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22x04 - Gimme an H!

Posted: 04/19/24 11:12
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on
Hell's Kitchen: The American Dream...

Congratulations on becoming citizens
of the United States of America.

[all] Cheers!

[narrator] Chef Ramsay tested the chefs

-with an inspiring brunch service.
-[Christina] Where's the chicken?

[narrator] But Swiss native
Claudia's raw chicken...

Hey, ladies.

[narrator] ...had Chef Ramsay
on the warpath.

What planet are you on?


-I'm not laughing now.
-I'm not laughing.

[narrator] He was equally frustrated
with Mattias's problems cooking steaks.

Look at me in the face. Don't bring me
stone cold steak ever again.

-Get it on the grill.

[narrator] Both teams did recover
from earlier issues.

-Two chicken, two waffles walking.
-Let's finish strong.

[narrator] And the Red Team
had a slight edge,

but were waiting on Carmen's eggs...

-[both] Where's the eggs?

-Carmen, let's go, let's go!
-Right now! Right now!

[narrator] Which allowed
the Blue Team to scramble...

-Go. Go, go, go!
-...and narrowly clinch the victory...

[Ramsay] Congratulations, Blue Team.

[narrator] ...which did not sit well at all
with Mississippi's Raneisha.

All you had was a f*ckin' egg!

I missed one egg at the end,
and I'm sorry, okay?

-But what about that raw chicken?
-We bounced back from raw chicken.

We not finna throw people under the bus.

Shut up. There's people out there.

[narrator] And in dinner service,
Donya's halibut...

One and a half minutes out on halibut.

Just stand.
Let me show you how painful it is.

[narrator] ...brought the Red Team
to a screeching halt.

[Ramsay] Feeling my pain?

[narrator] But in the end,
both kitchens were completely undone

by undercooked meats.

Mattias, is that your best chicken? Shit!

-Raneisha, that one's bluer.

Get out! Get the f*ck out of here.

[narrator] At elimination,
the Blue Team nominated...

-Mattias, Chef.
-[narrator] ...and...

Brad, Chef.

-[narrator] ...while the Red Team chose...

-[narrator] ...and...

[narrator] But without much hesitation,
Chef Ramsay sent...

-[narrator] ...packing...

Good night.

[narrator] ...terminating her American dream
of becoming head chef

at Gordon Ramsay's
Hell's Kitchen restaurant

at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

And now, the continuation
Hell's Kitchen.

Mattias, you're on thin ice.

In fact, it's so thin,
I can hear the cracking.

Now f*ck off.

I know that I can bounce back from this.

If Chef Ramsay didn't have faith in me,
I would have gone home today.

[Devon] Just bounce back.

I intend to show him that he did not
make a mistake by keeping me here tonight.

You got this shit.

[Donya] I don't like being on the bottom.
I f*cking came here to win.

I'm trying to set my life up.

I'm trying to be
better than I was yesterday.

Literally the American dream,
getting out the f*cking mud and making it.

I just wanted to say really quick,
I'm sorry for the... my performance.

-Come on. Come on. Squat.
-Just move some...

-Just breathe.
-Right, you come on, squat. Have a seat.

[Melissa] Just breathe,
and when you're ready, get it out.

Then we're gonna hear it.

I really wanna cry on a shoulder,
but I'm trying to be strong.

Get a hug. Turn around and get a hug.

-She needs it.
-Let me come on.

She need that bosom. [laughs]

-Bring it in.
-Get it out.

Let it out.
What I tell you about that release?

-Release it.

Release it. Breathe it in, let it out.
Let it out.

Donya is talented.
But Donya has to believe in herself.

Like, Donya gotta stop
getting so hard on herself.

Just don't snot my jacket,
okay? I love you.

-[Ramsay] Good morning.
-Go, go, go.

Rise and shine. There we go.

After last night's service, I thought
all of you could use a little cheering up.

So please welcome the incredible Cheer LA.

[all cheering]

Chop, dice, slice it up

in Hell's Kitchen!

I started cheering in high school.

Right now, I am hoping that I could
just get out there with them.

Hell's Kitchen! Hell's Kitchen! Let's go!

-[cheerleaders] In Hell's Kitchen.
-[Ramsay] Wow.

-[Ramsay] Come on.

And just like cheerleading
is very American,

you're gonna be cooking inspired,
elevated takes on American comfort foods.

[all cheering]

[Ramsay] On the other side of those cards

is the name of an amazing
American comfort food.

Your dishes will be judged head-to-head.

Melissa, you've got
the biggest smile this morning.

Who do you want to go up against
in the Blue Team?

-Brad, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Why?

I'm more American than him, I feel.


Okay, Ms. America.

Brad, young man, pick a letter.

Whatever dish is under that card,

that will be the dish that
you'll both be cooking.

I'm going with C, Chef.

This one's easy. Look no further.
Time to make a...

-[cheerleaders] Cheeseburger!


-You're welcome.
-You're going down!

I really gotta put my money
where my mouth is,

because a cheeseburger, it doesn't get
any more American than this.

The Cuban's gonna win, period.

Okay. Jason, who do you want to take down?

Chef Carmen.

I'm gonna go with N.

Come on, chefs. Do your thing.
Create inspired...

-[cheerleaders] Chicken wings!
-All right, chicken wings!

-[all cheering]
-I can't wait. All I do is elevate food.


Because Mattias says he's so big and bad,
I wanna see how big and bad he is.

-[Devon] Ooh.
-Let's go for the HK.

Hey, chefs, nice to meet ya.

-Inspire us with...
-[cheerleaders] Homemade pizza!

Back home, I cook pizza
on a literal daily basis.

I would safely say
I'm 20% water and 80% pizza.

-Ryan, who do you wanna take down?
-Atoye, Chef.


All right, Chef, give it your all.
You're gonna make...

[all] Spaghetti and meatballs!


All right, Ryan, I got kids.


[narrator] Next up is Leigh,
who will face off against Dahmere.

I'ma go with I
'cause I think I'm gonna win.

-[narrator] And they will be cooking...
-[all] Mac n' cheese!

[all cheering]

[narrator] Next is Jermaine versus Donya
in the battle of...

-Time to cook...
-[cheerleaders] Lobster rolls!

-[all cheering]
-Let's go.

[narrator] Sandra and Devon
will square off and cook...

-Time to make...
-[cheerleaders] Philly cheesesteak!

-[all cheering]

[narrator] And finally, Sammi is saying
bring it on to Johnathan.

-You just picked...
-[cheerleaders] Fried chicken!

-You feeling fired up?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Good. Your 45 minutes start now. Let's go.

[all cheering]

-I'm gonna be here on this station.
-I'm taking this right here.

-I wanna be close to the grill.
-[Donya] I like that.

I am so ecstatic
that I have a cheeseburger.

It's a double patty.

You gotta give the meat a massage.
You know what I mean?

Then I did, like, au poivre sauce.

Can someone just pop over here
and taste this au poivre?

This shit tastes good on anything.

[Santos] Delicious.

[Brad] Vive la France today.

I wanna spin and do, like, a dip,

and, like, bake the pizza dough
off like chips.

[Raneisha] When you're raising
as many kids as I raise,

I'm used to ordering pizza. [laughs]
But I don't make it.

I think I'm gonna, like, deep fry
the pizza dough. Like some chips.

Man, can somebody please explain
to me what a pizza chip is?

What else go on a pizza?
Bell pepper, onion... mushrooms.

Two things Americans like...

things they can eat fast
with their hands and dips.

So I'm going to do my spin on a pizza dip.

You need it as cheesy as possible.

-20 and 1/2 minutes on the button left.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

No sauce on your pizza dough?

-No, only oil. Oil, cheese.

I'm calling this my redemption pizza, man.
I wanna show Chef Ramsay I came to play.

I'ma throw a little red wine
braised tomatoes on there.

I know that flavor is money.

-Let's kick their ass, man. Let's...

[Mattias] Booyah, baby.

[Christina] Ten minutes.

-Heard, ten minutes.
-Ten minutes, heard.

All right, ladies, let's finish strong.

I'm a pescatarian, so I have
a great lobster roll recipe.

I got the chili crisp.

I was happy Jermaine picked me.
You know, we're both from New York.

Chef, would you like to taste my mix?

-I'll be tasting the whole thing.
-Yes, Chef.

I promise you. Don't worry about that.

This dish is gonna show
exactly what I'm here for.

I'm here to win.

What are you gonna put on the bread?

I'm gonna just put some butter down,
and then I'm gonna add the aioli to it.

I'm making the ultimate lobster roll.

-It's a warm lobster roll type thing?

Going up against Donya,
Bronx versus Queens.

-Need help with anything, buddy?
-No, I'm good. Thank you.

And Donya, I'm sorry,
but I'm telling you, Queens is taking it.

What do you got working?

I'm gonna fry a bunch of herbs
with the chicken.

-Don't overcook it if it's all white meat.
-Yes, Chef.

This is a f*cking no-brainer.
Before I got here, my daughter told me,

if you're gonna make something crunchy,
Dad, make fried chicken.

The point is to elevate it
and to take it to the next level.

Is that a biscuit cooking, Chef?
That looks beautiful.

Double breaded.

I'm sorry, Sammi, but this is gonna be
the best fried chicken of my life.

-Five minutes.
-Heard on the five, Chef.

Five minutes, heard.

If anybody needs help,
speak up and we'll do it. Let's go.

-[John] g*dd*mn it.
-What happened?

[John] My chicken's raw.

I'm freaking out.
I have no f*cking idea what I'm gonna do.

-[Dahmere] Sorry, bro.
-[John] Damn it.

Behind, hot.

Raw chicken can't happen today.

-[Brad] How can I help, baby? Tell me.

Do you need anything?

[John] Oh, come on.

f*ck. No, no, no.

[narrator] With only a few minutes left

in today's elevated American
comfort food challenge...

Three and a half.

-[John] f*ck.
-What happened?

[narrator] ...a once confident Johnathan
has just made a disturbing discovery.

[John] My chicken's raw. Damn it.

Raw chicken can't happen today.

[Brad] How can I help, baby?
Tell me. Do you need anything?

I got my daughter's lucky charm
in my pocket.

I can hear her speaking to me right now.

[Ramsay] Thirty seconds to go.

[John] I put my chicken back in
and let it cook.

I gotta do this. I gotta fry
the best chicken of my life.

I am freaking out.

-[Ramsay] Ten seconds. Let's go!
-Coming around hot. Coming around hot.

Get it off the plate.
Get it off the plate.

[Ramsay] Five, four, three,

two, one, stop.

Oh, my goodness, me. Well done.

Right, let's begin with
the battle of the cheeseburger.

Yes, Chef.

-[all cheering]
-Let's go!

Come on, Melissa!

I am a firm believer
that people eat with their eyes.

And if Chef Ramsay had to
eat with his eyes today,

I know it's gonna be my dish he enjoys.

Right, Melissa, let's start with you.
Describe your cheeseburger.

I wanted to do a play on Mediterranean,
Lebanese burger.

So there's fresh spinach,
grilled heirloom tomatoes

and grilled eggplant.

-It looks delicious.
-Thank you, Chef.

It's exciting,
and it draws you in with your eyes.

Mmm. My goodness, me. It's fresh.

I thought the eggplant was gonna be a bit
of a no-no, but it's cooked beautifully.

-That's a great start. Really good.
-Thank you, Chef.

Brad. Describe it.

A double cheeseburger
with a nice peppercorn au poivre sauce.

Why macerate a burger with all that sauce?

-Melissa, how does that look visually?

Two, four, six, eight.
I may want to regurgitate.


[Brad] No, it didn't look appealing.

But, oh, yeah, right now, I don't
look appealing, but I know I'm great.

It tastes way better than it looks.

And you've got the cook
on that burger beautifully done.

This is really difficult.

I'm gonna go...

a point with Melissa.

-Thank you, Chef.

-And Brad.

-Thank you, Chef.
-[all cheering]

Whatever. Let's go.
We are off to a good start.

[narrator] With both teams
strong out of the gate,

next, Jason and Carmen will
try to bring it in the...

[Ramsay] Battle of the chicken wings.
Describe those wings.

Sweet and salty glazed chicken wing
with a vinegar dip.

The wings have been confited.

-How'd you get them confit in 45 minutes?
-That's why I'm here.

Why so salty? What have you done there?

[stammering] I personally didn't think
they were salty,

but if they're overly salty,
then overadjustment.

[Ramsay] They are very, very salty.

[narrator] While confident Jason
fails to impress,

Carmen hopes to pull ahead with her...

Gochujang marinated chicken wings.
And I made an ocopa sauce.

[Ramsay] Really love the sauce underneath.
You've kept them rustic.

The point goes to Carmen.

-Red Team, well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

All right, Carmen!

No f*cking regrets.
I loved everything about that dish.

[narrator] With Carmen's wings
elevating the Red Team into the lead...

Up next, one of the greatest classics,
spaghetti and meatballs, let's go.

[narrator] ...Irish immigrant Ryan
has prepared his take

on an Italian-American classic.

We have spaghetti and meatballs, Chef.

I made the meatballs
with just pork, veal, and beef.

Delicious. Really good, indeed.
I love the finishing on it as well.

[narrator] Now it's time for
Atoye's penne pasta with...

Veal and pork meatballs
with some garlic and some thyme.

A penne meatball is not
an American comfort classic.

Let's get that absolutely
clear right here.

-I said elevate the dish, not change it.
-Yes, Chef.

The point goes to Ryan.
Congratulations. Well done.

-Thank you.
-Good job, bro.

[narrator] As the Blue Team
evens the score,

Sandra hopes Chef Ramsay
will flip for her...

A bit of an Italian take
on a Philly cheesesteak.

And I did a relish of Calabrian chili,
olives, and Romanescos.

-The colors pop on this one. Really good.
-Thank you, Chef.

I love the fact that you went
with that Italian influence.

[narrator] ...which is up against Devon's...

Coffee and pepper-marinated sirloin

that got sautéed with a tri-blend
of peppers and white onions.

It's very rare you get that meat,
it's still pink.

-Yes, Chef.
-And this was just subtle, sweet.

The point goes to Devon and Sandra.

-Well done.
-Thank you.

[Raneisha] All right.

[narrator] With the teams still tied,
up next is the battle of...

Mac and cheese, the all-American favorite.

[narrator] ...and Leigh is
looking to please with her...

Sage cream mac and cheese.

I love sage. It was the first herb
I grew in my fire escape herb garden.

-Herb garden in a fire escape?
-Yes, Chef.

Is that a smart place
to put a herb garden,

trying to get out
of a f*cking fire escape?


I have my priorities, Chef.
I need fresh herbs.

It's just rustic. It's charming.

It's the kind of thing
you want to dive into.

[narrator] After Leigh
getting quite the praise...

-It's really good.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] ...Dahmere is hoping
to outshine with his...

Fazzoletti pasta with shrimp and lobster
and a tarragon cream.

It's a very glamorous mac and cheese.

[narrator] And the point goes...

-To both of you. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

Next up, fried chicken. Let's go.

I'm a little nervous right now,
how the chicken's cooked.

But I just hope Chef Ramsay is gonna
taste my heart on this dish.

It's just a bold move to fry a breast.

Come on, baby.

It's cooked beautifully.

-Thank you.
-It's still moist and glistening in there.

Do you hear that crunch?

That is delicious.

After Johnathan gets a rave review,

Sammi hopes to put her team in the lead
with her chili aioli fried chicken.

Dark meat cooked beautifully.

-Bloody hell, that is good.
-Thank you, Chef.

Without a doubt,
both of you have a point, congratulations.

-Thank you, Chef.

I got a point. Hell yeah!

My daughter tells me every day, "Daddy,
you're the best chef in the world."

I have to make her proud.

[narrator] The teams remain tied
heading into the...

Battle of the pizza. Let's go.

-[Brad] Let's go, Mattias.
-You've got it, Raneisha.

[narrator] ...and both Raneisha
and Mattias are desperate to score.

I made a pizza with
braised tomatoes and red wine.

I'm absolutely looking for redemption
today. It's my time to shine.

[Ramsay] Wow.
Braising tomatoes in red wine?

-Welcome back, young man.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Yes, Mattias!

-Delicious. Where have you been?
-Thank you, Chef.

I don't know where the hell I've been,
but I'm here now.

Raneisha, describe the dish, please.

We all love dip, we all love pizza.
So why not have a pizza dip?

A pizza dip?

[Raneisha] I just deconstructed
and put the dough on the side.

What's the base of the dip?

You have mushrooms,
your bell peppers, your onions.

Like a supreme pizza, Chef.

[Ramsay] Man, so I'm just
pulling back the duvet of cheese.

I'm finding more and more things.

Spinach, oh, we've got some
pepperoni here, as well.

-You didn't tell me that.

-My apologies.


I asked you to think outside the box,
but you've sort of gone to Pluto.

-Mattias, good job. One point.
-Thank you, Chef.


I feel like I went to whatever planet
was beyond Pluto

'cause I really went way too far.

And that was a hell of a lot of cheese.
I didn't realize it.

Last pair, lobster roll, here we go.

[narrator] With the Blue Team
leading 6 to 5,

Donya needs a point with her lobster roll
to keep the Red Team's hopes alive.

Donya, let's go, please. Describe that.

[Donya] This is my take
on an East side lobster roll.

I poached my lobster
with garlic herb butter.

I love the simplicity of this.
Cooked beautifully.

I just wanna say one thing.

There's a point right there,
straight off the bat.

-Thank you, Chef.

Really good. Well done.

[Jermaine] We got a warm lobster roll,

and then elevate it a bit
by adding a little bit of bacon.

-Why bacon?
-A little bit of saltiness,

and I think everything
goes well with bacon.


Both of you back in
line for a moment, please.

Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Does Jermaine warrant a point?
Really tough.



gains a point as well.

[all cheering]

I am through the roof. I'm happy
I got this win for me and my team.

And I'm just relishing in its beauty
and in its glory right now.

[Ramsay] Blue Team, all of you

are going on a glorious getaway
to beautiful Santa Barbara.

-Oh, my God.

You're gonna be taking up a spot

in one of the most
stunning hotels, the Hotel Milo.

You're gonna be served an amazing dinner.

But there's more.
You are going parasailing.



Never been parasailing before,
so I'm buzzing.

I'm absolutely buzzing and delighted.

[Ramsay] Listen up. Red Team,

while the men are rising high
above the ocean,

all of you will be doing some rising
of your very own.

Because you'll be baking
lots and lots of bread

ahead of our next service
here in Hell's Kitchen.

We grind the wheat down by hand,

give the back and forearms
an amazing workout.

Melissa, you've got that Punishment Pass.

The big question is, will you be
watching the sunrise in Santa Barbara,

or watch the bread rise
here in Hell's Kitchen?

In the last punishment,
the Red Team wasn't there for me.

Don't ever look me in the eye
and lie to me.

Would any of you guys have lied to me
over a piece of confetti?

-[all] No.
-Hell no.

I will be going with the boys today.

Okay. Somebody from the Blue Team...


...has to stay behind and take your place.

Your decision.

[Brad] Please don't pick me.

Making bread all day, cracking the wheat?
Like, what is this? 1700s?

Did we just land on Plymouth Rock?

[Ramsay] Your choice.

Gotta pick somebody.

Melissa, somebody from the Blue Team...


...has to stay behind and take your place.

Your decision.

-It'll be Jason, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Jason.

Are you feeling
a little bit salty right now?

I've parasailed, it's fine.


You're full of shit.

-Hi, guys.
-[all] Hi, Jason.

[Melissa] I chose Jason
because he has a huge, huge ego.

So it'd be interesting
to put him with the girls,

to see who humbles who first.

Guys, why are you staring at me?
Get out of here! Come on!

-[all] Yes, Chef!

-[Brad] Yeah!
-[Mattias] Yes, baby!

[both] Let's go!

[singsongy] I'm gonna go to Santa Barbara.

-Ooh! Whoo!
-We're going to Santa Barbara.

[vocalizing] ♪ Here we go

[Dahmere] I'm super excited
to hang out with my team.

This was a hard-fought victory,
and we all deserve

some rest and relaxation away from hell.

[Brad] Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

[Devon] Yes!

This is hell.
We have to keep winning challenges.


[Devon laughs] Let's talk about this?
Let's talk.

Sun's out, g*ns out.

Melissa definitely used
her Punishment Pass at the perfect time.

[all cheering]

I feel lighter than
I've felt in years up there.

I'm beside myself. I'm so happy.
I'm on cloud nine right now.


Whoo! Yeah!



Okay, so once we have 28 cups,
you can put it in a bowl.


My arms are so dead, like, pfft.
It's just... it's never ending.

But this is all we have to do, right?

Oh, no, girl. We need 18 more.


I'm so serious.

Pfft, please.

I've been making bread
for a long f*cking time. It's not hard.

We should just stop that
mortar and pestle bullshit.

You're wasting your energy.

Jump on bread over here,
and we'll just keep going on this shit.

You know what I'm saying?

You got Jason over here
just making comments.

Make sure everybody knows
when we're measuring,

we're not using these as quarts.
Like, this is not f*cking accurate.

Just grind the f*ckin' flour, dude.

I'm this close from... real quick.

-One teaspoon.
-No, five tablespoons.

That was one tablespoon,
so I need four more of those.

-This is crazy.
-Yeah, it's getting pretty old.

-[Jason] Do you guys need help kneading?
-Uh, no.

I'm needy. [laughs]

We're just waiting for
his team to come back

so they can have him back. [laughs]

I was pretending it was your face
when I was kneading it.

Yeah, so now I can punch myself.


-Oh, my gosh.
-[Melissa laughs]

It keeps getting better.

-Someone pop that.
-Someone pop it?

-[all cheering]

[Brad] What are those? What are those?

Give me my shirt.

Welcome to Hotel Milo.


What a clean little pool we got here.

Yo, think about this real quick.
Food really got us here.

-Food is taking us places.
-Food is love.

-Yeah. That's a fact.
-For real, for real.

Pots, pans, scrapes, burns, long shifts
standing on feet, swollen joints...

like, we're really
in Santa Barbara right now, poolside,

because we can burn.

Beat out thousands of people

-because we can burn.
-That's wild, yo.

[Dahmere] Growing up, North Philadelphia,
it's not the best set of circumstances.

In between homes as a child.

Look at this, bro.

I'm proud of how far I've come,
trying to achieve that American dream.

I'm ready to kick back with my feet up.
You feel me?

You feel me? Huh? [laughs]

That's so true, man.

All the time people said, "Nah, man,
don't be... don't be a f*cking chef.

Go do anything the f*ck else."

I'd have done that, I'm not here.

-That's crazy.
-Hell yeah, man.

[narrator] With the Blue Team
back from Santa Barbara...

-All right, boys, let's go.
-Let's go.

[narrator] ...both teams are gearing up
for tonight's dinner service.

-We got this.
-Red Team's gonna win.

The boys gonna go home.

-Gentlemen, are we ready?
-[all] Yes, Chef.


-Yes, Chef?

-Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.
-Subito, subito.

[narrator] Once again, Hell's Kitchen

is the most coveted reservation
in Los Angeles,

with guests looking for good times...

-Cheers, guys.
-[narrator] ...good company...

-How are you?
-Better now that I'm here.

[narrator] ...and fantastic food.

Could I have the truffle carbonara?

In addition to the classic menu,

Chef Ramsay will provide
a dining room appetizer...

It will taste a little bit
like a French onion soup.

[narrator] ...a French onion crostini
to be served by Carmen from the Red Team

and Dahmere from the Blue Team.

Who don't like butter?
Butter make it better, baby.

[narrator] Tonight, both kitchens
will be hosting Chef's Tables.

In the Blue kitchen,
actress and model Nikki Howard.

So if we fall behind tonight,
can I draw on you?

-Sure. [laughs]
-She can cook.

[narrator] And in the Red kitchen,
Beverly Hills, 90210, Jennie Garth.

-Hello. [kisses]
-Lovely to see you both.

-[Ramsay] Stop the panic, yes? Let's go.
-We got the ladies.

Go, ladies!


Here we go.
Four covers, table five, ladies.

-Two scallops, two carbonara. Heard?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Four minutes, ladies.

-Let's go, Red.
-Counting down.

Counting down.

I got you.

Starting out,
Leigh and I were both nervous.

But I've been wanting to do apps.

I wanna get somewhere
where I'm unfamiliar.


I'm gonna really show myself
and show Chef Ramsay that I can step up.

-I put your lemon sauce in here.
-I think it's good.

Walking carb.

This is way too much liquid.
Did you put more than one ladle in there?

No, I think it was a bit
more water from the pasta.

I watched you just put
a second ladle in there.

Don't f*cking lie to me.
I just watched you put...

-Yeah, and it was watery.
-[Leigh] Oh, God.

You can't f*cking lie to people.

Walking carbonara. Carbonara, Chef.

-Very nice, the carbonara.
-Doing good so far, but don't celebrate.

[Ramsay] Service, please.

[narrator] With the Red kitchen
off to the races on appetizers...

We're gonna win for sure.

[narrator] ...the Blue Team is looking

to get out of the starting gate
strong as well.

-Blue Team. Here we go.
-Yes, Chef.

Six covers, table one.
Two tartare, two carbonara, two risotto.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-I need five minutes on lobster.

-Heard. I'll pull back a little bit.
-Let's go, guys, yes?

[all] Yes, Chef.

I feel rejuvenated.
I feel like I got a little bit

more spring in my step and ready
to come in here and kick some ass today.

-20 seconds, first risotto.
-Walking lobster.

Let's go.

-[Ramsay] Hey, Mattias.

-Go. Go up there.

[Ramsay] Just touch that there.
It's not gonna bite. It's ice cold.

-Get it f*cking back in, come on.
-Yes, Chef.

-Pardon me.
-Is that for this risotto?

-All right.

Let me know about this lobster tail.

You're okay. You're okay.

Can you put that one over?

Rough start, but we're gonna drive.
We're gonna push.

Keep that there. Keep that there.

I will not let that man
stand on that thin ice by himself.

Good to walk lobster, Devon?

-Yeah, I'm ready for you.
-Walking lobster. Right behind.

Two lobster here, Chef.

[Ramsay] Come on. Come on.

Oh, f*ck. Blue Team, come here.

No, no. Not again.

Risotto beautifully cooked.
And then comes the f*cking lobster.

-Can you see that?
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] That is f*cking raw.

-Yes, Chef.
-That is f*cking raw.

[narrator] It's just minutes
into dinner service...

[Ramsay] Blue Team, come here.

[narrator] ...and Mattias' lobster...

-[Ramsay] That is f*cking raw.
-Yes, Chef.

-That is f*cking raw. Back in!
-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] ...has the Blue Team
off to a fishy start.

I hope they don't mess up again,
'cause he's gonna f*cking lose his shit.

-It's a poached lobster.
-Yes, Chef.

-They're just dropping in f*cking butter.

Refire the table.

[all] Yes, Chef.

Like, seriously? We're all trying
to rally around Mattias right now.

I'm literally talking just to him

and ignoring everyone around me
so that I can lead him to success.

-How much longer do you need?
-[groans] f*ck, man.

I need a minute and a half on two lobster.

I'm hoping he'll get it together soon,

if he doesn't, he's not gonna
be here much longer.

Coming down. Coming down.

-Two lobster.
-Walking now.

-Nicely cooked, the lobster.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Service, please.
-[narrator] While the Blue Team

is off thin ice and able
to get their appetizers out...

It's a party in my mouth,
and I don't want it to stop.

[narrator] ...the Red Team is now
delivering entrees to the pass.

Walk with the pan. Let's go.

-Walk, walk, walk, walk.
-Hot, corner.

Coming with halibut right now.

Oh, boy.

Ladies, come here. VIP table.

We're cooking beautifully, and then all of
a sudden I get this bit of shit coming up.

I'm just not gonna serve that.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Holy shit.

I would never eat that.
That doesn't look good.

Get it back. Let's go.

-Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

With Sammi bringing the Red Team

to a screeching halt with
her overcooked halibut...

-I need five minutes.
-Five minutes on that refire.

-[narrator] ...over in the Blue kitchen...
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Oh, my God.

[narrator] ...Chef Ramsay has spotted
something even more disturbing.

The f*ck is Jason doing?

Chef Table, smearing cold butter
on a f*cking steak.

Jason, is that the way I showed you?
Just smear butter on and not in the pan?

I just basted it.
I'm splashing it before we go up.

-You just basted it?
-Yes, Chef.

Hey, young man. Come here, you.
You, come here.

Bring me the New York strip.

-You just basted that? Touch that.
-Yes, Chef.

-Is that basted?
-No, Chef.

Right. Look at me.

When you're running your own empire,
then you call the f*cking sh*ts.

-Yes, Chef.
-If I catch you

just smearing cold butter on steak...

Do you have any idea
what that does to the steak?

-It ruins it.
-Yeah. It turns it gray.

You do it my way or it's
the f*cking highway.

-Is that clear?

-That is not basted. Is that basted?
-No, Chef.

So cut the bullshit,
both of you, is that heard?

-[both] Yes, Chef.
-Heard that.

Chef Ramsay sees everything.

That man's got eyes
in the back of his head.

-And don't f*cking lie to me again.
-No, Chef.

Can't pull the wool over his eyes.
He is who he is because of what he does.

-You ready? Are we ready for that?
-Walk garnish.

-Yeah, walk garnish.
-Walking Wellie.

-Garnish walking right now.
-Let's go.

-Hot behind, hot behind.
-Let's go.

-Hot behind, hot behind.
-Yes, let's go.

[Ramsay] Go, Jay.

With Jason finally delivering steaks

up to Chef Ramsay's standards...

[Howard] Thank you. This looks phenomenal.

[narrator] ...over in the Red kitchen...

I got three minutes on
New York strip, right?

Three minutes on salmon. Heard.

[narrator] ...Donya on the meat station
seems to be finding her rhythm.

Let's push, girls. Let's push.

When the whole kitchen's working together,
it's like a choir.


How long refire?

Where's the fish?

-One and a half.
-90 seconds.

Refire halibut and salmon.

Salmon garnish is up.

I got garnish

Two Wellies, two sirloins.

I'm the baritone.

I'm on meat

One and a half for two Wellies
and two sirloins. Heard?

[all] Heard.

I'm bringing the whole tone together.

Well, hold on. Can you give me a minute?

Can you give me a minute?
I just dropped your fries.

Atoye is a little bit of an alto.
It's more like a...

[singing poorly] ♪ Ah, ah

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

-I just came over here to help.
-No, it's okay.

[laughs] We gotta put her
back in choir practice.

Once that confidence is there,
she gonna be sounding like Beyoncé,

I tell you that much. [laughs]

-How long, please?
-Walking now, Chef.


Hot behind. Hot.

-Nicely cooked, the New York strip.
-Thank you, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Nicely cooked, the halibut.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] We're back on it now.

-It's beautiful to hear.
-[choir singing]

-Fire now, two salmon, two lamb.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

Two salmon, two lamb,
two minutes on that, Chef.

Jason and Ryan, let's go, y'all.
No more mistakes.

Good, yeah? That's good.

-That's medium rare.

-Two salmon, two lamb... how long?
-Walking lamb. Walking lamb.

The f*cking lamb's raw.
Blue Team, come here.

-[both] Yes, Chef.
-f*ck's sake. f*ck's sake.

-[Ramsay] Ryan, Jason.
-[both] Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] I got f*cking raw lamb.
Hey, you, fuckface.

I'm not f*cking about,
so wipe the f*cking smirk off your face.

[Jason] Yes, Chef.

f*cking raw lamb.
I'm done with this shit, man.

I'm f*cking done with it.

-Come on, come on.
-Let's go.

I got the salmon.

-Salmon out.
-I got the salmon.

He said the F-word, like, eight times.
If someone talked to me like that,

-I would burst into tears.
-[laughs] Me too.

I don't f*cking get it. I do not get it.

Three minutes out on those two lamb.

[Devon] We can't let Chef Ramsay get
utterly tired of us and kick us all out.

We're not gonna send it
until it's f*cking right.

You know, Ryan,
you've gotta pull it together.

Because otherwise, you're putting
a huge bull's-eye on your back.

I'm not great at darts, but I guarantee
you I'm going straight for the center.

Someone give me a sizzler for sauce.

Two lamb, two Wellies, how long?

-Three and a half, Chef.
-That's good.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-You talking?

[all] Yes, Chef!

-She's not saying anything!
-Yes, Chef.

Is there any chance
you can reprogram her mind?

She just stands there in silence.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yeah, can you talk to her, please?

-Did you get the entrée?
-I'm trying to remember.

Listen, man, it's...
it's hard to hear in the kitchen.

There's a lot of clanking around,

a lot of people talking,
like, in the dining room.

-That's good, Sandra?
-[Ramsay] Hey, Sandra.

-[Ramsay] Sandra. So how long?

Let's go, Red Team!

I'm gonna need a garnish in four minutes.

It's just, like, so much stuff
is going on, and I'm like, huh?

[Ramsay] Sandra, come here.

What is it? The pressure of service?
What is it?

It's retaining the tickets. Remembering.

But you're standing
two meters away from it.

Yes. It just clearly gets
scrambled in my brain, Chef.

But you're not even trying.
Do you wanna try?

I feel like I am.

No, I'm telling you, you're not trying.

You're not talking.
You're not communicating.

If you're gonna stay silent,
you may as well go home.

It's 90 minutes into dinner service...

If you're gonna stay silent,
you may as well go home.

[narrator] ...and Sandra's silence
on the garnish station

has the Red Team stuck in neutral.

-It's just getting used to it.

But if you try, it will sink in.

-Yes, Chef.
-Don't overthink it.

-That's what I think you're doing.

You're overcomplicating it.

-I'm sure I am.

-Yeah. I need to speak up, Chef.
-Come on.

-You do need to speak up.

It's not too late, young lady.
We've still got two tables, let's go!

I know I can do better.

It's just a different intensity
that I haven't done in a while.

-We on you, Sandra.
-How long you got?

-Got it.

It's just trying to find my voice.

Garnish, please. Let's go, Sandra.

-Walking now.
-[Donya] Heard.

Walking to the pass.

-Hot, hot.
-Good. Let's go. Down the end, quick.

-Nicely cooked, the lamb.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] And the Wellington,
cooked beautifully. Here we go.


[narrator] As Sandra gets
her head back in the game...

I'm glad you enjoy it. Thank you.
Glad you enjoy everything.

Let's keep it going.

[narrator] ...over in the Blue kitchen...

I think you're good.

...Ryan is ready with his refired lamb.

-Chef, lamb. Sorry about that one.
-Oh, f*ck off, Ryan.

We aren't f*cking sorry about that, yeah.

-Go, bud.
-All right, we're good.

We're good, we're good.

With the Blue Team back on track...

-Thank you for the patience.
-Very good.

[narrator] ...the diners are thrilled
with what they're receiving...

-Oh, God. This is so good.
-It's delicious.

[narrator] ...and the finish line
is in sight.

-Last table, two salmon, two lamb.
-Five minutes out, Chef.

Last ticket. Come on, guys.

Last order, one halibut,
one New York strip.

-Heard, Chef.
-How long?

-Two minutes, Chef.
-Last push. Last push.

Let's just be done with this.

We're okay.

-Walking salmon and lamb.
-Behind, behind.

[Ryan] Lovely.

[Ramsay] Last table, John.

Donya, beautifully cooked.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Go, John.

[narrator] Both teams managed to
end the night on a positive note.

-[Garth] It's, like, perfect.
-[Atoye] Good job, ladies.

Never again are we getting sent
out the kitchen, yeah? Never again.

We finally completed service.

Makes me happy,

the fact that I have to
make a decision on a winning team.

The winning team tonight...

is the Red Team.

-[all] Thank you, Chef.

Blue Team, go back and communicate
amongst each other,

and come back to me with the two
weakest individuals on your team.

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Get out of here. Ladies, well done.
-[all] Thank you, Chef.

What the f*ck?

I'm over here laughing
at the boys sweating right now

'cause, hey, y'all lost, we won.

-Good job.
-Good job, ladies.

So, hey, somebody gotta go home.

I just wanna point out that
the only people who would be put up

based on performance tonight
is anybody who had a f*ck-up

or anybody who had something sent back.

I think that's the only people
who could be considered.

So raise your hand if you
had food sent back tonight.



I don't believe I should be up there.

I got up there for the sake of
a lamb that was a sec,

two minutes away, all right?

I've been a f*cking team player
the whole way,

helping everybody where it's needed.

Personally, I feel like
Ryan should go up tonight.

I'm sorry.
That just doesn't f*cking add up.

I understand Ryan not
wanting to put himself up

based upon the leader he's been on a team
and things he's done.

I fixed the mistakes,
and everything else was f*cking perfect.

But the bottom line is,
you sent up raw lamb,

and there has to be some type of ownership
and responsibility

for sending anything up raw.

I'm gonna go for Ryan and Mattias.

Those two lobsters weren't even
f*cking cooked. They were raw.

[Mattias] The lobster, it was under.
I'm not debating it was under.

When I put that lobster
back in the pot to refire,

it came up literally in 90 seconds.

I bounced back incredibly hard.

I know that I did make slight mistakes,
but they were just that... slight mistakes.

It's not me tonight.
For damn sure, it's not me tonight.

I'm not trying to just save my own ass.

I think I'm showing that I'm strong,
and I'm showing that I'm getting stronger.

For me, it was whatever got him mad.

-Putting the butter on and the lying.
-[Devon] You lied to his face.

I was not lying to anyone's face.

And for somebody to have
had all of your backs

since day one,
I would expect that in return.

I find it offensive when
somebody calls me a liar,

and you guys don't have my back.

Why did he say you were laughing?

Yeah, he made a big point about that.

No, I didn't laugh.

I'm not f*cking about,
so wipe the f*cking smirk off your face.

Did anybody hear a laugh? Of course not.

[Mattias] It's getting old.

He does what he wants to do,

and he doesn't care about
anyone but himself.

I have integrity and honor.
I would not do that.

[Mattias] You can't be a chef and do that.

He's just a glorified line cook
with a giant ego.

Am I going down over nothing? f*ck no.

I don't think I deserve to go up there.
You guys had more mistakes than I did.

There's no way I'm going up there.

I'm putting that out there.
And that's a f*cking fact.

Two of y'all three have to be sent up.

Jermaine, Blue Team's
first nominee and why?

First nominee is...

Mattias because of the raw lobster.

Okay. Blue Team's second nominee and why?

Second nominee is...

-Jason, Chef.

Why Jason?

We chose Jason because of
the disrespect in the kitchen.

Jason, Mattias, step forward, please.
Let's go.

Mattias, the ice cold lobster
tonight... what happened?

I brought it up a little too early.

I did make my mistakes today,
but I still bounced back.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I feel like I'm a strong chef.

Every day that I'm in Hell's Kitchen,
I'm becoming stronger.

I feel like I'm a better teammate
than the person standing to my left.

[Ramsay] Jason, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

I feel I should stay because
I anchored the kitchen tonight.

We got through service tonight.

We had zero steaks sent back
tonight because of myself.

And I am a better team member
than my counterpart, Chef.

Well, I turned my back,
and you had these two steaks,

and you're smearing them with cold butter
and sticking it in the oven.

That, young man, is upsetting for me.
That is not how you baste a steak.

-May I explain?

The steaks were already basted,
were resting.

I put butter on them, absolutely,
there's no denying it,

and I was flashing them
when they were fired, Chef.

I want it butter basted.


-Understand the f*cking difference.
-Yes, Chef.

My decision is...


-Get back in line.
-Yes, Chef.


I told you, young man, you're on thin ice.

And unfortunately, tonight, the ice broke
wide open, and you fell through.

You're not ready to become my head chef.
Give me your jacket, please.

-Thank you for the opportunity, Chef.
-Good night.

[Mattias] Bye, guys. Thank you.

I feel like the wrong person went home.

No matter how much more
experience on paper he has than me,

I think I'm still a better chef
than he'll ever be.

I showed that I'm bouncing back.
But at the end of the day,

I did make the mistakes I made.
I gotta own up to that.

This is a life-changing opportunity
for me, and, uh... I just...

I wanted to come home a winner.

Jason, I know you've got the talent
and the experience, granted.

But if you continue to cut corners,

your talent and your experience
will mean zero to me.

-Yes, Chef!

Blue Team, Red Team, get out of here.

-I'm sorry, Chef.
-Oh, my...

[Jason] I don't give a shit
about being a d*ck.

I am here to make Chef Ramsay proud.

And I'm here to be the season 22
winner of Hell's Kitchen. That's it.


Jason's still here, but he's not on
my team. He's not dragging me down.

If anything, it puts me
in a better position

because he's gonna
make the Blue Team weaker,

cause more divisions amongst their team,

and just be one more person
I know I can beat in the finale.

[Ryan] This is a good wake-up call for me.

I need to be on top of my game
all the time.

Like, 100% is not good enough.

I need to be 110%
at any given time, all the time.

I'm just here to win.
And I won't be happy until I do it.

[Ramsay] Mattias has had
three services to impress me.

Unfortunately, he struck out.

[narrator] Next time, on Hell's Kitchen...

-Get your shit together.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

[narrator] As both teams
are feeling the heat...

I've got no idea what the f*ck
is happening right now.

[narrator] ...Jason tries to drive
a wedge far into the Red Team.

Every single one of your team members
have complained about you because of this.

Which... What are you talking about?

But will it cause them to splinter?

m*therf*ckers don't like me.
I'ma keep it 100.

You f*cking with me right now,
like, hold on.

The next thing that we're doing now
is two halibut, one salmon!

Oh, f*ck me, man.

-That's burnt.
-How does that happen?

Oh, f*ck. Why are we
getting so upset over a fish?

[narrator] And tension is at
an all-time high in the Blue kitchen.

[overlapping voices]

Come on, someone, just bring something up.

[narrator] Who will crack...

One minute is fine!

-[narrator] ...under the pressure?

f*ck off outside and f*ck off.

[narrator] Find out on a wildly
out of control episode...

Just bring a damn fish!

[narrator] ...of Hell's Kitchen.