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01x09 - Level X

Posted: 02/28/14 20:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

What's your name?


I did this. I've been here before.

Oh, my God.

Just shut up and go right now! They'll k*ll you, but they won't k*ll me.

You stole me from my parents.


My name is Miksa.

How long have you known about your tumor?

The vectors, they took Peter up into the ducts.

(vector shrieking)

Look at you. Your symptoms are gone.

I'm cured.


I don't know.

Dr. Walker is no longer your concern.

She's now the property of the Ilaria Corporation.

You can't just appropriate a human being.

Oh, but I can.



(quiet clatter)

(clatter in air duct)


(vector shrieking)

(vector shrieking)

(stun baton zapping) (vector shrieking)

You okay?

That was a close one.

Yeah, but it worked. The good news is, we only needed one of them. Let's get him to the cryo lab for testing.

Next time, you can be the bait.

One vector.

One vector. We've hardly seen any since Peter was taken.

Where'd they all go?

I must insist you return upstairs.

This exercise is too dangerous.

On the contrary, level R seems... almost abandoned.

Any idea how 50 vectors just... disappear?

He came from in here, right?

Sarah: Yeah.

And we're on the bottom level of the base?


Then why is there air coming up from below?

This isn't the bottom level, is it? What's down there?

Tell them everything. Or I will.

Tell me what?

Level X.

Level X. There's a... What is on Level X?

The virus vault.

That's where we keep all our original core samples.

You have original samples of NARVIK? A and B strains?

Of course he does. He created them.

Come with me.

You engineered... an apocalypse virus?

I was never going to deliver it.

That doesn't matter!

Ilaria wanted a virus and a cure.

I used them to create something more beneficial.

Like creating smallpox to cure cancer?

If I didn't, they would have hired another lab, one that might have given them the virus. Without me, You'd be dealing with a billion bodies by now.

No, you don't get to play the hero.

What you've done is unconscionable.

Sutton was a much greater evil.


What happened to her exactly?

She is... no longer a problem.

What's coming next is far worse than Sutton.

What do you mean?

Sutton was just a messenger.

Next, they will send an army.

They will not stop until they have the virus.

Then we need to get down there And destroy the virus before Ilaria get their hands on it.

Show them.

Daniel: Just give me a second to pull up the image.

Sure, where is it?

You have a lot of explaining to do.

I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you.

You g*dd*mn drugged me!

Tell me about the picture.

The one of us. I couldn't have been more than six years old.

We have met before.

When you were a child.

Then you knew my mother?

Of course.

She was extremely talented.

A top-notch cellular biologist.

And yet you asked me about her just the other day, pretending you'd never heard of her.

Your mother was one of the finest scientists I ever met.

A great mentor.

She was also... a dear friend.

I visited her several times in Montana.

That's when that photo was taken.

How is that photo even possible?

It was 30 years ago. You look ex...

I was a very young man.

So it's just a coincidence that I'm here, at your base, all these years later?

Coincidence, karma, fate...

Call it what you wish.

(door buzzer)

You still here?

Why didn't the old lady let you go?

Seems she had different plans.

Too bad she won't be here to see the shit-storm Crash down on this place.

In two days, Ilaria's gonna drop in, full force.

Yeah? Hope we're here to see it.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Aren't you supposed to be some kind of Houdini with locks?

Most locks. But they added an electromagnetic seal after I got out last time.

Meaning what?

I can get the door unlocked, But I can't get it to move, genius.

Daniel: Level X was here long before we were, it'll be here long after we're gone.

What was it?

The remains of an abandoned Russian trading post from the 1850s. I'll pull up the security cameras.

Sarah: Oh, my God.

Alan: At least now we know where all the vectors went.

They are attracted to heat.

The vault has its own power supply.

Is the vault secure?

Solid as a rock.

So, how do we get down there to destroy what's left of the NARVIK samples?

There is a secure staircase.

I will go down.

Like hell you will.

I don't trust you anywhere near that virus.

And how do you plan to get past the vectors?

We already know the halothane gas doesn't work on them.

I don't know... yet.

Guys, take a look at this.

Daniel: What are they doing?

Sarah: It's swarm behavior, Like bees in a hive. They're all drawn to something.

Or someone.

(vectors growling)

(Peter coughing)

(Peter roaring)

(banging against window)

(vector roaring)

I don't know what you're trying to accomplish.

We got better results with the racal suits.

You have racal suits for every vector on this base?

Yeah, good point.

Ready for the cold stuff?


(gas hissing)

(victor chuckles.)

Look at that.

CFC gas puts 'em in a state of paralysis.

That ought to do the trick for the vectors downstairs.

Yeah, there's just one problem: I don't have enough gas to hit the whole floor.

I won't be needing the gas.

Well, how are you gonna get the temperature down?

You gotta hit at least, what, -40 to see any results?

It's -50 outside.

(victor laughs.)

Sure. So, what, they're gonna follow you right out?

Hey, that'd be a hell of a snowball fight.

I'm bringing the outside to them.

Why don't you just bang your head against it? Probably just as effective.

Better that than getting m*rder*d.

I don't think Hatake works that way.

He's hyper-efficient. k*lling us causes more problems than it solves.

At least for now.

Then we have a chance, if we can hold out until Ilaria blows the hell out of this place.

They don't know we're down here.

If they blow up the base, we're locked inside.

We gotta let them know, man.

Maybe we can... light a signal fire or something.

You keep thinking, Klein, 'cause that's what you're good at.

Hey, I just want to be standing at the end of this.

Not like Sutton or that Inuit bitch.

What about the Inuit girl?

Sutton sent a squad down to k*ll her and burn her whole village to the ground.

No loose ends.

We'll have no way of communicating

Between the mechanical room and level X.

The walls are too thick, so everything will have to be perfectly timed.

Daniel will prep the base while Hatake and Jordan take the power grid offline.

Then Julia and I will make the descent to level X to destroy the core virus.

I should go with you and Julia.

You can't. I need you to keep an eye on Hatake.

It's just flipping switches.

I don't trust him with Julia.

Alan, let me go down there alone.

Are you crazy?

There were two vectors in the ducts and they didn't attack me.

Peter didn't attack me either. We still don't know why they do or don't do anything.


You all right over there?

Uh, yeah.

My zipper's just caught.

Take this. Just in case.

She won't need it, you will.

Make sure the boilers and the forced air system are turned off in sequence.




This is three. That's four.


Three, four.


It has to be perfectly timed.

If the power's still on when Julia and I get to level X, Then the vectors will still be active, and we don't want that.

Step Two: Daniel and his security team will distribute thermal blankets to as many uninfected as possible.

Now, it's 28 minutes maximum.

That should be survivable, but after that hypothermia will start to set in and we'll start losing people. A survival blanket. Ha! Ha!

You want to feel real cold? You should try working here for a while.

Oh, what, no takers?

How about a paycheck? Haven't had one of those in a while.

Step Three: Julia and I will descend Hatake's private staircase

at exactly 0200.


System voice: Access granted.

And at the same time, you and Sarah turn off the power grid.

We flood the base with all that outside air and freeze the vectors in place.

Hatake: Now.





Three! Four!

When the blowers stop, the pressure will change, and then the hot air will rise up and out as the cold air sinks down to the bottom of the base.

(labored breathing)

Hiroshi, I'm gonna die soon. And nothing I did will ever matter.


I accomplished nothing.

I left nothing behind.

It will be like I never even existed.

Dr. Jordan?

Can you hear me?

And I worked so hard, but it doesn't matter.

Can you hear me?

How do you think we'll know if your plan worked?

If we're not...

att*cked and infected when we get to this level X, then it worked.

System voice: Emergency power active. Emergency power active.

What the hell, man? Are they here already?

No. It's too soon.

What do you think it is?


I thought you said you couldn't break the electromagnetic thingy.

Not with the power on, Einstein.

Alan: We'll have 28 minutes tops to destroy the core virus and get back upstairs before the heat comes on.


It'll get worse. Keep moving.

Alan, if this doesn't work...

If this doesn't work, we burn the base to the ground with everyone in it.

Everyone? Even Peter?

Even Peter.

But if we destroy the base, how do we get home?

We don't.


Eighteen minutes. Keep moving.

(vectors breathing quietly)

System voice: Access granted.

Oh, my God.

There are too many.

Ebola Zaire.

Ebola Reston.

Rift Valley fever. What the...

Marburg, Lassa...

Spanish flu.

They've got more strains here than we do at the CDC.

Wait. Don't put them back.

Jules, we don't have time. We have to find the NARVIK.

We have 11 minutes, all right? That's less time than we need.

You want to leave all these for Ilaria?
(incinerator roaring)

(warning alarm sounding)

We should go upstairs, hunker down and wait for reinforcements.

I'll take my chances outside.

It's su1c1de out there.

I have to.

I'm not leaving the base.

No, you're not.

Have you ever seen death?

Ever stared it right in the face?

Do you know what that's like?


I thought it would be a dark and empty hole.

But it's not.

It as bright as day and it's filled with all the things you never did in your life.

Dr. Jordan. We are almost at the hypothermic limit.

Please! It's almost time!

I'll never cure the incurable.

I'll never crack an RNA code, I'll never win the Seaborg.

And I'll never have children.

(Sarah hyperventilating)

Doctor! Doctor?

Dr. Jordan?

Son of a bitch.

Yersinia pestis. This is the Black Death.

Plague of Justinian. Cocoliztli. Sweating sickness.

It's like a who's who of mass epidemics in here.


It's gone.

Someone got here before us.

Maybe it was misplaced.

(watch beeping)

We're out of time.

No, no, no, no, not yet.

Jules, we don't have time.

Wait, wait.



No, no, no, no, no, we don't have time.

They're waking up!

(snowmobile failing to start) Aw, shit!

If you sh**t me, you k*ll your sister and your brother.

Tell me.

Sutton sent a squad to track down Anana and burn the village.

Bullshit. We rounded up all her men.

Apparently not.

It's the truth. Believe me.

Why do you care?

Because at some point, it just has to stop.

Now, you can sh**t me, but I'm still going.

No, you're not.

We're going.

Keep going. Don't stop. Don't worry about me.

(Alan grunting with effort)

(vectors growling)

(pounding on door)


Come on!

Alan, those are my initials.

We don't have time!

Alan, those are my initials. I did that.


I don't know, but I'm here for a reason.

And I have to go down there.

Are you sure about this?

I was a little girl, maybe six or seven, but my mother brought me to this place. She knew Hatake.

Why didn't you ever tell me? I thought I was just hallucinating from the virus, but it was like a repressed memory, something I didn't want to know until now.

Jules, that door will not hold forever.

If we go down there, we may not come back up.

I'm not asking you to come with me.

I'm not asking your permission.

(pounding on door)

(pounding on door)

This is it. This is why I'm here.

You're sure?

(light switched on)

Oh, my God.

Jules, what is this place? Where are we?


What's wrong?

The trail's gone.

I thought you people were supposed to be good at this tracking shit.

Our people can't track anything through the blowing snow in the middle of the night.

Our people are also really good at not being followed.


You two make more noise than a rutting caribou. My snowmobile threw a track. I saw your lights about two miles back.

Thought you were part of those Ilaria assholes.

That's why we're here. Sutton sent a death squad after you.

A group came by here about three hours ago.

How many? Three snowmobiles, five riders.

Are they on their way to the village?

As far as we know, with orders to terminate.

We need to go now!

You told me you spent summers in Montana.

I did. Apparently also here.

But why would Hatake build an exact replica of my mother's cabin?

Seems like something you'd have told me by the third date.

It looks exactly the same. How?

The question is: Why?

Why bring a six-year-old girl here?

Why build a fake cabin to make her think it was home?

I don't know.

Well, what do you remember about your mother?

Hardly anything. She died when I was young.

Well, think, Jules. There must be something.

Peter said something to me.

Peter spoke to you?

When I was hallucinating, he said, "it's about you, Julia. It's always been about you."

Might have been your subconscious talking.

Or it might be the reason we're all here.

We have to go.

(binoculars scanning)

About 15 civilians being loaded into a trailer.

Why would they do that?

My guess is they're gonna set it on fire.

Less to clean up that way.


No, I am not gonna let them burn to death!

Neither am I. We just can't go strolling in there.

You gotta think like a soldier.

He's right. We're outnumbered and outgunned.

Can you get us close?

Oh, yeah.

Come on, keep moving.

Get going!

Go on! Go on! Let's go! Get in!

Hey, you missed one!

Caught her out around the perimeter about to snipe your ass.

We checked the perimeter. We didn't see anyone.


We didn't see anyone, sir.


Hey, that's one of them! He works for me.

I'm with him.

I don't know any stupid Eskimos.

(Tulok spits.)

Alan, I'm sorry I never told you.

Alan's not here.

But... you're going to be ok.

The surgery didn't work.

It was too close to the spinal cord.

Grade IV metastatic.

As soon as we get back to Hatake's office, I'm gonna find out... (door creaking)

(vectors growling)


Get right behind me.

Stay close.

What are you doing?

Trust me on this, Alan.

Go upstairs. Go.

Jules, come...

I'll hold them back.


Go ahead, finish him.

Wait a minute.

Let him do it.

Sir, our orders are no headshots, In case the skulls are dug up after we burn them.


You mean like this?


(both panting)

Jules, how did you do that?

I don't know, I just did.

But how did you know?

Ever since my recovery, I've felt, uh... different.

I mean, my eyes changed, but that's not all.

I don't know how to explain it, but, uh...

The vectors seem to have lost interest in me.

More like they're afraid of you.

Maybe they were.

I have so many questions.

We both know who has the answers.



Don't ever call me Eskimo again.

(door buzzer)

System voice: Level B.

Sarah. What happened?

I should be asking you.

How could you not know she had a grade IV spinal tumor?

A spinal tumor? Is she symptomatic?

She suffered a seizure about 20 minutes ago.

Her pulse is weak, thready.

I want to get her into the ICU as soon as possible.

We can hook her into the life support we used on Peter.

So, where is the core virus?

Gone, or never there.

That's... impossible!

Given the last nine days, you may want to remove that word from your vocabulary.

How did you not know? You didn't know, right?

Maybe I didn't want to know. I saw all the signs.

The tremors, the morphine.

You can't blame yourself.

Except if I had known, I would have done the same thing.

I needed her on the job more than I needed her healthy.

She's really good, Alan.

She has the spark.

We have the spark...


Alan, wait for me.

Wait for me until I finish my training.

Sarah, just... Just relax. Try to sleep, all right?

Sleep with me again, Alan.

Maybe you should, uh... Maybe I'll... I'll get her stabilized.

Of course.

And... And you can...


It's fine.

We're divorced, remember?

You knew my mother, you built a replica of my childhood cabin.

None of this is coincidence.

Who the hell are you?

This was one of the happiest days of my life.

Me, you... and your mother.

That's Jaye.

But my mother's name was...


Or to a four-year-old, Jaye.

I've waited for this day longer than you could possibly know.

I was... afraid.

Of what?


I wanted you to... know me, But it was never the right time.

What are you saying?

The cabin is not a replica.

That's not possible.

You never lived in Montana.

No, that's not possible.

Who are you?

You have...

Your father's eyes.

Did we ever play with those... little cars?

Hot wheels. All the time.

Was there a white one with, um... the doors that opened...

Like wings?

Yeah. Up, not out.

Heh. Like wings.

That was my favorite.

You punched me for it once.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

(Tulok laughing)

Yes, I did.


(door opening)

We need to talk about what's coming next. Ilaria will...

(groaning in pain)

Anana: Ugh.

(Balleseros groaning)

You idiot. Sit.

We don't have any time.

You can't save the world if you're bleeding to death.

This is why women will always be the stronger sex.

We know when to sit.

♪ all around me are familiar faces ♪
♪ worn out places ♪
♪ worn out faces ♪
♪ bright and early for their daily races ♪
♪ going nowhere, going nowhere ♪
♪ their tears are filling up their glasses ♪
♪ no expression, no expression ♪
♪ hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow ♪
♪ no tomorrow, no tomorrow ♪
♪ and I find it kinda funny ♪
♪ I find it kinda sad ♪
♪ the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had ♪
♪ I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take ♪
♪ when people run in circles, it's a very, very ♪
♪ mad world ♪
♪ mad... ♪