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08x09 - The Devil You Know

Posted: 04/20/24 08:16
by bunniefuu
The time has come for
us to part company.

You're just not
getting it done for me.

How y'all doing?

-Ah, great.

Port side ground tackle's
at the stern.

Is that Rob?

Have you done
a country boil before?


Well, it's just like
a messy seafood feast.

Francesca puts out
some pretty hot vibes.

-All right.

You got a boyfriend?

I'm really attracted to him,
so we'll see what happens.

Bryan is one of North Carolina's
top Realtors

and he expects every dinner
to be eight to ten courses.

Caviar, seafood, scallops,
filet mignon topped with...

France themed party with an
elaborate ten course dinner.

I'm out.
I'll start packing now.

I've got less than 24 hours
to find a charter chef.

My day just got sh--ty.

May I come back
and do this charter?

I'm on board with that.

I've got to kiss some serious
captain ass right now.

To prove that he did
not make a bad decision.

She is on it.

I really need you
to step up the game.

I really plan on 100% improving.

They only have
one bottle of the champagne.

-They forgot the champagne?
-Guess so.

What the [bleep]?

She takes one step forward
and then two steps back.

We can replace her,
but sometimes the devil you know

is better than
the devil you don't.

At this point in the season,

the cream of the crop
has already gone.


Yeah, well, I can't have
her as second stew.

Do what you have to do.

Elizabeth knows the boat,
but she's not doing a good job,

and I don't even know
if anyone

with the level of standard
that we need, is available.

Have a nice rest of your meal.

Thanks so much.

It's a lot of pressure on me
to make the right decisions.

God, old people [bleep]
faster than this thing blends.


You and your cereal.

Learn from your mistakes.

Bottoms up.

-Stick it in--stick it--

Shake it all about.

All right, all right, all right.

Let's go for a tiki torch swim.


You can go when
we're um, packing down.

Ash and Francesca
just went into the water,

-I heard on the radio.

Yeah, went for a swim.



Are you annoyed
they went for a swim?


Just think now, you're at
the beach, and they're not.

And we're going to be alone
here for like, half an hour.

-And you can enjoy it then.
-I will.

All right, you guys ready?

-We'll meet you guys back.
-Might be a little slippery.

There you go.

Could do two napkins together.

That would be fun.

Francesca, Francesca, heads up,
I'm en route with the guests.

Copy that.


How was your second day?

-Good. I think.


These fish are so big.


Do you know how to fly fish?

-Do you?


I've always wanted to fly--
learn to fly fish,

but I couldn't find anyone,
um, to teach me.

That sucks.

-Do you want to jump in with me?


I feel bad for Elizabeth.

Like, it's ----ing
prison inside,

and Francesca is like
some evil sheriff.

I hope I've made
her feel better.

I don't know why
I like to fix people.

Maybe I'm just so damaged that,

'cause I can't fix
a part of myself,

and it's just like an
inherent part of my trauma.

Maybe I should
speak to my therapist.

I got you.

Straight on the wood,
there you go.

Hi. Welcome back.

Hi, thank you!

French night, tonight.

So it's the French outfit.

Au revoir.

Yes, Paris.

How we doing?

Rob, why don't you come with me?


And we'll pick everybody
else up from the beach.

Those little moments,
like, it's all worth it.

Just reminds me of like, who I
am and what I want out of life.


It's only a couple more weeks
you have to deal with Francesca.


There we go.

Go ahead. Any day.


-Yep, you're good.
-Thank you.

Just go straight
to the slide, guys.

Francesca, Francesca, Elizabeth.

Go ahead, Elizabeth.

I'm back, I'm very sandy.

Is it all right
if I get changed and stuff?

Yes, absolutely.

Perfect, see you shortly.

I hate you.

I hate you so much.

-All right.
-You ready, broski?

One, two, three.

-Good arrangement.

Like, look at
all the negative spaces.

And look at these little lines.

Isn't this a challenge?

Look how few pieces are left.

I know.

The hardest part is done.

Come my little
blueberry of love.

Not really.


There was a period of
my life where there was

Dungeons and Dragons
and a lot of fantasy metal.

And I was 17 and did not
have a huge friend circle.


But that kind of escapism
can lead to some

really creative things.

It's like a pegasorn.

It's a Pegasus slash unicorn,

fighting this big evil orc
that's riding a dragon.


Yeah, I'm a big nerd.

Nice job guys,
finally got well done.

We appreciate that.

-Thank you, Eddie.
-Done before dinner.

What time would you like
Ash in the galley, Rachel?

I would say in twenty minutes
to start helping me plate.

-All right.

I want to nail this charter.

I feel like I've done well,

overcoming all the
sh---uations that have occurred.

Low country boil.

-Are you kidding me?

The whole Mardi Gras thing
was a great feat in itself.


Homemade marshmallows.

It's amazing.

I mean, come on.

Ten course tasting menu.
Bring it.

Where do did you
get your gloves?

Ah, look at that.



Okay, Rach,
guests are in the cabins.

Elizabeth is just doing her
final stuff on the table.

It needs to be to the side.

I know it needs
to be to the side.

-Are you sure you know that?
-Have you met me?

I mean, I have.

You need to get down to Rachel,
please, don't be late.

Bonsoir, bonsoir.

Oh, God!

Oh, girl!

[air kissing]

Look at Hamburgler.

-[speaking French]

I love it!

You're so--

Eddie, Eddie, Francesca.

Go for Eddie.

Rachel needs a hand
in the galley

with dishwasher and things.

Uh, I'll try to
get someone in here to help,

but we just got a lot to do.

Rachel quitting, I've let
it go for the most part.

But I still haven't
forgotten about it.

If she's going to leave us
all high and dry,

that shows how much
she respects all of us.

If I was Captain Lee,
yeah, you can come back

for this one charter,
but I'll be firing you

as soon as I possibly can.

Get in your blacks and then uh,

help out the kitchen
for a little bit.

If you want.
You don't have to.

I don't really give a [bleep].

-Are you on late?
-I am on lates.

You are, tonight?

I made a special request
just so we can flirt.


We got to do
at least six of these.

They're very, very delicate,
they're duck eggs.



Well, we are ready for you
at the dinner table...


When you are.

They brought
the Eiffel Tower to us.


Thank you for
helping with dishes.

Well, thanks
for bringing me more dishes.

I'm going to keep bringing them.


Stage cigarettes.

Suck and blow.

That came out wrong.

Um, this is the most stressful
thing I've ever done in my life.

It is always the most stressful
thing in the world, trust me.

Okay, thanks.

Thank you very much, ladies.

-Everything is good.
-First course.


Seared foie gras.

-Great, thank you.

And you have
white balsamic pearls.

The perfect bite.

It's perfect.

-I know.
-How's it going?

Good, it's going good,
the first course just went out.

And how many do you have to go?


When it comes to Rachel,
I want to fire her,

because I don't know honestly,

whether she's going
to get a wild hair up her ass

and take off again.

But these guests have
requested a ten-course meal.

That's 60 ----ing
plates of food.

So we'll see how she does.

She has no room
for error, at all.


Coming up...

Are we the only ones ----ing
up again, I can't take it.

How's dinner going?
Did they just sit down yet?

They're on course two.

Do you want the yolk
on the bottom?

It doesn't matter,
as long as you can successfully

get that thing out.

I've broken one so far.

This is a French onion sh**t
with a beef reduction.


And then I had to like,
dig a hole in the sand--

Elizabeth, would you mind
helping me serve?

Started the fire,
we like--made S'mores...

Elizabeth, would you mind
helping me serve?

-Oh, of course!
-Thank you.

Oh my God, she's like, k*lling
me softly, this girl.

If we can just leave
James to washing up

because he's closest--

Oh yeah, I was just
helping him dry and stuff.

The perfect egg.

Hi de ----ing ho.

The next course has arrived.

The French onion soup.

-Yes. Yes.
-Bon Appetit.

-Yes, like--
-Thank you.

Thank you so much.

-Very nice flavor.

You want one, captain?

-Oh my God.
-What is it?

Freeze dried strawberry.

-Hit, hit.

Wow, that's an expl*si*n.

Flavor town.
There's a cool texture, too.

This is a mixed green salad

with freeze dried strawberries
and champagne vinaigrette.

-It's amazing.


They're still eating dinner?

Yeah, they're on course 483.


Ew, it's 10:00 already.

It's been a long day.

-Okay. This is it?
-Yeah, that's it.

Ooh, oh, sliding egg.

Right, now we're
doing two a time.

Go two.
Go two.

I'll fix.

If I had to cook a ten-course
dinner, it would be real basic.

Like, I can't even fry an egg
without ----ing ruining it.

So--like if anyone wants a
housewife, do not pick me.

It's not Denny's.

She's an oily egg.

Next time, we're going
to bring a dog with us.

-Who, which one, who?
-Any of them.

They're yorkies,
just got a Louis Vuitton,

we got a cute little bag, and--


This is a 64 degrees duck egg.

The perfect temperature
for an egg.

It's done with black summer
truffle, with micro chives,

and a wood sorrel, so you get
a little sour taste to it.

-Oh, fantastic.

This is going to be great.


This is perfect consistency,
as it should be,

if you do it properly,
which, we knew she would.

Ash, Ash, Francesca,
can you please do cabins?


All right, it's about to get
hard ----ing core in here.

Doing a ten-course meal,
it does become

an arduous process with timing
and execution of the food.

I'm going to [bleep] this
ten-course meal in the mouth.

What is this?

Confit white asparagus,
done in pistachio oil,

on Calvin pea tendrils to give
it that sweet little flavor.

-Thank you.


-So nice.
-The bowl has been licked clean.

Looks so good.

So the fish is Chilean sea bass.

It's just buttery
and delightful.

These are very,
very, very intricate.

This is a petit filet,
done sous vide.

Oh my gosh.

We're rolling pretty good.
I'm ahead now.

So you have a sous vide duck,

with lemon thyme and smoked
Malden salt,

with blood orange zest,
and a crepe.

-So enjoy.

-I know.
-Where does she come from?

What planet?

You ever seen that
"Point Break"?

Oh mate, I've seen them both.

Did you see the second one?


You can't replace Keanu Reeves.

Keanu Reeves is the boy.

I love Rob, he's so much fun.

He's everything
I wanted in a deck hand.

Everything I wanted
in a partner.

You can have
a few beers tomorrow, then.

Yeah, I reckon.

Oh, I love him.

How's teamwork
working out for us?

Oh, you just lay it there,

I'll put the cover on,
you hold it down.

Okay, here's the palate

Thank you.

So this is mixed
berry medaquoia,

and sparkling Pellegrino water.

Fantastic, thank you.

Oh my gosh, it's so good.

Francesca, Francesca, Ash.

Go ahead, Ash.

Am I all right
to head to my cabin?

That's fine, thanks very much.


So, who's ready to
go out tomorrow night?


Buenos noches.

Buenos noches, senorita.


-Oh my gosh!
-It looks like a garden.

This chocolate desert is made
of nothing but Valrhona.


Got a little bit of cake on top,
because that's your soil,

but you got more
dirt down at the bottom,

and that is your pots de crème.

All your flowers are edible,
and the gold, too.

So please enjoy.

Thank you so much.


This was a lot of fun,
actually, to do.

At the risk of me sounding
like a narcissistic [bleep],

I have to say, I think,
I think I nailed it.

I don't want to touch it.

I don't want to touch it either.

Meanwhile, while we're
having this conversation,

Trey is eating.

It's so good.

It's done,
I heard a round of applause.

I'm about to fall asleep.

-Good night, boys.
-Good night.

I'm going to wander
up to the top.

It's almost 12:00.

They're probably
going to just pass out.


Big meal, go to sleep.


The pool's hitting it, sorry.

Thank you so much
for inviting me.


Oh, good night!

Both of the guests
have done to bed now.

If you can be up at nine.


-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Are you getting to bed, too?

Yeah, I will, thanks.

-You did it!
-Did I?

Oh my God, if you weren't here,

that charter would have been
completely different.


I'm finding him more
and more attractive.

-Oh sh--.
-I know.

Oh, I'm just going
to sit for a second.

What's going on, today?

Oh man.

Oh, I'm a second stew.

You ever had a boat romance?

-What about you?

Did have one.

We were kind of just
sleeping together,

and then it got serious
out of nowhere.

It could be a really cool thing
that people get together

and they normally wouldn't,

and then maybe they find that
they really do connect.


James is an escape
from what's going on

with Francesca right now.

When you're working in this
type of environment,

it's nice to have
somebody to connect with.

Wherever it goes, who knows.

That's how I'm looking at this.

What would you want
to do on a day off?


Oh my God, yes.
I'm the same way about that.


Coming up...

[alarm beeping]

The [bleep] is that?


It's some captain sh--
right here.

Nothing like the smell
of burnt coffee.

-I'm so not awake yet, are you?

-I'll get you a platter.
-Thank you.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Would you like a coffee?

I would.

The beginning.

Of the end.

We need a pastry button
in your room.

I do.

Press that little bell
by the bed.

Maybe that's what that's for.

We have some croissants outside.

-I'll have some.
-We'll pack out.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

I want to sit out here,
rather than indoors.

Oh yeah.

I think I'm good up here.

How's the laundry?

Do you need both of you
to smash some stuff out?

Yes, that would be great.

I'm like, these fit me
when I came here.


Would you like Rachel
to start breakfast?

-Thank you. You're welcome.

Eddie, lets get out of here.

-Copy that.
-Key off.

And all before noon.

Let's do this.

Let's wake up the boys.

Happy to do that.

You good, Cap?

Falmouth Harbor docking is
going to be a procedure.

Two anchors out, turn in, and
I'd like that to be flawless.

What time will you hit dock?

Docking in Falmouth harbor
is extremely challenging.

Every spot in high season
is spoken for,

and there's a lot
of high-priced boats.

You make a mistake in there,

you can spend $100,000
without batting an eye.

Do you want heaving lines
in all four lines?

We shouldn't need them.

I know. I'm asking a lot of
questions, because I'm nervous.

Rise and shine.

Yep, we just moved it, then.

It's an omelette?

And that is?


-Thank you.
-There you are.

That looks amazing.


My standards grown even more.

Like, as demanding as I am,

it's like, now it's
going to be even worse.


How is that possible?

-This one's Rachel's.
-Oh, perfect.

Docking, docking, dock.

-Yacht here.

Yacht. We're going to drop
and anchor here.

We're then going to back up.

Drop another anchor.
Hey, drop an anchor.

And then we're going to back in.

Med tie, is the super bowl
of docking maneuvers.

You are backing into a dock,

but you have no finger piers to
tie up lines on the side with.

There will be like, another
yacht here, another yacht here.

So the only thing you have is
your stern anchored to a dock,

and then your anchor's out
in order to protect your bow.


But we need to start getting
stuff ready to go now.

Interior, interior, are you
guys right getting changed now?

-Yeah, that's it for me.


Deck crew, deck crew,
everybody get in your whites.


Let's just get this
docking done.

Someone's waving.

Oh, that's her?


I love it!

Oh, I miss her heaps.

The big part of yachting is the
crew end up being your family.


This crew doesn't see
me as like, a person.

They see me as this bitchy
and mean chief stew.

All right, heads up everybody.
We're on our way in.

I hate going through here.

There's just so many ways
to get in trouble.

How's it going back there,
are we all set?

I think so.
I hope so.

Oh, I ----ing hope so, too.

All crew, I need radio silence.

If you're not part of
the docking team, be quiet.

Starboard anchor, right there.

All right, Captain, you can
kind of start swinging out,

we're going to put
a starboard anchor

right where it is right now.

Copy that.

-This is amazing.
-This is amazing.


This is captain sh--
right here.

What is it with people
watching people dock?

I don't get it.

You just hoping
somebody [bleep]s up.

[alarm beeping]

The [bleep] is that?


Oh, God, we're so close.

I like a little docking.
It makes me focus.

We're all good.

Deck Crew, good job.

Thank you.

Attention all crew, I need
everyone on the main deck,

in your whites, now.

The button?
Shut up!

All righty.

No, don't do that.

I love you.

Thanks for coming aboard.

Captain Lee, it was
an absolute pleasure.

Thanks, Buddy.
Glad you had a good time.

Thank you.
How could I not?

You have an amazing crew.

I was overjoyed with
the talents of Miss Rachel.

She's hands down, one of the
best chefs I've encountered.

Thank you.

And I don't want to be
emotional, but I am.

It was beyond words.


As a token of gratitude,
I leave you with this.

-Oh, thanks.
-And bid everyone adieu.

-Thank you.

-Appreciate this.
-Bye, miss you.

-Bye guys.

-Have a safe trip.
-Thank you.

Time to go to work.

Deck drew, cover up, right now.

Girls, lets get changed.

Give me some ----ing covers.

-Oh my God, well done.
-Thank you.

Well done, honestly, you did
such a freaking awesome job,

like no other chef
could nail that like you.

-Thank you.
-You're a legend.

Ash, Elizabeth, can you clean
the laundry, pantries?

Copy for that.

Should we go down low guest?

-So it's stripping, eh?

-Start stripping the beds.

Not us stripping.

Let's get in our blues.

I want the stern chamois'd.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody in the
crew mess, immediately.

-Copy that, Captain.
-Everyone pile in.

This is the only time that
Captain say immediately,

and people will actually
show up immediately.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Captain Lee, come on down.

What a charter, huh?

You guys did a really,
really good job.

And I'm proud of all
of you on the deck.

The tip was $25,000.


-$2,250 apiece.
-Big money.

That's a big number for three
days of not working too hard.

Polishing a boat is so
much easier than being

somewhere in the woods
with nothing to talk to

but the wildlife and rocks.

It was a successful charter,
I think.

And we didn't know if we
were going to have a chef

at the start of the charter.

You touch something hot
and you get burned by it,

you approach it very cautiously
the second time around.

You know, you get hired
to come here and do a job.

I don't have the luxury of being
able to hold your hand

through all of this sh--.

I'm just sorry that I had a
moment, and I'll never let it--

Every--everybody has a moment.

And I'll never
let it happen again.

She could quite possibly
be the most talented chef

I've ever worked
with in 35 years.

That's saying a lot,
'cause I've worked with some

pretty talented people.

So, I don't know if
you know that they

used to use donkeys
in the sugar mills.

And so they have a donkey
sanctuary here, you guys can go.

I might even tag along with you.

So, if you guys would like to
do that, it's not mandatory.

If you don't want to do it,

you can stay here
and scrub your ass off.

So, anything else?

All right, everybody,
outstanding job on this charter

and I really appreciate it.

Coming up...

Why don't you go
and speak to Captain Lee...

She's a ----ing twat.

You guys are talking about me,
do you want to involve me?


Slide it on back.

Do these need to get washed?

-Yeah, we can wash that.
-Are you going donkey?

-I've got a lot to do.
-I just really want to relax.

What are your plans,
are we going to see donkeys?

-Of course you are!

-Time for a shower.
-Can you hurry up?

I need to wee.

To the donkeys.

Are you going donkey?

No. I'd rather take a nap.

Yeah, me too.

God, I feel fat.

Let's do this.

Is it weird that
we're not taking drinks?


Donkeys would be more fun
if we had drinks.

There's a lot of donkeys
around Antigua.

And somebody's got to take care
of the ones

that can't take
care of themselves,

so I think going to
a donkey sanctuary

is a good experience
for the crew.

I'm taking my jackasses
to see their jackasses,

and we'll see whose got
the top jackass.

Are you ready for
an adventure, donkey?


What's wrong with it?

He's lying.

-Are you serious?
-You look like a corpse.

I haven't had a
full night's sleep yet,

because I'm woken up by you.

Says the one that comes in, just
slams all the ----ing doors.

I spend my life
picking up after you

and finding your things for you.

Izzy, where's my belt,
I checked all my kit.

----ing lies.

I didn't come here
to be your mother,

I came here to earn some money.


Hi guys, welcome
to the donkey sanctuary.

I'm going to take you
to some friendly donkeys.

They're talking about us,
I think.


The donkey sanctuary started
to protect them from cruelty.

To date, we have over


Hi Stevie.
Some people to meet you.

All the donkey's names have
to do with their stories.

Pretty happy to be here.

-He is.
-I bet he's very happy.

Oh yeah.
He's loving that.

So nice.

See, I used to have a horse,

so I know that they've all
got their favorite spots.

I'm just like, in heaven.

Like, I love the smell
of horse poop.

That's the spot?
Oh yeah.

[donkey braying]

Oh yeah, we got it.

and being young and vibrant

and not old and jaded
like I am now, so.

I ----ing love it.

Life's pretty good, huh?

What am I,
your leaning post here?


[goats bleating]

Can I hold one?
Come here.

Oh, you're so precious.

Ah, sh--.


This is like, my dream.

I always wanted
to hold a baby goat.

[heavy breathing]

I'm still trying to figure out
what to do about Elizabeth.

I don't want to be this
mean chief stew and fire her,

but I need something
to light a fire under her ass

so something changes.

You know,
some sort of improvement.

I'm just going to explode.

All right, good.

Thank you!

You're welcome,
thanks for coming.

It's nice to actually have
a day out and do something good.

Thank you for
organizing that, Captain Lee,

that was really awesome.

-Yes, thank you very much.
-Not a problem.

Thank you so much.

A little break,
beats scrubbing the decks

and doing heads and beds.


Hey guys, how was the donkeys?

They were very sweet.

I bet they were.

Get after it guys.
Donkey time's over.


Back to work.

Elizabeth, Francesca.

Go ahead.

Can you meet me
in the sky lounge, please?


How'd you find
your first charter?

I think that was the easiest
$2,000 dollars I ever made.

Yeah, actually.

Um, so I just wanted
to chat to you basically about,

-like the charter, and--

How I felt about everything.

Um, and I feel
like your priorities

are just really
in the wrong spot.

-And like...

Yeah, and I feel like
you take one step forward

and two steps back,
all the time.

And I still have to check.

You didn't see an
improvement this charter?

Yeah, I was happy with a
little bit, but just not enough.

Sometimes I feel like
it's hard to please you.

I'm--Elizabeth, I'm sorry,

I don't need to explain it,
really, anymore.

Bottom line, we'll keep
you on board,

but I'm going to put you
back down to third stew.

I want to give these to you and
if you can give me back the two.

I can't even believe
this is happening right now.

I try my hardest
every single day.

So, I feel like this demotion
is personal and not business.

Oh, okay.


Dinner's at um, 7:30.

Clearly, there's no
pleasing her, you know?

I'm in shock.

It's bullsh--.

Oh, I'll take
one of those Caribs.

Carib for Rob.

You got your Leatherman?

No, I don't have
my Leatherman on me--

We've got radios.
Expensive radios.

We've got expensive radios.

Can I use your expensive radio?

-Yes, you can.
-Where's your radio?

Just over there, I just didn't
want to use mine to open beers.

Watch me get this back
to Captain Lee

at the end of the season.

Full of ----ing bottlemarks.

Oh, that's nice.

[grunting], there it is.


Number four in the bag.


I love pre-drink drinks.

-Are you guys finished?
-Just finished.

-How was work?

You don't look like it was good.

Did Francesca say
something to you?

I was demoted.

Are you ----ing serious?

Oh sh--.

She doesn't think my priorities
are in yachting.

What the sh--.

Kind of sounded fake, too.

She is a fake bitch.

I 100% agree with the decision
that Francesca has made.

Elizabeth, she's just
going to have to suck it up

and start pulling her weight.

It's Captain Lee
that decides who goes.

But it's just--I mean--

that's not the way...

Why don't you go and
speak to Captain Lee?

She's a ----ing twat.

Hey guys.

You guys are talking about me,
do you want to involve me?


Coming up...

Relax, son of a bitch, relax.

You're bothering me
a little bit.

I don't have any respect
for people like that.


Why don't you go and
speak to Captain Lee?

She's a ----ing twat.

You guys are talking about me,
do you want to involve me?


And Izzy,
what's going on with you?

This isn't my department,
but I'm just listening--

So why are you here, Izzy?

I'm listening to a friend.

Oh my God.

I mean, I said she was
a ----ing twat,

but I would say that to her
face, probably, so...

Such a bitch.

-I need a quick shower.
-Yeah, I'll join you.

But in a separate shower.

That's mine.


Where did mine go?


Um, I have something
to tell you.

That I demoted Elizabeth
to one stripe.

And then I heard ----ing her
and Izzy going for it about me.

What the [bleep]?

Francesca demoted her.

In my opinion,
it's just an ego trip.

I don't like Izzy.

I don't want to get involved.

You get demoted
and then your hair...

looks bad.

Do you want a drink?

-Yeah, can I make a cocktail?

What's going on?

You're not going to get paid
less for it, are you?

No, obviously, I don't care.


I think maybe it'll take
some pressure off me.

I feel sorry for her,
but at the same time,

you're still getting paid
the same

and you got less responsibility,
so [bleep] it.

Forget work, have a drink
and enjoy yourself.

Yeah, I am.

And you guys really care.

It's nice to feel supported,
you know.

My brother's the same way.
My brother's nerdy, academic.

Are you the youngest?

He's about to turn 37.
I'm about to turn 35.

People are having kids
so much later.

Well, back in the day.

Yeah, you just had one breakdown
for each century.

I mean, I had a complete
breakdown at the start

of last year, so I
would completely agree.

You had a breakdown last year?

Oh [bleep] yeah.

-No way.

-I was sexually assaulted.

Who were you assaulted by?

So I was on a night out with
some friends that I work with

in a sailing company
in Sydney.

And I didn't feel safe to go
home because I was so drunk.

So I passed out on the sofa.

Like, it wasn't r*pe.

But like, the first thought
that went through my mind,

when I woke up and realized what
was happening, and I just froze.

I was like, I don't
want to make a scene.

And like that k*lled me,
because I was like

[bleep], like I should
have just fought.

I'm so sorry.

That's all right.


I thought I would be like
a fight or flight situation,

and I ended up just freezing.

And I feel like I'm the type of
person that can fend for myself,

so to have that control and
that choice taken away

is just a really ----ing
sh--ty thing.

I don't ever want to feel so out
of control like that again.

And I think it's good to
talk about these things,

because it's not your fault,

and it's such a
hard thing to get over.

That's so ----ing terrible.


But you bounced back
from that so well.

You just got to find your
own coping mechanisms.

You can pull
yourself out of anything.


-You got fight in you.
-You got fight in you, kid.

Um, we got to get going.

-Happy first charter for you.
-Yeah, welcome aboard.

-Okay, let's go.

-Let's all have a good night.

We're going to have fun here
and here and here.

Let's have some fun here.

Oh whoa, this place is pumping.

This is so pretty.

Good evening, guys,
how you doing?

This is nice.

Thank you.

-Thank you.

What are you drinking?

What you drinking,
what you drinking?

I don't know.

Can we get a round
of tequila sh*ts?

Well, let's do it, yeah, yeah.

The sirloin steak, medium rare.

One Brussels sprouts.

Lobster risotto.

Are we getting in the jacuzzi
after this as well?

They're so going to hook up.

Oh, 100%.

What do you believe in?

Aliens, 100%.

Where does your
dancing come from?

My dancing comes from having
a very happy childhood.

Where does your
dancing come from?

From the hips.

All right guys, get your sh*ts
ready, here we go.

Everyone, good job.

Charter number four,
so far the best.

Let's finish strong.

Cheers to that.

Thank you.

-Finish strong.
-Finish strong.

Love you guys.

This charter was epic.

And Captain Lee busts out
with, you did a good job.

I quit this son of a bitch.

Why don't we see if
they're as ostentatious

as they appear to be on paper?

Go [bleep] yourself.

I'd like the flight home.

Now, in retrospect,
everything's panning out

and I'm super stoked about it.

I say that we have a bottle
of Chateauneuf-de-Pape

if it's available.

So tonight, I really want to
like, celebrate a little bit.

Treat yourself and get wasted.

Oh wow, look at that.


----ing what the [bleep]
is this sh--?

I mean, let's talk about
like, aliens, right?

They're flying scorpion vaginas

coming towards your face
and sh--.

Oh, these look so great.

What's on your mind, Rachel?

What the [bleep]
is wrong with you?

What's on your mind?

Sorry, James,
I've already tuned out.


Do you mind if I come over
and stand by you guys, or--

Yeah, yeah--

You know she's having a
good time when she's [bleep]

all off to go speak
to some random people.

Oh, no.


I'm hanging out with
other people.

Oh, I appreciate it,
thank you so much.

I'm so full.

You guys ready to roll?

What do you mean?

-The check just went.

And we're waiting for
that to get back.


Relax, son of a bitch, relax.

I'm good, you're bothering
me a little bit.

Oh [bleep] you. Bye.

Here we go again.

Rachel's out here wasted drunk,
being rude,

and just embarrassing
our entire crew.

Let's go you guys.

I don't have any respect
for people like that.


What happened?

Am I the only
one who's still pissed off

that she abandoned us
when she quit?

I didn't forget about that.

-You evil bitch.


-Thank you so much.
-Thank you, kindly.

Hopefully the next place
will be pumping.

I'm bored, I want to dance.

I want to party.

Here we go.

-Ready to go, man?

Francesca and James
are just having a wee.

Um, I'm Francesca.

That's Francesca,
you mean Elizabeth.


Is that where we're going?

Oh, finally music.
I can hear it.

I think he's nice looking.

I don't know if I like him,

but I kind of like him,
but I don't know.


Man, I don't know
what to do with myself

in social situations.

I've always been quite aloof.


I think Francesca's pretty neat,
but how do I feel right now?


With some people can
take a minute

to really expose myself to them.

What the [bleep] am I saying?

It was only 10:45.

These two are
definitely getting together.

Yeah, they're going
to hook up for sure.

On deck, 8:30,
that's all I got to say.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Honey, I'm home.

I got to take a piss, y'all.

Long ----ing piss.

Just a small piss.

-It was a great night.
-Great night, wasn't it?

Where are you going?

To the hot tub.

Tonight's the first night
I've been able to like,

break that boundary
and be like,

okay, I need to
feel comfortable.

The most important thing
is just being open.

This is why I live in the woods
and look at rocks.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Miss you, Francesca.

What did you say?

I miss you, too.

Good night.

Who left their sh--
in the toaster?

Oh, it's ----ing stale
as [bleep].

Later this
season on Below Deck...


Atta Boy!


Oh, hello.

It's about keeping work
and pleasure separate.

Date night.

Oh, I'm feeling that.

Are you resting your
tits on me?

So what is going on
with you and Ash?

Like, has he flirted with you?
Like, is he--

Or is it just him?
I don't know.

Sorry, Elizabeth.

It's so sh--ty.

I'm so sorry, D.

How's it going, Captain Lee?

My younger son
passed away last year.

It's hard to survive
something like this.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, what's going on?

I don't think this is fair.

It's democracy run by dictators.

You're a ----ing monster
when you drink.

I want nasty ass music.

Get off the ----ing stage.




Stop doing that,
stop doing that.

God, they're ----ing cuckoo
for Cocoa Puffs.

Yeah, its not safe to jump here.

Oh my God.

Son of a bitch.

Captain Lee is pissed.

Your charter is over.

I'm trying to hold it together.

Stop interrupting me!

She doesn't' give a sh--.

This is w*r.

I don't want to work
on this yacht with her.

You've got to find
the inner peace.

I don't want coronavirus.

We have a situation.


That's insane.

I'm scared.

I can't even look at you.

Puts the lotion on its skin
or gets the hose again.