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01x10 - Musketeers Don't Die Easily

Posted: 03/31/14 08:30
by bunniefuu
Your Majesty! Down, down, down, down, down!

You assured me Gallagher could do this.

Instead I find the Queen is still alive.

The mercenaries were hired by Count Mellendorf. -Makes no sense.

Mellendorf is here seeking a husband for his daughter.

If the Queen were out of the way, the King would be free to marry again.

I cannot believe you slept with the Queen!

Who would dare to attack my queen?

This isn't the work of Mellendorf. It's something much bigger.

That flower is the signature of a woman who works for the Cardinal.








Time to pay for your crimes, "Milady".


How many times have you cleaned those pistols tonight?

Respect your w*apon, and it'll respect you.

Another thing you need to learn if you want to be a good Musketeer.

All right, just so I know, this whole "d'Artagnan the apprentice Musketeer" thing - how long does it last? Well, as long as it's funny.



He's taken a woman hostage. He's threatening to k*ll her.

Clear! Get away! Back! Stand away!




Let her go.

She is a liar... and a m*rder*r.

And... she is the Cardinal's spy.


And she is my wife.



Athos, my friend.

You're drunk. Just release her and we can talk.

D'Artagnan, help me. He's gone mad.

You know her?

So, she is your mysterious benefactor?

Are you lovers too?

Once, before I knew you.


You slept with her?

You don't understand.

You kept the truth from me.

Athos, I swear I didn't know. I didn't know.

Well, now you must choose, d'Artagnan.

If you help her, you're not fit to call yourself a Musketeer.

I can't let you m*rder her.


Help me.

Hey! Let's talk about this, Athos! Put her down!

Stop this at once! That is an order!


D'Artagnan! No!


You fool!

(Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake.)






The Musketeers S01E10 - Musketeers Don't Die Easily



My father stands accused of the attempted m*rder of the Queen.

For three months he has languished in Your Majesty's prison, an innocent man, falsely suspected.

I warn you, if Count Mellendorf is ex*cuted, his many friends and family in Sweden and Prussia will not stand idly by.

Do you dare to thr*aten the King in his own court?

I... I make no threats. I...

I... I simply beg Your Majesty to hear a loving daughter's plea for justice.

You may rest assured, dear Charlotte... we will discover the truth.

What a handsome girl! So good with the dogs.

Do you know, she brought down a full-grown stag with a single shot?

However... we believe that there is more to this terrible business than meets the eye.

We have no conclusive evidence of Count Mellendorf's involvement.

Yes, apart from his signed confession.

Signed under duress.

Well, what about the letter in his name promising the mercenary Gallagher safe passage to Germany?

Unsigned. It could easily be a forgery.

Conflict with Prussia and Sweden is a high price to pay if there's any doubt.

Your Majesty must send a strong message to those who would meddle in France's affairs.

Mellendorf is guilty! He should be ex*cuted without delay.

We will take no rash action until further enquiries have been made.

Your Majesty is making a mistake.

The King does not make mistakes, Cardinal! You forget yourself!


What do they know?!

Nothing for certain.

I am not prepared to rely upon that ignorance!

No-one has identified me or proved either of us has any connection with Gallagher.

For your sake, I hope you're right.

But I fear you've been distracted lately.

What, do you think I don't know about your little public adventure last night?

How is your charming husband?


I was lucky to escape with my life.

Well, don't get too attached to it. Your head will be on the block before mine.

You should have more faith.

I've been working tirelessly to further your aims.

Effort is of no use to me, only results!


I want... Athos and his friends... silenced for good.

Musketeers don't die easily.

A charming sentiment.

Now... can you k*ll them or not?

If that's what you want.

This is your last chance.

I suggest you take it.




I could blow your brains out now and never think of you again.

I'm guessing you didn't bring me here just to sh**t me.

Well, the question is, can I trust you?

I saved your life.


The shot grazed your ribs.

A few inches to the right and Athos would have k*lled you.

It was an accident.

Was it? Yes.

You saw the look on his face when he found out about us.

He hated you. They all did.

Your so-called friends.

They left you to bleed to death in the square.

Why didn't you tell me you were his wife?

Never came up.

The Cardinal is my patron and protector.

He could be yours too.

I hate the Cardinal.

That's childish talk.

Cut your losses.


There is no future for you in the Musketeers.

I don't believe that.

Believe that, then.

The last time I was in your bed, you m*rder*d a man and blamed me for it.

I promise I haven't m*rder*d anyone yet... today.

Tell me what really happened between you and Athos.



Where is he?

Where is d'Artagnan?

He's not here.

Tell me he isn't dead. There's been no news since last night.

Why would he fight with Athos?

It was over a woman.

Milady de Winter?


This is my fault.

I drove him into her arms.


Why don't you go home? If we hear anything, we'll let you know.

I promise.

She's upset.

She loves him.

Well, she said she didn't.

And you believe that?

He did.

You only have to look at her. She loves him all right.

I was born poor.

I was a thief and a pickpocket.

But everything changed when I married Athos.

I lied about my past to protect our happiness.

But his brother...

Thomas, was mad with desire for me.

He tried to force me.

I had no choice.

I k*lled him.

But I did it for love.

Athos was blind to the truth.

Because he discovered I was once a thief, he decided I must also be a m*rder*r.

This is what he did... to preserve his honour and status.

You once said you would k*ll the man who did this to me.

You want me to k*ll Athos?

You don't know him as I do. He will never forgive you.

I will not m*rder my best friend.


Madame. I've come to see d'Artagnan.

This won't take long.

What do you want, Captain?

Athos has made it clear he can never serve at your side again.

I cannot allow such dissent within the ranks.

I'm sorry, but your future lies elsewhere.


Resign your commission quickly, and I'll see no dishonour is attached to your name.

No! I don't deserve this. What have I done wrong?

I have not come here to judge you.

I simply have to make a choice, and Athos is the finest soldier in the regiment.

I choose him.

There is nothing more to be said.

You were right about him. I should have listened.

Be in the town square at midday.

You'll get what you want.


Well, well, well!

Where you been?

In bed, injured.

You weren't alone, I think.

How is Madame de la Chapelle?

Or is it Milady de Winter? Ah, I lose track.

She was well, last time I saw her, no thanks to her loving husband.

I see you've risen from the grave.

You failed to k*ll me, if that's what you're referring to.

What are you doing here?

I am still a Musketeer, despite what Athos may wish.

We'll settle this in private.

Clear off! Your money's no good here!



Tell Sarazin Milady de Winter is here.

So, finally, you've decided to come crawling back, have you?

Do I look as though I'm on my knees?

k*ll her.




Wonderful! You see that?

Just shot him. Boom! Priceless!

Well, you've hardly changed at all, have you, Milady?

All of you. On your knees!

Bow your heads.

You don't seem to realise you're in the presence... of a great artist.

We are all... your humble servants, my queen.

Still as theatrical as ever, Sarazin.

Oh, yeah.

And you... you can sit down.

So, you're not dead.

And you're not drunk.



Careful. I'm a wounded man, remember?

Sorry about that. Is it bad?

Bad enough. You were supposed to sh**t me in the arm, Athos.

A shot to the side is so much more authentic.

You're not claiming you aimed there deliberately?

Accuracy isn't easy after three bottles of wine.

Hm. That part was genuine, at least.

D'Artagnan, does Milady believe we've abandoned you?

Almost. There's just one tiny detail left I need to convince her.

What's that?

Nothing too difficult.

I just need to k*ll you.

Go and get me some more wine.


Was I ever like that? You?

Oh, no, no. You were a different class.

Oh, you broke my heart when you left me, you know.

Well, it's difficult when you have no heart to break.

Well, people like us can't really afford feelings, can we?

I mean, what on earth would we do with 'em?

I need insurance, Sarazin, in case my plans don't work out.

Will you help me k*ll these Musketeers or not?

You know, I made you into the greatest thief this city has ever seen.

I invested a lot of time and a lot of money into you, and you ran away from me and you hid behind the Cardinal's skirts.

Now you owe me, remember?

I can pay.

Really? I wonder. 100 livres.

Oh, please.



No, I think not.

When the job is done, you will come back and you will work for me.

Oh, not a chance.

I've outgrown you.

Oh, well, you may have slightly nicer clothes, but underneath them there's still that... HE SNIFFS that whiff of the cheap little thief that I once knew.

And, anyway, you wouldn't be here unless you were desperate.

Oh, here she is.

So, you just say the word... and all my... resources are yours.


So, how exactly do you want these Musketeers to die?


What do you want?

An apology for the way you've treated me.

Or what?

Or... we'll settle this like gentlemen.

Hey! That's enough!

I know what you did to your wife, Athos. I know your true character. You disgust me!

You'll hear from my seconds!

This must be done properly, according to the rules!

Damn the rules. D'Artagnan!


He's dead! m*rder*r!

Come back, you coward!

Madame Bonacieux.

Madame Bonacieux!

Come quickly. D'Artagnan just shot Athos. He's calling for you.

He needs help. Where is he?

Follow me. Quickly!

I thought I would feel something more than this... this emptiness.

I loved him once.

Are you sorry you k*lled him?

Regrets are pointless.

It's help I need now.

Aramis and Porthos will never forgive this.

They'll want revenge.

I thought you were like Athos.

But I was wrong.

He had greatness in him. He would not be frightened.

I'm not frightened.

Just practical.

There's only one man who can help me stay alive and I need to see him now.

There's someone else, isn't there?

I have just k*lled a man.

It tends to dampen the mood.

Not in my experience.

You're in love with that draper's wife.

Constance means nothing to me.

I see.

Well, perhaps you're not Athos... but, with the Cardinal's help, I can still make something of you.

He'll be expecting us by now.

Panting: Where is he?

In here. He's waiting for you.



What's going on?

Where is he?

Sarazin: Unfortunately... d'Artagnan is unable to attend.

He did, however... send me to look after you.


Musketeers slaughtering each other in the public square?


Something really must be done, and spare a thought for the victim's grieving widow.

What must she be feeling now?

Aramis and Porthos will be looking for me.

I need your protection. Protection?



The penalty for duelling is death.

You will be hanged at dawn.

Two dead musketeers for the price of one? An excellent bargain.

Touch me and she dies.

Well, do try not to get blood everywhere.

He's testing you, d'Artagnan.

Shut up.

I assure you I am not.

There was a time when you might have been useful to me.

What service can you offer me now?

You know Treville has a letter signed by the assassin Gallagher?

It implicates you in the attempt to m*rder the Queen.

I can get it for you.



If it's a ransom you're after, my husband isn't a wealthy man.


I'm afraid you're involved in a much bigger game, Constance.

And Celine here...

Will tend to your every need.

Your very good health.

I'm not frightened of you.

You're uncommonly brave for a woman, aren't you?

Untie these ropes and I'll show you what a woman can do.


You know something?


You know something?

I am going to thoroughly enjoy k*lling you in a few hours.

Let's see who's brave then, eh?





Why hasn't Treville produced it already? He's waiting to condemn you at Mellendorf's trial, in front of the King.

That way, no-one can suppress the evidence.

Tell me you weren't foolish enough to mention my name to Gallagher.

How would you obtain it?

Use me as bait.

Tell Aramis and Porthos you'll hand me over in exchange for the letter.

Why should I do that when their intention was to destroy me?

No, no, no. This is personal now. I k*lled their friend. Their code of honour demands my death.

Believe me. I know how they think.

What about Treville? He would never allow it.

Treville would never need to know.

Aramis knows where the letter is kept.

Is he right about them?

They loved Athos. They would do anything to avenge his death.

And what do you want in return?

Your guarantee of my safety, and a commission in the Red Guards.

Send a message to the Musketeer Aramis.

Tell him if he wants d'Artagnan, to bring Gallagher's letter to the old seminary at Le Place Mon Pere.



Today... we bury a lost comrade and brother.

Athos... was a loyal friend and a fine warrior.


He was a great warrior.

A great warrior...

And a brilliant swordsman.

A great warrior and a brilliant swordsman.

He'd like that.

His death is a tragic waste.

He was considered handsome. Ah...

He was more rugged, I'd say, but, you know...

Well, I suppose it's in the eye of the beholder.

May I continue?

His death... is a tragic waste.

Was a funeral strictly necessary?

But none of us could save him...

Milady might be watching.

We had to make it convincing.

It's very emotional. from the demons... There, there.

He's not actually dead.

Still, it's the thought that, you know...




My face!



Dear God.

Do I have to do everything myself?


How was my funeral?

The Captain had some very nice things to say about you.

Porthos even shed a few tears.

I'm sorry to have missed it.

Any news from d'Artagnan?

Not since he k*lled you.

Uh-oh. Huh.

Where is she? Is he hiding her somewhere?

I know what you Musketeers are like.

What are you talking about, Monsieur?

Madame Bonacieux left my house yesterday afternoon.

I know she's eloped with that wretch d'Artagnan.

Well, I'll challenge him. I have no choice.

Calm... down.

Right, tell us exactly what happened.

I already have. She disappeared and hasn't returned.

Well, she's not with d'Artagnan, I can assure you that.

A respectable woman doesn't just disappear in broad daylight.

For goodness' sake!


Oh, dear. Well, that's going to leave a permanent mark, isn't it?

You do realise you're never going to be beautiful again, don't you?

Well, I suppose someone might want you, as long as they don't look too close.


Now leave!

Please, Sarazin! I love you!

Well, love doesn't pay the bills, does it?

Oh, get out!

Was that necessary?

What use is a courtesan with a scar on her face?

And you! I liked her! You cost me!

Panting: My friends will be looking for me.

Your friends are tearing themselves apart.

Athos is dead, m*rder*d by your beloved d'Artagnan.

I knew you were evil.

From the first moment I saw you, I knew.

You have such spirit.

I understand what d'Artagnan sees in you.

What a shame it must end like this.

If Constance has been missing all night, she might be in danger.

D'Artagnan can't know about this, not now. It will only distract him.

You know he loves her. All the more reason to keep it from him.

One lapse in concentration might cost him his life.

What about hers?



The Cardinal's got d'Artagnan.

He will hand him over in exchange for Gallagher's letter.

You m*rder*r! It was a duel!

You shot him in cold blood!

Entertaining as this is, perhaps we should get to business.

Just give me the letter, then you can do what you want with d'Artagnan.

You'd m*rder the Queen, just to see one of your favourites on the throne?

Hm? Haven't you got enough power already?

This was never about power.

Of course it was.

You simply wanted your own puppet at the King's right hand.

You understand nothing.

Why don't you explain it to us, then?

He can't speak because he's too ashamed.



The Queen is barren.

If the King dies without an heir, France will be plunged back into civil w*r.

Is one woman's life worth sacrificing to avoid such a catastrophe?

I think it is.

I ordered her death because I alone will face the truths that no-one else can stomach.

Give me that letter.

How very cunning. You tricked me.

Into making a full confession, yes.

And what use is your confession?

The word of a lowly Musketeer against the First Minister of France?

Who do you think the King will believe?

The King might not believe their word, Cardinal, but he will most certainly believe mine.

Look into my face, Cardinal... the face of the woman you tried to k*ll.

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy.

What I did, I did solely for the interests of France.

It is only because I believe you are sincere in your devotion to the country... that I have decided to spare your life.

France needs you and the King loves you.

Your treachery would break his heart.

If you ever fail in your duty again...

I will not be so lenient.

My influence with the King is stronger than you can possibly imagine.

You have been warned... Cardinal.

Athos was your friend.

Are you so ready to forgive his m*rder?

It's sad, but we can always find new friends.

And, to be honest, he was a little moody.


One more thing.

We want Milady. She too has to account for her crimes.

She's yours.

She's of no further use to me.

Perhaps we're worrying about nothing. Constance would not just disappear. Something's happened to her.

She might be home already, safe and sound. And what if she isn't?

Look, I'm sure she's fine. All right?

She came to the garrison when she heard you were injured.

You could see she was upset.

You only have to look at her face to see she adores you.

Milady is on her way. She's taken the bait.

We'll deal with Milady and then we'll find Constance.

The Cardinal was unavoidably detained.

So, he has finally betrayed me?

Well, it changes nothing.

I've already won.

Athos is dead.

I should have guessed.

It seems we are both prone to resurrection.

It's amazing what you can do with a bit of play-acting and a pig's bladder full of blood.

Did your revenge... taste sweet?

For a moment... and then something strange happened.

The world seemed diminished without you.


sh**t me and you will never see Constance Bonacieux alive again.

Where is she? If you've hurt her, I'll k*ll you.

Oh, young love. So touching.

I warned you there would be a final reckoning between us, Athos.


I'll be waiting with her in the Rue Saint-Jacques in one hour's time.

Send them. No-one else.

This is your doing, not mine.

It will be an ambush. She has no intention of letting any of us live.

All for one.

All: And one for all.



Soon they will come for you and this will all be over.

Musketeers don't die easily.

If I were you, I'd run now.

SHE GASPS Now, you move, you die.



Constance, get down!

Don't, no! Shut him down!

Come here!



Aah! Constance, run!


Come on!





One more step and she dies.

Stop this Anne.

You've hurt enough people.

You dare to talk to me about hurt?


I'm sorry, what I said!

I didn't mean any of it! None of it! None of it was true!

Enough. It's over.



Do you have anything to say?

Go ahead. Finish what you started.

You don't have to do this.

Leave this to the proper authorities, Athos.

I made her what she is.

Her murders are on my head.

It is you who should be on your knees.

Now k*ll me... and do a better job of it than last time.


Go to Spain. England. Anywhere. I don't care.

But if you ever show your face in Paris again...

I will k*ll you, without hesitation.

You know there can be no peace for either of us, until we are both dead.

I'm glad you saved her.

Perhaps I was saving myself.

Someone might see us.

Who cares?

Madame Bonacieux! Come quickly! The master has tried to k*ll himself!


What have you done?

Poor Bonacieux.

I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed.

How badly are you hurt?

I thought you'd abandoned me.

I couldn't face life without you so I tried to end it all.

I love you. I love you so much.



I won't reproach you, ask you where you've been.

Only know this.

If you ever leave me again, my worthless life will be on your conscience.

I beg you, don't leave.

I can't leave him, not like this.

He's bluffing. We can't know that.

What if he really did it?

Later, perhaps.

When he doesn't need me so much, things might be different.

He'll never make you happy.


Goodbye, d'Artagnan.

It was a beautiful dream.

I love you.

Your Eminence.

The King demands your attendance on a matter of the highest importance.

I never expected this, Cardinal.

Not after so long.

The Queen... is with child.



Indeed. Isn't it wonderful?


May I offer my most hearty congratulations to Your Majesty?

I'm certain you share our delight.

No-one could be happier than I.

In honour of this marvellous news, the Queen has asked me to grant Count Mellendorf a full amnesty for his crimes.

In fact, she was quite adamant on the matter.

What do you say, Cardinal?

The Queen's mercy is a lesson to us all.

Provided the Count himself has no complaints to make?

I am... content simply to return home with my beloved daughter Charlotte.

I hope never to hear another word of this matter again.

My own sentiments entirely.

Er... the Queen would like to rest in private.

We will celebrate later.

I'm convinced this baby will be born strong and healthy... like his father.

It will be a boy.

I'm certain of it.

I pray he will have his mother's great wisdom... and judgment.

And his father's courage.

I will watch over your son and guard him with all my strength and heart.

I will lay down my life for him if necessary.

He will have no more devoted servant.

It is only what I would expect from a King's musketeer.

God go with you... Aramis.

What a very happy occasion this is, Your Majesty. A child after so long.


One might almost call it a miracle.

What am I missing?

Aramis has been saying farewell to Charlotte Mellendorf.

Oh. I didn't know you two were close.

He's very discreet when it comes to affairs of the heart.

So, at the end of it all, what do we have?

No glory.

Puh! No money.

No love.

None of the things that make life bearable.

We have honour.


I can live with that.

For honour, then.

Still, a little money would be nice.

Hyaah! Hyaah!

Hyaah! Ha!

Hyaah! Hyaah!