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01x16 - Whaddya Mean the Horse Gets the Girl?

Posted: 04/19/24 10:50
by bunniefuu
♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

♪ Once upon a summertime ♪

♪ Just a dream from yesterday ♪

♪ A boy and his
magic golden flute ♪

♪ Heard a boat
from off the bay ♪

♪ Come and play with me, Jimmy ♪

♪ Come and play with me ♪

♪ And I will take
you on a trip ♪

♪ Far across the sea ♪

♪ But the boat belonged
to a kooky old witch ♪

♪ Who had in mind
the flute to snitch ♪

♪ From her broom
broom in the sky ♪

♪ She watched her
plans materialize ♪

♪ She waved her wand ♪

♪ The beautiful boat was gone ♪

♪ The skies grew dark,
the sea grew rough ♪

♪ And the boat sailed on ♪

♪ And on, and on, and
on, and on, and on ♪

♪ But Pufnstuf
was watching too ♪

♪ And knew exactly what to do ♪

♪ He saw the witch's
boat attack ♪

♪ And as the boy
was fighting back ♪

♪ He called his
rescue racer crew ♪

♪ As often they'd rehearsed ♪

♪ And off to save
the boy they flew ♪

♪ But who would
get there first ♪

♪ But now the boy
had washed ashore ♪

♪ Puf arrived to save the day ♪

♪ Which made the witch
so mad and sore ♪

♪ She shook her fist
and screamed away ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Who's your friend
when things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Can't do a little 'cause
he can't do enough ♪

[pleasant music]

- Oh dear movie star,
how do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

Oh, speak to me, my
beautiful one, speak to me.

- Okay, ya bum, get to work!

- What did you do that for?

Couldn't you see I
was only play acting?

- Play acting?

How about acting like a horse,

and doing some work around here.

- Work?

There's more to life
than just working.

To arms, to arms, the
spiders are coming,

the spiders are coming, to arms.

- Stop already, you ding-a-ling.

Those aren't spiders,
they're customers.

[audience laughs]

Ah, the mayor and young Jimmy.

Greetings, what
can I do for you?

- Hi, Ludicrous.

Have you got a mustache?

- What do you think this
is, frozen spaghetti?

[audience laughs]

- No, he means have you
got a mustache I can buy?

I need it for the part
we're doing in our movie.

- Movie, what movie,
where movie, who's movie?

- Will you be quiet?
[nose honking]

These are cash customers.

Now you say you
wanna buy a mustache.

Well, here's a beauty.

A lovely, wonderful, double

Here, try it on.

So, you're making a movie, eh?

- That's right, it's
to raise buttons

for our get rid
of the witch fund.

[audience laughs]
- It's gonna be terrific.

The famous director Akim
Toadenoff is filming it for us.

How does this look?

- Fantastic, and what's more,

it's guaranteed to stay on
during all the smooching scenes.

[audience laughs]
[Ludicrous laughs]

- You know, Ludicrous,

we still need one more
actor for the movie.

- An actor, an actor?

I'm an actor.

[audience laughs]

- Hold it, Horse.
[nose honks]

- How about it, Ludicrous?

Why don't you take the part?

- Me, an actor?


- It'll pay quite a few buttons.

- Quite a few buttons, eh?

Well, let me see.

To arms, to arms, the
spiders are coming,

the spiders are coming, to arms.

- Wait a minute,
those are my lines.

I'm an actor, I'm an actor!

- Good, then act like
you're watching the store.

Come, my fellow thespians.

We must not keep our
director waiting.

- Get the lights ready,
check the wardrobe,

place the props, busy,
busy, busy, busy.

- Excuse me, Mr. Toadenoff,

but I'd like to thank you
for directing our movie.

- I'm a very busy man.

All right, go ahead, thank
me, I'm waiting, thank me!

- Well, I'd like, I'd like-

- Enough, let's
not get sickening!

[audience laughs]
Ready on the set!

Call out my number one
star, Shirlee Pufnstuf.

- Miss Pufnstuf
wanted on the set.

[audience laughs]

♪ Tra, la, la, la, la ♪

Oh, thank you.

Oh, you sweet, friendly people.

How nice of you to adore me.

Hi, brother, hi, Jimmy.

- Here he is, Mr. Toadenoff.

I'd like to present
Mr. Ludicrous Lion.

- I'm your man, Toady old boy.

[audience laughs]

- Toady?

You call Toadenoff
the Great Toady?

No one calls me Toady!

- No one calls him Toady.

- You, Ludicrous, when
the sheriff yells,

"Deputy, grab that varmint,"

you run in and grab
him, grab, understand?

- I'll grab, don't
you worry now, Toady.

[audience laughs]

- Don't call me Toady!

Already I can't stand you,

and you haven't even acted yet.

[audience laughs]
Quiet on the set!

Places, everyone,
camera, action!

[pleasant music]

[audience laughs]

- Howdy, Sweet Sue.

- Black Bart!

But you're supposed
to be in jail.

- I reckon there ain't no jail

strong enough to
hold Black Bart.

[audience laughs]

- The sheriff will come
a-looking for you, you bad man.

- And there ain't no
sheriff can hold me, either.

- [Sweet Sue] How come
no sheriff can hold you?

- 'Cause when I grease my boots,

I grease the rest of me too.

[audience laughs]

Of course, I slip
off my horse a lot.

[audience laughs]

I've got a hankering
for you, Sweet Sue.

You and me are
riding out together.

- Hold it right
there, Black Bart.

- Oh, thank goodness.

It's the sheriff.

- Black Bart, you're under
arrest for jail bustin',

horsenappin', and cow punchin'.

- I never punched
a cow in my life.

[audience laughs]

I might've pushed one once,
but I didn't punch him.

[audience laughs]

- A likely story.

You're coming along
with me, Black Bart.

- Oh my!
- Hold it, Sheriff.

This town ain't big enough
for the three of us.

- Oh my.

- So the two of us are
gettin' out, so stand back,

or she's a goner.

- Deputy, Deputy,
grab that varmint.

- I'm coming, I'm coming.

Got you, varmint.

You'll never get away.

- I'm not the varmint, he is.

Ludicrous, you're
supposed to grab Jimmy.

- Oh, really?

Hard to tell one
varmint from the other.

[audience laughs]

Okay, okay, okay.

I've gotcha, you varmints
are under arrest.

[audience laughs]

- I'm not a varmint,
I'm the star, hmph.

- Cut!

Cut, this is terrible!

I've never seen anything
so terrible in my life.

You're not Ludicrous,
you're ridiculous!

[audience laughs]

You've ruined the whole scene!

You are terrible.

This script is terrible.

Even I'm terrible, and
when I'm terrible, I quit!

[audience laughs]

- No, no, Mr. Toadenoff,
please don't quit.

- That's right, Toady.

It's for a good cause.

- I got a better cause, me.

I am through,
finished, washed up.

No more picture,
everyone go home!

[audience laughs]

- Gosh, Mr. Toadenoff,
it's not your fault

Ludicrous ruined the scene.

Maybe we can find another actor.

- Not only do we need another
actor, we need another story,

a new script, something
fresh, different.

Let me think, I need a new idea.

[audience laughs]

- Hi, Ludicrous.

Goofed it, didn't ya?

- What are you doing here,
you four-footed fathead?

I told you to wait at the wagon.

Get back to work.

[Horse crying]
[audience laughs]

- Oh, why?

Why don't you leave me alone?

Why are you always
picking on me?

All I ever do is
work, work, work!

Why, oh why, why did
I ever leave Wyoming?

[audience laughs]
[Horse crying]

- Wait, cut, a dramatic horse!

Toadenoff the Great just
had a sensational idea.

I am going to make an
all new western movie.

The horse gets the girl!

[audience laughs]

- The horse gets the girl?


[all cheering]

- Gosh, me, Horse?

I'm really gonna be a star?

- What kind of a name is
that for a movie star, Horse?

From now on, your name
will be Pierpont Pony.

- Terrific, hooray!
[all cheering]

- Pierpont Pony?

I'll k*ll him, oh no.

[audience laughs]

[dramatic music]

- Oh, let me go, Black Bart.

Please let me go, pretty
please, pretty please?

- Well ma'am,
you're right pretty,

and I'd like to please ya,

but I'm a bad guy.

- Yahoo!

- I'm really bad.

- Gotcha, Black Bart.

Now, don't move.

I gotcha covered.

- Oh, thank heavens.

My hero, you saved me.

- Just call me the
fastest hoof in the West.

[audience laughs]
[Horse whinnies]

- Witchiepoo, Witchiepoo,
get up, get up.

Ooh, wake up, get
up I say, get up!

- What happened?

Where's the fire,
where is everybody?

- They're making
a movie, a movie!

- I can't hear a
word you're saying.

Speak up, speak up!

- They're making a movie!

[audience laughs]

- Oh you overgrown duck!

You almost busted my eardrums.

- But you said speak up.

- I heard you, you ding-a-ling.

You said they were
making a movie.

Ah, a movie?
[audience laughs]

Oh dear, and without me?

How dare they?

The island's greatest
living actress.

How dare they, oh!

[audience laughs]

[Witchiepoo grunting]

Next time, open the
door for a lady!

[audience laughs]

- All right, quiet.

We sh**t big musical number.

Places, please.

Stop the makeup, enough, enough.

We are all ready on the set.

- Mr. Director, you haven't
asked me if I'm ready yet.

[audience laughs]
- Excuse me, Pierpoint.

Are you ready?

- No, I'm not ready yet.

[audience laughs]

I want a drink of water.

- Well, go get it.

- A star does not
get his own water.

[audience laughs]

I want that funny-looking
lion over there to get it.

- What, me bring you
a glass of water?

- You, Lion, bring
him the water.

You're holding up production.

- Why, I'll clobber him,
I'll sock it to him.

- Now Ludicrous, remember,
it's for our anti-witch fund.

- That's right.
- Okay, okay.

I'll do it for the fund,

but when I get that
nag home, mm, pow!

[audience laughs]

- Hurry, we have
a picture to make.

I have to make him a star.

[audience laughs]

- Here.

- Thanks, my good man.

No autographs, please.

Well, I'm ready now, Mac.

- Mac?

The name is Toadenoff!

All right, everyone,
quiet, quiet!

Ready on the set,
places everyone!

[audience laughs]


[gentle guitar music]

♪ Oh I may not look
it, but I'm the best ♪

♪ The fastest hoof in
the whole darn West ♪

♪ I got no lasso,
or a g*n to twirl ♪

♪ Still I'm the horse that
always gets the girl ♪

♪ Yodel-Odel-Lay-Hee,
oh-ho-ho-ho-ho ♪

[audience laughs]

- Good, great, print!

- It's Toadenoff the Great!

What luck, he'd be perfect
to direct my movie.

[audience laughs]
- Your movie?

What movie is that?

- This movie, you newt-nose.

[audience laughs]

It's the story of my life.

I finished writing
it last night.

What a fabulous
picture it would make.

It'd be outta sight, real gone.

[audience laughs]

- Yeah, you could call
it "Gone with the Witch."

- Will you shut up, you dummy?
[audience laughs]

If that's not the most,
"Gone with the Witch."

That's it, great,
that's the title.

Seymour, you did
it again, shake!

- Right chiefy, grab a hand.

[audience laughs]

- But Witchiepoo,
Toadenoff is all tied up.

How can he do your movie

when he's making one
for the good guys?

[Witchiepoo cackles]
[audience laughs]

- I'll soon fix that.

Hanny, zanny, and triply whammy,

evil spirits do take off.

Bring me the camera,
and Toadenoff!

[magic poofs]

- Now, move the camera.
[magic poofs]

[audience laughs]

- Where's Toadenoff?

[magic poofs]
- Wait, what, where?

What happened, where am I?

- It's so nice of you
to drop in, Toady.

It just so happens I
have a screen story here

I want you to make.

- What story, who are you?

How did I get here?

- I brought you here.

You're going to film my life
story, "Gone with the Witch."

[audience laughs]

- "Gone with the," wait a
minute, you're the witch.

- I ain't Mary Poppins.

[audience laughs]
[Witchiepoo cackles]

My dear man, you
happen to be looking

at the greatest acting
talent you will ever direct.

- I don't understand.

How did I get here?

What happened to
Horse, and Shirlee?

- Forget those amateurs.

You got me, and I got
you, haven't I, my pet?

[audience laughs]

- But how?

- I'll show you how!

Place your camera there,
your lights there,

and a star is born.

[audience laughs]
[upbeat music]

[plucky music]

- Oh my goodness, what happened?

- Where's Toadenoff?
- Where's our director?

- Where's my director?
- Where's my director?

- Camera's gone too,
and all the lights.

- I knew he was a phony the
moment I laid eyes on him.

Disappearing without a word.

- Disappearing, that's it!

The witch must've cast a spell.

- You're right, Jimmy.

I bet she stole our director
to make her own movie.

- Toadenoff, my director, gone.

- Your director?

He's my director,
mine, do you hear?

- There's no time for arguing,
Toadenoff's in trouble.

We've gotta do something.

- Okay, partners.

We'll saddle up
and form a posse.

Follow me, men.
[audience laughs]

- Wait a minute, Horse.

This isn't a movie.

This is real life,
and dangerous.

- Dangerous?

Okay men, follow him.

- Come on, Puf, do
your thing, let's go!

- Hurry fellas, hurry,
we have to save him.

- Some hero you are, letting
them rescue Toadenoff.

You're not a hero,
you're a coward.

- Oh yeah?

Them's fighting words.

I'll show ya.

Follow me, ma'am.

We'll round up them varmints.

They want thattaway, charge!

[audience laughs]

[eerie music]

[horn honking]
[bell clanging]

- Toadenoff is ready.

What scene are you doing?

- The most romantic
scene out of my life.

It's going to tear you apart.

- All right, do it already.

You two schlemiels, step back.

Quiet on the set, camera ready.

Lights, action!

- You ask me to help you, ha!

That's a laugh.

You, you threw me out into
the cold, cold graveyard.

[audience laughs]

And told me to go
home to myself.

You, who threw me out
into the underworld,

without a wand to witch with.

- Good, marvelous, great!

Ugh, terrible.

I think I will k*ll myself.

[audience laughs]

- Who did I have to turn to?

No one.

- Good, cut, print it.

- Cut, no one tells me to cut!

How'd you like to get zapped?

[audience laughs]

- Darling [chuckles]
my cheese blinchiki,

who said cut?

I said cute, cute!

[audience laughs]

Go on, my little goulash.

Act, act!

[suspenseful music]

[audience laughs]

[Pufnstuf panting]

- We'll have to sneak in
this back door to the castle.

It's our only chance
to rescue Toadenoff.

- Okay.

Help me with this
door, it's heavy.

- Okay, I sure will.

There, got it, good.

- Yahoo, here I come!

Pierpont Pony to the rescue.

Follow me, men.

- Horsey, wait!

- He's gonna ruin our plan.

- Come on, after him!

[audience laughs]

- Where could I go?

Where could I go?

[audience laughs]

- Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut,
cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

I'll tell you where
you're going, ma'am.

Right to the clink.

I'mma taking you in.

- Who are you, you boob?

How dare you interrupt
our filming of "Gone
with the Witch?"

[audience laughs]

- Pierpont Pony, wait a minute!

Toadenoff has got
a sensational idea.

We make new picture,
"Horse Gets Witch."

[audience laughs]

- There'll be no
horses in my picture.

I'm going to zap him
into little pieces.

- Hold it, witch!

- You can't zap that horse.

As mayor, I'll report you
to the animal shelter.

[audience laughs]
- Stand back!

Stand back, I say!

Now, I've got the whole g*ng,

I'm going to zap you all.

I'm going to pulverize you!

- Hold it, hold it!

Witch, I love you
when you're so angry.

[audience laughs]
Such fire, such sparks!

Quick, don't lose the
mood, let's sh**t it.

- Oh, really, you like that?

Was I good?

- Sensational!
[audience laughs]

I must get it on film.

But no props, put the wand down.

Nothing but pure emotion.

Hurry, while you're
still in the mood.

[audience laughs]
The wand, get it.



- Stand back, all
of you, do you hear?

Or I shall zap you.

I will not tolerate any nonsense

from goody two-shoes
such as you.

I am the witch, and you're
trash, trash, lowly trash.

- Oh, Witchiepoo, look!

- Stop, how dare you!

My wand, he swallowed my wand!

- Golly willikers.

- It was all a trick.

Orson, Seymour, bring
my other wand, hurry!

- Quick, everyone,
let's get out of here!

- We'll never make it!

- Horse, zap her.

Whoever has the
wand has the power.

- Even if it's in my stomach?

[audience laughs]

- Give me back my wand!

- Horse, it's our only
chance, zap her, zap her!

- Stand back, or I'll zap you.

- You wouldn't dare!

- Freeze!
[magic whirs]

[audience laughs]

- Horse, you zapped
her, you did it!

- Golly, Horse.

You got the witch's power.

- Witchiepoo, we couldn't
find your other wand.

- Too late, partners.

You're a-heading for that
big spiderweb in the sky.

[audience laughs]

[magic whirs]

[audience laughs]

- [Pufnstuf] They're zapped.

- Toadenoff, did you
get all this on camera?

- What for?

A corny trick like
that, who'd believe it?

- Roll them cameras, partner.

This is Pierpont Pony,
your star, talking.

[magic whirs]

- Hey, we're rolling,
we're rolling!

Ready, action, camera!

- Now Horse, enough
of this play acting.

- Right, we've gotta
get out of here!

- Nothin' doin'.

I'm the first witch
horse in history.

Keep those cameras rolling.

Pierpont Pony
rides again, yahoo!

[audience laughs]

- Come on, let's get outta here.

[magic whirring]

[Pufnstuf yelps]

[magic whirring]


[glass tinkles]

Run for it, Jimmy!

[magic whirring]
[audience laughs]

♪ You got someone
who loves you ♪

♪ You got someone who cares ♪

♪ And you got someone
who'll fix you up ♪

♪ If ever you need repairs ♪

♪ You got someone
who'll take the time ♪

♪ To listen to your prayers ♪

♪ I got, you got,
everybody do got ♪

♪ Someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where to go when
things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ He can't do a little
'cause he can't do enough ♪

♪ Woo, I got, you got,
everybody do got ♪

♪ Someone who cares ♪

♪ By the name of H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Where to go when
things get rough ♪

♪ H.R. Pufnstuf ♪

♪ Well, he can't do a little
'cause he can't do enough ♪

[audience applauds]

See you next week!

- Keep those cards
and letters coming.

[audience applauds]

[upbeat music]