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01x07 - The Birthday Party

Posted: 04/19/24 10:42
by bunniefuu
♪ H.R. Pufnstuf who's your
friend when things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf
can't do a little, ♪

♪ 'cause he can't do enough. ♪

♪ Once upon a summertime,
just a dream from yesterday. ♪

♪ A boy and his magic
golden flute heard a boat ♪

♪ from off the bay. ♪

♪ Come and play with me
Jimmy, come and play with me ♪

♪ And I will take you on a
trip far across the sea. ♪

♪ But the boat belonged
to a kooky ole witch ♪

♪ who had in mind the
flute to snitch. ♪

♪ From her Vroom
Broom in the sky ♪

♪ She watched her
plans materialize. ♪

♪ She waved her wand, the
beautiful boat was gone. ♪

♪ The skies grew dark,
the sea grew rough, ♪

♪ And the boat sailed
on, and on, and on, ♪

♪ And on, and on, and on. ♪

♪ But Pufnstuf
was watching too ♪

♪ And knew exactly what to do. ♪

♪ He saw the witch's
bold attack ♪

♪ and as the boy
was fighting back ♪

♪ He called his rescue racer
crew as often they'd rehearse ♪

♪ And off to save
the boy they flew. ♪

♪ But who would
get there first? ♪

♪ But now the boy
had washed ashore ♪

♪ Puf arrived to save the day. ♪

♪ Which made the witch
so mad and sore ♪

♪ She shook her fist
and screamed away. ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf who's your
friend when things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf can't
do a little 'cause
he can't do enough. ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf he's your
friend when things get rough. ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf can't
do a little 'cause
he can't do enough. ♪

[Tinkling Music]

- That's right. Yes, I'd like
to order two boxes of candy.

Hold it a minute, Pop Lolly.

Hi Jimmy. Where are you going?

- Just going for a walk.
Will you watch him for me?

- Jimmy, I'll go with you.

- Golly. What's wrong
with him, Freddy?

- I think he's kind of
homesick, especially today.

You see, it's his birthday.

- His birthday?
Jumpin' jellybeans,

why didn't he say somethin'?
Excuse me a minute, Freddy.

Pop Lolly, you
still there? Good.

Say, did you know
it's Jimmy's birthday?

His birthday? Golly, why
don't we give him a party?

- Wilikers, that's a nifty idea.

We can make it a surprise party.

- That'd be great.

- Marvelous. And I'll
supply all the goodies.

- Terrific. Wait a
minute, Pop Lolly,

how much is it gonna cost me?

Don't worry, I'll give you my
special mayor's discount rate.

Now, let's see, I'll
serve gum drops,

and licorice, and
peppermint sticks,

and red pepper candy

- Hey, how's the
phone tap going?

- Seymour, you little creep,
wake up the witch, quick.

Have I got news for her.

- Okay, number two will do.

Hey, Chiefy, get
up. [witch snoring]

Get up.

- What is it? What, what, what?

- I'll tell you. I'll tell you.

Ugly Orson's listening in
on the telephone calls.

- A wire tap?
Good. [evil cackle]

What an evil way
to start the day.

I love it. I love, I love it.

- Hey. Chiefy, wait, stop.

- Why should I? I'm the
boss around here. [thuds]

Ow, that bent my beak.

Oh, come here Seymour dear.

Don't be afraid
I won't hurt you.

- What is it, Chiefy?
[silly smacking sound]

- Take that you spooky spider,

next time warn me
before I smash my snoot.

- Boy, She is a
mean rotten lady.

But I kinda like her.

- What's going on
you bird brain?

Who are you listening
to? Gimme that.

- Ooh,You almost
pulled my head off.

- You'd look better that way.
Now shut up while I eavesdrop.

- You're always grabbing
things, always grabbing.


- There's no one on here.

- They must have hung up.

I heard Pufnstuf say he's giving

a surprise party for
Jimmy's birthday.

- A Surprise party for
Jimmy's birthday, eh?

Well, we'll make
it a real surprise.

We'll all go to the party.

- But my evil Empress,
we can't go to his party.

- Why not?

- We don't have
time to get a gift.

- A gift? You fricassee freak.
I'm not going bring a gift.

I'm going to take one.

This is my one big chance
to swipe the golden flute.

Now wait here until I check
security. [scats musically]

- I sure hope this nice walk
will cheer you up, Jimmy.

- [Freddy] Yeah

- Gee fellas, I'm sorry.
It's just that, well,

you know it's my birthday today.

And well, you know
being away from my-

- Your birthday? Gosh Jimmy,
I'm sure sorry, I didn't know.

- Oh, that's okay Pufnstuf,

no one else knows on
Living Island either.

- It's just as well.

You're probably too grown up
for birthday parties anyway.

Oh my Jimmy, we are coming

to a very secret
part of the forest

as Mayor, I'm afraid I'll
have to blindfold you.

You too, Freddy.

- Blindfold. I don't
understand. Why?

- Sorry, Jimmy. It's
government property.

It's too secret
to even tell you.

Okay, there we are. Now,
no peeking now, Jimmy.

[Bouncing Music]

- [All] Happy
Birthday! Surprise!

- But, I thought no one
knew it was my birthday.

Who told you?
Freddy, was it you?

- Don't blame me, I
just told Pufnstuf.

- Pufnstuf, you arranged it all.

- Well, I just made
a few phone calls.

- [Freddy] Oh, hey!

- Sorry Freddy,
did we squash you?

- Anybody wanna buy
a tall thin flute?

- That Freddy's a riot.

- Congratulations,
Jimmy. Happy birthday.

- Isn't it wonderful. I
just love surprise parties.

- Please, hold it, please.

I know you all wanna show
Jimmy how much you like him,

but as mayor I would
like to say a few words.

- Sorry Mayor, but it's party
time, not a speech time.

Come on everybody. Let's
wing it out. Wing it.

[Party Music]

♪ A bottle of cheer drops.
A basket of blue skies. ♪

♪ A box of new mornings
on which you can play. ♪

♪ Yes, this is the day you
should always remember, ♪

♪ For this is the day
we give wishes away. ♪

♪ I didn't know you knew it
'fore, I tried to keep it hid. ♪

♪ You really shouldn't
have done it, ♪

♪ but I'm awfully
glad you did. ♪

♪ As I recall the other years
and all they had in store ♪

♪ I've never gotten anything
so really great before as ♪

♪ A Bucket of sunshine,
a barrel of rainbows, ♪

♪ a bushel of good luck,
I just want to say, ♪

♪ That this is a day that
we'll always remember ♪

♪ This wonderful day
we gave wishes away. ♪

- I don't know how
to thank you all.

- [Pop Lolly] Goodies
For everybody.

[Everyone cheers]

- All right, those
goody two shoes

have enjoyed themselves long
enough. Time to go to work

- Yeah, work. [silly
smacking sound]

- Shut up and listen.

Now, we came here to steal
the golden flute. Right?

- Right.

- And we can't go in there
in these duds, right?

- Right. [silly smacking sound]

- What are you, some kind of
an echo? [silly smacking sound]

- Oh goody, goody, we get
to wear a disguise again.

What is it going to
be, oh miracle workers?

- Squash and cabbage,
turnips and peas,

make three lemons
out of us please.

- The Three Lemons, goody!

Dances and songs to
please the throngs.

- This is gonna be a gas.

- What's that?

- Take a smell.

- That's, that's, that is a gas

- Right you are my
pretty, laughing gas.

I can promise you one thing.

This party's gonna be a lot
of laughs. [evil cackle]

[Saxophone Music]

- Rage on Green Man.

How about a cat laying
down some jive on you?

- Yeah, groovy?

- Solid, Jack.

- Who are you?

- We're the three lemons.

You mean to say you never
heard any of our records?

Man, are you from squaresville?

- Yeah, cool it baby

- Man, are you out of it?

- Well, it's a party
and everyone's welcome.

Attention, Everyone. We have
some entertainment for you.

The three lemons. Here they are.

- Terrific!

- You got it baby. Stand back
while I blow some cool on you.

A one, a two, a three.

[Party Music]

♪ Ice ♪

[Party Music]

♪ Cold ♪

[Party Music]

♪ Lemon ♪

[Party Music]

♪ Ice cold lemonade ♪

[Party Music]

[Laughter And Music]

- Hey, it worked Chiefy.

- What do we do now?

- First, we get out
of these dumb outfits.

Now, watch how simple this is.

You won't mind if I take
Freddy for a while, will you?

- Take him as long as
you want, you old hag.

- I'd love to go with you.

- [evil cackle] This is the
easiest snack I ever made.

- Say, this is a million laughs.

- Yeah, this sure
is a fun crowd.

Come on, Seymour, let's go.

Orson, here's my
horn, there's an

extra supply of
laughing gas in it.

- What shall I do with
it, my queen of evil?

- If anyone wakes up,
give them the shot.

- I'm off to the
toot with my flute.

Come on, Freddy
dear. Bye, Everybody.

- Leave it to me, Chiefy.


- Freddy went off the
witch, isn't it funny?

- Funny? It's
hysterical. [laughter]

- [Snoring] Oh, oh, oh my. Oh.

- I'd better give Dr.
Blinky another shot of gas.

Let's see. Oh,
here's the button.

- Hmm. That's funny,
nothing happened.

Don't tell me I'm out of gas.

- Oh good, it works
for a moment I thought-

holy dumb dumb, I gassed myself.

Oh boy. This is a
riot. [laughter]

- When the witch finds out
She'll k*ll me. [laughter]

- Heaven to Betsy,

that laughing gas knocked
everyone out cold.

My goodness, I better get out

my special magic
get 'em up horn.

Oh, let's see now.

Oh, here it is.

Let's see if I remember.

In order for my magic,
get 'em up horn to work.

Place it in my mouth and shout
the following magic words.

Get up, everybody.
Get up. Feel up.

- [All] What? Where are we?

- It worked. It worked.

Everybody up. Everybody up.

- What? What happened?

- Gosh, that witch sure
hit us with a spell.

Are you all right Jimmy?

I'm okay, but where's Freddy?


- Jimmy, I'm afraid the witch
got him. [Everyone gasps]

- Me and my darn birthday.

Well, let's not stand
here. Let's go after him.

- Wait just a darn minute,
Jimmy. Let's think first.

We've got to have
a plan do you hear?

- Goodness gracious,
look what I found.

Get up there, you.

- Oh my.

- The witch's stooge, Orson.

Look at him, he's
covered with red spots.

- What, red spots? He
fell into a dish of candy.

- [Jimmy] Candy?

- Candy?

Why, you're right. It is candy

My diagnosis would've
been measles.

- Who cares?

We're gonna get into the witch's
castle and rescue Freddy.

- Measles? Measles. That's it.

If it could fool us, it
could fool the witch.

- My goodness.

- Alarm clock. Come
here right away, please.

- What is it, Mayor?

- I want you to run to the
witch's castle right now

and spread the word that
there's an epidemic.

- But, Orson's only
got candy spots.

- You know it and I know it
but the witch doesn't know it.

On your way.

- Okay, mayor, here I
go. Epidemic, epidemic.

Run for your lives epidemic.

By the way what's the
name of the epidemic?

- Call it red-spot-itis.
Spread the word.

- Redspotitis?
Good, I like that.

- Epidemic. Redspotitis.
Danger, danger. Redspotitis.

- I still don't understand.

How is that gonna help us
get in the witch's castle?

- Besides being mayor,
I also happen to be head

of the Department of Health.

- Alarm. Alarm.
Redspotitis. Redspotitis.

Alarm. Alarm. Redspotitis.
Alarm. Alarm. Alarm.


- All right my
little tooty pooty.

How you like your
little cagey wagey?

- You don't scare me.

- Scare you? I don't
want to scare you.

I want to make you happy.
Just the two of us together.

[evil cackle] Come on
my little golden flute,

Sing a little song for me.

- I'll never sing
for you. Never.

- You won't eh? All right.
I'll starve you till you do.

By the way, what do
flutes eat anyway?

- Oh, Witchiepoo, Witchiepoo.
You'll never believe happened.

- What happened?

- Well, you see I was-

- Are those red
spots on your face.

- Red spots. Where?
Where? Where?

- You goofy goose. You look
like you got the measles.

Do you look a sight.

- Measles? I'm too
old for measles.

- Hear ye, hear ye, big
epidemic, redspotitis. Danger.

Hear ye, redspotitis,
looks a lot like measles,

but it's much worse.

Anyone, with redspotitis is

quarantined by order
of Mayor Pufnstuf.

Epidemic. Epidemic. Redspotitis.
Alarm. Alarm. Alarm.

Alarm. Alarm.

- Ooh, did you hear that?
Redspotitis? Just like measles?

Only worse. Help me. Help me.

- Don't you touch
me. You're sick.

You've got
redspotitis. Stay away.

- Goodness. What's that?

- [Jimmy] Danger. Redspotitis.

- [Pufnstuf] Epidemic. Epidemic.

- [Dr. Blinky] Danger. Epidemic.

- [Jimmy] Make way for
the Mayor's disaster team.

Redspotitis. Danger
[overlapping warnings]

- Redspotitis? I'm
getting out of here.

- Me too. We've
got to shake loose.

- I'm shaking, I'm shaking.

- Save me. Help me.

- The castle is falling,
the castle is falling.

- Do something,
Witchiepoo, do something.

- You're contagious, get
away from me, you sicky.

- The castle's falling,
let me out of here.

- Help, Witchiepoo.

- Get off of me. Get
off of me you're sick.

- Epidemic. Redspotitis.

- Make way for the
mayor's disaster team.

- Get him out, he's sick.

- I'm the epidemic doctor.
Oh, you look terrible.

Oh quick, quick, into bed.

- Hold it there, you quack.
There's nothing wrong with me.

- No talking, please,
this is very serious.

- Doctor. Ooh,
doctor. Nevermind her.

I'm the sick one.
Help me. Help me.

- Heavens. Look at those spots.

- It's redspotitis.
Doctor, quick!

- What is it? What is it?

Oh, this is the worst
case I've ever seen.

Stretcher bearers,
stretcher bearers!

Where are the-,
Oh, there you are.

Take this poor bird
to the ambulance.

Hurry. He's pretty far gone.

- Doctor, Doctor, will I
be all right? Will I live?

- You call this
living? Out, out.

- What's going on
here, exactly, doctor?

There's nothing wrong with me.

- Hold. Hold it there
just a darn minute.

Ms. Witch, you are quarantined
by order of the mayor.

That's me. And by the head
of the Board of Health.

That's me too.

- Thank goodness you're here.

- Play along with
this Freddy, act sick.

- Right? Jimmy? Oh!

- Doctor, we have
another redspotitis
case. A very bad one.

- Oh. Oh.

- Oh my goodness.
Very sick, very sick.

Stretcher bearers,
stretcher bearers.

Take him out quick. He's
got advanced spotitis.

Look at him. He's so sick.

The spots made holes
in his little body.

- Oh

- [Jimmy] Hurry, hurry.

- Get me outta here. I'm sick.

- Wait, what about me?

- Stop, bring back my flute.
Stop you flute grabbers.

- Goodness gracious,
you've got 110.

That's a lot of temperature.
You are liable to explode.

[screaming] You're blowing up.

Too bad, good luck.

- We've got to get
out of here. Heave.

- Ho.

- Heave.

- Ho.

[rumbling and laughter]

- This is all your fault
you polka dotted pigeon.

You and those stupid red
spots. [silly smacking sound]

Your spots come off.

It's candy. Candy.

We've been tricked.

- Oh. Oh. I'm saved. I'm saved.

It's only candy. I'm going to
be all right. Hooray. Hooray.

- We're saved. Saved. Oh
goody, goody, gumdrops.

[Bouncing Music]

- Hurry up everybody. Hurry.

- Hey, look at
Kling. He's playing a
redspotitis joke on us.

- Kling and Clang, wipe
that candy off your face.

You're not fooling anybody.

- Hold it, hold it.
Oh, goodness gracious.

That's not candy.

This time it's really
redspotitis. [laughter]

♪ A bucket of sunshine,
a barrel of rainbows ♪

♪ A bushel of good luck,
I just want to say ♪

♪ That this is the day that
we'll always remember ♪

♪ This wonderful day
we gave wishes away. ♪

[Bouncing Music]

♪ I got, you got, everybody
you got, someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of
H.R. Pufnstuf, ♪

♪ where you go when
things get rough. ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf, well
he can't do a little ♪

♪ 'cause he can't do enough. ♪

- See you next week.

- I sure hope so. [applause]

[Bouncing Music]