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03x15 - After the Altar: A Second Shot at Love?

Posted: 04/18/24 18:37
by bunniefuu
["Deeper With You" playing]

♪ Wanna go deeper, wanna go deeper ♪

♪ Wanna go deeper with you ♪

♪ Wanna go deeper, wanna go deeper ♪

♪ I'm takin' you deeper… ♪

-[guests cheering]
-[camera shutters clicking]

-I didn't mean to touch your pants.
-[Bartise] You always cop a feel.

This guy just gets handsy.

When I was, like, 12 and my dad
let me drive the golf cart,

it was like, "Are you kidding me?"

I am the king of the world
right now, you know? [laughs]

[guests cheering]

I would change… a lot of things.
I don't know.

I need to be more careful with my words

if I'm around someone
who, you know, is sensitive.

It's hard to win when you're with someone
who twists everything you say,

and you can't be yourself even whenever
you're not trying to hurt them.

I guess the first thing
I want to say is sorry because

I didn't know that I had
made you feel that way,

with the eating and all that.
I had no idea.

Okay, that's…


[clears throat]

I'd rather resolve things with you.

Like, the part of me
that was, like, all flustered

is literally one moment
of our whole relationship,

which was the wedding day
because I didn't see it coming.

-But when I look--
-What did you think I was gonna say?

-I thought you were gonna say, "No."

-But you'd--
-Just, no, and then walk away?

You had told me that
you didn't want drama at our wedding.

For sure.

Did you listen to any
of the positive things I said, though?

Yeah, and that's what was
so confusing about it.

I don't think it was confusing.
Like, I literally was, like, I…

I remember saying, like,
I don't think you're a bad person.

Were you bad to me?
One thousand percent, yes, you were.

But I… I still don't think
you're a bad person.

I think you'll be wonderful to the woman
you want to be wonderful to.

-You just… It wasn't me, so…

Yeah, I heard the positive things
you said, but I think that's why to me

it sounded like this big contradiction
'cause I was like, "Which one is it?"

I was like, "Do you love me
and only wish that

I was the guy that you
went through this process with?"

-"Or am I manipulative and disrespectful?"
-Yes, I still do.

I would do it again,
and I would choose you.

Because you were the only one

in all of that, very obviously,
for me to do this with.


[emotional music playing]

But… And I did. I did love you. [chuckles]

That's why I was like, "This is crazy,"
because I'm saying all this.

But I do still…

Like, not still. Did love you.

-Did love you, back then.

-You almost had me there.
-But I sure did!


But yeah, no. But I did. I meant it.

I didn't, like, fall for someone
that wasn't a good guy, you know?



No, I'm listening. It makes way more sense
talking to you now because, like, I've…

When I've processed it…


When I processed… I don't know.
That tag was bothering me.

That's okay. Throw the pillow away.

When I've, like, processed this with all…

Everyone who wants
to talk about it, I'm just like…

I'm like, I can't make…
I couldn't make sense of it.

I was like, on the one hand,
I thought she was about to say yes to me.

Because, you know, beforehand you were
a thousand percent ready to marry me,

and we were making love,
and everything seemed really good.

And our conversations
had led me to believe

that we didn't have
all this beef to work out.

So that's why it was like, the first
section of what you said was, like,

-all the positive things.
-[Zanab] You really-- Okay.

-Please go. Yes, I'm sorry I interrupted.
-No, no, no, and I…

We can be done. Like, I don't want
to stir up stuff, I really don't.

No, it's not stirring up anything.
You and I are not stirring anything up.

Okay. It never made sense to me
'cause in my mind, it was like,

I don't know if it's the difference
between a girl's and guy's brain…

But my brain is like, "Okay,
she either loves me or she doesn't."

It's, like, one or the other. And what
you're saying is, like, "You loved me…"

But I was like, I can't… I can't…

I knew you wanted something
that I couldn't give you.

[Cole] Yeah.

I thought we were gonna
keep dating after the wedding.

-You really thought that?
-How would I not be attached to you, Zay?


-We were living together.
-Not only did you dog on me--

For sure… and when I got home,
I was lonely as shit.

I was so lonely. [laughs]

-Yeah, like, I can't just…
-But, no, no, no, let's revisit…

-…cut someone out of my life.
-"Would we continue dating" because…

Forget that you didn't like
the way I looked.

You didn't like the person.
You were like, "You have a bad attitude."

"You get a little loud."

Do we remember saying those things?
I think we do.

Okay, fair.

You didn't like me enough
to continue dating.


It's good to see you.

I'm just, like…

I don't know, I'm not good at,
like, carrying beef with someone.

-I just, like…

I don't have beef with you, Zay.
[chuckles] I don't know, like…

-I don't have beef with you.
-I know, I know. I just--

I'm glad that we finally
got to talk, so yeah.

[laughs] Okay.

-That's all.

That is all.

-I didn't want there to be tension.

Unless there needs to be.
Unless you want to fight, let's fight.

-But otherwise--
-Do you want to fight?

-I don't want to fight.
-No, you don't. [laughs]

No, I thought about it.

I was… I was working on a fight strategy.

Were you? Really?

No, I wasn't working on a fight strategy.

-Let's go, like, back to the party.
-Okay, let's go.

Hopefully, the future for Cole
has a better relationship.

I do want to, you know, live with somebody
and have kids, and be a dad and a husband.

I'm 27 years old. So, I'm to the point
to where I'd love to, you know,

meet someone smart
and beautiful and funny,

and someone who looks good in a bikini.

[man] Here we go, pool shot, pool shot.
Here we go. Let's go.

[Cole squeals]

-Oh, hello.
-[Raven] Tell me how it went.

-I owned it.
-[Raven] I love that.

You can only resolve so much
when we haven't talked in a year.

I'm not trying to be, like,
buddy-buddy all again.

I don't have to, like, go to bed tonight

and still feel like
I have a problem with Zay.

When I don't, in my heart.

It was just kinda like,
"I don't want animosity."

And I was like, "I don't have
a problem with you." I told him.

"I said what I said, and I was done."

Leaving this experience,
I've learned so much about myself.

I am happy and I am healed,

and I am very ready
to be back in the dating world.

-[Nancy] How do you feel right now?
-I feel fine.

Well, I'm proud of you for that.


Next man in my life is secure, he's funny.

I just want someone to be in my corner.
I want my best friend.

I can't wait until you find your man.

The DMs are open.

[pop music swells]

[all] Cheers!

-[all cheering]
-[Raven laughs]

["Feels Like Magic" playing]

[bird calling]

♪ Oh, it feels like magic ♪

♪ Oh, it feels like magic… ♪

-[Becky] Thank you.
-[Greg] Look forward to good barbecue.

[Matt] I'm eating. I'm hungry.

I think we're gonna order
a bunch of stuff and kind of pick on it.

-So glad you guys could make it.
-[Colleen] Thank you for coming.

I appreciate it.

-[Matt] Here we go.
-[Becky] Oh my goodness.

[Matt] Oh, it's gonna be fantastic.

[all] Cheers!

-Thanks for coming.
-Cheers, to more than one years.

-Hey, amen. I love that.

We've had a great first year of marriage,
even though it was challenging.

You can't expect to just come out
and everything be hunky-dory.

[Greg] Does he leave the lid up?

-The toilet seat.
-Know what? There's splatter.

-[Becky] Okay, that's not acceptable.

We've talked about this several times.

I clean it up, come on.

-Okay, 'cause that is important.
-[Matt] I clean it up, sometimes.

-I'll come in, I'll be like, "Matt!"

We're not gonna be with you
on that one, bud. I'm sorry.

I can't imagine life without him,
as much as, like, you annoy me.

-[chuckles] Well, I do that on purpose.
-Yeah. No, don't do it.

See, don't do it. 'Cause he annoys me too.
It just happens.

That's my love language.
I like to annoy you. [laughs]

That's funny.

I think that we're a lot stronger and…
closer than where we were a year ago.

Which I'm very happy with.

I just appreciate him for not running
and, like, sticking with it.

[Matt] Yeah, for sure.

[Greg] Him going to multiple ballets isn't
something he would have normally done.

That made me more confident,
the fact he was going to all your shows.

-I'm going, "Yeah, he's committed."
-Matt's at the ballet?

Even the one she told me
not to go to, I showed up.

-He still came.
-[Becky] Yup.

He's a gentleman.


I am so thankful that I went through
this whole experience.

As challenging as it's been,
as frustrating, and hard,

and tears have been shed
through this whole process,

I'm glad where I am. I'm a stronger woman.

And now I have this amazing marriage,
and I'm really proud of Matt, especially.

I really do see the love
that he has for me.

And yeah, I'm just…
I'm really happy right now.

Well, next phase,
grandkids are kind of the next phase.

-[Becky] Get the baby bug.
-[Matt] Knew that was coming.

[Colleen] I do want a big family.
We want a big family.

-We both do.
-It's just, we need…

I would like to take, like, this year
and the next to, like, keep traveling.

-I want siblings close.

Gotta get that traveling out of the way
'cause once you have kids, that's done.

-That's where you guys come in.
-[Becky] That's right.

-As long as you're okay letting 'em go.
-[Colleen] Yeah.

Let me ask a question. How do y'all feel
about us not being together right now?

We've had multiple conversations
with your parents.

-Of course. Yeah, of course.

And none of us agreed at first.
None of us understood.

We saw two separate lives,
and so it did raise concerns.


[Becky] But we want
you guys to succeed in this.

-You're two hardheaded individuals…
-Very stubborn.

…who are trying to come together,
and marriage takes work.


And marriage takes being there together
to solve your problems. Not running away.

You got to learn to… How to fight.

You can't fight and run.

Which was my issue.

And it was… That's his… One of his
biggest deals. It's like he shuts down.

[Colleen] Yeah.

At the beginning that was kinda the case,
like, every time we would have like a…

even just a small little argument
that would blow up into something bigger…

-It was easy to leave.
-It was easy just to--

-[Greg] Go to the stairwell?

-Calm down.
-To go to the stairwell.

[all laughing]

[Colleen] Literally.

But no, it was easy just to get in the car
and kinda go away than deal with it.

I think you'll be amazed at the difference

of how your relationship will change
once you do move in together.

I agree. I don't disagree.

Because moving in together like that
is the true form of commitment.


I think you guys
make an incredible couple,

and y'all are gonna make great babies.

-[Colleen] They're gonna be cute.

-Short babies.
-Need them to be a little taller.

-They're gonna be tiny babies.
-Yeah, they're gonna be so small.

-♪ Change, a change, a change is coming ♪
-[all laughing]

♪ Change, a change, a change
A change, a change is coming… ♪

[SK] Everything's just so shiny.

What's her ring size?


Not a lot of people get a second chance
at taking the same shot.

And now that I have the opportunity
to propose to Raven again,

I want to make sure
I do it right this time.

And I also wanted to get her
a much better ring.

[woman] What is the occasion
we're shopping for today?


[woman] Engagement! Okay.

I need something
that's gonna blind the enemies.

We call it a ten-table ring,
so you can see it from ten tables behind.

-There you go.
-And it sparkles.

Can we get, like, 15 tables?

-[woman] No problem. I got you.
-[AB chuckles]

Well, I've got some things in mind.
Let me go ahead and pull those for you.

Then I'll be right back.

-Awesome, thank you.
-[woman] Thank you.

[AB] I'm gonna be honest with you, bro.

Not a lot of people get a second chance
to do what you're about to do.

I get a rare opportunity to assure her
of my love again for the second time.

I just want to do something
to cement that commitment.

-Validation. Assurance this time.

-This is the assurance, right here.
-[both chuckle]

[SK] I'm madly in love with Raven.

Going through
what she went through at the altar

is not a pleasant experience for anyone.

I want to propose to her again
to let her know that,

"Hey, I'm really here for the long haul,

and I still want you to be my partner."

But there is a risk of her saying, "No."

I'm surprised she still,
you know, even want to, you know,

-sit with you and talk.
-[SK chuckles]

I want to do everything it takes
to make this woman happy,

and also start a future together.

-This time, we're coming correct.
-Bro, we have to, bro.

My biggest fears would be,
like, what is she gonna say, right?

Bro, that's my biggest fear,
I'm not even gonna lie.

-It's ring time.
-Yeah, let's do this.

So I've brought a diamond that I think
is gonna be just perfect for you.

Okay. Show me. Let's see.

-[romantic music playing]
-[AB] Whoa.

-[SK] Yes.
-[woman] What do you guys think?

Yes. I like it.
This is right on the money.

Is she expecting it,
or you think she'll be surprised?

Uh, I think she'll be surprised, you know.

This is actually going to be
our second proposal. [chuckles]

-Gotta make sure everything is on point.

Yes. The second time's the charm, huh?

[SK] Second time's the charm.

Yo, SK, ask them
about cancellations and returns.

Just in case this doesn't go your way.
Just in case, bro.

-Don't put that in my head, bro.
-Okay, okay. I'm just being honest, bro.

♪ I wanna love you better ♪

♪ I wanna love you better ♪

♪ I wanna love you better ♪

♪ Than before ♪

[Alexa] Loki wants a stick.

Eat some berries, bro.

No, don't eat the berries.

Think if he ate a berry he'd remember
in the future to not eat more berries?

No. He can't figure out that the leash
is the thing choking him, so…

[both laughing]

-My hopes for him aren't high.
-[chuckles] Yeah. That's true.

You want to sit here, Loki?
Come here. [kissing]

-On the ground?
-[Alexa] Mm-hm.

[Brennon] But there's dirt there.

[Alexa] Aren't you from the country, baby?

-[Brennon] Mm.
-You want to lay down?

I'm exhausted after last night.

[Brennon] Can we acknowledge
how beautiful that place was?

-The flowers.

-The vibe.

-The sexiness.

Yeah. I thought it was sexy.

-Yeah. That's what I'm saying.
-Red roses, f*ck yeah.

I was talking about you,
but also the roses too, you know.

Thanks, baby.

People looked great last night.
Oh my gosh.


You obviously looked the best but, like,
clearly everyone dressed for the occasion.

Yeah, everyone definitely looked good.

There was somebody
that didn't bring a gift.

That was me.

-But I do have a gift for you.

It's the redness of the--

-It's the sexiness.
-Sexiness and the prettiness, right?


[both laughing]

It says, "Baby Lemieux."

Coming 2023.

Look at how cute!

Aw, now I really want one.

-Come here.
-["Fighter" playing]

-Love you.
-Aw, baby.

A little baby.

-Maybe we start with one, then we--
-Yeah, we can decide from there, yeah.

-As we get--
-But not ten. I'll tell you now, not ten.

Like, my vag*na could never--

I think my ass is fully asleep. [strains]

Come on.

-Well, looks great, still.

Yeah. Come on, buddy.

I would like five kids.
I have a list of names in my phone.

I'm just saying,
a really cool one would be Brennon.

-[laughs] No.
-We don't have to call him Junior.

No. There'll be no Brennon Junior.
You're not gonna be Brennon Senior--

-What about if its middle name--
-You have a lovely name, babe. No.

-Okay. Well.
-No. No.

[Brennon] Now we walk off
into the sunrise.

-[Alexa] Sunrise? Weren't we up all night?
-Yeah! Yeah, we are!

-[Alexa] We will be with that baby.
-[both laughing]

'Cause you could be anywhere ♪

♪ Any place ♪

♪ But you're right here ♪

♪ You're gonna know anything
When it all came down… ♪

-Can you please wake up?

-Like, please bring up the energy.
-Want me to start dancing or something?

No, I'm just saying,
like, you're always tired.

-Yeah, I work a lot.

-[cell phone vibrates]
-Like, with my…

-Are you listening to me?
-I'm listening. Sorry.

Yes, I'm listening. [chuckles]

[Colleen] Um…

-You know that's my pet peeve.
-Yeah, I know.


Oh my God. [laughs]

[sighs] Now you're making it awkward.

What are the pet peeves?
I know we've got 'em.

Oh, he does this li'l…

-Oh, she hates when I pick my nails.
-…stupid thing.

Like, we'll be cuddled up on the couch
watching a movie or something,

I'll be in her ear,
just kinda picking my nail like this.

And you poke and prod me. I hate that too.

I kinda poke her in the ear
and stuff like that, and she hates it.

-It's so… Why? It's not necessary.
-It's my love language. It's fun.

-It gets a reaction out of you. It's fun.
-Ugh. It's terrible.

[both laugh]

So, really you just…
You're the annoying one.

Yeah, I am pretty annoying.
I will say that.

-But it's fun. You love it.

[Matt snickers]

-Stop! [laughs]

-I was looking at houses. Wanna see 'em?

I'll be honest,
it's a bunch of older homes.

-That's fine.
-It's not necessarily fine.

You don't think an older home is better?

Not at all. 'Cause then it starts breaking
and it's a horrible investment.

I think an older home is better.

Okay, how is buying an older home
a good investment?

I just… 'Cause it has, like,
the bones are, like, you can trust them.

A newer house, like, who knows
what could happen?

[soft music playing]

My happiness is your happiness.
Do you have the same mentality on that?


-My happiness is your happiness, yeah.

-So, we should--

But there's got to be compromise.
We gotta look at the money we're spending.

We're not gonna spend $500,000 on a shack
that's gonna break in ten years.

-I agree.
-You know?

But I think that we should
look heavily… into both.

-Into both? That's progress.
-A little bit more of a look…

In, like, White Rock Lake.

White Rock.

-White Rock.
-That's what I said.

You said, "white cock."

-Jesus Christ! No, I didn't!
-[Colleen laughs]

[both laughing]

g*dd*mn, girl.

What happens if…
we've never lived together,

and we go into a house we bought together,

and then it doesn't work out?

-[Matt] Have you, uh--
-Uh, F-U-C-K.


[both laughing]


I'd say one of the biggest things that
I do love about her is just,

she always wants me to be happy.

You know, I like to annoy her, poke her,
mess with her, and stuff like that,

but we're laughing a lot, which is key.

You know, we've kind of taken this
in steps, and going to the next step,

which will be getting the house,

or moving in with each other.
We're excited, yeah. It's, uh…

It's gonna be a lot of fun.

So, what do you think? Do you feel…
Not, like, tomorrow or anything like that,

but once, kind of on our game plan,
do you feel ready to

move in with me?

-I do.
-Do you really?

Yeah, I'm definitely a thousand percent,
like, I want to get a house with you.


And I'm very excited for that next step,
and I know we're ready to do the step.

-Cheers to that. [chuckles]
-So, cheers to that.

-Love you.
-Love you.

We got to figure out the location, though.



The next thing for the Boltons is just,
like, continue to be on this great path.

And keep working on relationships
and what each other need, you know.

Still having a blast in a glass.

Let me a little smooch,
give me a little kiss.

-You don't have your lipstick on.
-I know I don't.

-I was gonna say, my lips aren't tingling.
-[both laughing]

Even if he quotes Borat 20 times a night…


…it still will put a smile on my face.

[Matt inhales sharply]

[sighs, imitates Borat] My wife.

So, what do you think about that?


-This is what I like right here.
-It's cute.

A little bit smaller.


What are you trying to say?

[upbeat pop music playing]

I'm saying it was a little…
Yours is a little bit smaller.



-[Matt] Keep it PG.
-[Colleen laughs]

♪ Babe, there's something
In the way you move ♪

♪ All the fireworks when we touch ♪

♪ Every time I get close to you ♪

♪ It's like lightning
Pourin' in my blood ♪

-[Raven] Oh, thank you.
-You're welcome.

Ooh. [laughs]

Gee! [laughs] Yes.

It's SK's last night in town.

So, we're gonna go to a little
romantic dinner before he leaves.

I'm starving.

We always make a huge effort to spend
time together when he's in town

'cause it's a luxury for us at this point.

I have a reservation for 9:30.

It's gonna be this elevator,
up to the fourth floor.

-Thank you.

[romantic piano music plays]

[SK] It was a tough decision
to say no at the altar.

I felt how heartbroken
and how devastated she was,

and I do not take it lightly.

I still love Raven very much,

and I'm just a little stressed out.

This is a second chance that I get,
and I don't want to blow it.

[elevator bell dings]

[romantic string music playing]

-[Raven squeals]
-Come on in.

[both laughing]


[SK chuckles] Come on, come on.

[Raven sobs, laughs]

-Are you okay? All right.
-[music fades]

-I'm not okay. [sobs]
-You are okay.

I know!

-[SK chuckles]

[SK clicks tongue, exhales sharply]

[Raven whimpers, sighs]

[romantic music playing]

Whoo! [chuckles]

Raven Michelle, our love story
has been uniquely Raven and SK

from the very beginning,

and we've always done things
our very own way,

without fear of what everyone else thinks.

Our love has flourished
in the most unimaginable way,

and I can't wait to continue
writing the story with you.

[exhales, chuckles]

[Raven laughs]

[SK chuckles]

I commit to you my very best self.

I commit to love you
and let you grow without borders.

I commit to let you flourish
without limits. [chuckles]

-And love you till the very end.

[romantic music swells]

Raven Michelle,
will you marry me again? [chuckles]

[music fades]

-Yes! [laughs]
-[romantic music resumes]

[both laughing]

[Raven] Yes.

[Raven laughs, sniffles]

-All right, come on.

[SK] Let's do this.

[Raven] I love it!

[Raven chuckles]

♪ This is our turning… ♪

-[Raven coos, squeals]
-[SK chuckles]

I love it.

Thank you.

I love you.

I love you too.

Thank you.

[Raven laughing]

I love!

I'm a fiancée!

In the fiancée club.

I love it! I'm like, "It looks so good!"

I can see all the way to China
in this ring, y'all.

[both laughing]

[Raven] Writing down, like,
the man that I've always wanted,

SK literally hits all of those things.

The perfect vision,
everything that I always wanted.

[SK] Have a little Champagne toast.


It's not a way that I can articulate.

I just feel he is my person.

I can be my full self.

Like, he's my little comfort blanket.

It's like my security.

-I love him.
-[soft piano music playing]

So, I really appreciate you, like,
standing by me the whole time.

-[Raven] It's been fun!
-[SK chuckles]

Cheers to having more fun.

Cheers to being a cat dad.

Cat daddy.

-Part of the family.
-[laughs] Aww!

-Thank you, baby.

[SK] Second time's the charm.

I'm looking forward to new experiences,

making new memories
in different parts of the world, really.

I am definitely ready to move.

I'm ready for the new chapter.
The new new.


I'm excited to plant seeds
in other places.

-Seed-planting, all sorts of seeds.
-[Raven laughs]

[both laughing]

Cheers to…

-To what?


And forever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever!


[SK chuckles]


[Raven laughs]


[SK chuckles]

-[Raven] Love you.
-[SK] I love you too.

[music fades out]

That really sucks.

[inhales sharply]


[whispers] I don't even know.

[sniffles] Since then, a lot has changed.

Um, my world is completely different.

Um, because,

you know, SK cheated on me, and…

now our relationship is over.

It's so crazy to watch it back
and, like, remember… my feelings then.

And, like…

Like, I was so happy.

I really was so invested in the person
that everyone saw,

and everyone loved, like…

That's the person that I saw,
and I loved every day too.

So, to…

like, see everything
that has happened since then…

um, is so hard.


Because that was not the person
that I thought that I was with.

Like, I cannot imagine, like,

opening up to someone
like I opened up to SK.


Like, that's always been
my personal challenge, and, like…

I know, whatever,
it's a blessing in disguise,

and, like, I can take that
into another relationship.

And, like, I know in my heart
I still believe in love, of course.

But it's just, like…

This is someone
that I trusted, like, with anything.

I still believe in love, and I'm so happy
for my friends who have found that.

They are, like, my biggest inspiration,
and I know it's coming for me.

Are we at a point where we can give
marriage advice?

-No! [laughs] What?
-You don't think?

-I shouldn't be giving advice to anybody.
-I think we could be.

-But I think you're better with money.

Like, you're more…
Like, I think that you have, like…

[upbeat music playing]

I don't know,
things that you, like, pay for.

So, bills are these things that come,
like, usually, like, once a month.

[music halts]

-Would you love me if I was a worm?

[upbeat music resumes]

No! You're a worm!
What do you want me to say to that?

But, like, I'm…
But I would love you if you were a worm.

No, you wouldn't!
You wouldn't even know me. I'm a worm.

Yeah, I'd be like, "Oh, look, Matt,
you're a little worm. There you go."

Okay, if you were a worm,
yes, I would still love you.

That's what you're saying now.

If I ask in an hour
you'll be like, "No, Colleen."

Where does the question even come from?

-I just needed to know.

["Trap Nursery Rhymes" playing]

What's up, guys? I'm Nick Lachey.
Now, as you may have already heard,

I got a little bit of experience
in the love department.

So, when Netflix was looking for somebody
to help their most eligible singles

get a second shot at romance,
well, they only had to make one call.

To me, obviously.

Ten men and women have been invited
to find their perfect match.

-Do you wanna match with me?
-You know we're a perfect match, right?

[Nick] As they match up,
you know there's gonna be fireworks.

-[man 1] Oh my God.

[Nick] We want to see how compatible
each couple really is.

So we'll put 'em to the test.

-[woman 1] This is heavy!

-[man 2 yells]
-[woman 2] He okay?

[Nick] The most compatible couples
will have the power to invite new singles.

-[woman 3] Look at Abbey.
-Heard she's crazy!

Let's see how she looks with Bartise.

And send them on blind dates
with anyone from another couple.

Gonna lock in this match.

[Nick] Will they create better matches?

It must be someone good.
It must be someone juicy.

[dramatic pop music playing]

-Or will they create chaos?
-I just went on an amazing date.

I'm not gonna go back and forth.

Hello, I wanted a word with you.

I should be a villain.

Anyone left without a match
will have to leave… alone.

How embarrassing for me.

[woman 4 sniffling]

If you don't find a match,
you're going home.

I'm staying in this f*ckin' house.

[man 3] Aww!

At the end, only one couple
will be crowned "The Perfect Match."

[romantic music playing]


All in the name of love.

♪ It's time to let go ♪

-[man 4] Oh God!

[woman 5 screaming]

[contestants laughing]

[laughing] That was sexy.


♪ It's time to let go ♪

[music fades]

♪ Something about this thing
Feels right, all right ♪

♪ Mine all mine ♪

♪ Something about this thing
Feels right, all right ♪

♪ You know that I've been waitin'
My whole life ♪

♪ Oh, honey, just to make you
Mine all mine all mine ♪

♪ Hey, just to make you mine all mine ♪

♪ Hey, just to make you mine ♪

♪ Just to make you mine ♪