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01x15 - The Almost Election of Witchiepoo

Posted: 04/19/24 10:49
by bunniefuu
♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough. ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ Once upon a summertime ♪

♪ Just a dream from yesterday ♪

♪ A boy and his
magic golden flute ♪

♪ Heard a boat
from off the bay ♪

♪ "Come and play
with me, Jimmy. ♪

♪ "Come and play with me. ♪

♪ And I will take you on a
trip far across the sea." ♪

♪ But the boat belonged
to a kooky old witch ♪

♪ Who had in mind
the flute to snitch ♪

♪ From her Vroom
Broom in the sky ♪

♪ She watched her
plans materialize ♪

♪ She waved her wand ♪

♪ The beautiful boat was gone ♪

♪ The skies grew dark,
the sea grew rough ♪

♪ And the boat sailed on and on
and on and on and on and on ♪

♪ But Pufnstuf
was watching too ♪

♪ And knew exactly what to do ♪

♪ He saw the witch's
bold attack ♪

♪ And as the boy
was fighting back ♪

♪ He called his
Rescue Racer crew ♪

♪ As often they'd rehearsed ♪

♪ And off to save
the boy they flew ♪

- [Person] But who
would get there first?!

♪ But now the boy
had washed ashore ♪

♪ Puff arrived to save the day ♪

♪ Which made the witch
so mad and sore ♪

♪ She shook her fist
and screamed away ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
you can't do enough. ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little cause
he can't do enough ♪

- Election for mayor!

Open election!

Election for mayor, election
for mayor, election for mayor!

Open election, election for
mayor, election for mayor.

- Elections are such a bore.

No one ever runs against
our dear Pufnstuf.

- Old Indian saying,
he who run for mayor

must be crazy in head.

- Who said that, baby?

- The mayor of my
tribe, Chief Crazy Head.


- Election coming up!

Anyone can run,
election for mayor!

Election coming
up, anyone can run!

Election for mayor,
election for mayor!

Election coming
up, anyone can run!

Election for mayor,
election for mayor!

- Oh, did you hear that?

- Yeah, an election, oh boy!

- Election coming up, anyone
can run, election for mayor!

Election for mayor,
election for mayor!

- Election for mayor?

How about that?

- Who'd wanna be mayor
of this dumb island?

- Me.
- You?

- Why not?

It's better than
pushing a broom.

- That's about all
you're good for.

You, mayor!


- Fellow workers, if
you elect me mayor,

I promise you two
spiderwebs in every garage

and all the dead
flies you can eat!

- Oh, shut up, you dum-dum.

You haven't got the brains
to be elected dog catcher.

- Oh, I suppose
you've got brains?

- More than you.

If anyone can be mayor, it's me.

- Stop that noise,
you ding-a-lings.

Get to work!

What's going on
around here anyway?

- I'm going to run for mayor.

Mayor Orson.

Ooh, it even sounds right.

- You, mayor?

You, a pooped out pigeon?


- What's so funny?

If a lumpy dragon can be mayor,

why can't a pooped out pigeon?

What's so hard about
running this island?

[stamps foot]

- Wait a minute.

Run the island?

Of course.

What a great idea!

Leaping lizards!

Orson, you're sensational!

- You mean you really
want me to run for mayor?

- Not you, you
feathered freak, me!

[festive marching band music]

- Attention, attention.

Gather around, folks,

and meet the next
mayor of Living Island.

- Man, I didn't know Witchiepoo
was running for mayor.

- Here she is, her
honor, Miss Witchiepoo,

candidate for mayor.

[festive music]

- Hold it, my darling.

And don't run away
and don't be afraid.

I won't hurt you.

I'm your friend.

- Oh, with friends like
you, who need enemies?

- Friends, trees and countrymen,

lend me your ears.

I come here to ask
you to vote for me

for mayor of Living Island.

[creatures cheer]

- Us vote for you?

You've got your nerve!

- Yeah, baby.

All you've ever done is zap us.

- Oh, all that
silliness is over with.

I'm a changed person.

- [Together] Hooray!

- We women have a right
to change our minds.

Don't we, my dear?

By the way, I just adore the
way you're wearing your leaves.

- Oh, do you like it?

It's the new bird's nest
look for summer wear.

- Why, it's so natural.

I can almost see a nest
of robins in your hair.

Love it.

Love it!

- My, you really have changed.

- I'm so glad you noticed.

This is the real lovable me.

And that is why I'm
running for mayor,

so I can share me
with all of you.

- Yay!
- That's our girl!

- Sock it to 'em, Witchiepoo.

- What you do for Indian?

- Every night, squaw dance.

- How?

- If you don't know how,
you'll get free lessons.

- Hooray for Witchiepoo!

- Yeah, she's a groove!

Hooray for Witchiepoo!

Groovy, groovy!

- It not sound all bad.

- I'm beginning to dig her.

- I have a little
something for everyone.

Even babies.

Oh, isn't he sweet?

What an angel!


Here you are, my darling.

A little button all your own.

- Oh!

- Well, you're too
young to vote anyway.

Goodbye, everyone.

And remember, a vote for
Witchiepoo is a vote for you!

- Pufnstuf, what do you know,

I just wrote you
a campaign song.

- A campaign song?

Oh my goodness.

- Just listen, Mayor.

Here it goes.


- ♪ Pufnstuf for mayor ♪

♪ Pufnstuf for mayor ♪

- Jimmy, Pufnstuf!

Listen, bad news!

- What is it, Judy?

- Oh, the witch is
running for mayor!

- The witch, oh no!

- The witch is
running for mayor?

I can't believe it.

- Oh, she must be kidding.

It's some kind of a joke.

- It's no joke.

I was just in the forest,

and all the trees were wearing

"Witchiepoo for Mayor" buttons.

- Pufnstuf, don't you see?

If she ever gets elected mayor,

she'll take over
the whole island.

And you know what that'll mean.

- Jimmy, do something!

- Hurry before it's too late!

- Pufnstuf, we better
get our campaign moving.

It's only a few hours
till voting time.

- Hold it, hold it.

Let me ask you all something.

The witch is a mean,
miserable, rotten lady.

Who would ever vote for her?

- ♪ Oh, Witchiepoo! ♪

♪ Oh, Witchiepoo! ♪

♪ I love you, oh Witchiepoo! ♪

Hello, everyone, and you
too, ex Mayor Pufnstuf.

- Oh, what's this
"ex-mayor" stuff?

- Horsey, you?

You're gonna vote for the witch?

- You, you actually like her?

- What's not to like?

She kissed me on the cheek

and gave me a nice
big carrot for free.

- But don't you see,

she wants to take
over the whole island.

It's a plot.

- If that's a plot,
I like it a lot.

She promised me two
carrots in every pot.

Pardon me, I must trot.

♪ Oh, Witchiepoo! ♪

♪ I love you, oh Witchiepoo ♪

- You see that, Puff?

She tricked him.

She's gonna trick everyone.

- You've just got to campaign

or you'll lose the
election for sure!

- Please, friends,
I'm still the mayor,

and there's only one thing
to do in a spot like this.

- What's that?

- Don't panic!

And so, my fellow islanders,

I make no rash promises
like my opponent.

I am running strictly
on my record.

- Yeah, but what have
you done for us lately?

- Uh, what?

Oh, well, let me see, now.

Well, I'll tell you.

[all murmuring]

- [Creature] Hear ye, hear ye.

Make way for the next mayor.

- Hi-ho, everyone!

I'm here, I'm here.


Love you and you and you.

- Hooray!

- Wait a minute.

This is my meeting.

- You can't come here.

- I can't?

This is a free island,
and I am a candidate too.

[islanders shudder]

Don't be frightened, folks.

I am not here as the witch.

I am here as your next
lovable, adorable mayor.

Look, see?

I came without my wand.

I want this election
to be clean and fair.

No dirty stuff!

- Pufnstuf's always been fair.

You haven't!

- My dear sweet friends, I
know we've had differences

in the past, but we
can change all that

and march into a beautiful
future together, hand in hand.

[islanders cheering]

- Isn't that a lovely thought?

- If you're elected,

what do you intend to
do for the little man?

- Get him a little woman!


- How do you feel about
foreign relations?

- I feel they ought to go
back where they came from.


[festive drumming]

- Puff, she's winning them over.

- My platform is,
sweets for the sweet.

I promise free
candy for everyone.

[islanders cheer]

- We've gotta stop her.

Jimmy, you're our only chance.

You've got to sing that
campaign song you wrote.

- I sure hope it does the trick.

Well, here goes.

Now, folks, before you
make your minds up--

- Hold it!

I've got the floor.

- Let the boy speak.

Let's hear both sides!

- Yeah!

[festive music]

- Well, there's just one
thing I'd like to say.

♪ Pufnstuf for mayor,
Pufnstuf for mayor ♪

♪ Re-Elect the man you know
who never lets you down ♪

♪ Behind this man
there lies a tale ♪

♪ As everybody knows ♪

♪ Of honesty, integrity ♪

♪ And skill at fighting foes ♪

♪ You never have to worry where
to go to solve a problem ♪

♪ If it's Pufnstuf for
mayor, Pufnstuf for mayor ♪

♪ Don't forget to
vote for Puff ♪

♪ We want Pufnstuf ♪

- [Together] ♪ We
want Pufnstuf ♪

♪ We want Pufnstuf ♪

[upbeat music]

- Wait, wait!

Don't listen to him!

- [Together] We want Pufnstuf!

We want Pufnstuf!

- I promise you free
color television,

free merry-go-round
rides, free wrist watches!

- [Together] We want Pufnstuf!

We want Pufnstuf!

- Don't listen to him!

Those are all lies!

I'll give you 100 gold buttons!

A thousand!



This election isn't over yet.

I'll fix those.

I'm gonna be mayor or else!

- But you just said this was
going to be a fair election.

- Yeah, fair.

- Since when do
you do-do's listen

to everything you
hear in an election?

If I can't win fair,
I'll win my way!

- Witchiepoo, they're
all at the voting place.

The polls open in a half hour.

- Half hour?

Orson, help me pour this stuff.

Seymour, keep stirring.

- You still haven't told
us what you're making.

Ooh, what is it?

- This is the most evil
spell I've ever brewed,

Witchiepoo Love b*mb.

We have to fill it.

- Witchiepoo Love b*mb?

I don't get it.

- No, but they will.


Take these up in the Vroom
Broom and then pow, bombs away!

One whiff of this gook and
they'll all be in my power.

They'll adore me,
they'll vote for me

and I'll be elected mayor.


- [All] We want Pufnstuf!

We want Pufnstuf,
Pufnstuf for mayor!

We want Pufnstuf!

- Oh Jimmy, this is great.

It looks like Pufnstuf
can't lose now.

- All right, you dummies.

Vote for Pufnstuf, will ya?

- The witch!

- I'll teach 'em!

- [Jimmy] She's bombing us!

Take cover!

[b*mb explodes]

- All right, bombs away!

[projectile whistles]

[bombs exploding]

- She's trying to k*ll us!

- I knew we couldn't
trust the witch.

- The witch is awful,
a terrible person.

- Hey, you smell that?

- Man, dig that crazy smoke.

- Oh, what an adorable smell!

It's from that nice witch.

- Oh, what a dear sweet lady.

- Come down, oh
wonderful Witchiepoo.

We adore you.

We want to vote for you.

- I don't know
what's come over me,

but that adorable
witch has got my vote.

- We love Witchiepoo!

- [All] We love Witchiepoo!

Witchiepoo for mayor!


[Witchiepoo laughs]

- My friends, I love you all,

and if I'm elected mayor,

I promise to keep
all my promises.

- [All] Yay!

- See, my bombs worked.

They adore me.

- Yes, but will
they vote for you?

- Stick around and watch.

[cheers and applause]

- We love you, Witchiepoo.

- [All] Yay!

- Well, there's just one
thing I'd like to say.

♪ Witchiepoo for mayor! ♪

♪ She's the one who's got
a heart that's bigger ♪

♪ Than her nose ♪

♪ A brand new golden magic
wand for every tree around ♪

♪ A super duper swimming pool ♪

♪ For every house in town, ♪

♪ She promises for everyone
a button on every pocket ♪

♪ If it's Witchiepoo for mayor ♪

♪ Witchiepoo for mayor ♪

♪ Don't forget to
vote for Witch. ♪

♪ We want Witchiepoo ♪

- Hey g*ng, look who's here!

- Say, Jimmy, I'd
like you to look over

the speech I just wrote.

- Hey, everyone, Pufnstuf
just wrote a speech.

Anyone like to hear it?

[crowd boos]

- Boo, down with Pufnstuf!

- Get lost, Pufnstuf.

You've had it!

- Jimmy, it's me,
Pufnstuf, your friend.

What's happened?

- Boo, boo, get lost!

Down with Pufnstuf!

Up with Witchiepoo!

[islanders cheer and applaud]

- Jimmy, I can't believe
you turned against me.

- He has, haven't
you, Jimmy boy?

- You're all washed
up, Pufnstuf.

- [All] Down with Pufnstuf!

Down with Pufnstuf!

- And I tell you, Dr. Blinkey,
that witch has thrown a spell

over everyone, including Jimmy.

I'm heartbroken.

My own Jimmy against me!

- Oh, just take it easy.

- Take it easy?

The polls open in a few minutes.

The witch will become mayor.

What are we gonna do?

- Well, I've got to think.

I've got to think!

Everyone think!

- Just, just half an hour
ago, they all loved me.

I would've won by a landslide.

- Hey Doc, I've got it!

Why don't you use
your reversal b*mb?

- Yeah, the one that
makes things go backwards.

- Of course, that's it!

- That's what?

- My reversal b*mb can
make everything go back

the way it was a half hour ago.

It'll reverse the witch's spell!

- Get it, use it!

Anything, but hurry!

- Enjoy, enjoy,
before the polls open.

Fun and games time.

[all cheer]

[festive music]

[balloons popping]

[festive music]

[Witchiepoo laughing]

- Look at 'em all.

Celebrating with the witch.

- And the polls open
in five minutes.

I better throw my reversal b*mb.

- Now, are you sure
it won't hurt anyone?

- Of course not.

It'll just make
everything go backward.

[festive music and laughter]

Here goes!

[b*mb explodes]

It's working.

It's working!

[festive music]

[wind whistles]


- Golly, everything went
backwards all right.

Do you think it broke
the witch's spell?

- Only one way to find out.

Let's see who they
want for mayor.

Come on.

- Wow, look at them.

Do you think they
changed their mind?

- We'll soon know.

- [All] We want Pufnstuf!

We want Pufnstuf!

- Wonderful, it worked.

The reversal b*mb worked!

- Thank you, Dr.
Blinkey, thank you.

- Let's hear it for the old
and new mayor, H.R. Pufnstuf!

[cheers and applause]

- And let's hear it for Dr.
Blinkey and his reversal b*mb!

[cheers and applause]


Cling and Clang, now,
stop sniffing that.

Now, don't do that.

Don't sniff that!

Oh my!

- [Dr Blinkey] Oh no, no.

[all laughing]

♪ You got someone
who loves you ♪

♪ You got someone who cares ♪

♪ You got someone
who'll fix you up ♪

♪ If ever you need a repair ♪

♪ You got someone
who takes the time ♪

♪ To look under your prayers ♪

♪ I got, you got, everybody
new got someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where to go when
things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ He can't do a little
'cause he can't do enough ♪

[upbeat music]


♪ I got, you got, everybody
new got someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where do you go when
things get rough? ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Well, you can't do a little
'cause you can't do enough ♪

- See you next week.

- Keep those cards
and letters coming.

[cheers and applause]