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05x07 - First Class Love

Posted: 04/18/24 17:46
by bunniefuu
[intriguing music playing]

I would marry you. I would.

I want that with you.

I do. I really do.

[Uche] When I found out that you had left...

it's like I broke.

I thought that we were on the same page
the entire way through.

I said, "I love you."
You said you loved me.

We were talking about how excited we were...

[chuckles] spend the rest
of our lives together.

You didn't communicate
any kind of doubt to me.

The emotions and the doubts,
they started when I found out about Lydia.

I got a lot more information from her
than I did from you.


And I didn't even ask for it. [chuckles]

We talked about it.
I don't have any feelings for her.

According to what she told me,

you had just stopped seeing her
a couple months ago,

and she's making, like,
all these unnecessary comments

about what she bought you,
what she gave your dog,

what kind of car you drive.

-I did not feel comfortable.
-You didn't talk to me about that.

Uche, you weren't very receptive
to me being emotionally vulnerable

about a flaw that I... a mistake in my past.

[Uche] But I... But I was.

It was a complete 180 turnaround,
as you remember.

-And I apologized to you.
-You did.

And I said,
"I should have been more open."

-I wanted to be honest with you.

I wanted to make you feel comfortable,
but I also... [sniffles]

...still felt the need
in the back of my head to,

for whatever reason, to protect Lydia,
and her feelings too.

And I know y'all are becoming friends,

and I didn't wanna, like,
start to bad-mouth your friends.

Like, I might tell you
this stuff about, you know, Lydia,

and then you're thinking, "Oh, wow."

"He talks about women
that he used to date that way?"

"What is he gonna say about me?"

-You know, so it's in my head.

Anything that I did, I was gonna lose,

but I should have explained
everything to you,

because I think you would have had
a lot more context.


A couple of weeks after we started dating,

I found out she was doing things to...
invade my privacy.

-And she lied to me about it.

And, like I told you,

trust is the most important thing
for me in a relationship.

-I told her it wasn't going to work.

And I broke things off.

She kept on calling me.
She kept on texting me.

She kept on reaching out to me.

She apologized about it,

and she seemed genuinely remorseful,

and I thought in my head,
"Okay, some time has passed."

"Maybe I'll give things
another shot with her."

-[Aaliyah] Mmm-hmm.
-So we started to see each other again.

Shortly after that,

I started receiving messages from people.

They would send me
a screenshot of her Instagram profile,

and they would say,
"Do you know this girl?"

And I'm like, "Yeah, that's Lydia."

-[Aaliyah] Mmm-hmm.
-And they would tell me,

"This girl, she's been looking
at my Instagram stories for weeks now."

So I found out
that she was just going through

all the people that I follow

and keeping tabs on them.

And then the worst thing was,

she drives over to my house.

She takes a picture of my driveway,

and she texted it to me
with a message that says, "I see you."

[dramatic music playing]

-And I panicked.

-I didn't know what to do.

But I knew that this wasn't healthy...


[Uche] ...between both of us.

So I just stopped talking to her.

[Aaliyah] Mmm-hmm.

[Uche] And after a while,

I started to feel bad.

-She was going through a lot.

-She had just experienced a loss.

So, although I thought
that this was unhealthy...

[Aaliyah] Mmm-hmm.

I also thought in the back of my head,
like, "Hey, she needs me."

So I kept on talking to her
until the point in time

where things were
starting to turn around for her.

She had gotten
a whole bunch of new friends.

You know, she was going to therapy.

She was doing a lot better.

So I broke it off with her, and...

[exhales] I don't know.

I didn't bring that up to you,

because I didn't want to,
you know, dig up the past,

but I'm like, "Wow."

"I should have told Aaliyah that,

because she would have known
maybe Lydia still likes this guy."

"She's still obsessed with him."

"You know, maybe she doesn't have
the best intentions when it comes to me."

And maybe you would have been able
to have your guard up a little bit more.

You guys have this long extensive history,

you know,
and I don't care about that part.

That's normal.
We're all adults. We date people.

But, to me, it was alarming

because it's like,
why are you so concerned

about her and Milton's situation?

You were making comments
about her and Milton

and whether he was truly ready
for marriage.

You didn't want her to get hurt.

Maybe you just genuinely care
about her well-being.

I felt like
there was still connectedness there.

I also found out

that she knew you were gonna be here
before you guys got here.

She told somebody that?

She told a couple of the girls
the first day we were there

that she had a feeling that she was
gonna run into somebody from her past.

And I'll be honest, Uche.

For a while, after your reaction,

I was questioning whether you both planned
to be here together.

-Um, I didn't know if this was like a...

I just... I'm like...

"Well, damn, if y'all wanted to go on TV,
y'all should have done The Ultimatum."

Why the hell would we do that?
It doesn't even make any sense.

What would've been the plan?
We would have came there,

and we would have pretended
that we didn't know each other,

and then we would have developed
this fake relationship?

Then went out to the real world,

where our friends
have already met each other,

and then our friends
are all gonna pretend like we didn't...

-[Aaliyah chuckles] Stop it.
-[laughs] What?

Like, does that even
make any sense to you at all?

-[laughing] No, but...

[Uche] This girl...

Maybe y'all pretended to break up
to go on the show.

-I mean, who knows? You know?
-No, no.

When the exchange of words
between her and I happened that night,

I said something,
even though I felt like it was a joke.

I can admit that maybe
she had a right to take it wrong.

-What did you say?

[laughing] I said, "If Uche
doesn't propose, you can have him back."

But I didn't mean it.
Like, I didn't mean it.

-When I said it...
-But you did mean it.

-But you did mean it.
-Not really.

It was ruining the experiment for me.

When I left,

I didn't think we wouldn't continue
to try to explore a relationship.

That wasn't the ending
that I was expecting.

-I regret it.
-[bittersweet music playing]

So, what do we do now?

[Uche exhales]

I feel like with just
the foundation that we built,

I think it's still worth trying.

I still love you,
and I can still see myself marrying you,

but then I also have those doubts as well.

The experiment was very stressful,

but so is a marriage.


I've witnessed my parents
go through things in their marriage that...

[scoffs] ...would make the experiment
look like a game of musical chairs.

I know.

They never abandoned each other.
They never left each other.

Maybe you've reached the point now,

where you think
that perhaps you should have stayed...

but the problem is,
I feel like in your mind,

you're separating our relationship
from the experiment.

-[Uche] Right?

You said, "Oh, I left, but I didn't think
that was the end of our relationship."

The experiment and our relationship
are the same thing.

How else would we have ever met
in the first place?

And that was helping us,
you know, communicate and get better.

I was learning to let go of the past
and be more open and more accepting.

And you were learning
not to run away from your problems

and being able to communicate.

And in the pods,

when we had a disagreement,
we sat there, and we talked it out.

And then here, out in the real world...

[scoffs] ...I couldn't even get home
from the pods,

and you followed me on Instagram,
and then you unfollowed me.

And then you sent me a voice message.

And before I could respond to that,
you deleted it,

and then you blocked me.

I had no way to contact you for 48 hours.

I had to keep
on checking your Instagram account

until you unblocked me,
and then I reached out to you.

I've never in my life
considered asking somebody...

[chuckles] marry me. I'm 33 years old.

[gentle music playing]

I was ready to ask you

to spend the rest of our lives together,

and you didn't show up.

You told me that you left because,
you know, you got into a fight with Lydia.

You kept on saying,
"Oh, you left because of her,

and because you couldn't deal
with that situation."

But the real reason is
you didn't have confidence in me,

and you didn't have confidence
in our relationship.

["Deep End"
by BMG Production Music UK playing]

I think it's over between us.

["Deep End" continues playing]

I understand. [exhales]

♪ I don't wanna love you ♪

♪ I don't wanna hold you ♪

♪ I don't wanna show you how ♪

♪ You took what you needed ♪

♪ Left me out here bleeding ♪

♪ Holding on so I don't drown ♪

♪ I don't wanna love you ♪

♪ I don't wanna hold you ♪

♪ I don't wanna show you how ♪

[Stacy] Part of me is worried that there's
gonna be dishes in the sink and mildew.

[Izzy] Oh, you think I actually have,
like, mold in my place?

[Stacy] Mildew!
Like, the pink ring around the toilet.

-[Izzy chuckles] I guess you'll see.
-[laughs] Oh, my God!

[upbeat music playing]

-[Izzy] All right.
-Oh! Okay, it's clean!

You were scaring me.

And you have teal flowers.

-Did you do this yourself?
-I did.

-[Stacy laughs] It looks pretty girly.
-It is very girly. Yeah.

-It's a very Hobby Lobby house.
-I don't know why you were so worried.

I was expecting this to be,
like, disgusting.

This is better
than I would expect for a bachelor.

So, you don't do nightstands?

I actually got rid
of my nightstands when I moved.

So, furniture makes sense.

-Like, a nightstand would go here...

When you're a bachelor, and you
don't really have people over very much...

When you're a bachelor,
you have certain people over all the time.

I don't know what you're talking about.

And those people love a nightstand to,
like, put their jewelry on, or...

I've never had any complaints.

Usually the jewelry
and everything goes here,

and there's a lost and found.


What do you mean?

[Izzy] Okay, let's see.
Um, what do we have here?

I love that the lost and found
is also with the condoms.

I'm a very responsible guy.
It's a good thing.

So we got a ring, earrings...

-Whose are those? You don't know.
-At this point, no.

-You're lying!
-[laughing] No, I really don't know.

I've been here, like,
a year and a half now, so...

-Bobby pins...
-Are we just throwing it all out there?

[Stacy] You're the one
that just sold yourself to the devil.

If we're gonna get married,
I'm not gonna hold anything back from you.

-Okay, well, then whose are they?
-No, I really don't know.

[laughs] I'm not lying to you.
I don't know.

Oh, geez. Okay.

I just think that's really immature.

Throw it away, especially
if you don't know who it belongs to.

Why are you keeping it?

We gotta see.

So you have no dishes.

Uh, yeah! Well, what do you...
Oh, no. Like, glass or anything? No.

[both laugh]

Oh, my God!

I guess when I was 29...
no, probably when I was, like, 26...

No, actually, never.

I never had Red Solo cups or plasticware.

I never had a lost and found drawer.

This is astonishing.

I don't know. Is that something that comes
with maturity, or is that just how he is?

We talked about cooking for each other.

-You would give me plastic?

Would you still love me?

I would bring over silverware.

But what if it was first date
and we're vibing...

I would judge the f*ck out of you.

I went out of my way
to cook you this great meal,

but I served you on plastic,
you're still gonna judge me?


When have you ever met a girl out
and come back and cook for her?

-I've done it a couple times.
-So you did serve her plastic.


-You were, "I don't have people over..."
-And I was never judged.

It was the thought that counted.

But good to know, baby.

I know we come from different backgrounds.

I've worked very hard
to get where I'm at now.

Like, I didn't have, you know,
like, fancy dinners and restaurants,

and, you know, things like that.

I don't want you to feel like I'm,
like, nagging you right now.

I'm taking it all in.

This is a side of you I haven't seen.

And I'm also like, "You're a man."

"You're a man."

"You're not gonna have, like, spotless...
and things that make sense."


So, I hear you out. You hear me out.

You get what you get.

And either you like me for me
and what comes with it,

or you don't.

[Izzy] I know Stacy is older than me.
I know she's dated older.

Like, dudes, like,
ten years older than her,

so they're, like, in their 40s,
you know, early 40s,

and I'm 29.

But at the same time, I'm a lot more
emotionally stable than they are.

That's obviously why she's with me.

So I don't really feel like
age makes a difference.

It's very minute things,
like f*cking plates.

[laughs] So yeah.

[Stacy] Here's my thing.

The explanation
between the lost and found.

-It kinda threw me off a little bit.
-In what sense?

That you keep things for people
that you don't know who they belong to.

[chuckles] To be honest,
I forget that they're there.

-I don't know.
-Why don't you throw them away?

I don't know.

Do you feel like there's some sort of
sentimental thing toward it?

I don't! That's why
I don't understand why you have them.

I mean, I don't know.

In the room, you knew exactly
that there was a lost and found drawer.

-It was like a joke.

I went and just saw that last night,
then I was like, "Holy shit. I forgot it."

You saw it last night
and didn't throw it away.

[Izzy] Yeah, because, like, I just...

I don't know.
Like, I'm not gonna lie to you.

I know, but you're engaged to me.
So I would throw everything out.

I threw out pictures of everyone
that I had pictures of.

I find that weird.

Knowing that you even saw it last night,
and you just left it there,

and then you're telling me about it,
and joking about it.

I don't know. I did not find it funny.

[Izzy] I left everything for a reason,

and it was for you to see
how my life was before you.

So then what does that represent?

For you to still be able
to accept me through everything.

So you wanted me to see...

-I didn't want you to see it.
-Why didn't you throw it away?

Well, what are you thinking?

Do you think
I'm doing it purposely or something?

No, I'm thinking you knew
I was coming over to see your place.

-You left it.
-Well, I figured...

You're saying you left it because
you wanted me to know who you were before.

I'm taking it as you want me to see you
as a f*ck boy that hooks up with people.

You make dinners for whoever.

You don't care what people think
as far as what you're serving it on.

That's the vibe I'm getting.

I just try to be very raw with everything.

And I figured you were about
to go through every drawer.

I mean, obviously,
you were going through all of my cabinets.

I know, and my point is
I think any sane person

or engaged person would take
these one earring, ring, whatever,

that you don't know who they belong to

and f*cking throw 'em away.

I just wanted to be...
just you to see my place.

You don't know anything about me.

I don't know anything about you?

[Izzy] I mean, like, my living situation.

Why are we gonna sit here and act

like we didn't have a life
before the pods?

Oh, I'm not.

I'm telling you I had one before
and out of respect for you,

I got rid of certain things.
I wouldn't want you to see that.

And it doesn't matter to me.
So I got rid of it.

You're my fiancée.

You think what I'm gonna try to do

is throw girls
in my dating life in your face?

I never said that.

I'm not mad about that.
I don't expect you to, like, go through...

Are you mad?


I'm confused. It's not making sense.

And what you're saying right now
isn't helping me to understand,

like, not even in the slightest bit.

It's making me question
if you're really ready for commitment.

If you're really ready to give yourself
to someone and compromise,

'cause your responses
with things seem very,

"This is how I am."

If you would have met me
outside of pod life...

[chuckles] ...'cause I didn't serve you
on a glass plate, is that gonna be

an expectation I don't reach,
and you're gonna cut me off for that?

I did feel like you were
being materialistic in that moment.

No, here's my thing...

[Izzy] Do you hear me out though?

-Yeah. And I'm trying to address it.

I've been in the same situation,
and if I know what you like,

I'm making it happen,
'cause I know that's what you like.

And that was my point,
and you're making it seem

like I was making it
about materialistic things.

-That's how it felt to me.

I told you, "It's the thought,
the effort that counted."

-I get what you're saying...
-Can you please stop cutting me off?

[dramatic music playing]

[music stops]

[Izzy sighs]

["Love Is Blind" by Nate Smith playing]

♪ It would be
So much easier to let me go ♪

♪ Let me keep on
Wandering down my lonely road... ♪

[crying] I just don't wanna be here
right now. I wanna go home.

[Izzy] I know you're probably
frustrated as shit right now.

You probably don't want me around you.

I know this sucks,

but you tell me
that you want someone who's gonna fight.

I'm fighting.

I just want you to know that I love you.

♪ I ain't that patient ♪

♪ I ain't that kind ♪

♪ A little bit crazy most of my life ♪

♪ Girl, you saved me ♪

♪ I don't know why ♪

♪ But I thank God
That your love is blind... ♪

-[Lydia] Hi.

[Lydia Sr. laughing] Hello!

[speaking Spanish]

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-Hi. Nice to meet you.
-[Lydia Sr.] Hi!

[laughs and speaks Spanish]

Since Lydia is my fiancée, like,
I'm definitely a little more nervous

meeting her mom and her brother,

just because I think
first impressions really matter,

and I wanna have a good first impression.

So I'm like, "Do I wanna seem,
like, very mature?"

Or, like, should I seem,
like, super lovey?

Meeting her mom is like...

It's like, "Wow."

Like, if she can accept me and love me,

then I think we can,
like, really make this work.

-[accented] Are you happy with Lydia?
-[Milton] Excuse me?

-[Lydia Sr.] Are you happy with Lydia?
-Yes, ma'am.

What do you feel about Lydia?

When I'm with Lydia,
it feels like we're little kids again,

like, goofing off all the time,
running around the house.

It's, like, very loud,
but peaceful at the same time.

But you're aware
about the serious part of it, right?

Mmm-hmm. In the pod, we talked about work.

We talked about our families.

We talked about the differences
between, like, how we are.

[William] Mmm-hmm.

And we kind of
balance each other out really well.

[Lydia] I told him, like,

"Are you ready to really tackle

all the challenges that we're gonna face?"

-[Lydia Sr.] Pero...
-"Are you ready to be married to me?"

That's yes.

In every role of the life,
married, sons, um...

-[Lydia] Kids.
-How many children do you have?

-How many children do I have?
-[Lydia Sr.] Do you want?

-Oh, three. I think three's a good number.
-Ay! I like it. That number.

I wanna say two and adopt one.

He wants to adopt one.
And, well, I did agree on that, but...

I'm gonna ask you the same question
after the first one.

I just... I just don't feel like...
There has to be a minimum of two.

The firstborn is quiet.

-No, he's not! That's not true!

And the second...
And the second, well, the second...

-Mom! [exclaims indistinctly]

[all laughing]

[Milton] She's definitely very passionate.

I got it from her.

[Milton] In the pod,

when you walked in,
you always knew who Lydia was.

I could hear a voice.
I'm like, "Oh, yeah. That's Lydia."

-[Lydia laughing]
-I know.

-Because she's loud.
-[all laughing]

It's just my volume.

[Milton] On the flight back here,

from the back of the plane,
like, looking at us.

-[laughing] Well, we were laughing.
-I'm like...

She laughs really loud,
and she talks really loud too.

She's a teacher, so of course.

I did two years of Spanish in high school.

The only phrase in Spanish that you know.

Uh, me gusta, no me gusta.

Me gusta, no me gusta. Okay.

[speaking Spanish]

Something about a boy?

[William] If you have kids,
would you expect them to be bilingual?

-Yeah, I think it's super important.
-We already discussed that.

And I told him, like, at home,
they're gonna speak only Spanish.

So it's less of a discussion.
You just said it was gonna be that way.

-[Lydia] Yes.
-You're very demanding.

When she wants something...

-Oh, I've heard.
-Do not tell him that.

-She's demanding.
-[Lydia Sr.] Yeah.

-How do you handle disagreements?
-Lydia's, like, super OCD.

[Lydia] He... No! Well, that's from her.

[Milton] She's like, "Milton,
your toothbrush is on the counter."

-"Why is it not in the drawer?"
-[Lydia] There's a place!

Yeah, but can it be
on the counter here next to my...

[Lydia] He left the toothpaste open.

-[speaking Spanish]
-I didn't...

-I didn't...
-[Lydia Sr.] No.

-[Lydia] Yes!
-No, no.

[William] You're fighting a losing battle,
man, on this one.

-He leaves the towel on the f*cking floor.
-No, no, no, that's not what happened.

-[Lydia] You never picked it up!
-Pick it up.

[Milton] There are times you go to work,
you're running...

Like, "Hey, I can't be late..."

[William] I wanna be your advocate,
but you're fighting a losing battle.


With Lydia, it's really good
because we always find that compromise.

[Lydia] He listens.

I say, "I don't like this,"

and he immediately tries to correct this.

He tries to understand why it bothers me,

and I do know,

and I am reassuring you
that I know you have my back.

And that is...

one of the most important things.

And I do not take that for granted.

[uplifting music playing]

[speaking Spanish]

[continues speaking Spanish]

Okay, slow down.
I gotta translate. Um, uh...


"She has always been the adventurer."

"She's always been the one
to do things that have been the most...

emotional things?"

-[William] And passionate.

-[Lydia Sr. speaking Spanish]

-[Lydia] Don't cry.

-She's already cried three times.
-[Lydia] I love you.

-[Lydia Sr.] I love you so much.
-I know you do.

-I love you too. You're my everything.
-[speaking Spanish]

[William] "The only thing I want for you
is to be happy. Both of you."

[uplifting music continues]

It's just, like, very different,
like, seeing your guys' bonds,

like, how you guys just all,
like, got emotional.

It's like, "Oh, my God," like...

-Ah! That's good.
-[Milton] It's something I'm not used to.

But, like, I guess I've kind of
always wanted that for my family.

[speaking Spanish]

What was that?

[William] "We accept you in our family,"
she said.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah, I agree. We can keep him.

-"We can keep him"? You like him?
-[Lydia Sr.] We can keep him! Yeah!

No return policy.

-[Milton] Got you.
-No return. No. Please.

-Got you.
-[Lydia Sr.] No return.

And when you do have babies,
we're gonna take a 12-month cruise

until the baby is born,

'cause we're not dealing
with her pregnant.


-Is it too late to get out?
-[all laughing]

["Nothing's Better Than This"
by Heather Evans playing]



-[Lydia Sr.] Welcome to my family.
-[Milton] Thank you.

-[Lydia Sr. laughs]
-["Nothing's Better Than This" continues]

♪ Nothing's better than this ♪

If I'm not coming straight
from the interstate,

I always forget how to get to my dad's.

-How long has he lived here? [yawns]

Probably, like, six years,
if I had to guess?

[Izzy] Oh, okay.

[Stacy] Last night
did make me pretty angry,

but I've never had that partner, that man,
that like, "I'm not gonna leave,

even when you're the worst person I know
and I regret everything."

[laughing] "I'm not gonna leave you."
And it's like, "Are you sure?"

He's so macho and tough in a certain way,
but when it comes to emotion, he's not.

It's so perplexing.

But, like, that's what is that whole,
like "zsa zsa zsu"

that brings me into him,
that makes me trust him,

where it's that, like,
out of nowhere softness.

Have you ever had a walkway feel
so long as this one right now? [chuckles]

Uh, yeah. Reveal. [chuckles]

It's the complete opposite
of what you expect

in a masculine, like, heavy hitter.

[both exhale]

-[woman loudly] Hello!
-[Izzy] Hello-hello!

-[all exclaiming]

-[Stacy] Hi!
-[Chelsea] Oh, my goodness!

-[Izzy] How are you? Thank you.

-[Tracy] Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-Hello! How are you doing?
-[Dale] Nice to meet you, man!

-[Izzy] Pleasure to meet you.
-Nice to meet you!

Let's grab a drink and get started to the...
get to know Izzy.

-This is exciting.
-[Chelsea] There's so much anticipation!

[Tracy] This is pretty.

Oh, yeah. That came
with the engagement. [laughs]

-[Izzy] Oh, yeah!
-[Tracy] You got a ring!

-[Sloan] It's gorgeous.
-[Stacy] Thank you. It's so sparkly.

-[Chelsea] So pretty!
-[Sloan] Goodness!

-[Izzy] She has the prettiest ring.
-[Tracy] It is pretty.

I told him in the pods. He's like,
"What kind of ring would you like?"

I was like, "Give me a band or a boulder."

-[Tracy] There you go.
-And no one's shocked by that answer.


Here's to you guys.
We're so excited to meet you, Izzy.

-[Stacy] Thank you!

-[Sloan] Welcome to the fam.
-[Chelsea] Yeah!

-Thank you.
-[Stacy] And all of our craziness.

-God bless you.
-[Izzy] Thank you. Cheers. Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

How's it been raising three girls?

-Oh, they're a handful.

Yeah, there was one trip that we took.

I remember they took an entire suitcase.
It was nothing but shoes.

-[Sloan laughing]
-We were going to France for two weeks!

-But the suitcase was, like, this big.
-[Chelsea] It was a big...

We get to Nice,
and the driver picks it up.

He's like, "What is this?"
I'm like, "That's shoes. It's just shoes."

-[Izzy] Here?
-[Tracy] No.

We went to France.
The family went to France.

[Stacy] You're... I know you're hungry.
Everyone make a plate.

We can go sit on the couch.
There's a lot of questions.

This may be the only time
we get to really spend time with you,

and then we're talking about a wedding.
That's a big deal.

What is it about Stacy, Izzy,
that you know,

like, 100% that you would wanna marry her?

Stacy knew me like the back of her hand,

and she didn't even see me
through the wall.

Anything that I was thinking,
feeling, she would call me out, like...

[snaps] ...instantly.

-[Chelsea] That's her.
-[women laughing]

So we know you really, really well.

And you are not a rash decision-maker.

-Not at all. Yeah.
-[Chelsea] By any means.

Y'all are talking about getting married.
So, how do you know that you're ready?

I know him and I know he's the one.

Have y'all ever heard me say,
"I wanna get married"? No.

[Chelsea] It's a shock to us,
actually, that you're at this place.

So, do you think
there's conversations that you

still feel like you need to have?

Anything you haven't said
that she's gonna find out about?

-[Izzy] Uh...
-[Chelsea] Are you hiding secrets from us?

-[Izzy] No, no, no, uh...
-[Stacy] Like, for real, not...

-[Sloan] Do you have a secret family?
-No, no, no.

-[Stacy] He just got a passport.
-[Sloan] You've never had a passport?

[Izzy] Yeah, so we weren't really, like,

financially at the point
to travel very much.

So, now I'm about to just go.

I wanna do, like, you know,

get a cute little cheesy pic
in front of the Eiffel Tower.

[Stacy] Oh, God.

He's never been to New York!
He hasn't been anywhere!

And New York and California
were the two states

I've always wanted to go to
and I never got to go to those.

[Chelsea] And you mentioned
you didn't really travel

because you maybe weren't
in a financial place.

I feel like the end of your 20s
is when you're figuring out your career.

Do you feel like
you're on the right career path?

Because traveling
is really important to Stacy, actually.

Like, she may not say that, but you travel
more than most people I know.

And that's not
the cheapest of things, so like...

-[Izzy] No, yeah.
-What is like... I don't know what you do.

I used to do business sales.
I left it. I was like, "You know what?"

"This year, I want, like,
a better work-life balance for myself."

"Um, be a little bit more selfish
and do a little bit more traveling,"

because I kind of
got tired of slaving away, you know?

I don't know anything about insurance,
but I had a friend reach out.

He's like, "I know
you have a good background with sales."

I've done it for, like, nine years.

He's like, "I want you to come on
to this agency with me."

I left for a week 'cause I had
a vacation to Colorado. I came back.

I worked, like, a couple days,
then I had to leave for this.

-[Chelsea] So do you still have a job?
-[Izzy] Yeah.

-They were cool. Supportive.
-[Sloan] That's important.

-"Do you have work?"
-[Chelsea] Well, no, I'm just like...

[Stacy] If you have a job or a car.

When you're in the pods,
like, you talk about everything.

You talk about life goals,
family values, kids.

[Tracy] So,
how do you feel about the kids?

[Izzy] We're on the same page with it.

If we have them, like, great.
If we don't, then I'm also okay with that.

Is there anything you've noticed so far,
that's, like, a struggle

that you're not used to
in your own previously single life?

-[Tracy laughs] Oh!

-[Sloan] Do you wanna dive into that?
-[Izzy] Yeah. Let's throw it out there.

His place.
I didn't expect it to be the Ritz.

I'm like,
"He's living by himself. It's a guy."

But when you're living with me,

there are plates, glasses.

I have plastic plates and bowls
versus, like, glass.

I have, like,
disposable, uh, forks and spoons.

[Sloan] You had plastic forks, and, like...
I don't know the scenario.

[Chelsea] How do
you guys work through that?

You're sitting there going,
"Okay, this isn't what I'm used to."

You're like,
"This is what I live with every day."

-[Stacy] It didn't go that well.
-[Chelsea] Yeah, so, what...


I think we both felt
really misunderstood and judged.

[Izzy] Uh-huh. Yeah.

He was saying,
"You're materialistic if this matters."

I'm like, "If I matter to you,
don't you want to impress me

and have something
that's not made of paper to eat off of?"

-[Chelsea] How do you work through it?

It was honestly one of the best days
that I had with Stacy, in my...

I can't agree. I cannot agree with that.

Um, aside of the fight.

She was upset. She went outside.

I went outside. We got in the Jeep.
She grabbed my hand.

We got home. She was like,
"You wanna talk about this?"

I'm like, "Let's talk about it, fix it."

And we fixed it
right then and there together.

She cooked dinner.

-We shut off all...
-[Stacy] Can y'all believe it?

-[Tracy] No, I don't believe that.
-[Stacy] I cooked dinner!

I was like,
"Let's throw something together."

I was so impressed with myself.

I think it comes down to when you have
your first fight or first big fight,

where that fear comes in,
you're like, "They're gonna leave me."

When someone turns around
and comes back and is like,

"That didn't go well, so we may not
fix it now, we'll fix it later."

"But, like, no matter what,
even if we don't understand each other,

I'm still gonna stand here,
and I'm not leaving you."

[Sloan] So, the glue for you guys
of feeling secure in your decision

is that you guys aren't giving up
on each other, no matter what.

-[Stacy] Yeah.
-[Izzy] Mmm-hmm.

And I think that's what we both said
from the beginning as far as a marriage.

Like, it's for real. It's so serious.

And the reason I've never really committed

is because I haven't found someone
that I feel that from.

That fire, that fighter. That, like...

When I say "shit goes rough,"
like, I know what it looks like,

because I've seen something collapse.


-[Sloan] I know.
-[Izzy] Yeah.

[Sloan] Sorry, that's emotional for us.

[Chelsea] Yeah.

[sniffles] So it's like...

[stifling tears] It's like,
you have to know what that looks like,

and you need to know,
like, it will get better.

Like, I need someone determined
and driven.

And like a fighter, and like...

-That's not gonna give up on you.
-[Stacy] Yeah.

And I see that with him every day.

[Chelsea] That makes me happy,
even though I'm tearing up.

-[Tracy laughs]
-[Sloan] I'm like...

I've never cried more in my life!

-[women laughing]
-I'm not a crier! Oh, my God!

In all the relationships
that Stacy's had in the past,

I've not seen her
as emotionally and physically close.

So I very much think that Izzy is somebody
that does bring her happiness.

-You wanna go talk?

But at the end of the day,
Stacy likes restaurants.

She likes to travel.
She likes nice things. It's that simple.

[Izzy sighs] Oh, man...

It doesn't mean
that he's gotta make a gazillion dollars,

but it means that she doesn't
wanna go dutch, you know, on a meal.

She thinks she's worth
being taken care of in that manner.

You can say that "I'm gonna live off love"
and the rest of it,

but that lasts until you can't make
your credit card payment.

[sighs] Oh, okay.
So, how are you feeling about everything?

-[Dale] I mean, it's a lot.
-Yeah. I agree.

But the whole "love is blind" thing,
I get that.

But love also needs to eat.

-Love needs to have a roof.

Sometimes love wants to fly first-class.

She's a...

I love her to death,
but she likes to do things,

and you both seem like
you wanna travel and all the rest.

-[Izzy] Mmm-hmm.
-So, I guess,

where do you see yourself,
like, five, ten years from now?

What do you...
I mean, you know where you're at now.

Yeah, I think, like... [exhales]

With the new, like,
career opportunity that I got,

I was a little bit concerned, like,

you know, especially being,
like, new to it.

Um, but financially,
like, the sky's the limit.

[Dale] Yeah.

You know, you get what you put into it,
and that's why I'm so excited.

-I know I'm so new to it.
-I'll bet.

But I'm so excited
because I will be able to do those things.

And I've never
been able to do those things.

-[Dale] Sure.
-You know what I mean?

I've got the savings and all that stuff.
I'm pretty wise with my money.

Yeah, and I don't wanna focus...

-I'm not trying to focus on money.
-[Izzy] Yeah.

But she obviously needs
some help or needs support.

She's got a house that she's worked
her ass off for and all the rest of that.

We had that conversation
when we went to see her place.

[Dale] Yeah.

So she was like,
"This is gonna be our place."

"Like, you know, like, an A/C unit,
if it goes out, are you gonna be willing..."

Like, "Can you help me cough out $20,000
and replace this thing tomorrow?"

-Especially with that house.

You know, I guess
it's your responsibility to take that up.

But if that fails
and it becomes my responsibility... [laughs]

I'm not, like, concerned,
or I'm not feeling on edge, like,

"Ooh, I'm not gonna be able
to provide this for her,"

or I'm not gonna feel, like,
judged if, you know, I can't.

Like, I'm honestly
just more excited than anything.

-She seems pretty excited.

It's a lot put
in a very short period of time,

but I'm hopeful.

I'm very optimistic. I think you've got
a very good head on your shoulders.

I can see how
the experiment has some upside to it.

And I can see, whether it happens
in a month or it happens in a year,

it's like you guys are saying,
it's like, "What are you waiting for?"

[clicks tongue] My life, everything's
just falling into place right now.

The fact that she knows what she wants,

that's exactly why I went for Stacy.

-[romantic music playing]
-♪ Waiting for you ♪

♪ I'll be waiting for you ♪

♪ Waiting for you ♪

["Champagne Riot"
by Julian De Vizio playing]

♪ Let's start a Champagne riot
That's where I wanna be ♪

♪ You know we can't stop now
We're dancing in streets ♪

[cork pops]

-I'm excited!
-I'm excited to see everybody.

We'll see. Once we get
a couple sh*ts in the guys, it's like...

-"All right, f*ckers. What's going on?"
-I'm not gonna jinx it!

-[Lydia] Hello, hello, hello!
-Well, hello, friends!

-What's up? What's up?
-[Stacy] Don't you look relaxed!

♪ Let's start a Champagne riot ♪

[Lydia] Marisita!

-[Maris] Hola.
-[Stacy] Miriam!

-[women squealing]
-[Izzy laughing]

My heart is, like, so happy.

[Lydia] You look gorgeous, baby.
Look at you.

[Renee] Oh, I know. This should...

I'm getting all the meat.
Y'all know I like my meat.


[Carter] I can't believe
the JP and Taylor thing.

[Milton] They locked themselves in
too early, man.


-You don't think so?
-[Carter] No, no.

I just feel like, uh,
she hadn't given it a chance.

Just got fed up with JP being quiet.

I mean, it's a relationship, dude, like...

Maybe he's just not good
at talking about his feelings.


I just feel like if I have a daughter,
I want her to marry a guy just like him.

[Milton] Come on.

Yeah. That's Captain America to me.

["You're Sick" by Rosie Oddie
& Filippo Cimatti playing]

♪ Some might say
The parasite's still living in my gut... ♪

[Lydia] Johnie's here! Oh, my God!


You know who that is?

-I don't know.
-Your friend Johnie.

-[Lydia] Oh, my God! How are you?
-Are we supposed to say hi?

I mean, I'm not gonna do anything.

-[Lydia] You are here!
-[Johnie laughing]

Oh, that's a complicated situation.

-I understand.
-Oh, that's so polite of you.

[Johnie] I will sit. Can I have a drink?

[Lydia] Yeah, yeah.
Pick your poison, literally.

-Johnie's such a joke.

She is such a joke.

I mean, the whole time in the lounge,
we're friendly to each other.

We talk. We joke around.
We have a good time.

And then I put two and two together

before she did that we were both talking
to the same person.

I felt horrible. I felt empathy for her.

I felt sad in the moments

where I knew, like, Izzy was picking me
and asking me to be his girlfriend.

Like, I felt so bad for her,

and then when she found out,

she just went around
shit-talking me to everyone.

So that just pisses me off.

[Renee] Wait, is that Josh?

No, that's Chris.

-[Chris] What's up?
-This is a surprise to see you here.

-You know we're official?
-[Renee] Well, how official?

-Just boyfriend-girlfriend.
-They're banging.

[laughing] Oh, my God!

[women chattering]

So, Chris is my boyfriend.

After Chris and I
ended things in the pods,

we did meet at the airport,

and then I feel like the second we met,
the connection was still there.

He's probably the best human
I've ever met in my life.


[emotional music playing]


He's just... [sniffles]

[crying] He's such a good person

that on a daily basis, I'm like,
"I wanna be more like he is." [sniffles]

Uh, my mom has met him, and she said,

"He's the best person you've ever dated."

Within five minutes.

So, that's the type of person
that Chris is,

and I feel grateful that he's... [sniffles] me another chance.

-[Stacy] Hey, Chris.
-Hi. Hello.

[Izzy] Well, nice to meet y'all.
Put a face to the voice.

God, I feel like so much has happened
in the last, like, two and a half weeks.

Johnie, well played
on getting the prettiest one of the boys.

-Thank you!
-[Carter] Yeah.

You're an idiot.

-Why is everybody so overdressed?

[Renee] I'd rather be overdressed
than underdressed.

[Lydia] You know what happened?

He was, like, wearing an entire suit,
and he ripped his pants from here to here.

You know,
that was Milton's proposal outfit.


-[upbeat music playing]
-[Lydia] All right, let's do it!

-[all] Arriba!

-[Lydia] Abajo!
-[all] Abajo!

-Por centro!
-[all] Por centro!

-Y por dentro!
-[all] Y por dentro!

-Whoo-hoo! Oh, God!
-Let's get this party started, baby!

[Carter] Are y'all like
boyfriend-girlfriend now or what?

We are.

I only had to, like,
force him to date me. It's fine.

How'd that play out when y'all got home?

Like, I don't remember the circumstances
leading up to it, but...

-[Johnie] He broke up with me.
-[Milton] Nice.

Yeah, you act like that was,
like, unwarranted.

-[Johnie laughs] Cheers.
-I can be toxic. [laughing]

Yeah, he broke up with me,
and then we met at the airport.

Did y'all realize it was each other?

Almost instantly somehow.

I was laying down, trying to take a nap,

and he took a phone call with his dad,

and then he walked off.

And I was like,
"Damn, like, I kind of, like, miss him,"

and he walked up,
and he squeezed my hand, and I was like...

"...I'm in love with this person."

Um, at the airport.

He is so smooth, huh?

[clicks tongue and laughs]


-[upbeat music playing]
-♪ I'm a creature of the night... ♪

[Renee] This morning Stacy was,
like, joking with me, um,

saying she wished she shit in the cookies
she made. She actually made those.

She wished she shit in them
to give to Johnie. I was like, "Oh, God!"

-[Maris] Oh, man.
-I know.

I didn't realize
that it was that big of a deal.

♪ I'm a creature of the night... ♪

[Izzy] Nice to see you.

You seem happy with Stacy,
and I'm happy with Chris.

[Izzy] I am glad
I made the decision that I made.

I heard a lot of sketchy shit about you.

[tense music playing]

Pretty much the things
that you were telling me,

I wasn't the only guy you were telling.

-So you're upset I told other people...
-[Izzy] No, upset isn't... No.

You devastated Chris. Understandable.

Guy's into you.
Your intent was to go with me. Get that.

And when Chris randomly gets a call
from you to go back in and see him...

Why would it matter? You're not...

No, it didn't matter to me.
What mattered to me

was you told him one thing,
and you told me the opposite.

[Johnie] I could leave here with Chris,

and I know exactly
what our life would look like.

And I know how he would treat me.

But I wasn't falling in love with him.

I'm wondering if I...

repeated a pattern with Izzy.

I tend to go for people who are...

emotionally unavailable.

But are you ready for a switch?

Yes. That's why I'm here.

No, I told y'all the same thing.

No, you did not.

You told Chris
that the reason you went with me

is because you would date guys
that were adventurous, spontaneous.

-Whatever your past was, and I was that.
-That's true.

You told me you would not go with Chris
'cause you saw how your life would be,

and you wouldn't be in love.

-[Izzy] And you called...

Let me finish.
I'll hear you out, whatever you gotta say.

-Chris, you were his number one.

And he's just, like, mindfucked.

I was like, "Look,
this is what she said about you."

And he was just like, "What the f*ck?
This is what she said about you."

Izzy, at what point can I talk?

-You've been talking for ten minutes.

-Can I please talk now?
-Yeah, yeah.

Thank you.

Actually, everything you've said
has been accurate.

I said, "Chris, I can see a clear future."

"Izzy, I have the most,
like, emotional reaction to."

So then when you broke up with me,

I replayed both relationships,

and I repeated a pattern.

You were my number one.

So to me, I was, like, f*cking heart...

[scoffs] But then again,
I wasn't your only number one.

-[Izzy] So again...
-No, you...

Hey, can you just listen to me real quick?

The whole time we were in the pods,
the whole time we were dating,

I had one number one.

[Izzy] Mmm-hmm.

Which is why I'm now trying
to make shit up to Chris

for being my number two.

[Izzy] Mmm-hmm.

In the end, you were right.

You're not my person. I'm not your person.

I think we're emotionally volatile.

If I can give you advice.

-No, I don't need your advice.
-[Izzy] In a scenario...

I feel like you do need it,
'cause, honestly, it's not just me.

Everyone thinks you're sketchy as f*ck.

-Okay. Thank you.
-[Izzy] Honestly, like...

And this is not to bash you.

This is just... I was emotionally
invested in you at a point in time,

and I'm so glad
that I didn't end up that way.

Not because of our connection.
It's everything that I heard.

Should you maybe realize
exactly what you're saying?

-And it was nothing to do with me.
-[Izzy] I know what I'm saying.

And it has everything to do with talk.

'Cause that's not who I am as a person...

[Izzy] So who are you?
'Cause that's what the experiment's about.

I'm trying to tell you,
and you've never listened to me.

[Izzy] How have I not listened to you?
I've listened to everything about you.

Because I am not sketchy as f*ck.

Do you think I'd end up with the nicest
guy in here if I was sketchy as f*ck?

You don't know my story,
and y'all are the sketchy as f*ck ones.

So I'm done with this.
You aren't even listening to me.

[dramatic music playing]

Good luck to you.

[Johnie] Good luck to you, bro.

And that's what happens
when you're caught up in your bullshit.

That went about as bad as it could go.

-He said I was the sketchiest one here.
-[Chris] What?

[Johnie] Basically just called me
a piece of shit.

[indistinct chatter]

-[Chris] Well...
-No one thinks that, right?

Nobody here thinks that except him.

-Are you okay?
-He thinks I don't deserve you, basically.

That's what he was telling me.

[Izzy] Hey, Stace.


[Izzy] Come on.

That's f*cked up.
He has no idea what we're about, okay?

[Johnie] It hurt me the most
that he was saying, like,

"I know how great that guy is,
and you're a piece of shit." [sobbing]

-You're not. You know you're not.

Don't listen to somebody
who's trying to hurt you.

But he was like

saying that y'all had talked about me,

and y'all both had decided
I was a terrible person.

Do you think I'd be sitting here
if I decided that?

-I guess not. [laughs]
-He's just making stuff up at that point.

[Johnie] God, I hate him.

[Chris] I fell in love with you.
You're not a bad person.

The people who are important
don't think you're a bad person. Okay?

The people who are unimportant
might have their opinions, but who cares?


I love you so much.

-[Stacy] Are you okay?
-No, I'm good.

[Izzy] I called her out on her shit.

-And she got...
-[Stacy] Which was what?

I was like,
"Dude, you're so f*cking sketchy."

-I was f*cking railing her.
-What did she say?

She's like,
"All y'all are f*cking sketchy."

-And I was just, like, f*cking pissed off.
-How is everyone sketchy?

That's what I was trying to say.
I was like, "You make no f*cking sense."

Well, I could give two shits
about her making sense.

And I'm just so grateful for you
and, like, our relationship, baby.

I guess that's, like,
literally what I'm thinking of.

-Like, I love you so much.
-I love you too.

And I'm glad that we just,
like, can communicate.

-Hey, you look, like, shaken up.
-Oh, God, I love you.

No, I'm not shaken up.
I'm just, like, annoyed.

But you said she didn't say anything,
so what are you annoyed about?

I just don't like
when people tell me shit that's not true.

What did she say that wasn't true?

That I was sketchy. [chuckles]

-That was it?

-Did it have to do with me?
-No, it had nothing to do with you.

I was kind of more sticking up for me
and, like, my friends.

-So who she's sitting with right now?
-[Izzy] Exactly.

-I couldn't care less.
-She's a lost soul. Pray for her.

-I don't even care about her. I'm just so...

I guess after being here,
and, like, seeing everybody...

Well, don't compare me to the mess.


Like, "I'm grateful for you
'cause this is crazy."

No, it's not that.

I'm just glad we're on the same page
through everything that goes on.

-So it went well. [laughs]
-Yeah. It went well.

["Something Bad"
by Rosie Oddie & Filippo Cimatti playing]

♪ Something bad is gonna happen tonight ♪

♪ Something in the air
That makes me feel like... ♪

Y'all are looking real peaceful over here.

-[Izzy] Hey! We want some Uche!
-[all laughing]

-Holy shit!
-[Uche] Yo!

-[Izzy] What's up, dude? How are you?
-[Uche] What's going on?

[Lydia] This is the first time
I'm seeing Uche

after everything went down with Aaliyah.

I used to remember, I used to,
like, have feelings for this person.

[Uche] We got cookies and dips
and everything, bro.

Okay. Um, Lydia, uh, you wanna chat?

-Not really, but if I have to...
-[Uche laughs]

You don't have to.

Sure. Let me chat with you.

I need a drink though.

[Uche] I think it's very possible
that Lydia came into the experiment

with the wrong intentions,

and I want to get to the bottom of it.

I just need an explanation.

When we first met,

I think that there was this instant spark,

this instant attraction,
this instant connection between us.

I think the fact that I felt
wanted by you, needed by you,

I think that brought me closer to you.

You... You had a lot of qualities
that I really liked.

I thought, "Oh, she's smart.
She's ambitious. She's caring."

You find out my favorite color,

and the next time I see you,
you're wearing a blue dress.

You find out my favorite drink,

and then the next week,
you send over a bottle.

And it's like, those things, I could see
you putting in that effort every day.

And that's one of the things
I really loved about you.


I think we just need
to both be honest, you know.

-No lies, no drama, no BS.
-I'm not a liar.

I'm not saying that you are.

You remember
the first argument we had where...

you weren't being
exactly honest with me, right?

-You weren't being honest with me either.

But in that moment, I was,
'cause I revealed everything to you.

In return, you lied to me.

-Honest action...
-I didn't lie.

I'm not trying to,
like, argue back and forth.

I'm just telling you my perspective.

Yeah, but your perspective...
I'm telling you I didn't lie to you.

If you were being honest with me,
why was I upset, then? Explain that.

-What was I upset about?

-I'm not gonna relay our past experiences.
-What was I upset about?

So what I'm trying to tell you, Lydia,
I'm not trying to argue over what it was...

But your volume is going up.

But what happened...
Okay, let me explain to you.

You were... You asked me a question.
I was honest with you, and I said...

-"What made you ask that question?"
-After a while. After a while.

-It didn't happen immediately.
-But I told you the truth.

And then I asked you
what made you ask that question,

and you were not honest.

You said,
"Oh, I just had this intuition, and..."

-And I did.
-You were going through my things.

I was not going through your things.
I opened a drawer.

-You weren't honest about that.
-Listen, Uche.

-Listen, Uche. Listen, Uche.
-You didn't tell me.

Lydia, hold on. You didn't say,
"Hey, Uche, I went through your things."

You're not gonna talk
to me like that. Listen, Uche.

-"This is how I know." You lied to me.

You weren't honest about that
until I told you...

At the end of the day,
we are not supposed to be together, right?

I wanna finish. I wanna finish.

[chuckles] I'm not even done
telling you everything.

I don't wanna talk to you.

-You're a narcissistic person.
-Let me just finish.

Lydia, let me finish.

-I don't care for that.

[dramatic music playing]

[Maris] Milton, get over here.

Where the hell you been?

A man can't use the urinal?

Well, uh, your woman is in there arguing,
talking to Uche.

[suspenseful music playing]

-[Milton] Hello, buds.
-Milton. What's up, man?

[Milton] What's up?

-I was looking for you. Where were you?
-I was taking a piss in the urinal.

[laughs] Thank you for the clarification.

Do you mind if me and Lydia have, like,
a quick chat, you know, to ourselves?

-And then me and you...
-You guys can.

But me and Lydia actually
have plans in ten minutes.

[tense music playing]

-Let me finish this talk with him.
-Okay, I'll be outside.

-[Lydia] Thank you.
-[Milton] Goodbye.

[Uche] Essentially...

Uche, what is the thing that...

Let's skip forward.
Let's skip forward here a little bit.

'Cause you have plans in ten minutes
or whatever the case may be.

Whenever we started talking again,
I started getting messages from girls

that I follow on Instagram

saying that you
have been watching their stories.

[scoffing] What?

So, they're sending me screenshots
of your profile and saying,

"This girl has been watching
my stories for weeks."

-I don't know. It could be like...
-You're looking at their stories.

-I don't know Instagram's algorithm.
-[sighs] We said we weren't going to lie.

You were going through my followers,
picking out girls to watch their stories.

Why would I even do that?

How are so many people texting me

saying that you're stalking their
profiles, and they feel uncomfortable?

-Do you forget how things were going?
-And on top of that... Hold on. Lydia.

And then you drove by my house one day.

-You took a picture of my house.

And you sent it to me.
You said, "I see you."

I was passing by.
We were having a conversation.

Don't act like you didn't have nobody.

-This conversation is going nowhere.
-Trying to tell you how I feel.

Really? Screenshots? [laughs]

It's f*cking comical.

He knows what happened really between us.

He knows. He knows.

But he's not gonna say that.

Do you want, like,
me to share what happened?

Do you wanna tell me about the sexting?

[Lydia] He slept with a girl
when he was dating with me,

and then had the nerve to judge Aaliyah
when she told him about her past.

-I have nothing else to say.
-Let me go...

-I have one last thing to say, Lydia.
-No. After this?

-I am super disappointed with you, Uche.
-[Uche] I have one last thing.

I was super disappointed.

I thought you were a great guy.

-But this shit?
-[Uche] I just showed you!

-I ain't gonna deal with this shit.
-[Uche] I just showed you. What?

-You're gonna walk off again?

And believe me, this is the last time
you will see my f*cking face!

You don't know how
to have a conversation, Lydia.

-That's the problem.
-You're arrogant!

I ain't gonna deal with this shit!
You need to get your personality checked!

I'm not the one that was stalking
people's Instagrams.


Where is Milton?

Milton! f*cking done.

-["Burn It All Down" by Roet playing]
-♪ There's a part of me ♪

♪ That wants to burn it all down ♪

♪ There's a part of me
That wants to see your soul drown... ♪


If me and Milton can get through this,
we can get through anything.

Let's walk away from her.
I wanna chat with you.

♪ There's a part of me
That wants to burn it all down ♪

[intriguing music playing]

You make me feel
like I'm not enough for you.

-You're being defensive.
-I think you were deceitful.

What do I owe to you?
I don't trust you for shit.

Like, I did... I made mistakes.

You're a shit person.


Deep inside, I'm thinking,
"Is this really the person for my son?"

Oh, God.

I'm curious what someone 30
would be interested in a 24-year-old.

It's phony.

Lydia planned to be here with me.

It's not fate.

She f*cking planned for us to both be here
because she couldn't let me go.

[Lydia] Milton!

-[soft music playing]
-♪ Break free from misery... ♪

[Stacy] I love Izzy. He's amazing.

He's the best man that I've ever met.

-[Stacy] Ride or die.

We fight for each other.

[Izzy] I love you.

[Stacy] I love you too.

[Lydia] We wanted to find love.
I wanted to find my husband.

And you know what? I did.

[Stacy] I love Izzy.
I see myself marrying him.

[Izzy] Being in love with Stacy
has been a crazy ride.

There's no one else
I would wanna do it with.

If it's meant to be,
it's something you want.

That's my girl. I love her.

-[Chelsea] Oh, my goodness!

-[comically] I'm a bride!

I can only hope that he's ready.

I have the man of my dreams,

but maybe he says,
"She's too much for me."

[Josh] You're sounding kind of nervous.

Dealing with Lydia, dude,
there is compromise.

Have you thought this through?

[Milton] I'm about to make the biggest
decision of my life, and I am scared.

[Izzy] I wanna walk out of here
with a ring on my finger

and Stacy as my wife.

[minister] Now's the time
to decide if love is blind.

[dramatic music playing]


[Izzy] I wanna be loved the way I love.

[woman] Oh, God...

[Lydia] I got here with the hope

to find someone
who is gonna love me for who I am.

What am I doing wrong?

["Loyalty" by Stevie Gold
& Izzy Warner playing]

♪ Give me no loyalty
Promise me you'd always be good to me ♪

♪ You should know better than
To mess with me ♪

♪ Not bringing me down
'Cause I wear the crown, yeah ♪

♪ You came in
And made it all about you now ♪

♪ I'm tired of making it
All about you now ♪

♪ Boy, you know that
I ain't nobody's fool now ♪

♪ You know that I'm done
'Cause I wear the crown, yeah ♪