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06x08 - Clinging to Love

Posted: 04/18/24 17:53
by bunniefuu
♪ You look good
Yeah, I see you in the paper ♪

♪ So fire
Keep impressing all the neighbors ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, like a freighter ♪


Today, we are going to
see each other's places.

Okay. This is me.

-Is this you?
-It's me.

For him to see my place, I'm like,

"Oh, my gosh, he's gonna,
like, see my closet." It's very clean.

I'm super clean,

but also I haven't been there
in three weeks.

So if there's a little dust bunny, like,
is he gonna call off the wedding?

[laughing] Like, what?

-Isn't it cute?
-I like it. It's really homey.

[Chelsea] Look in my room!

[Jimmy] Okay, you're clean and organized,
but you have stuff in random spots.

Hello! [laughs]

-Hello, I'm Jimmy. Nice to meet you.

I'm Tiffany. Nice to meet you guys!

I got some cham-pag-ne.

Should we pop it or what?

-Yeah! Let's do it!

-[Chelsea] Okay, ready?


[Tiffany] Yay! Cheers to you! New family!

So now what? Are you moving in?


-Are you gonna be the third best friend?

I live through Chelsea,
so I'm married too, you guys. [laughing]

Her roommate might be a little too much.

[laughs] I could not live here.

[laughs] Not a chance.

-This is nice, babe!
-This is my spot.

[Chelsea] It smells good.

Look at you!

-Dive in.
-Babe, you said it was small.

This is huge!

I mean... small for two people.

[Chelsea] Oh, my God!

You have laundry in your closet?

I am shocked.

[Jimmy laughs]

You gotta understand
that when I have meetings,

we don't have another room.

I would love for you to live here,
but that's an obstacle.

You would just have to go on a walk
every time I have a meeting. [laughs]

-I'm gonna be so fit.
-[both laugh]

[exhales] You like my place though?

I love it. I really like it.
You can't live with me.

We could just tell
my roommate to kick rocks, but... [laughs]

I guess we're moving in here.

-Hell yeah!
-[both laugh]

-[chuckles] I love you.
-Love you.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ You got me with my head in the clouds ♪

♪ Can't stop me, can't stop me ♪

♪ I... I... I won't stop grooving to it ♪

♪ We are cruisin' ♪

-This is it?
-This is it!

Oh, not you covering the code.
Wow! Okay. Excuse me.

-You can see it.
-I won't look.

[Clay] I got this home in 2021.

I really love it. Uh, it's my sanctuary.
It's my place where it's my peace.
This is spacious.

-This is where I'm always at watching TV.
-You love some TV.

-[Clay] You know what I mean?

I like the quietness of it, but it would
be nice to have someone in the house.

And I think it's family-ready.

So, you know, I definitely see a future
where she's moved in.

I think that would be a beautiful thing.
So hopefully, she's open to it.

Oh, my gosh, is this your vision...

-[Clay] That's my vision board, yeah.

-I have to show you mine!
-[Clay] Yeah? Yeah?

Yeah, it's actually on my phone.

-Really? Yep, yep, yep.
-Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, got a little jet ski stuff.

You know, spend time with people
who are good for your mental health,

which I'm all about, you know.

You know, I got a little love in there.
Yep. Know what I mean?

-Boy manifested it! I ain't even know it.
-Period! Yes!

-Some books.
-[Clay] Yeah, some books, yeah.


Did you read all these
or these are decorations?

-[Clay] No, no, I read some of 'em. Yeah.

This is my bedroom.


[Clay] Yeah, this.

-What you think?

-Comfortable. Cozy.
-Comfortable. Okay. Yep, yep, yep.

-The pillow game needs some work.
-The pillow game needs some work.

-Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yep, yeah.
-That's okay. That's easy to work with.

You got a silk pillowcase,
so I'm impressed.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
I'll put it on your side, for sure.

-I'm impressed.
-[Clay] I'll take the L.

-What's this one? "All American."
-That's my jersey.

Hall of fame jersey after I graduated,
yep, yep, made All-American.

-Okay! I see you.
-Oh, yeah.

Hell yeah. I mean, yeah.

Look at you.
-[Clay] Look at me, man.

I still feel like
I could beat you in a race. Yeah.

I want somebody to bet on it.
I would take the money.
I'll bet on it.

[gasps] Oh, cute! Oh, my gosh!

-Color coordinated.
-I can wear your clothes!

I love your style.

-It's like a vintage store in here.
-[Clay] Yeah, yeah, so what you think?

I mean, I'm impressed.

-You're impressed?
-I am impressed.

It's definitely...

-Needs a woman's touch.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Glad I don't see a woman's touch.
-So what you thinking?

Like, "I could fit the bill"?

At the end of the day,
I'm already paying for this mortgage.

So you just hop right in.
I think could see myself in here.

-Ain't gotta tell me twice.
-Ain't gotta tell you?


I'm so proud of him in this house.

I can definitely see myself
raising a family here and having kids

and cooking breakfast
and making it work, for sure.

-You'd want me to move in here?
-Oh, of course.

-Of course. Hell yeah.

Like, I need your woman's touch.
That's what I'm saying.

Like, kind of let me know what you see.

Like, tell me where you could
add your little splash to it.

We definitely gotta, you know,
make it kid-friendly, you know.

Honestly, if we have a kid, like,
you know, we definitely got room.

I could see myself in here.



Oh, yeah. Of course, of course. Come here.

-Come cuddle with me.

[both chuckle]

That's crazy.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Okay, all right, we'll be just fine ♪

[Jeramey] Are you terrified
to see my house?

-I'm sure it'll be very tidy.
-It is very tidy.

All right, moment of truth. So you
can judge me on my living situation.

[laughing] Of course,
you have a whole-ass...

[Jeramey] Why not?
This is why I wanted to have a house.

-How much time do you spend here?
-Every day.

-Every day?
-Literally every day.

-[Laura] What do you do in winter?
-[Jeramey] Out here.

[Laura] Oh, what is this? Cute!

[Jeramey] I don't know. In the pods,
we talked about, I didn't go to college.

I kind of just went
the business route instead.

So back home,
our local newspaper did, like,

a newspaper article
about me on my first places.

I talked about my dad.

I didn't realize that was gonna be,
like, the last picture we took.

-I told you I used to have long hair.

-It's like down to my shoulders.
-[Laura] It is really long.

-You don't want me to grow it back out?
-I mean...

I'm gonna hold back my comments.

I can... Oh, why?
You're such... you're such a good roaster.

[Laura chuckles] That's cute.

-Can I open?
-Open the door.

So, first impressions, it is very clean.


[Jeramey] I'm not kidding how,
like, OCD I am about things.

-[Laura] Is this from your mom?
-It is.

Wait, why is she so cute?

[laughing] "I am so happy for you both."

Not the heart for an "O"!

"Isn't it amazing how one little word can
be the start of something so wonderful?"

"Congrats on your engagement.
Much love and merry, happy days ahead."

"Many happy days."

"Many." [chuckles]

Cute kitchen.

-This is really cute silverware.
-[Jeramey] Yeah.

-Should I be concerned?
-[Jeramey] No!

I've never met a guy
that would pick out cute silverware.

I even keep up with, like,
the matching, like, kitchen utensils.

It looks staged.

I live very minimally. Sorry! [laughs]

In the pods, Jeramey and I did talk
quite a bit about, like, cleanliness,

living styles.

He said his house was immaculate.

I kind of just laughed it off as like,

"Yeah, right.
Every guy kind of says that."

Now that I've seen Jeramey's house,
I feel surprised and, like, relieved.

-I mean, it's a really nice kitchen.

[Laura] It's cute.

I didn't know guys like this existed.

A lot of guys say that "they're clean"
or say that "they're tidy."

He's, like, next level.

-Why is it all so, like, oddly...
-Organized?, brought up to the front?

Because I make sure all the labels
are turned out when I open my doors.

-You win. You're gonna win for sure.

[Laura] You're putting
my, like, organization stuff to shame.

-[Jeramey] Yeah. Yeah.
-[Laura] Christ, this is really clean.

Wow, it's kind of serial k*ller
a little bit, giving serial k*ller vibes,

but, like, in a good way. [laughs]

You've gotta test the bed.
That is important. You gotta lay down.

Tell me what you think.

-Should I jump on it, like...?

Yeah, this is great.

-[Jeramey chuckles] And my CPAP!


[Laura] Let me see how it works.

So you, like, slip it on. [chuckles]



[laughs] But you'll...
but you don't make any sound?

-No, it's done.
-Confirmed by other people?


-It's like a big elephant's trunk.

I'll just go to bed before you
for the rest of our lives.

-[Jeramey] So you don't see it?

It's okay.

I love it.

Lay down. Let's see what it would be like.

So we're gonna lay down.


I love that you, like,
sound like Squidward with it on.


-Sexy, right? Love it?
-Yeah, it's hot.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Come on and move in closer now ♪

♪ Risking and hoping for it all ♪


-[Brittany shouts]
-[both laughing]

Oh, my God!

How do you survive? [laughs]

-Baby, you need somebody to cook for you.
-[both laughing]

-And you see, I have a whole...
-We need some meal preps in here.

...air fryer. Never used it before.

Is there any...
okay, this is a little better.

-[Kenneth] Yep. Yeah.
-[Brittany] Oh, my God. Such a dude.

Although, yes, we had an emotional
and spiritual connection within the pods,

like, I could not see his body language.

Granted, I have only been with Ken
in person for a few days now.

-This is my spice cabinet.

It's just, you know,
he has his introverted moments.

-Oh, it's so big.

I don't know.
Maybe I could be reading into it too much.

Um, you know, we did talk about, like,
how I have a tendency of overanalyzing,

and that is something that I have noticed.

And I think over time, like,
I'll better understand that, like,

when he is taking his moment,
like, maybe he just needs that time,

but, like, he's not upset,
like, everything's okay.

So you've seen everything.

I like it.

-I'm impressed. Yeah.
-Thank you, babe.


Um, how you feeling?

-'Cause I'm ecstatic, but how are you?

I'm excited.

I'm excited for the real world.

I believe that there, always in life,
has to be a balance.

When we were
in the Dominican Republic, like,

you still had a sense of, like,
peace and happiness overlaying you.

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

Whereas, truthfully,
here it seems like a distance,

which is fine.

However, it does not...

you do not have that sense of, like,
peace and, like, just relaxation over you.

Like this morning when we woke up.

-And I'm, like, super excited.
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

And I smile at you, and I'm like,

"Good morning, baby!"
And you rolled over, you're like, "Hey."

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

-[laughing] And I was like, "Damn."
-Here's the thing.

That's why I say
it's very overly analyzed,

because every night
that we spent together,

I haven't been that way.

When I have these moments
that are not, like, the "big personality"

or just, like,
the really just overly, like...

What is gonna be the grace that I'm given?

Because you're
not gonna always show up when...

How, like, speeches and "Good morning!"
That's not always gonna be you.

So do I get a chance?
Am I supposed to just be like...

-Right, right, right. [chuckles]
-"Oh, for real?"

-"That's how you're gonna be?"
-Know what I'm saying?

[laughing] "That's how you feel?"
Asking all the questions.

-You know? Um...

That's kind of where I am with it.
I want there to be a level of, like...

-[Kenneth] Yeah.

What are you gonna do when I'm like...

when I have moments where

it is completely just not who
I normally am on a day-to-day basis?

Like, is it gonna be something
where you're like,

"Are you still happy with me?"

-"Do you still want me?"

"Do you wanna be here?"

I'm ready to be normal.

Go to work, you go to work,
and then we come home to each other.

I understand completely.

I don't have questions,
if you are feeling me.

Mm-hmm. That's good to hear.

We have exactly what it takes

because we are
two very strong-willed individuals

that will do kind of,
like, whatever it takes.

[sniffles] For sure.

-Should've just turned my head...


-[pop music playing]
-♪ You'll know it tonight ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

[Chelsea] Oh, my God.



Oh, my God!

[Chelsea] Jenna, come here! Come here!



-[Kathrine] I love that shirt.

I'm gonna cry.

-Don't cry. Don't cry. I brought wine.

-Your hair looks so good.
-You look so good.

Um, he's working upstairs.

-What time does he have to work till?
-He'll be done at, like, 5:00.

-Where do you want this?
-Let's put 'em on the counter.

[Kathrine] Hold on, come here.

[Morgan] It's so shiny.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

-I'm sweating.
-[Jenna] Your nails look good.

That's huge!

-[Chelsea] He did so stinking good.

[Kathrine] How was the experiment itself?

-[Chelsea] So freakin' cool.
-[Kathrine] Yeah.

-I'm excited for you to meet him.
-[Kathrine] All right. Chelsea, cheers.

-I need ice, but that's fine.


-Do you guys wanna go sit outside?
-[Kathrine] Yeah, let's do it.

Were you interested in him the whole time?

-Were there other people...
-[Chelsea] Everyone was interested in him.

[Kathrine] Girl.

[Jenna] So he was the hot commodity.

Oh, for sure.
He was dating a bunch of girls.

I was dating a bunch of guys.

One guy who...
it was either him or, um, Jimmy.

-[Chelsea] His name was Trevor.

We literally just laughed.

-So I definitely put him number one.
-Wait. Trevor or Jimmy?

-[Chelsea] Trevor.

He told me he loved me.

And then Trevor didn't date anyone but me.


-He went in to propose.
-[women gasping]

[Kathrine] Chelsea! Oh, no!

-Oh, my God! How was that?
-It was not good!

[Kathrine] But why was he so into it,
and you were just like "no"?

-I was into it though. He had...
-[Jenna] Oh, gosh.

-[Kathrine] What?
-Stop! [laughing]

You guys are gonna die
'cause it's so on par for me.

[Morgan] Oh, my God. He plays video games.

[women laughing]

[Chelsea] Trevor had a mullet.

-And I guessed it.
-Oh, my God.

And I guessed!

[laughing] And he freakin' did. Anyway...

How was it seeing him
for, like, the first time?

-I haven't seen him.
-[Jenna] Oh!

[Kathrine] You did really care about him?

[Chelsea] Yeah, I loved him.

Like, it was really hard
to, you know, just see who fit better.

But you know what?
Everything worked out how it should have.

-Yeah. It's meant to be.
-[Kathrine] You met a really great guy.

-And you're engaged!
-I know! You found your person!

[Chelsea] I did.

[Kathrine] My first question is,
"Does he look like you thought he'd look?"



-[Jenna] Does he snore?
-[Chelsea] No, he's the quietest sleeper.

I love that. That's good.
What about physical, physical touch?

-It's not one of his love languages?
-No, it is. That's why it's really weird.

I'm, like, making dinner.

Like, I wanna enjoy being around you

and, like, being silly with you,
and he's just...

Ooh. Well... [laughs]

He hasn't kissed me once today.

-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.


-It might just be me.
-No. Are you kidding me? Stop.


He saw a picture of the girl
that he almost picked yesterday.

And she's stunning.

Jimmy wasn't sure
if he was gonna pick her or me.

Same situation I was in,
but he's not saying, "Oh, I miss her."

They ended really bad.

But if that's what helped him come
to the decision that she wasn't for him,

then it's probably for the best.

Yeah, yeah. He did just go back to work.

He has meetings,
and, like, he's on the phone a lot.

I know he loves me,
and he, like, tells me,

but I don't know if that's kind of messing
with his mind a little bit.

I don't know.

[Kathrine] Does anyone need wine?
We're in there. It's gonna explode.

-[Jenna] What does that even mean?

Give me ice!

Oh, gosh.

[Morgan] So you said
that y'all haven't kissed yet?

Oh, no, just today.

-Oh, my God. I was like, "What?"
-[Jenna] You kissed him before.

I don't wanna talk about things that your
mom's gonna be upset we talked about, but...


[Morgan] I mean, his shoes are really big.

-I mean...

-We had a lovely time.

-[Chelsea] He's very sweet.


[laughing] Okay.

-What's up?
-[Chelsea] Hi!

-What's up, friends?
-[Chelsea] This is Jenna.

-Nice to meet you.
-Jimmy. Nice to meet you.

-[Chelsea] Morgan.
-[Morgan] I'll stand up.

-[Jimmy] Jimmy.
-Nice to meet you.

-I'm Kathrine. Nice to meet you. [laughs]
-Nice to meet you, Kathrine.

My boss told me
that I was irreplaceable today.

-I was like... I was like...
-That's nice, babe!

Yeah, that's the first time
I've talked to her, getting back to work.

-Babe, they loved it.
-They love it?

Yeah! It's a good pick.


What was, like, the number one thing
that made you fall in love with Chelsea?

-I mean, I got a bunch.
-[Morgan] You were popular, I hear.

-That's what we hear!

I had two really strong relationships
pretty deep into it.

[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

[Jimmy] I had
a really tough decision to make.

One girl...

-Not to talk about another person, but...
-[Chelsea] Babe, you can say whatever.

I don't know.

She was the only person
I was really, really considering,

and I had strong feelings about her.

And it ended poorly,
and I went in there with her.

And she could tell by my tone of voice
I was sad from how the last date ended.

-And she just picked me up, and, like...
-[Morgan] She does that.

-I thought he was gonna dump me.

-Wait, did you really?
-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

And that was when he told me he loved me.

Basically, it was like,
"Damn it, I love you, Chelsea."

And I just fell to the floor

because I was just shocked.

-You just sounded so sure.

[Jimmy] I was.

-And she didn't believe me. [laughs]

-So did you say "I love you" back? Okay.
-Yeah, I did. I did.

Like, is marriage, like,
something you've always thought about?

-I'm a relationship person.
-[Kathrine] Right.

So, if you both say yes and get married,
what are, like, the next steps afterwards?

We're moving into my apartment.

-It's so small, but...
-[Jenna] So you would move into his place?

He has a studio,
but his studio is so nice.

If he is working from home
and has meetings,

-I can go to a coffee shop and hang out.
-You like doing that.

-You do.
-And the spot he lives in...

[Jenna] Girl.

-So do you want kids?
-[Jimmy] I want a big family.

-I want a bunch of kids.
-How many kids?

-I can negotiate, but at least three.

I thought you were gonna say "six!"
I was like, all right.

-I thought he was gonna say six too.
-I would like, like, three to five kids.

But that changes.

It changes when your lady is 30 years old.
That's what changes. [laughs]

[Morgan] Oh, stop!

My brother said he wanted three kids,
and he had one kid, and was like,

-"I'm not having any more kids."
-[Morgan] So you're flexible.

Do you believe in going to bed angry?


-No, she...
-[Morgan] So what happened?

-Wait! I've only had...

[laughs] Yeah, they want the tea.

We want the tea! [snaps fingers]

[Jimmy] We've had one argument.

-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

[Morgan] One.

And it went well because she understood
where I was at, and I said sorry.

-Happy wife, happy life.

"And I said sorry."

I will say sorry 100% of the time
if you can understand where I'm at.

He communicates so stinking well, so...

Like, our relationship started
with hours of talking

and hours of getting to know each other,

and I really didn't care
what she looked like.

That's easy to say 'cause she's gorgeous.

-It is easy to say 'cause she's gorgeous.

How much different am I
than Chelsea's typical type?

-[Jenna] Um, a little bit.

You look nothing
like her typical type. [laughs]

[Jenna] I was trying to be nice.

She described what she...
okay, I gotta tell them this.

Oh, they know. They know.

-She described what she looked like.
-Who do I always get on the plane?

-Oh, Carrie Underwood?
-[Jimmy] Carrie Underwood, I can see.

-Megan Fox? Yeah.
-[Chelsea] Yes!

You thought I was lying!
I have dark hair, blue eyes.

-Oh, and big boobs. [laughing]

Hell yeah, brother!

[laughs] I can't!

That's the only thing
I don't like about her. [laughing]

-He hates it. Yeah.
-The "hell yeah, brother"?

-It was a major selling point for me.
-[Morgan] Why?

Like, I just don't want the girl I...

the girl I make love to
to call me "brother."

Babe, I did it to be funny.
I did it to be funny.

[Kathrine] Something you learn
with Chelsea.

If you tell her not to do something,
she's gonna start doing it every day.

-[Jimmy] Yeah.

-[Jenna laughing] Chelsea.

Is Chelsea not your type?

-[Jimmy] Chelsea is my type.

I think that Chelsea's perfect.

-[Jenna] Aww!

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Don't need much when I have you ♪

♪ Don't need much when I have us ♪

[Johnny] I can't wait to see your place.

-I'm excited!
-I wonder what it smells like.

-That's a huge thing to me, is the smell.

Ooh! Actually, you know what?
This is a nice place!

-[Amy] Do you like it?
-[Johnny] I see you!

-[Johnny] You have a nice big kitchen.

I'm looking at just these little things.

And I put my crystals around it. It's
supposed to light up and be a waterfall.

-Wait. You're a crystal girl?
-I am.

Ever since I was a kid.

-Oh, no!

Is that a bad thing?

-[exhales] Throwing the flag!
-[laughing] What? Why?

-What, is that a bad thing?

-I've heard a lot about crystal girls.
-Like what?

-I don't know.
-I love my crystals. No shame about it.

You're gonna like it too.
Um, this is my grandpa.

-That's your grandpa?
-Yes, um...

This is, like, the best picture.

It's not the most ideal picture,
but, um, that's my grandpa.

I like to think of it
that he was, like, guiding me

in taking the trash
out of my life constantly.


-I love his hat. Looks like a cool dude.
-I know!

He was just, like, an entity of peace.

Genuinely a great man.

And I just can't believe
it's been two years since his passing.

[Johnny] So I think I am,
in my opinion, ready to get a house.

Like, I'm over trying
to pay a crazy amount

for, like, rent in an apartment like this.

It's just making the move
and actually getting a place.

My dad has been trying.
Like, he has been on my case.

-He is like, "With your finances..."

I was so used to living a lifestyle
where it was just kind of unpredictable,

and I still have that, like, part of me

that definitely wants
to go out and explore,

but I was, like, right there with you.

That was gonna be my next move
after my lease ended next year.

So I think it's perfect 'cause it seems
like both of us are financially ready.

-Obviously, yes, get a house right away.

The other thing
I wanna do is retire early.

So I do wanna live frugally as possible.
Put as much money away.

Like, cutting back on certain things.
Would you be okay with that too?

I feel like I could
definitely get to that.


I don't know.
I feel like we live in such crazy times

that my mindset
is about living in the moment.

It's obviously very, very crucial
to think about the future,

but I'm more about living in the present,
enjoying what you have,

like, you know, living it up while you can
because you really never know.

In a sense, it's a good thing
to kind of rub off on you

'cause I feel like you're way more frugal,

but, like, I feel like you should,
you know, live it up.

It is nice to enjoy, like,
some of the good things in life.

-I'm not saying never do anything.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-I still wanna travel and do trips too.
-Oh, 100%.

I really want to just be able to say,

like, "Hey, at, like, 50 years old,
like, that's it."

Then, like, actually be there for the kids
and, like, enjoy that time.

[Johnny] That's one
of the big things I'm, like, looking for.

Make sure that I'm financially secure
before I ever have kids.

[Amy] I feel like we're on the same page
in terms of our timeline,

'cause I told you it's not happening
for, like, another five years.

-[Johnny] Yes. Mm-hmm.
-That's the goal.

Um, the birth control thing is like,

you know, still a thing that I feel like
we have to figure out, like, a plan for.

The next big jump for us really right now
would be, like, to buy a house.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But not to, like, support a child too.

If we do actually have, like, an accident...

There was like a... you do get pregnant
or somehow that happens, like... I dunno.

I wanna make sure I'm financially
secure first before doing that.

Every year, we'd have to get them
basically a brand-new wardrobe.

They're gonna grow out of it.

-Their food, little things, it's...
-Yeah. It's a lot.

[Johnny] It's scary.

Like, I don't want something like that
because that's the way I grew up.

I wanna make sure
it's a little different for them.

And I mean, like, I feel like we come
from very similar upbringings,

so I'm the same way.

[Johnny] Could happen any time.

[snaps fingers] Nine months from now,

we got a little, you know, Amy Jr.,
John Jr. coming through.


That's something I'd be terrified of.

Like, let's say, hypothetically,
in one year, we get pregnant accidentally.

[Johnny] Mm-hmm.

I feel like, yeah, it would be a lot.

[Johnny] Mm-hmm.

But, like, we still would have a home.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Like, we could take care of a child.

It just wouldn't be
in the best, ideal financial situation.

That's what I was telling you in the pods.
Like, I don't want that, period.

Someone I was, like,
in love with or a relationship with

was almost always on birth control.

-Like, that's how it was in the past.
-I think that's honestly our roadblock.

I don't know if I wanna get
on birth control just yet. Um...

-I know I mentioned a vasectomy to you.
-I know. I know.

It's always, like, an option too.
Like, it's not just the girl's job to.

So I don't want to, like, make it seem
like I'm saying, like, "Do this,"

or it's the only way to do things,
because it's not.

I feel like Johnny's fear
about the whole kids situation

is, like, the biggest roadblock
to intimacy.

-[man] Are you guys sexually intimate?

I don't think we're gonna... I don't think
we're gonna wait until marriage.

I'm just... I feel like
Johnny's really scared.

I don't know. I feel using protection,
like, that's not enough for him.

I've never been on birth control.
I've had talks with my gynecologist.

It is ideal to be on birth control because
I have to constantly get infusions.

I am anemic. It would be ideal to do that.

But I like how regular
everything is with my system.

I don't want to alter anything and so...

It is a lot as a woman
to, like, make these decisions.

And I've talked to Johnny.

I was like, you know,
"Men can also get vasectomies."

And there is a risk there,
but I aspire to be a mom.

Johnny aspires to be a dad.

I feel like we would be
amazing parents together.

I totally see it.

Um, we are just fearful
of it happening too soon.

I think that's, like,
our main roadblock right now.

And I think that's something,
like, we have to...

-Here. I'm gonna sit down too.
-[Amy] You know...

I didn't think
it was this big of a deal to him.

There's a lot of fears.
There's a lot of fears that exist.

Um... I don't know.

I think it's one of those things
that we have to, like, research

and kind of figure out
a solution pretty soon.

-Before the wedding.

-I think so too.
-No pressure.

But we need to figure out something
before we, you know,

go into that next step.

Because if we don't have it,
then, like, it's a big part of our lives.

We can't just, like...
"We'll figure out after we're married."

This could be a make-or-break
between, like, us too.

-Yeah, I know.
-I don't want it to be.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ This is not the end ♪

♪ The end ♪


[Brittany] You didn't see my nails.

-Remember I got them done yesterday?
-You went with blue.

-Yeah. My toes. [laughs]
-I can dig it. [mutters]

Oh, oh, let's talk about
you waking me up last night.

-Let's... let's speak on that.

-At 1:30 a.m. in the morning.
-I did.

With all the lights on.

I did wake you up.

[chuckles] Correct. When I had to get up
at 5:00 a.m. in the morning.

You did.
I hesitated a little bit at first,

but I was like,
"At least I'll get to say good night."

You said, "Baby." And I turned around.

[chuckling] I was like,
"I know good and well

this man is not
making me get up right now."

-At least say good night. That's all.

Just a little good night.

-I let you go back to sleep, you know.
-With all the lights on?

I wake you up because, you know,
I'm trying to be like, you know, "Hey."

I was like, "Who is this?"

-What do you mean?
-You haven't been home any, silly goose.

Let's clarify, okay... [chuckles]

Don't be acting like I'm just out here
just not trying to be home.

I went to get my hair twisted.

I went to lunch with my mentor.

And I called you between
each transition of what I was doing.

-[Brittany] Yes.

Baby, you get home very late.

I hear you.

-Right? Like, I hear your perspective.

Only thing I'm asking,
transparently, is that

you don't allow for me
to have gotten home late one night...

Yeah. be the thing that shifts
your mindset about me.

Right? Like, I just don't want one day
of me getting home late...

[Brittany] It's not.

I don't know, like,
how to pinpoint it, Ken. I really don't.

And I wish I did, but I feel like,
you know, when we do talk about us,

our minds and our heads
are, like, right there with one another.

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

Like, what we want
out of a marriage is there.

But, like, where's, like,
the intimate feeling between, like, us

and, like, the crave of, like, us
having what we want in a marriage?

Or, like, the desire
to have it between us.

Like, I feel like that desire
and crave between you and I

is, like, the missing piece.

-For you.
-Because everything else is aligned.

For you.

'Cause for me,
that isn't... that's not true for me.

So if you feel like you don't have a crave
for me, thank you for telling me that,

but I don't feel like
I'm missing the crave for you.

I feel like I work a lot.

There are times where I am
trying to be affectionate to you,

and you may feel like
you don't want it at the moment.

Normally, like, when I kiss you,
it's, like, a kiss and you just go back.

[Brittany] Mm-hmm.

So, cool, I'm a respectful man.

I'm not gonna force myself
or push myself up on you.

I'm gonna take what I see to be something

that you are comfortable with or aware
you are comfortable with proceeding.


Last night when I woke you,
I was trying to be affectionate.

-[Kenneth] You pushed me off of you.

I was in that mode, and you weren't.

So when we talk about, like,
"Why are certain things not progressing?"

We gotta be introspective about the parts
we are playing too in that role.

And right now, being transparent,

I don't feel as if
you are being introspective

about the role that
you have played for me, as a man,

in regards to that level of intimacy.

Because, like, last night,
I did want to. I did wanna...

not to do anything, like, sexually,
'cause we have been

going true with this vow
that we made to each other and to God.

-[Kenneth] But I definitely came to you.

And just wanted to, like, love on you.

I did get home, you were sleeping,
before you went back to sleep.

And you wasn't in that mindset.

-I didn't take it personal. I accepted it.

[Kenneth] If you're in the zone,
like, if you're business,

if you're in, like,
"I gotta make this happen,"

that doesn't really give,
like, "I want intimacy."

-That doesn't give "I wanna be held."

That gives, like, "Stay out of my way.
Let me get this stuff done."

-You're gonna hurt your watch.
-Okay, I'm good.

But that's the thing.
That is how you show up often.

And I've had to accept that
because I chose you.

I think where I am getting
the most concerned about is

when you start to question
the status of our relationship.

And to me, I wonder,
when life continues to happen...

[Brittany] Yeah. it gonna always be
a question about how I feel about you?

[Brittany] Mm-hmm.

-[Kenneth] I can't talk about the crave.
-Wasn't saying yes.

'Cause, like, only,
like, I can show up as me.

But, like, if you don't have a crave
for me or us,

if that's true, then that's you.

I've never been engaged before.
I chose you.

I can't just allow moments or a day
to be a thing that makes me say...

-[Brittany] Right.
-"I wonder how Brittany feels."

"I wonder if she's still
locked in with me."

[Brittany] Mm-hmm.

[Kenneth] Now the craving thing,
that is a feeling you should have that...

If you don't have that,
that's a valid concern.

Yeah, I am very affectionate.

-[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.
-Very affectionate.

-We barely kiss.
-[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

-And, like, haven't made out.
-[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

And for some reason,
that just seems really awkward to me.

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

I just... [sniffles]

I think that... [exhales]
I'm getting friggin' emotional, um...


I think it upsets me so much

because I want so badly

to be able to experience, like,

so much of that crave
that I had with you in the pods.

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

But it's just scaring me
that I don't, like...

that I'm not feeling
like that consistently.



Even with the promise that we made,

I would have still enjoyed
that temptation of being like,

"No! Like, oh, my God,
like, I can't. Holy cow."

"The desire is almost,
like, eating at me."

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

And so that's where I'm like, "What's...
what's the missing piece?" [sniffles]

And I think that's
why I hate this so much,

because, like, you've been
such a good person to me.

[Kenneth] Mm-hmm.

Ken, I think the world of you.


What I'm hearing from you
in this moment is,

"The caliber of a man that you are
is what I need."

"These things about you are what I need."

"But I don't feel X-Y-Z for you."

That's a thing.
That's not enough for us to get married.

That's not enough for us to be like,
"Well, we'll work it out."

No, that's not enough.

And we have to be okay
and honest about that.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Another lonely night ♪

♪ Missing my paradise... ♪

I'm so confident that

spiritually what is supposed
to be for me will be.

[Brittany] Yeah.

[Kenneth] I mean,
that's just how God operates with me.

But, in this situation,
like, I am confident that

what is before me
God has already prepared me for.

And even though I have so much love
for you, and I care about you so much,

if it's not there for you and I,

he's gonna prepare me for that,
prepare you for that and us for that.

[Brittany] Yeah.

I will still be the biggest supporter
of you and believer in you.

But I also love myself too much,
and I've also overcome so much,

just to force something just because.

It's not fair to me or you.

[breathes shakily]


I'm too emotional for this. [chuckles]

♪ It's me without you ♪

♪ It's covered in gray ♪

♪ Sometimes the good ones
They just get away ♪

♪ Want you to stay ♪

♪ I want you to stay ♪

♪ I want you to stay ♪

♪ Want you to stay ♪


This is not going to work.

But I do want you to find the person
you were actually supposed to be with.

Even though it's not me,
and I thought it was.

-Thank you.
-[Kenneth] Yeah.

Give me a hug so you know it's no beef.


-[Brittany] I don't wanna let go.


[Brittany sobs]

You're all right. [sniffles]

You all right? Okay. [sniffles]

[pop music playing]

♪ We've been here before ♪

♪ But this time feels like
You're really walking out the door ♪

♪ Running away ♪

♪ And I guess there's nothing I can do... ♪

[sniffles, exhales]

♪ So if you're really gone... ♪

[sniffles, sighs]

♪ There's nothing left to say... ♪


♪ There's nothing left to say... ♪


♪ Oh, there's nothing left to... ♪

[line ringing]

[Kenneth] Hey, what's going on, bro?

Yeah, I'm about to get my stuff here.
I'm about to be over there. All right.



♪ If you're really gone ♪

♪ There's nothing left to say ♪

-[Chelsea] Feel better?
-[Jimmy] After meeting the friends?

Yeah, I want all the tea.
How do you feel about them?

-[Jimmy] I liked them a lot.

Your friends and who you hang out with
says a lot about you.

-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.
-They were sweet and welcoming.

It felt like they left here excited that...

-They all told me they really liked you.
-Good! Yeah!

[claps] We love that!


That makes me happy 'cause today,
I was worried about you, babe.

You had me really worried.

-Why were you worried?
-You were kind of just, like, in a mood.

-I did ask you twice, "Are you good?"

And you kept saying,
"Oh, my lip hurts really bad."

-[chuckles] My lip does hurt bad.
-I know.

And I'm really sorry,
but I got back after being gone all day.

You, like, walked in,
and you were like, "'Sup?" [laughs]


I want you to be like, "Hey, babe,
how are your eyebrows?" [laughs]

-[Chelsea] I didn't get that from you, so...

And then you didn't really, like,
acknowledge me being here at all, really.


I want to take care of you, um...

Our first day back here, I, like, really
wanted to, you know, pay for your dinner.

And so, like, I...
that was me taking care of you.

I don't need you
to take care of me financially.

Just, like, emotionally.

Like coming up to me
and, like, grabbing my face to kiss me.

Telling me I'm pretty

or, like, telling me,
like, "Good morning."

"I'm so excited
to spend the day with you today."

Like, I haven't
really gotten that from you.

Well, this morning,
I rolled straight out of bed,

went to the shower, went straight to work.

You didn't kiss me one time today.

Oh, my goodness.

-Oh, it made me sad.
-I'm gonna kiss you right now.

[Chelsea] Mm.

-I was working!
-I know, but...

-I was concerned.
-I did... I did kiss you today though.

This morning?

I kissed you when you were
in the bathroom getting ready.

-[Chelsea] Did you?

-I'm sorry.
-Kissed you on your cheek.

And then before your friends came over.

-And before my last meeting of the day.

-I kissed you, like, right here.
-[both chuckle]

-Right after you got done getting ready.
-[Chelsea] Mm-hmm.

You communicated to me
that you want me to love on you.

I'm aware I didn't do that today.
It wasn't intentional, um...

-I'll work on kissing you a bit more.
-[chuckles] No, babe! That's not it.

I did feel like, especially
after our conversation about Jess...


[Chelsea] I think just you
seeing a picture of her,

I was like,
"Man, maybe he's just, like, wondering,

'What would life be like with Jess?'"

I didn't bring her up
because I was picturing a life with her.

I brought her up
because Jeramey brought it up to me.

-He asked if I saw Jess, and I haven't.

And he showed me her Instagram,

and basically was like,
"She looks like a Kardashian!"

And I only say that
because it was brought up,

and I just wanted to fill you in
on the conversation I had.

And I know, and I love that,
but in my head, I think, like, "Oh, shit."

Not "shit," but, like,
"He saw a picture of her."

"Now, he's, like, thinking, like,
'Damn it, I f*cked up,'"

which is not right for me to think.

That wasn't what came across my mind.

I made my decision with you,
and I am 100% on my decision with you.

I'm sorry that I, uh,

you know, I got a little busy today.

-And I'm glad you're talking to me.

-I want you to feel loved.
-[Chelsea] Also...

I don't mean to interrupt you,
but I'm a huge nurturer,

and my main concern is,
like, when you do say "I love you,"

you don't really, like, say it.
You say, like...

My tone? I bit the shit out of my lip!

-I know, baby, but I love you.
-You're not gonna get any...

And I give you so much of me,

and I, like,
I want you to give me all of you.

And when you tell me you love me,
it's just kind of like, "Hmm, love you."

And I know you don't want me just
to go through the motions just to say it

or just kiss you
just because I know you want it.

-I just want you to want me. [laughs]
-[Jimmy] I do want you, and I...

[Chelsea] I'm over here,
like, really trying.

-Really throwing out everything to you.

For you to see, like, how I am as a person

and how I will be as a wife.

And I'm just kind of...

-...not really getting a glimpse of you.

But just today or was it yesterday too?

-It was yesterday.

I asked you to marry me
because I am 100% invested

and going to do everything
in my power to make you my wife.

And I want to have a life with you.

I want that more than anything.

You gave me this.

I know I did. I do love you.

And I wanna feel it,
and I don't really feel it right now.

Today and yesterday,
I didn't really feel any love from you.

Okay. Well, I mean...


I'm not gonna be able
to tell you I love you

every single hour of the day
just because I'm working from home.

I love you,
and I really wanna make things work,

but, honestly, I bit the living shit
out of my lip,

and it freakin'... it hurts to talk.

You know, I love you to death,
and I really do care about you,

but... truthfully,
you've been a little clingy.


You're saying you want me
to give you more love and affection.

And I feel like you're giving me too much.


-[Jimmy] I felt like...
-Are you f*cking kidding me?

You're calling me clingy?
That was f*cking rude.

I have told you I love you more than
any of the guys told their fiancées.

I don't give a shit about them!

I'm saying I have told you
an excessive amount, in my opinion.

I have told you a lot.

Okay. [sniffles]

And I have meant it
every time I told you. I...

-I really do love you.

[Chelsea exhales]

I have given...

-I know you have given.
-No, I don't wanna hear from you.

I have given 100% to every
single person I've ever been with.

That's why I chose you.
I know you give 100%...

[Chelsea] I'm not done talking.

[sniffles] I feel like shit.

For you to say I'm clingy

when I'm trying to do things for you
to prove to you, like, "Hey, I love you."

-[Jimmy] I'm telling you how I feel.
-Okay, well, then that says a lot.

If that's how you feel.

I do not ever wanna be with someone
who says I'm "too clingy,"

especially someone
who put a f*cking ring on my finger.

That's not your whole personality now.

I'm saying the last few days...
you have been a little clingy.

[scoffs] All right.
Well, expect a lot less from me now,

'cause that's f*cking bullshit.

Maybe I should stay at my place tonight,
because this is... this is not cool.

I love you and want to be with you.
I want a life with you.

-You didn't kiss me once today.
-[Jimmy] I did.

-You never tell me you love me.
-I kissed you twice. [chuckles]

Okay. [scoffs]

I rolled out of bed late this morning.
I went straight to work.

And as soon as I get out of work,
I come down here and meet your friends.

And the first thing
out of your mouth is "I'm clingy."

You started causing these problems
and digging for shit

the second you saw Jess' picture.

It's not about Jess at all. [chuckles]

-I'm about to marry you.
-[Jimmy] Yeah.

Okay? This is a huge, huge deal for me.

-It's a huge deal for me too!
-Because I'm clingy?

-I cooked you dinner by myself.
-I am thankful you cooked me dinner.

Then I sat and watched
your f*cking show with you.

You say I'm too clingy? And then
went upstairs and had sex with you.

And I'm too clingy?

No. This is bullshit.
This is f*cking bullshit.

That's f*cking rude.
That's so f*cking rude.

If you're gonna bring up the sex,
you're the one that wanted to have sex.

-Yeah, I did.
-I also wanted a breather from that too.

[Chelsea exhales]


[Chelsea] God! It's just, like...

Like, I'm so disrespect... like,
I'm so f*cking tired of this shit, like...

[sniffles] God!


["Crash and Burn" playing]


♪ That it's all worth the risk... ♪

[Chelsea sniffles]


♪ ...caught in the fire ♪

♪ Too many times, gone up in smoke ♪

♪ Another turn ♪

♪ Crash and burn ♪

[Jimmy] I'm gonna go to my apartment.
I need space.

♪ Crash and burn ♪

♪ My heart's expired ♪

♪ Been caught in the fire ♪

♪ Too many times, gone up in smoke
Another turn ♪

♪ Crash and burn ♪

♪ My mind, I'm losing my mind now... ♪


♪ Crash and burn ♪

♪ If I fall for you ♪

♪ Caught in the fire ♪

♪ I'll crash and burn ♪


-[Jessica] Um, not us matching!

Are you kidding me?

-Are you kidding me?
-[laughing] Not us wearing the same shirt!

I missed you!

Oh, my God. I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed.

-You look amazing.
-You look so cute, baby!

-No, you do.
-So we have a lot to talk about.

-I know.
-Oh, yeah!

[gasps] Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

-He did so good.
-Isn't that pretty?

-You obsessed?
-Yeah, I'm obsessed.

Okay, so wait, tell me all about Autumn.

-Did she just die?
-She did.

-I took, like, two days to myself.
-Good for you.

And then I texted Autumn
and told her that I was home.

And she was like,
"So are we getting married? Or..."

And I was like, "No, we're not."

-Not right now. Yeah.
-Not right now.

I just told her
that, like, I fell in love with someone.


And he ended up falling in love
with someone else, and she was like,

"He fell in love with someone else,
and it wasn't you? Is he well?"

With Jimmy, have you
looked him up on social media?

Has he looked you up on social media?

Whenever you guys got back, the day after,

he sends me a friend request.

And I see it come through immediately,
and I'm like...


I'm like, "Hang on, what do I do?
What do I do?"

Eight hours go by.

And I go back and check.

-And he withdrew the friend request.

And then put his profile on private.

And I was like,
"I already saw what you look like."

You're just mad 'cause you can't see
what I look like now,

so you're being petty.

That's interesting.

So I'm like,
"Ooh. He must be thinking about me."

You're not repulsed by him.

-Okay, fair enough.


Even if he was, like, butt ugly,
I think if I had married him,

I would just, like, close my eyes
and let him talk. That would do it for me.

He has a good voice. Yeah.

If you were to see Jimmy,
do you have things that you would say?

-I do have questions.

And I don't even know if the opportunity
will ever present itself.

But if we were in person
and I heard his voice,

I'm like, "What would that do to me?"

I've spent almost the entire time
I've been back, like, trying to heal.

-I don't want to see him and be set back.

'Cause, like, our first initial
conversation was, like, so electric.

I'm like, "We're gonna,
like, electrocute each other..."

-"...when we actually touch."

-Are they in love? Do you think?
-I think so.

-I think so.
-I hope so.

-For her sake, I hope so.

Jeramey was in a bit of a love triangle.
Probably leaping to conclusions as I do,

I'm not sure if he shut things down
with Sarah Ann. She DM'd him.

-Do you wanna read the DM?
-You have it?

-I took a picture of his phone.
-Oh, my God.

-Your girl was heated.
-The tea is piping hot.

"Glad to see you're home.

I wanted to thank you
for the experience we shared together."

"Getting to know you,
opening up to you meant so much."

At this point,
I'm like, "This is so sweet."

"I genuinely hope you're happy."
I'm like, "This is adorable."

"If there's ever a chance
your mind is shifting in your choice,

I would love the opportunity to meet you,
regardless of whatever way you go."

Like he hasn't already chosen
which way he's going.


Where would she get the audacity
to send a message like that?

She knows we're engaged,
knows we're living together.

-[Jessica] Did he say anything back?

But he, like, liked it.
Like, acknowledged it.

He has been forthcoming with all of it,
and I don't think he's in the wrong.

He's not done anything wrong,
so we're Team Jimmy at this point.


What? Not Jimmy!
Ah! Oh, my God! [chuckles]

-Are we?
-We're not. I didn't mean to say Jimmy.

I wasn't thinking about him.
Oh, my God, I hate myself. Ugh!

Like, no, I'm not over Jimmy.

Like, I don't know if anyone
in my position would be.

Like, he will forever hold a part of me
that nobody else does,

and I'd be lying
if I say I didn't still get butterflies.

I mean, I'm a human being. I keep...

I've replayed and I have dreams often
about, like, conversations we had,

and, like, plans we made and, like,
experiences we had, like, in the pods.

Chelsea is stunning.

-She's perfect in every way.
-[Laura] Mm-hmm.

But, like, I've done my own digging,

and all of his exes look like me.


Chelsea is like the end-all,
be-all. Everything.

But Jimmy's a man.

And, like, we knew without seeing
each other that the attraction was there.

So, like, bringing it to life,

like, I don't know where he's at,
but I have a feeling,

like, if I were to see Jimmy again,

it's gonna be like dangling temptation,
like, right in front of his face.

It's the truth, and you know it is.

Everybody knows it is.
Don't look at me like I'm wrong.

I think you meant a lot to him.

Do you think that he would wanna see me?


-[pop music playing]
-♪ Haunted by... ♪


♪ Haunted, haunted ♪

♪ Haunted ♪

♪ Haunted by you ♪

♪ Haunted, haunted ♪

♪ Haunted, haunted ♪

♪ Haunted ♪

♪ Haunted by you ♪

♪ Haunted by you ♪