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01x13 - Tooth for a Tooth

Posted: 04/19/24 10:46
by bunniefuu
♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ He's your friend
when things get tough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

[wind howls]

- Witch raid.

Witch raid.

[audience laughing]

Take cover everyone.

[wind howls]
[wand zaps]

Oh my goodness, oh, oh.

Jimmy, Mayor, come in quick,

a witch is on a rampage, hurry.

[wand zaps]
[magic explodes]

- Look out.

- The witch has gone crazy.

- Run Jimmy, run.

- Hurry, inside everyone, hurry.

[wind howls]

[magic explodes]

- Well, that was a close call.

- She almost zapped us all.

- Why do you think I'm wearing
this witch raid helmet?

She's been zapping
everything in sight.

[audience laughing]

- What's gotten into her lately?

She's been meaner than ever.

- She sure has,

and we've got to do
something about it.

Dr. Blinky, is that new

anti-witch potion
of yours ready yet?

- I've been working on it,

it's just about done.

- Anti-witch potion?

Terrific, how does it work?

- Oh it's fantastic.

It's so powerful
all you have to do

is spray it on her with this,

and immediately
she'll love everyone.

- The witch will love everyone?

- Wow, it sure must be powerful.

- Oh, oh, oh it is.

It's a super duper love potion.

If you can get close enough
to spray the witch with it,

she'll stop being mean.

She'll become a regular
sweet little p*ssy cat.

[audience laughing]

- The witch a sweet
little p*ssy cat?

- Ow, my tooth is k*lling me.

[audience laughing]

Hurry up you idiots,

and it better work or
I'll boil you in oil.

- Ooh, have no fear Witchiepoo,

tying a string to your tooth

and a door knob always works.

- Well hurry, I can't
stand this toothache.

Ow, it's k*lling me.

Pull it out.

[gentle music]

[dramatic music]

- Okay, this is it.

Ready on the door, Orson?

- You better be.

- Ready.

One, two, three.


[witch screams]

[audience laughing]

- Ow, my tooth.

It's still there.

Oh, double bewitched
you pulled out the door

instead of my tooth.

[witch screams]

- Poor sicky Witchiepoo.

- Never mind poor Witchiepoo,

we've got to get
her to a doctor,

or her toothache will
be the end of us all.

- But you know how she and
Dr. Blinky hate each other.

- Well, I'll just call him up

and make an appointment,

I won't tell him who it's for.

- Suppose he refuses?

- He can't refuse, a
doctor must help the sick.

Calling Dr. Blinky,
calling Dr. Blinky.

Yoo hoo, come in
feathered medicine person.

[audience laughing]

Calling Dr. Blinky,
calling Dr. Blinky.

- Coming, coming.

Hello, Dr. Blinky's medical
help from toes and pinkies.

[audience laughing]

- Doctor, we need
a tooth pulled,

it's an emergency.

- Who's the patient?

- There's no time for that,

we're coming right over.

- Okay, okay, come on over.

Sorry, but I've got
an emergency case

coming right over,

you boys will have to finish

pouring the love potion outside.

- Right, doc, let's go Jimmy.

- Carefully kiddies,

it's our only hope
against the witch,

and I don't have time to
whip up another batch.

- Oh boy, we better get
her to Dr. Blinky's fast.

- It's not that easy,

we've still got one problem,

Dr. Blinky will recognize her.

- Well, change her
into something.

- But I'm not the witch.

- Use her wand.

- Why not?

There's a first
time for everything.

- Witchiepoo.

Oh, Witchiepoo,

your worries are over.

- What? [cries]

- Lend me your wand,

then your toothache
will go bye bye.

- My wand?

Take it, take anything,

only do something for my tooth.

[audience laughing]

- Wait a minute, what are
you gonna change her into?

- I don't know, I, uh...

- How about a nice
little girl spider?

That would be nice.

- Nice for you.

How about just a
regular little girl?

The doctor can't
refuse a little girl.

- You're the witch.

- Here we go, one
magic spell coming up.

[Orson laughs]

Evil spirits, give it a whirl,

change the witch into
a curly haired girl.

[wand zaps]

[audience laughing]

Ooh it worked, it worked,

I can't believe it.

- Wow, you're a regular witch.

- Look at me, I'm a little
adorable girl. [laughs]

[audience laughing]

But my tooth is k*lling me.

[audience laughing]

- Quick, do something
your witchiness.

- All right, sl*ve.

Slimy serpents evil and slinky,

send the witch to Dr. Blinky.

[wand zaps]

[audience laughing]

[witchiepoo cries]

- Careful with the potion there,

don't spill a drop, we
need it all for the witch.

[Witchiepoo cries]

- [yells] Oh my goodness,
you startled me.

Oh, say little girl,

how did you get in that chair?

Sorry but you'll have to leave,

I'm expecting a patient.

- I am the patient,

and my little, little toothy
woothy is really k*lling me.

[audience laughing]

- Oh goodness me, I can't
refuse a little girl.

All right, open your mouth.

[Witchiepoo whimpers]

- You wouldn't hurt a
little curly haired girl,

would you, Docky Poogy?

- Oh precious, no, you
won't feel a thing.

Just relax and leave it
all to old Docky Poogy.

[gentle music]

[Witchiepoo screams]

[dramatic music]

[playful music]

[Witchiepoo yells]

Easy does it now little girl.

Easy, easy now.

There we go.

[Witchiepoo screams]

I got it, I got it.

That's the biggest tooth from
a little girl I've ever seen.

[Witchiepoo screams]

- You hurt me, you
hurt me, you nasty man.

Just for that I'm gonna zap you.

- Zap me?

You don't sound
like a little girl,

you sound like the witch.

- Sound like?

I am the witch.

[magic explodes]

Now I'm going to get
you you fat quack.

[audience laughing]

- Help [indistinct], the witch.

- [Witch] Come back here.

Come back here.

- The witch is in there.

- We're gonna have to try out
this love potion right now,

let's go.

- I order you to stop.

What am I fooling around for?

All right you dummies,

this is it.

Demons, devils, creepy worms-

- Stop that, Miss Witch.

- Well, now I've
got the whole g*ng,

I'm going to destroy you.

- Quick, spray her.

- I'm gonna pulverize you.

I'm gonna...

[Witchiepoo groans]

♪ I'm just a bundle
of sunshine ♪

♪ Waiting to shine down on you ♪

- It works, the
love potion works.

- Hooray.

- It's a miracle. ♪ Be
sure to take my number ♪

♪ And to give me a buzz ♪

♪ If ever you're feeling down ♪

♪ 'cause I'm just a
bundle of sunshine ♪

♪ And I'm busting to
spread it around ♪

[audience laughing]

- I love you

and you

and you and you. [laughs]

- By golly I'm a
genius, a genius.

- Mayor Pufnstuf,
you naughty boy,

how come you never
visit me at my castle?

I insist you come tonight,

and bring your adorable
friends. [laughs]

- Well gosh, gee, I
don't know what to say.

- Now, Puffypoo, I insist.

I won't take no for an answer.

And you come too, Jimmy dear,

and bring your little
friend, he's so cute.

- I'm busy tonight.

- It's up to Puff.

- Oh, I'm sure
Puffypoo won't mind,

you great big, beautiful...

Say, what are you
anyway? [laughs]

See you later.

Bye now.

Love you, love, love,
love you. [laughs]

- I saw it, but I
don't believe it.

- Gosh, Dr. Blinky, your
love potion is terrific.

- Oh, it certainly is.

Imagine the witch
inviting all of you

to her castle, goodness.

- Say, I just had a great idea.

Jimmy, this would
be a perfect chance

for you to grab the vroom broom

and escape off the island.

- I never thought about that.

Doc, how long do you think
the witch will stay loveable?

- I don't know,

but if you took that along

you could give her a squirt
every time she needed it.

- How about that, Freddie,

I have a feeling we're
finally gonna go home.

- Dr. Blinky, do
you really think

she'll lend us her vroom broom?

- As long as that
love potion lasts,

she'll be so
goodhearted and adorable

she'll lend you the
cape off her back.

[gentle music]

- I'm so goodhearted
and adorable,

I'll gladly lend you
the cape off my back.

[audience laughing]

- What about the vroom broom?

- Oh, I'll even lend
you my vroom broom,

anything for my dear friend.

- Ooh, you captured them,

great work Witchiepoo.

- What are you gonna
do, boil them in oil?

- My dear boys, whatever
are you talking about?

These lovely people
are my guests.

- Your guests?

I don't get it.

- Excuse me, my love. [laughs]

Orson, my angel,

Seymour, my treasure,

my I impose upon you?

- Me?

Are you talking to me?

- And me?

- Of course my little doves.

Now, dear hearts, if
it won't put you out,

would you mind getting
the vroom broom ready

for a little ride?

Oh, thank you my little loves.

[audience laughing]

Take this fruit just in case
you get hungry while you work.

- Ooh, thank you.

You sure have changed, chiefy.

- Yeah, thanks a heap.

- Orson and Seymour
are such darlings.

Well, make yourselves
comfy my children.

[cheek squeaks]

[audience laughing]

- Golly, Miss Witch,

I never knew you
were so full of love.

- I am rather
adorable, aren't I?

[audience laughing]

- Oh, those little
dickens wanna play games.

[playful music]

- Maybe we could
help your people

get the vroom broom ready.

- Oh, never, you're my guests,

just make yourselves comfy,

and I'll go see
how they're doing.

Be right back, my lovelies.

[bright music]

[audience laughing]

- Gosh, I sure hope
that love potion lasts.

- Me too, I'm scared.

- Jimmy, better be ready to
use that extra supply we have,

just in case.

Good boy.

[dramatic music]

- Boy, that witch sure has
turned into a living doll.

- Hey, this is the
life, eh, Orson old pal?

- Where are you
my little bunnies?

Come out,

and hippity hop over
to your sweet, dear

little old witch.

- Here we are my good nice
sweet gentle lady of loveliness.

- Oh, are you enjoying your
snick snacks, my darling?

- Oh, this apple is
delicious my queen.

- I'm so glad you could
have a little yummy

before you fix the vroom broom

my adorable little,
adorable little,

adorable little,
adorable little,

adorable little,
adorable little creeps.

You miserable gold
rats, stealing my fruit,

and eating on the job.

How dare you.

- But, Witchiepoo,
you gave it to us.

- And I'll give it to you again.

[wand bangs]

Take this.

- Ooh, you bent my beak.

- And that's just the beginning.

[wand bangs]

that goes for you too.

Now on your toes
'cause I may need you

after I destroy our
guests upstairs.

[Witchiepoo screams]

[audience laughing]

- What happened to her?

- I don't get it.

- I think she flipped her lid.

[audience laughing]

- Oh, I'll clobber them,

where are they?

- Willickers, sounds like
the love potion wore off.

- She sounds terrible.

- Jimmy, do something, hurry.

- I have to try

and give her another
blast of the love potion.

Let's get back to
where we were, quick.

- Okay, I'll give
you the signal.

- A-ha, there you are
you goodie tushes,

how dare you invade my castle?

- I'm going to throw
you into my dungeon.

- Now, Jimmy, spray, spray.

- I'm going to...

[Witchiepoo groans]

[audience laughing]

♪ I'm just a bundle
of sunshine ♪

♪ Waiting to shine down on you ♪

I love you, I love
you, I love you.

- We love you too,
darling Witchiepoo.

[audience laughing]

- You're about the darlingest
witch I ever did meet,

lending Jimmy your
own vroom broom.

- Heavens to betsy,
I almost forgot,

the vroom broom is ready,

if you are my darling.

- Jumping jellybeans,
we sure are ready.

- I couldn't be readier.

- Oh, you know, Jimmy dear,

I'm gonna love just
watching you fly off

into the wild blue yonder.

That's the slogan of us
vroom broom pilots. [laughs]

Shall I lead the way, sunshine?

[audience laughing]

[gentle music]

- Here, Puf, hold this,

and be careful, there
isn't much left.

- I know, I'll only use
it for an emergency.

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

[bright music]

[Witchiepoo laughs]

- There you are my
little dumpling.

Come and help my dear
friends, Jimmy and Freddie,

into the vroom broom.

- Are you sure
that's what you want?

- Of course I'm sure.

These are my dear friends,

and I hope they will think of me

as their dear friend.

- Oh, indeed we do, oh indeed.

- Oh, indeed we do, we do.

We're your fun chums, remember?

Can I get on now?

- Of course you may.

Switch on.

- Ready for blast off.

Switch on.

Hang on, Freddie.

- Bye Jimmy, bye Freddie.

- Count down.

Don't anybody be
afraid, cover your ears.

One, two, three, blast off.

[broom zooms]

- Bye Jimmy, bye.

Wow, there he goes.

Have a good trip Jimmy.

- [Witchiepoo] Look at the
little angel go. [laughs]

- Well, thank you
for your hospitality,

but we have to go now.

- Why, Pufnstuf, aren't
you going to wait

until Jimmy comes
back from his ride?

- Oh, uh, well I'll be back,

I just have to get home

and put these two
young ones to bed.

See you later,

and thanks again.

- Bye bye sugars.

Bye bye Puffypoo.

[audience laughing]

Ooh what a beautiful sight,

my vroom broom and
dear Jimmy riding it.

- May I say, my witchiness,

it's so groovy
seeing you this way.

- Yeah, so full of
love and everything.

- Dear Jimmy riding it.

Dear Jimmy.

Dear, Jimmy. [stutters]

[dramatic music]

[indistinct] riding
on my vroom broom.

The crook stole my vroom broom.

- Uh-oh, here we go again.

- You nincompoop, you let
him steal my vroom broom.

What have you got for
brains, chicken liver?

Quick, upstairs.

[wind howls]

- Go Jimmy, go.

Wow wee, look at him up there.

Attaboy, Jimmy, go, go.

[wind howls]

- Look at him go, the
little broom grabber.

Ooh, I'll soon put
a stop to that.

Stand back.

Bibbidi bobbidi, end it all,

make my very own
vroom broom fall.

[broom sputters]

I got him, I got him.

- Ooh, he's crashing.

- Witchiepoo did it again.

[Witchiepoo laughs]

- I know, Cling and
Clang, he's gonna crash.

Poor Jimmy's fallen
into the witch's forest.

[dramatic music]

[broom crashes]

- Freddie, are you all right?

- I, I think so.

- We've got to save
him from the witch.

Good trees, good
trees, save Jimmy.

- Calling all evil trees,
this is your gorgeous leader,

Jimmy has crashed in the forest.

Capture him, I
repeat capture him.

That is all.

- Roger, Witchiepoo,
over and out.

- Good trees, save
Jimmy, save Jimmy.

- Jimmy's in trouble.

- Let's go.


- I'm charging.

[dramatic music]
- Let's get out of here.

[bright music]

[dramatic music]
- There he is, get him.

Grab him.

[dramatic music]

- Hold onto him, hold him.

[dramatic music]

[fighting sounds]

- Look out.

- I got him.

- Look, look, here come
those goodie goodie trees.

- Let go, you big [indistinct].

- Put him down.

We're coming, Jimmy,
baby, we'll save you man.

- Here, take that.

[upbeat music]

- Oh dear me [indistinct].

[upbeat music]

[indistinct tree chatter]

[trees yell]

[indistinct tree chatter]

- Well, look at that,
what am I gonna do?

[dramatic music]

The love potion, of course.

Stop fighting everybody.

Peace, love, love.

Lots of love.

Stop fighting now.

[gentle music]

- Groovy baby, let's go.

[gentle music]

- Love, love everybody.

[gentle music]

- I think it would
be divine, my sweet.

Shall we waltz?

[tree hums]

[gentle music]

- You saved the day.

- Come on, quick,
let's get out of here

before the love
potion wears off.

- Sorry, but I must finish
this dance before we leave.

- You said it sugar.

- Look at my evil
trees dancing, dancing.

They're supposed to be fighting.

Ooh, I'll tell 'em
a thing or two.

Oh, oh, my tooth,
I busted my tooth.

[audience laughing]

[Witchiepoo screams]

- Oh no, this is
where I came in,

we better get a doctor, quick.

- For her?

- No, for us, she'll clobber us.

- My tooth.

- Let's get out of here.
- This is all your fault.

[wand bangs]

[dramatic music]

♪ You've got someone
who loves you ♪

♪ You've got someone who cares ♪

♪ You've got someone
who picks you up ♪

♪ If ever you need a repair ♪

♪ You've got someone
who will take the time ♪

♪ To listen to your prayers ♪

♪ I've got, you got
everybody do got ♪

♪ Someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where you go when
things get rough ♪

♪ H. R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ I've got, you've
got everybody do got ♪

♪ Someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where you go when
things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Well you can't do a little
'cause he can't do enough ♪

- See you next week.

- Keep those cards
and letters coming.

[audience applauding]

[bright music]