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08x17 - Reunion

Posted: 04/20/24 08:20
by bunniefuu

- Oh!


- You guys look like
the Brady Bunch!

[overlapping hellos]

- Everyone looks
so pretty!

- Rach-- Rach,
what are you doing?

- Sorry.
Sorry, guys.

[overlapping chatter]

- All right.
Here we go.

Tonight, the My Seanna
crew reunites!

- I'm like
a wild stallion.


- Hold onto your
frickin' horses.

- James, you really
plucked your eyebrows

to be [indistinct],
don't you?

Was the night
of passion worth it?

- If this show is just
roasting me,

like, I'm literally
gonna log off.

- I think you two
were bullies.

- Bullies?

- I don't really know
what people were

expecting from me
at that point.

- Compassion?

- Do you wish you had
let her go earlier?

- It's a tough one, Andy.

- Eddie, you don't actually
think I'm stupid, do you?

- The "Below Deck" reunion...

- I'm actually really glad
I'm logged in for this.

- Starts now.

Welcome to the "Below Deck"
season eight reunion.

I am your host,
Andy Cohen.

They faced
a looming pandemic,

laundry room
mustard gas,

and a force
named Dolores.

But the crew
on My Seanna

has officially
made it back on land.

Their charter season
was cut short,

but they loaded up
the drama

and they are
joining me now

to unpack it all.

Let's check in
with the crew.

Hey, Captain Lee!

How you doing?

- Good evening, Andy.
How you doing?

- I'm great.

Hey, Eddie!

Love the beard.

- Thanks, Andy.
How you doing?

- Great.

Uh, hi Francesca!

Where are you
joining us from?

- Hi Andy.
I'm in Sydney.

It's about 4am.

- Oh my god, well...

you look great
for 4am

or-or 4pm.

Hey Chef Rachel!
How are things in Italy?

- Hi Andy!

I'm on quarantine.

- Oh my god.

You've been on

every time we've
checked in on you.

- No, that was lockdown.

Now I'm in

- Got it!
Got it.

Hey, Elizabeth!

Did you consult your
spiritual adviser

before tonight?


- Hi Andy!

Uh, no, I didn't have time
to do that,

but maybe
I should have.

- Okay.

Hey James!

Where are you,

- I am in [indistinct].

in the U.K.


- Wow!

We are just
around the world tonight.

And Izzy,
how are you

and where are you
these days?

- I'm bloody fantastic

and I'm in
Christchurch, New Zealand.

- Wow!

Um, hey Ashling.

Is your stomach finally
feeling better?


- Hey Andy.
How are you?

Um, yes.

I'm a hundred percent
better now.

Thanks for asking.

- Last but not least,

let's go to
San Diego

and sustainable Shane!

Hey, Shane!

- Greetings Andy
and everyone else.


- Well, Rob is
in Fiji

digging for gold,

so we're gonna have to
proceed without him tonight.

- That's not surprising
at all.

- Izzy, why are you
not surprised?

- I mean,
he didn't really seem

like he wanted to be
on the show.

Like, he was rude
to production,

he kind of hated
being there.

Every time a camera
would come,

he-he never talked.

He would just
be an assh*le.

So I was like,

I'm not surprised
that he doesn't want to

show up to
any of this.

It just...
I don't know.

He's weak.

- Okay, we're gonna
get into that

a little later
in the show.

When green deckhand,
Shane joined the crew,

his uber-calm demeanor
set off Eddie's alarm bells

and we soon learned

that Shane may have trouble
setting an alarm.

Let's look back
at Shane's time

on the boat.

- Shane?
Where's Shane?

There you are.

I believe we're
bunking together.

- I'm gonna
tell you now,

I'm relatively new
to yachting.

- Okay.

I'm gonna be screwed
with this one.

Why is he
f---ing sleeping?

You gotta be
f----ing kidding me.

You did not close
the garage door last night.

That's bad.
- Okay.

So we close the garage door
at the end of the night?

- Yup.

- Unfortunately,
the time has come

for us to part company.

- [BLEEP].

- You're just not
getting it done for me.

- I was giving everything
I knew I could give.

It wasn't good enough.

- Patrick K. said,

"When you came on
'Watch What Happens Live,'

you seemed to regret nothing
about your experience

on 'Below Deck'

because you were able
to raise awareness

about the environment.

Do you really not think
you could've tried harder

at your actual job?"

- You know,
I gave it my all.

I really did, I gave it

the entire time
I was on the boat.

- Did you?

- I did.

Yeah, I came in
very under prepared,

I didn't realize
the yachting career

until-- as much
hard work as I did

and I learned that once
I stepped foot onto the boat,

and I did 100% effort.
- Did you--

did you Google it
before you went on the boat?

- No, I took
a Maritime training class

before I went on
the boat.

- Okay.

Shane, Sammie F.
wants to know,

"Watching the show back,

how did you feel
when Eddie said

you can't fix stupid
about you?

I like Eddie,

but personally thought
that was a little harsh,"

Shane says.

- Okay, I think--
uh, if--

if this show is just literally
gonna be asking me questions

about just
roasting me,

like, I'm literally
gonna log off.

- Um, well, we're asking you
about your time on the show

and it was--
I mean, it was--

it was--

- Shane, you're doing
all right, man.

- Shane, everybody's
gonna get roasted.

Wait 'till I get roasted.

[overlapping chatter]

I said, "Eat my cooter
and [BLEEP] off," babe,

so, come on.

- By the way, Shane,
this question was

in your defense.

They were saying that
they-they like Eddie,

but thought he was
being harsh on you.

- Yeah, I mean,
okay, that--

I mean, sure, that comment
was, yeah, unnecessary

and, I mean, Eddie, I--

you don't actually think
I'm stupid, do you?

- No, I don't-- I don't think
you're stupid at all.

You're a smart kid,

but there's a difference
between, like,

smarts and, like,
what you know

and then smarts coming into
the yachting industry,

and you were
brand new in it.

Unfortunately, it was
something that was

difficult for you
to grasp right away,

but you're not stupid.
No, you're not stupid.

- Fair enough,
thank you.

And, like...

I accept
your apology,

and, like, honestly,

I don't have any
hard feelings.

I don't have a--
hold a grudge with anyone,

including you, Eddie.

- That's good.
Thank you.

- James, Antonio U.
wants to know

if there was anything
that Eddie or you

could've done
to help Shane

or get him to
step it up?

I feel like you
tried to warn him.

Antonio says.

- I'll be honest,

I've never watched any of
these reunions shows

and I think
this is brilliant.

This is literally, like,
the roast of "Below Deck."

I'm actually really glad
I've logged in for this.

Um, but yeah,
I gave--

I feel like I
gave Shane warning.

And I said, "Look,
you probably shouldn't

take a nap.

If Eddie finds out,
you'll get in trouble."

But I feel like

which is kind of
selfish, but...

I tried to.
I tried to help.

- A lot of people
pointed out that

you went on the boat

to raise awareness
about sustainability

and environmentalism,

but there is no greater,
uh, gas guzzler

and foe of the environment

than a super yacht.

What do you make
of that oxymoron?

- So, I realize that
the yachting industry

is not sustainable

before I went on the boat,

I mean, it's a giant,
huge boat

that guzzles gasoline
and goes in the most

pristine ecosystems
in the world.

But that doesn't mean
you can't make that

unsustainable industry
a little bit less unsustainable.

And that's exactly
what I did.

- Yeah, I actually did
learn a lot from Shane.

Like, when we had
some guests that

went diving for shells
and things like that,

and you said
you can't take these,

they're from
a protected area,

and I never would've thought
to even think about that, so.

I think he taught
all of us a lot.

- It's inspiring.

- Shane, any parting words
before we let you go?

- Stay sustainable.

- All right.
- You got it, man.

- Shane, you got it.

Paper straws

We're gonna
part ways here.

Thanks for
stopping by.

After the break,
we're talking about the chef

who provided meals
and her cooter

for your
eating pleasure.

We'll be right back.

you know,

Eddie felt that you had
no respect for your co-workers

because what you were doing
was screwing them.

- Eddie, are you
trimming your bush?

- I let my bush
be natural.

- Okay, we're back.
Here we go.

Welcome back to
the "Below Deck" reunion.

I'm Andy Cohen

joined by Captain Lee
and the crew from My Seanna.

Well, Chef Rachel got
rave reviews for her food,

but it wasn't until
partway through the season

that she revealed
a very special talent,


While her decision to quit
and return happened quickly,

nothing Chef Rachel does
is quiet.


- In my 35 years as
a charter yacht captain,

I've never been
this impressed.

- Oh my gosh,
it's so good!

- I think
I nailed it.

- He wants
a large breakfast,

cream and caviar.

Seafood, scallops,
filet mignon,

[indistinct] crab meat,
wild boar,

American fine dining,
Spanish, not Mexican.

- Eat my cooter.

I don't play
that game.

Suck my [BLEEP].
[BLEEP] yourself.

I'm out.

- I've got less than 24 hours
to find a charter chef.

We're screwed
six ways to Sunday.

- Hi.

I'm sorry.

If it's possible,
may I come back?

- I'm on board with that.

- Eddie.
- Yes?

- Relax,
son of a bitch.


- I-I'm good.

You're bothering me
a little bit.

Here we go again.

Rachel is out here
wasted drunk,

being rude,

and just embarrassing
our entire crew.

- Let's go,
you guys!

- She's scary
when she drinks.

- Hello, mademoiselle!

- Rachel's--

she's like a Chihuahua.


- Captain Lee
and Eddie,

your first thoughts
as Rachel, uh,

said, "Go [BLEEP] yourself"
during that meeting

and "eat my cooter."

What-what were you
thinking, Lee?

- I was astonished.

I wasn't quite sure
that she meant it.

And then when I realized
that she did mean it,

then now
the ball game's changed.

- Eddie, what were
you thinking?

- When I realized
it was, like,

oh, this is--
this is serious,

I was like...


Oh, sh--,
you know?

Hold on to
your fricken horses,

'cause this is gonna be
a bumpy road

we're about to
go down here.

- Rachel, you know,
Eddie made a point--

he felt that you saying
that you were gonna quit

and leave,

what it said about you
was that you had

no respect for
your, uh, co-workers

because what you were doing
was screwing them.

What's your response
to that?

- It's not anything
against the crew members.

It's, uh, when you
read something like that,

that's like,
this is ridiculous.

This is, like,
set up for failure.

And a lot of stuff
that was happening worldwide,

it was just, like,

what's more important?

Getting back to
where you live

and continuing
your life because

the world's shutting down

and you might not be able
to get back in

or, you know,

stick around
and watch yourself

have your ass
handed to you

in front on the world
on TV?

- So you don't feel like
you were in turn,

screwing your
co-workers by leaving?

- Not at that
moment in time.

The next day, the moment
ran through my head

and it was just like,

I'm-I'm [BLEEP].
I need to go back.

- Eddie, CharlieGirl993
wants to know

why you were so skeptical
of Chef Rachel returning

and did she redeem herself
during the rest of the season?

- I was skeptical
just because...

you know, maybe I was
a little offended by

the way she kind of
handled the situation

and talked to
Captain Lee

and, you know,
left and came back

and didn't apologize to
the rest of the crew.

Um, but did she
redeem herself?


I mean, Chef Rachel is
an incredible chef and--

probably the best
I've ever seen.

- Thank you for
the compliment.

I appreciate that.

You're an amazing
bosun, so.

And congratulations
on your stripes

that Captain Lee
gave to you.

You deserve it.
- Thank you very much.

Thank you.
- You're welcome.


- Rachel, Owen R. said,

"You were increasingly
frustrated by

the lack of communication
with Francesca

and the interior team.

Who's more to blame,

Francesca as
the manager

or her team for not
paying better attention?

- It's everything.

There's so much
that goes on too.

Sometimes there are

In retrospect,

being able to sit down
and watch it,

you realize what's going on
in everybody's department

and how it can be

and you do
forget things

and that it's hard
to hear stuff, so.

- Francesca, why do you think
you and your team

had such a hard time
working with Rachel?

- I actually don't think
that we had such a hard time,

uh, working with Rachel.

I think, um,
you know,

sometimes, I do feel like
I was stepping on eggshells.

Um, and I think that
the communication

might have been
a bit slow initially

in the first couple of
charters between us,

but I think that we
ironed that out quite quickly.

We sat down and we
briefed, um, each other

on what we were gonna do
for the charters.

So I think it was
actually really good.

- Do you agree
with that, Rachel?

- Yeah, it was good to--
to sit down.

You get to
share your passion

and excitement
with somebody else

and then you
feed off each other

and then it--
just only gets better

and stronger.

- I feel like I was
watching a different show.


- You might've been.

- Well, we were
living it!

- Right.


- We were living it!

- Andy, don't make me
come over there [indistinct].


- Susan W. from
Long Island wants to know

why no one
confronted Rachel

about her ridiculous
drunken behavior

that ultimately
reflected badly

on the yacht and
her own reputation.

- I think we were
all scared.

- I was letting her
have her fun.

- I'm a little
hard to handle.

I'm like
a wild stallion.



- Eddie was
very annoyed by it.

- Yeah, I mean...

It-it was annoying.

It was annoying,
it was obnoxious.

I mean, like,
everybody's allowed to

cut loose and
blow off steam,

and Rachel's absolutely
entitled to blow off steam also

and do what she wants to do
to have fun,

but it's-it-it
frustrates me

when someone else
blowing off steam

then affects
everybody else's ability

to do the same.

And could I have
said something to her?

Yes, I could've.
Should I have?

Yes, I should have.

But I was afraid of
setting Rachel off

and getting her
to quit again.

- Within regards
to Eddie as well,

I do hold his opinion
to-to a high regard.

So I was a little disappointed
when he didn't come to me

and say it, um,

because I really
would've heeded it.

I totally apologize.

If I had do anything

I'd bring snacks and a pillow
so I could take a nap.


- Rachel, how did you feel
after seeing Captain Lee

get emotional
and comparing you to

the situation that he faced
with his son?

- That made a big
impact as well.


With Captain Lee, um,

I hold him to
such high regard,

I truly do.

So for him to mention
the concern for me,

especially with what's happened
with his son in his real life,

it-it made an
impact, as well.

- That's nice.

That-that must be
good to hear, Captain.

- Absolutely,
it is.

If-if just bringing the
attention to someone else

and it helps them
is a huge step.

- Coming up,

was the night of
passion worth it?


- Welcome back to
the "Below Deck" reunion.

Well, Elizabeth had high hopes
for her relationship with James

while some accused of him
of being an F-boy

who was only
looking to hook up.

Was she just
taking the bait?

Did he have his eye on
other fish in the sea? Watch.

- I like Elizabeth,
yeah, she's pretty.

You ever had
a boat romance?


- James is an escape from

what's going on with
Francesca right now.

- Did you have a little
kissy-kissy with James?

- Yes.


- No!


- I'm pretty sure James just
wants a root-n-a-boot.

- I think you're gonna have
to propose to me, James.

- I need you to stay.
- You should do it.

- What, propose?
Maybe when I'm sober.

- There's no ----ing way
they're gonna last.

- That's a whole ----ed up thing
to do with a ----ing idiot.

- Can you do
me a favor and

not talk about me?

- No, I'm telling her--

- Just don't-just
don't talk about me.

- I'm not!

- Rachel was, like, bashing him
and you didn't--

- I didn't agree
with it at all.

- But you didn't
back him up.

- James,
I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to
not back you up.

- I did half-think
you'd have my back, though.

I'm a naughty boy!

[grunting, moaning]

- James, you really
plucked your eyebrows

to b-- hell, don't you?
- Uh, yeah,

and when I looked
on the show,

I did a horrendous job.

I've actually had to go
someone to get them sorted.

They were just
an absolute mess, but yeah.

- Can I just say,
they look on point!

- Holy sh--,
thank you, thank you.

- He would fill them in
in the morning.

He would steal
some of my eyeshadow

and he would fill them in

just to make sure
they looked perfect.

- No!

- Why do you say it
like I'm the only one

that does their eyebrows?
Many men do.

- I don't.

- Captain Lee
and Eddie and I don't.

- I don't recall
filling my eyebrows in.

- Maybe you need to.


- Oh, my God.

Okay, Rachel,
what is it about James

that got under your skin?

- It was just you could
see his intentions,

it was an activity
for him.

You know, I could
hear him, his jokes,

I watch his demeanor, I see
how he acts and it just-

it just seemed like he
didn't have, you know,

virtuous intentions
or even taking it

to after the season,
as well.

- Looking back
on it now,

James, do you think
you misled her?

Do you think you led her on
in some way or do you think

you could have handled
the situation differently?

- Um, I don't know
if I'd say I misled her,

but I-I almost thought we were
kind of on the same page,

but, like most of the time
when we speak again

when we-when we
spoke off camera,

I think we had it in our mind
where this was kind of going.

We're obviously from two
different countries,

wouldn't really get to
see each other that much.

So for me in my mind,
most of that was

just kind of obvious.

We kind of knew where it was
going, but she did start,

um, obviously, start
to like me a bit more.

And then it's my bad because
I should have obviously

spoken up about it.

- Here's one.

We got this a lot and
I mean, I wondered it, too.

Elizabeth and James,
how did you think it was okay

to hook up in the guest cabin
without permission,

and then not take
any responsibility

for the poor work ethic
you both showed?

- Is it a yes or a no,

you slept in
the guest cabin?

- Um, we were
in the cabin.

- Did you sleep
in the cabin?

- Uh, I wouldn't
say it was, like--

- Yes or no?

- Yes, I was sitting
on the bed.

- You need to take

for what you did!
- All right, James,

you better get creative
with this one.

- No, no, it-it-it
was that simple.

Um, I've obviously
worked on yachts before,

I kind of knew something
that shouldn't be done.

And we were messaging
each other and she said,

"should we go into
the guest cabin?"

And like I've said
about Shane before,

I gave warning saying
we shouldn't do this,

which I did,

and then that's me in the clear
if we get in trouble,

we do get in trouble, but--

- James is
literally dilligaf,

do I look like I give
a [BLEEP], he doesn't care.

- Elizabeth?

- We were
off-charter, uh,

we were drinking,
and, you know, it-it--

I guess it shouldn't happen
without the permission.

- Did you invite James
into the cabin?

- Uh, I believe
James invited me?


- Either way,
can I just say

it takes two to tango.

At the end of the day,
you both made the decision

to go into the guest cabin
which is, like,

the ultimate no
on a superyacht.

- Oh, yeah.

- I-I-I knew we were
gonna get in trouble,

but it was just balancing out
the risk and the reward.

- So, was it
worth it, James?

Was the night of
passion worth it?

- It was 100%
worth it!

We had-We had a good time,

had a good night's sleep
in the guest cabin,

and then obviously the downside
was that we--

- Oh, yeah,
a good night's sleep.

All right, mate.
All right.

- But the downside
is, like--

- Uh, Elizabeth kind of
got fired over it,

so then was it still
worth it, James?

- Yeah, definitely not.

- Yeah, but

when you say she
got fired over it,

I think that was, like,
an accumulation

of things that built up.

If it was an
isolated incident,

then she might
not have been.

- No, no, no, no.
- It doesn't matter.

If you have the perfect
stewardess and that happens,

that would be grounds, still,
for dismissal on some yachts.

Doesn't matter, doesn't
matter either way.

- But I think she--
maybe she wouldn't

have been fired
if she was a perfect stewardess,

because James
didn't get fired.

James just got
a very light talking to

and a slap on the wrist
and then went about his day.

- That's a double-standard!

- I think I would have
gotten fired anyway,

even if I asked you
for permission.

- You might
have got fired

just for asking
for permission,

I think you were that close.

- Elizabeth, Natalie O.
wants to know

what you thought of James'
reaction to your firing

and leaving the boat.

Were you disappointed
that he seemed relieved?

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.


- I don't know, because--
you're such an assh*le.

- What?

- Why would you
say that to me?


- Yeah. Yeah, watching back.

Yeah, you said so
many sh---y things.

No, looking back watching
the show, I'm like,

really James?

- Captain Lee
did his job for him.

- I didn't realize

how disinterested
you were in me.

Whatever, I don't
care but it is funny.

- You did express
a lot of relief

when she left
the boat, right?

- Obviously,
we-we got on well.

I don't really know what
people were expecting

from me at that point.
- Compassion?

- Oh, compassion.

- Yeah, it was
a big deal for me.

But, you know.

- Elizabeth,
looking back on it,

do you think it was
a relationship or a boat-mance?

- Oh, it was a boat-mance,
for sure,

but I was open to the idea
of it becoming a relationship.

- Got it. James, is there
anything differently

you wish you had done
in the relationship?

- Oh, God, are we still using
that word relationship?

Uh, no, like I said,
I think we got on well,

I think we enjoyed
each other's company.

Obviously, it was
never gonna last

but I think we enjoyed it
while we were together.

So, no, I don't really
regret anything.

Maybe it did get to
the point where I should

have maybe had a word with
her in discussion,

but that's probably
just bad on my behalf.

Usually what I do in those
situations is kind of, like,

ease up a little bit.

And then, they usually,
like, just fade out.

So, I think
that was the approach--

- That's called
ghosting, James.

- Ghosting, pretty much.

- You can't do
that on a boat!

- Yeah, not on a boat.
- I happen to think

if it hadn't happened
on a boat,

it would've been just
a one-night stand,

from James' point of view.

- Seems like you know me well.
- That's what it seems.

But I don't know.
- Oh, boy.

♪ tension ♪
- Oh, boy.

- James, are you
enjoying the reunion

as much as you were
a bit ago?

- No, I'm the only sh--
who's gonna start coming up,

I don't mind it.

Let's-Let's air it all out.
- All right.

Coming up...
- He's not wanting

to confront the situation,
not wanting to confront

what he's done.
He's a bit of a coward.

- Welcome back to
the Below Deck reunion.

I'm Andy Cohen, catching up
with Captain Lee

and the My Seanna crew.

While the deckhands avoided
crashes this season,

they certainly had
their fair share

of ego clashes.

And when Izzy made the leap
from interior to exterior,

and worked her way
up the ladder,

she didn't feel supported
along the way. Watch.

- Izzy knows her stuff.

I'm thinking about
seeing how she would do

as lead deckhand?
- I'm with that.

- She has just blossomed
into a invaluable member

of the crew.

That's a lead deckhand,
right there.

- Pull it more that way.

- A little courtesy
goes a long way.

- Rob has been getting really
passive aggressive.

- If I was in your position,
I'd be, like,

"All right, dude, dog,
what the ----'s the problem?

"Either get the [BEEP] off

"or say what you feel."
- Yeah.

- I think that the way
you treated me

and the passive comments
that you said to me

is really disrespectful.

- This is not what
I wanted to happen.

At all, and I'm sorry if
it's made you feel this way.

- You literally
don't give a [BEEP].

I know you don't
give a [BEEP].

You're not being sincere
in your apology, at all.

- She's a boss-ass bitch.

- Do you think Rob's really
digging for gold,

or is he just unwilling to
confront the situation?

- No, I-I think he is--

He's definitely
digging for gold,

but also, he did manage to do
some of the aftershow

and tune-ins, so I think
he's just, um,

not wanting to
confront the situation,

not wanting to confront
what he's done,

he's a bit of a coward.

- How does he feel
about the season?

- He hasn't watched it,
from what I've heard.

- He doesn't watch it,
he doesn't watch it.

- I talk to Rob
all the time.

Where he's at,
he's got issues with, like,

the wifi and the strength
and stuff like that,

but he really is-- he's actually
working right now, so...

- Izzy, Angela M. said
"If you hate stewardessing

"so much, why didn't you apply
to be on the deck

"from the start?"
- I was originally thinking

of applying to be on deck,
but after I had been assaulted,

and then I had
a really bad experience

with men on my previous boat,
working with men

was not something
I was comfortable with,

so then I was, like,
okay, I've done

stewardessing on
charter Catamarans,

it'll be similar.
It was not similar,

and I should've just
applied for interior

and not put the interior team
through my lack of knowledge

on my first charter.
But it all worked out.

It all worked out.
- Frank F. wants to know

"if James and Rob ever
wound up hooking up."

- It would be cute,
I would ship it.

They would be--

They're both very
good-looking people,

so I think they would be
a very cute couple

if it was to ever happen.
- They're good at docking.

- Eddie, Abbey E. wants to know

"why you decided to promote
Izzy to lead deckhand

"instead of James or Rob,

"and what did you think seeing
Rob's comments towards Izzy,

"like calling her
'lead shanny'?"

- I promoted Izzy because she
really put the effort forward,

you know? She-She wanted
that job,

she tried hard to get that job.
James and Rob,

they both-- they worked hard,
both of them, but I don't feel

like either of them wanted
that extra responsibility.

Also, at the same time,

when somebody gets promoted
out of somebody

who's all equal,

usually, you're gonna
get some flak,

- Right.

- --and I think Izzy
handled it pretty well.

I think she should've little bit
played more of a duck

and let that water
slide off her back, uh, but--

- I agree that I should've
probably, just, like,

let a little bit slide.

I mean, it says
more about the person

who's speaking like that
and acting like that

than it does about you
as a leader or as a person,

so yeah, that's definitely
something I learnt,

is to just, like,
not take that sh-- onboard.

- For all of the deck team,
Mark M. wants to know

"if you all agree
that Izzy was the MVP

"in the deck team
this season."

- Yeah, I agree.
What do you think, James?

I wanna hear
what you have to say.

- Um, no, I think-
I think Eddie was right

in what he said before.
Me and Rob really didn't want

the extra responsibility,

we were happy
with where we were,

but, you know,
she-she got the promotion,

she stepped up,
she enjoyed it,

and she did a good job with it,
yeah, so she k*lled it.

- James, Noel M. said
"Since you and Rob

"admitted to having
pretty weak work ethics,

"why were you giving
Izzy such a hard time

"during her promotion?

"Do you just not like people
telling you what to do?"

- I don't think we really
gave her a hard time.

Obviously, me and Izzy,
we have a laugh,

we have sarcasm
all the time.

The way Rob speaks,

some people kinda
take him the wrong way,

which happened to me
a few times, as well.

- But it seems like Izzy did
think you were giving

her a hard time.

- Yeah, I think with
Rob's comments, like,

there were-- you know,
when he was saying,

"Oh, yes, Izzy,
okay, Izzy,

"why are your hands
on your hips?

"You're a dictator,"
stuff like that.

Like, I know what, like,
banter sounds like,

and it didn't really
sound like banter.

- I think he was just
trying to provoke you.

- Yeah. I think it was just not
productive and childlike,

and someone that-
that is that age

should know how
to behave better.

- Eddie and Francesca,

"as James and
Elizabeth's managers,

"how much do you think
their relationship

"affected their
work ethic?" Did it?

- I think it did.

some, you know, uh,
a couple of them

weren't really good
at multitasking.

They could still
be working,

and talking at
the same time.

It's like breathing
and chewing bubble gum.

- Yes. Yes.
- Like, it's just kinda--


- Coming up...
- I was never mean to her,

I never said
anything rude to her.

- Welcome back to
the Below Deck reunion.

I'm Andy, here with Captain Lee
and the crew from My Seanna.

Between late laundry,
absent service,

and accidental mustard gas,

the interior crew served up
a buffet of mishaps this season.

But it was the inner workings of
the stews' relationship

that was messiest of all.

- We just need
to set it up,

- Yep.

- So... just as long as
everything is, like,

super clean, you know
what's in every single drawer,

to be a good chief stew,

you have to be
a little bit of a mom.

- You've worked
on yachts before?

- I have.
- That's great!

- Francesca seems awesome.

So hopefully, we're gonna get on
like a house on fire.

- The pitcher of margarita...
- Yeah?

- not with us.
- Oh, why?

- I don't know.
- As a second stewardess,

you need to show initiative.
I can't train that,

it needs to be already
ingrained in you.

- I can't please her.

I'm trying to
bleach this shirt.

Do I use super hot water
or cold water?

- You use cold water for bleach,
and you need to go outside.

- One of your staff was using

bleach mixed with soap.
- Yes.

- Which causes a gas.
- Uh-huh.

- They actually used it
in World w*r II

as mustard gas.

- This is a massive

- So what would
you propose?

- Is there a possibility
we can get somebody else?

- Not before
the next charter.

Chez is just gonna
have to make it work.

- I was demoted.

- I 100% agree
with the decision.

- She's a ----ing twat.
- Hey, guys.

You guys are talking about me.
Do you wanna involve me?

- Like, if you're into me,
then act into me, like...

- Okay, you two,
separate now.

I need you to finish
your jobs. Now.

- We're gonna have
to let you go.

- What?!

- So Brandi M. from Vallejo,
California wants to know--

she says, "Granted,
Elizabeth was not the best

"Second Stew, but why was
Francesca so hard on her?

"Just seemed like
she didn't like her,

"and she picked on her
for everything,

"when she isn't
the best Chief Stew."

What do you say,

- I don't think
I was hard on Elizabeth.

I never said
anything rude to her.

Listen to my words
that I'm saying.

They're not mean.
They're just directional.

- Okay, well, Liz,
did you find them mean,

or directional?

- I agree that Francesca's words
were not necessarily mean.

I just feel that
there were tones,

and there was
condescendence and--

- There wasn't a lot of
positivity, I guess, sent,

you know? Like, I think,
maybe should have given you

a little bit more praise,
but I have--

I did on a couple of occasions,
say "great job" or "well-done,"

or whatever, but you just
unfortunately had more mishaps

than "well-dones,"
you know?

If you're not performing
your best, then...

can't cut it.
- Huh.

- I think we all worked
really well as a team together,

and I just think that
the work ethic just kind of

got in our ways.
Elizabeth, you say

you've done over five years
of yachting, is that correct?

- Uh, four-and-a-half,
on and off. Very--

- Four-and-a-half?
- On and off. On and off.

- Four-and-a-half,
on and off, um--

different boats,
several sides...

yeah, I mean--
- That's the problem, though.

I think it's not consistent.
- Yeah, I--

- It was like two months
on one boat, then a break,

then two months
on the other,

and then you're not there
for a long period of time,

so you're not actually...
- Sure... okay...

- Learn the proper procedures.
And that's not--

nothing wrong with that.
- Okay.

- I'm just saying it's just--
that's a fact.

- Well, you've given her
a big word dump.

Elizabeth, I'm assuming
you wanna respond to...

some of that.
- Yeah, um,

okay, I hear what
you're saying.

This is what--
what I've, uh,

heard, you know, the whole time
I was on the boat.

Uh, I'm a human.
I do make mistakes.

I'm not perfect,
and I'm sorry for that...?

- Yeah, of course.
- Um, but, you know,

I think you two were--
were-- were bullies,

in the end, you know?
- Bullies?

- And this is not me
being sensitive,

having-- "Oh, you should
care about my feelings."

I get this is yachting.

But I-- I think that a lot
of things could have been said

more straightforward,
to my face, if you--

especially Ash,
had an issue with me, um,

you know, instead I'm watching
the show, and I'm seeing

all this animosity from you.
- So you would--

sorry, you would rather me be--
you would rather me be nasty

towards you than try and create
a great work environment?

I think you've got that
completely wrong.

- I would like you to tell me

that you're unhappy.

- There's a lot of bullying
situations going on

that I haven't named
bullying situations,

like talking behind
people's backs

and things like that.
But, you know,

I don't think that
I was a bully in any way.

Like, there's no-- I'm--
I was just directional.

- I think...

right, but with Ash, like,
I think calling somebody

a lost cause is
a bit offensive.

- Was Francesca too quick
to try and get Elizabeth fired,

Or is she a lost cause?

- Personally,
she's a lost cause.

Um, that girl should've
stepped it up a long time ago.

- I don't like being
called a lost cause.

- I was only repeating
what was-- what was said.

- We don't think that
you're a lost cause.

- Francesca, you also
just mentioned that

there was other bullying
going on on the boat.

What was that?

- Well, I mean,
look, to me,

bullying is
a very strong word,

and I don't think that I was
bullying anybody whatsoever,

so it's just-- it's bizarre
that people think that

when you've got Izzy
calling me "extra,"

Rachel saying sh--
behind my back,

all three of the girls
talking behind my back,

like, you know,
it's weird.

- Does anyone wanna react
to what she just said

before I change the topic?

- I don't think there was
definitely any bullying

or mal-intention,
but I definitely think

there was situations
with people maybe

expressing themselves
a bit too much,

and not actually thinking
about the repercussions,

or thinking about
the feelings of other people.

- Rachel, what was
your reaction?

- Unfortunately, it all boils
down to delivery and dynamics.

Sometimes there was
occasions where I felt

backed into a corner.
Sometimes with you, Francesca.

- Look, no--
yeah, exactly.

No one is perfect. You've got
a different vocabulary

than I do.
It's a lot more, um...

colorful. And same with you,
Izzy, as well.

I'm glad that you
realize it now as well.

But, you know...

- You're just not cut
for yachting, Elizabeth.

Just being open and honest.
Look, maybe--

- Okay.
- Maybe it's just not

your style of job.
That's all.

- And I hear what you're saying.
- Not everyone is cut

for every single job.
- I guess I can't really speak.

Um, I would like to just say
that I do have Captains

and Chief Stewardesses
that I've worked with

in the past who would
differ from your...

uh, opinions, so--
- Of course!

Everyone's different.
Everyone can have

their own opinion.
- Yeah.

So thank you for yours.
- Captain Lee,

Julia P. wants to know
after watching the season back,

what did you think
of Elizabeth's performance?

Was Francesca right
about her, or overreacting?

- I think 'Ces was
right about her.

I think, uh, there
were just too many--

too many issues
that actually happened.

I think you excel at what
you really like to do,

and you enjoy doing,
and I'm not sure that

Liz really enjoys
being a yachtie.

- What's your
reaction, Liz?

- Thank you, Captain Lee.
Um, I have so much respect

for you, and I just feel like
you didn't see a lot of my work,

and I feel like some of
your opinions are biased,

and I feel like, I--
I don't really think

you really got a chance
to know me as a-- as a yachtie.

As a--
as a hard worker.

- Well, so why are you willing
to hear that from Lee,

but not from Francesca
and Ashling?

Because they're saying
similar things

to what Lee's saying.
- It's not that I'm not

willing to hear it
from them, it's just

I think it comes from
a different place.

Um, I know Captain Lee's a--
a leader, and--

- I think you're just
a little bit upset

that we've all kind of
called you out that--

you know, like,
about your work ethic.

I think you're extremely
upset over that situation.

- I think that in yachting
as well, people reach for

gratification from
the captain all the time.

- Okay, well let's hear
from Elizabeth,

because everybody's
talkin' for her.

- Yeah, it's kind of a trend.

Um, but, you know,
I just think Francesca,

like, a team is only
as strong as the weakest link,

and I feel like you tried
making me feel weak

in every situation.
I don't feel like

I was supported
or uplifted, or, like,

encouraged, and I'm not
saying that's your job

to babysit and be like that,
but I think as a leader,

you know,
what's wrong with that?

- Nicole M. wants to know,
"Captain Lee,

"after Francesca came
to you multiple times

"about Elizabeth's performance,
what made you decide

"this was the right time
to fire her?

"After seeing the season,
do you wish you had

"let her go earlier?"

- It's a tough one, Andy.

I can understand
'Ces' frustration with,

you know, just--

having to carry
extra weight, uh,

along with Ash,
and I also understand

that Liz thought
she was doing a good job,

when in actuality,
it wasn't a fact.

And sometimes
the cold, hard facts

are hard to face.
And then going into

the guest cabin
without permission

was just the last
slap in the face.

- We'll be right back.

Coming up...

It definitely looked a bit
fricking malicious,

and kinda creepy.
- I thought it was [BLEEP].

We are back, wrapping up
a great season of "Below Deck"

with Captain Lee
and the My Seanna crew.

Elizabeth, what was
your reaction to seeing

your birthday cake
come out at that dinner?

- Have a seat.

- Here, let me actually
get you a piece.

Oh, we don't need the knife.

No, no.

- No, it's already
in somebody's back.


- I have to assume
you were happy

that Rachel stuck up for you,
but what was your reaction

to the scenario?
- Yeah, it's pretty--

it's pretty hard to watch,
kind of, like, weird. Um...

I wanted to call Rachel

right away, and just be like,
"Thank you so much."

Because the way she reacted,
I mean, that's--

yeah, um, I'm sure the crew
didn't, you know, at the time,

maybe, you know,
it wasn't deliberate

that you guys were like
kind of laughing about it,

and eating it, but I mean--
- No, it wasn't.

- It definitely--
it definitely looked a bit

fricking malicious,
and kinda creepy, and--

I dunno.

- Rachel, why were you
so affected by it?

- So for the cake to
come out at the table,

and then everybody, like,
digging into it,

and laughing and everything,
I was just, like,

you know,
that's kind of--

I thought it was--
I was--

I thought it was [BLEEP].
I mean, that's just me.

- Did Francesca make
the right decision

in firing her, Rachel?


- I understand why Francesca
got to the point where she did.

Um, but we only had
two charters to go, um,

and watching the show,
I didn't really understand

like how bad Ashling
and Francesca were feeling

about the situation, too.

She just should have
finished the season,

to be honest with you.
'Cause we were right there.

We had the last
two charters.

- I...

I was exhausted, you know?
Like, the--

if-if someone on your team
is not pulling their weight,

it's just-- you-you've gotta
carry so much more.

- Why don't you
take a break?

Like, trust-- trust me,
or trust Ash--

we'll cover you.
- Well I couldn't trust you,

though, I-- I couldn't--
- But that's what's sad.

Maybe you should've gave me
that chance, like--

- I did give you that chance.
I gave you many chances.

There were so many chances.

And the cake thing,
you know, I feel so bad

as well, like, you know,
Rachel, I completely hear

where you're coming--
hear where you're coming from

on that cake. And my reaction
was not even, like--

it didn't-- I didn't have
a really close relationship

with you, Elizabeth,
in the end, so,

it didn't really register
that it was Elizabeth's

birthday cake. I was never
laughing about you,

or that you were gone,
or celebrating anything.

I just wanted you to know that,
'cause that would--

I would never do that.

- Elizabeth, do you
accept her apology?

And where do the two
of you stand today?

- I-- I-- absolutely.
If somebody is genuinely

sorry, and-- yeah.
Of course. I forgive--

thank you for your apology.
I forgive you,

I'm all about forgiveness.
It's the highest form of love.

- Of course. Yeah.
I-- I 100% mean that

from my heart, like, I--
I think yachting is,

in general,
is very ruthless.

If you can't hack it,
you can't hack it.

You know, Captain Lee says,
"Suck it up, creampuff."

If you can't, it's just--
it is what it is.

There's no--
it's not personal.

- So Francesca, can you tell me
one thing you enjoyed about

working with Elizabeth?

- Gonna take me a minute
to think about it.

I liked our working relationship
at that start, I think we have--

we do have a lot
in common, personally.

Yeah, we had
a couple of laughs.

- A couple of laughs.

Uh, Elizabeth--
- A couple of laughs.

- Can you, uh-- can you
say anything you enjoyed

about working
with Francesca?

- Yeah, I can actually
say a bunch, 'cause I can

look at positives in people,
and, you know, bring that out.

There's a aide of you that
was very, like, vulnerable,

and open, and you'd be like,
"Oh! I'm exhausted!"

Like, we'd laugh...

and but, like, I--
I felt like I could--

I could-- I knew
what had to be done,

and I could connect
with you more in my job

when you were, like,
giving me that openness.

And I think maybe there's
a way to have a balance,

and combine the-- this--
in this industry,

which Captain Lee's laughing,
'cause, like, it's--

I dunno! But I feel like
there's a way to combine it.

- I don't know,
I'm just curious,

because Andy asked you
a question, if you had

anything good to say
about Francesca,


I haven't heard
anything yet.

I was just curious.

- I just talked about your open,
vulnerable, fun, like--

real side that
we connected...

with each other.
How is that--

is that not a positive?

- Well, former "Below Deck"
stew Josiah was actually

waiting in the wings,

ready to
replace Elizabeth

after she was let go.

- I have somebody lined up.
- Mm-hmm.

- But I can't 100% guarantee
that they're gonna get here.

- But the coronavirus
derailed those plans.

He was literally waiting
at the airport, ready to go.

Um, Lee, would he have
stepped into the team well

and seamlessly,
do you think?

- Oh, absolutely.

no doubt in my mind.

Si is extremely capable,

he knows what
needs to be done,

he observes what
needs to be done.

His anticipation
of guests' needs

is remarkable.

And that's what it takes.

- Well, we will
leave it there.

Uh, I wanna thank the crew
for joining me,

and for such
a great season.

Uh, I'm Andy Cohen.
Thank you for joining us.

Good night, everybody.