was, like,

the clock was kind of ticking in my mind.

And I think one thing
that's so beautiful about this

is that Kwame...
I had to grow to be with Kwame too.

People may not have seen that.

Um, but I love my marriage,
and I respect Kwame so much

that I'm like, "Let's allow.
Let's step back.

"We're gonna let it happen
when it needs to happen."

It's a beautiful gift
that Kwame could have given me.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-[Nick] How about you guys?

[Bliss] Well, we do things really fast.

Um, our engagement was only two weeks
and a couple of days,

but short.
I can't wait to have his family.

[Vanessa] I thought
you were gonna tell me...

[all laughing]

-I guess you would say...
-[all laughing]

-Crawling over him.
-[Bliss] No, no, no. Um...

-We're not...
-I'm sure you don't do all things fast.

[all laughing]

No. He takes his time.

Just making sure...

[Bliss] We're all good in that department.

[all laughing]

No. I can't wait to, like,
have a family with him,

and I'm excited for it.

We're still talking
about when that time is,

but I'm really excited for it.

[Nick] Clearly this one can't wait.
Whenever the time is...

-Vanessa's ready.
-I think that you guys...

One last thing from a married couple.

I think that you guys are right
to settle in as a couple

and to create that foundation.

Because when you do get kids
that foundations

-where you're going to fall back on.
-[Nick] Mmm-hmm.

-We continue to fall back on that.
-[Nick] Yep.

-[audience applauding]
-We know that when they're 18,

they leave and we've got each other.

But it does get pretty awesome
when you have kids.

-By the way, hi, kids.

-Go to bed. Go to bed.
-[all laughing]

-You're up too late.

Well, we are so grateful for all
of you participating in this experience.

And we wish all of you
the very, very best of luck.

And we are definitely looking forward
to seeing your love stories continue

to unfold as time goes on.

Thank you so much,
everyone here for being with us,

including our audience,
including all of you at home.

-Thank you for being patient.
-[audience cheering, applauding]

-We appreciate it.
-Season four!

That's it! Season four. We did it!

-All right, guys.

[audience cheering, applauding]

[indistinct chatter]

[audience continue cheering, applauding]

The season of Love Is Blind may be over,
but if you want more love,

more drama and tears,
well, you're in luck,

From the creators of Love Is Blind,
comes The Ultimatum: q*eer love.

And we have the first look right now.

-Check it out.
-Check it out. Bye, guys.

I don't want to say her name.
She's like Voldemort to me.

The experience was ten people coming here

and meeting other people
who you could find something with.

What did you come here for?

-Hello, everyone.
-[all cheering]

You're all here because someone in your
relationship has issued an ultimatum.

Each of you are compatible
with multiple people here.

[woman 1] Someone here could be
a good fit for me.

[woman 2] I am ready to spend
the rest of my life with somebody.

But I'm not ready to commit to marriage.

So I gave an ultimatum.

-Either I leave here engaged...
-...or we're done.

I wanna get married to this person.

I wanna bring children
into the world with this person.

I don't want permanency,
I don't want stability,

I want freedom.

I want to live with you for five years
and then I'm open to it.

[woman 3] I don't want to go
into a marriage having these issues.

If you don't like my dog,
you can get the f*ck out.

[woman 4] Sometimes you can't see
when the person is right in front of you.


You came in here with an ultimatum.

You knew what you wanted.
Now you don't?

You can't have us both.

[woman 5] Let me find somebody
who's ready.

You said you'd marry me,

but you fell in love with someone else.
In a week and a half.

You wanted me to figure out
what I wanted, I did that.

I wanted you to find out
if that was me.

-You were trying to stir the pot.
-She's playing with our life.

-[sobbing] I didn't do shit.
-What do you want from me?

[woman 6] It's too late.
It's just absolutely too late.

This situation is just f*cked up.

-Sometimes love is not enough.