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06x06 - Feeling Uncomfy

Posted: 04/18/24 17:52
by bunniefuu
["In Paradise" by Martin Bak
and Jacob Diab playing]

♪ I've been dreaming for so long ♪

♪ Time to wake up and make it happen ♪

♪ Forget yesterday... ♪

Day two in Punta Cana. [laughing]

We had a fun time last night.

Um, the physical connection
is 11 out of 10.

I will say that.

I'm very happy with it all.

Johnny's a tired boy. [chuckles]

I know. You are.

-I haven't met this woman before.


It's been less than 24 hours,
and we're engaged. [laughs]

And we're engaged! [laughs]

♪ So come on, come on, enjoy the ride ♪

♪ Come on, come on ♪

-[Chelsea] Wow. You look cute.

-Last night was great. A lot of cuddling.

A lot of snuggling. [laughing]

Mm-hmm. Cute!

With our glasses on. [laughs]

-The Geek Squad.

-We are the Geek Squad.
-The true reveal.


Another true reveal,
what do you look like underneath all that?


-Are you okay with this?
-I am.

Look at you.

-["Wild" by Tiguan Jones playing]
-♪ I love you so much ♪

♪ Open up your eyes ♪

His snoring was not that bad.

-Not that bad at all.
-I was self-conscious about it.

-She did kick me one time.

-No, I didn't. It was a light shove.
-It was a polite kick.

-I will say, what a handsome couple.


-["Wrapped in My Arms" playing]
-♪ I've got everything I want right here ♪

♪ Girl, my home is where you are ♪


Not us being just giggly all the time.

How was our first night together?

-It felt good.
-It did?

-It did.

Being with you is, like, great!

-♪ I moved on ♪

♪ I moved on ♪

♪ I moved on ♪

Mmm. Perfect. [coughs]


-You're missing a toenail too? No?
-No, I'm not! Not you using mine too!


[Johnny] You got some toenails!
Look at you.

-I lost one once when I was younger.
-Aww, what happened?

-I stubbed my foot at the door.
-Did you leave it at Walmart?

At Wally World? [laughing]

-[Amy] Dad humor already.

I feel like we're just awkward
in our own way,

but we complement each other.

I think my feet are cool.

They're a little hairy too.
I think it adds character.

-Can you not...

I feel like we're morphing
into one slowly. [laughing]

It's only been a day and a half in person,
and we're, like, already kind of like...

You know, we're two peas
in a pod. [laughs]

That's a plant.

This is water.

-Little of this on your hair.
-You better not.



-[pop music playing]
-♪ I've got good taste ♪

-♪ I've got good taste ♪

♪ I've got good taste ♪

♪ Uh-huh, I've got good taste ♪

-[Brittany] Thank you. It was great.
-[woman] It's a pleasure.


-[Kenneth] How are you feeling?
-Good! That was amazing.

Let's get weekly massages.

Oh, yeah. Let's do it.

-It's in the budget. Yeah.
-[laughing] "The budget."

-I really do love being out here with you.

I think, like, laying down,
and when I was looking to the ocean...

I was like, "I'm not just here alone."

Like, I have someone here
who, like, truly loves me for who I am.

Like, I couldn't not be on cloud nine.

Yeah. Yeah.

-When you have your person, like...

-Just so good.

Just look at that water.
Look at the water.

[Brittany] I love it.

[chuckles] Oh, check you out!

Check you out, y'all! Check her out!


-[pop music playing]

♪ Got that irresistible move... ♪

Ooh, that was way off!

Great job!

-[Jeramey] You up?

-All right, fix my hips.

-[Laura chuckles]
-Yeah, like that.

-Yeah? Ah, you hit a bullseye, so...

Good job.

-[Laura] Yay! I can do anything.
-[Jeramey] First time. You did good.

You can do anything.
That's what I love about you.

-[chuckles] That I can do anything?
-That you think you can do anything.

-Pretty good at this.
-You are pretty good.

Let's imagine, couple years,
we get a house with some property.

I could just stand out in the backyard
with just, like, a cigar...

a big old, like, lumberjack hat,
and, just, like, sh**t bow and arrows.

Like, that'd be the life.

-All right, if that's your thing.

Yeah, I'm not allowed to have motorcycles
or anything anymore, so...

-You can have one motorcycle.

That I'm not gonna ride.
It was my dad's bike.

-I don't wanna ride it.
-Okay, so you'll fix up your dad's bike.

And then you'll help my dad
fix up his Austin-Healey.

-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
-Will you really do that?

That's what I was looking for.

I was like, "Who can help
my dad rebuild a car?" [laughs]

Oh, good and you heard...

And maybe, like, fix the fence post.

You heard that I worked
in the construction industry.

-[laughs] Yes.
-And you were like, "Nailed it! I'm good."

I've been handier
than most guys that I've dated.

They, like, don't know how
to nail a picture.

Like, they don't have a stud finder.

-I do have a stud finder.

You know how you test a stud finder?

-[both laugh]

I cannot.

Big dad energy.

-You're so corny.
-I know. Look how cute these bananas are.

[gasps, laughs]

-You know what that reminds me of?

-What does that remind you of?

Go ahead.

-What does that remind you of?
-Nothing. [laughing]

No, go ahead.

I'm just giving you shit.

I feel like you're gonna, like, really try
to find my buttons and just, like...

-What gives you that idea?
-Like, for fun.

The fact that I was,
like, singing all morning

or, like, dancing around in the room?

The fact that you just like
don't care so much,

like, which is a good thing,
about me being like, "Stop."

Like, "Don't wear that shirt."

You're like, "I'm gonna do
whatever what I want." [chuckles]

-Which is good.
-To a point.

Sometimes it's playful.
Like, "Don't do that."

And then I'm like, "Okay, I won't."
Then I just do it anyway.

-Yeah, yeah.
-If you're ever like, "No, I'm serious."

-I'll be like, "Okay, my bad."

Your Hawaiian shirts
are really all that's on the cuff.

Listen, they stay.

-Look how cute you are today!
-They stay.

I didn't say they have to leave.

I said, "No motorcycle."

-No Hawaiian shirts.

Motorcycles. This is very one-sided.

Is there anything that, you're like,
"You can't do that anymore"?

I don't have any complaints.
Ten out of ten.

Laura's amazing.
Oh, cool, Laura's also beautiful.

-That just adds to the bonus.

[chuckles] You're ridiculous.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I wanna sing our songs again ♪

♪ You make me wanna
Think about falling for a friend ♪

-[Clay] Oh, tight.
-[man groaning]
-Perfect, baby.
-I like the swirling.
-Wow! That's tight.

-Look at you, AD.
-Look at you.
-[man] It's your turn.

-Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
-[man] All right.

[Clay] I love... I love a good smoke.

-That was so fun.
-That was nice. Cheers.

-So good! Cheers! We gotta remember this.
-I know.

-I know.
-Back home.

-[Clay] This was a sexy drink.
-This was really cute.

But you know, I'm not into all the sugar.

I don't do pointless calories.

-So I will indulge...

-I don't even count calories.
-I know you don't.

I've never counted calories.

Men and women are different.
-You think so?

-I feel like you have a great body.
-But it's science.

-Like, what are you talking about?
-I have a great body 'cause I work hard.

AD, if you didn't work hard
and you still worked out,

you'd still have a great body.

You're crazy, bro.

I wouldn't even let you get,
like, out of shape.

-Yeah, but what if I do get, like...
-I'll tell you.


"AD, get in that m*therf*cking gym."

You would not talk to me like that.
That's crazy, Clay.

If you were out of shape,
I would tell you.

That way though?

You will be determined to go
if I said it that way.

-Be nice!
-I'm not... you don't think I'm nice?

I don't think that was nice.

I don't think being like
"you need to get in the gym" is nice.

-It's kind of mean, actually. [laughs]
-Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

We're gonna have children.
-Yeah, you gotta get right.

And I'm gonna have a belly...

Yeah, and I would be
in the gym with you every day. Trust me.

Getting you right.

-It might be tough, AD.

But, like, are good trainers easy on you?

Honestly, though, like,
are good trainers easy on you?

Especially you being a cheerleader
and, like, being in the Patriots?

From women coaches,
not a man that I'm gonna marry.

-Better be nice to me.
-That was a bad delivery?

I think that was a terrible delivery.

I'll be like, "AD,
listen, I need you to go."

[laughs] Clay!


-No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
-"I need you to go to the gym with me."

-But I'll be passionate with it.
-No, no! That won't sit 'cause...

Grab my hand.

-"I need you to come."

You gotta have your husband
to give you that tough conversation.

That's fine, but be nice.
-I will.

And I think
what you were saying was not nice.

My delivery could be better.
I'll work on that. Honestly, I will.

I need to be challenged.
That's what happened in the pods.

Like, you literally challenged me,
and it broke me down.

-Me being in my ego has been a big issue.
-Yep, yep.

-Like, I'm f*cked up a little bit.
-Admitting that is powerful.

-Yeah. Mm-hmm.
-That in itself is, like, so sexy to me.

-That you can even say... [laughing]

[laughing] Don't tell me that, baby.

I mean, we gonna
get you in therapy, honey.

I really wanna do, um,
like, relationship therapy with you.

I think therapy definitely
changed my life for sure.

-[Clay] When did you start going?
-Last year.

-[Clay] Really? Really? Nice.

I was in this, like,
weird dating loop, and I was just like,

"You know what? I don't know why..."
I'm gonna get emotional.

But I don't know why, like,

the same things keep happening
to me over and over and over.

And, like, we had to dig deep,
like, my childhood.

-And a lot obviously stems from my father.

I've been doing the work,
and I'm, you know...

You have, and I can see that.

It might have been difficult
for you to open up in the past...

The things that I've said to you,
I've never said out loud.


Crazy. You telling me
your story about your dad, and, like,

kind of like you was chasing a man
to love you that was not there, you know.

Then he passed,
and it's like you're trying...

it's like almost a void, you know?

No, for sure, a void.
-You know.

-Me and you think so similar.

My father has a big part of,
like, who I am.

-And I think I need to uncover that.

Like, what you talked about
when you went through therapy,

and, like, how your dad's death

and, like, how he treated you
and stuff like that

plays a big part in, like, your love.

I get into relationships,

and I just feel like
everything I've done was never enough.

Then I come to this experiment,

and I'm, like, just hopeful that, like,

I'll find a man
that wants the same things as me.

Um, and it broke me down.
Like, it really did.

Everything I have in my life, I deserve,
and I got it, and I worked hard for it.

Everything except love.

Really, truly something
that I don't think I deserve.

[Clay] You don't think you deserve love?


Because I just don't have it.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

You definitely deserve love.
Like, you are amazing.

Like, everything about you,
like, how easygoing you are.

Like, how ambitious you are,
how beautiful you are, like...

Thank you.

-It's crazy.
-You know what I've been thinking?

-Is like walking down the aisle by myself.

Marrying yourself?
Walking down the aisle yourself?

You know how women
walk down with their dads?

Yes! Oh, yes.

That, like, was haunting me.

[Clay] No, don't even
let that haunt you, like, honestly.

Marriage doesn't have to be traditional.

Like, I don't even know the rules
of marriage, honestly.

[chuckles] Ain't no rules.

Your father not being there is not
something that should hold you back.

You know, like, you told me
how your father was, and rest in peace,

but he wasn't there for you.
Your brothers were.

They should be the ones to...
you know, the ones that were close to you,

let them walk you down the aisle and walk
you into love. You know what I'm saying?


Marriage is between two people.

I know.

I chose you, and that's why I'm here,
you know, for you to show me the way

and just, like,
always love me for who I actually am.

To me, that was the most validating thing
I think I could have, honestly.

I get emotional about that.

Like, how you just
stuck it out with me, you know.

I said it once.
I'll say it again. I got you.

-I'm always here for you.
-I know.

I'm always a geek when I see your ring.

It's like, "Dang! I put that on you."
You did that.

[both laugh]
Oh, my God,
not you making me emotional.

You wanna kiss me?

-["Lighthouse" by Anna Christelle playing]
-♪ I'll be your lighthouse ♪

♪ Your lighthouse ♪


-To the water, baby.

♪ I'll be your lighthouse... ♪

♪ Your lighthouse ♪

[gasps] It feels so nice!

-I love you.
-I love you too.

I was very nervous about

being in a bathing suit
in front of Jimmy for the first time,

because what if he really likes me for me,

but what if he sees me
and decides, like, oops, nope?

So it's made me feel
a little, um, self-conscious.

This is the life.

I am beyond attracted to Jimmy.

His personality makes him ten times cuter,

but everything about him is just...


-[Chelsea laughing] Look at you.

You're such a babe.
Everyone's looking at you. [laughing]

I'm so freaking muscular.
You gotta watch out.

Watch out!
All the ladies are gonna steal my man.

I think my only concern right now
is him feeling the same about me.

What's your type, normally?
I don't think you've ever told me.

-A lot of things I've described about you.
-Small. No.

Features that I've told you that I like
about you is typically what I go for.

I've also sort of been all over the grid
with what I'm attracted to.

I have too.

Do you have a type
that you typically go for?

Mm-hmm. [chuckles]

-Big and muscular.
-So you've got a lot of buff exes.

Kind of... yeah, I guess.

Good thing I'm buff. [laughing]

You are buff, babe. How's it feel
to be the hottest one on the beach?


I can appreciate compliments,
but I mean, come on.

Babe, I'm here to hype you up.

[Jimmy] Do you think

if you and I saw each other

on a dating app
that you would swipe right for me?

You're the first blond.


-That you've ever had?

-The only blond you ever need.

What about me? No.

I'm not on the dating apps like that,
but, yeah, I would.

Is there anything about me
that you're, like,

kind of apprehensive about?

-It's smooth as butter.

I wouldn't have got on a knee
if I wasn't sure.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

I'm very sure
that you're that person for me.

I mean, you're my best friend.

[Chelsea] I'm edgier
than what you normally go for.

Tattoos and piercings.

-Piercings? I have my nose pierced!
-I mean, yeah.

You've never dated a girl
with her nose pierced or a tattoo?

-Not a single tattoo?


It's not like I like go after that,
but it just happened to be that way.

Are you worried that your mom's gonna...
your parents are gonna...

-No! concerned?

-You're not in any way?
-No. No, my... they're not.

She's not, like, judgmental.

She's not. That's not gonna be an issue.

I'm calling her soon as I get back.

That's the first thing you're gonna say?
I... I picked a lady who...

"Mom, I'm engaged.
She's got a quarter-sleeve tattoo."

"And her belly button pierced.
I want you to know I love her."

[both laugh]

[Chelsea] How do you feel
about telling people?

[Jimmy] I think all my friends
will definitely be really shocked.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

[Jimmy] But, uh, they all know that, um,

I've at least
been looking for a relationship.

-And I'm ready to take that next step.
-Mm. Do you feel 100%?

I feel 100%.

I don't have, uh...
I don't have any worries with you.

-Do you have a doubt in your mind?

Since we've been here,
you've asked me a couple times, like,

how I felt about my decision.

-I'm having to reiterate how positive...
-Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I'm sorry.

No, no, it's okay. I...

I will do the same thing with you
in different ways.

If you tell me you love me every day,
I am not going anywhere.


It sounds kind of stupid,
but 40 years from now,

we're on the beach
and, you know, having some drinks,

you just lean over
and tell me you love me.

That's the best feeling for me.

Being told that,
you know, "I love you" or...

-Yeah., "You look pretty."

It makes you very secure
in your relationship,

which I think is so important.

And I've never had that.

I've been cheated on a lot,

and, um, I can't be with someone who ever

makes me feel uneasy,
like, about stupid things.

Especially with my job.

Like, trust is huge.

I've been fortunate enough
to not have been with cheaters.

I've never cheated.
I don't have to worry about that with you.

You validate me so much that it's
not even like a fear, a logical fear.

Just making sure that you're 1,000% sure

that, you know,
you made the right decision.

'Cause I am.

I don't really have any fears right now.

I'm really enjoying my time with you,
and I really love you.

And I really care about you.

And I'm just excited we're together.

And I'm excited that I get
to start making memories with you.


I... this is beautiful.

[chuckles] I don't have
a worry in the world. I...

-I do not.

I got... I...

I got you. That's all that matters.

I love you, babe.

[Jimmy] I love you too.

-["Falling" by Shee playing]
-♪ It's the point of no return ♪

♪ Just you and me... ♪

[Chelsea laughs]

♪ Close our eyes, jump, don't get turned ♪

♪ Now we're falling, falling, yeah ♪

♪ It's the point, it's the point ♪

♪ It's the point of no return ♪

-["Sweet Like Honey" playing]
-♪ Sweet like honey... ♪

We're finally gonna go
meet the other couples.

-Excited about that.

Can't wait to see my girlies,
see what their men look like.

I can't wait
to see what their men look like either.

-I'm really excited about that.

It's about to be on and poppin'!


Okay, look at...

Me and Tanya. Meet my girl.

Oh, oh, sorry, statue.

[Chelsea] What are you most excited about?

You love AD.

-I'm excited to meet AD. I...
-My girl, AD!


I'm excited to see the dynamic
of Clay and AD.

♪ You're sweet like honey, honey, honey... ♪

-I think we look good.
-We look good! What you think?

-I think, yeah. Thanks, Clay.

♪ Like honey ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ Where'd you get that face?
You wear it so well ♪

♪ Come on, occupy my space ♪

♪ Like a motel ♪

♪ Just a taste, a hot take ♪

-[Brittany] Hey, Ms. Ma'am!


-How you doing, man?
-What's goin' on, dude?

-[Laura] You're so big!
-Nice to meet you.

-[Laura] Principal Gorham!
-I am. That's me. In the flesh.

-[both] In the flesh!

-How's everything going, guys?
-Aww, they're so cute together.

-I'm Jeramey. Good to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-It's great to finally meet you.
-I know!

["Da Club"
by Joy Charity Enriquez playing]

♪ I'mma pump up the club
I'mma pump up the... ♪


-Oh, my God, they are so cute together.
-It's exactly what I expected. [chuckles]

-[Laura] I love this dress!

-What's up? Good to see you, my G.
-[Clay] What up, man?

Let's go.


There they are!


[Jimmy] What's up?

-[Laura] Hi, baby!

-[Jimmy] Jimmy.

-[Brittany] Nice to meet you.
-[Jimmy] What's your name?

-[Brittany] Brittany.
-[Jimmy] Oh, nice to meet you.

Jimmy, he is nothing
that I expected him to look like.

But I, for some reason,
was thinking, like, longish hair.

Like, matching his voice with what he,
like, presents physically, I'm like, "Oh."

It just doesn't... I don't know.
Something's not clicking here.

-["Let's Dance" playing]
-♪ Let's dance, let's dance ♪

♪ Let's dance, let's dance ♪

-[Kenneth] Hey!

-Hi, honey.
-[Brittany] Ms. Ma'am.

Can we pull up a chair?

[Kenneth] You want a chair? You all right?

He's so attentive.

Thank you, baby.

-Oh, my God. Are you f*cking kidding me?
-He's so attentive.

Oh, you're not about
to be sitting on the sand.

-I cannot with this.
-Oh, my God!

-[Brittany] Thank you.
-[Chelsea] We love you!


[Kenneth chuckles] Y'all are funny.

-The attentiveness!
-[Brittany] Yeah, it's ridiculous.

-Like, that is ridiculous.
-Are you f*cking kidding me?

-"What are you doing?"
-Not us hating people being nice to us.

Do you feel, like, safe?
Like, how do you feel with him?

I'm, like, sitting there. I literally...

I feel safe with him,
and I just met him. [laughing]

I know. I want him to take care of me too!

I was sitting there rushing earlier.
I was fixing my hair. And he was so sweet.

Literally, my flip-flops were, like,
ready for my feet just to slide in them.

He, like, knew,
the second I turned around.

So everything
is exactly what you imagined?

-He is the same person he was in the pods.
-Oh, my God, my heart!

I wanna hear about y'all.

I said no more glasses,
no Hawaiian shirts, and Mama's in it.

Mama's slipping
and sliding all over the place.


So y'all just like...

-Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Where the hell is Johnny? I'm gonna go.

-No, the sexual part of it, 'cause we...
-Did y'all have sex?

-We did not.

-We'll see. We'll see.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-So there was no issue with that. Yeah.

Big hands, big feet...

-Did you see it?

Did you see it?

I have employees, bitch.

-Just, like, blink twice.
-[Laura] Yes.


[laughing] Yeah!

-So I know you guys are waiting.

-And he's respectful in that?
-Oh, yes, absolutely.

-[Chelsea] Oh, my God, I love that.

But also, too, I am the type of woman...
I'm like, "Baby, you can grab me."

-Yeah, touch me. Touch me where you want.
-Yeah, like, grab me. Yeah.

-And does he?
-Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

-So nobody had sex.
-We got real close.

-I don't know about Amy. Yeah, same.
-No, we got hot.

-[Chelsea] Oh, yeah.

I love that. I love that.
Listen, I wanted to jump on his bones.

-I did feel his wiener.

Is it big?


[Laura gasps]

Oh! "Huge."
You said that from the bottom of...

I need, "Compared to what?"
"Compared to what?"

-Compared to this palm tree?


She was like this.


♪ She could get it all night ♪

[singer scatting]


The Lord... the Lord blessed him.

Girl, what?


-It was hard. Uh, literally.

No, it was hard to resist.

[Jeramey] It's been
an interesting experience.

'Cause, like, last night.
So I go to lay down, and I'm, like...

In my mind, like, instinctively,
I'm like, "I wanna be with this person,"

and we wanna take things a step further.
I'm like, "f*ck, this is the first time

we've actually, like,
hung out together in person."

-Is that weird?
-Yeah, right. [chuckles]

Did anybody else feel weird about that,
or was it just natural?

-No, I feel you.
-Everything was natural for me.

-[Jeramey] Natural? Okay.

-Every bit of it.
-Yeah. That's what's up.

-[Jimmy] It's phenomenal.

And I'm willing to bet my relationship's
smoother than anybody's.

-Oh! You're swinging like that!

-I'm willing to bet. She's it for me.
-[Kenneth] Okay.

-Everything's good with AD?

[Jimmy] She gets you?

-She got me right, 'cause she checked me.
-[Jimmy] She seems to be really sweet.

-[Clay] Yeah, yeah. She's spicy.
-She is?

She's got that twinkle in her eye,

where I feel like she could pop
him one if he really needed it.

She's not the type to pop on me,

but, like, if I'm bullshitting
or if I'm not, like, on my game...

-[Jeramey] She's gonna call you.
-"Clay, what's goin' on?" I need that.

-Yeah. She's good-looking.
-[Clay] Yeah, yeah.

-It's a good look for you.
-[Clay] Yeah.

-Like, y'all look like a match.
-Yeah. Thanks, thanks.

[dance music playing]

♪ Stay with me
Never leave, stay with me ♪

♪ Please stay with me
Never leave, stay with me... ♪

It is weird seeing all the girls,
like, without the walls.

Yeah, right?
That's how it feels with the guys.

-Like, this guy!
-So weird.

You're the best one.

[Amy chuckles] Stop.


You know I'm happy.

-What's up, girl? How you doing?
-Hi, babe.

-Good. How are you?

[Laura] God, you're in such a good mood.

-Yeah. Love you.

-I love you.
-[Jeramey] We're so ready to do this.


-I'm very grateful for you. I really am.

Like, I am very grateful that I have you,

um, for the sole purpose
of, like, who you are.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-And how you treat me.

-Like, and I mean that.

-I will respect you till the last breath.
-I feel that.

-[Brittany] You're my man.

-You're my baby. You already know that.

I missed you.
I wanna give you all the loving.

-[Jimmy] What'd you say about me?
-All good things.

-[Jimmy] Good stuff?
-[Chelsea] Yeah, I love you.

You haven't said it.

You said it, like, briefly.

I love you.
If you want me to yell, I'll yell.

-[Chelsea] Do it. Do it. Do it.
-Yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you?


How are the boys?

-They're good. That woman...
-What woman? absolutely stacked.


-I say that in the most respectful...

-Babe, you can say whatever you...

She's a bookshelf.

AD! Hey, how you get your butt like that?
Squats and Jesus, girl, that's it.

Can I tell her what you said?
He goes, "That girl."

-"She's pretty stacked."

♪ At least make him dance... ♪

[laughs] Look at it.

♪ Look, no hands, I do this 'cause I can ♪

Listen, I be in the gym.

-It was a compliment.
-That was a compliment!

-I took it.
-It was subtle, AD.

I thought...
I didn't take it offensive. [laughs]

I said it in the most respectful way, so...

I'm crying.

No, yes, squats and Jesus, girl.

-I said it, so he can say it.
-I'm sorry.
-[Johnny] That happened.

You're embarrassing me.

-I'm okay with that.
-She's stacked though.

-I'm just impressed talking to you.
Thank you.

You're just... you're the greatest.

Thank you. Thank you.
-I am so embarrassed.

She just called me the f*ck out.

-It's okay. I'm used to it.

-[Johnny chattering]
-All right.

Can... can I do another
tequila soda, please? Thank you so much.

[Jimmy] I wanted
to come say hi, obviously.

-Not the way I wanted to say hi.
-You're doing great. You're fine.

Chelsea has nothing
but good things to say about you.

Love her. Yeah.
-[Jimmy] Yeah. And, uh, I love Clay.

Are you happy with...
with everything so far?

Yeah. Um, Clay is a lot.
It's a lot, as you know.

So I think, um,
just getting, like, used to it in person...

Like, in the pods, it was, like, something
that I could, like, sit there, chat...

-But now face-to-face, I'm like, "Shit."

Like, it's a lot.

I feel sick.

-I don't know. I just feel very uneasy.

Let's talk. We'll talk in a sec.

I'm wearing gym shorts right now.

[laughing] I know! I already noticed.

You got style, but, like, I bet you,
none of these dudes notice at all.

I peeped, like, right off.
I was like, "Oh, you're gonna wear that?"

I feel good.
Look good, feel good, play good.

[groans] I wanna puke.

I'm gonna go, um...

Muchísimas gracias.

I'm okay with it. Like, you look good.

-I'm not trying to impress you, you know.

-Okay, so what just happened?
-[Chelsea] God.

He was like, um, "AD, she has...

she's... she's looking good."

And I called it out. I was like,
"Yeah, AD, you are looking good."

-"How do you get a butt like that?"

Kinda making an uncomfortable situation
more comfortable.

And then I, like,
see Jimmy, like, turning AD around,

like, with her hand,
and, like, looking at her body.

I don't know. And then after that,
like, comment, I don't know.

I feel odd.

It's one thing saying, "Oh, yeah.
The guys are great. They all look great."

But I don't know.
When you're saying, like, a comment

about somebody else
in front of the person that you love...

-I don't know.
-It's like, it might get better.

It might get better.

But there's a lot of conversations
you guys have to have.

He was so sweet just a second ago.
He's like, "What'd you guys talk about?"

Like, "Oh, I love you so much."
Like, "This is, like, so great."

But I don't know, man, like...

I know he's into you.

Like, it's evident, like, the way,
like, he talks to you and looks at you.

Yeah, but I don't wanna be in
a relationship where I have to question...

Yeah, no. That's the thing.
You're going into a marriage. You know?

Yeah. You don't question it.
Like, I don't...


I don't... I don't like that feeling.

That's not fair.

It's not even, like, being insecure

or, like, having a complex or whatever.

It's just, like, the way...
like, comments you make, and then...

[chuckles] ...comments you make again.

-Like, "What?"

It's making me feel uncomfortable.

I know he cares about me.

I know that he feels
a certain type of way about me, but...

Look at... look, look.


You should feel like
the only girl in the world with your man.

Everything is perfect right now
in my relationship.

That's a little scary,

because, like,
I've been crying this whole damn time.

I didn't plan to.

And, like, I've been
putting myself out there, 'cause I'm...

I've got a goal.
I've got a vision of what I want.

Yeah. Same, same, same.

Are you guys aligned on your goals
and, like, your vision and stuff?




I think that y'all
would be an incredible couple.

Like, my opinion
of Clay is right f*cking here.

I... like, look at him.
He' so damn good-looking.

-[laughs] I love talking to you.
-I love talking to you.

You're not judging me
for coming and almost tripping on you?

Absolutely not.

-[laughing] Okay.
-I loved every minute of our conversation.

-So thank you.

-And we should talk more.

-Yeah, absolutely.

-Yeah, I got you.
-[chuckles] You okay? Okay.

-["Dare" by Jessy Covets playing]
-♪ Never really into this ♪

♪ Never really think this much ♪

♪ I'm coming in too deep... ♪

-Can I come hang?
-Yeah! Of course!

We got a whole seat.

Come on, sug.

-Give me the deets.
-How's it going?

-I'm good.
-You're good?


-You know, you were my first date.
-Yes! You were my first date.

-You don't even remember that.
-I do!

-I wrote, "Jimmy has a cute voice."


Mine said, "27, software sales, Southern."

How hard was it for y'all to...
this doesn't include you.

-How hard was it for y'all to narrow 15?

-It wasn't hard for me.
-It was not hard for me.

-And I'm very picky.

Yeah, yeah, it wasn't hard.

[laughing] That sucks because I didn't
make either of one of y'all's lists!


But, Amy, Laura, you're both happy?

-Yeah. We're good. Are you happy?
-Oh, I'm very happy. I'm very happy.

-Hmm. I'm the most happy here. Yeah.

-You should be! That's my girl!
-[laughs] Not the most happy here.

-I am. I can confidently say that.


-You good? Whoop. Sorry.
-Oh, shit.


-[Laura] Yeah.

-[Jimmy] Anybody need anything?
-[Amy] We're good.

-[Jimmy] Thanks for letting me hang out!
-Yeah, of course.

♪ Hey, baby, think I'm feeling brand-new ♪

♪ Got some things I wanna... ♪


-What up?
-[Kenneth] I love this.

-[Kenneth] Look at this.
-It's giving Black love.

-It's giving. Black excellence.
-It's giving.

-Look at us!
-You know what I mean? It's giving!

-You feel me? My guy!

-[Kenneth] How you feeling?
-I'm feeling good.

-Yeah, how are you?

-Y'all wrap up. I'mma go sit down.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-[Kenneth] How's it going though?
-It's good.

I love this. I told him that.

-Said, "You got a queen over here."

-A whole boss out here. She the one.

[Kenneth] How do you feel? Do you...

I'm obsessed with him.

-I love that! Yeah!
-I am obsessed with him.

-My guy is dope. You feel me?

So what's going on with that?

You know what?
We're each other's, like, person.

We got so many plans when we get back.

Do you typically date white girls?
-[Kenneth] I don't. She's the first.

Really? How's that going?
-She's the first. I've never in my life.

-Like, it has superseded my expectations.

When I saw her, of course,
I was like, "She's beautiful."

Banging, yep. Body, yep.
Face, everything, yep.

-She looked dope. A dope person.

[Kenneth] We definitely click
in so many ways.

I'm like, "What you need?
Are you okay? Can I do something for you?"

-And so is she.
-She's the same exact way.


-How is that balancing?

Sometimes, it's like, eww.

You're both like, "What do you need?
What do you want?" Yeah, yeah.

It is the most, like, natural thing.

-Mm! Yeah.
-And it's so good.

So my challenge right now
is less around, like,

how similar our day-to-day lives are,

more around though,
how do we tackle the fact that

when we get back,
people are gonna be like, "Yo, Ken..."

Life is gonna life.

-Are you okay with that?

I'm... I'm confident in who I am.

Is she strong enough for that?

I'm very confident that, like, she's very...
Like, "When I say I got you, I got you."

-I do feel it's gonna be a big adjustment.

-Because... And I wanna be so 100 with you.

When y'all get married,
she's gonna have to raise Black children.

Yeah. Yeah.

And are you confident
that she can raise Black children?

Yeah. I'm very much pro-Black,
and I don't lose sight...

As you should be.

I don't lose sight
of what we have had to overcome,

what society still perceives
that we can do and achieve.

-Like, maybe white, we...
-You can date white and be pro-Black.

-Yeah, I have to.
-Those two things can exist.

-It's definitely... it's making me think.

This is a big decision.

But she makes me feel very safe,
and that's big for me.

Okay, good. That's what I need to hear.

-Like, let her ride for you.
-I have a lot of love for her.


[pop music playing]

♪ Every time we get sweeter... ♪

-How's your night going?
-It's going great. I missed you.

-[both laugh]

-All right.
-I'm just grateful.

-I'm just really grateful.

I really am.
I'm just grateful, and I love you.

-I love you too, dude.
-Did you just call me...

-I call you dude all the time!
-No, I know. No, I know.

♪ All my feelings get deeper... ♪

Honestly, like, looking at everybody...

Johnny over there
making out with his girl right now.

[Clay] Ooh, I love it.
I love that for Johnny.

-I feel like everybody's person fits.

[Clay] 100%. I'm definitely happy.

Seeing all y'all, like,
how happy y'all are with your matches,

like, it's a beautiful thing, bro.

Like, you know, we'll be talking
about this 15 years from now.

-Hey, babe.
-What's up? You're welcome to join.

-We're having a great talk.

-I'm not gonna join. I was missing you.
-You were missing me?

-Aww. That's so sweet.
-Yeah, you can join us. You can join us.

[Jeramey] We were just genuinely
having a conversation about how well

we think everybody's,
like, matches just, like, click.

-[Jeramey] Like, it's crazy.

You and Chelsea, you guys are doing well.

-[Jeramey] Two and a half weeks ago.

I was one of the guys here that was like,
"There's no way this is gonna happen."

"I'm definitely not gonna
fall in love with anybody."

And then I meet that person over there.

Gorgeous girl.

-She is gorgeous. She's amazing.

Um, she's taught me about,
um, what is it, "bean dip"?

-[chuckles] Bean dip.
-[Jeramey] She told me you would know.

-Laura! Bean dip?

Not the bean dip!

I said, "Jeramey, do it when we walk in,
she will literally die."

She told me to do it, dude. I was like,
"I'm gonna get f*cking canceled."

-No. Absolutely not.
-I will fight you. I will fight him.

She set me up. She was trying
to set me up for some bullshit.



-A bean dip is like this titty smack.

Like a f*cking titty smack.
She smacked the shit out of my titties.

-[Clay] Smacked your titties?
-Literally hit, hit.

She's wild. She told me to do that.
I'm like, "What is wrong with you?"

She told you to do that to whom?

-That's so crazy.

I'm literally looking at her,
like, "What is wrong with you?"

-That is so crazy!
-Don't do that, Jeramey.

-Absolutely. Absolutely not.
-[laughing] I'm gonna get a drink.

Most things,
I would be like, "That's crazy."

And with her, I was like,
"What the f*ck is wrong with you?"
That's so wild.

Bean dip?


Laura, get over here.

-[Laura] Babe, I said...

[Laura] What did you say?

-[Jeramey] We can't...
-[Laura] Who did you offend?

-Thank you, baby.
-Probably AD.

-[Laura] I hope not! Did you touch her?
-[Clay] No, you offended me.

-Oh, I offended Clay?
-What'd you say?

-Bean what?
-Making something out of nothing.

I'm not making anything out of anything.

You did say, "Bean dip AD."

Oh, my God! What the f*ck?
-In a joking way!

How is that a joke?

[Clay] That's what I said.
I'm like, "What's Laura doing?"

-Bean dip is crazy. Crazy terminology.
-[Laura] I didn't invent it.

-[Clay] You did.
-[Laura] The f*ck I did.

I've never heard
that terminology. "Bean dip"?

Jeramey would take some shit
and then get himself in trouble.

-I'm not in trouble. I'm fine.
-Y'all are a mess.

-I cannot.

[Laura] Toodles.


I cannot with these men.
Trying to make something out of nothing.

-I mean, what the f*ck though?
-Shut up.

I made a simple-ass joke.

-I think it's funny to us, but to Clay...
-Not gonna touch someone else's titty.

-Like, not funny.
-I need Clay to f*cking relax.

Hold on, not relax,
because telling another man to...

-Yeah, but as a f*cking joke.
-Well, he doesn't know the joke.

Jeramey's in the wrong for even
bringing it up. It was a literal joke.

-He doesn't know the joke though, so...
-[Laura] Yeah.

I mean, something out of nothing. Damn.

Damn, damn, damn.

I mean, yeah, nothing to you,
but something to him.

Honestly, I was like... it was a joke.

I did not say, "Go grab AD's..."
Like, that's not what it was.

It was a f*cking joke.

AKA, it should have
not even been brought up,

because it was a "tee-hee-hee" moment.

-That's so weird that that even happened.
-Like, what?

It's giving children.
It's giving small child vibes.

[Jeramey groans]

She's a little fiery.

[Jeramey] You think?


-She's spicy.
-She got a little spunk to her.

-[Jeramey sighs]
-How are you holding up?

-[Clay] I'm not gonna blame you.
-I'm done.

[laughs] I appreciate you even
letting me know that, 'cause that's crazy.

-It was obviously a joke.
-Yeah, of course, of course.

-I'm not gonna take it, you know...

Your woman might have
taken it offensively.

And I apologize for that.

-She'll be good. I'll reel her in.
-[Jeramey] I understand.

Do you think you can handle, uh, Laura?

[chuckles] I don't know.
After that, I don't know.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I don't know what dreams ♪

♪ You sold ♪

♪ Don't know what dream you sold ♪

-Look at this little cutie!
-Babe, do you wanna eat?

I wanna try this little burrito thing.

Sit over here, babe.

[Jeramey] Okay.

So I would like to talk to my man
and hang out with him.

Can I get a tequila soda? Thank you.

Oh, I was like, "He's coming."

-That's not your man. That's someone else.

That's Johnny.

-Wrong man. Wrong man.
-Why does he... oh, not the top bun.

-You guys are over here talking shit.
-We're not! We love it.

-We love him!

You're talking shit.
I'm gonna have words with you later.


I love that for me.

Okay, don't start shit
when there doesn't need to be...

It was a joke
that just spun out of control.

I'm out of here!
I'm out of... look, I face this way.

["Please Tell Me Lies"
by Fairground Lights playing]

-Are you...
-[Jeramey] I'm ready to go home.

What? Like home-home or back to the hotel?

-No, I'm ready to go home.
-Oh, my God.

♪ I see you running
Like a ninja through the night ♪

♪ Hiding everything in sight... ♪

[Laura] Oh, my God.

-Did he say home-home? Or, like...

I don't know what his f*cking problem is.

♪ What are you doing to me?
You're doing to me ♪

♪ What are you doing to me?
You're doing to me ♪

♪ Please tell me lies, I'll believe it ♪

-[Jimmy] You all right?


-What's wrong?
-I'm good. I'm good.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

-Something's wrong!

[chuckles] No, I'm good.

I promise.

I think you're lying to me.
I think you're lying.

Oh, my goodness.

What's wrong?

When everyone else was,
like, paying attention to their ladies,

like, I was just standing there,
like, by myself the whole time.

Or, like, when you made a comment
about AD and her body.

And I, like, felt so uncomfortable
that I called it out.

Then the whole time you spent
talking to AD when I was by myself.

And then I see you spinning her around,
looking at her body.

It made me feel a very type of way.

-I never spinned her around.

I never did that. [chuckles]

I talked to her, and all I did
was gas Clay up the entire time.

I never spun her around.

And I was standing at the bar by myself.

-Like, just hanging out there watching.
-You were...

You were nowhere near us.

-I'm not into AD at all.
-No, not... it just...

If you heard any context
of that conversation,

I went up and told Clay...

I didn't though. I walked away
'cause I was so uncomfortable.

That's how, like,
that conversation made me feel.


I mean, if you were uncomfortable,
I'm sorry you were uncomfortable, I...

-It was just very odd.
-There wasn't anything flirty.

There wasn't anything
you wouldn't have wanted to hear.

If you were a part of that,
you would have known all that.

It made me feel icky.

And I just sat there.
Like, it was so uncomfortable for me.

And, like, the fact that
you weren't reading the room...

[voice breaks]
...made me really, really sad.


-[Jimmy] Why are you walking away?


[Jimmy] Why are you walking away?

-You're gonna try and make me feel bad...

-I'm not trying to make you feel bad.
-Like it's my fault.

All the girls talked about

how great their connections were
and, like, how amazing...

I bragged about you all night.

Every single person, I bragged about you.

Ken, bragged about you.
Clay, bragged about you.

Johnny, bragged about you.

All them know where I stand with you.

-I felt comfortable...
-Why did I feel different though?

-I felt so disconnected from you tonight.

It was... it was
so strange for me. It was odd.

You were the only person

who wasn't coming up to me
and being, like, lovey.

And, like, why couldn't we do that?
Like, everyone else was.

I kissed you more than anybody
kissed their woman tonight.

I just felt really confident
about where we were

and the connection we have,

to the point where I didn't
have to be by your side all night.

-So I'm sorry.
-That's fine.

I don't need you by my side,

but, like, that's why
this is very sad to me.

-Because, like, it was just a very...
-How is this sad?

This is like going out with our friends,
and you know where I stand.

Like, I'm... I'm the luckiest person.
I'm the happiest person here.

-I'm sorry you feel that way, but...
-Thank you.

Thank you for acknowledging how I felt.
I didn't feel loved by you.

I didn't feel like...

I felt like I was inconveniencing you
every time I, like, walked up to you.

You're not an inconvenience.
I wanna be around you.

I love being around you.

I'm so grateful
to be on this trip with you. I...

-I just need you to hear me out.
-I... I hear you out.

I'm not trying to, like, cause issues.

You don't think when I purposely
walked over to you and Amy and Laura...

No, I loved that, but, like,
did you not read the room though?

Like, these are all people
that we dated, you know?

-It wasn't just, like, random friends.
-[Jimmy] Yeah.

[Chelsea] And that made me sad.

[voice breaks] It, like, hurts.
It really hurt.

I'm sorry. I don't
ever wanna make you feel sad.

I sat there by myself after you
just commented on how great her body was.


How is that supposed
to make me feel, babe?

I was so confident
on my decision with you,

and I was so confident
that you had that same decision with me...

[Chelsea] And I do. I do. I love you.

I love you with my entire heart.

-That's why I'm having this conversation.
-Why are you...

'Cause it hurt.

[Jimmy] Well, like, that...

I... I get if it hurts.

Babe, I love you.

-I'm having this conversation because...
-[Jimmy] I love you too.

I... I just think that...
Like, I just thought that was a given.

I wouldn't have asked you to marry me.

I know, but you have to understand,
like, that it hurt me.

I thought looking you in the eyes
and telling you that I love you,

and telling you

how I felt about you...

And not only how I feel about you,

but trying to prove to you,
you know, like...

I wouldn't be having this conversation
with you if I didn't give a crap.

-I know that. I know you care about me.
-Okay? I do. I love you.

I feel like you're questioning
that I love you. [chuckles]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Melting down... ♪

Okay, what do you want me to do?
I told you that my feelings were hurt.

What else do you want me to say?

♪ Floating away... ♪

I don't understand where this is going.

I'll take a step back. The...

This is getting... this is making me mad.

Okay? I'm telling you
that my feelings were hurt.

You said hurtful comments.

You made me feel uncomfy.

-Okay, we'll start...
-So just take it.

♪ I see, I see ♪

♪ Dark clouds, dark clouds ♪

♪ On the horizon... ♪

You're treating me unfair.


I love you.

I love you too.

[chuckles] Are you sure?

I'll always tell you I love you.


♪ On the horizon ♪


♪ On the horizon ♪

-[Kenneth] We are confident in each other.
-[Brittany] Mm-hmm.

And I feel like there's not a challenge
that we can't overcome.

-God bless you, baby. I love you!


[Jimmy] We mesh really well together
and dealing with each other

when we're happy, sad.

We're getting married.
I hope we get along just fine.

Whoo! Look at us.

I feel like I've been with you for years,
but we are also in, like, la-la land.

[Clay] I want this to work.
It's just the marriage thing.

It's just a lot
that is going on in my mind.

-Last night was triggering for me.
-I don't wanna talk.

[Amy] How are you and Laura?

Mentally, I knew she'd be someone
who could put me in my spot.

-She will.
-But, um, I do wanna meet Sarah.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ They're gonna watch me rise... ♪

[Brittany] Ever since
we left the Dominican Republic,

your body language, voice has changed.

You're not listening.

Let's say, in one year,
we get pregnant accidentally.

That's one of the biggest things
I'm concerned about.

I didn't hide the way I felt,
so I sent the message to you

because of the feelings.

I fully did exactly what I needed to do
for the reason that I came here,

to meet the love of my life.


You hung back with Sarah Ann
and were talking till 5:00 a.m.


♪ I'm staring at myself... ♪

[Clay] I'm always having a fear of,
"Can I just be with one person?"

Here comes the baby.

[Johnny] I see marriage as not,
like, husband, wife.

Like, I don't like traditional roles.
We are partners together.

I keep falling in love with you every day.

I've never felt this protected
and this secure.

-I'm so grateful.
-Mm-hmm. Always.

-[Brittany] I do love you.
-[Kenneth] I love you too.

-[Jeramey sighs] Oh, God, here we go.

In reality, you were my number one still.

[Jessica] We're Team Jimmy at this point.

-You f*cked her! I know you f*cked her!

[Chelsea] There was no question
of how I felt about you.

I think you're amazing. I do love you.

-Oh, I know.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Should I call you? ♪

♪ Is it too soon? ♪

♪ Is it too soon? ♪

♪ Kept your secrets, loved your flaws ♪

♪ Baby, I thought we had it all ♪

♪ I'm staring at myself in the mirror ♪

♪ Wondering if it gets any clearer ♪

♪ You've hurt me so bad
That this is overdue ♪