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22x14 - Don't Be Fooled

Posted: 04/19/24 11:17
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen...

Cheers, guys.

-Top me off.
-Oh, yes.

[narrator] Johnathan celebrated
receiving his black jacket...

[John] I'm buzzed right now.

[narrator] ...a bit too much.

Johnathan, you look like
a sack of sh*t on a hot day this morning.


[narrator] In the first individual
black jacket challenge,

the chefs' presentation
skills were tested...

[Dahmere] Keep it sexy.

[narrator] Chef Ramsay asked
his 100 million followers to weigh in.

I am so impressed.

I'm gonna post these,
and we're going live.

-[narrator] During tasting, Johnathan...
-You went the easy way out.

Anyone can sit here
and just take fish and chop it raw.

[narrator] ...and Sammi struggled.

Yeah, these look like Cheetos.

[narrator] But the rest of the chefs
received high praise...

It's a restaurant-quality dish.

It tastes great.
Visually, it looks very attractive.

I want to eat this right now.

[narrator] ...resulting in a four-way tie.

The online votes have been tabulated.

[narrator] But in the end,
Chef Ramsay's social media followers

-gave the victory to...

-Thank you.
-Well done.

[narrator] In the first black jacket
dinner service...

Hurry up. Let's go.

[narrator] ...the talented final six
shockingly struggled the entire evening.

-Yes, Chef.

More f*cking color. Come on.

-Okay. Okay.

-[narrator] Johnathan lost his focus...
-Damn it.

I don't know what the f*ck is going on,
but I am not getting your best tonight.

[narrator] ...Carmen and Dahmere
had problems with their proteins...

That is undercooked, and that is raw.

[narrator] ...and Leigh
butchered the Wellingtons.

-Stop the orders.

I am not letting standards fly
because you don't care.

[narrator] After service,
the chefs nominated...

-Dahmere, Chef.
-[narrator] ...and...


[narrator] And on this
very frustrating night,

Chef Ramsay eliminated both...

-[narrator] ...and...

-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] ...ending their American dream
of becoming head chef

at Gordon Ramsay's
Hell's Kitchen Restaurant

at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] After elimination,

Chef Ramsay tried to
clear the air with Johnathan.

Something happened tonight.

This morning upset me,
being called a sack of sh*t.

-That's called banter.
-I know.

Each and every day,
when customers sit down,

we need to be on our game.

I'm very sorry.

-Come back.
-I will.

-I know why you're here.

[narrator] And now the continuation
Hell's Kitchen.

You can't dwell on
what happened in the past.

You just have to continue to push forward.

[Ryan] Good?

If anything, this is
just going to fuel my fire.

I just took it personal,
and I'm upset about it.

And he said, "It's just banter, dude.

When you get to the kitchen,
have a little composure."

I said, "Okay, Chef."

Tomorrow's a new day.

I'll say my prayers,
kiss my picture of Saxon,

and I'm f*cking ready to go.

[Ryan] Isn't this crazy that
we have a one in four chance?

-[John sighs]
-We talked about that.

-I know.
-We talked about this.

It's me and you out those doors.


And I would love nothing more

than to go into that finale
with my brother Ryan.

This is a roller coaster, man.

It's insanity.

You got this, John.

[Ramsay] Rise and shine. Let's go.

-Good morning.
-[Ryan] Morning, Chef.

-[Sammi] Morning.
-Good morning, Chef.

Right. All of you, welcome to
the first ever Hell's Kitchen Grand Prix.

-How exciting is that?

-So exciting.
-[John] Really cool.

For your next individual challenge,
when I say go,

you'll race around the Grand Prix track.

You've all got two minutes
to grab your ingredients.

One stop per circuit.

-Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Good.
-[John] I have to whoop some ass today.

I got to keep showing Chef Ramsay
how consistent I am

and make a badass dish
and win this challenge.

Today's winner will host
your very own pop-up event

at the Sunseeker Resort
in Charlotte Harbor, Florida,

-a luxurious waterfront resort.

[Carmen] The reward today is huge.

It's something that's going to
help your career,

get your name out there as a chef,
and it's in Florida.

This challenge is for me.

You should be thinking about
the kind of coastal cuisine

you would expect to see
at an incredible coastal resort.

Get on the start line, please.

The Sunseeker Resort showcase,

doing our own pop-up
would be freaking phenomenal.

-Are we ready?
-Yes, Chef!

On your mark, get set, go!

-Let's go!
-[tires squealing]

Oh, my God. Here I go.

I hear the word go, and I'm just, like,
running with my cart.

-Let's go.

I think I might have ran over
a couple of feet,

but I don't feel bad about it. [chuckles]

I'm trying not to fall right now.

I get to the protein station,
and I see this crab.

And he's looking me in the eyes,
and I go for the crab today.

Peruvian ají amarillo, is there?


I found my Peruvian pepper paste,
and I'm thrilled.

I'm excited about these ingredients,
and I'm ready to bring it to life.

[Sammi] Oh, my God.

You know how to drive that thing?

No! It's all slippery.

I am running as fast as I can,
trying to get these corners so tight,

but this racetrack is so slippery.

Out of my way.

Oh, my gosh, Johnathan. Get off the road.

I'm trying to win here.

Let's go. Seventy-five seconds left.

Ryan, let's go. Come on.

-Get out of my way.

[Ryan] I grab some beautiful Thai chilies.

-I grab some bok choy.
-[Santos] Bok choy.


I'm planning to crust the flounder
with soy-braised bok choy.

It's gonna look beautiful
and it's gonna taste beautiful.

I have all the faith
in the world about that.

[Ramsay] Forty-five seconds to go.
Johnathan, let's go.


I'm on my third lap,
and what I need is a beautiful protein.

I got Florida on my mind.

I got this pop-up on my mind.

So immediately, when I see that mahi-mahi,

I know that's going
to be great in my dish.

Found the corn. Two ways.

Fifteen seconds to go.

Fifteen seconds?

[Ramsay] Ten, nine...

Sammi, come on. [chuckles]

...six, five, four...

-I think I'm good. Yeah.
-...three, two, one, and stop.

Oh, my goodness me.

Well done.

-Happy with the ingredients?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Now, all of you have got 45 minutes

to create a stunning dish.

And your 45 minutes starts...

Wait, wait, wait. Put the basket down.
Two seconds.

Oh, no.

-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] See the HK logo there?

-Yes, Chef.
-Would you just pull that up, please?

Just lift it up.

It's got Johnathan on there.

[blows raspberry]

How weird is that?

-Oh, no.
-[Ramsay] That's right.

You were not shopping for yourselves.

[whispering] Damn it.

You were shopping for one another.

I'm pissed off.

You know, I found
my Peruvian pepper paste,

and now Johnathan gets to use it.

Sammi, can you just come around
to the side of your cart?

[Sammi] Ryan.

[Ryan] Lo and behold, Hell's Kitchen,
I don't get to use my f*cking ingredients.

So now, I have to
come up with a dish on the fly

with ingredients that I didn't choose.

[Ramsay] Johnathan. Oh!

-[Ramsay] Sammi.

Everything that I thought that
I was going to do, like, nah.

And Carmen.

Swap places behind the right cart.

[Carmen] Enjoy that ají amarillo, okay?

This is Hell's Kitchen.

I need to see how do you
adapt under pressure.

-Yes, Chef.

Your 45 minutes starts now.

Let's go.

Careful, careful.

[Santos] Plot twist, huh?

-[John] Yes, Chef.

Didn't see that coming.

I had such a beautiful plan
for this mahi-mahi.

I had the dish conceptualized in my mind.

Johnathan, crab, sweet potato, limes.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking an ají amarillo
sweet potato puree.

-I wanna go with a crab cake.

And now I have this Peruvian from Florida,

all her ingredients
that I don't usually use.

You enjoying my ají?

I'll make you proud, I promise.

sh*t is liquid gold.

[John] I like gold.

I don't know what you were thinking,
Carmen, but I know where I'm headed,

and it's a great f*cking place.

I'm going to Florida for the pop-up.

Just over 25 minutes left.

-[Carmen] Heard.
-[John] Heard, Chef.

I'm not a fan of clam juice.

Ryan sucks at grocery shopping.

I'm sure his wife does
all the shopping at home, clearly,

because these ingredients
are not making sense to me.

This is supposed to be
a tropical beach challenge,

and he's got this soy sauce
and this heavy yuzu kosho,

so I am feeling a little bit
thrown off my game right now.

I'm just going to pan sear it
to get it nice and crispy.

I live in Miami,
so I'm just kind of following my gut here

because I really want to
highlight tropical flavors today.

Don't squeeze all the juice out of that.

[Carmen] Yeah.

[Christina] Sixteen.

-[Sammi] Sixteen.
-Sixteen minutes to go.

Heard, 16.

I'm definitely upset that
I have Johnathan's dish now

because nothing is
screaming tropical to me.

I don't know what
I'm about to do with that yet.

This is such French
landlocked ingredients.

-Have you cooked mahi before?

I am so happy that at least
Johnathan got mahi-mahi

because that is a popular fish in Florida,

so I'm ready to make something
super beautiful and yummy out of it.

-[John] Ryan, you good?
-Yeah. You good?

I saw your face when you got the swap.

'Cause I really had a good idea in mind.

But you gotta cook what's in front of you.

-Yes, Chef.
-Not show your poker face.

[Ryan] I'm feeling okay.

These ingredients,
I know that they can work.

I'm going to do a grilled swordfish

with a grilled pineapple
and lemongrass-scented rice.

I've got to watch my seasoning
this time on the sword.

f*cking over-seasoned it the last time.

Swordfish, my arch nemesis
after the grill challenge.

The sauce on the fish
is a little overpowering.

-[Ryan] Okay.
-It's a little too salty, too.

Heard that, Chef.

I need to forget about the past and just
put my heart and soul into this dish.

[Ramsay] Two and a half.

-[John] Two and a half.
-[chefs] Two and a half, heard.

-[Ramsay] Good, Johnathan?
-Yes, Chef.


[Ramsay] Come, Ryan, quickly.

[Ryan] I cut the fish in half.

Lo and behold, it's undercooked,
and I need to get this cooked quick.

So I cut it in fours, back on the grill.

Twenty seconds to go. Come on, Ryan.

Time is ticking, and I just hope
that the fish is cooked.

[Ramsay] Ten, nine...

[Christina] Let's go.
Gotta get it on the plate. Come on, bud.

[tires squealing]

[Ramsay] Ten, nine...

[Christina] Let's go, Ryan.
You got to get it on the plate.

-Come on, bud.
-Seven, six, five, four,

three, two, one, and serve, Ryan.

Let's go.

Now, listen carefully.
This is how it's gonna work.

I'll taste your dish.

First person will go
and sit in that chair.

That's called pole position.

And the second dish will come up.

If that dish is better, they will
knock you out of the pole position.

The chef who is in pole position
after all four dishes have been tasted

wins the amazing pop-up.

Up first, Sammi. Let's go.

I'm really happy with
the way that my dish turned out.

Thank you.

I brought out
as much tropical flavors as I could.

This is grilled mahi-mahi

with a charred pickled corn salad
with a tangerine beurre blanc.

-Dish is delicious.
-Thank you, Chef.

It's fragrant, it's zesty,
and it's everything you want,

sitting on that beach in Florida.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Young lady, you are in pole position.

-Take your dish and sit down.
-Thank you, Chef.

Having your own pop-up

and having Chef Ramsay's name
behind yours...

Well done.

I want it so badly.

Up next, Ryan. Let's go.

Excellent. Describe the dish, please.

So Chef, I have a lemongrass
and lime-scented Jasmine rice

with grilled swordfish.

And the last time I cooked sword,
I over-seasoned the dish,

so I wanted to make sure that I got
the seasoning right this time.

Sammi, are you comfortable there?

-Yes, Chef.
-Well, young lady, you get to stay there.

That is desperately,
desperately needing salt.

Yes, Chef.

You have to taste everything
before it goes on that plate.

It's a tough fish to get right.

-Thank you, Ryan.
-Thank you, Chef.

I can't believe that it's happening again.
Groundhog Day.

One was under-seasoned
and the other one was over-seasoned.

Swordfish, two.

Ryan O'Sullivan, zero.

-Up next, Carmen. Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

I'm feeling really good about my dish.

Sammi's on the throne,
and I'm just thinking,

"Keep that seat warm for me, girl.

I'll be there soon."

I made a pan-seared flounder

with bok choy and a papaya mint salsa.

Wow, that's a beautiful sear on that.

Thank you, Chef.

-That's good.
-Thank you.

But is it good enough
to take pole position?

Congratulations, pole position.

-Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Sammi, jump down.

[Carmen] Move over, Sammi. It's my turn.

I get to sit on the throne.

-Comfy there?
-I'm not getting up.

-Okay, young man. Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

There's absolutely no way that
that flounder could b*at my crab cake.

It's going to take me to Florida.

It's going to get me this pop-up.

Describe the dish, please.

You have crab cake with sweet
and spicy puree with amarillo paste.

What's the bind on the crab cake?

Just a little herbs, breadcrumbs,
and a splash of cream.

-I wanted the crab to kind of sing.
-Crab cake is delicious, young man.

Thank you, Chef.

This is really tough.

Carmen's flounder is exceptional.

Your crab cake is exceptional.

Sitting in pole position...

Congratulations goes to...

Johnathan. Well done.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Well done.

Carmen, please.

-Good job.
-[John] Thank you.

-[Ramsay] Wow.
-[John] Thank you.

I feel amazing.

Don't call it a f*cking comeback.

This is as close as redemption can be.

Comfy there?

You're going to be hosting
that pop-up event

at that beautiful
Sunseeker Resort in Florida.

-And there's more.
-No way.

Go and stand next to your team,
because this is big.

Not only will Johnathan
host a special pop-up event,

but he'll also win two round-trip tickets

and a beautiful two nights' stay
in the luxurious Sunsuites.

Saxon, we're going to Florida, baby.

And I still have to tell you
about today's reward.

I'm sending you on an epic adventure...

Oh, what?

[Ramsay] ...on Jet Skis.

The first rule of boating safety is what?

Put your sunscreen on?

[Ramsay] No, no.

Never boat alone.

So which chef would you like to take?

Let me think about this.

-[Ramsay chuckles]
-I got to take Ryan, Chef.

We gotta go.

Sunscreen on. Head up to the dorm.
Good luck.

-[John] Thank you, Chef.
-Be safe, yes?


[Ryan] Nice one, hey?

Johnny, my boy,
f*cking winning it for the both of us.

Sammi and Carmen,
I'm afraid we need yogurt

for that beautiful beet salad.

Which means you'll be
cracking open fresh coconuts.

Separate the juice, the meat.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

Be careful. Those coconuts are tough.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Thank you, Chef.

Always a runner-up. Never a winner.

Big surprise.

Carmen, so close.


I'll get him next time.

We are going to make coconut milk.

So take the mallet.

-Okay. Start banging?

I have not cracked
these kinds of coconuts before,

but I see them a lot in Miami.

Ah, this sucker sucks.

Usually, it's with a giant machete,

which maybe it's a good thing
that we don't have those around us today.

[Ryan] Chef.

Don't f*cking drown, huh?

-We won't.
-Oh, God.

-Yeah, back off.
-[Carmen] Avoid the sharks.

You're not ready for tonight.

-Watch your fingers.
-I love coconut water. Oh!

[Carmen] Watch your face.

I'm slamming these coconuts just like
I'm about to slam dinner service tonight.

So Johnathan, you should be afraid.

-[Ryan] After you, sir.
-[John] Let's hit those Sea-Doos.

See you later, you losers.


Damn, so sick.

-Nice one.
-Look at this.

The Jet Skis are outrageous.


Hell yeah!

My adrenaline is off the charts.

These are f*cking so fast.


And I can't imagine spending this
with anyone else other than Ryan.



This jet skiing is the best thing that
I've ever done in my life, hands down.

And I get to do it with Johnny.

[imitating narrator] While Johnathan
and Ryan enjoy their Sea-Doos,

the girls are smashing coconuts.

[narrator] While Johnathan
and Ryan enjoy their Sea-Doos,

the girls are smashing coconuts.

They're getting so f*cking arrogant
and, like, cocky.

I wasn't that impressed
with their dinner service.


I didn't see anything
that I was like, wow.

Like, I can't do
what they're doing, you know?

I'm not calling myself the underdog
of the black jacket team anymore.

It just made me realize that,
like, I do belong here.

You belong here.

[Carmen] I'm in the top four right now,

and I'm competing against
the best of the best.

And I am one of those people.

If I'm in this competition
with anyone from the Red Team,

-I'm glad it's you.
-I know, girl.

-We're the last two women standing.
-I know.

You shouldn't have done this, Ryan.

-You're so sweet.

Ryan and I got our first date.

Oh, let me help you.

-Thank you, sir.

We really got to spend some time, just us.

This is our first date, right?

First, but not our last, Johnny.

The finish line is almost there,
and we both know it,

so it just feels really good
to spend this with Ryan.

So what do you think is
going to happen tonight?

I think we're going to crush service
and get our hands on those doors.

I plan on standing at the doors,
looking at you,

your hand on one handle,
mine on the other.

-And my door opens.

No, f*ck you. [laughing]

I'd hire you.

-I mean, I need a dishwasher, so...
-[John chuckles]

We're in the top four right now,

and to be going on an award, you know,
it might be our last one.

Who knows?

So yeah, I'm really, really happy

and thrilled that I got to go
with Johnny today.

Are you going to pay
for this date or what?


So what part of the coconut
is considered the nut?

It is the nut.

[John] Wow. Did you guys save me
some coconut water?

I'm really thirsty from being in the sun.

Hands down, best reward.

[Ryan] It was insane.

[John] Those were sick, hands down.

They went at least 60 miles an hour.

I knew it would be amazing.
You guys deserve it. Good.

-[Ryan] The boys, eh?
-Yeah, bro.

Ugh. I'm pure poker face.

Let them have it.

-[Ramsay] All of you.
-[narrator] Coming up...

Leads, show me you've got
the head chef potential.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[narrator] ...the final four

face their toughest test yet...

-You are the last line of defense, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] ...taking turns running the pass.

Will they spot Chef Ramsay's
mischievous sabotages?

If we trust him,
and that happens, we're f*cked.

[narrator] And will one chef's power trip
push the black jackets too far?

Ryan, take the lobster back.

-They're cooked, Chef.
-[Sammi] No, they are not.

Let's go. Push it!

Come on, guys.

[bell dings]

-[Ramsay] Marino.
-[Marino] Sí, Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.


Excitement is definitely in the air

as the dining room fills up with guests...

[diner] Cheers, guys.

...anxious for a memorable meal
prepared by Chef Ramsay's final four.

[diner 2] I'll do the New York strip.

Truffle carbonara.

I'll have the rack of lamb.

[narrator] Among them, individuals who
have achieved their American dream.

[gasps] Nina, you can see across here.

[narrator] The four black jacket chefs
will face their most critical test yet.

All of you, leads, show me
you've got the head chef potential.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

[narrator] They will each
take a turn running the pass.

To being in hell.

[narrator] During their turn,

Chef Ramsay will test
their attention to detail

while Chef Christina
covers their stations.

You good?

-Yeah? Properly set up?

[narrator] And the first chef
to run the pass this evening is...

Carmen, good luck.
You're running the hot plate, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Prior to this competition,
I've never run a pass.

But I just need to bring it tonight,

stay focused, stay confident,
stay really loud.

Smash it. Let's go.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Order on.

Someone's probably going home tonight,

so I know I'm not going to let that be me,
no matter what happens.

Walking in order, two scallops,
one carbonara, one riso.

[all] Heard!

-Seven minutes, carbonara, risotto.
-[Carmen] Seven minutes. Heard.

I know that he wants to see someone
that is confident and strong

and uses their voice,
and I am all of those things,

so if he wants me to bring it,
I'm gonna bring it.

How long on two scallop,
one riso, one carb?

It's gonna be three minutes.

Scallops should be dropping soon, yes?

-Scallops are dropped.

[narrator] For Carmen's first
attention to detail test,

Chef Christina has switched out
the butternut squash puree for carrot.

So you do the two scallops,
put your puree on there, five each.

Scallop garnish, please.

-Right. You've got the scallops, yes?
-This is carrot puree.

-Look at me.
-Yes, Chef.

Well spotted.

I realized that it's carrot
instead of butternut squash

because of the color.

It's much darker.

-This is carrot puree, Chef. Thank you.
-Sorry about that. Thank you.

I was really proud that I caught
that first one right away.

[Ramsay] You do the scallops, yes?

And I will do the carbonara
and risotto, yes?

[narrator] For Carmen's next test...

[Ryan] Walking riso and carbonara.

Let's go. Thank you.

[narrator] ...Chef Ramsay is
switching Ryan's carbonara

with pappardelle noodles.

Plate your carbonara. Let's go.

Hey, this pasta is wrong.

I need the right noodle, please.

-Heard that.
-[Carmen] Hurry, please.

[Ramsay] Right.

-Well spotted, the pappardelle, okay?
-Thank you.

I'm feeling really good.

You know, I'm catching these
little attention to detail items

that are really important
when you're running the pass.

John, you can walk. Thank you.

[narrator] With her first
two sabotages caught,

Carmen is now sending out appetizers...

-Oh, my God.
-The texture of the rice is unbelievable.

-Oh, come on.
-[narrator] some very happy diners.

That's delicious.

I have a ticket for you, party of four.

-Okay. Thank you.
-You're welcome.

[narrator] Unbeknownst to Carmen...

Party of four. Okay.

[narrator] ...she is holding
her final sabotage.

Marino has written the wrong
number of entrées on the ticket.

-Four top walking in.
-[all] Heard.

Entrees, one halibut,
one salmon, one lamb.

-[Ryan] Heard, Chef.
-Thank you.

-How long?
-Seven minutes out.

Entrée, one halibut, one salmon, one lamb.

One, two, three.

Yes, Chef. We're missing an entrée.

Get him over here. Come on.

Gotta spot that. Look out for everything.

-Let's go.
-Marino, I am missing an entrée.

It's a table of four.
There's only three entrées, please.

-Got you, no problem.
-Thank you.

I missed this one mistake,
but I'm not going to let it stop me

from k*lling it during
the rest of the service.

You need eyes everywhere.

-Yes, Chef.
-You have to be super quick here, yes?

-Good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

Was it a perfect run on the pass?
No, but I think it was a good start,

and I hope that I showed that
to Chef Ramsay.

Ryan, hand it over.

-You're running the hot plate, yes?

I'm ready. Get me up there.
Let me lead. Get me on the pass.

You are the last line of defense, yes?

-Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

I have practiced calling out tickets
for this moment.

Okay, walking in, we're going to go
two riso, one carbonara, one scallops.

-[all] Heard.
-Thank you.

-How long?
-Seven minutes.

Ryan is really good, clear,
straight to the point.

Make sure they're perfect, okay?

Taste, taste, taste.

-Season everything.
-Yes, Chef.

He's definitely off to a great start.

Walking two lobster tail,
two scallops now.

[John, Carmen] Heard.

-Scallops. Lobster tail.
-Thank you.

Two riso.

[narrator] For Ryan's first
attention to detail test...

Lads, we're dragging here, yeah?

-Two scallops, two carbonara, two riso.
-Carbonara's walking right now

-in my hand.
-Heard that.

[narrator] Chef Ramsay has replaced
the arborio rice in the risotto

with orzo instead.

-Plate the risotto.
-Yes, Chef.

Let's go. Lobster poached.

That's not risotto, Chef.
That's orzo, Chef.

Look at me. Put the pan down.

-Well spotted. Yes.
-Thank you.

This is a monumental situation to be in.

If I pull this off, then I'm going to
skyrocket myself into the top three.

Beautiful. Thank you very much.

The second you put me in that kitchen
and put that apron on me,

I'm a different beast.

Chef Ryan, I have two
table of two for you, okay?

Two twos.

[narrator] Ryan's next test
is already in his hand.

Marino is up to his old tricks again.

He's giving Ryan
the wrong number of entrées.

Hey, Marino!

Marino! It's four people on the table.

-Let me see, one main course.
-Okay, yes.

-Missing. Thank you.
-Thank you.

Marino, better luck next time, kid.

-Eyes everywhere. Well done.
-Yes, Chef.

You can't piss down my back
and tell me it's raining.

You got to be up early
in the morning to catch me.

Two Wellie, two shrimp, two halibut.
How long?

I'm ready to walk.

Walking two halibut.

I'm looking out for everything.
Nothing gonna get past me.

I'll finish that. You slice this strip.


Come here, please.

[narrator] It's over an hour
into dinner service,

and the black jacket chefs are
taking turns running the pass.


Come here, please.

Chef, these are overcooked, yeah?

I need medium rare.
These are way over, yeah.

-Refire. Yes.

I look over, she doesn't even have
any strips in the pan. No backups.

How long do we need on this refire?
I need to know immediately.

I need seven minutes,
including rest time, Chef.

You can do it in six?
I know you can, yeah?

Make it happen.

Carmen's just all over
the place right now,

and she seems flustered.

She seems like she can't catch up.

Whilst you're running the hot plate,
you still need to run your station.

Yes, Chef.

There's a few of you not
running your station.

-Yes, Chef.
-So pick it up now, yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-I'm on the meat station alone tonight,

and it is one of the more
challenging stations.

Strip is ready to walk.

Go ahead and take them. Thank you.

-[John] I'm walking strip.
-[Ryan] Heard that, walking strip.

We're the top four,
best of the best in this competition,

and any little mistake can send you home.

[Ramsay] Nicely cooked. Much better.

-That's the refire. Let's go.
-[Marino] Grazie.

Thank you. Oh, my God.
That smells so good.

This sauce is unbelievable.

-Well done, okay? Well done.
-Thank you.

-Wipe down the hot plate.
-Yes, Chef.

Hey, and more importantly,
you kept the standards up, okay?

Yes, Chef.

I feel right at home here.

I'm 110% fit to be
Chef Ramsay's head chef.

Right, Johnathan. Let's go.

[John] Yes, Chef.

Everything's at stake
right now at dinner service...

the door, the finale.

Okay, guys, walking in,
two carbonara, one scallop.

Entrees, one salmon,
one Wellington, one lamb.

-[all] Heard.
-How long on the carbonara, scallops?

-Five minutes.
-Five minutes. Thank you.

Nice and clear, that order.
Hey, really good.

Don't let your guard down
in front of your brigade.

-Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

I feel dialed in.
Nothing is going to get past me.

It's my job to protect
this food and the pass,

and that's what I'm gonna f*cking do.

How long for the two carbonara,
one scallop?

Three minutes out, Chef.

Carmen, put the Wellington in first.

I already have.
I have them in, the Wellie.

-You have enough?
-Yep, in the oven.

[Ryan] Johnny's doing very good so far.

He's coming back, being vocal.
He's locking eyes with everybody.

You know, he runs a pass at his job.
So this shouldn't be any different.

Walking carbonara.

Okay, carbonara heard.

-So do the dots there first.
-Yes, Chef.

[narrator] For Johnathan's first test...

[Ryan] Carbonara on your right, Chef.

[narrator] ...a carbonara
with fava beans instead of peas

is around the corner.

-I'll finish that. You do the carbonara.
-Yes, Chef.

Check the seasoning, yes?

Yes, Chef.

I don't even need to
put my spoon in and taste it.

Fava beans.

-Well spotted.
-Thank you.

-Thank you, Chef.

Quickly. Service.

Go, go, go.

The carbonara is amazing.

How long, two salmon, two strip?

-Three minutes, Chef.
-Three minutes.

[narrator] For Johnathan's next test,

Chef Ramsay has switched out
Sammi's salmon for arctic char.

-[Ramsay] Dress the salmon, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

-And I'm dressing the steak.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let's go. Gently, gently, gently.


So bring them down.

-Bring them down. Bring them down.
-Yes, Chef.

Are you happy with that?

-I want to take this off, make it...
-Look at the fish.

[John] Wrong fish.

-[Ramsay] It's arctic char.

g*dd*mn it.

Ooh, tough one. Arctic char.
You know, I didn't see that coming.

Arctic char and salmon are pretty close,

but the important part is picking it up
and bouncing back.

-Look at me. Don't drop your head.
-Yes, Chef.

-Eyes everywhere.
-Yes, Chef.

-Yes, Chef.

I'm gonna make sure
this is my only mistake.

[Ramsay] Service, please.


-One Wellington, one lamb. How long?
-Wellie and lamb walking.

Right on your left, Chef.

-Thank you.

[narrator] For Johnathan's final test,

Chef Ramsay is switching the rack of lamb
with a rack of venison.

-Put the lamb... It's super hot, careful.
-That doesn't look like lamb, Chef.

-That's not lamb.
-What is that?

I don't know, but I cooked the lamb,
and that is not lamb.

I don't f*cking know what that is.

Some crazy dinosaur meat.

I know that that's not lamb.

-Well spotted.
-Thank you, Chef.

-That's venison.

-Finish the Wellington.
-Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Young man, well caught.

Saxon, close your ears.

I get stiff as a rock to hear Chef Ramsay
say, "Good catch, young man."

That's it. Go, John. Well spotted.

I am just over the moon,
so f*cking excited right now.

I can't even explain it.

-Ryan, take over the fish, please.
-Yes, Chef.

Sammi, you're running the hot plate.

-Let's go.
-Yes, Chef.

Head chef.

Head chef, Hell's Kitchen Vegas.

We are fighting for this.
I am winning this.

There is no way
I'm being sent home tonight.

-You're the head chef.
-Yes, Chef.

You run this place. Good luck.
Let's go. All yours.

-[Marino] Chef Sammi.
-Yes, Chef.

I have a four top for you.

I'm absolutely channeling
Chef Ramsay right now.

I'm going to show him that
I can be just like him.

I am all business tonight.

Order in, I've got a four top.

Two scallop, two risotto.

-How long?
-Two scallop, two risottos. Seven minutes.

Heard. Seven minutes,
two scallops, two risotto.

Nice. Strong, punchy, and they got it.

-Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

I have never felt this secure
and confident.

-How long on my two lobster tails?
-[Ryan] 30 seconds, Chef.

And it feels f*cking amazing.

Tails on your right, Chef.

[Sammi] Thank you.

These lobster tail feels a little over.

Yeah. That's overcooked.

Ryan, these lobster tails are overcooked.
I need two more.

Yes, Chef. Coming right up.

-How long?
-Tails in one minute, Chef.

My standard tonight is
going to be extremely high.

I want perfection.

They're good, Chef.

[Sammi] No. They're under.

Ryan, take the lobster back.

-They're cooked, Chef.
-No, they are not.

[narrator] It's 90 minutes
into dinner service,

and Sammi is the last chef
to run the pass.

Ryan, take the lobster back.

They're cooked, Chef.

-No, they are not.
-Come on, guys.

[narrator] But Ryan's issues
with the lobster tails

has slowed down the service.

Right, Ryan. I'm f*cking dying now.

-I want the lobster.
-Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

If I don't get this food out right now,
I'm definitely going to go down.

But that's not going
to happen on my watch.

-Push it.
-[John] Okay, Ryan.

-Let's walk. Let's walk.
-Walking. Walking.

-Two riso.
-Put 'em down.

Two tails, Chef.

-Get a grip, young man.
-Thank you.

They feel good, Chef. A lot better.

Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Go.

[narrator] Ryan's lobster
finally meets Chef Sammi's approval

and makes its way out to eager diners...

-Oh, this is fire.

[narrator] ...and is getting rave reviews.

Oh, man. This is k*ller. It's so good.

Entrees fired, two halibut, two lamb.

-How long?
-Two lamb, two halibut.

-Three minutes.

Lamb garnish, please.

-[narrator] To test Sammi...
-Lamb garnish coming.

[narrator] ...Chef Christina has served
arugula instead of spinach.

Sorry, carrots hot. Carrots hot.

Chef, this is arugula.

Well spotted.

Christina, finish, please.
This is arugula.

Thank you.

I'm so happy.

I'm speaking up, I'm using my voice,

making sure that everything
is going out perfectly.

First sabotage.

-Eyes wide open. Well done.
-Yes, Chef.

Feeling good that I caught
this mistake, for sure.

Last table, guys.

Chef, halibut on your right.

[narrator] For Sammi's final test,

Chef Ramsay has replaced
the halibut with Chilean sea bass.

-Put the halibut on the plate, quickly.
-Yes, Chef.

Ryan, nice cook on the halibut.

Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay] Touch that.

-Do you think this is a little under?
-No. Touch it again.

-What is that?

-Is it sea bass?
-That is bass, exactly, there.

-Come on. Come on. Take it off.

Oh, my God.

I'm touching the fish,
and it seems perfect,

so I'm just, like, not even
thinking twice about it.

Definitely feeling a little disappointed
that I didn't catch this.

Right. Look at me. Well done.

-Last line of defense.

Now you know what it feels like

-when you're let down by your brigade.
-Yes, Chef.

-Good job.
-Thank you, Chef.

I'm feeling a little bit
defeated right now,

but overall, I feel like
I did really well tonight.

Service, please.

Oh, wow. Thank you.

That was amazing. So good.

Well done, all four of you.

Now, listen carefully.

I want all of you to go back to the dorm
and have a really deep discussion

and convince your fellow chefs

why you deserve to move on
in this competition.

-Is that clear?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Off you go.
-Thank you, Chef.

Obviously, we can sit here all day
and talk about how hard we've worked

and what we've sacrificed
to be in this industry.

-Good job tonight, guys.
-Yeah, good job.

But, you know, I feel like I am
the epitome of the American dream.

I came here with pennies
in my pocket, and I've worked,

you know, my absolute buttocks off
to be where I am today.

We all worked hard to be here.

Ten, fifteen years that we've all been
f*cking grafting in kitchens to get here.

One year.

I'm also fighting for that American dream,

and the past year and a half
has been the biggest struggle of my life.

I started my own business out of my car
when I got laid off from my corporate job.

Came right into this industry
full throttle,

and a year and some change later,
I ended up here.

And that's for a reason,
because I've been busting my ass.

Everything that I have
sacrificed for myself, my family,

and all the sacrifices that they've made
for me as well has led me to this point,

so I don't want anything to
stop me from getting there.

My American dream.
It's not even mine, at this point.

It's Saxon's American dream,

and you guys all see
that I talk about Saxon all the time.

I came in here with my American dream,

thinking everything was going to be,
you know, about me.

And it is absolutely not.

It is her American dream now.

Cooking and sacrificing, you know,
her birthdays, that's hard, too.

I know you guys all make sacrifices.

I couldn't see my family for four years
over me being on a visa,

then COVID happened,
so I didn't see anybody for four years.

Yeah. Yeah.

That was tough. Like, I almost went home,
but then my dad told me,

he was like, there's a reason
that you got the visa.

My dad's a chef, and when my dad was 23,

he won the green card lottery
to come to America.

A month later, my mother
fell pregnant with me,

so my dad had to cancel
his American dream.

-His dream was to work for Gordon Ramsay.

Your dad?

The fact I'm doing this,
it's for the both of us.

This one's for you, Dad.

-I'm definitely doing this for my dad too.

I haven't really opened up about it,

but my dad was, like,
my number one supporter, always.

My dad suffered from
a pretty major stroke,

like, two years ago.

And I've been taking care of my dad
by myself for, like, the past two years.

You know, taking him to doctors'
appointments and stuff all the time

while trying to balance a full-time job.

And I just know that
he's so proud to see me here.

I think that's why
the four of us are here,

is because we do represent fighting
for that American dream

in each of our own different ways.

-In a very big way, at that.
-Yeah. We're all fighters.

I'm here to f*cking stay, so...

We started way back with 18 chefs,

and now I'm down to you final four.

This is so crazy.

-You all show an immense talent.

However, tonight only three of you
will be advancing.

Sammi, why do you deserve
a spot in the final three?

I'm very proud with everything
that I've done in this competition.

I've become a better leader,
better communicator.

I just want to learn from you so much
and be your next head chef.


All of the hardships in my life
have led me to this exact moment.

I'm not lucky. I'm resilient.

I want a job, and it's to be
your next head chef,

and I'm not leaving until I get that.


You know, I talk about destiny a lot,

but I feel like I'm right
where I should be, Chef.

And I'm really proud of myself
as a father and a chef.

There's no one else in this room
who wants it more than I do.

Ryan, young man, why do you think
you deserve a spot in the final three?

I came here with nothing
in my pocket, but just a dream.

You know, I still have that hunger,
that desire to be your next head chef.

And the furnace inside my stomach,

not all the water in the ocean
could put out, Chef.

This is tough,
but I have made my decision.

The first chef advancing
to the final three is...


-[exhales deeply]

Young man, when you took
your turn at the pass tonight,

it certainly did not feel
like it was your first time.

You were in control. Congratulations.

Thank you, Chef. I will not let you down.

The next chef advancing
to the final three is...


Young man, you led with authority.

Throughout this competition,

you've been one of
the most consistent chefs ever.

Thank you, Chef.

Sammi and Carmen,

only one of you
will be joining the final three.

The final person advancing
to the final three is...

Sammi and Carmen,

only one of you
will be joining the final three.

The final person advancing
to the final three is...


Across this entire journey,
you have been unflappable.


This is just everything that I want.


Thank you, Chef.

Carmen, come over here a minute.

You have bucketloads of creativity,
and you have tremendous passion.

When your experience catches up
with everything else you've got,

you have the total package.

Yes, Chef.

Further down the line, my door is open.

-Reach out.
-I will, for sure.

-I do.

I'm so grateful for this opportunity.
It's really changed my life.

I do not want your jacket.

Thank you, Chef. Can I hug you?

Thank you for everything.

-Good job.
-Appreciate it.

-Thank you, guys.
-Good job.

Good night.

Part of me feels like I didn't lose today.

I've grown a lot throughout
this competition.

If you could go back and give yourself one
piece of advice when you first started,

-what would it be?
-I'd travel more.

[Carmen] Coming into this competition,
I felt the need to prove myself.

[Ramsay] The duck's cooked beautifully.

You have done
your Peruvian heritage proud.

I am new and fresh in this industry.

I feel like I'm trying to unclog a toilet.

[Carmen] So there were a lot of obstacles
coming into this competition.

It's called Hell's Kitchen for a reason.

-[Ramsay] How long?
-We should be down to two, two and a half.

"Should it be down, maybe two and a half?
Should we go shopping?

Should we get our nails done?"
f*cking drive it.

I don't expect it from you.

-I want it better, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

It's been so many high highs
and really low lows...

Oh, my God!

[goats bleating]


I missed one egg at the end,
and I'm sorry, okay?

But what about that raw chicken?

This just doesn't feel right anymore.

Being knocked down so many
times and just bouncing back,

I definitely have a thicker skin
and I believe in myself.

I've made it this far for a reason.

-Lamb is beautiful.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Wellington's beautiful.
-Nice job, Carmen.

f*ck, yeah.

Being able to cook with Chef Ramsay,

those are moments that I'm going to
remember for the rest of my life.

Congratulations, Carmen.

-What's up, b*tches!

We got black jackets for a reason,
and we deserve it,

-so let them underestimate us.

I'm walking out of here
a better chef and a better person,

and I'm proud of myself for making it
this far this early in my career path.

And I know that there's
a lot more to come for me.

Now, you are all going to compete
in one more final challenge.

That challenge will determine
which two of you advances

to the finale of "Hell's Kitchen."

But for now, just take this moment in
and enjoy it

because, my God, you f*cking deserve it.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-Good night, Chef.
-Thank you.

Mom and Dad, your boy made it.

The American dream. I told you.

One dish at a time, one day at a time.

Wait till you see me in the final round.

[all screaming]

I am so f*cking determined
to get my hand on that door.

Going forward, I have to
kick it into a new gear

I've never even been in.

It's time to f*cking put my w*r paint on

'cause I'm going through
that f*cking door.



Finally, some f*cking emotion, Sammi.

I literally can't believe
that I am in the top three.


My dad would be so proud of me right now,

and I can't wait to tell him
that I'm in the top three.

I can win this thing, and I'm going to
keep fighting for him.


[Ramsay] It's always difficult to let go

of any chef that makes it
into the final four,

but Carmen's lack of experience
puts her one step behind

the other three great chefs I have left.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen...


Please give it up for our final three,
Johnathan, Ryan, and Sammi.

[narrator] With everything on the line...

The stakes are the highest ever.

I'm like a bull.
Open the gates and let me out.

[narrator] The final three
take center stage...

Can you believe that food got us here?

Now, off you go.

Taste everything, yeah?

I am so close to the finish line
that I have to pull this off.

Thank me by winning.

[narrator] a battle to secure
the final two spots.

I'm ready to win this challenge.

[narrator] Who will be able to keep
their American dream alive?

I think our Irish friend over here
is after Michelin stars.

I might have to steal that one.

-[narrator] Find out on the next...

When I get to Vegas, I need a dishwasher.

[narrator] ...Hell's Kitchen.