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08x13 - James' Big Cannoli

Posted: 04/20/24 08:18
by bunniefuu
Let that confidence
drive your energy,

and you're gonna be great.

Okay, let's lock it in.

Nice job, Izzy.


No, you can't go down!


My stomach's really messed up.

Oh, no.

Oh, my God, what
the hell is going on?


Chris and Erika are
from Friendswood, Texas.

They also brought a
teacup Yorkie named Gigi.

Oh, you know what that means.

-Go poo-poo.
-Go poo-poo, Gigi.

Thank you very much.

You can.

He's made me, like, blush
and, like, a bit, like... oh!

God, did you just fart?

-Can you quit?
-That smells like baby poop!

I'm annoyed with
Liz at the moment.

Now I don't trust her anymore.

You might wanna
apologize to James.

Rachel was bashing him,
and you didn't...

I don't agree with at all.

But you didn't back him up.


It's super insulting.

Oh, my heart.

Do you have some Tabasco sauce
or did you...

We do, I'll grab some for you.


Oh, she's fit.

I've got an Instagram
for all the wrong reasons.

Just full of girls.

Are you kidding me right now?

You need to be
considerate when she's here.

Why would I do such a thing?

Oh, my heart.

Yeah, I'm an assh*le.

She is ----ing furious.

You didn't even say,
"How are you feeling."

She's sick.

Oh, sh-- she's got a UTI,
hasn't she?

Hello, how's it going?

Good, how are you?

But whatever...


I'm gonna pick up a doctor.

Is everyone okay?

Some people are feeling
a little under the weather.

I'm good.

Do you wanna see the doctor?

Nah, I'm just gonna
power through this thing.

You are exactly like me.

I'm not sick until
I'm on my deathbed.

-You just need to ride it out.

Yeah, exactly.

You either need to rest
or you just don't eat.


That's a big old slide.

Who's gonna go
down that ----ing thing?

The ones who don't have
to redo their makeup.



Take your pants off.

Here we go.

We have a stew with a UTI
and a chef with a GI problem.

-Exciting day.
-Exciting day.



Oh, my God.

Deck crew, deck crew, Eddie.

Go ahead.

Hey, I'm approaching
with the doctor.

Can I have someone
grab my bowline?

-On it already.
-Thank you.

Thank you.

-Oh, thank you.

We're gonna go down
to the crew mess.


Chess, Chess, Eddie.
The doctor is here.

Great, thank you.

-Oh, hi.

-Dr. Williams, Elizabeth.
-Nice to meet you.

Yes, yes.

-Yes, ma'am.

Do you need to see the doctor?

Yes, if that's possible, yeah.

Yeah, okay, cool.

I think it's a UTI.

Okay. Stick out your tongue.


Mm, okay.


Oh, yeah.

Could be.

How are you going?
Are you gonna see the doctor?

I guess.
Are you?

No. I don't think
I need to see her.

One tablet in the morning,
one tablet in the evening.

-All right?

Are UTIs contagious?

-No, no.
-Oh, that's good.

No, no, no.

Julia, yes, you're a champ!

My stomach started
becoming super gaseous,

and then I started
having diarrhea.

Are you able to do three
Bellinis with Prosecco?

-Oh, sorry, mimosas.

I keep calling them
Bellinis... mimosas.

It's more down in here.



Yes, thank you so much.

There you are, of course.


You can, you can.


-Look how beautiful it is.

-Thank you.
-Look at it.

For the pain...

Oh [bleep].
Thank God.

It's one a day.

These antibiotics need
to do their job,

because I'm not constantly
going to the bathroom,

but when I do,
it's completely liquid.

No, it hasn't impacted anything,
that's why I keep sh--ting.


Thank you again for everything.
You're the best.

Mm, that's a nice little hunk.

I'll find you some Crown.

-I'll go upstairs...

...and have a
little look for you.

I think I love her.

That's awesome.

It's really awkward.

Like, I've got a crush.

I'm like, I don't even
know how to talk to you.

Thank you.

Do you want me to take the beer?

-The beer?
-The beer.

-Take the beer, yeah?
-Take the beer.

Oh, no.

-Hey, kiddo.
-Hi, Captain Lee.

-So, Rachel has gastro.

But she also needs an IV
treatment with some fluids.


Tomorrow she's got
the IV treatments.


Don't want anyone
down right now.

Thanks, sweetie.

Okay. You're welcome,
thank you.

Deck crew, deck crew,
let's get all of the toys away.


This is what I would drink.


She's a slippery
little sausage now.

Ooh, like a pro.

Nice job. You're a badass.


All right, you guys can
go ahead and lift it.

Copy that, hoisting away.


Don't poop on the deck.

Georgia, you missed it
by, like, two and a half feet.


Yeah, no sweat,
I'll hose it off.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah. I got dogs.

-Thank you.
-I know the drill.

Kaya Rocky Falafel McFurryface.

One morning...

this little dog walks
out from under a garbage can

and she, like, did
this little wave thing.

She, like, leaned
to one side and waved.

I fell in love and
spent the next year and a half

trying to convince her
not to bite everybody.

And she lives on
a beautiful little farm now,

eating all the chickens.

It's a love story.

One, two...

One! Ah-ah-ah!

-Is it my turn?

Hopefully this actually
somewhat goes down all right.

What time is dinner again?

What's going on?


Dinner, yay.

Just I'm all good.

-All good?

You all good?

Oh, I haven't been...
feeling well today.

-Oh sh--.
-At all.

No, I heard.
Are you on any medication?


Good thing you're
not working lates.

Someone's covering for you.

What do you mean?

Sorry, what?

No, I'm...
I'll hold back.

I was almost gonna
start some beef.

I'm so confused.

-No, you heard what I said.

[bleep] that.

I'm not somebody
who gets played.

I don't like games.

Feisty one.

Coasters on the table,
first cutlery on the table,

napkins on the table.


If that's how he rolls,
it'll be game over pretty soon.

I'm gonna go and change.

All right.

Coming up...



Every single time I see him
he's with Ash.

That moon's gonna be awesome.

-Super moon tomorrow, so...

-Thank you!
-You're welcome.

What's a super moon?

It puts a cape on, and it's got
a big "S" on the back of it.


So, wanna do some really fun
plating with the guests tonight.

Nice. And Captain Lee
going to dinner...

-Speak of the devil.
-Speak of the devil!

Tonight's dinner is gonna
be crab, a snow crab.

Are you okay with that?

Mm-hmm, I'm pretty easy.

Okay, cool.




-Hey, Cap.

I wanna talk to you about Iz.

-What about Iz?
-Izzy knows her stuff.

-Does she?

She's really been excelling
in a lot of ways.

That's great to hear.
And she's no creampuff.

Oh, no, she's a badass.

I'm thinking about seeing how
she would do as lead deckhand.

What do you think?

Fine with that.

Okay, we'll see how
it goes, then.

She's been busting her butt.

I think the team
acknowledges that, also.

They see how hard she works.

I wanna give Izzy
this opportunity,

because when Izzy
first came on deck crew

she was nervous and scared.

You've never been
on a jet ski before?


Are you comfortable driving
the rescue tender?

I don't feel comfortable
taking intoxicated people.


Now, I mean, she has
just blossomed

into an invaluable member
of the crew.

That's a lead deckhand
right there.


I like to see somebody

I like to also.

Hey, can I ask you something?


Um, if there's any, like...

if there's anything, like...

if you think
James, like, likes you...

Oh, no.

And, like is
actually doing that,

because, like,
you have something, like...

-There's nothing, no.
-Just let me know.

What is she talking about?

There's nothing,
I can promise you.

All crew, all crew, has
anyone not eaten dinner yet?

Interior, interior,
would one of you be able

to go down and clean up
the crew mess, please?

I'm not interested at all,
I can tell you that one.

-You're not?
-[bleep] no.

Interior, interior.

[irritated sigh]

Not good.

And if he realizes he
doesn't want something

on the boat with me, like,
then just straight-up tell me.

I'm really sorry to
interrupt your fun chat...

No, it's okay.

But can someone help the
boys clean up crew mess?


-I did radio that.

Because James is
down there, and...

-It's our job to do that, so...

-No, that's fine.

I'll go on it now.

Do you mind if I go
on it, actually?

Yeah, definitely.

She's gonna go down.


Be a nice change, maybe.

Like, I can't do
the whole

not knowing, like,
if you're, like,

trying to get with Ash or...

You're super flirty with her.

Are you trying to...

And you don't
even acknowledge me.

Are you trying
to create something?

You don't even acknowledge me.

Do you know like when
I first got on this boat

and I flirted with everyone?


But something has changed.

-What, me and you?

You trust me, don't you?

This is my personality.
I am sorry.


It's our last night,
are we gonna blow it out?

I'm not gonna make
a fool of myself,

but I will have a good time.

Ready for dinner?

You're good.

Come on, this way.

You can't sit at the table.


What's happening?

Are you good?

-I'm great, how are you doing?
-Good, thank you.

Izzy, Izzy,
Eddie. Can you please

-meet me on the sun deck?

I need water.

How's your future husband doing?
I saw that hug.

It felt like oh,
he just went in for the k*ll.

-Hey, girl.

Let me talk to you for a second.

So, are you interested
in becoming lead?

I'm happy to do it if
you think I can do it.

You know, you know what
this job entails now.


You know what needs to be done.

So just put that foot forward.

Do you think
they'll listen to me?

I mean, especially James.

-That's up to you.

It's nice that
Eddie believes in me,

but I'm worried about
James and Rob.

Like, are they
gonna support me

or are they gonna
act like dicks?

-I've got you.
-I know you do.

-Good job.


That's three guests
at the table.

-The man.
-How you doing?

What's up, Cap?

Rachel, that's all guests
seated at the table.


My stomach is still
bothering me.

It actually has gotten
more crampy and gaseous.

So, tonight's dinner is going
to be simple as [bleep].

Because nobody wants the squirts
during dinner service.

-Oh, wow.

Been drinking Crown since 9:30.

You might feel some
pain in the morning.

My engines are running.
They're running hot.


Oh, God, here we go.

Polishin' rails.


-Ready to go?

What is that, that looks lovely.

You have a homemade pasta
with Sicilian-style pesto,

a parmesan reggiano,

and snow crab with lemon
and pistachio oil inside it.

Mm, lovely!

It's homemade?

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

That's good.

That's it.

I'm gonna say it hits.

This'll work.

So how much time have you
spent working on boats?

A year and a half.

You ever think about
getting back on a boat?

I don't know.

You definitely just
shook your head.

I know.

-Absolutely no.
-Just thinking out loud.

Oh, hey.

I hate to get off
a yacht and be,

like, 35 years old,
and then be, like...

Oh, heck, yeah, and then...

And right now I kinda
wanna settle down,

because, like--

Every ----ing time, man.


Every single time I see him,
he's with Ash.

He's always talking.


----ing done.

Seemingly stopped caring.

I told you so.

I'm jaded.

I'm gonna punt people
in the face for sport.

Oh, my God.
Why is she so cute?


Hey, you never know
where I'm gonna be.

I might be in a dinghy,
sleeping in the...

He might be in
the wrong room tonight.


Oh, Ash told us earlier,
he said...

"Oh, God, that girl's hot."

I was, like, they're all hot.

I know what I like,
I'm a particular man.

Just remember, I'm always here.

This is my dad's
favorite dessert.

A cannoli.

I'm like, "Dad, why do
you say 'ganoli?'"

Oh, my stomach.

You should go to bed now.

Yep, thanks.

I appreciate you sticking
through it.

-I'll survive.
-You survive.

I want all of that
cream in my mouth.



-Nice, thank you.

Thank you guys.

Oh, yeah, I'm just going for it.



Oh, wow.

Could you imagine
if you'd sh-- your pants

in the middle of service?

Mm, that close.

Everyone sh-- their pants
at some point.

Oh, I've...
in the car, in traffic.

-Sh-- your pants?
-Sh-- my pants.

Oh, that's so good.

Do you know how
much this is going

for right now in the States?

Oh sh--, because of
everything going on?

Like, fifty bucks right here.

I'm gonna rob this place
----ing blind when I leave.

I thought this whole
thing was just gonna

blow over pretty soon.

I thought it was just,
like, a fad.

Oh, no, it's pretty bad.

Like New York, the number
went from, like, 11 to,

like, 79, like,
over the weekend,

of, like, people infected.

It's good to be here
in the frigging islands,

I tell you that much.

Mm, safe zone.

Part of me still thinks, oh,
my God, here I am, naive again,

just overly trusting somebody
I just met.

So, maybe I'm wrong about it.

Maybe he deserves
another chance.

Do you need a hand
with anything?

No, it's okay,
just doing dishes.

You want a cannoli?

-What's a cannoli?
-What's a cannoli?

Are they different sizes?

Can I do this cannoli?

-Go for it, whatever you want.
-Is it all right?

-James, James, Elizabeth.
-Hey, go ahead.

Hey, do you mind meeting
me in the main salon?

What the [bleep]?

-Thank you.


Oh, you're the best!

Is it just you
and Francesca up?


-What are you guys up to?


-I was just talking about...

Chatting while
I'm slaving away out there?

No, I was actually
just saying

you should go to bed
and I'll take care of this.

I think you're full
of excuses, so...

What? No...
you could just tell me...

You can call me on the radio
and say can you...

-Stop talking, Elizabeth.

I've been putting
everything away.

I'm not on service right now.

Coming up...

Izzy's first day
as lead deckhand.

Rob, why don't we do
all this first...

Yes, Izzy.

-And then we'll do the outside.
-Whatever you want, Izzy.

It's cute.

It's democracy run
by a dictator.

Oh, my God, Eddie.


Elizabeth and James
are just ----ing

having a chat on the aft deck.

Are they still down there?

I don't know.

I'm gonna make sure they're
not still ----ing down there.

But you should go to sleep,

and I'll make sure Elizabeth
goes and takes care of them.

I wanna go to bed
when Captain Lee goes to bed,

and then I'll go to bed.


I'm starting to lose my
patience with things

where it's like I stuck
my neck out for them.

Obviously, you guys started
hooking up, and that's great.

We just wanna make sure
everything is compartmentalized.

There's a time for you guys
and there's a time for work.

We're all trying to just get
a job done as best we can.

If they're announcing
their sh-- that

they're doing on the radio,
it's not fine.

If it keeps happening,
disappointed dad's coming out.

You don't want disappointed dad.

Oh look at you.

Oh, just charging
these bastards.

That's a great idea.

Chess walks down and sees
that she's there,

thinking, no, she's probably
been there 20, 30 minutes.

It's because in Chess's eyes

----ing Elizabeth was taking
a break

while she should
have been relieving Chess,

who hasn't had a break all day.

-That makes sense.
-That's why.

-Let's get some sh-- covered up.
-Sweet, yeah.

Good stuff.

All right, sayonara.

Oh, yeah, actually.
They're quite spacious.

So, on that note...
I will bid you guys adieu.

Thank you so much for
dinner again tonight.

Go to bed.

Thank you very much.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel.

I'm finishing up here
in the galley.

Do you or the guests
need anything?

The guests are all right.

Thank you for tonight,
food was amazing.

All right, y'all,
call me if you need me.

Good night!

Good night, we'll see
you tomorrow.

-Good night.
-See you tomorrow.

Bye, everyone.

You guys want a whiskey?


Good night.


Let's do that.

[alarm beeping]


Gonna put this away
before anything happens.

Has main deck been done?

No, I just started here.

Start here...
I'll do main deck.

-Bridge deck, the crow's nest.



-How are you?
-Good, how are you doing?

Feeling better?

Well, my stomach's still funny.

-Yeah, same.


You're good now, boy.

Come on, Georgie.

Hi, good morning.

So cute...
new bones this morning.


-Morning, Cap.
-How you doing, bud?

-Good, how are you?

-Get some sleep?
-Yeah, I did.


Right here, come on.

Good girl.

I wanna get back to dock
like 11:30 today.


Good morning, Ash.

-Good morning, how are you?
-How are you?

-Good, thanks, and yourself?
-I'm good.

Gotta this jam stuff
into the hole first.

You gotta jam this
stuff into the hole.

I'm really good at jamming
things into holes.

Oh, God, stop it.

It's too early for that sh--.

You're the one that said it.

You had to take it to
a different level.

Justin, does Ash need
to get you anything

to eat or drink, some aspirin?

Little bit hungover?

Just a hair.


She sounds like
she's from Texas.

-Just slightly.

Ash, come back, I love you.

Justin's really cute,
he's handsome, he's lovely,

but, like, he lives in America,
I live in Australia.

It's just not gonna work.

That's just how
the cookie crumbles.


Chris, would you like some eggs?

Yeah, I'll have
two eggs over medium.

-Two eggs over medium?
-Yes, ma'am.

Guys, for this docking,
I want you over there.

-Iz, you're stern deck.

I'm gonna have James over here.

But I'm not gonna give
you hand signals.

I'm just gonna be
yelling at you.

We're used to it.
We know you prefer it.


So we have two servings
of two eggs over easy...


Two servings of
two eggs over medium,

and the girls' scrambled.

That is papaya.


Hey, Gigi.

Good morning.

-Aren't you cute?

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel.

I love how she does this,
on the back of the shoulder.

I feel like I haven't
seen enough of Gigi.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel...
did you copy?

-I'm on it.
-Those are ready to go.


And then I also have
the scrambled; that's here.

Come back for them right now.

Would you like another coffee?

No, I'm good, thank you.


Rachel, sorry,
I was with a guest.

The one with toast that's come
up, they're over easy, correct?

There was an over
easy with white toast,

two eggs over easy with toast,

two over medium, and Sam has
two over medium, without toast.

We'll just go with it.

I have the eggs here as well.

Did you copy?

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Yeah, that's fine.

Jesus ----ing Christ!

They're gonna be
cold as [bleep].

When it comes to, like,
expediting the food,

it's simple.

All I need is her to help me
get the food on the table.

Get your sh-- together.
It's not ----ing hard.


Coming up...

Did you sleep in a guest cabin?

We went into a cabin
that was not made.

Yes or no?

-Yes or no?

I was sitting on the bed.

Take accountability
for what you did!

May we have some white toast,
please, for Drew?

Did Drew get his eggs?

Because there was an
over easy with white toast.

Copy that.

They're both white toast.
We'll just go with it.

One's two toast orders went up,

but I can fire more toast,
not a big deal.

"Coronavirus outbreak
could easily tip

U.S. into a recession."

-Why does that happen?

Yeah, like, why does that
have anything to do with...

-I don't get it.
-Anybody's money?

Interior, interior,
did you copy?

Sorry, I was with guests.

Francesca, you dropped
the ball on that one, kiddo.

Copy that.

It's gonna be cold as [bleep].

Your zipper's down.

You know, they say pants
are overrated, Izzy.

If I could walk around naked,
I would.

But I can't, so there we go.

-Hey, good morning.

-How are you?

What can I start
on this morning?

What do you think...

what do you think
would be a good idea?

Cabins, but I know
they're leaving, so...

-Okay, I will go and do that.

Maybe just check
in with laundry and...

-See how that's going.

Okay, just wanted to check
in with you first.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my God.


It's pretty good.

It's so good.

She just comes up
at the wrong times.

All the time.

And then I'm just like,
I'm swamped.

I'm like, just go
and do something.

Let's get outta here.

We got a long stay
leading out, 9:00.

Anchor's off the bottom.

Pew, pew, pew,
pew, pew, pew.

-Anchor's home.
-Copy that.



Does one of you wanna
flag the other line?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
let's get her down.

Rob, you take a side, and
whatever takes whatever.

Interior, change
into our whites.


-This side?

All right, Eddie,
we're coming up on 15.

I'm gonna need distances.

Copy that, Captain,
I'm on the stern.

You can start your swing
any time, you're clear at 15.

Starboard side anchor buoy,

[radio scree]

Turn this down, please.

We are about eight feet off
and closing.

Tie it up.


Nailed it!

I'm gonna try and get it,
watch yourself.

-Oh, missed!
-Oh, you were so close!

Well done.

Muy excelente!

Attention all crew, I need
everybody in your whites.

All good things come
to an end, right?

Why are you taking
your blacks out?

Yeah, we're getting
in our whites, right?


I was reorganizing my wardrobe.

Oh, g*dd*mn it.

What's wrong with your arm?

My arm's too short.

It is a mighty fine day.

-You got cooked, didn't you?
-I'm a little roasted.

-Nice to meet you.
-Thank you so much.

Pleasure, no problem.

Thank you very much.

Did you have a good time?


-Thank you, buddy.
-I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Oh behalf of myself, my family,

and my friends, thank you
very much for a great trip.

Memories like this wouldn't be
a reality without you

and your crew,
the professionalism

and the attentiveness
they had towards us.

Y'all are amazing, thank you.

-Thank you!
-Thank you so much.

-Thank you, Shelly.
-That's for you.

-Stay in touch.

-Thank you, guys.
-Bye, guys.

Bye, thank you.

There's your grass...
good girl.

All right, girls, get changed.

I'm so bloated, I just wanna
get my ----ing period already.

My God, I was
sweating out there.

My stomach is still bad.

-[groaning] Oh.
-[groaning] Oh!

Deck crew, cover up.

I used to walk with
a textbook on my head

because I wanted to be
a fashion model.

Rachel, you're a natural.



Okay, I've got to get to work.

That was so...

Just saying.

Wait, are you serious?

I'm dead serious.

Wait... oh, my God.

Attention all crew,
I need everybody

in the crew mess in five.


What do you think?
How much?

Twenty-one five.

Number six in the books.

This was a good charter.

They were just a lot of fun,

and I know everybody
wasn't feeling up to par

at one point or another.

But you guys just powered
through it, stuck with it,

and we didn't miss a b*at.

I think everybody just did
an outstanding job.

We got 17,000 total...

Fourteen hundred dollars
is, like, okay.

I feel like I'm used to,
like, the two-thousands

Love money.
Live for that sh--.

So, today we're gonna
do something different.

We're gonna adopt
a beach day today.

So, we're gonna go out and
we're gonna do some

clean-up work and try to...


...give a little bit back to
this lovely island of Antigua.

That's awesome.

Yeah, clean-up beach.
That's really cool.

And do some good.


-Love it.
-That's fine with everybody?

-Oh, yeah.

Because I volunteered
all your asses.


Everybody swap out
into some civvies

and we'll go do some good
for the island of Antigua.


I wanna drink, I wanna eat food,
I wanna relax.

But whatever... I guess I'm
just being a team player.

Because I'm a nice guy.

And you go get feeling better.

We need you.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Captain Lee.

Thank you, Captain.

Can we drink at this beach day?


We're ----ing cleaning
up the beach,

why are you thinking
about drinking?

Think about doing something
good for the world, you sh--.

You don't always have to drink

to make an experience
enjoyable, James.

Oh... sorry.

Coming up...

Is that what you
were doing to Liz last night

in the guest cabin?

Something like that.

Were you in the VIP?

Yeah, where'd you go last night?

Didn't go anywhere.

You look like a mermaid!

You look like you're ready
to clean the ocean.

Captain Lee, Captain Lee,

Go, Rachel.

Hey, I'm off the boat
to the doctor.

Have a nice bag of IVs.

Honestly, I'm so bloated.

It's like two days.

It's time to leave, sports fans.
Let's go.

-Nice hat.
-You, too.

Cool kids at the back.

Don't shave.


[dog barking]

There's a dog!

How you doing?
Captain Lee.

-My pleasure.

-Jennifer Meranto.
-Jennifer, how are you?

So, I'm the founder
of Adopt a Coastline.

We take care of a lot
of the shorelines in Antigua,

including mangrove areas
like this.

This is Belfast Bay.

We're trying to think about
how we can stay

in our marine industry
and still enjoy it.

So, you guys ready to
get your hands dirty?

Yeah, we are.


I have a new pair of
shoes for you.

Somebody's underwear.

You'd think people just...

I can do with another bag.

I can't even believe
this is real.

When you're on the boat
and you look at the shoreline

-and you go...

Oh, it's so beautiful, and
then when you get close up...

-You realize.
-You see how the humans behave.


Oh, Styrofoam.

Oh, my God,
there's stuff everywhere.

Working on yachts,
we're going to areas

we rely on to be
environmentally beautiful.

And pollution and trash and mass
killings of habitats

and marine environments
is going to destroy

the industry that we work in.

Thank you so much for your help.

-Oh, you're welcome!

-That's amazing.
-Of course!

It's really important
to take care of this

one planet that we have.

It's true.

It makes me sad
to think about it.

I love this planet.

[sighs] Oh.

-Bye, everybody!
-Thank you, bye!

Missing Rachel.

Thank you, Cap.

-Thanks, Captain.
-Might as well.

-You don't have to do that.
-Home sweet home

I'm hungry.

Are you okay?

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

How are you feeling?


What are you doing in the dark?

Laying in bed,
not feeling great.

My stomach churns, and then all
of a sudden it's just not good.

Now the toilet's my best friend.

Well, that's good, because
at least it's coming out.

Chef's sick, we both
have the same thing.

I'll be all right, I'm tough.


-All right.
-All righty.

-Good night.
-Love ya.

Oh, we have pizza.

What are you doing
in my ----ing wardrobe?

I'm putting your sh-- away.

I haven't got any sh--
to put away, it's all away.

No, it's not.

That's yours.

----ing done with this.
It's not...

why couldn't we
share a room, Rob?

I'm putting in my time
with Eddie.

[notification tone]


I'm a naughty boy!



Oh, yeah.


[alarm buzzing]

Oh, my God.


-Better, yeah.
-That's good.

What about your stomach?

Not good?

Oh, look at this...
my delightful deck crew.

Is this sh-- on Izzy day?

Can it be?

Today is Izzy's first day
as lead deckhand.

Can we get a round of



So now when some sh--
goes wrong, it's on Izzy.

My life now will just be
sitting in the wheelhouse

alongside Captain Lee.


Izzy does a good job on deck.

But does it need a title?

Like, what are the grounds here?

Because usually I'm a captain of

It's cute.

Izzy, where do we start?

You can use your initiative.

I left that in the bunk.

-Go get him, Iz.

I'm working you guys
as horses today.


If you can just
take charge in laundry today,

-I want that finished.


So try and aim to do
everything by midday.

I don't want you finishing
work until it's done.

-Thank you.

For you, crew mess, tidy...
that shouldn't take too long.

My stomach!

Mm, oh, my God,
do you wanna go to the doctor?

Gotta go.



No, you look cute!

-[squealing] Yes!

Oh, man, I'm the one
who's aging.


I'm so obnoxious, I keep
saying it's my birthday.




The doctor is gonna
call me back.

You'll need to go to her.


Hello, Dr. Williams?

So it looks like I'll be able
to see her at about 1:00.

Get in there deep.

Oh, yeah!

How it's done!

Is that what you
were doing to Liz last night

in the guest cabin?

Something like that.

But I soaped my body up as well.

That's so disturbing.

It is not.

Did you use the VIP?
Did you take the king bed?

My cabin was really
lonely and quiet.

So they weren't in the cabin?

You work on a boat,
there's no secrets.

Which is fine, because
everyone loves gossip.

Well, weigh the options up.

Do I go in a guest cabin
with Liz

if it means potentially
losing my job?


James didn't sleep in his cabin,
and neither did she.

My God, you've gotta be joking.

She ----ing slept
in a guest cabin.

I heard Izzy saying that James
didn't sleep in his cabin,

and neither did she.

So, Izzy reckons that
they slept in a cabin.

In a guest cabin?


Oh, that's not cool.

Sleeping in a guest cabin
is a big, fat no

in the yachting industry

unless it's authorized by
the chief stew or the captain.

If they have slept in a guest
cabin without me knowing,

that is so wrong.

She ----ing slept
in a guest cabin.


I'm doing sun deck,

and you and Rob
do companionways.

Yeah, but I'm thinking
if you're doing the sun deck,

you're just gonna piss
all over the side.

It'll come down like that.

It's not gonna come
right in here.

I'm not gonna be sh**ting
a ----ing stream

off the side of the boat.

-Yeah, we're good.


The boys are doing in here
and then going down

-to the bridge deck.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, guys.


Has that all been
rinsed down there?

No, Izzy told me not
to rinse it,

she told me to
get everything wet.

So, I'm gonna rinse
from that stainless...


I'll have to confer
with Izzy first.

Yeah, okay, okay.


It's definitely a democracy
run by a dictator.

Quick, corporal's here...
look busy.

-Yes, Izzy?

Why don't we do
all this first...

-Yes, Izzy.
-And then we'll do the outside.

Because that's just gonna
drip on everything, anyway.

Whatever you want, Izzy.


So, we have washed
and rinsed up to here.

Just have one person on hose,

one person washing,
and one person drying.

Yeah, but he won't be able
to do anything

until I finish doing this.

-Yeah, it won't...
-Because I still need to rinse.

...take long for you to
spray a roof.

This is turning into
----ing chaos.

Okay, stop.

Very, very simple...

Stop, stop, we're gonna
have a plan, okay?

Why have you got your hands
on your hips

as if you've got any
authority about you?

I'm disappointed they're
acting like this towards me.

But I'm just going through
what every woman on deck

has experienced before...

a couple of men
not listening to them

because they think
that they're better

because they're men.

Crazy idea... why don't
we do what we always do?

We'll do this side,
then we do that side.

Rinse, wash, rinse,

and then we just top-down,
and it's so much easier.

There's three of us,
it's not hard.

-Good luck at the doctor.
-Thank you.

-And I will see you...
-Yeah. a little bit.

That's drying, that's drying.

We're getting somewhere.

I may have sailed
around the world,

but on this boat,
shut up and scrub.

-I'm going to doctor.

Eddie, Chess, and
Chef, meet me in the crew mess

in five minutes,
would you please?

Copy that.

-Hey, guys.

Number seven.

Jackie and David Siegel.

She and David are no strangers
to lavish vacations

and extraordinary service.

Joining them is
David's son, Steve,

an executive at
Westgate Resorts,

and Steve's wife, Janessa.

Also coming along is
Jackie's best friend, Nita,

and her husband Orlan, who works
in private banking in Geneva.

So this whole charter just
screams they're moneyed up.


Hard-boiled jalapeno
pickled quail eggs.

-Got you.

I am salivating.

And then David,
he's porterhouse, rib-eye,

cheese pizza, angel hair pasta.

Burger sliders, he likes.

I've worked for an individual
just like Mr. Siegel,

and all he wants is just
simple things

that remind him of home
and his upbringing.

Crew food combined
with guest opulence... whatever.

They wanna swim with marine
life, all water activities.


-Any questions?

Thanks, Cap.

We're gonna nail this charter.

Oh, I better believe it.

-Hey, also...

Just on the rumor vine,
people are saying

that Elizabeth and James slept
in a guest cabin last night.

I don't know.

I thought if you heard anything.

I know.

Which room are you planning
on sleeping in tonight?

Yeah, okay.

What did the doctor say?

She said oh, it's probably
to do with food.

So she's given me
something to do with,

like, a muscle relaxant
for my guts.

But I thought I was okay,
but I'm not.

I just need a rest.

Go and rest.

-Yes, I will.

Squeeze hard, boy, squeeze hard.


Thank you.

I'm going to bed now.

What's for dinner?

Mac and cheese, beef,
veggie lasagna.


As soon as I heard
Elizabeth and James

had slept in a guest cabin,

I thought it was
just boat gossip.

Like, this can't be
true, honestly.

The things in that room
are probably worth

all of the crew tips that we
got this entire season.

And she thinks it's okay
to go and sleep

in a guest cabin with James?

That's so inappropriate.

Sorry you have to be privy
to this conversation,

but I also wanna go to bed.

So, I've been hearing
some stuff.

Did you sleep in a guest cabin?

We went to a cabin
that was not made...

So, you were on
a non-made bed...

Doesn't mean that...

It was just us, like,
wanting to have our own space

and be respectful.

Did you sleep in the cabin?

-Yeah, but I was up.
-No, not "yeah, but."

Is it a yes or a no,
you slept in the guest cabin?

Um, we were in the cabin.

Did you sleep in the cabin?

I wouldn't say it was like.

Yes or no?

-Yes, I was sitting on the bed.
-Yes or no!

Take accountability
for what you did.

I'll ask you next time,
I'm sorry.

There's not gonna be
a "next time."


I do wanna keep things
professional, and--

You're not being professional,
you're far from professional.

This is enough.
I've had enough of you.

Next, on "Below Deck"...

Charter seven!

Jackie Siegel.

Lamb chops?

I have the mahi-mahi.

-Yes, ma'am?

So, we need one more mahi-mahi.

Francesca, you suck.

I don't want it to be weird
and tense, like...

Izzy, it's not like you just
got promoted to captain.

You just got promoted
to lead chamois.

Are you gonna act like a
petulant twat

about me getting lead deckhand,
or is it just gonna be Rob?

They lost their oldest
daughter to a drug overdose.

We're in a club
we don't wanna be in.

I just gotta get away
for a minute.

Get rid of Elizabeth.

I feel as if we could handle it.

I'm really pissed off right now.

You sleep in a guest cabin
without permission,

you can pack your stuff
and leave.