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22x10 - The Pastabilities Are Endless

Posted: 04/19/24 11:15
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen:
The American Dream...

-That's my girl.

[narrator] After Atoye barely survived
the cook for your life challenge,

Chef Ramsay gave her a new opportunity.

The person joining the Blue Team is Atoye.

Blue looks good on me, you know.

[narrator] In the profit margin challenge...

-I've got protein.
-Can I get six scallops?

Trumpet mushrooms.

[narrator] ...Sammi commanded a high price
for her filet mignon.

Does it taste as good as it looks?

-Mm-hmm. I think 52.
-[Ramsay] Good price. Well done.

[narrator] The Blue Team also impressed
with their dishes.

-Wow. Rib eye cap?

-What would you price that at?
-$48 maybe.

-Wow, that's a good price.
-Thank you, Chef.

-What did you pay for your scallop?
-Uh, ten dollars.

-Yeah, I think you could charge 44.
-Wow, good price.

[narrator] But the dish of the day
belonged to Johnathan...

That's so good.

Now that's like, "You have to go there
and get the pork chop."

Congratulations, $52. Well done.

[narrator] ...who clinched the win
for the Blue Team.

In dinner service, Sandra had
missteps on the meat station.

-Still looking a little rare.
-Let's pop 'em in.

[narrator] But from that point on,
both kitchens worked flawlessly.

Nicely cooked, the strip.

[narrator] With three tickets left
in each kitchen, Chef Ramsay announced...

First to finish is gonna win.

-Let's go!
-[all] Yes, Chef!

We're not going up for elimination.
Let's go.

-No room for error.
-Running hot!

-Walking salmon.
-Final table.

But on their last ticket, Sandra...

-Two Wellies!
-...and Donya...

Go, go, go. This is good.

...disappointed with their Wellingtons...

It's still f*cking cold.

-It's cold. It's cold!
-Damn it.

[narrator] ...which was all
the Blue Team needed to secure

their second win of the day.

-Congratulations, Blue Team. You won.

[narrator] In the end,
the Red Team nominated...


-[narrator] ...and...

[narrator] But ultimately,
Chef Ramsay selected...


[narrator] ...terminating her American dream
of becoming head chef

at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen
restaurant at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

And now the continuation
Hell's Kitchen.

Blue Team, Red Team, get out of here.

[Donya] You never wanna be
that one on the chopping block.

All it means is that
I have to work harder.

I'm only gonna get better
every single day.

Let's f*cking go. No more games. No more...

-No playtime. Let's go, bro.
-Yeah, no more games.

Everybody in here.

It's go time, b*tches.

-Yeah. Group hug. Group hug.

[Carmen] Yes, I love you, girl.

I'm on a new level.

That's how I feel right now.

I'm feeling motivated.

I'm feeling determined today
to make Saxon proud.

-She lost her first tooth...

...said, "Uncle Anthony gave me an apple."

And it's just, like, her smile
and-and it's the bottom tooth missing.

-She's five? Oh, yeah.

That's when they start dropping.

I'm so sick of teeth everywhere.

[John] Atoye is the only other person
with kids in the house

and understands the sacrifices you make
and how hard they can be sometimes.

So it just feels nice
to have her comfort and support.

[Atoye] When you get back home,
she's gonna be so tall.

You're like,
"Where did this growth spurt come from?"

[John] Dude.

I have the days counted down,
how long I've been gone.

And I just hope she just understands

that I'm doing this
for our American dream.

I'm so hyped now.

-Time to go.

[Atoye] Mm-hmm.

Let's go, guys.

Oh, wow.

-Good morning.
-Good morning, Chef.

[all] Morning, Chef!

Immediately, we see Jordan Chiles.

She was in the Olympics.
You cannot get better than that.

What is going on here?

In the 2020 Summer Olympics,
Jordan maintained her balance...

-...her composure,

and helped lead Team USA to win
that amazing silver medal.

[Dahmere] Ms. Chiles is doing front flips,
somersaults, handstands

on a 4-inch wide beam.

[chuckles] Like, this shit is amazing.

[Ryan] My chin was scraping the floor
watching her do that.

No way I'd be able to do that
in a million years.

Not a chance, not a hope.

That's great.

That was incredible.

Thank you. This is an honor.

What's the key to achieve
the American dream?

What it would be?

I would say go out there,
do what you know you can do.

Don't worry about the negativity
that comes in.

Stay positive and always believe
in the power of your dreams.

Your dreams are huge,

and nobody can tell you
anything different.

All of you, give it up
for the amazing Jordan Chiles.

-Thank you!

-Thank you.
-Bye, guys!

-[Ramsay] Right.

To start your next big challenge,

I'm going to test
all of your balance and composure.

All of you, follow me outside. Let's go.

Come on. Line up!

[Carmen] We're running outside,
and I see two balance beams.

Is that tomato sauce?

This almost feels like another punishment.

Maybe the sauce tastes good, and I'll just
make some pasta and lick it off.

That's right.

You'll be balancing on these beams
suspended over marinara.

Oh, my God.

For today's challenge,
each team will need to create

four beautifully-balanced pasta dishes.

You'll need ingredients
to go with your pasta.

Each team will cross
each team's balance beam one at a time.

If you make it to the end
of the balance beam,

there are those huge bowls
full of ingredients.

Grab your ingredient,
carefully head back across the beam,

and put it next to the pasta
you'd like to pair it with.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

But be careful,
because if you fall off the balance beam,

you'll lose your ingredient
and go back in line.

The team that finishes their board first

will win a five-minute head start
in the kitchen.

-[Ramsay] Right. Line up. Let's go.

Let's get it.

We gotta be fast.

I know these girls are quick,
and they all do their yoga in the morning.

But I think I can keep up.

On your mark, get set, go!

-Let's go, J.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

-Come on, Johnny!
-Good job, Leigh!

We absolutely have to hurry right now.

The five-minute head start
is a big advantage.

-Let's go. Leigh, well done.
-Okay, what do we want?

Look for vegetables!

I'm so sick of losing,
so we need this win.

-Parmesan cheese?

-Mascarpone, ricotta!


Almost every pasta dish has
a little cheese in it somewhere.

They go together like milk and cookies.


Agnolotti, Pecorino.

-[Ramsay] Let's go, Dahmere.
-Big steps. Big steps, D.

Let's go. There you go.

With my football background,
I'm a physically-inclined individual.

-[Ramsay] The... Oh, hey!
-Come on, D!

[Ramsay] Careful, careful, careful!

-Well done.
-Truffle oil.

I grabbed tomatoes.

[Dahmere] I'm light on my feet.
I got great balance.

Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
This is going to be a breeze.

That's it, Dahmere!

-Let's go!
-Well done, Dahmere!

-Well done. Good.
-[Red Team] Ravioli.

-Next! Next! Next!
-[Blue Team] Go, go, go!

-Let's go!
-Don't rush me.

I am not a graceful ballerina.

I'm kind of like a Tasmanian devil.

-You got it, Carmen. Just focus.
-[screams] Oh, no.

I really do not want to take
a tomato bath today.

My granny would be faster.
She died 10 years ago. Come on!

-Mascarpone! Mascarpone!
-You got it, Carmen!

[Carmen] Don't yell my name.

Girl, let's go! Like, come on.
We have to win this.

All right.

Pearl onions, quail eggs, salmon, shrimp.

-[both] Shrimp.

-This is going with the rav, yeah?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, my God. This is really not good.


-You gotta make up some time here, Don.
-Yes, Chef.

-Put it with tagliatelle! Tagliatelle!
-Go, go, go!

[narrator] With Donya channeling
her inner Jordan Chiles...


Prosciutto, yes!

-Truffle oil?
-[Blue Team] Yes!

...both teams are now neck and neck...

-Go, go, go!

-Lump crab?

Let's go! Grab and go!

[narrator] And quickly filling up
their ingredient boards...

-Ravioli you said?
-No. Top, top, top, top.

[Ramsay] Come on, Sammi.
You're the dancer.

[Sammi] I used to compete in dance,
so I feel like my balance is pretty great.

I used to be able to do multiple turns
on one leg.

So I am feeling very confident
on this beam.


Heard, mascarpone.

I have no doubt in my mind
that I'm going to rock this thing out.

[all] Ooh!

-You okay? You sure?
-Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, my God. Sammi ate shit.

She just slips and falls.

And it's like in slow motion.

[distorted] Ooh!

-Here you go.

[narrator] With Sammi's fall costing
the Red Team precious time

and an ingredient...

Yes, Donya!

[narrator] ...they must hustle
to catch up with the Blue Team...

-[Dahmere] I got veal!
-Perfect! Yeah, perfect!

[narrator] order to win
the five-minute advantage.

-You got this. You got this. You got this.

-[all] No!
-Ground pork!

Okay, pork. Pork.

[Ramsay] Blue Team, one ingredient!

-Great work, Atoye. Take your time.
-Looking beautiful, Atoye.

-Looking beautiful.

Oh, shit.

-Get back in line!

-Get back in line!
-You got it. Quickly, Carmen. You got it.

Two ingredients quickly!

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

-Come on! We're losing the lead!

Where is it going, guys? Talk to me.

-Agnolotti with the pine nut!

-Go, go, go, go!
-[Ramsay] Let's go, Johnathan!

Come on! You got this! You got this!

Neck and neck. Grab and go, baby!

Let's go. One more!

[narrator] With both teams tied,
it's down to Johnathan and Leigh.

One ingredient! Quick!

-Let's go, Leigh!

-Yes, olives!


-Come on, Johnny!
-Let's go, Leigh!

Go, Leigh!

-Let's go, Leigh!
-[Ramsay] Quick, quick!


Blue Team, well done. Give yourself
a round of applause. Come on!

-[Ramsay] Well done.

Wow, that was close!

Blue Team, an extra five minutes.

Ladies, you'll have to stand and watch
until five minutes have gone.

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef!

All of you, head into the kitchen.
Let's go.

[all] Yes, Chef.

[narrator] Each chef has chosen
the pasta dish they plan to execute.

[Ramsay] Ladies, line up at the pass.

-That's right here. Atoye?
-Yep. Yep.

[narrator] With four different types
of pasta and five chefs on the Blue Team,

Dahmere and Atoye are both
making pappardelle dishes.

[Santos] Have you made pasta before?

-[Atoye] I have but not pappardelle.
-[Santos] Okay.

I like to have fun with food.

And, you know, sometimes I have to
sneak in things for my kids.

I forgot about my mozzarella, Chef.

-You're going to stuff them?

Let's do a nice little surprise
in the meatball.

-Turn it low. Just turn it low.

Good head start.
Better be good dishes today.

Yes, Chef.

Agnolotti, it's my favorite shape,
been making it for 15 years.

I go into work six hours...
every day... early

-to learn how to cook good food.
-I'm excited to see 'em.

I'm so confident about my agnolotti
because it's a pasta shape

that's very near and dear to my heart.

It will speak for itself.

I can feel your confidence from here.

-[Jason] Yes, Chef.
-Dig it.

Stand by, ladies.

Three, two, one. Go.

Go, go, go. We got this. Yes?

-[all] Yes!
-That was f*cking quick.

[kisses] You're gonna make me win tonight.

We only got 40 minutes,

which is not a lot of time to really go
for pasta sauce then pasta-making.

I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling ready.

But I have super faith in the Red Team.

I'm guaranteeing we're pulling this out
for a win.

If you're making a sauce,
make sure you're building that up.

[Donya] Yes, Chef.

You've obviously
made ravioli before, right?

-Yes, Chef.

I'm feeling good about this one.

So I'm going to do a jumbo lump crab
and pea ravioli with mascarpone.

My restaurant's Italian.
I make ravioli fresh every single day.

This is my challenge to win 100%.

Dough just glides through that.

Everyone rolling out
their doughs and stuff?

-Have to roll really f*cking fast.

Just want some of this in there.

Ravioli is one of the hardest pastas
to make.

That's good for now.

And I'm going up against Ryan,

and he's one of the strongest chefs
on the Blue Team,

so it's a lot of pressure

because I want the Red Team to win.

Haven't used this before.

-These pastas need to be getting in.

Seven and a half minutes, ladies.

Is that a tortellini?

-Isn't that what it is? Uh...

[Sammi] Wait, what?

Oh, I f*cked up.
[stammers] I can't do this.

[stammers] I just f*cked up. [sighs]

-These pastas need to be getting in.

Seven and a half minutes, ladies.

Is that a tortellini?

-Isn't that what it is? Uh...

[Sammi] Wait, what?

Oh, I f*ck... [stammers] I can't do this.

[stammers, sighs]

Roll out a little bit more.

It's a different stuffed pasta.

It's not even the right shape.

-I wasted so much time.
-It's okay. You're fine.

I haven't even stuffed my pasta,

still have to boil it,
still haven't made my sauce.

They've got to go in the water. Let's go.

I am seeing red right now. I have no idea
if I can get this done in time.

-[Ramsay] Gotta start cooking.

-Sammi, gotta start cooking somewhere.
-[Christina] That's gotta get in water.

Let's go. Two minutes to go!

-In the water. Sammi, come on. Please.
-I got it, Chef. Going in. Got it.

[Ramsay] 45 seconds to go.

Pasta does not wait for anybody, right?

-Nice, Jason.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Ten seconds to go.
-Get it on the plate. Let's go.

-Dahmere, are you good? Okay.
-I'm coming now.

Five, four, three, two, one.

-Behind, behind.
-[Ramsay] And serve, ladies.

Well done.

Oh, boy. Don't throw the plates.

Here to help me judge your dishes is
one of the foremost authorities of pasta.

Please welcome Evan Funke.


-[Ramsay] Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.
-[Funke] Thank you so much.

I'm over the moon.

I mean, Evan Funke's pasta
is on a whole nother level.

The architecture of the shape
is extremely important.

So that's what
I'm gonna be looking for here.

I'm excited, but there's an immense amount
of pressure right now

to step up to the occasion
because this is the GOAT of pasta.

Let's begin with the battle
of the tagliatelle.

Let's go. Donya and Johnathan.

I'm a little nervous
because I get to go against Johnathan.

It's like when you get to prison,
you want to go,

you know,
beat up the biggest person in the room.

It's like that in the kitchen too.

[Ramsay] Donya, please,
describe your dish to Chef.

You've got a nice basil tagliatelle
with shrimp

and some fresh burrata right
on top of that for you, Chef.


-Flavor-wise, it's quite good.
-Shrimp cooked beautifully.

-Just tidy up the presentation.
-Yes, Chef.

-Johnathan, describe your dish to Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

I did a quick ragù
of mushrooms and pancetta.

I may sound like an assh*le later,
but I feel really good about my dish.

There's very thin pasta,

-and then also very, very thick pasta, so...
-[Ramsay] Yeah.

-Be careful of the thickness, young man.

[Ramsay] Chef, does the point go
to the Red Team or the Blue Team?

-Your decision.
-The point's going to go to the Red.

-[Ramsay] Congratulations.
-Yes, Chef.


There you go, Johnathan.


[narrator] After a strong start
from Donya,

Carmen hopes to impress
with her ravioli stuffed with...

Mozzarella-lobster filling
with shallots and garlic.

[Funke] Lobster is such a special
ingredient, it should be the main star.

Yeah, be more generous with that lobster.
Lobster pasta is a winning combination.

-Right. Ryan.
-My dish is a mascarpone and crab ravioli

with some fresh peas.

Delicious, clean, fresh.

Pasta is rolled beautifully.

Chef, the point, is it going to
the Red Team or the Blue Team?

Blue Team gets a point. Very well done.

-[Ramsay] Young man, congratulations.
-Thank you very much, Chef.

I'm just beaming from ear to ear.

I don't want to cheese too hard
in front of two of my heroes,

but I'm buzzing on the inside right now.

[narrator] Next up is the battle of the...

Pappardelle. Let's go.

[narrator] Leigh must beat Dahmere
and Atoye with her...

Pork pappardelle take on a Bolognese.

[narrator] win the point.

[Funke] The pappardelle looks good.

Finesse is on point.
Seasoning is delicious.

[Ramsay] Atoye, please describe your dish.

I have a veal meatball.

And inside, I have it stuffed
with mozzarella cheese.

And then I did a red wine sauce.

-You stuffed the meatball with mozzarella?


The pasta is okay.

But I think the red wine
is just overpowering.

Thank you, Chef.

Visually, the colors is not
showing off the pasta.

Yes, Chef.

Dahmere, describe your dish,
please, to Chef.

So what we have here is
a veal and pancetta meatball,

blush sauce, pappardelle.

Visually, it's a little bit underwhelming.

I think flavor-wise, it's good.
But the pasta's very undercooked.

Is it the Red Team
or one of the Blue Team, please?

-Clearly, the Red Team. Great job.
-Thank you so much, Chef.

Red Team 2-to-1.

We've got one more dish to taste.

The battle of the agnolotti.

Jason and Sammi, let's go.


It is Evan Funke.

My agnolotti is chicken
and cremini mushroom

with some blanched asparagus.

The flavor's delicious.
It's well-seasoned.

Uh, the shape is, uh, interesting.


You know traditionally
that's not an agnolotti shape, right?

-Yes, Chef.
-But good effort.

-Seasoning is on point.

Right. Young man,
describe your dish to Chef, please.

I have a portobello mushroom
duxelles-stuffed agnolotti.

I've done this shape
a million times in my career.

It's my favorite shape to make.
I have this in the bag.

it's a little bit more traditional.

However, I do see quite a bit
of uncooked pasta on this.


It's very thick.

So, Chef, if the women get this,
the women have won.

I think this one is rather tough.

But I think that we'll give
the point to the Red Team.

-Congratulations. Sammi, well done.
-Thank you, Chef.


I'm apparently the pasta queen now.

I mean, my last name is Tarantino,
so I'm a little Sicilian Italian.

All of you join me in thanking
this incredible legend

for giving up his day to be here.

-Chef, continued success.
-Thank you.

-Thank you so much, Chef.
-Thank you.

Red Team, we have a very special reward.

I've arranged for you
to meet a couple of GOATs.

I think these are some of
the best ever in their fields.

Four of you are off to...

goat yoga.

-Oh, wow!

-Oh, my God.

-Oh, that's so perfect.

It's just incredible.

[Ramsay] Blue Team,

I need 200 pounds of fresh pasta
ahead of tonight's service.

That means separating the eggs,
kneading the dough,

rolling and cutting the most
sought-after pasta on the planet.

Johnathan, you've got
that punishment pass.

They can have it.
I'll hang with my crew tonight.

Admirable, young man.
Very, very admirable.

Oh, by the way, ladies,

there's a surprise for each of you
in the dorm from me personally.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Thank you.

Head off to the dorm.

-Yes, Chef.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Well done.
-Thank you.

-Good job, ladies.
-Good job, ladies.



-Oh, my God.
-We get a coffee machine?

[gasps] OXO containers?

-Oh, this is...
-This is nice.

Congratulations. OXO is treating you

-to a shopping spree.
-A shopping spree.

Oh, my gosh, a complete OXO set.

-Love it!
-I love OXO.

And we're going to go to goat yoga?

I'm so excited.

I've always wanted to do goat yoga.

Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am
to be getting out of here today.


Oh, my gosh! [giggles]

Welcome to goat yoga.

This is Gizmo.

And that's Doc.

We need this so badly.

[instructor] I know you're under
a lot of pressure right now.

And these goats are going to help you
release tension

by using their magical little hooves.

Inhale and exhale.

Set up an all-fours position.

Roll those shoulders back, nice long neck.

Prepare thyself for a goat.

I'm ready for the goat.

Oh, wow. Oh!

[goats bleating]

I'm happy to be out of
Hell's Kitchen for the day

and not doing another punishment,

but this isn't really
how I pictured goat yoga.

Oh, my God!

-[goats bleating]

This version of yoga is
definitely way more hilarious.

[goats bleating]

[all laughing]

Gizmo, down. Gizmo, down.

Gizmo is down.

[Leigh] I'm having so much fun.

Honestly, it feels so good to be outside
and just have a laugh with the Red Team.

[instructor] Top arm goes up.

He's trying to take you out.

[Leigh] We're having a ball even though
these goats are kind of

acting like drunk idiots.

Ah, ah.

[goats bleating]

[Atoye sighs] This punishment sucks.


You know, you're working your arms.
You're kneading dough.

It's tiresome, but it has to be done.

[Santos] You followed the directions,
right? That dough looks f*cked.

I know. It looks weird, Chef. I know.

I'm hoping it comes together.
I don't know what the f*ck is going on.

Working with this pasta right now,

and it is the most f*cking annoying pasta
I've ever worked with.

It's not coming together.
I mean, look at this.

-More water?
-No, more... no, you can't.

It's too late now. You gotta start over.

Because look at his,
and he started 40 minutes after you.

Come on. All you got to do
is open your eyes.

[Santos] You're just wasting your time.
There's no way that's right.

[Ryan] Oh, Johnny,
he's a very good chef here,

but if you're not sure, ask somebody.

[Santos] You can go fill the holes
in the parking lot with that stuff.

With dinner service quickly approaching,

Sous Chef Jason has discovered...

You missed a step somewhere or something.

[narrator] ...Johnathan's pasta dough
more closely resembles concrete.

[Santos] You can go fill the holes
in the parking lot with that stuff.

[John] One little hiccup,
one little bump on the road,

but I know I've got this.

Everything in Hell's Kitchen
has to be perfect.

You can't just serve that shit.

My Italian heritage
and pride is coming out.

-[Santos] Much better.


I can't even put into words
how good it feels right now.

I'd Instagram all that pasta.

f*ck yeah, Chef.

You guys are coming off a loss today.
I wanna make sure we don't have a double.

Yes, Chef.

[narrator] While Sous Chef Jason
is lighting a fire under the Blue Team...

-Everybody good?
-[all] Yes, yes.

[Ryan] Big service tonight, everybody.

-We already know.

[narrator] The Red Team,
after a much-needed shower,

is ready to go...

-Red Team.
-[all] One, two, three. Red Team!

[narrator] ...and are hoping to keep
the positive momentum rolling

right into dinner service.


-Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.

[narrator] Hell's Kitchen
is booked to the brim,

continuing to be one
of the hottest spots in Los Angeles.


Our first guests are arriving.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

Look alive, yo.

[narrator] The fight for
the American dream continues,

and seeing how it is the eighth service,

Chef Ramsay is expecting the chefs
to nail the Hell's Kitchen classics...

-[diner] We're gonna do the halibut.
-I will do the strip steak.

[narrator] ...including carbonara
prepped by the Blue Team...

-Calm and confidence, right?
-Yes, ma'am.

Come on, boys!

[narrator] ...with diners anticipating
an exquisite meal.

Oh, we're, like, in the kitchen.

[narrator] Beach volleyball gold medalist
Alix Klineman is inspiring the ladies

to bring home the win...

Let's go, Red.

[narrator] While actor
and comedian Kel Mitchell

is ready for all that and more
in the Blue kitchen.

Thank you.

Hey, welcome to Hell's Kitchen, guys.

-It's a pleasure to have you.

-[John] Happy to have you.
-Hope you enjoy your meal tonight.

Yeah, come on. Team Blue, let's go!

-On order, VIP Chef's Table, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

One tartare, one carbonara,
and one risotto.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Dahmere] Heard.

Eight minutes on risotto.


I am excited for the Chef's Table tonight.

Growing up, I loved his show.

Favorite line? "Welcome to Good Burger,
home of the Good Burger.

-Can I take your order?"
-You got some burgers? [chuckles]

Love it.

We have to make sure
that we execute everything perfectly.

Lobster has been dropped.

I need everybody to go at once. Yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef!
-Thank you.

Dahmere has the voice of a lion.

-Seven minutes out on this risotto.

It just sends energy through the kitchen.

Good job. Keep pushing, y'all.
Keep pushing.

Keep talking. Keep counting down.

-Heard that.

It's nice to have him
as the anchor tonight.

I'm at three minutes out on this risotto.
Chef's Table.

-Are they're gonna be ready in three?
-Yes, they'll be ready.

-We're looking good.
-You sure?

-[Atoye] Yes.
-I don't think so. This isn't ready.

We have to back Atoye up and, you know,
try and help her as much as possible.

But, I mean, there's only so much
you can help somebody

without overtaking their station.

Carbonara walking. Behind.

-Make sure it's ready.
-Four minutes.

-[Dahmere] Walking risotto!

[Atoye] Lobster.

[Ramsay] It's raw.

Hey, Johnathan, Dahmere!

You two, come here. Fish, come here.

Here we go.

-It's raw. Okay? It's raw.
-Drop it back...

-Get it back in.
-It's raw.

-Back in. Back in, back in, back in...
-I got you. Yes. Yes.

There's five of you in here.
The girls have got four next door.

-We need to talk to each other.
-[Dahmere] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] f*ck me.
-Not a good start.

[narrator] With Atoye
already feeling the heat...

Come on. You can do it.

[narrator] The ladies in the Red kitchen
are ready to take on...

Four covers, table 31.
You know her very well.

You saw her first thing this morning.
Jordan Chiles, yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef!
-Two carbonara, one scallop, one risotto.

-[all] Yes, Chef!

[Ramsay] Let's go.

-[Leigh] Riso's down, six minutes.
-Heard, six minutes.

-Can you do the carbs or...
-I can do carb. I got carb.

-[Sammi] That looks really good.

When there's only
four people in the kitchen,

there's four stations,
everybody has to lead.

So you can't hide behind anyone.

-Five and a half.

Heard, five and a half.

[Ramsay] Good.
Love the strength of that voice.

[Leigh] Tonight,
it's really gonna be apparent

who's able to hold down their station
and who's not.

Drop scallops in 30 seconds.

Heard, drop scallops in 30 seconds.

These scallops are for Jordan Chiles.

So I'm trying to make sure
these scallops come out perfect.

Push those two scallops, please.

[Donya] Heard, pushing scallops.

-[Ramsay] Oh, my Lord.

Are they sticking?
They shouldn't be like that.

[Donya] The pan got too sticky, Chef.

Honestly, I'm so shocked right now.

I know Donya knows how to cook scallops.

Stop, stop, stop.
We know that's not going to wash.

So it's really hard to see her
burning these scallops,

having them stuck to the pan.

It's just not looking good.

Take the risotto back.

Oh, f*ck it. No, no. Stand back.
Jesus Christ.

Now look, they got to redo the meal
because they didn't cook his dish right.

-Don't work with the mistake.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

Come on, Donya.

[Sammi] Let's go, Donya. Bounce back.

Oh, my God, bro.

Don't panic, Donya.

-Donya, composure.
-Yes, Chef.

-Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

Stay focused and have control.

I'm nervous right now, but I'm gonna
keep my head up and keep pushing.

-Walking riso.
-[Donya] Heard, walking riso.

Scallops walking to the pass.

[Ramsay] Nicely cooked.

Oh, my Lord. Beautiful.
Man, she's on fire that one.

Leigh, very nice.

Yes, Chef.

I am so proud of Leigh right now.

She is acting with confidence.

She has a voice on her tonight,
just owning her leadership role.

-You okay?
-I'm great.

Okay, I got more pasta water
on the back for you.

That's all I needed. Thank you.

She's setting the tone for the night,
which is freaking fantastic.

I can feel her energy
from across the room.

[Ramsay] Go, go, go.

-I want every risotto like that, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

[Chiles] Chefs did it.

I love it.

[narrator] With the ladies successfully
delivering their first appetizers,

Atoye is ready
with her second attempt at lobster

for VIP actor Kel Mitchell.

Food. We want food.

Let's go. Lobster.

-[Dahmere] Lobster need to go.

[Ramsay] What the f*ck is that?

Looks like a f*cking dog's arsehole.

Hey, fish station, come here.

-Ryan, come here.
-Yes, Chef. f*ck.

Yeah, just touch that. Just touch that.

VIP, yeah, f*ck.

-Hey, really? VIP?
-Yes, Chef.


Was that ours?

-Atoye, how long on lobster?
-I got a minute.

-Will you watch this for me...

...while I go? Just watch this. Watch this.

Atoye's flying solo on fish tonight,

so I just want to make sure
I can support her in any way possible.

What are you looking like, baby?

Pull up the...

All right. You got it, baby. Lighten up.

This ain't it. This ain't
the end of the line. Keep going.

I know. I'm trying.

I'm falling apart.

Every night is a fight for my life.

I have to continue to prove myself.

[Dahmere] Keep it together, baby.
Keep it together.

You got it. You got it.

This is my life.

It means so much to me.

This is everything.

[narrator] It's 30 minutes
into dinner service,

and Atoye is drowning on the fish station.

[Dahmere] Keep it together. You got it.
You got it.

Chef's Table, how long?

No answer. Atoye, come here.

Somebody done messed up.

You've done so well
in this competition so far.

-Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef.

I know damn well what this journey's
been like for you.

And I what you did
before you came in here.

-Yes, Chef.
-Believe in yourself.

-Show me.

-Yes, Chef.
-Come on. Show yourself.

-Yes, Chef.
-You've got this.

This moment means everything to me.

I got it. I got it. I got it.
I got it. I got it.

I'm a fighter. And I'ma keep fighting
until there's no more fight in me.

-[Santos] Need that lobster.
-It's coming. Hot.

Sorry about that.

[Ramsay] Much better.
Nicely cooked, that lobster.

Doing a beautiful job.
It's only one mistake.

Shake that shit off.

-[Marino] Sorry for the delay.
-Oh, no worries.

-Thank you.
-[Marino] Enjoy.

[narrator] With wind returning
to the sails of both teams...

Riso walking.

-Walking scallops!
-Heard, scallops walking.

[Ramsay] Service, go.

[narrator] ...appetizers are cruising out
to satisfied diners...

Mmm, that's really good.

-[diner] Rich, nice, creamy carbonara.
-[Klineman] Yeah.

-Prego. Buon appetito.

Thank you so much.

-[diner] How is it?
-Really good.

[narrator] ...and Alix Klineman
is anticipating

an equally delicious second course.

Two halibut going now.

-Chef's Table, VIP, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Entrée one halibut, one lamb.

-[all] Yes, Chef!
-Let's go.

-One halibut, one lamb, six minutes, yes?
-[Donya] Heard, six minutes.

Tonight, we're serving Alix Klineman.

It's really my time to shine as a leader.

So I'm ready to bring it tonight
and k*ll it on meat station.

-Let's go, ladies.
-Ready to walk in 20?

[Donya] Yes, halibut ready walk in 20.

Let's go, guys.

-Let's go.
-[Donya] Walking with the halibut.

Behind. Hot, hot, hot.

Beautifully cooked. Come on, Carmen.


[Ramsay] Oh, boy.

Hey, come here.

Where's our standard?

-What's happened to us?
-[Carmen] Yes, Chef.

I am lost for words.

-[Carmen] Yes, Chef.
-Come on, ladies!

You'll have this in one minute, Chef.

-One minute.
-[Donya] Yes, Chef.

[Carmen] I know that I'm capable
on finishing this service.

Any little hiccup that comes my way,

I'm just going to bounce back
from it and keep moving.

-Hey, Carmen.
-Yes, Chef?

Where's the chefs I had last service?

One minute, chef. Coming up right now.

While Carmen is trying to rally,

the Blue Team is hoping
to spike their first entrée.

On order, VIP. Chef Jason's wife.

Entrée one halibut, one Wellington,

-one chicken, one lamb.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Chef Jason's wife's table
is the most important table tonight.

And we're going to
get this shit out perfect.

You guys know
not to f*ck this table up, right?


-[Atoye] How long do you need?
-I need, like, 12.

-[Atoye] 12?
-[Jason] The lamb just went in the oven.

-Twelve what?
-Twelve minutes?

Who's just... 12 minutes for what?

Young man, the Wellington's rested, right?

The lamb is what's the lead on that.

-Did you forget it?
-No, Chef.

-It's in the oven.
-[Ramsay] Twelve minutes?

f*cking hell. Oh, my God.

Come on, Blue Team.

Twelve minutes for a table?

Show some respect. Chef Jason's wife.

It better be f*cking right.

[Jason] Slicing Welly.

-Walking, hot, walking, walking.
-[Dahmere] Hot behind, hot behind.

[Ramsay] Oh, boy.

-Blue Team.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Chef Jason's wife?
Just touch that in the center.

That's undercooked.

You held me up with the table.
You said 12 minutes.

Your f*cking call. And that's f*cking raw.

-Come on! Wake up!
-[Dahmere] Let's go. Get it back in.

What about the other ones?
Are the other ones ready?

-Don't do this to me, Jason.

Let's get this right!

All I wanted to do was, of course,

send out perfect food
for Chef Jason's VIP wife.

There's nobody to blame but myself
and I own that mistake.

Young man, I'll wait 22 minutes,
but don't bullshit me with 12.

No, Chef.

[Ramsay] How disrespectful.

Much better. Go, John.

-[diner] How is it?
-Wow. It's so good.

I can eat all of this.
I could eat all of yours too.

Halibut, lamb, Chef's Table. How long?

-[Donya] One lamb walking!
-Heard. Behind.

-I don't expect it from you.
-Yes, Chef.

First night, second night. I get it.

-Yes, Chef.
-But now, no.

-Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef.
-I want it better, yes?

Beautifully cooked.
First two were way off.

This one is spot-on. Service, please.

Yeah, perfect.

On order. Entrée, two halibut,
two New York strip.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Two halibut, two strip.
-Give me a time.

Ready, seven minutes.

-Let's go.
-Heard, seven minutes.

Six, garnish to window.

My whole focus right now
is to prove to Chef

that I can work
any station in this kitchen.

Baste, baste, baste. Butter. Let's go.

Strip walking.

f*ck me, bro.

-Very nice, the strip.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Donya] Walking fish.

[Ramsay] f*cking hell.

Young lady. Red Team.

God, bro.

[Ramsay] The halibut is undercooked,

-and the butter's burnt.
-Yes, Chef.

At this stage of the game,
attention to detail.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Donya, come here.

-Oh, man. Come here. Now!
-[Donya] Yeah.

[narrator] It's an hour and 15 minutes
into dinner service...

Donya, come here.

[narrator] ...and Donya's raw halibut
has brought the Red Team to a halt.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Yes, Chef.

And then when you bounce back,
you've got to lift that head up,

and you've got to come back charged.

Yes, Chef. I'm not sulking, Chef, I...

Well, you need to dig deep.
You've done that in your life, right?

-Yes, Chef.
-Don't stop.

Once I'm down,
I'm always gonna get back up.

Guys, give me one second. I got this.

Let me... Let me reset, please.

That's always been my story
ever since young.

Two halibut walking in one minute.

I'm a better chef than that.

Walking with the halibut.

Behind. Hot, hot, hot.

[Ramsay] Donya, nicely cooked.

-Yes, Chef.

-Yes, Chef.
-Go, Christina.

-It looks beautiful.
-That's so good.

Very juicy.

[narrator] With Donya
regaining her confidence,

the Red Team is sending out entrees
at a rapid pace...

-Walking fish.
-Walking strips.

[narrator] satisfied diners.

[diner] Oh, that looks good.

-It was worth the wait.
-This sauce is really good.

-Walking salmon.
-Thank you. Thank you.

[narrator] And now both teams...

-Salmon nicely cooked. Crispy.
-[Atoye] Thank you, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Okay? Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] ...have overcome
their earlier hurdles

and are now finishing service on a high.

[diner] Good. Yeah.

That's good. I like it.

-Leigh, great job.
-Thank you, Chef.

What happened tonight
completely surprised me.

Yes, we did complete service.

But how on Earth can there
be a winning team tonight?

Blue Team, there was one chef
acting like a leader

and driving nonstop.

And that chef was Dahmere.

There was one chef on the Red Team tonight

who was flawless...

Leigh. Solid.

Leigh, Dahmere, head back to the dorm.

I want you to each come back
to me with two nominees.

-Yes, Chef.
-Is that clear?

-Yes, Chef.
-Get out of here.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

[Dahmere] This is what leaders do.

These tough decisions
have to happen one way or another.

It's go time, man.

Great work tonight.

Great communication.
Way to flow and be helpful to the team.

I know every day you have a chance
to go home, but I felt in the zone.

And I'm not worried one bit.

Hell of a job, way you support everybody.

Great work.

I feel like you and I have been the most
consistent through the entire competition.

-I agree.

It's definitely not fun
to have the responsibility

of picking people on the Red Team
to put up right now.

Uh, Donya and Carmen should go up.

[Dahmere] Yo, bro.
You already know the process.

We going to call it how it is.
The raw Welly.

You know, you gotta comb through the hairs

of everything that happened
in the service.

So it's gonna be you going up tonight.

-This is the decision.
-It's your decision.

Yeah. Thank you, bro.

[Jason] That's bullshit.

Every time I'm put up for an elimination,
it's for minimal things.

It's just... I feel like they're trying
to get rid of me because I am stronger.

Right now I feel like
I have to nominate you tonight.

Do you disagree?

Tonight was not the best
representation of myself.

I know I dropped the ball,
but I won't stop fighting.

This is not all I can give.

I just could not regain myself.

There's no sugarcoating it.

Um, fish was the station
that dropped the ball tonight.

I appreciate you being honest with me.

-Hola, Mami.

You did a phenomenal job tonight.
You kept your composure.

I don't know anybody about to break down,

and then hold them tears back,
push forward like that.

You're so strong.

I'm thankful for all your help.

Hundred percent. And it don't stop here.

I know.

[Dahmere] You know, Atoye is amazing.

You know, I'm so proud
of how far she's come,

how much progress she's made
within herself. She's a fighter.

You're an inspiration to me.

You understand it.

-[Atoye] Oh, thank you. Thank you.
-[Dahmere] I love you so much, Atoye.

I know I made mistakes tonight,

so I'm just ready to listen
to whatever you have to say.

I mean, I know you know
what went wrong tonight.

I honestly just feel like I'm not really
growing anymore in this competition.

Don't say that.

I was doing better in challenges
in the beginning of the competition,

so it should be the opposite,
and it's not.

I just don't have all of
these years of experience yet.

And sometimes it just makes me question

if I came into this competition
a little bit too early.

Like, I know that I have
so much to give and, like, offer.

You're in the top 10 of Hell's Kitchen.

It just doesn't, like, feel like...

It's just... It doesn't feel right anymore.

I just don't feel like I'm delivering.

But I still came here to get a job,
and I'm not gonna leave without a fight.

I want to keep fighting.

But, like, how much more can one person...

[Ryan] I don't feel like I should
be nominated. You understand?

You don't make the decision for me.
I got this.

I got it. You don't need to
tell me what to do. I'll take care of it.

-I got big boy pants.
-I understand that.

I'm just saying I've been handling it.

I got it, bro.

Ryan's a very strong cook,
very knowledgeable.

But when it comes to
keeping your composure and being vocal,

he don't have a voice.

I can make my own decisions.
I've been in the boss spot before.

We're at that point in the competition

where small mistakes can cost
you your spot on your team.

Do I ever f*cking beat around the bush?

-Absolutely not.
-All right.

Cool. That's it. I saw everything.

Trust me, I'm here.

Ryan, Atoye, and Jason,

you have to take it all
into consideration.

-It's painful going backwards, isn't it?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Leigh, first nominee and why?

First up is Donya, Chef,

due to the undercooked proteins
on the fish station tonight.

Second nominee?

Second nominee is Carmen, Chef.

Undercooked proteins
on the meat station, Chef.

Dahmere, first nominee and why?

First nominee is Jason, Chef.

I think he's a great chef, but there's
some things that he needs to tighten up.

Second nominee and why?

Second nominee is Atoye, Chef.

Atoye is a great chef, I believe.

But she still has some work to do as well
with the leadership qualities.

Atoye, Jason, Donya, Carmen,
step forward, please.

Atoye, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

I should stay in Hell's Kitchen, Chef,
'cause I'm a fighter.

I fought in the Red kitchen.

And I rolled over to the Blue kitchen.

And I continue to fight
and persevere and overcome.

I know I didn't use my voice as much
as I needed to, Chef, tonight.

And I know I should do better.
And I will do better, Chef.

-Every time you give me criticism,

every time you give me feedback,

I keep pushing forward,
and I help my team every day.


Chef, I believe I should stay
in Hell's Kitchen because I'm motivated.

I get back up every single time.

I know I'm a strong chef.
I just dropped the ball today.

I will not stop fighting, Chef.

This fire in me
will only continue to burn.


On a scale of 1 to 10, how hungry are you
to become Hell's Kitchen winner,


One million, Chef.

I have integrity, passion, energy.
Those are things that you cannot teach.

And I'm fighting to get to the top
just like you did,

so I'm not going to stop fighting
until I'm your next head chef.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is...


Young lady, even though I know
you're not ready to be my head chef...


...those amazing kids at home
are gonna be very proud of you.

-Thank you, Chef.
-And you should be too.

I am.

-Please, give me your jacket.
-Yes, Chef.

I thank you, Chef.

-Thank you. Take care.
-I will.

-Head up high.
-Yes, Chef.

Bye, guys.

I'm proud of myself.

I came here fighting.

I went out fighting.

And I have two little girls.

I want them to know that no matter
what happens in life,

you rise above it.

This is not the end of the road for me.

This is only the beginning.

[Ramsay] You are the final eight.

And right now,
the competition is wide open.

Who is going to step up?

Get out of here.

It sucks going up for elimination,

but just I'm reminding myself
that I do belong here,

and I'm just going to keep fighting

because I know
that I am the most hungry, driven,

and passionate chef in this competition.

I'm feeling so good moving
forward in this competition.

Chef Ramsay gave me a lot of praise today.

Top eight.

I am one of the strongest chefs.
And I think he sees that.

-I know how to cook f*cking fish.
-I know you do.

Literally, the pace got to me.

I feel great to have another chance
to prove myself to Chef.

I know what I can do.
I know what I'm here to do.

I'm not a quitter.

And I will not stop.

I will not stop.



[Ramsay] Atoye's passion was admirable,

but you need more than just passion
to be a great head chef.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen:
The American Dream...

Look at Marino!

[narrator] For as long as
he has been the maître d',

Marino has been the best sport.

But everyone...

-[all] Oh!
-Really? Seriously?

[narrator] ...has their breaking point.


-Oh, no.
-He did not just do that.

[narrator] Watch out because everyone
is in a fighting mood...

What the f*ck is going on
with these scallops? Shit!

-Leave it. Leave it.
-I'm not touching it.

Get the f*ck out of here, you know.
I don't need you.

[narrator] the dorms...

Honestly, dude, the attitude thing
has just not gone away.

You mean the honesty?

[narrator] ...and in the kitchen.

Donya. Oh, my God. Cold in the middle.

What the f*ck?

-You guys can suck my...

[narrator] Next time on
the most combative episode...

-[narrator] ...of Hell's Kitchen.

[Ramsay] Okay. Stop, stop, stop!