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06x04 - The Hardest Decision of My Life

Posted: 04/18/24 17:51
by bunniefuu
[pop music playing]

[Mackenzie] We were talking
about some of our quirks or whatever.

He was like, "I pick my nose."

-Restroom. He said he picks his nose?

He said, "Yeah,
everybody picks their nose."

-I need to talk to him about that.
-He's also like, "I pee in the pool."

I was like, "In the shower?" He said yes.
I said, "I pee in the pool and shower."

-You pee in the pool?
-[Mackenzie] Yes.

Pee in the pool?
-[Mackenzie] Yes.

It's a crime, friend.

That's a crime against humanity.

-Yeah. And we both pee in the shower.

-[Brittany] Shower, yeah. But the pool?
-You're saving water at that point.

-I'm appalled.
-Don't look at me differently.

-I will never judge you. Pee on your man.
-Okay. Thank you.


But don't pee in a pool that I'm in.


Y'all have got to relax.

I don't know
what these men are doing to y'all...

-[dance music playing]
-♪ Stuck on you ♪

♪ I can't get enough, get enough of you ♪

♪ Little bit of lovin' , we can't lose ♪


I had a wild dream.

-A wild dream.
-[Sarah Ann] I did have a wild dream.

-[Jeramey] Okay.
-It was the first dream I had.

And I woke up and I was like, "Ooh! Okay."

"We're not gonna talk
about that dream." [laughs]

I'm not even kidding. I woke up,
and I forgot where I was at for a second.

-Whoa, whoa.
-Yeah, yeah. Do you talk during sex?

-[Jeramey] Not really, no.
-No? Is it a red flag if someone does?

-Oh, I don't mind.
-[Sarah Ann] Okay.

-[Jeramey] Doesn't bother me.
-Okay, cool.

[Jeramey] It's just for me,
I think about it in the sense of, like,

who wants to hear a guy being like,
"Oh yeah, oh"?

I don't even know that.
Like, I've just had conversations before.

-[Jeramey] That's f*cking weird.

Why? If you're talking in the middle
of sex, you're not occupied well enough.

Okay, your preference.

[Jeramey] I've never been
with someone talking during sex.

Are you showboating?

-I've got... I've got my ways.
-[Sarah Ann] Okay.

There is a couple of things
I'm fairly confident about.

[Sarah Ann] Sweet.

You just have to find out one day.

-There is a difference between having sex...

...and then being emotionally connected
to someone that you are having sex with.

I agree.

[Jeramey] And I want that,
and I want it, like, bad.

-That shit's fire, isn't it?
-[Jeramey] It is. Like...

-[Sarah Ann] Crazy.

Crazy. Does crazy scare you?

[Jeramey hesitates] You know what?
Everybody's gotta have a bit of crazy.

-That's what makes it fun.
-[laughs] Yeah.

It kind of also in a weird way makes you
reassured that your person is, like...

Really cares about you, really loves you.

Oh, you're talking
about that kind of crazy.

There's so many things in my life
that make me feel like I'm being judged

or I have to be a certain type of person.

I think that with you

everything feels free to me.

Like, I don't feel like
I have to be anything other than who I am.

I've never had that with anybody before.


And I just have fun with you.

Like, nothing makes me feel...

alive like this.

Like, I would have never imagined
sitting in a freaking box

and genuinely, like,
being able to, like, feel this alive.

You know? Like, I...

And the only person here
that's ever made me feel that way is you.

I've definitely got feelings for you.
Feelings that, you know...

[chuckles] ...are more physical
than are mental at this point.

-With somebody else or me?
-[Jeramey] No.


-Kind of a sexual tension type of thing.
-I know. I told you that early on.

-I know.
-I'm not gonna act like I'm not confident.

It's f*cking wild that literally
a person I've never seen before...

-Like, I can feel like that, and...
-It's not gonna be a problem.

[laughs] I mean, and I hope not.

-["Tie Me to the Bed" playing]
♪ Tie me to the bed ♪

♪ Tie me to the bed now, baby ♪

♪ I feel it, baby

♪ I've been trying hard to fight it
But it's coming ♪

I'm gonna marry Jeramey.

Like, it's gonna happen,
'cause I already know.


-Y'all are gonna get married.
-I know.

My top person that I've planned my whole
g*dd*mn holiday Christmas day with...

We're getting into it.
We get along really well.

We're similar on a lot of things.

-So what is the freakin' hold up?
-[Laura] What's the hold up?

[Alejandra] Do you know
who else he's dating here?

-Oh, okay. Gotcha.
-[Laura] Yeah, yeah.

She talks.

He's the only person
that I've talked to about real life.

Today will be very telling.
But who knows? Again, I could be the one.

-I could be the second choice. [grunts]

[Laura exhales]

I don't know what
my f*cking problem is today. [sniffles]

Are you crying?

[laughs] No.

[Jeramey] Oh. Yeah? No?

No, I'm not.

Um, I don't know.
Let's change the subject, maybe.

Well, what's up?

I can't even believe I'm saying this. Um...

I don't know. I feel like
I'm the type of person in the past

to where, like, I haven't even,
like, let myself figure out

if I am, like, compatible with someone

because I get,
like, stuck on the little things.

And then it's like, "Oh, you're done."
Like, or "I'm done."

-[Jeramey] Yeah. Yeah.
-Like, I'm not interested anymore.

And, um, with you,
I made, like, a pros and cons list.

When I tell you I, like,
ran out of space for the pro side...

[both chuckle]

And then there was just,
like, a few things on the con side.


I cannot believe I'm crying.

There's a lot... like, there's
so many qualities about you that, like,

I don't know, like, I like and that are,

like, foundationally very important to me.

That it's like, we don't have
to have all the same hobbies.

We don't have to like
to do all the same things.

And, like, we can be separate people,
but, like, when it comes to, like,

family values, those are the things
that's important to me. [sniffles]

It's like, that's where we align.

That it's, like, I don't know.
I don't even care about, like,

the other little things
that, like, have been big for me.

It's just you for me.

And that's... that's it.

And I know it's, like, a lot to put on you
'cause you're dating other people

and that might seem unfair. [sniffles]

So I wasn't even gonna say anything,

but, like, I come in this f*cking room
and then lose my mind. [chuckles]

-[Laura chuckles]

So that's it.
I'm sorry for laying all that on you.

Thank you for sharing all of that,

but, like, I was literally laying
in bed last night,

and I was thinking to myself, like,

"I just wanna talk to her."

-[chuckles] Yeah.
-[Jeramey] And I'm not like that.

Like, I'm very much a, you know...

I like to internalize
my thoughts and things like that

and handle it, and I was like,
"I just wanna see her. I wanna hug her."

"I wanna hold on to her
and just talk and..."

-This is gonna sound insane.

[Jeramey] I know you're gonna agree
with the insanity of this,

but I'm, like, falling for you.

I've never seen you.

-And I've never met you in person.

But everything about you
is, like, the same thing.

It checks all of the boxes,
and I can't think of a negative.


I could probably give you some. [chuckles]

I'd love to hear 'em. Maybe not right now,
'cause we're in a moment.

I'm gonna be a raisin
by the time I leave here.

-Like, a dried-up...
-[Jeramey] From crying all the time?

-Like, a dehydrated-ass raisin.
-[Jeramey] What you been crying about?

Just you!

Oh. [exhales]

[Laura chuckles]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ You were born to be a fighter ♪

♪ I know you'll keep pushing
Just keep pushing ♪



[Clay] AD!

Clay! [laughs]

-It has been a journey.

For sure.
-Whirlwind, right?

-Yeah. A whirlwind. [chuckles]
-[Clay] A whirlwind.
I felt lost in the beginning.

It was, like, so bizarre,

but I just
kept finding comfort, like, in you.

It's just been a blast, to be honest.

-[Clay] Yeah.
-It's been a f*cking blast.

-This felt right all the time.

Honestly, like...

It's... I just gotta thank you
for just getting me to this point

of just feeling like
the man that I should feel like.

-You know what I mean? No, I mean it.

I mean it.

Listen, I'mma get you to feel like
the woman you deserve to feel like.

-You know what I mean?

I never anticipated I would be here.

I remember, like, "There's no way
I'm gonna end up getting married."

There's no way I'm gonna find my fiancée
on the other side without seeing her.

Yeah, that is a thing.
-I shot myself in the mouth so many times.

I said, "Girl,
if you don't show me what you look like,

there ain't no way I'm proposing."

I was like,
"Okay, bro! Play yourself if you want."

-[Clay] You know what?
-Play yourself if you want.

[Clay] AD, I wanna be better for you.

I feel so... Like a weight
has been lifted off my shoulder, AD.

-And everything happens for a reason.

-[Clay] Why would God even send me here?

I didn't watch the show.

I didn't know what to expect.

When I did kind of get a glimpse of it,
I was just like, "That's not me."

-Yep. Yep.
-[Clay] I'm not the emotional guy.

-And then I break down. I cry.

And it's like, "Okay, things been clear."

And if it's cool with you, baby,
I just wanna read this verse if I could.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding."

"In all your ways, submit to Him,

and He will always
make your path straight."

And it's such
a beautiful verse, honestly, AD.


[Clay] The one thing
I yearn for is to always be validated

and for someone to truly like me
for who I am

and love me for the person that I am.

I don't trust that. "Let me
just talk about my external stuff."

"Let me lead with the physical
and let me lead with my accolades."

And you just kind of saw past my bullshit.

-[Clay] You really did.

And you still, like, was like,
"Okay, I see something in him."

-Yeah. I knew there was more.
-[Clay] You knew there was more.

I knew there was more.

[Clay] And you believed in me, AD.

-To me, that's the biggest thing, right?

I didn't think I would fall in love
this way, and it's like, I did.


I'm shaking.

-[Clay] I feel like I know you so much.

-[Clay] And I trust you so much.

[Clay] When I'm telling you,
"I'm so serious about you, baby, like..."

The fact that you validated me
every step of the way,

like, I'm never gonna abandon you.

We are a partnership. We are a team.

-The most dynamic team, I would say.
-I'll agree.

-Know what I mean?

[Clay] At the end of the day, I'm just
ready to take this next step with you, so...

-I will bend the knee.
Stop playing with me.

-I'mma bend the knee, baby.
-Stop playing with me.

But I need to know,
will you take my lovely hand in marriage

and walk this life with me
and rock out with your boy, Clay?



-Oh, my gosh! Yes, absolutely, 100%!
-[Clay laughing]

Let's go!

[shouts, laughs]

[Clay] Let's go!

AD, I ain't even f*cking prepare for that.

-I just came in.
-[Clay laughs]
-Shit, Clay!

-[Clay] Let's get married, baby.

-[Clay] Wow! How you feel?

I am elated.

And, like, I trusted you,
like, with my life,

literally with my life,
and you did not let me down.

-And you did not drop the ball.

Oh, you giving me this moment

is, like, everything to me.

[Clay] This is something I yearn for,
to be married,

and to find someone like you
in this process.

-You just always came through for me.
Always have my back.

-I really appreciate it, AD.

Like, it was no question for me.

I'm breaking down over here.

[Clay chuckles] It's okay, baby.

Oh, my God. I can't believe it.

-I'm not nervous, AD. I'm not.
-Oh, good.

[Clay] 'Cause you are my baby.

I need my baby to feel like
she on top of the world.

I'm so happy. I want you to...

I just want you
to have the time of your life.

-Like, I really wanna give that to you.

You deserve it. I'm just so thankful
that God brought me to you.

And, listen, baby, this is forever.

-Forever and forever.


-[Clay] This is to you, baby.
-Cheers, honey.

[Clay] Cheers.


-I love you, honey.
-[Clay] I love you too, baby.

We're in this forever.

-[Clay laughs]

Damn, I'm like a little kid right now.


AD and Clay sitting in a tree...


♪ Wake me up now...

Let's go!

Let's f*cking...
-Let's go!


♪ I never thought
That I'd feel that you could be the one ♪

♪ Crashing by, come dreaming ♪

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Play the part ♪

♪ For in the end ♪

♪ All the cards will show ♪

[Brittany] Being chosen by Ken
has been a wonderful feeling.

I have felt wanted and needed and heard.

I really believe that God has put Ken

on the other side of the pod for me.

♪ Ooh-ooh!
What's beneath the masquerade? ♪

[Kenneth] I've chosen Brittany
to be my wife, to be my best friend.

I found my person.
Brittany gives me so much security.

She's utterly trustworthy.

Everything that I said
my fiancée must have, Brittany has.

I feel like he has a big smile.

His stature is very strong,
but I can't picture the face.

Ken and I have talked about race,

and he identifies as a Black male.

But I see Ken first
for who he is on the inside

and how much his soul is worth.

The color of my skin does not matter.

The color of my partner's skin
does not matter.

This, this, everything about me
is going to change one day.

And my heart is going to remain the same.

[Kenneth] The nervous energy
and the anxious energy that I have

just comes from just, like,

I'm finally about to see someone who
I've fallen for without ever seeing them.

You know, I've always dated Black women.

This would be the first time I've ever
dated and married outside of my race.

[Brittany] I'm about to meet my fiancé.

Oh, my goodness. [chuckles]

I am eager to grab my fiancé

and be able to hug him and love on him.

Our kiss will be very respectful,
if I had to take a guess. Um...


But whatever happens happens. [laughs]

My lips are ready
to be kissed for sure. [laughs]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [laughs]

I'm ready to be a wife.

[gasps, laughs]


[laughing] Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

What's up, baby?

[Brittany exhales]

[laughing] Oh, my God.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Hold on to me... ♪


♪ Like it's the last time you'll ever... ♪

-Delightful. You look good.

-Thank you. [laughing]
-You look so good.

Thank you! [laughing]

I am literally...

This is crazy. This...

-Hey, baby!
-How are you, my love?

♪ Say you'll stay with me... ♪




You look wonderful wearing all black.

Oh, my God!

Just me and you.

[Brittany] Oh.

-It's me and you?
-Me and you.


Oh, my goodness.

-Will you be my wife for real?



♪ I promise you I won't let you down... ♪

Oh, my God. [laughing]

♪ ...if the stars should burn out ♪

♪ I will be the light that guides you... ♪

[shouts, laughs]

I got the prize.

She's my person. She's my person.

-I'm happy to see you.
-I'm happy to see you.

It was so long, wasn't it?
Nice to see you.

-It's nice to see you.
-You look amazing! Like...

-Oh, my gosh!

Like, look at this.

Thank you, Lord!

God is good!

-All the time. God is good.
-Yes, He is.

I'm so glad to match your voice
with your face.

-Same. Same.
-And your body. You're tall and handsome.

You look even more amazing
than I pictured.


-Did you expect me to have brunette hair?
-I did not!

My hair, what'd you think?

-I like your long hair.
-Thank you.

Your eyes are pretty.

-The light's hitting them. Mm-hmm.
-I appreciate you.

When he laughs,
his little nose scrunches up.

[both laughing]

[Brittany] He's precious.

I don't believe that it would have
mattered what he looked like, but,

comma, um...

[chuckles] ...he is very handsome.

How you feeling though inside,
like, for real?


Oh, your voice! I just...

-It clicked? [laughing]
-That clicked.

Like, that was a clicking moment.
It's gone now.

-That was a clicking moment.

Oh, my God.

But, yeah, like...

Like this. That's how I feel inside.

-[sighs] God, what did I do to deserve...

-What did I do to deserve?
-What did I do to deserve this, literally?

I'm so grateful.

-[sniffles] So grateful, literally.
-Me too.

-Well, I love you so much.
-I love you.

So, so much.

So much.

You got a heart of gold.

So do you.

Come here, my love.

-I'm honored to be your fiancée, baby.


-[pop music playing]
-♪ Oh! Oh! Oh!

♪ And it's you
Because it feels so right... ♪

Wait for me.

-Choose you every day.
-It's you.

-It's time. You're mine.
-It's you!

-I love you.
-[Brittany chuckles] I love you.


[shouts, laughs]

-[Brittany] Bye, baby.

♪ Oh-oh-oh! ♪

♪ And it's you because it feels so right ♪

♪ And it's you I finally... ♪



-[Trevor] Hello.


[gasps, squeals]

-[Trevor] What?

Have you seen these flowers?

I love them!
Do you have anything over there?

[Trevor] A box.

-Um, okay, I opened the gift.
-[Chelsea gasps]

It's very sweet.

"My heart is and always will be yours."

That's so cute.

-Do you know what it is?
-You have to tell me.

So when I tap mine...

-...yours is supposed to vibrate.

-To let me know, "I'm thinking of you"?

-[Trevor] That is cute. That's awesome.
-Isn't that cute?

[Trevor] That's adorable.

[gasps] Your baby's collar?

That is so crazy.

And it just happens to be
a heart with your name on it.

That's adorable.

Thank you.

Okay, what... what's this?

It's a rock that says "love."

-Okay, so the explanation is...

It's like braille. Like, you could
feel it and tell that's the word "love."

-So, like, "love is blind."
-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

-[Trevor] And I moved multiple times.

And I always kept that rock.

And I feel like
there's a reason I kept it.

And the reason is I feel like
I knew I was gonna be here.

-I'm a big fate person, as you can see.
-I love that.

I feel like both of my gifts to you
are kind of like signs.

-[Chelsea] I love that.

[Chelsea] That's very sweet.

I've always had the ability
to be a good spouse in me.

-I'm a good combination of masculinity.

Like, you'll feel protected
when you're with me.

Whatever you're going through,
we're going through together.


I feel like
we could be hanging out at home

and just be, like,
wrestling each other, and then, like,

you'll let me have a cry sesh
'cause I had a hard day at work.

[both laugh]

-Perfect day.
-[Chelsea] I feel that's a great balance.

Mud wrestling, transition to crying.

-[Trevor] We'll watch The Notebook.

Get ready for me
to just constantly be tackling you.

You bring a side of, like,

joy and happiness that I don't think
I've ever felt in a relationship before.

That's really good.

I think that you and I would make
a really good impact on the world.

-And I wouldn't have to be like,

"Let's go volunteer, like, here."
You wouldn't be like... [groans]

No, I thought about that as a date.

Like, when we get out of here,

like, we should go to,
like, a soup kitchen and volunteer.

-That is precious.
-Yeah, or a dog shelter.

I haven't had conversations like this
with anybody else.

I love you. [chuckles]

Like, I just love your outlook on life.

I feel like you feel the same.
Like, you're just...

Yeah, no, you're an amazing person.

-[Trevor sighs]

You're making me cry!

This is my favorite
conversation that we've had.

Me too.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Wait until... ♪


♪ Just wait until the night ♪

-Hello. [exhales]
-[Jimmy laughing] What's up?

[Jessica] I just
spilled my drink on myself.

I am a mess all the time.
That's what you have to look forward to.

[Jimmy] What's it
going to feel like for you

when we, you know, we see each other,

and we kiss and hug?

[Jessica exhales]

Honestly, I can only imagine.

If we already have,
like, this kind of electricity,

and we can't see each other,
touch each other, I'm, like,

I'm genuinely concerned
that when we do touch each other,

we're gonna, like, electrocute ourselves.

'Cause that's how,
like, powerful it feels.

I know that it's in,
like, the very near future, but...

-[Jimmy] Very soon.
-I can just only imagine.

[Jimmy] Very soon.

What do you think you're gonna feel?

I think the love piece
goes without saying.

I don't foresee it ever
being a question about love, but...

there's a lot of sexual tension, so...

I'm excited about the lust. [chuckles]

[laughs] Jimmy!

[Jimmy] I have to tell you how I feel.

Yeah, you do. You do. You do.
And I want you to every day of your life.

But as long as you tell me you love me,

when I commit to someone,
I commit to someone for the long haul.

There's a gigantic box
with a bow on it in here.

[Jessica exhales]

-Can I open it?
-You can open it whenever you want to.

It's a very, very, very,
very, very sentimental item.

Which... You're a lover boy,
so you might appreciate,

but even if you don't,
like, just act like you did.

I'm opening it.

I wrote that a couple years ago

to my future husband,
and I said I was gonna give it

to whoever I could see myself marrying.

"To my future husband,
I think about you often

and wonder if you spend as much time
as I do daydreaming about our future."

"I wonder if the road that led you to me

was as long
as the one that led me to you."

"It feels like I walked through hell...

[chuckles] ...wearing gasoline-covered
underwear to get to you."

-[Jimmy] There we go. There's the joke.

-That's me.
-[Jimmy] Yeah, that's you.

"I wholeheartedly know every moment,
trial, heartbreak,

hard lesson learned will be worth
the abundant life we will live together."

"I pray for you daily and ask God
to bless you with peace, happiness,

prosperity and fulfillment."

"My hope is that he has been preparing us
for each other and helping us..."


I'm a baby. Um...

Work with me, sorry.

"My hope is that
he has been preparing us for each other

and helping us both learn ourselves
individually so we can love each other."

"Although it may take you some time
to disarm me

and see through
the prideful front I put on,

I fully commit
to giving you the most soft,

feminine, vulnerable version of myself."

"I promise to raise our children

with the same unwavering love
and devotion that I've given Autumn."

"Thank you in advance
for loving her just as much,

if not more, as you do me."

"She has the key to my heart,
so you'll have to ask her for it."

"I can't wait to give
every part of myself to you."

"Cheers to forever,
with love and gratitude, your wife."

That is very sweet.

That's very...

I love it. That's...

That's, um...

I have done a decent job at...

expressing my feelings about you.

-And what I can commit to you.

It's all those things.

You've done a great job.

[both chuckle]

Thanks for that. [exhales]

[Jimmy] No, you've done a great job,
and I...

I feel really strongly
about you too, and I, uh...

I don't wanna get so emotional right now.

You feel emotional?

-[Jimmy] Yeah.
-I thought you hung up on me.

-I would never hang up on you.

[Jimmy sighs]


How do you feel?

I'm happy and lucky
that I'm the man who gets to read this.

I don't know if I can

tell you exactly what you wanna hear
at this point.

I'm really emotional, and...

I got a lot to think about.

I'm trying to get to a point
where I know for sure.

Mm-hmm. And I do want you
to know for sure.

Feel how you feel.

And do that unapologetically,
even if you don't feel the same way,

which I cannot believe
my mouth is uttering those words.

But, regardless,

I can leave feeling like
I did and said everything.

[Jimmy] I appreciate that.

I'd want my wife
to lay it all on the line for me

and not have any regret.

I really, really, really like you,

and I really...
I really love everything about you.

[Jessica] Well, good.

I'm glad you do. I want you to.

I know if I want to pursue
a long-term relationship with you,

like, there's just something
I need to think about,

and that's because you have Autumn.

I don't want you to think
that I'm not happy and thankful,

and, like, I don't feel like the luckiest
man in the world that you... [chuckles]

...shared that with me,
'cause I actually do.

Thank you.

You're welcome. [chuckles]

-Oh, like, you're welcome, bud.

-Like, I don't know what...
-[Jimmy] Oh.

-Don't "bud" me.
-[Jessica laughs] That's...


I'm gonna be honest with you.
I don't like this.

Like, at all.

You're torn between me and somebody else.
I don't know what you're doing.

I don't know what you're feeling,
I don't know if you're just,

like, beating around the bush about it
'cause you don't feel the same way.

Which if you haven't noticed by now,
like, I'm a big girl.

If that's how you feel, just say that.

[Jimmy] I'd prefer
our dates to be our dates

and not talk about where my head's at
picking between two people.

I'm not gonna jump the g*n
and tell any woman I love them.

I'm not asking you
to tell me that you love me. You don't...

I know, but I... when I... when I love
someone, I freakin' love someone.

Like, you're gonna get every inch
of everything we've talked about

and the ways I love
and every bit of all that.

I refuse to drop the word love
unless I am 100% sure.

And I know you're...
you're not asking for that,

but I'm not doing that
with someone else. I'm not...

I'm not doing that with you.

I know what you wanted to hear,
and I want to say that,

but it's unfair for me to even
say anything to you about how I feel

if I'm not 100% sure
that I'm gonna be on the knee for you.

Well, that's absolute literal blasphemy,
and I don't agree with that.

Because I told you how I felt,
knowing good and well.

And I'm still okay with the fact
that you might not feel the same way.

I cannot give you
anything else at this point.

I have very strong feelings for you,
and I want you to know that.

You've literally
poured your heart into this and, like...


I have too.

You don't think
that I've got my point across

every time we're in the pod together
about how I feel about you?

How I feel about you goes without saying.

Your feelings for anyone,
especially me, never go without saying.

Because it does not go without saying.

I can't believe you said that to me.

"I think that the way I feel about you
goes without saying."

How am I to know
how you feel about me if you don't say it?

I hate this feeling.

I hate this feeling so much.

I'm not gonna chase you.
I'm not gonna talk you into being with me.

I wanna feel like the prize.
I wanna feel like you're pursuing me.

I think you like
the idea of being with someone

who's, like, as intense
and as direct as I am,

but, like, I think
it would probably be easier

for you to be with someone
who's a little bit more gentle with you.

[exhales] I've never
dated anybody that's direct.

Do I think I can handle it?


I really think I can, but...

I'm typically drawn to

someone that lets me lead

[Jessica] Mm-hmm.

But what I've had in the past,
it hasn't worked.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not walking away
or, like, going to bed angry,

but it's feeling forced,
and that's just not us.

-I think we should leave it alone for now.

I'm good with that.

I want you to find the clarity
and peace that you need

to figure out who you wanna
spend the rest of your life with.

I feel like continuing to talk about it

is making me feel like
I'm having to talk you into it.

And I don't want that.

Well, thank you for wrapping that up
because I can't make up...

[chuckling] ...I can't form a sentence
to figure out how to tell you how I feel.

[Jessica] Yeah,
and I'm gonna tell you, like,

if I even want it anymore by the time
you decide what you wanna do,

that is something I will need.

[pop music playing]

♪ It feels like a fire is rising... ♪

You are never
gonna put me in this position again

to where I'm left wondering
how you feel about me.

[Jimmy] Trust me, I wish I knew...
I wish I had a decision at this point.

Everything that I've shared with you,
I haven't shared with anybody else.

I don't have anything else to say.
I really don't.

And maybe I will talk to you later.

[pop music playing]

♪ And if it all goes away ♪

♪ Will you run and hide? ♪

♪ Who'll be on your side? ♪

♪ Everything can fade ♪

♪ Don't wanna see the signs ♪

♪ Are we gonna fight? ♪


He's just very, very torn
and doesn't know what he wants right now.

-I told him, "You do what you need to do."

'Cause this is
the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

For you to leave me
wondering how you feel...

You are never gonna
have the opportunity to do this again,

so do what you need to do.

And I was very direct with him.

And the indecisiveness in itself
is not reassuring,

'cause he's not about to pull that shit
when Autumn is in the picture.

You don't know how you feel?

You can't, like, articulate it?
You can't even write it down?

[Mackenzie] Right.


You good?

[Jimmy] It was not a fun conversation.

Conversation started well,

but I'm not gonna tell her what
I wanna say and what she wants to hear

if I'm not 100% sure.

I didn't prepare too well
for the conversation.

Every time I've talked to her, it's been,
like, really easy to talk to her.

And, uh, she handled it the way
I would have wanted her to handle it.

She didn't give me an ultimatum,
but she handled it

the most mature way
she possibly could, which is like...


What's crazy is if I choose her,

like, I genuinely believe that
I can have that conversation with her,

and she'd be really happy,
and I would be happy,

but I'm not gonna...
tell two people the same thing.

You see her
possibly again tomorrow, right?

I genuinely haven't made up my decision.

You keep going with your heart, man.
You keep going with your heart.


It's all gonna fall
the way it's supposed to fall.

It's just confusing, man.

♪ You don't wanna let go ♪

♪ I don't wanna let go ♪

♪ So we'll just
Let it fall apart real slow ♪

♪ You don't wanna let go
I don't wanna let go ♪

♪ So we'll just let it
Fall apart real slow ♪

[Jimmy sighs]



[Chelsea] Hi!

[Jimmy] How's your day?

[Chelsea] It's been a good day!

-How's your day?
-[Jimmy sighs]

-It's been a long day.
-[Chelsea] Yeah?

Yeah. Long, long day.

-[Chelsea] You wanna talk about it?

Are you good?

[Jimmy] Yeah, I'm good, great.

I'm excited to be in here with you.

-And there's a big old gift in here too.
-[Chelsea laughs]

You do not have a gift,
and I did not give a gift to anybody.

-So I want you to know that.
-Are you okay?

Not on my best game
right now, but, um... [sighs]

It makes me happy
that I'm in here with you.

-Should we talk about something light?

[Jimmy] No?

I just wanna know what's going on.

[Jimmy sighs]

I don't like to talk, like, other dates.

Well, clearly that's
the situation we're in.

I mean, obviously,
I think you know who I've been seeing.

I know who you've been seeing.

I wanted to see the Jess thing through

and our conversation today was...
absolutely terrible.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

I felt really good about you,
I felt really good about her, and...

and I'm here to find a wife.

-I'm here to find my best friend forever.

[Jimmy] I was gonna try
to maximize my time with everybody,

and... [sighs]

Boy, do I feel terrible.

-[Jimmy] From doing that.

[Chelsea] You wanna make sure you're
making the right decision, obviously.

You know, that's the situation
I'm in right now too.

[Jimmy] Mm-hmm.



It's been a really long process.

-Feels like we've been here for months.

It's been an even longer time since I've
tried to express my feelings for someone.

I just have so much fun
when I'm with you, and...

I haven't even really hung out with you.

We've hung out, but, like,
we're not even looking at each other.

-It's insane and...

Um, I get so happy when I think about,
you know,

our life together and all the fun things
that we've already planned.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

[chuckles] So I'm not the smoothest
at sort of talking through this, but...

You're okay.

[Jimmy] Yeah. Yeah.

It's been a long time since
I've felt this way about someone, but...

I love you, Chelsea.

[gulps, sighs]

-[Jimmy exhales]
-[shuddering] Holy shit.

Just please say something.

Um, I'm about to throw up. [gasps]

I did not expect that.


Oh, my God.

[chuckles] I wish you could just
feel my emotions right now.

[Jimmy sighs]

I thought you were literally
just about to tell me to hit the road.

Oh, man. I am like...

I wanna puke, first of all.

I'm flattered.

[laughs] Stop.

Never told a girl I love them
and they wanna puke.

Stop! It's just from...
that was emotional for me just now.


Holy shit.

This should be a really,
really happy feeling.

And it is. It's such a happy feeling.

-It feels so, so good.

It doesn't seem that way.

[Chelsea scoffs]
What are you talking about?


I came in today thinking

I need to get down to how
Jimmy's feeling 'cause I don't know.

[Jimmy] Mm-hmm.

And, you know, how Trevor is feeling.

And where his head's at, and...

I obviously
haven't told anyone I love them.

I wanted to wait for the person who

decided to...

propose to me.

Oh, my God.

I just don't...

I just wanna make sure
that you are 1,000% sure.


I ain't asked you to marry me yet.

But I am 1,000% sure I love you.

-[pop music playing]

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

[Jessica] No.

-Literally head over heels.

The purest of love.

[Mackenzie] What if...

-What if he ended things with her?
-He didn't.

-How do you know?
-I just know.

If he was gonna end things with her,

he wouldn't have
gone through the whole date.

There's no way
he can make a decision about me

because we're literally
in a fight right now.

[Laura] What's up, babe?

[whispering] What's up?

It's hard, but, um...

[whispering] Jimmy told me he loved me.

-Shut the f*ck up.
-And I don't wanna say anything.


May I ask what the conversations
that y'all had today?

I told him yesterday my feelings for him,

and our date was literally perfect,

but he didn't really
give a response to it.

And I was okay with that
'cause typically, it takes him a minute.

When you tell him something important,

he thinks about it,
and then he'll come back.

[whispering] Baby, you gotta go.
It's time to go.

[Jessica] Hmm?

[Laura] It's my mission
to protect you at all costs.

It's time for you to go. You should go.
You should leave on your own.

He chose her?

[Laura] I'm not saying anything, but...

-I just want you to leave.

[Laura] On your own accord.

Just trust me on this.

-Tell me why.
-[Laura] No. Just trust me. I'm serious.

-He's not your man.
-[Jessica] Can you please tell me why?

No. He's not your man. I promise.

I'm telling you.
We know he's not your man.

Baby, you saw when I walked in here.
I know nothing.

I know nothing.

Is this because of something she told you
or something that you heard?

Like, is this factual information?

I'm just saying trust me.

[Mackenzie] I know, baby.

[Jessica sniffles]

[Laura] You gotta protect your heart
as much as you can at this point.

[Jessica sniffles]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Are we just dreaming? ♪

♪ Falsely believing... ♪

[Jessica sobbing]

How did this happen to me?

[Mackenzie] You gave everything.


[sobs] I cannot believe this.

[sobs] I can't believe this.

[gasps] I can't believe this.


♪ It's more than an illusion
Causing confusion... ♪

I cannot believe he did this to me.

[Mackenzie] The right man
would never do this.

I know.

I feel so stupid.

[Mackenzie] This isn't
a reflection of you.

[Brittany] Mnh-mnh. By any means.

[Mackenzie] This is not
a reflection of you.

[sobbing] I really, really loved him.

-[Mackenzie] I know. I know you did.
-I really did.

[sobs, sniffles]

I need to get out.

And I need to leave.

♪ And it was meant to be torn apart ♪

♪ We can't defy the stars ♪

♪ Brace for the fall
It was written in the constellations ♪

[music continues]

The man I was before I came here

is definitely a different man
than I am now.

I didn't think I would fall in love
with someone's personality.

I really never thought that.

When I first got here,
I was bitching, "Oh, the physical..."

Now, it's like, "Damn."

I always wanted love.
I just never really expressed it.

I've always wanted to be married.
I just never really expressed it.

Because, I don't know, I just didn't think
I was a guy that was gonna find it.

Peace, peace, peace.

Divine order, divine order, divine order.

Honestly, like,
there's no cap in what I say.

Like, I had no idea I would be here.

And the way how I feel is f*cking crazy.

Like, my mind is so blown.

I love AD. I love AD.
I definitely love AD.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ We can take more, we got the love ♪


[exhales] I do not care
what Clay looks like.

[chuckles] And Clay
has no idea what I look like.

And it was enough.

It was enough for him.


I never thought I would feel like this.

I'm so excited to see him and squeeze him.

And love on him.


[Clay] This is crazy.

It's the most beautiful thing
to have someone loving you

and not seeing how I look like,
'cause that's definitely gonna be a plus.


I'll be lying to you if I say
I don't think the physical is important.

But I just have a feeling that AD's
definitely gonna be a good-looking girl.

I don't even wanna even start thinking

about the possibility
she doesn't look good. Like, ugh!

At the end of the day, I do love
that girl behind those closed doors.

So it's like I got no...
I got no choice but to love that girl.


I'm so excited to see my baby.


Clay put in effort for me... [exhales] be a better man,
to be a better person.

I'm engaged. [laughs]



This is crazy.
This is crazy. This is crazy. [exhales]


-[Clay] Ooh.



-Oh, my God!

-In the flesh. Hey, baby.
-Hi, honey.

Mmm. Them lips on you.
How you doing, baby?

-Come on. The voice.
-You too. Come on. Look at us.

-I know. It's right here. Right?


In the flesh.
Let me get you your ring, baby.


-I'm supposed to get on the knee, right?

-Of course, right?

-Slide it on you.

-I'm shaking.
-You're shaking?

-[squeals] You got it! Got it!
-I don't wanna get it too tight.

-Oh, my God.
-How's it look, baby? It looks good?

-Look at you calling me "baby."
-Of course. Mmm!

-You okay?

-It's been a lot, right?

-Do you want to sit?
-Let's sit. Let's sit. Let's sit.

Oh, my gosh.

I got my ring! I'm just so happy!

And he's so f*cking cute!

[shouts] He's so f*cking cute.

Isn't it crazy that we was behind
the closed doors this whole time?

-Isn't that crazy? We like, huh?
-Yeah. Mm-hmm.


How do you feel?

-This has been so crazy.

Like, so surreal, honestly.

But definitely happy
to do this process with you.

Your voice is, like, making me tingle!

-Really? [laughing]

-You know. [chuckles]
-Oh, my God.

Yeah, baby, yeah.

-I'm just so shook.

-In the best way. In the best way.
-In the best way?

Mmm! Mmm!

[both laugh]

-I get to be around my baby.
-I know.

-My Boston girl. [laughs]
-Period. [laughs]

Hey, I'm just so, like...

Yeah. Yeah.

[both] Mm-hmm.


-Let me move over.
-Right? Getting too hot?

-It's getting hot. Yeah.
-How's it feel?

-You get to hold me and see me. [chuckles]
-I mean... [sighs]

-It feels great. Like, finally.
-I know. Right?

Get your voice...
like, to see you, like, it's crazy.

-Yeah. Yeah?
-I'm just, like, in awe, you know?

-Then, when I saw you, I was like...
-Do you need to see a little more?

All right. Oh, my... [trills]

-My strings.



-Oh, Clay... [laughs]

-I don't know what to do now.
-I know you don't.

I know you have no idea what to do.

-No idea.
-No clue.

-Your back is so smooth. I love backs.
-Thank you.

-Oh, you love back?
-I do.

-I got back. [chuckles]
-You do. You got a lot of back. [laughs]

-Wasn't it crazy, everything we just did?

You said,
"AD, I am not getting on one knee

if you don't tell me what you look like,
if I'm not confident in your looks."

And I was like, "I'm just not doing that."

[both] "I'm not doing that."

I was like, "Well..."
But I came back the next day.

-You did. Redemption.
-Came the next day. Redemption.

-Am I anything what you, like, imagined?
-Like, I tried not to imagine you.

-I kind of got past the physical stuff.
-You did, yeah.

From the conversations
that we were having.

So, yeah, definitely
was not trying to put a face to it.

But, yeah, I'm definitely impressed.
Know what I mean?

-I just wanna be close to you.
-I know.

You smell good, and I didn't know
you were, like, dark-skinned.

Yes, yes. I didn't know either.

Look at this. Look at us.

-Look at us. Look at...

-Black love. Black love.
-Black love, baby. Black love. Black love.

Oh, my gosh.
I'm so happy you stuck through.

-And you persevered and you pushed.

And pushed back on me as well.

-I'm happy we made it here.

Yeah, me too, baby. I'm happy.

-You're too gorgeous! Look at my baby.
-Thank you! [squeals]

[Clay chuckles] Can you believe it?

[chuckles] Doesn't it look so good
on my finger?

It does. Dang!

I love it. I love it.

Look at your hands.
-It's all right.

-You have some nice hands.
-It's okay.

I can't believe this.
I just wanna cuddle with you.

-You know?

-It's been a lot.
-I know.

[Clay exhales]

Just be... just be in your presence.

-I'm a baby. You know that, right?
-You are a baby.

-I can feel you sinking in.

-I was about to sink in.
-[laughing] Yeah, I know.

So you need to sink in? Or can I... can I...

Can I, like, lay my chest on you?
You know what I mean?

I'm a baby. You know, I'm gonna be a baby.

I'm gonna need to get babied sometimes.
You got me?


-Big-ass baby.
-Big-ass baby. You know?

-You're so handsome.
-Think so?

-Yeah. Mm-hmm.

[both chuckle]

Yeah, honestly, I'm... I'm in shock.

Kissing AD is electric.

Just crazy chemistry.

We're gonna have
some beautiful dark babies, like...

And the body is crazy.

It's just like beautiful face,
crazy body. Like, I think...

[laughs] I'm gonna have some fun,
you know? I'm gonna have some fun.

Lucky guy. Lucky guy for real.
Oh, my gosh.


[both chuckle]

-Let me see that ring one more time?

-Oh. It looks so good on you, baby.
-Thank you.

-I love when you call me "baby."
-You love it?

[both] Mm!
Okay. Miss you.

-Think about me, okay?
-I will.

-You look great.
-Thank you, baby.

[both chuckle]

["Something to Believe In" by
Robin Loxley and Oliver Jackson playing]

-[Clay] I guess I keep the box.
-Yeah, I'll keep the ring.

[both laugh]

AD! All Day!

-All Day, O-Clay!
-O-Clay! [laughs]

Whoo! [laughs]

♪ Open your eyes to discover... ♪

[shouts, laughs]

♪ You might find something... ♪



♪ Something to believe in ♪

♪Just give me something to believe in ♪

Dude, when we first got here, with Clay,
I was like, "Why? Why are you here?"

He can be a player.
He was gonna be the cool, whatever...

Yeah. No, but I genuinely
believe everything he says now.

And with Jimmy, I'm either gonna
pick him up and hug him

-or tackle you through the wall.
-[all laughing]

[Trevor] No, I would be happy
for you either way.

Thanks, man.

[chuckles] Like...

Ugh, yeah.

I'm not a religious man,
but I might start reading that.

If he says no to Jessica
in hopes of Chelsea, then it's 50/50.

If he says yes to Jessica,
that's a clear-cut...

As long as she says yes.

-[laughing] Damn it, Trevor.
-[Trevor] I know you thought about this.

-[Trevor] f*ck.

-Chelsea has it the worst.
-[Johnny] I think so too.

-[Trevor] As it should be. We're both...

I don't know what type of tone
I'm gonna get with either of these women.

-I have no idea.

I don't know if I'm gonna
get an ultimatum. I don't know...

[Trevor] Yeah, yeah.

[Jimmy] They walk out on me
because I haven't made a decision yet.

I didn't even think about that.

[chuckles] But that is an option.

[Johnny] Guys,
don't call them by the wrong names.


I'm not going to.

-Johnny, don't put that in my head!
-[all laugh]

[Trevor] Good luck, buddy.

You got this, Jimmy. You got this.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm not nervous
about the act of proposing.

I'm nervous about the answer
if she's with him first

and him walking out and being like,

"I'm engaged to the girl
you were about to propose to."

That would suck. [chuckles]

It's gonna potentially
be Chelsea said yes to him,

I still go into my day
optimistic that she didn't,

and I get, like, ripped apart by her.

Or the exact opposite,
and she said no to him,

and then I got a shot.

I don't know why. I still think it's me.


-[pop music playing]
-♪ The day I met you I was set on you ♪


[Jimmy] Hello.

[Jessica] Hello.

What's up, Jess? How are you feeling?

I've had better days.

How are you feeling?

[sighs] Yeah, I feel the same.

It's been a roller coaster.

It's, um, not fair, you know?

-Not fair to who?


It's not fair to you.

Why would you say that?

Oh, my gosh.

I'm sorry.


Say that again.

[Jimmy] It's hard to, you know,

have a tough conversation, and...


Literally spare me of the pity party.


At the very least, what you owe me

is just one single ounce of directness.

Okay, I...

Okay, I... I really care about you,

and I was very optimistic about you

from the moment
I stepped in the pod with you.

Obviously, there...
there was a connection there,

and it was an incredible feeling.

And I came here to find my wife

and the future mother of my kids.

I know that you're...
you're already an incredible mother.

You're going to be an amazing wife...

for someone else.

Uh, at this point, I love someone else.

And it is hard to talk about this stuff

because no one wants
to ever break up with anyone.


Yeah, it's really hard for me
to feel sorry for you.

[voice breaking]
You ruined this opportunity for me.

You ruined it.

And you should be ashamed of yourself
for letting me feel that way.

Because you know
just like I do, for the right person,

I'd never have to wonder
if I was too much.

But you knew that I was.

And you let me pour
my heart out to you more than once.

I've made excuses for you,
and I've told myself,

"Oh, well, Jimmy just needs time
because I am a lot."

And now we're out of time,
and I'm leaving here alone.

That was not supposed to happen.

I deserved so much more

than what you've given me.

It's not fair for me to even

begin to try to give you what you want
if I'm not 100% sure.

I didn't know yesterday.

Why didn't you tell me that
at any point before yesterday?

It wasn't until our final date.

It ended so terribly.

Exactly. And you chose like you always do

to do absolutely nothing.

[Jimmy] The only thing
I wanted to do yesterday was...

I wanted to wait until this morning
to make my decision.

I genuinely did.

You made your decision last night.

Don't you dare insult my intelligence

by telling me
you didn't have your mind made up.

-I said I wanted to make...
-You told someone else. Don't cut me off!

You told someone else
that you loved them yesterday.

I would have hoped that you had
made your mind up if that's how you felt.

I told someone else
'cause I got the clarity I needed.

-After our date.
-[Jessica] How?

I'm not gonna lie to you.
I'm absolutely devastated.

I'm more than heartbroken.

But you know what?

There is going to be something
better for me, and it is not you.

I do think it's unfair to say that

I had my mind made up yesterday,
because I didn't.

If I am really worked up about something

and I am emotionally
not on the top of my game,

I need someone that can help me with that.

-I... that's something I lacked.
-You're right.

Yep, you're totally right.

If you need someone to hold your hand
and guide you and coddle you,

she will never be me,
and she'll never be a woman like me.

When you see
and realize what you missed out on,

you are going to choke.

You're gonna choke.

You are going to need your EpiPen
to open up your airways

because you are going to be in disbelief
of what you missed out on.

[exhales] Thank you for the experience.

And truly, Jimmy, God bless you.

[pop music playing]

♪ Drowning in poison ♪

♪ It all goes away ♪

♪ Look what you made ♪

♪ Nothing's forever ♪

♪ It's still your fate ♪

♪ This goes together ♪


♪ Lift the veil... ♪


♪ From your eyes ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh!
What's beneath the masquerade? ♪

♪ See the truth ♪

♪ That you hide ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh!
What's beneath the masquerade? ♪

[Chelsea exhales]

I am 50/50 completely torn
on Jimmy and Trevor

because they both would fit into my life
completely different ways.

Oh, my God!

I don't ever wanna do this again.

I wanna throw up.

[whispering] So was Jess in here?

-[Amy] Yeah. She came in.

And she met with Jimmy in the morning.

[Chelsea] Oh, my gosh.

Jimmy wasn't giving you those answers
a long time ago.

-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-And so look out for yourself, baby.

[Chelsea] Not knowing.

This whole situation is very unknown.

I've always dreamt of someone
loving me for me and being pure.

And just making sure
that I am choosing the man

that will be everything to me,

that will be the ideal husband
that I picture him being,

which is both of them...

And, um, this is
the hardest, like, decision

I've ever had to make in my life. Um...

I just pray that it works out.

Oh, God!

Oh, shit.

[Jimmy] I've never been slammed
by a woman like this before.

I had strong feelings for Jess, but I...

-[Jeramey] Oh, he's smiling! He's smiling.
-[Trevor] Bye, gentlemen.

I told Chelsea I love her,

and I didn't think I'd be so sure.

I'm in love. [chuckles]

[Jimmy] I love Chelsea, and I owe it
to her to be happy on this day.

And today,
I wanna ask Chelsea to marry me.

[Trevor exhales]

The only two in competition
are Jimmy and I.

It's almost a compliment.
Like, we are falling for the same person.

[Jimmy] Yesterday, Trevor and I were
in the bathroom together, just him and I,

and her song that she wants
to play on the wedding day came on,

and we, uh, we both noticed it.

I think I'd be a better option
for Chelsea, but I think Jimmy...

Like, I can see why she likes him.

It's all love between Trevor and I,
and I got a lot of respect for him.

I don't wanna see anybody get hurt,
and it's gonna happen.

So it... stinks.

[Trevor] I'm gonna propose to her.

She's gonna be the perfect person
to spend the rest of my life with.

[Jimmy] I hope I can get
to a place mentally

to work up the courage
to ask her to marry me,

because I will feel like
the luckiest man in the world

if Chelsea says yes to me.

[Trevor] I'm 100% certain Chelsea
is the one.



♪ Feel it in your heart
The eye of the storm ♪

♪ Take my hand and we'll go far ♪

♪ We're made to be more ♪

♪ Keep on fighting through the night ♪

♪ Until we make it, make it out alive ♪

♪ Through the shadows ♪

♪ We will, we will rise ♪

♪ We keep on running for the light ♪

♪ Never stop
Till we see the brighter skies ♪