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01x13 - Dans L'Ombre

Posted: 03/28/14 22:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Helix...

expl*sives have been placed around the base. We draw Ilaria inside and implode the entire base on top of them.

Do you have any idea what you've done by bringing this back to the base?

We can save everyone. We can get Peter back.

System voice: Breach.

Ilaria is here. Start getting people to the cabin.

The Scythe. He is the worst of us. An assassin.

We can't wait any longer. We have to blow the base.

Maybe you should get on that snowmobile.

Have you seen Sergio?

He's not one of us!

Do you think this is a reoccurrence of my tumor?

No, your tumor appears to be in remission.

Virus and cure?

I have what you want.

Your daughter, or your loyal son? You have to make a choice.

I will not!

Stop. I love you, Father.

Daniel! (expl*si*n)


(heavy punch)


Do you think I haven't been tortured before?

I've seen more pain than you can possibly imagine.

Ah! Ah!

I have a good imagination.

Now, where is she? You tell me where she is, or I will board up this door and this room becomes your eternity!

Do what you may.

I fear you less than the people I work for.

I know all about Ilaria.

When they find you, they will force you to watch as they k*ll everyone you love.

Not if I find them first.

You will not.

You contacted your military, the FBI, even Interpol for help, but no one believed you. Ilaria is everywhere, while you hide in the shadows.

Go ahead.

All I have is time, unlike you.

Where is she, you son of a bitch?

You know, I think I finally see the family resemblance.

You favor your mother over Hiroshi.

Tell me where she is now.

She's not much to look at these days.

I mean, 30 years in a cell can take quite a brutish toll.

So help me, I will k*ll you where you sit if you don't start talking.


A k*ller?

Maybe you are like your father after all.

(Julia shouts.)

Hey, hey, hey.

We will get your mother back, all right? But not like this.

She's here, Alan. She's somewhere on this base, alive.

And we'll find her, but we can't act like they do.

He cut off my...

I know, but if we sink to their level, we're not better than they are.

I don't want to be better. I want my mother back.


I am so sorry.

Would you like to be alone?


Why did he do it, sacrifice himself for me?

Because he knew that I would have made the same choice.

But he grew up here with you. You hardly know me.

You are my daughter.

My flesh and blood.

No matter how much you hate me, nothing can change that.

I don't hate you.

I just want to understand.

Why didn't you tell me my mother was still alive?

I thought... it would only give you false hope.

And put you in grave danger.

I didn't want to fail you... as I failed her.

How did you fail her?

By allowing Ilaria to take her, to use her against me.

That's why you created the NARVIK for Ilaria?

To keep her alive?

I had no other choice.

You were protecting me too.

That's why you never revealed yourself.

They would have hunted you to the ends of the earth.

As they now will.

(happy instrumental music)

That's the missing snowmobile!

It's been snowing for four hours.

There's no tracks.

Sergio has to be somewhere.

Look around you. "Somewhere" is a pretty big place.

He's not gonna last the day out here.

I thought he was supposed to be some bad-ass special-ops type.

He's from Brazil!

We need to face reality. He might already be dead.

No. I won't accept that!

We gotta keep looking.

The others are waiting. If we keep looking, then we might die out here with them!

Just 10 more steps.

Ten more steps.

(breathing hard)

Ten more steps.

I know that there's been a lot of uncertainty, but I want you all to know that you are perfectly safe down here.

I'll only be gone an hour.

Dr. Jordan. You're the one keeping us from losing our heads.

If you leave, it will start a panic.

They can panic all they want. I really have to find Alan right now.

He told us to stay down here. No, Alan needs to know that Daniel took the canisters...

You have the cure. What does that matter?

He took both canisters, the virus and the cure.

I don't have to explain to you what that means if it gets out.

What's wrong? Are you sick?

No, I'm fine.

You're white as a ghost. With everything that's happened, you need a blood test.

Since when are you concerned about my wellbeing?

I'm truly sorry about what happened before.

I panicked.

Let me make it up to you.

My lab is just upstairs. The test will only take a moment.

Hey, back for another go-around?

Beating on a helpless boy?

You're not helpless. You're not a boy, from what I hear.

Hm. Hiroshi's been telling tall tales.

I'll have to remedy that once I'm back at Ilaria.

Who says you're going back? Maybe we send little pieces of you.

That's enough.


After what he did to Julia?

t*rture gets us nowhere.

All right? (Spencer laughing)

I mean, what is this? Good scientist, bad scientist?

Here's how this will work. You will contact your cohort and arrange to have Julia's mother returned to us.

And only then will we let you go.

Total surrender? Yeah, see, that is quite tempting, but let me give you the full view.

You've already lost.

We have the virus, and we have the cure.

Oh, do you, now?

Have you not seen the news?

What news?

The download's a couple days old, but have at it.

What are we looking at? Well, my Spanish is rusty, but it seems there's been an outbreak of an unknown viral illness in Lares, Puerto Rico.


Hundreds sick, an untold number dead.

And they're calling it "Sangre Negra."

"Black Blood."

It looks like NARVIK, but how the hell did it get off the base?


This is the turnoff to Nunavut.

I know where we are, Tulok.

Then you know we gotta get moving.

We can't spend the night out here.

He's alive. I know it.

He's only one man.

Ilaria will hunt us all down.

(She scoffs.)

Tulok, you know why our ancestors built the inuksuk?

As a marker to show us our way.

But also to remind us that we're never alone in such a lonely place.

Yeah, that, and we needed a stop sign.

Well, how am I supposed to just leave him out here?

He made his choice.

You need to honor that.


(Balleseros groaning)

Hello, Sergio.


What an unpleasant surprise.


Imagine my dismay when you popped up on the base perimeter cam.

You saved me?

Against my better judgment, but yes.

Although I was tempted to leave you out alone and forsaken just so you'd know how it felt.

I meant to call you.

Spare me.

The only reason you're here is because I could use the backup.

I thought the Scythe only worked on the down-low.

He's indisposed at the moment, courtesy of Hatake and your friends from the CDC.

He's a prisoner?

He's exactly where he wants to be.

Virus and cure.

You've got the NARVIK virus and cure right here?

The only thing left to do is close out.

The camera's offline. That ought to keep them from listening in.

This is unspeakable.

Are you sure it wasn't an accident?

No, it was a test run.

Lares is isolated. It's the perfect sample size to see how the virus behaves in a given population.

There are no reports of vectors, so it might be NARVIK A.

I know a little bit about this, OK?

Peter's right. Which means we can contain it.

But only if we are able to retrieve the cure.

And my mother.

Yes, along with Jane.

Well, we know they're watching us.

Where's the best place to hack into the camera?

The security room on Level G.

They must have set up a base of operations.

There is only one entrance.

If we access the subfloor, I might be able to recalibrate the air filtration system and flood the room with CS gas.

Or we could use our chips to gain access and go in armed.

I like that idea.

I'm in.

No, no. We need somebody to watch after the teenager.

Great. Babysitting duty.

Many have taken Spencer lightly.

Few have lived to talk about it.

Of course. Whatever is needed.

Look, they're bringing the party to us.


Just like old times.

Balleseros. What are you doing here?

I had some unfinished business to attend to.

Uh, uh, uh.

Balleseros, I need those canisters.

And you'll get them, as soon as I get what I came for.

Major Balleseros, why don't you put down the g*n?

Yeah, I think I'll hang on to it.

I just want what's inside the crate.

The old woman? Why?

She's Julia's mother.

Your mother?

Just let me make sure she's all right.

Go. (beeping)

I always knew you were capable of m*rder, but mass m*rder?

What are you talking about? You're telling me you know nothing about the outbreak in Puerto Rico?

NARVIK A. You don't know about that?

Of course he does. He's the one smuggled it off the base.

Whatever you think I have done has nothing to do with the reason I am here.

I only want the list.

What list?

Hatake knows which one.

The Inuit children.

You're a dead man, Sergio.

Shut up, Blake.

You two know each other. Why does that not surprise me?

You're dead but you just don't know it.

Shut... up.

I'm not going to tell you again.

What are you gonna do, sh**t me?


I don't work for them! You get it?!

Now... the list.

I appreciate everything you're doing, but we should really get back downstairs.

This will only take a moment.

We'll get to the bottom of what's ailing you.

You know, I can take care of the rest myself.

Nonsense. This is my bailiwick, anyways.

Your bailiwick?

I'm a hematologist. Didn't I mention that?

My specialty is rare blood diseases, although you rarely get anything exotic all the way up here.

Dr. Haven, I don't think...

Bloody hell.

I'm seeing severely elevated levels of beta-hCG. I don't mean to alarm you, but levels this high could sometimes be indicators of certain types of cancer.

Have you...?

Thirty-one Inuit children over the past 20 years abducted, experimented on like lab rats, and then put up for adoption.

I want the list with their locations.

Why would you assume such a list exists?

A lot of people seem to think it does, including your son.

Is that true? Did you take children?

Many sacrifices were made in the pursuit of science.

I am not proud. But surely you, of all people, can understand that.

I know all about sacrifices.

I've sacrificed nearly every relationship I ever had to science. But human experimentation?

On children, no less?

I'm not that man anymore.

Then prove it.

Give me the list, and I give you the canisters.

There is no list. I'm sorry.

That is bullshit. No written list.

The information you seek is here.

Those children are never far from my thoughts.

I remember every one of them and where they were placed.

Shall we begin?

Jane, can you hear me?

No. No more, please.

It's OK. They can't hurt you anymore.

Who are you?

My name is Julia.


I have a daughter named Julia.

I know.

She's just a little girl.

You have to let me go. I'm supposed to take care of her.

Shh, it's OK.

I'm gonna take care of you right now.

It's OK.


Virus and cure. They're yours now.

Dr. Farragut.

I was beginning to feel neglected.

Not a feeling you're used to, I'm sure.

You know very little about me, but I know a great deal about you: Second son to a second son, destined for mediocrity while your handsome brother scooped up all the accolades.

Not to mention Julia Walker.

You don't know me.

No... but I do understand you, more than you can imagine.

And I see you're tired from chasing someone else's dreams.

That is not what this is about.

Of course it is. You've made a career out of following in Alan's footsteps...

Stop it.

...wishing that once, just once, you could finish higher than second place.

I said stop!

Go on, then.

Get it over with.

You have no idea what you've put me through.

All for good cause.

Smuggling the virus off the base was a master stroke.

Yeah, and it almost got me k*lled, transformed into one of those... things.

You've been loyal to us for many years, and it has not gone unnoticed. Together, you and I will shape the future of the world.

To the future.

To the future.

Now, this might sting a bit.

How is she?


They have her hopped up on all kinds of heavy-duty tranquilizers.

She say anything?

She still remembers me as a little girl.

You know, I dreamed of this moment, wished I could talk to her just once. And now...

It may take time, Jules. Who knows what condition she's been kept in the last 30 years? Tortured.

The mind can shut down to protect itself.

My mind is fine. My body, on the other hand...

How are you feeling?

Like a house fell on me.

Where am I?

Arctic Biosystems.

(surprised gasp)

I never thought I'd hear that name again.

You remember this place?

I practically lived here for... six years.

Me and...

Your daughter.


And that's you, right?

You're even more beautiful than I imagined.

You must have so many questions.

Yeah, that's an understatement.

I wish I would've had the courage to take you away from here sooner.

I wish... so many things.

Why did you stay?

And you built that cabin.

I loved your father very much.

I wanted to keep our family together. I thought...

I hoped Hiroshi would change.

But he was too ambitious.

And I was a fool.

I'm so sorry, Jules.

There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you.

Me too.

Who's that handsome fella?

Jane Walker, Dr. Alan Farragut.

It's an honor to meet you, ma'am.

Polite too.

He's a keeper.

Uh... we were married.


Guess I have missed a lot.


Hello, Jane.

Look at you.

You're exactly the same.

Not exactly.

I am older... spite of how I look.

And how is that fair?

System voice: Perimeter breach. Perimeter breach.

Perimeter breach.

What's happening? Is it Ilaria?

I don't think so.

Then who?

System voice: Perimeter breach. Perimeter breach.

(snowmobile started)

Hey, I heard the alarm. Is everyone OK?

We're about to find out. I thought you were going down to the cabin.

System voice: Level E.



I'm his brother.

And you must be the child thief!

Tulok, no!

We came to help these people.

Help how?

Sergio says you don't have enough snowmobiles to evacuate.

Now you do.

Where's Miksa?

Peter! What happened?

The Scythe. He must've got a hand free.

And the next thing I know, I was waking up.

Where is he?

I'm sorry, Alan.

I screwed up big time.

All the scientists, up to the loading ramp. Now!

Spencer will never allow us to leave the base before Ilaria arrives.

We have to try.

Then we are doomed to fail.

I don't believe that.

He's not infallible. No one is.

Every living thing has a weakness. Every virus, every human being.

We have to try. There has to be a way!

There is one way.

His only weakness.

Man: Hey.

What are you doing?

Entrusting you with the fate of the world.

Oh, is that all?

No matter what happens, you have to get these canisters to Barrow, and then on a flight to Lares, Puerto Rico.

We'll take them there together.

I hope you're right.

Because if we fail...

We won't.

(others talking)

Man: Keep it coming.


Be careful.

Dr. Jordan. I've been looking for you.

Sorry, I'm kind of busy.

Don't you want to hear about your test results?

Look, Dr. Haven, I had a spinal tumor, and now I don't, so if you're gonna tell me that the cancer is back...

Cancer? My dear girl, you're pregnant.

I'm what?

You'll need a more reliable test back home, but...


Man: Come on! Everyone stick together until we get to the snowmobiles.

Man: OK, then, we're almost done. Let's keep going.

woman: As fast as you can.

Man: Keep it up.

No! Everyone, out!





Don't hurt her!

Why would I? I have everything I need right now virus, cure, and Hatake's spawn.

It seems Puerto Rico wasn't necessary after all.

You m*rder*d hundreds of people!

As your people have done for centuries, with your witch trials and inquisitions!

You know that's not the truth, Spencer.

Don't call me that.

Those are lies propagated by your mother and father.

Let my daughter go.

You can take me back with you.

No, no!

Jane! Stop! Please! Don't!

Let her go, Spencer. Don't call me that!

(blade slicing)


(helicopter flying overhead)


(grunting with effort)


Find me.

You found Julia?


Is she...


I think so.

(sighing): Thank God.

How did you find her?

You don't want to know.

You know what to do.

If I'm not at the checkpoint, push on without me.