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06x09 - Secret Rendezvous

Posted: 04/18/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
-[dance music playing]
-♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Let me know you know, you know ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

Day 22 of living with Amy.
Things are getting tough.

Oh, there she is! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


Oh, no!

Thomas Jefferson, save me!
Save me, Thomas Jefferson!


♪ Gonna wanna roll with us
Gonna feel so marvelous ♪

-[pop music playing]

♪ Feet don't touch the floor ♪

♪ My spirit cries for more ♪

♪ Ain't nothing like this boy ♪

♪ So good, I can't ignore ♪

♪ Higher ♪

♪ Take me higher ♪

[kisses] Don't hate me
if I get called in to work.

Oh. How'd you sleep?
Did you get any sleep?

[Jimmy] I did not get any sleep.

Leaving like that was not cool at all.

To be fair,
you told me that you were leaving.

The only reason I wanted to leave
is 'cause you were so expressive

about me constantly being in your space.

Like, I don't even know
where this conversation stemmed from.

Is it because I told you, like,
you didn't kiss me once yesterday?

Like, is that clingy to you?

You constantly told me
how much you love that I tell you

how much I love you

and, um, tell you how handsome you are

and touch you, and...

I do love that.

Well... [chuckles]

-I... I...

I was genuinely annoyed that you asked me,
like, five times yesterday...

-I get that. I hate that too.
-"What's wrong with me?" And, like...

-I asked you twice.
-So I felt a little smothered.

But it can only make us stronger.

If I thought that you were

clingy to the point
where there was no return,

I would not be here.

I wouldn't want anything to do with you.

I do want you to tell me
when something's bothering you.

You really need to work on your delivery.


And I need to work on my emotions
and being sensitive.

-I'm fully aware of that.
-That's a fair statement.

I need to focus on my wording.

What I said was... was disrespectful.

'Cause you love me and care about me
and that is all I could want.

I'm sorry, and I love you, and...

There were things you said too that...
They don't change my opinion,

'cause I'm not gonna judge you
for what you say to me

when you're emotional
over something I said.


I think we both said
a couple things that hurt each other.

-And, honestly, like...

Um, all this is really distracting for me,
and I'm here for you.

I wanna make you happy.
I wanna be with you,

and, um...

I plan to be with you forever.

I love you, and I want
nothing more than a future with you.

Outside of that,
I had an amazing day with you,

and I love your friends, and that,
it was a step forward, believe it or not.

-God. [laughs]
-Believe it or not.

I love you so much more
now that I met your friends.


You stress me out, boy.

Don't leave me again.

-I didn't like that.
-[Jimmy] Leave you?

-Leave you? I won't.
-[Chelsea] Last night.

I didn't know if you went home,
if you went to the bar. [laughing]

-You think I went to the bar?
-I don't know!

[laughing] Jesus, I have work.


[Jimmy] It's a Tuesday night.

I thought about coming back too.

I did text you and tell you I love you.


You can't hold that against me
for the rest of your life, either.

-You can't...
-You said one thing I wanted to call out.

-Can I?
-What? What?

[Jimmy] You told me you're
never gonna initiate sex again.

-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-Really? Changes my opinion on things.

You said, "I didn't
even wanna have sex with you last night."

"I wanted to pull back."

[Jimmy] I didn't mean
I didn't wanna have sex.

What I meant to say was,
"You initiated it."

And I am happy you initiated it,
so please don't... [laughing]

Please, like,
don't discontinue initiating it.

-Oh, my God.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ Good, I'm feeling good ♪

♪ Yeah, baby, mm-hmm ♪

♪ I'm feeling good... ♪

You drive me nuts.

Buckle up, baby.

-I love you.
-I love you. You make me so nervous.

♪ Yeah, baby... ♪

Thanks for talking to me.

Thanks for loving me.

♪ I just gotta say, I just gotta say

♪ I'm feeling good ♪

♪ Feels so, baby, good! ♪

♪ Feels so, baby ♪


See, we're really pushing the limits.

[Jeramey] Or just put water
in it so it weighs down.

-Can you actually do that for me?


Somebody's gotta be the smart one here.

Give me a break.

-Who's the one that has a college degree?

You know how many people with degrees
I know that are complete dumbasses?

-I was kidding.
-[Jeramey] Complete dumbasses.

If you're gonna come for me,
I'm gonna come for you.

[Jeramey] Okay.

So, on a scale of one to ten,
how nervous are you to meet my parents?

I don't get nervous very often,
like, about anything really.

What is your family's dynamic like?

-My parents have been married 40 years.

Their relationship works for them,
but it's not really what I want, per se.

-They coexist.

They love each other too,
in whatever their version of that is,

but I don't know.

I just want...


More spice, more oomph,

more... fun.

-Like, I never...

I refuse to get,
like, complacent, I guess.


[Laura] I know it's not always gonna be,
like, interesting every day,

but I'll try to make it be.

-f*cking quit.
-[Laura] Where's the plastic bags? Here?

So, what do you think the worst thing
that could happen today is?

[Laura] Worst thing that could happen is

my parents are just wildly uncomfortable.

-And you somehow make the situation worse.

-Okay. Why do you...
-I would say that would be the worst.

How can I make the situation worse?
What would I do?

By, like, being, like, stiff or, like,
they just don't get good vibes from you.

No, I'm not worried about it.
I think everything'll be fine.

If anybody's uncomfortable, we'll, like,
break out into, like, a song and dance.

-Or something like that.
-Okay. No.

-Actually, I thought about a new one.

If they were like,

"Jeremy's a nice guy,
but there's no way that he is your guy."

Okay, what would cause that?

They know I'm a very,
like, big personality,

and they've seen me, like...

Excuse me.

...I don't know,
just wear all the hats in a relationship.

Not saying that, like,
that's how our relationship is,

but they've seen that, so if, like...

I don't know.
That's just worst-case scenario.

[Jeramey] Okay.


-[doorbell rings]

Here we go!

-Oh, shit. Will you wipe that up?
-Yeah. [inhales]


[Laura] Come here, baby!

-[Jeramey] Hi!
-[woman laughs] Oh, hello.

-How are you? Good to meet you.
-How you doing? Nice to meet you.

-Hi! Good to meet you.
-Nice to meet you. [laughs]

-I'm Jeramey. Good to meet you.
-I'm Meghann. Nice to meet you.

[man] Hello.

I already know we're gonna like
the same stuff. So I'm into really that.

-[Errick] Okay, okay.
-[Laura] Oh, do you wanna see my ring?

Oh, man! I don't have
any sunglasses, but jeez.

Sunglasses? Oh.

[laughing] I was like...

You are gonna get
a kick out of this, I think.

Our first date, guess what we did.

-[Cindy] Scuba diving.

[Laura] We did archery.

-Oh, I love archery! Seriously.
-What? [laughing]

-[Cindy] I love archery. Yeah.
-And did you hit that target at all?

-She did scary good.

Like, it put me on notice
where I was like,

"Uh, I might have something to worry about
if I ever, like, pissed her off."

Jeremy's getting very used to how
much shit I talk on a regular basis.

[Jeramey] Don't know
if I'll ever be getting used to it.

"Toning it out,"
it might be the better word.

-[Laura] Toning it out?

The minute I wake up, she's like,
"I hate you," then walks out of the room.

-[Laura] I do not!

The fact that they're laughing,
they can see you do that. Yeah.

All right, so what
would you guys like to know?

Um, we know why she went in.

[Jeramey] Mm-hmm.

What was your reasoning?

I've had really awful
dating experiences in the past.

And my thought was,
"How often do you get to, like,

be able to go on different dates with
people who actually want good intentions?"

They've been background checked.

-They've had a psychological evaluation.

I looked at that like,
"What's the worst that could happen?"

Did you think
they got it wrong when... [laughing]

-Not in the pods.
-[Cindy] Psychologically. Just kidding.

-But since I've been here, no.

[Jeramey] Honestly, I went into it

with, like, zero expectation
of actually, like, finding somebody.

And then we met.
And I can't explain any of it.

Being able to talk about feelings
and things like that actually felt good.

Not saying I wanna sit
and talk about feelings all the time.

-I understand that I can.
-[Cindy] You know you can.

-[Jeramey] Yeah, I can express how I feel.
-Express the way you feel about things.

We're in a love triangle.

-[Jeramey] We're not...
-That's his issue, not mine.

-Out of it now.
-[Jeramey] We weren't in one before.

-[Meghann] There's still happenings?
-[Jeramey] Let Laura explain.

[Laura] No, explain yourself, babe.

Explain myself?

You're not gonna like my answer.
It's gonna last for 45 minutes.

I wanna hear your version.
That's why I want you to say it.

Basically, he was dating
this other girl up until the end.

I do really think that she liked him,

and I do really think that he liked her.

-I did, but that was... yeah.
-And that's okay.

[Laura] But she has since
DMed him on Instagram, saying,

"If you're not sure about your choice..."

-"I would appreciate meeting up with you."
-We're gonna talk about this right now?

I'm just giving them a well-rounded
picture of the situation, okay?

-He was transparent about it.
-I feel like I did the right thing.

I came upstairs with my phone in my hand,
like, "I cannot wait to show Laura this,"

because I was like, "This is
my opportunity to gain some trust."

-Her response is, "Well, you liked it."
-He hearted it.

I mean, what are you supposed to do?

To me, it was, "I acknowledge
that I see what you said."

"I'm not gonna respond."

You could've thumbs up'd it.
You didn't need to necessarily heart it.

I just double-tapped it. That's all I did.

-In my mind, it was, "I acknowledge this."
-It's okay. It's okay. He's here, okay?

She was like, "You almost did so well,
you should've just done nothing with it."

-It was fine. I'm over it.
-[Meghann] It's still fine.

How did you all end up
knowing you liked each other?

I'll let him answer
for himself in a second.

-But for me...

-She was gonna answer for me before.
-[Laura] But now...

[Rick] No. No, no, no.

[Laura] You guys know me, and I can, like,

harp on, like, little icks a lot.

An ick, Dad, is like,
"Ugh. Like, I don't like that."

I don't know what day it was.

It was early on, but we're all
putting our best foot forward.

I was like,
"Let's, like, reverse-sell ourselves."

I was like, "Gimme your
character flaws. I'll give you mine."

"Gimme some of your icks.
I'll give some of you mine."

Or ways that I can be annoying
or whatever,

you know, so there's no surprises.

And he does this thing
with Hawaiian shirts,

which is not my favorite.

-They're awesome.
-I love it. I'm there for it.

-I am there.
-I'm fine with a fitted Hawaiian shirt.

-It's all good in moderation.

-[Jeramey] I love this.
-It's moderation.

[Laura] I was asking questions.

He didn't know
what answer I wanted to hear.

"How do you feel about motorcycles?"

And he's like, "Oh, yeah."
And I was like, "Ew."

And I'm spiraling
through this whole situation.

I really liked him, but then I'm like,
"Now he's kind of icked me out."

So then I'm like,
"Let me make a pros and cons list."

-Well, nobody's perfect.
-No, no.

So I made a pros list, and I literally ran
out of space on the page of all the pros.

And they were important things.

Religion, family values,
how do you wanna raise a family.

What do you see your future being like?
Abortion, same-sex marriage.

-Everything we were aligned on.
-[Meghann] Mm-hmm.

And then there was, like, four things.
Like, "Hawaiian shirts."

-"Motorcycles." Like, the dumbest shit.
-[chuckles] Out of all those topics.

It literally was
like this compared to this.

I would have thrown this person away
in the outside world

because of these stupid,
superficial things that don't even matter.

-No, they don't.
-So then... anyways, that's my answer.

So then that's how I knew.

Wow! That's all you had
to say, but... [laughing]

"I made a pros and cons list, and I knew."


I like him.
And he seems to really like her.

And, uh, you know, put up with some
of the stuff that she can dish out.

And it can... it can be there sometimes.

[Rick] She's very strong-willed.

If you make her into a princess
and put her on a pedestal,

she'll walk all over you.

And hate that she gets away with it.

I think they both really care.

But seeing a little bit
of butting heads here today,

I don't know if it's in jest or what.

-Do you love this guy?

You guys talk pretty harshly
to each other sometimes.

I'd like to see you
come out of it on the other end...

[Laura] Yeah.

...feeling like you're with a person.

But, honestly, you know, playing up
those crazy things about the shirts...

It's just fun.
It's just part of a personality.

What is it about that that's...

-[Laura] It's a turn off. My thing is...
-[Cindy] But why?

[Laura] You remember,
even since high school,

there's just things that gross me out.

-[Cindy] Can we get in the sun?
-Yeah, go get in the sun.

[Cindy] It's cold.

-[Laura] Yeah.
-I had an oppor...

[Cindy] Come on, baby.

[Meghann] He seems
to do well in social settings,

which we love, right?
I love the Hawaiian shirt thing.

-[Laura] I cannot believe you.
-But, like, listen, I love it.

-[Laura] Why do you like it?
-Because it's a sense of self-expression.

And for me, like, if somebody
loves something, like, I'm behind that.

To me, it was like,
"You're a grown-ass man

that has a really nice sense of style."

"You have confidence."

-It was like he was doing it to be silly...
-Which I really do love.

Because when I see
something that somebody likes,

and it's truly something that they enjoy,
then I love that.

And I wanna celebrate that.

[Laura] Maybe he doesn't like them.
I need to quit sh1tting on them.

[Meghann] My husband, he loves
Hawaiian shirts. Guess what's happening.

Guess what's going in his wardrobe
as soon as I can get 'em in there.

-They could share shirts.
-[Meghann] We can do that.

There's a whole closet upstairs
that I'm, like...

Well, I don't wanna take
his Hawaiian shirts from him.

[laughing] You can take 'em.
You can take 'em far away.

It's not gonna be perfect.
And it's, "What can you deal with?"

"What is okay
that you are okay with for... ever?"


-[pop music playing]
-♪ Last time we're gonna gather ♪


[thunder rumbling]

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I just feel alive ♪

♪ Morning, noon and night... ♪

-[Johnny] Ooh!
-[Amy] This is nice!

[Johnny] Look at that.

-Hey, how's it going?

-[Amy] How are y'all?
-How are you?

-[Johnny] Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-I'm Johnny.

-Nice to meet you.
-Why do you want to learn bachata?


I love bachata. I'm Latina.

-So any styles of...
-[Rodrigo] Ah, yes.

-[woman] Aww, that's fun.

I feel it would be a cool thing
to do at the wedding.

-[Johnny] Thank you.

-You ready? Gotta get your hips ready.
-[Johnny] Yes.


[Rodrigo] One, two, three, tap.

And five, six, seven, tap.

[Rodrigo] Basic, two, three.

Five, let's go, she turns on a one...

-Oh, sh**t! I forgot what we were doing!

I was so, like, engaged
in the "spin, spin, spin, perfect!"

-[Rodrigo] And turn, six, seven.
-[Johnny] Oh!

-sh**t! I lost it! I lost it.
-Aha! There you go! One.

-Two, three. Up.
-Lift up.

-Roll it!

-[Rodrigo mutters]
-[laughs] Am I getting it or no?

-We're gonna do great, babe. [laughing]
-We are.

-["Forever in You" by Emmaly playing]
-♪ Don't move, think we got something ♪

♪ Don't wanna think about nothing else ♪

♪ But this love that we fell into ♪

♪ Don't stop looking at me like that ♪

♪ I'm all in
Right when I saw you, I knew ♪

♪ I see forever in you ♪

♪ Forever in you ♪

♪ Forever in you ♪

♪ Forever in you ♪

♪ Forever in you... ♪


♪ Don't stop looking at me like that ♪

♪ I'm all in
Right when I saw you, I knew ♪

♪ I see forever in you ♪

♪ Forever in you ♪

I guess we go in this way.

Can you help me with this umbrella?

Thank you.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ I'm cruisin', cruisin' with you... ♪

-You excited to meet my mama?
-I am.

-Yeah? And my little sister?

Aww! [laughs]


-[mother] Hi! How are you?
-I'm good! How are you? [laughs]

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you. I brought you flowers.

[Margarita] Okay.

-Nice to meet you.

-I'm AD. So nice to meet you.
-Hi, AD.

-You look so pretty.
-Oh, thanks, girl.

Doing good?
I like the all-pink look, looking good.

Thank you. Thank you.
Finally get to meet you.

-I know. Hi!

-[Margarita] Oh, my God.

-[laughing] How was your flight?
-[Margarita] It was good. It was good.

-I worked today. All day.

Yeah, I worked today too.
How did you spend your day?

I didn't have much going on today.
I went to the gym.

-Did some shopping, cleaned the house.
-[Taylor] Okay.

-I'm a realtor, and I run a nightclub.
-[Taylor] Okay.

I had today off.
-[Taylor] I used to work at a nightclub.

-So what do you do there?
-I'm a VIP manager.

-A VIP manager? Okay.
-Yeah, so I take care of the entire club.

-I've been a realtor for about two years.

-Do you like it?
I do.

-Okay. Okay.
-My long-term goal is to be an investor.

-I wanna, like, renovate and flip homes.
-[Margarita] Mm-hmm.

I have, like, dreams of being a landlord.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Well, that could be aligned with Clay,
with, you know, Mr. Entrepreneur.

Um, he works very hard
to build his business.

-So I know it's long hours.

Is your work long hours as well? Or...
It's, um, long hours, but not...

Like, it doesn't consume me
throughout the week.

-[Taylor] What'd you do today?
-I had meetings this morning.

We're trying to close this deal.

-It's make or break for me this quarter.

[Clay] Then went to the gym,
got a little workout,

and then got to see y'all beautiful faces.

-[Margarita] Thank you!
-So good day for me.

It's so cold. I'm freezing.
-Are you freezing? Ooh! Yeah.

-[Margarita] Look...
-No, no.

-No, no, I go through my hot and my cold.
-She likes it cold.

-Really? Thank you.
-[Margarita] Okay?

-And you can open it.
Oh, my gosh. Thank you. Thank you.

[Margarita] One day,
you'll be, you know, hot and cold too.

[Taylor] How do you feel
about his work schedule?

[sighs] Um, I'm starting
to get the hang of it.

I mean, 9:00 to 5:00
and then 9:00 to 9:00.

[laughs] Making it work.

Sometimes I feel like you will choose,
like, convenience and comfort

over coming back to the apartment,

which obviously I get it
if you have somewhere to be.

But it's just, like, in the days
or the moments where you could come back

and we'd be together that night and, like,
chat about anything, just be together,

would make a world of a difference,
but it's not the schedule.

It's just what you do
in the time that you have off.

And what do you think, what she just said?

[Clay] It's valid. It's a valid point.

We are engaged, and you wanna sleep with...

You want me to come home,
you know, and sleep with you.

But seven days out the week,
two days out the week,

I'm just asking for stuff to be
convenient for me, for my business.

Like Sunday, right?

Um, I didn't come home Saturday night
because Sunday I had an early rental.

And I had to go to Lake Norman.

Pineville is literally
an hour away from Lake Norman.

I had to be there on time, gas up
the jet ski. I had to gas up the boat.

I just think that sometimes certain things
are not that big of a deal,

where it's like
I'm literally just handling business.

And also, too, I mean,
you know, with her schedule,

she just started working.

-[Margarita] Okay.
-Whereas I started working immediately.

-There was free time on her end.
-I understand.

Where I'm working, so it's like,
"All right, where's Clay?"

But you know, you got back...
she works nightlife.

She's gonna be coming home
at 2:00 to 3:00 a.m.

-That hasn't happened yet.

Because you have not gotten
to your schedule.

When back in your schedule,
is it gonna be that much of an issue?

I think it's gonna always be an issue
if we're not making the time.

I'm just getting a little frustrated with...
I'm gonna make accommodations for stuff.

-But it's like, I'm gonna work.

And I'm trying my best, you know.

I think I've made it very clear
that I never, like, want you to not work.

You're an entrepreneur.
I love that you have your jobs.

I love that you do what you do.
I never wanna take that from you.

Like, that's one thing we connected on
is that you are a hard worker.

Work is not the problem.
Work has never been the problem ever.

-So what's the problem?

-[Clay] Sorry.
-[chuckles] Whoa.

-It's just that... [laughing]
-I'm gonna have a sip. Sorry.

So you don't think the times
when we're just laughing,

gossiping and stuff like that,
those are not bonding?

-I'm asking you to get clarity.
We've had moments. Yes, for sure.

-But you don't think it's enough?
-No, I don't.

'Cause she doesn't get it.
Like, she's not working.

I'm trying my best with this,

but I need a little bit
of just like, "Hey.

It's called grace.

I just think that both of you
have to give each other grace.

What I wanna say, I... mean no disrespect,

but I'm gonna say this
because I'm 59 years old,

and I've been married
for close to 24 years, and I can do that.

I think that you have to
understand his work schedule,

but it has to be a balance.

And I understand
that you have to go to work,

and it's from one location, whatever,

but if someone is important...

you make the time.

-[Margarita] Period.

If the love is there,

you make the time.


-["This Is Who We Are" by Trenton playing]
-♪ Is it written in the stars... ♪

Marriage is hard.


It is the most
sacred institution there is.

And I say that
even though my marriage failed.

But 23 years, that's a nice run.

-For sure.
-You know?

I want the very best for both of you.

And with the right person,
marriage is beautiful.


♪ Is it really written in the stars? ♪

♪ Yeah, this is who we are ♪


Me too.

[Chelsea] Thanks, babe.

-I'm nervous.
-You're nervous?

-I'm really nervous. I'm really nervous.
-No, you're not. Why?

'Cause they're girls.

-You say they're nice girls though.
-They are nice girls. Yeah.

-I'm a nice girl, I think sometimes.
-I don't hang out with mean girls.

And how long
have you been friends with them again?

-Like, two years.

So they do know some tea.

[laughing] Oh, my gosh.

They probably won't
tell me anything though,

until I get their trust,
and then they'll be spilling.

No, I'm terrified that
they will tell you too much.

-[laughing] Too much? What don't I know?
-'Cause they're like...

[Chelsea] Oh, God. I'm scared.


-What's up?

What's up, girl?

-We missed you!
-Hi, I'm Barbara.

-So nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you!

-Hi! I'm Maddie.
-[Chelsea] Hi! Good to meet you.

Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean
to scrape you with my earring.

-You guys are so cute!
-We brought y'all a present.

-That's for us?
-We did.

We brought you a bottle of bubbly to pop
and some flowers for you.

-Oh, my God! This is so weird!

-It's been so long.
-[Barbara] Mm!

-How are you guys?
-We're excited to see you and hang out.

Yes, we're so excited too.

-[Maddie] Let's see your ring.
-[Barbara] Yeah, let's see it.

-[Chelsea] Okay, ladies.
-[Barbara gasps] It's huge!

[Chelsea] I heard.

-You guys gave him some advice.

-We definitely gave him some advice.
-And you guys k*lled it.

-Good. It's beautiful.

-You did good, babe.
-[laughing] We raised him right.

-[laughing] Yeah, we did.
-Cheers to us.

-How's living together?
-[Barbara] Yeah.

-[Jimmy] It's been good.
-You've lived with a girl before.

Have you ever lived with a guy?

-I used to be married.
-Oh, shit!

-Wow. Okay.
-Damn, I didn't know that.

It was a long time ago.

And he was actually the only one
who gave me a hard time about it.

-I had a heavy day.

-That is so funny.

How do you know
you're ready to be married again?

-Um, I feel like I've matured so much.

Um, and learned so much
from being divorced.

Having that time
to really heal from my marriage

and, like, really find myself,
and I got my dream job

and built a business,

and I'm really secure
in who I am as a person.

Um, and I want someone
to share a life with.

-And that's where you come in, my guy.

[Chelsea] Oh!

He makes me feel really heard
and really seen.

And that's something
that I've always struggled with

in past relationships is, like,

people hearing me out and hearing me.

He is, you know, so emotional,
and I think we connect on that level.

'Cause I am an emotional freakin' lady.

And, like, the fact that he's taking time
to just learn me

and learn my love languages
and learn how to communicate with me.

[Barbara] Mm-hmm.

Like, this morning, I told him,

I was like,
"I'm not initiating sex anymore."

And he goes, "Babe, you said
you're not initiating sex anymore."

"I need you to say
that you're not gonna do that anymore."


-That was the thing you were upset about.
-I was doing it jokingly.

-Yeah, obviously, like, it's important.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I don't think that's one thing
that he would ever turn down.

Yeah. Well, we love that, but...

-Yeah, get it out! Turn it up, girl!

Tell us. Tell us everything.

-So, anyway, I love your heart, and...

Heart? Is that the right word?

[laughing] I think something that really,
really got me on him is that, um...

um, how emotional he is.

-Did you see how big her eyes got?

How emotional he is.

Oh, so he cried during.

-[Barbara] Yeah.

Wow. [laughs]

While y'all had sex, he cried?
No, he did not.

-Oh, my God.
-No, you did not.

-I did not cry having sex with her!
-You did. You definitely did.

You're a crier!

-[Maddie snorts]

There it is. Yeah, snort, Maddie.

Jimmy is very dependent
on whoever he's with.

-He's told me that.
-Yeah. He is. Yeah.

-In a good way.
-In a good way. Yeah.

Well, clearly not the past couple days.

So you wanna
tell them a little bit about that?

-Tell me about the past couple days.
-[Chelsea] I'll tell them.

He said I was clingy.


-The thing is, guess what.

The person who can't breathe without
somebody pushing air into your lungs?

If you weren't clingy,
he'd be like, "She f*cking hates me."

That's what he told me!
He told me he needs me to...

"Her leg stopped touching me last night.
She doesn't love me anymore."

That's exactly what he told me,
so I was giving it to him.

Just don't talk to him
for, like, four hours. Then he'll miss it.

[Barbara] Let me ask you,

how do you feel about Jimmy
having really close girl friends?

Yeah, um...

It made me a little worried before.

Um, but I also have close guy friends.

And one of my best friends
is my ex-boyfriend.

We just were better off as friends
than we were partners.

So when he told me about you guys,
I had no room to even say anything

or think anything.

Um, but my past
has been a little different,

where I've dated people
who have really good girl friends,

and they've all cheated on me
with the good girl friends.

So, of course,
there's something in my head.

-And, uh, you know...

That's not fair at all
to put those parameters

on your friendship. You know what I mean?

And when we were coming here,
he's like, "They're gonna love you."

"You're gonna love them.
Gonna have new friends."

And... and I do. I need more girl friends.

-I mean, you seem really great so far.

-He's like our brother, so...
-Yeah, yeah.

-They trust my judgment.
-[Maddie] Yeah.

-I hope so.
-And if not, we'd tell him.

Yeah, and I hope you would.
I hope you would.

We tell him like it is, 'cause we are.
We're like the big sisters.

Yeah, yeah.

We like her. We like her, for sure.

She seems, like, very bubbly.

Seems very in love with Jimmy,
which is number one.

-She could be our friend.
-[Barbara] She could be our friend too.

It's just wild,
a few weeks ago we were just all, like,

you know, hanging out.

Going to a bar and now, like,
possibly we might go to his wedding.

-Hopefully. [chuckles]

-I knew...
-[Maddie] You know me better than that.

I knew I was gonna love you girls,
'cause he goes,

"They wanna know what you're wearing."
I said, "Those are my girls."

-"Did she decide what she's wearing yet?"

["Slow It Down" by Feels Like playing]

Love that.

♪ Wow, baby, you're so elegant ♪

♪ Let's slow it down ♪

[Amy] Oh, my God, these look so cute!

Look at you. You little baker, you.

[Amy] Giving housewife.

Yay! Okay, I'm ready for your fam.

[Johnny] Our first time hosting.

-[Amy] You excited?
-[Johnny] Very excited.

-[doorbell rings]
-Who could that be? [laughs]

-I wonder who's... oh, my gosh!

Hey, guys! How are y'all doing?

-Good to meet you! [laughing]
-Hello! Nice to meet you finally!

-Oh, my God, you look so cute!
-[laughing] Thank you! Thank you.

-[Johnny] Welcome. Hello, I know.
-[woman] I can't wait to hear it.

[Johnny] Oh, my gosh, I know.

So did John warn you
that we are, like, the loudest people?

-Okay, I come from a very loud family.
-[woman] Good!

-Good! This is perfect.

[woman] I'm also staring at your ring.
It is so beautiful.

-I haven't even...
-So, so, so beautiful.

- I cannot...
-He did such a good job.

-Oh, wow. I know.
-Oh, my God!

I was sitting there the whole time
just looking at that.

-[Amy] Perfect.
-[woman] Beautiful.

-He did that.
-[woman] You did good, buddy!

[man] Let's go!

-I'm so proud.
-[woman 2] Damn!


[Johnny] We got some salads.

-We have some linguine with clams.
-[woman] Wow.

Okay, tell me about the pods.

So, basically,
for me, I'm very particular.

-[Amy] Johnny stood out the first day.

But in the beginning, I said,

"Johnny's here for a good time,
not a long time." [laughing]

-[Anna] I love that!

If you meet our family, that makes sense.

-People would initially think that.
-[Cameron] Yes, yeah.

But then he started
actually, like, getting deep into it.

Johnny! Yeah!

-We love this.
-Good work!


I always was hoping that Johnny
was on the other side of the pod.

I was like, "I just wanna talk to Johnny."

Like, and I feel like that feeling
of comfort that he gave me

and the love that you kind of showed me
through the wall...

-As corny as it is to say.

[Amy] I was like,
"If he proposes, I will say yes."

Hell yeah, dude!

Then he said the same thing.
When he woke up that morning,

he was, like, sure of it as well.

How was the actual proposal?

As soon as he asked,
I was starting to get emotional.

And then he called me the name
that my mom was gonna name me.

[laughs] Which is "Olenska"
and then I, like, bust out laughing.

I hope you referred to him
as his almost name.

-[Johnny] Hmm.

-I love that you knew that!


I know.

-We approve!
-[Maria] Yeah, done.

-This is really exciting.
-It is very exciting.

-Johnny, you deserve good things.
-You deserve good things.

-[Maria] This is a good thing.

[Anna] Guys, I don't know. Not to say
you're made for each other, but, like,

it's, like...

You feel, like, very right.

-[Anna] Yeah.
-It feels very, very, very right.

-[laughing] I know.


-I'm ready for wedding day, just...
-[Maria] Yeah.

-[Anna] Us too. We are so excited.

-[Maria] Same.

-Maybe love really is blind.

Cheers to Maria!

-Cheers to Maria!

-[Maria] Cheers to you guys. Seriously.
-[Cameron] Cheers to you guys.

I don't know if this is okay to say.
Like, say yes.


I'm ready to say yes to her.


["Rich with Love"
by Adriana Stone playing]

♪ I'm rich with love ♪

♪ I'm rich with love ♪

♪ We're so eternal

♪ You gotta pick me up ♪

What's up, buddy?

[Laura] Okay.

Are you gonna sit there
with your sunglasses on inside?

You left at 10:45

and were out till five-something
in the f*cking morning.


The bars close at 2:00.

-What were you doing until five o'clock?
-[Jeramey] Okay.

I don't see why
you can't just answer the question.

Went to originally go to a karaoke bar.

As I was leaving here, location changed.

Told we're going to Lost and Found.

Cool. Gonna meet up at Lost and Found.

When I was halfway there,

got a text message
from one of the guys from the pods,

saying, "Hey, Sarah is out here.
Just so you know."

I directly was like,
"I'm probably gonna turn around."

And was like, "No, I'm not gonna let
somebody else, like, dictate what I do."

So, went there.

She comes over to me and is like,
"Oh, hi, Jeramey," hugs me, walks away.

I'm like, "What was that?" Then I find out
that she's upset about a lot of things.

So, in order to not drag things out
and make it worse,

I was like, "Do I need
to have a conversation with her?"

Oh, my god.

So, yeah, we hung back,
and we talked about things.

You hung back with Sarah Ann
and were talking till 5:00 a.m.?


The shit's adding up.

You're constantly dumping things on me

that pertain to this other person
that I have to deal with,

but you're like, "Oh, that's your issue,
not mine. I told you."

-What is there you have to deal with?
-"I'm in the clear."

What do you mean? The fact that
you haven't shut shit down with Sarah Ann.

You could've easily
prevented all of this bullshit

had you just responded appropriately
when she DMed you.

But, no. You did nothing.
You followed her back.

You haven't taken any initiative
to shut this shit down.

So I'm just supposed to trust

that you just supposedly
had this lovely conversation

where you did nothing but shut it down,

when you could've done that weeks ago.

I understand how that can look.
I understand how that can come across.

[Laura] Right now,
I don't f*cking believe you.

You must have left the door
at least a little bit cracked open

for her to think it was even
remotely appropriate to reach out to you.

Maybe it's that you're not capable

of severing the limb
and cutting things off.

Maybe you're Mr. Nice Guy too much.
I don't know.

So I'm nitpicky about your Hawaiian shirts

and some other stupid superficial bullshit
which doesn't even matter.

I've brought you none of this bullshit.

I knew this shit was gonna happen.

I am sorry for that, but, like,
as an extra layer of reassurance,

like, I shared my location with you.

Like, just so you knew
exactly where I was at.

How was that supposed
to give any reassurance?

Nor do I want to be engaged to someone
to where I need that level of reassurance.

Where I need to follow their location?

f*ck no!

And I was asleep.
So what exactly did you want me to do?

Stay up and follow your car?

-How would that be any reassurance?

Reassurance would be
coming home at a decent hour,

not six o'clock in the morning.

I would have acted so much differently
than you did in this situation,

it's unreal.

I know nothing bothers you,
and you don't get stressed out,

but I'm supposed to meet
the mother of my fiancé today.

I don't wanna hang out with your mother
and act fake as f*ck in front of her.

She's gonna be like,
"Why did you choose my wonderful son?"

-I don't have anything nice to say now.

[Laura] I could've gotten
a text last night.

I could have gotten any
f*cking acknowledgement as your fiancée,

the one you chose.

Oh, but you shared your location,
so I'm supposed to be good.

-Where were you?
-In the parking lot.

[Laura] You're just hanging out

at Lost and Found
till five-something in the morning?

-I'm not denying anything.
-You're denying leaving the bar.

I don't wanna talk about that this second.

-You don't wanna talk about it?
-[Jeramey] No.

-Just admit that you lied, then.
-I'm not gonna lie to you about it.

You weren't at the parking lot
of Lost and Found.

Don't share your f*cking location
if you don't want me to check it.

-That's bullshit. I parked.

There's Lost and Found. Then there's
an alley that cuts back there.

You weren't even in South End.

You were north of Uptown,
which is where Sarah Ann lives.

-[pop music playing]
-♪ We keep playing with fire... ♪

I literally knew.

I knew when I woke up
at five this morning.

I was like, "I would f*cking bet
my bottom dollar

that you were with Sarah Ann."

I don't have anything else to say.

♪ Yeah, we keep playing with fire ♪


[Laura] I want out.

♪ So we keep playing with fire... ♪

[pop music playing]


[Jimmy] I am in love.

And I found
an incredible person in Chelsea.

There's not a doubt
I made the right decision.

[Amy] I've faced so many hurdles
in finding my Prince Charming.

I feel like I finally found him.

[Johnny] I saw the future and knew
exactly what it was, and it was with Amy.

-I'm gonna be a great father. Can't wait.

-I can't wait for that for us. Ooh!
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I never thought I was
gonna be good at marriage.

I don't wanna be in a situation
where I'm ever gonna cheat.

Do you think that's,
like, the biggest thing,

is that you're gonna cheat?

He doesn't think that
your all is enough for him?

Then that's not your guy.

-[Johnny] May I marry your daughter?
-[man] For me, it is kind of overwhelming.

Oh, my God!


I'm Jess.

-Hey, guys!

-[man] Here we go.

-[Jeramey] You shaved the mullet.
-This whole shit is hard.

Trevor is normally what I go for.

We have talked about what life would
look like if we picked other people.

He did not choose you.

He told me that he's breaking
everything off, and I was like, "Okay."

Jess is very good-looking.
I am attracted to her.

I care about you a lot.
In reality, you are my number one still.

You f*cked her! And I know you f*cked her!

[bells ringing]

[Amy] This is, like, a huge,
pivotal moment in both of our lives.

[minister] Now is the time
to decide if love is blind.


-["Didn't Wanna Wait" playing]
-♪ Didn't wanna wait on your pace ♪

♪ Wasted all those years for your sake

♪ All the things you put us through more ♪

♪ I forget just who I'm here for ♪

♪ Who I'm here for ♪

I didn't wanna wait ♪

I didn't wanna wait for you ♪

I didn't wanna wait for you ♪