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04x14 - The One Year Anniversary

Posted: 04/18/24 17:40
by bunniefuu
Tiffany, will you have this man
from this day forward...

Brett, I absolutely will.

[all cheering]

-I do.

[all cheering]

It is with great pleasure that
I now pronounce you husband and wife.

[all cheering]

I think that we're not there.


Marshall, I can't love you.

-How are you?
-How you doing?

I'll see you around. Maybe, maybe not.

-Nah, you won't.

♪ We open our eyes... ♪

We've gotten married.
Been like a crazy whirlwind.

-But it's still fun?
-So fun.

[all cheering]

It feels like the longest
yet shortest year ever.

-Hey! Hey! Hey!

And also the friendships
that come out of this, it's just so good.


I don't think everybody has moved on.

-How are things with Paul?
-We get good closure, we move on

and then it's like,
"Why are you still talking to me?"

Of course I have feelings for you.

Yeah. I think
there's still a lot of tension.

I don't know how you deal with this man
every single day. He's a six-year-old.

-Have you seen Marshall?
-He's been blocked.

I had no idea that you guys
were being that catty.

This shit just sucks.

I don't think, when we got together,
that I really realized

the sacrifice you were making
for me and for us.

Complex stuff, this marriage.
But it's simple, right?

That is true.

[Brett] Y'all are putting Black love
on a pedestal.

-That's who I wanna spend my life with.
-Strong words.

I feel it.

When he's happy, there's more singing.

They were a couple, like,
one to two-hour serenade sessions.

-One to two hours?

Love isn't fun if it's not a little weird.

[all laughing]

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ What you drinkin'?
What you want? ♪

♪ We spend it all
We empty vaults ♪

♪ Check yourself out in the mirror ♪

♪ Never wait in line
When you're looking tight ♪

♪ From your head to your toe
Superstar, this is your show ♪

-[elevator dings]
-♪ Yeah, yeah, I like it ♪

♪ Go on and show off every time ♪

This is so cool.


♪ Got a whole lot of wow
Got a whole of style ♪

♪ Got a whole lot of ugh, ugh ♪

-Thank you.
-All right.

Enjoy, you two.

-Thank you.

Do you want me to do the introduction now?

You want me to do it?

You always have this, "We da Browns."

Yeah. [laughs]

-You always do that thing.
-It rolls off your tongue.

Hey, y'all.

We da Browns.


-What she says.
-We still kicking it. [laughs]

This is beautiful.

This is beautiful.

I used to walk this waterfront
all the time in the morning.


How much would you say you miss Seattle?

-Portland's nice.

It's... it's just slower paced.

So, having to get used to that.

-But we're there, you're there, so...

Well, it was a big adjustment for you.


If I haven't said it before,
I'm pretty sure I have,

but I just want
to reiterate just how thankful I am

for you making that move for us.


[Tiffany] So we've been married
for a year now.

Still happily married.

And after our wedding, um,

we moved right down
to Portland for Brett's work.

Love this guy with all of my heart.

Love you too, babe.

Thank you.

-Oh, no. You good. [laughs]
-Okay, okay.

This is my soft girl era.

Nothing's gonna stress us out.

Like, I'm really trying to do things that
involve, like, self-care and wellness.

-"Soft girl era." I dig it.


I think that's what drew me to you was...
I was so just, like, focused

and I wouldn't say serious,
but you had a whole lot more,

like, free spirit, playfulness.


It was like, maybe she's just
the balance that I need to bring out

some of those traits,
you know, outwardly.

That part of my personality doesn't
naturally come out, but I'm hilarious.

-You are freaking funny.
-I know.

Who's the best impersonation you can do?

-I think Zack.

[imitates Zack] What you need to realize,
Tiffany, is that I'm in love with you.

Full-heartedly. I'm in love with you.

♪ Set it on fire ♪

♪ Half this desire ♪

♪ Feeling that fire, feeling that fire
Feeling that fire burn ♪

♪ Losing my mind with you all night ♪

♪ Feeling that fire, feeling that fire
Feeling that fire burn ♪

[Bliss] Really, it's a pretty day, huh?

[Zack] Yeah, it's gorgeous.

Finally, the sun's coming out
just a little bit. It's so cold.

All right.

-Hey there.
-[Bliss] Hi.

Here for an appointment?

-[Bliss] Yes.
-All right.

It's the Goytowskis.
You didn't say that part with me.

I think it's better
if you say that part.

Like, 'cause I... If we're, like...

If we're, like, cultish,
like, "It's the G...

Let's do it. Ready? One, two, three.

[together] It's the Goytowskis.

-I mean, you're doing it deadpan.

You're doing it deadpan, babe.

It'll come off weird
if you do it deadpan.

We're the Goytowskis.

You guys better not use that.
You guys better not use that.

You know they will.

[both laugh]

-[Bliss] How are you feeling, babe?
-Good. Yeah. I'm ready.

Yeah? Not nervous?

How are you feeling?

Fine, I guess.

[both chuckle]

I feel good. I feel fine. [chuckles]

-I love you.
-I love you too.

We are ready for you.
You can follow me on back.

[Zack] I think the best part
of marriage is having someone

who is gonna to be with you
for the rest of your life,

that is there to...
to write the story with you.

It's gonna be right in here,
and you can have a seat.

[Bliss] Thank you.

Turtle room.
I actually really like turtles.

Yeah, they're such cool, cool animals.

For me, like, I never necessarily
was like, "I need a partner in my life."

I was like, "It'll be nice."

But having... having him in my life,
it's just truly shifted me.

It's made me a better person,
and honestly,

like, that's one of the best things
about marriage. It's good.

Yeah. We've grown a lot.

Bliss doesn't like
when I put my hand here.

[laughs] This doesn't look good.

Looks too buddy-buddy.
I gotta keep my hand low.


-How is everyone? Dr. Davé here as always.

-Nice to meet you.

A pleasure. So tell me,
how have your sh*ts been going?

-I think we're at eight months now, right?

Yeah, that's awesome.

So, we usually start to see benefit
at around six-month periods.

You're kind of hitting the two months
of really seeing major differences.

[Zack] One of the things that surprised me

is I was so in love with Bliss
when we got married.

But, uh, the year...
Since the year that has passed,

I love her so much more now.

I appreciate her so much more now.

She is so nurturing and loving and, uh,

that's why I definitely
want to build a family.

So we're at the doctor's office

because we got to figure out
some things about our babies.

For our fur babies, Zack, our fur babies.

Zack has to get allergy sh*ts
for his allergies.

We have plenty of time to think
about human babies, and we are in no rush.

What were your symptoms
before starting sh*ts?

Um, if I would spend enough time
with, uh, cats or dogs indoors,

um, my ability to breathe
would become significantly restricted.

My animals had to go live with my family

while we started to get
the allergy stuff figured out.

So it's had... it's had a pretty big
impact on our life, I'd say.

And we brought, um, Asher, our dog,
back a couple months ago and it's...

He sleeps in our bed sometimes.

-So it's been going pretty well.
-[Dr. Davé] Great.

[Bliss] It was... it was really hard
to send my little fur babies away.

I mean, they're my life, you know.

Like, I love them
truly like human children.

And Zack was like,
"I have this little surprise for you.

I want to read you a short story."

He created a short story about Asher
and Blythe, how they're telepathic,

and they were talking to each other,
and kind of seeing the future.

And, um, basically, through the story,
he shares with me

that we're bringing Asher home.
And it was just the sweetest thing.

I was, like, sobbing,
and we took him home that day.

You always tell me how you love me,

but you also show it
with your actions, and I just adore you.

♪ I feel my heartbeat, my heartbeat ♪

♪ Pounding like a drum in my soul ♪

♪ So here I go, here I go ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ So here I go, here I go ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-Hey, hey, hey! It's the Appiahs! Aah!

We have been married for one year.

Yeah. Living our best lives.
We're thriving.

Here with my best friend
and my wife, Chelsea.

You all warmed up?

I'm so nervous, but excited!

-It's gonna be great.
-We're good. I'm nervous for her.

[all laugh]

[Kwame] My favorite thing
about married life so far

is definitely spending
our nights together.

We get to eat together, and after that,
we occasionally play a game, where we...

When it comes to board games,
we're pretty competitive.

Where Kwame beats me every time.

-My wife is about to freak out.

-Great. Oh, there they go.
-You can get it.

Let me get it.

I went on this experiment to find
the love of my life, to get married,

and I found my person.

But, like, I truly never thought about,
like, these bonuses.

-Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
-Hey! Good to meet you, bro. For sure.

Like throwing the first pitch
of the Mariners game.

[gasps, screams]

-[Bliss] How cute.
-Oh, my God!

[Bliss] Our jerseys.

[Kwame] Oh, yeah, those are fire.

[Bliss] They have our last names
on them, you guys.

Look at that pinkness they have going
on right there, Chelsea.

Ah, it's so perfect.

I'm a big sports fan. Like,
I'm a girly girl, but I'm a sports girl.

Like, I know the rules of sports.

Don't sit there and be like, "Ha, ha.
She likes pink but she doesn't know

the rules of football
or baseball or soccer."

Like, no, that's incorrect.

Like, I know the rules.

-[laughs] Excuse me?
-You know the rules?

-I know the rules.
-She knows the rules.

Let's play ball!

[Bliss] Let's play ball.

I'm so happy
that you get to do this, Chels.

[Bliss] We're really super close
with the other couples.

Chelsea and Kwame
live only seven minutes away from us.

We see them at least once a week.

Chelsea and I talk on the phone
every single day.

We're so close to the point
where when we travel together,

we will share a room
and have two queen beds in one hotel room.

And there's actually
a really cute picture of Zack and Kwame

sleeping on the opposite beds,
and their arms are both hanging out,

like, in between
the middle like this far apart.

It's pretty funny.
So, we're so happy

to be here with Chelsea
and Kwame together,

and to see Chelsea throw her pitch.

It's a big moment.

I know you've been thinking about it,
getting ready for it.

I'm excited for you. I'm excited for us.

-Don't make me cry.
-You're about to go out there.

You're about to crush it.

You're gonna throw the best first pitch
this stadium has ever seen. All right?

I love you.

I love you too.

-I'm excited.
-Let's do it.

-You got this. Let's do it.
-I'm crying.

-[mimics music]
-Got this.

["Perks" playing]

Welcome to Mariners baseball
at T-Mobile Park.

[Chelsea] Oh, my God, I'm so nervous.
This is crazy!

♪ I want the perks ♪

♪ You gotta, gotta, gotta make it work ♪

♪ That's right I know
You know I know my worth ♪

[Tom] Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it

for the Seattle-based cast
of Love is Blind Season 4.

-Oh, snap!
-Oh, look!

-Is that y'all?

[Tom] Now to throw
that pitch for us this afternoon,

please welcome Chelsea Appiah,
with the pitch caught by Jarred Kelenic.

[horn blows]

[pre-game music playing]

All right, Chelsea.

You wanna come center?

You got this, girl.

[horn blows]

[crowd cheering]

Nice pitch.

-[Bliss] You did it!
-Was it good?

-Love you!
-You did it!

Great job.

-I tried. I did my best.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Jarred.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

-I'm Zack.

You're supposed to ask
for an autograph or something.

What's going on?

-How was it, guys?
-It was perfect.

It was great. It didn't get past me.

[all laugh]

Thank you to Chelsea, Kwame, Zack
and Bliss for being here this afternoon.


It went straight.

Good job.

He caught it with the mitt,
didn't have to chase. It went perfect.

My little All-Star.

Your little All-Star!

She is our little star.

♪ Are you ready for a good time? ♪

♪ 'Cause we're gonna have a good time
Aah ♪

♪ We're living it up ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ We're living it up, living it up ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ We're feeling the high
There's no bringing this down ♪

♪ We're living it up, living it up ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
-♪ We're living it up ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
-♪ We're living it up ♪

[Micah] Oh, my God!

Hello! Hello! Look at you!

Oh, my God! Micah!

Oh my God. I'm so happy to see you.
You look so beautiful!

-We still have the same hair!

Oh, my God. Oh, it feels so good.

[Micah] Me and Liz
literally talk like every day.

She's heavy-handed on the text.

I hear from her often,
and honestly, it's welcome.

The last thing I want is
for Paul to feel uncomfortable,

but having a friendship with Liz

makes me feel validated
in the love that Paul and I had.

So being able to keep
that friendship has meant a lot.

It is so nice to be here.
I want to move here. I want to live here.

I would love you to be here.
I officially moved back too.

How are you liking it?

It's good. I miss being in Seattle,
being by my family and friends.

-So it's good.
-I can't help myself.

-You are so beautiful. Oh, my God.
-That's because I'm your twin.

-You're so beautiful.
-I wish. I wish. I wish.

Micah, I turned 60 years old,
and I'm like, "No."

-You do not look 60 years old.
-'Cause I'm still 29.

No. Don't tell anyone.
No one will ever know.

Right. We'll keep that on the DL.

You know I love seeing you.

I feel I was kind
of worried about how our relationship

would be after everything.

I don't want to overstep
or make Paul uncomfortable.

-It's something I'm kind of nervous about.

Well, you know, I've said forever
and a day, boys are stupid.

So whatever he thinks,
you're my friend and I love you

and we're always gonna have that.

Aw. That's so sweet.

You know, whatever issue Paul may
or may not have, that's on him.

-I mean, don't you agree? Do you agree?

Yeah, for sure.

I... I'm so happy to have you. I feel like
meeting you was such a blessing.

I don't want to cause
any issues between you two.

-It won't.
-And that was my only concern.

-I love seeing you...
-I know.

...and spending time with you.
It's always so fun.

I cannot help myself.
I'm just so excited to see you.

I am too. I've missed you so much.

So, how are you and Paul? Like, seriously?

I can't ask him like I can ask you
'cause we're girls, right?

I know.

-But, seriously, there's been some time.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

It's hard. I think
we were in a place before that's like,

you know, if you don't see me,
like, being a mother,

or don't see us getting married
in ten years,

what's the point of trying?

At least in terms of envisioning Micah
as like, you know, a mother,

I think for me it was,
like, difficult for me to do.

Just, like, a nurturing aspect,
I think, that some people have.

I don't know. But whenever I tried,

I just know that
I wasn't able to see it very clearly.

I'm not angry that he felt that way.
It's... You know, I...

Do I think he's right? No.

I'm not angry that he felt
like that or that he said that,

I was just upset
that he never said it to me.

So right now I think
we're both kind of healing...

-And processing.

It's hard
when you're angry with someone,

but they're also the only person
you want to talk to.

-Gosh. Like in a trick bag.
-That's kind of where we're both at.

Also, the relationship we had
was really great and really real,

and with that comes
a lot of pain, of course.

Now I think it's being there
for each other the best we can.


And I tell you this
with such an open heart.

From what I understand,
Paul is talking to someone.

Kind of tugs at my heart really hard.

-It's hard to hear.

Especially when I haven't moved on yet.

I kind of feel that
in my divorce from Paul's dad.

-It's... it's hard, but, um, um...

I don't know her name.

I don't really understand
the lingo of, like, "We're talking."

But the smile that I saw through Paul

when he was with you,
that's just been unmatched.

I'll break her kneecaps.

-Just so you know.

[both snicker]

You know, Micah,
last night he and I were talking,

and he was, I don't know, almost defiant.

He was like, "I love Micah.
I loved her, I still love her."

The timing. The two of you needed
more before he could say, "I do."

I think there's still, like,
lingering feelings both ways.

There's no telling
what the future looks like.

-Right, right.

-We've been chatting a little bit.

Yeah. I think it's been a bit hard
to be open about where we're at.

I think we both have a hard shell,
we don't wanna be the one to say...

-"Hey, there's something still here."

I think we both
are a little bit reserved on that.

He definitely takes after his dad
in the communication level, so...

That was something
we definitely struggled with.

You know, you might have
to pull it out of him.

♪ Like a vinyl record babe ♪

♪ Got me spinning every day ♪

♪ Never known rhythm like this ♪

♪ You're the square root of 3,000 ♪

♪ Girl, I know you got my heart flying ♪

♪ Spinning like
One and two and three... ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

Oh, this is so romantic!
I love this. I love you.

This is what I do.

I love the cheeses. A little champagne.
Can you open the champagne?

I'm a little lactose intolerant, but...

I know.

[Jackie] It's been a hard year.
Y'all know

I was getting reamed on the Internet.

Look, I know... I know
I'm not, you know, the perfect person,

but I didn't expect to come in here

and fall in love with somebody
completely different than who I chose.

Calm down.

My man is fine. I don't care what y'all
say about his cauliflower-broccoli ears.

That's fine.
I be licking them every night.

-I'm gonna try not to hit you in the face.
-Don't hit me. Walk out all busted up.

Do you know how to pop these bottles?

-I'm gonna just... Oh, my God, look at this.

-What, baby?
-This could all be yours one day.

[Josh] You keep acting right,
this could be yours.

-Are you gonna get it all for me?

-[bottle pops]
-There you go.

First for you. Just kidding.

[both laugh]

You didn't know I was a romantic brother.

-You're so romantic.
-You didn't even know.

-I think about you first and me last.
-Yeah, you do.

How come you got more than me?

-'Cause I'm big daddy.

-Cheers to us. I love you. Thank you.
-To us. I love you too.

Thank you. I can't believe
it's been a year. It's been a long year.


Feel like I've been together
with you for 50 years.

Oh, my gosh. [laughs]

You excited to get our keys
on Saturday for our new place?

Yeah, I'm excited for us to, like,
move into, like, our first apartment.

Because a lot of people said,
"They're not gonna work out."

They were praying on our downfall.

-Yeah. They said, "They'll never do it."

"They'll never make it."
"They'll never boss up."

Can you feed me some food?
Let's be super romantic and feed...



I thought you were gonna catch it.
You know how romantic I can be.

You threw it at me.

Sometimes life is gonna throw things
at you and you're not going to expect it,

and that's why I did that to you.

[laughs] I'm just kidding.

["Bring Your Friends" playing]


♪ Turn the bass up ♪

♪ Girl, pick your face up ♪

♪ I wanna see you move ♪

This is the knife
you were telling me about, huh?

-[Paul] Yeah, it's so sharp, huh?

Now you wanna brown it on both sides,
and then remove it to a plate and hide it

in the microwave
to keep everybody from eating it.

[chuckles] Nice.

And did you know when you stir your gumbo,
you always stir counterclockwise,

and the reason is it sends prayers
to prevent an active hurricane season.

-I've never heard that. That's funny.
-That's what your big daddy used to say.

[Paul] Cool. So, yeah, um...

Is it weird if I talk about
the new girl that I'm dating?

Feel like you have
a lot in common with her?

Big on traveling, loves food.

She's super supportive of, like,
all of my hobbies which, I don't know,

-I feel like opposed to Micah, you know?

Like, I don't know. I feel like she...

I feel like Micah tolerated my cooking.

-[Elizabeth] Yeah.
-This girl just loves it.

-[Elizabeth] She pretty?
-Yeah, very pretty.

Yeah. Just, like, you and Micah
was such a cute couple.

[Paul] Yeah.

That is tough, knowing that
you still have love for somebody

and still wanting
to move forward with your life in a...

In a direction, I guess, that's different.

You both are friends
and have been talking?

Yeah, absolutely.
I was talking to her today.

Actually, that smells really good.

-Does it?
-Do you smell that?

Mmm. Leave it on low. You know,
so the onions and everything gets tender.

-Wanna take a seat while this simmers?
-Yeah, let's go sit down.

It sounds generic, but I feel like
the biggest change I've seen in myself

might just be an emotional awareness.

The experiment made me
reflect on myself, you know,

and before, it was never a priority.

I think it's healthier
to listen to how you're feeling.

Yeah, so it... it was tough,
though, like, dating Micah.

Like, after the wedding,
she had to go back to Arizona,

and that was the first time that
we had been apart since the pods.

-And, uh...

It was a weird shock.
We were like, "Oh, this is gonna be hard."

You felt like
a married couple, I would guess.

Yeah, in a sense.

But I went and visited her,
I think, like, a long weekend.

Went out and hung out.
We had a great time.

But pretty soon after that, Micah
was just like, "I want to stop dating."

And I think, for me,
it... I wasn't quite ready

at that point
to give up on the relationship.

Because I do believe
that if you're in love with someone

and it's like, that's your person,
you should prioritize that above anything.

Anyway, she wanted
to call it quits and she was like,

"Maybe we can date if we're
in the same place again at some point."

I'm just, like, thinking, "No,
that's not how dating works." You know?

You don't date only
when it's convenient.

Right. And then she moves back to Seattle.

-Yeah, of course. Now she wants to date.
-Timing is everything. Everything.

-Oh, timing is everything.

Micah's a beautiful girl.

I'm sure she has her crème de la crème
selection of men to date.

-She couldn't be any more lovely.

It was funny. That moment
that you told me on the wedding day.

You were just like,
"Anything other than a 'yes' is a 'no.'"

Um, and I think that
maybe I had taken that, uh,

Micah's "You first," as not a "yes."


-So if Micah had said yes first...
-Thinking to yourself... don't think
it would have changed your mind?

Because going down the aisle, you were
like shaking and trembling to your core,

and you said, "Mom,
I don't know what I'm saying."

And moments before you were
on the altar with her,

-you were unsure.

Yeah. Like, looking back though,

I don't know what that feels like
to have somebody choosing you,

affirming you,
and saying yes, like, on the altar.

So, I can't really speak to how
I would have reacted if that had happened.

Who knows?

Just that "What if?",
you know, kind of comes to mind.

What if? You might have said yes.


I think, probably, if you showed up
at her door, on bended knee,

with flowers and chocolates,
and begged and just said,

"I'll spend the rest of my life
trying to get back with you."

"Would you?" She probably would.

This is my opinion.
She didn't tell me that.

I think that she would want to date me
if I agreed to that.


If you did decide to,
since she broke up with you,

I will tell you this as some advice.
Begging goes a long way.

♪ You make my heart go
Boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ I'm getting tunnel vision
You're making me move ♪

Oh, my God. This is giving! It is insane.

And in every different lighting it's a...
Now I don't see the purple anymore.

I still see the purple over here.
I see purple and green on this side...

You know what? It's a magic dress.

Yeah, it really is.
It's a... it's a really dope-ass dress.

It's a magic dress.
Okay, I'm excited for you to get in yours.

[in sing-song voice] Let's go,
let's go, let's go, let's go.

One-year anniversary.

♪ Let me throw the suit pants on
Yeah, yeah ♪

[Kwame] We're looking forward to
celebrating with the other couples.

I guess we haven't really got to celebrate
an occasion with all three couples.

We might never
have been able to do that.

No, we never have.

-This is gonna be the first time.

We were at each other's weddings.

Zack and Bliss and Kwame and I
celebrated our six-month anniversaries.

We got cakes and everything.
It was so adorable.


Tiff and Brett being in Portland,
they weren't able to make it there.

[Kwame] What do you think?
This is how my pants look.

Please take those socks off.

I'll take the socks off.
I... I... They will come off, okay?

-The socks are not going with my outfit.

-Please take them off. [laughs]
-I will take them off, okay?

No, that's kind of weird.
Take off your shirt.

Yeah. Like, I mean, I can take off my own
shirt. I've been doing it for 33 years.

I don't need to take your shirt off.
I'd like you to take your shirt off.

And I like to take it off you sometimes.
Most times. Every day.

Kwame's sway, Kwame's suave.



It's true. It's actually true.

I do got swag though. I do.

Oh, my God, Kwame Appiah
for f*cking president right now.


I'm here to address the people.

-[Chelsea] Address me, babe. Oh, my God.
-[Kwame] Yeah?

-I can address you?
-You look so good.

-♪ I know you've been waiting ♪
-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ On the edge of your seat ♪
-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Yeah, this is where I'll break it ♪
-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Starting one, two, three ♪
-♪ One, two, three ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Get ready, get ready ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Get ready, get ready ♪

Hi! Isn't this gorgeous?

-You look like a Barbie.
-This is so gorgeous. I love you.

-I love you too.
-How are you?

-Oh, look at them. Look at them.
-[Bliss] Hi! The Browns.

-What it do?
-What's up, y'all?

-Isn't this beautiful?

-What up, man?

-Good to see you.
-All this, with the full...

I'm so excited to celebrate
our one-year anniversary

with the other couples.

Like, those are our friends and,
like, we lean on each other for support.

I think, amongst the girls,
we still, like, check ourselves.

We're like,
"Wait, did... did this really happen?"

Like, we've truly just found our person.
I found my person. I found my baby.

-So did I. [chuckles]

Who's gonna dig into the bread first?

I ain't gonna wait
'cause I haven't eaten since, like, noon.


-[Kwame] The butter is good.

-I love butter.
-It's amazing.

They gonna have to give me
a to-go plate of this butter.

Seriously. By the the fork... Spoonful.

So, how does it feel
to officially be married for one year?

Do you feel like
it's kind of gone pretty fast?

I feel like it's been the longest
shortest year ever

because there's so much that has happened,
we've done so much.

-[Bliss] But it also feels like yesterday.

I feel like I've known him my whole life.

I was thinking, when I was walking
into our building the other day,

that he's my best friend.

And I am not so cheesy ever in my life
until I've been with him.

I love that for you.

-I feel like it's gone by pretty fast too.

Like, it feels... it feels good now.
I think it's just the adjustment period.

Just trying to get used to Portland.

I loved taking my walks in the morning.

I used to go like right
by Olympic Sculpture Park.

-So beautiful.
-[Tiffany] Yeah.

[Bliss] Yeah.

I miss those morning walks,
but I found my new path.

I don't think
it's as beautiful as the water.

-[Bliss] It's hard to beat the Sculp.
-Yeah, it really is. But...

Yeah, I think
I've been settling into my routine,

and I think he's been making it,
like, pretty easy for me.

-So it's going good.
-I try.

[Tiffany] Yeah. It's going good.

[Kwame] Yeah.

I think the... the person for you

is the person that you can be
your authentic self.

And I'll literally break it down to like,
you can be as weird as you want to be.

-And they love that about you.

-[Bliss] Yes.

Love isn't fun
if it's not a little weird, you know?

[Bliss] Exactly.

It's cool to just be, like, yourself
authentically and truly with your partner.

-It's really awesome.
-[Tiffany] Yeah.

-How much does he sing at home?
-I love you.

Pretty often. Yeah.

Or sing in general or to you?
How much does Zack bust out a tune?

I would say like every day
there's some sort of singing.

When he's happy or in a good mood,
there's more singing.


There were a couple
one to two-hour serenade sessions. Yeah.

One to two hours?

[Zack] Yeah.

[Bliss] I was so sleep-deprived,
I was awake but not awake.

He sings to the animals.
It's very cute. They love it.

-Blythe loves my singing. Yeah.

Maybe more than I do.

I thought
you didn't have Blythe right now.

No. When we go to visit her, he sings.

She runs away from me
'cause she's mad that I left her.

-[Bliss] Yeah.

We're hoping
to bring her back pretty soon.

Next month after our honeymoon.

[Zack] Tiff?

-Got you. No. In, on the tooth.
-You got a little...

Mmm. Uh...

-I got you.


-I got you.
-Thank you.

If I would've left it there
the whole talk...

That's what friendship looks like.

You looked out for her,
and then hubby stepped in to get it.

I think, for me,
the best part about married life

is just having somebody
that understands me.

I know that he's not going to judge me,

even when I'm like questioning
or doubting myself he's like that...

he's that reassurance for me,
and I think that is beautiful.

I've always just wanted,
like, that personal time with Brett.

Like, taking our actual first honeymoon
and, like, completely disconnecting.

He surprised me with a dinner
on the beach and, like, I'm just like,

"Oh, baby, look at the stars. Like,
let's stay out here the entire night."

And hearing the waves crash,
like, it was a magical moment.

That was the first one
that we did that was just us.

I say next to that,
turns out she had booked

the trip to Cartagena, Colombia,
which was great.

-[Bliss] He didn't know?
-[Brett] Yeah.

-[Tiffany] It was a surprise.
-[Bliss] Tiff!

I wanted to see how spontaneous
he could be.

-That is cool.
-The great thing about it is,

I've never had somebody take me on a trip,
you know, so...

-That was great. Thank you.
-Got you, babe.


I will say, Kwame and I have not done
an extensive amount of traveling yet.

Uh, we haven't been granted
the opportunity

with my schedule and work,
um, and our life.

And I just want to kind
of acknowledge the sacrifice

that my husband has made for that,
because that was a big part of your life.

And I don't think, when we got together,

that I really realized the sacrifice
you were making for me, and for us.

I sit here and I listen
to all the stories,

like, it makes me sad that
we haven't gotten to do that yet.


But I know our time
is coming to do that stuff,

and I want to see the world with you,

and I'm so proud of, like,
how far we've come this year.

[exhales] God.

-We're proud of you.

Love you.

I think initially in our marriage,
Kwame tried to explain to me about

his travels and his lifestyle.

I don't think I was fully able to,
like, immerse myself in the sacrifice.

I always, like, envisioned this...

this lifestyle of just like
being with my partner

and, like, traveling the world and...

There is a question that does come up
because right now we have Rocky, right?

That doesn't make things easy
to get up and go.

You also have your job which,
you... you know, you have in Seattle.

And... and don't have
the same flexibility that I have.

It seems to be like you're leaving
a part of yourself behind

or you're sad to,
like, see that lifestyle go.

But I am compromising.

And so, to a degree,
I feel almost, like, a little bit guilty

that I'm not able to,
like, provide that for him.

I don't think I'm missing out on anything.
There's no timeline on it.

But I do think that I'm excited and ready

to start experiencing more,
um, with... with Chelsea.

I think I got into marriage, um,

I don't know,
I mean, possibly slightly naïvely.


And not in a bad way,
but I was like so optimistic.

[Bliss] Mmm-hm.

And I think... And I don't say
it's necessarily harder,

but it's like deeper
and it's more moving to me,

and it's challenging, it challenges me.

But Kwame challenges me,
and it is amazing and it makes me better.

But marriage is more, like, real
and, like, true and there's just more...

It's more exquisite,
it's more detailed than I thought.

-You guys have plans for next weekend?

-What are we doing next weekend?
-My birthday weekend.

-It's her birthday weekend.
-Birthday weekend.

Should we have another wine party?

[Zack] We definitely
should go celebrate Chelsea.

And Bliss and I have been talking.

We talked about our fantasy
football league that we were all in.

And, uh, we kind of thought
that maybe we could

put together a fantasy football game,

like with actual players.


We want to bring in everybody.

So we would put together two teams,

but I think there's still
a lot of tension between people.

So what, Marshall is QB
and Jackie's the wide receiver?

-Well, so...

I see this scenario. Jackie's a defender,
Marshall's a receiver.

They're gonna be at the line. She's gonna
be like, "Boss up, boss up, Marshall!"

-[Brett] "Boss up!"

-[Kwame] Oh, man.

I tell you one thing else,
this man is gonna be shirtless.


-[Bliss] Give the people what they want.

-All right, joke's over. I'm done.
-[Bliss] Oh, my God.

We want to... All jokes aside...
And it's supposed to be fun, right?

-It's supposed to be bonding.

We can all just move on and agree
to let the past be in the past.


I'm so hopeful about that.
I really am.

My sweet thing.

It can create
an environment where you're like,

"For real, let's talk about the game.
Good pass, good play." It opens it up.

-It forces you to support each other.

But we also have to remember, like,

we can't force anyone
to take a higher path,

and I think we all have
to know and feel okay

-if that doesn't happen for some people.

[Bliss] We just don't know.

♪ There are monsters ♪

♪ There are monsters ♪

♪ There are monsters ♪

♪ In the shadows ♪

♪ There are monsters ♪

♪ There are monsters ♪

♪ In the shadows ♪

♪ In the shadows ♪