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10x09 - Diary of a Deckie

Posted: 04/20/24 08:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on 'Below Deck'...

You're the one with
the attitude.

You're bully.

Stop, we're on charter.

You both will be fired if
that ever happens again.

Isn't dinner taking really long?

We need food.

We need to stop doing
these tasting menus.

We've got some chorizo here.

Yeah, don't like this.


It's cold.
It's not warm.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, that I do not like.

Alex Sax and his wife, Louisa,

are pregnant with
their first child

and will need
to eat every few hours.

So we've got still and
sparkling for the primary

and he does not drink,
which is wonderful.

Who put that there?

Camille, we might actually
have to get you to move

because I think I'm going
to try and tidy this.

I think you're
being very immature.

I'm getting pulled
in every direction.

Yes, it's called working
on a superyacht.

I don't want to hear that.

[bleep], are mental?

I've just gone up to the
cabins and they're not done.

Good thing my boss
has a crush on me.

Last night was just
the final straw for me.

There truly is no care or
willingness to do the job.

Camille, can you please
come to the bridge?

This is not easy for me.

Oh, my God, no.



So this is not easy for me.

Oh, my God, no.


I'm letting you go this morning.

Here's, as a captain,

what I do is listen to
my department heads.


Okay? Because I trust them.

All right.

I just feel like being let go
is the last thing I want to do.

I wish that my job
was to give people

chance after
chance after chance.

But the reality is
I have a charter to run.

I have to have a
unison on this boat.

As a captain,
I need the harmony.

And if one person is
affecting that, and I've tried.

Listen, I gave her a chance
to reset, to do it again.

Win them over
by working at their pace.

At their pace, yeah.

I want you to
apologize to Alissa.

Sometimes I'm sorry,
and sometimes I'm not.

Well, you need to be.

I don't want to hear
the pushback.

You have this charter
to prove to me

that you're in it to win it.

I've had probably

and she blew it.

So now, today is her last day.

All right, well, it
was nice to know you,

and I appreciate everything.

But this right here is
debauchery, to be honest.

I'm very, very pissed off,

because I've done
everything I can do

to please these people, and
I don't deserve to get fired.

It's bullsh...

Hey, getting let go.

Apparently, I just wasn't
satisfactory to your liking.

What, to my liking?

Yeah, she said all departments
had an issue with me.

Oh, we do.

Yeah, and I don't
really know why. What is it?

Just following through
with tasks.

Okay, yeah, definitely the
following through with tasks.

And then the drinking
wasn't an issue.

It was the attitude
during drinking.

Oh, really?

You were being combative.

Is that right?

Yeah, and move on to
the next department head.

Please, thank you so much.

Yeah, well.

Fras, I'm being let go. So...

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah.



Yeah, I guess.

Oh, my God.

♪ The everything
that's going on ♪

♪ I just want to sh... myself

As you know, I never
ever wanted this to happen.

Oh, yeah, I don't know
about that, but...

I don't feel like
your heart's in it.

My heart is so in it.

Where is this coming from?
Because I do my work.

The attitude towards work
is not working for the crew.


I'm sorry it's turned
out this way.

I hope you guys get
a Superstar stew

to step in my position.

Appreciate the conversation.

I have some other goodbyes
to give to people

who actually like me.

All right, you guys.
Today's my last day.

- Yeah?
- Yep.

What happened?

I'm fired.

The three department heads think
that I don't finish my task.

And I have a bad
attitude towards work, so.

Yeah, Ross.
Ross, are your complaints?

Because apparently
you have some.


I don't know.
I don't have time.

All right, he doesn't
have time.

I'm not getting involved in
the working side.

Socially, yeah, yeah,
we're good. Yeah.

Give me a hug.
I love you, baby.

I love you, too.

I must have been really hard.

I really like her.
That's why it's horrible.


I don't ever want to
do this to anyone.

I never want to be a reason in
life to break anyone's spirit.

But you've got to do what's
best for the bigger picture

and for the crew.

And that's what I did.

I feel so bad.
I feel so bad.

You've got a big heart.

We probably have two hours now.

I need to get going.

I've got to go back
to Mississippi.

A lot of Katie's things
are in my things.

I mean, I know you've
got boat work to do.

I don't care.

I'm going to miss you
so much, Ben.

I know.

Ben, you're so sweet.

Why are you so
sweet like this?

You liked me.
I liked you.


Ben, Ben, Ross,
got about an hour and a half

to get the deck ready.

Stand by, mate.
I'll be up in a second.

Thank you for all your help.

That means the world to me.

Oh, yeah, my stomach k*lling.



Who is it?

Who's your roommate?


Katie, Katie, can you
please come to your cabin?

Copy that on my way.

I'm going to have her help you.


Because I need you off the boat.

All right.

I'm sorry. I've got to
get ready for a charter.

- I get it.
- Okay.

So we've still got
all the forward sun deck

that's needing action.


This was Peng's.


This is yours, baby.


We've got an hour to get all
the rest of these covers on

and chamois the boat.

- Okay.
- Let's start the chamoising.

Thank you.

Urgent, urgent,
urgently moving.

This is yours?

Yeah, it is.
Actually I to need that.

Have you seen
the crew and stuff?

I imagine there's going to be
some tension with the deck crew.

But it is really...

But it's not even
her direct team.

It's the deck crew
that's going to feel it.


From the
day of charter,

she's been rude,
had an attitude.

Yeah, that's definitely
the exit look.


She didn't do her job.

She got herself fired.

Yeah, toxic as [bleep], bye.

Darling, I'll help.

Thank you so much.
I really appreciate that.

My pleasure.

Where's Ben?



My feet are so sore.

Oh, I'm going to miss
you so much.

Come down with you.

Bye, Tony. Thank you so much
for everything.

You're welcome.

I really enjoy getting
to know you.

Take care and keep the journey.

I do feel bad for Ben

because I know he's going
to feel very sad, you know.

But to be honest, I mean,
in the other side,

I'm happy because it
means that I will be

able to sleep this time

and I won't hit any type of
boom, boom, boom, boom.

There we go again.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

All right.

- Ben.
- You're walking off out of here?

I've tried to give a [bleep]
and I'm done giving a [bleep].

I'm going to
miss you so much,

I'm going to miss you, too.

I know the work that I did.

I'm proud of what I did and
I'm walking off this yacht

like, try me,

All right.

That's it, I guess.

Camille out.
Drop mic.

Camille's out.

What joke.

Girls, should we have a
quick chat whilst we're here?

Camille's gone.

We can be stronger and
we can be working harder

with us three
without any toxicity.


So it's a time for us
to really show that.

I think they're going
to be all right.

They're not going
to be partying.

Again, the primary doesn't
even drink

and they've got a very
heavily pregnant wife.

So we've got an easy trip to
really get our teeth into this.

All right, guys.

This is going to feel like
a walk in the park.

[phone ringing]


Hey, Captain Lee.
It's Captain Sandy, how are you?


- Facetime, kid?
- Sure.

I'm running Captain Lees' boat,
but it's his boat.

It's his crew.

- Hi.
- There you go.

And so I wanted to
keep him apprised

of what's happening on board.

- How's it going?
- Good.

You look great.
You look a lot better.

Well, I feel a lot better.

That's good.


Because your boat,
it's a bit of a tornado here

and, well,
I let go of Camille.


Tough spot for her to be in.

Well, I gave her one department.

So she got one department.
She had a schedule.

It's not that.
It's personality conflict.

That's what it is.

That girl has a mouth on her.


I know.

I'm sorry, Ben.

It's just we've got
to get this done.

When are you coming back
to take over?

I'm working towards it.

I can't thank you enough
for stepping in for me.

I really appreciate it.

Of course.

Good to talk to you.

I'll say hi to the crew for you.

- Please do.
- Okay.


Camille was the first person
that I really opened up to

in the last two years.

And for it to be
taken away like that,

my mind just scattered

and it just sucks

that she's been let go.

So yeah, I'm really sad.

Coming up...

She's taking a long time.

Rachel's excellent.

I think that maybe she's putting
too much on her shoulders.

I need the food
to come out faster.

When will it end?

Fraser, Fraser,
provision on the dock.


Hi there.

Where's Ben?

These are good.

Here's a shrubbery.

I know it's tough.

I mean, your separation
with her,

I feel, if you're on that side,

we just need to
get our job done.


Alissa definitely had something
to do with this.

She's from the get-go,

she's always
putting Camille down.

So, I mean,
she got rid of Camille.

What's next?


Hey, Norma, it's Sandy.

Yes, I need a deck stew.

I need them here
by tomorrow, of course.

All right, thank you.

Okay, all right, bye-bye.

Can I just show you
something that's actually

concerning me a little bit?

Look at the size of my ankle.

What is that?

It feels like my foot

is going to
spontaneously combust.

Is that where things
burst into flames?

Darling, my calf
is the same width.

You don't have an ankle.

It's so big.
Look at it.

You see it?

It' huge.

It's that normal, is what
I want to ask you.

Like, is it...


All crew, all crew.
Everybody in a uniform.

Let's meet in the main salon,
pre-charter meeting.

- Copy.
- Copy.

Do you like being shirtless?

I feel like I
always catch you naked.

For me, it's just normal.
You know?


Okay, so, obviously, it was
a tough morning for everyone.

You're going to be
down a crew member.

I'm doing my best to get
another crew member in.

In the meantime,
I know it's hard,

but let's just try to bring
the energy for the charter.

We can turn this around.

It's never a great thing
to have to fire someone

the minute you're taking
on a charter.

So now we have to suck it up,

figure it out, and pull it off
like we have a third person.

That's a little stressful.

Let's go knock them dead.

I think this is going
to be an easier charter.

Thank you.

Get the carpet
and chairs up here.

Yeah, me too.

Cocktails and drinks, yeah.

- Where's Ben?
- I don't know.

Ben's coming out of
a long-term relationship.

They've been together for,

what, two, three weeks
now at this point?

He's slightly emotional.

He's moping around a bit.

I need him to pull it together.

- Big boat.
- Wow.

Hi. Welcome.

Nice to meet you.

Rachel, nice to meet you.

- Hello, Fraser.
- Hi. How are you?

Welcome aboard.

Fraser's going to show
you around the boat,

and then we're going to take
off to our first anchorage.

- We can't wait.
- Yeah.

So I've got two

It's just an elderflower
and lemon sparkling water,

and the rest is
just boozy champagne.

No, you're...

[bleep] you, too.

Our Sundeck.

- This is it.
- Yeah.

Very large jacuzzi.


Give me power.

And then this is
the primary cabin.

- Gorgeous.
- Holy sh...

Oh, my gosh.

That's insane.

Yeah, that's nice.


All crew, all crew.

We're ready to depart.

Copy that.

Thank you, mate.

What's wrong with my posture?

No. No, it's good.

No, because that's not how
you look all the time, is it?

How do you know?

All right, we are...

- We're moving.
- We're off.

Is this how I'm upright?

Do an impression like that?

All clear port side.

All clear astern.

Captain Foredeck,
no traffic ahead.

All clear to swing.

The scenery is pretty amazing.

It is.
It really is.

This is quite nice.

Captain, that is nose
through the channel.

Nose through the channel.

Well done, everyone.
Well done.

Thank you very much.

How's everybody doing?

I'm good.
How are you?


I was just going to discuss
food and lunch with you.

Would you like to go
into a 2:30 lunch?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's great.

Alissa, Alissa, Fraser.

Go for Alissa.

Prioritize laundry.

Copy that.

I just brought them.

Oh, you're looking for them.

Oh, my God.

Don't worry, she lost
her mind years ago.

Give me what you're going
to use right now.

Tonight would be the best night.


Oh, hell.

Rachel, I'll be joining
the guests for dinner.

Okay, thank you, Captain.

[phone rings]

I miss you.

That girl, that was,
like, a big bitch.

She got fired this morning.

Her little
boyfriend that she had.

He's, like, pissed as [bleep].

She probably made it seem like
I got fired.

Even though you can't
get somebody fired,

like, if their actions
aren't there,

their actions aren't there
to get fired, you know?

Oh, okay.

Well, I'm going to get
back to work.

I love you.

Anchor down.

Short stay at one o'clock.

We'll get the toys.

Toy time.

This is fantastic.

How gorgeous.

It's really beautiful.

- You ready?
- Yeah, man.

I'm going to come up slow.

- I'm ready.
- Okay.

I'm just doing the dish now.



Are we ready to move
to lunch?


Is that something
you're ready to do?

- Yeah, can we go?
- Guys, lunch?

- Where do you to sit?
- Wherever.


That's what I mean.
It's going to take you with it.

They're in their own world.

Oh, there she is.

Oh, I know.

I didn't want to,
but you said that I had to.

Going sideways.

Muscles and shrimp.
Thank you, chef.

All right, Ross, I'm rotating.

Couscous, by any chance?

Oh, lucky you.

It's called deliciousness.

Do you want a man,
the woman, the person?

- I guess.
- The swim platform.

I think you could say man,
the swim platform.


- I don't think it's personal.
- No, no.

I'm so full.

How many months pregnant
am I now?

You've got a partner in crime.

Okay, I'm full now.


It's okay to have
that service with Rachel.

It was quick.
It was brilliant. because we weren't wasting
our time with somebody else.

Well, that's exactly right.

I feel like everything on
board is going really well,

even down a stew.

So things feel normal
and they feel good.

Truly, we're better
off without her.

She wasn't a very
good apple, was she?


- Hello, babe.
- Hello.

It's time to eat.

How are things up there?

They're really happy.


My stomach has just been
non-stop bubbling right now.

Normally, I'm so confident
and just fine.

I think it's because all the
stress with Camille and stuff.

I literally am feeling
so insecure.

Like, I think
everything's about me.

Like, I think everybody's
talking about me.

I'm conflicted right now because
I'm glad that Camille's gone,

but I feel guilty because
she latched on to me

and I gave her a reaction
and everybody saw it.

I know that Ben doesn't
like me because of it.

And so I'm feeling
stressed out.

I'm feeling insecure.

I'm feeling all these emotions

that normally
I have control over

and it's just made me
this person that I'm not.

It sucks.


Let's get some action.





We got a...

Look at those mountains.

Yeah, it's pretty cool,
isn't it?

It's really special.

There you go.

- Hi.
- Hi.

It's really swollen, huh?

Yes, it was worse a
couple of days ago.

It was like a proper cankle.

- What is that?
- It's just like a fat ankle.

I mean, I'm sorry, that's funny.

- It is quite funny.
- Yes.

The only concern, really,
is I've got this numb

down the side of my toe.

This job is hard.

I haven't done yachting
for a long time.

I do aesthetics.

I do, like, two
clients every other day.

I live the life of,
like, a Kardashian.

I just go for lunch
and dinners with friends.

Apparently, I'm allergic
to the Caribbean and work.

Much rather stick needles
in people's faces.

Would you like to have the medic
come and take a look at it?

I think that would reassure me.

I really appreciate that, Captain.

- Of course.
- Thank you so much.

We want you okay.

- How are we doing?
- Yeah, fantastic.


What time do you want to do
dinner tonight?

Well, that's absolutely
up to you.

But what we could do is start
about nine-ish with Captain.

- Yeah, that's fine.
- Oh, yeah, that's great.

Yeah, that's fine.

It's really safe to start
putting all this away.

Can you please change
into your blacks?

And you put all the
lines by yourself?


All by myself, guys.


Very impressive.

What do you want from me now?

Cutlery, water glasses.

- You look beautiful.
- You look beautiful.

Are you ready for dinner?

Yeah, I'm starving.

Rachel, how do you
feel about this charter?

They want a lot.

My theory is it doesn't matter
if I'm doing

a course tasting in you
or if I'm doing ramen.

I hate cutting corners.

I'm a little concerned
with the timing

when it comes to these
multiple course tasting dinners,

especially for the fact
that it's around the world.

Dinner on night one
is requested as an

around the world
multi-course meal.


People think all around the
world shows money and wealth

and I'm well-traveled and
I eat, you know, culinary

and blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.

But you know what?

There's no such thing
as no in this industry.

I just need to make
sure I stay focused

and keep the courses
burning through.

Oh, my God, my mental
state right now is so sh...

There's literally
nothing wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong
in general.

Do you know what you're feeling?

The mid-season blues.


Oh, wow.

This is great.

It's so cold.
I can't feel my feet.

- You okay?
- Ow.

- Caboon!
- Hey.

Here I am.

We're sort of ready
to move up if you are.

Oh, my gosh, wow.

Where is Captain Sandy
going to sit?

Wherever you'd
like her to sit, really.

Yeah, I feel like when
I open all those cabinets

that I'm going to find
someone's head here, you know?

No, it'll be in the freezer.


Hello, yes.


There's knot back
of my head now.

This one tastes so
real that I actually

kind of feeling tipsy.

I was a little concerned.

I don't drink.

- I'm sober, 32 years.
- Oh, yeah? Wow.

I was that kid that
was always in trouble.

Party, party, party.

Alcohol for me was
trouble with a big tea.

My life got better
beyond my wildest dreams

when I quit drinking.

And it's been incredible.

I'll be 10 years this year.


And she'll be six
and a half months.

Are these ready?

It's ready to roll.

Chefs are all
the same way.

We're fueled by
caffeine and hatred.

Your first course this evening

to introduce our tasting
meal around the world

is going to be
inspired by Japan,

and it's going to
be the miso soup.

It's going to be quite hot,

so I do suggest you use
your serviette to assist.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.


- That's good.
- Very good.

Oh, [bleep] me in the ass.

Imogen, what are you doing?

I spilled it.

I tried to hold it, and it
was hot, and I spilled it.

Next time we pour it for you.

That actually was
my fault, though.

It was my fault.

They should have poured it.

Yeah, it's my fault
she spilled miso.

Tony, are you good, dude?
You want to swap?

I'm putting things away.
That's all.

Rachel, my dear friend,
see you tomorrow.

Thank you so much.

What's going on, Rache?

I'm trying to think.

Sandy's at the table,

and I have to pick up the pace.

I'm won't distract you.
Go for it.


Can you get some?

- Non-denominational.
- Yeah.

I do get on my knees in
the morning and at night.

I get on my knees
all the time.

He' disgusting
little man, but...

Are they okay with hot stuff?

Yeah, most of them are
very okay with hot stuff.

You invite my wife,
you give her two coffees,

this is what happens.

This is Caribbean, done
with a Scotch bonnet

and apricot sauce.

Thank you, chef.

I'm going to push you
in the water one of these days.

For your next course,

you've got the
Caribbean ceviche.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Thank you.



Holy smokes.


That's spicy.

Fire in the hole.

Excuse me.

It sure is spicy.

I can't breathe.

It's too spicy.
They're complaining.

They can't eat it.

- You might want to go out there.
- Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Coming up...

St. David, this is the yacht

nearest you on
the starboard side.

We're a bit concerned
if the wind picks up.

We're going to stretch
our anchor

and be within 10,

I would appreciate
it if you moved.

Holy smokes.


Way too spicy.

It's too spicy.
They're complaining.

They can't eat it.

You might want to
go out there.

Like, I can't breathe.

Oh, my God.

I'm going to retire after this.

I hate my life.

Last charter.

My spicy, me being a p*ssy,

serving hot, hot, hot
food isn't hot enough.

We like our food to be
more hot, more spicy.

I'll add more spice.


Some people have a different
palate than others.

Some people are like,
dumb this down.

My face is on fire.

You know, it has to do with
the way you perceive it.

Some people's piss
smells after asparagus.

Get the [bleep] over it.

[bleep] my life.

So, wind is a,
so it's a three?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

What's that?



- Cloudy.
- I'll let you get away with it.

God damn it, I keep
grating my fingers.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

It's amazing.
Thank you so much.

This is very good.

Actually, this is
very, very nice.

For our next course,
we've got a Mexican empanada.


The next course, you
have the queso empanada.

This is very nice.

Fry them up real quick.

Jesus. Wow.

So, are you having
a boy or a girl?

- A girl.
- We're having a girl.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You've got beautiful teeth,
by the way.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

Jamaican coconut shrimp.

- Thank you.
- Cheers. Thank you.


- Thank you so much.
- You're very welcome.

Look at this.
Cup noodles.

Are you guys going to be okay?

Yeah, you can go down now.

Oh, they're really
rehydrated now.

Kind of.

Everyone thinks course-tasting
menus are a great idea.


Until you're actually
sitting through one.

Are you listening to music?


I'm not going to stay here
and listen to crickets.


[bleep] that.

They're long, man.

I'm making that
a disclaimer next charter.

I like all kinds of music.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Thank you.

How long have we been here?
It feels like...

When will it end?

Well, I'm going to go
down in the galley.

See what's taking so long.

- Okay.
- But this has been a pleasure.

It's been really
nice having you.

Thank you so much
for joining us.

This crazy.

I can't take this.

I think Rachel's awesome.

She's a great chef.

But I think Rachel can
be her own worst enemy

by creating
so many tasting menus.

The food needs
to come out quicker.

For a super yacht,
it's really embarrassing.

It's taking a long time.

They're ready to roll.

I'm not eating with them.


I got to go to bed.

So this is the ravioli
with ricotta and pesto.

- Italian, man.
- Italian, indeed.




Yeah, I'm in on that.

- Thank you.
- All right.

It's a lot of food.

My stomach is very small.

Your stomach is...


I don't want to sit at this
table longer.

Chocolate straws, yeah?

Where did everything go?

She's probably
dancing by herself.

She's like an evolved species...


And it's his favorite
dessert, tiramisu.

You wanted an international
course for every guest?

After the tiramisu,
we should all go find her.


It's really good.

So good.

Thank you.

Of course.
Of course.

I'll see you bright and early.

We're going to call it.

- I'm out.
- Do you want to dance?


I'm six months pregnant.

We'll see you in the morning.

I want to go to bed.

- Bedtime.
- Finally.

ing laundry.



[bleep] me.

St. David, this is the yacht

nearest you on
the starboard side on 69.

This is St. David on

If the wind picks up,

we're going to stretch
our anchor

and be within 10,

So I'm a bit concerned
and hoping you could move.

Yeah, Cap, I'll get
back to you, eh?

We'll be standing by
on 69.

Oh, God help me now.

The last thing I want to do
is wake the captain up.


Hey, Captain Sandy, it's Ben.

I just got a call on the VHF
from our starboard side,

and they're pretty
concerned that they swing.

they pretty much are going to be
sitting on top of us.

I don't have any power
in this situation at all.


That's why you got
the four stripes, cap.

This is motoryacht St. David.

Motoryacht St. David, go ahead.

We were here last night,
the wind was gusting

some 25 knots and
if that happens again,

we're going to be within

which isn't particularly safe.

Okay, that's an interesting

Fairly disappointing.

I'm surprised you're
comfortable with that.

There is like a
underlying rule

that you will move the boat
if you were the second

to the anchorage,
but then there is also

the rule of seamanship
and common sense.

With the way the weather
conditions are right now,

like I don't see a
problem at all.

Captain Sandy is

I really can't.

We have guests on board and
they're enjoying their time,

so I would appreciate
it if you moved.

That would be the fair and
thoughtful thing to do.

We're not moving because
there's no wind and we're fine.

We're asking you if
you're really nervous about it,

you'll just haul
your anchor and move.

Yeah, I understand.

We are not moving.

We're staying here.

And we have guests
on board as well.

Yes, sir.

I mean, what do you say?


Being a female in this industry,

I've always had
the challenges of men.

Yes, I've had a lot
of men support me.

But this is a very clear
case of mansplaining.

I mean...

Just stay on the bridge.

I'll stay up here, Cap.

Thank you.


How are you feeling?

It still, like,
obviously hurts.

But it's just really stiff.

I'm living the dream.

I'm so tired.

This is Sparta.
[bleep] you.

There we go.

I just want
non-complicated intimacy.

The thing is that I don't
think that that's possible here.

My longest relationship was
with Elizabeth Frankini.

I made a cloud disappear
with my mind the other day.

Are high?

We were together on
and off for four years.

I guess we just broke
each other's hearts

on multiple occasions
in that relationship,

which is why I don't want a
relationship at the moment.

This is, like, almost like
having a whole relationship,

isn't it?

There's another three
weeks left, yeah?

I ended up staying up
till, like, 1 a.m.

because I was helping everybody

since we were a
crew member down.

Who do you think
they're going to bring?

I'm actually super curious,
you know?

He's still in the same spot.

He's a nervous nellie.

- Special?
- Shakshuka.

It has to do with a S.
It's Shakshuka.




Is it because I'm old now?

I'm just frustrated.

I feel like this whole season
has kind sucked,

and I don't know if it's me.

It's frozen.

We haven't had lunch yet.

We're supposed to eat
at three, though.

Our dinner was supposed to
be served half an hour ago.

What's going on?


ed it up.

I think I'm going to have
PTSD after this sh...


What the [bleep]?

Good morning.

So, we have Shakshuka,

which is a red pepper and
tomato-based steamed egg dish.

We could also do eggs of
any style and kind

if that's something we're
interested in as well.

- Some scrambled eggs.
- Scrambled eggs, yeah.


I'll do the special,
the Shakshuka.

Yeah, lovely.

Look at that fish.
It's dead.

Oh, [bleep] I didn't see it.

My bro.

I'm sorry, my friend.


Three scrambled eggs,
two specials.


Oh, good to know.

That is stunning.

Thank you.

This one, sir.

Thank you very much.

My pleasure.

There you go.


- That looks good.
- Thanks very much.

It's really good.

The eggs are very nice.

- Are you a medic?
- Yes.

Okay, hi, sorry.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah, cool.

Do you want to...
should we go inside?

- Sure.
- Morning.

Where do you need me, babe?

I've turned over laundry.

I'll send you to cabins.

What was your favorite
course last night?

I wasn't thrilled about the soup

and the fact that we
had to pour it ourselves,

to be honest with you.

They should have poured
it for us.

Dinner didn't end until midnight
last night.

- That's a lot.
- That's insane.

My big toe is going quite numb.

It is painful like here.

No, that doesn't hurt.

What about the
numbness in the toe?

- That's normal.
- Yeah.

There's nothing wrong
with my foot.

I'm a massive,
dramatized bitch.

Thank you.
I really appreciate that.

- You're very welcome.
- So much.

Yeah, let's do that.

Who's doing the picnic?

What, you want us to hang out
on the beach together?

I was thinking about hanging out
with Tony, to be honest.

You are so mean.



Rachel, Rachel, Sandy.
Meet me on the bridge.




Fraser's working a lot.

It stresses me out that
he's constantly on it, you know?

- Yeah.
- I feel bad.

- Hello.
- Come on in.

Do you mind if I sit?


Oh, my God.

When I'm in the galley,
I don't get seasick.

But, like, when
it's swell-y like this,

I mean, I can be rolling
all over the place.

It could be, like,
you know, whatever.


But when it's swell-y...


I have a question for you.

Go for it.

You're incredible.

But the timing of
the food is...

Don't do those anymore.

Rachel's excellent.
She's a great chef.

I think that maybe she's putting
too much on her shoulders.

And when you take on
too much, you deliver less.

You need the food
to come out faster.

You can't do everything.

And the communication.
How is that?

He needs to say up there
probably another 10 minutes.

I'm going to clear now.

So when they're going to clear,
you're plating for the next.

Yeah, because I don't hear that.

They weren't happy.


They weren't happy.
I'm going to tell you right now.

That's great.
You can do that.


One country.

Another country.

Another country.


Nobody wants to hear criticism,
but Captain's feedback is valid.

So I need to suck it
the [bleep] up and be better.

You can't do everything.

Deck crew, Alissa.

When you have a spare moment,

can we get...


- Yeah.
- Thanks so much.

I'll go take trash out.

Oh, oh!

No one's come up yet?


I feel like we're a stew short.

Should I go help him?

Oh, yes.

Our favorite human has arrived.

I like that sound.

Thank you so much, Fraser.

Are you guys normally
three stews?

Is that how...

Because it seems like you guys
are working an awful lot.


We lost someone yesterday.

I mean, how embarrassing.
I'm totally mortified.

Clearly we need to step it up.

If it doesn't look
like we're working,

then we're not doing
something correct.

What are you making?
A pina colada?

It's a moog-a-roo-to.

But it's frothy because
I shook it for ages.

Hayley, I'm going now
until much later.

So I need all the cabins immaculate.

Bar, exquisite.

I can do that.

Good luck, my angel.

Hey, Captain. We're going to
be setting up by 2:30.

They should be eating early.

Okay, turn it already.


He wants to go for a swim.

I think so.

Okay, let's do it.

Can't get too close, guys.

You're just going to
have to get wet.

Okay, we'll do beach lunch here.

Just grab the hole

and then place it nice and
firmly over the tip

and just bring it down and make
sure all the...


One, two...

Jump out!


That is not enough drinking ice.

If you guys ready,
we can just go up.

Thank you.

We got this.

Jesus Christ.

I'm in the laundry
if you need me.

Three, two, one.

- There we go.
- Beautiful.

Look how nice it is.

This is fantastic.

How gorgeous.

I feel like a big fat loser.

- What's wrong?
- I need food.

Fraser, we need to get Louisa
some food and she needs to eat.

Rachel, Rachel, Fraser.

The guests are hungry.

Need to hurry up
the lunch here.

Copy that.


The food is on its way.

- No, you're joking.
- I'm not joking.

Borderline, I'm going
to k*ll someone.


I'm going to come help you.

Stay focused.

God damn it.

What is going on?

This looks like chaos to me.

It's like, you need to change.

This isn't working.
This is unacceptable.

I hate my life.

Later this season on
Below Deck...

God, they look like
they're going to k*ll us.


All right, queens.

Oh, dear.

Remember what happens
on the boat?

Stays on the boat.



Three, two, one, go.

Oh, no.

Is Alissa passed
out over there?

That's horrendous.

Because you worked so hard,

I've arranged a boat for you
to take you to the Pitons.


I like what I see.

I see what I like.



Hey, girl.

I mean, there's three of
you and the Deck crew are

busting their ass, like...

Now's not the time.
Trust me.

Don't. Stop talking.

I'm just going to put out
some regular chip.

Please put the snacks out.

Maybe if you didn't
take 35, minutes

charcuterie board.

So I'm kind of waiting
for my formal apology.

I've never been
involved in so much

ridiculous drama in my life.

Well, welcome
to your life right now.

I know you feel nice
and secure here.

That was brilliant.

But when you create
a cancer on the boat...

Don't let her get in your head.
You're not hers to control.

The fish stinks at the head.

And right now, you're that head.

She looks nice.

She been a Chief's Stew
for two years?

What's going on?

- You great.
- Thank you.

Oh, God.


Oh, my God.

[bleep] me.
This is insane.

All crew, all crew.
I have an update for you.

Hi, Rache.

I feel like I'm back
where I belong.

It's like riding a bike,
but it's a big bike.

How the kids behave.


That's a fat little
- er, idn't it?

Now, get your asses
back to work.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Ross, it's this way.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty.