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02x05 - I’m No Soldier

Posted: 04/20/24 09:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Another classy ♪

♪ Another, another classy ♪

♪ Normally wanna stay humble
But y'all know for real I be macking ♪

♪ I'm dealing with classies ♪

♪ Get on your job
You been slacking ♪

♪ Who got the tunes
Who got the fashion... ♪

[Jason] I sold this house
to a celebrity client a few years ago.

And now he's settling down
and wants me to sell this for him.

- [Jason] How are you?
- Hi, good to see you.

This is beautiful.

Oh, I know. I wanted you to see this.

As you know, I have
a celeb client I'm previewing for.

So, show me around.

[Jason] Yeah, you got it.
So this is, like, the main area.

[Jason] The kitchen right there.

- The other nice thing about this house--
- You custom put that in, which is nice.

Interestingly enough, it was like that.

- What?
- Yeah.

- [Jason] So, the house is from the 50s.
- Oh.

- [Jason] They left the sunken living room.
- That's from the 50s?

- Yeah.
- That's really cool.

You wouldn't know this house was
from the 50s, it's been totally redone.

[Chrishell] This is a really cool space.

The only thing is my client,
I just feel like she--

I'm wondering how we could warm it up
a little bit for her taste.

I can't disagree. That's probably
why I like the house so much.

Just because of that.
She can always change stuff, too.

Yeah, you can do things with artwork
and, you know...

For example, all these white curtains,
you can change colors, things like that.

Yeah, let me show you around though.

[Jason] This pool is new.

He spent a half million dollars
and over a year doing this zero-edge pool.

It's got caissons going into the ground,
like, 30 feet.

All this ipe wood decking is new.

This bench, this is actually a fireplace.

That's why I think your client might
like it more than you think because

at night it's really, like, soft and warm
and the lights are nice.

That's one bedroom,

another bedroom over there
and then the master.

Which has a view of the city lights,
which is really cool.

So tell me a little bit more
about your client.

So she-- You know, she's a celebrity,
so privacy is key.

So this--
The privacy part, I feel is great.

The street's awesome.

I love all the landscaping.

She has a house now that

she's working with someone on it,
'cause I did try to get that one,

but... she does want to use me
for her new house.

So, I have to make sure
and kind of like preview everything

'cause I don't want to waste her time,
she works a lot.

I like how we have to be so coy
about our respective clients.

- Did you sign an NDA?
- I did sign an NDA, yeah. [laughing]

- Okay, me too.
- [both chuckle]

Okay, so this is a very LA scenario.

I am previewing this home

for a celebrity client.

It is a celebrity home
and just like you always hear,

"Have your people call my people,"
well, we're the people.

Alright, I'm going to test it,
see if it's cozy.

- Oh, it is!
- [Jason] See?

- Okay.
- This is not cheap furniture.

[Jason] So how's the Valley going?
I know you've got a couple of listings,

but I haven't seen
any commission checks come in.

It's good, um...

But I feel like there's a lot of inventory

'cause there was so much
building that happened.

So, I've had a lot of people, like,
circle around, like helicopters,

and we think we're getting an offer in
and then it falls through,

or we actually did have an offer,

but then it completely...
they end up backing out, so...

You are holding them both open

- as much as you can?
- Yeah.

Yeah, and doing a lot
of private showings. Um...

Especially with Laurelwood
because Laurelwood is a little more,

- like, comparable to a house in the Hills.
- Yeah.

[Chrishell] Jason is all business.

He's data and numbers.
So if I come in

with some obstacles about a dog
or a flight path or some neighbors,

it boils down to excuses.

[Jason] You've had those properties
on the market for a while, so

I feel like you're doing what we need
to do to get them sold,

but it's kind of a binary thing.

Are we getting them sold,
are we getting paid or are we not?


[upbeat pop music playing]

♪ And make it all go bang, bang ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ And make it all go bang, bang ♪

♪ Watch me go again ♪

♪ Feel my heat and feel my fire ♪

♪ Burning down
I'm a dynamite ♪

- [knocking]
- [Mary] Hello?

- [Christine] Oh, hi babe, how are you?
- Hello.

Good timing.

- Hey.
- Yes! So good to see you!

- This is James.
- Good to see you. Of course!

I'm honestly still so pissed at Christine
for what she did, telling Davina.

But we're both professionals.

So I'm going to put on my happy face

and basically just get through this.

- [Christine] Let me show you the kitchen.
- [James] This is lovely.

[Mary] James is a street artist

and you'll see his heart murals
all over the world

Totally renovated,
all new Viking appliances.

Um... we have a two-story terrace

that has a hot tub and a gazebo upstairs.

You can use that for a creative space.
It's perfect for someone like you.

Are you working on anything new?
Like, any new murals or anything?

I do. I'm off to New York on Monday.

And then, Australia, London, Shanghai.

- Wow.
- [Mary] We gotta get all the showings in

- this weekend before you leave.
- Sounds stressful to say the least.

[James] How many bedrooms
did you say this was again?

[Christine] So this is a three bedroom.

We have the two guest bedrooms up here
and the master is downstairs.

[James] Perfect.

[Christine] Alright, so this is

one of the guest bedrooms.
I love this one

because it overlooks the outdoor
entertainment space which is really nice.

It's got a beautiful view of outside.
Windows on both sides.

[James] That is lovely.

This is a good spare bedroom though.

- Yeah.
- [James] Good size, yeah.

- [James] The bathroom as well.
- [Mary] Right.

[Christine] Okay,
I wanna show you guys the master.

I think it's gonna be one of your
favorite places in the whole house.

- [Mary] Oh, wow! This is nice.
- [James] Wow.

[Christine] So you have natural lighting,

you have a great bathroom
with a full size tub, steam shower...

- [Mary] That's all storage right there?
- Yeah.

It's not super easy working
with Mary right now

considering we're not seeing eye to eye.

So I'm walking on eggshells here

to do everything that I can to make sure
that he loves the house.

[James] I've got a few other places
to see,

but this is definitely something I'm into.

- Okay, perfect.
- Spacewise, roomwise.

And is he-- You said that
he's kind of leaving it at 2.9?

Is he willing to go down?

I feel like he's pretty flexible. I mean,
he's not even living in the country,

so at this point any offer is
a good offer for him right now.

- So I feel like he would be flexible.
- Cool.

- [Mary] Amazing.
- [Christine] It was great seeing you.

Thank you so much. Mwah.

- [Mary] So good seeing you.
- Of course.

- I'll speak to you guys later, yeah?
- Yeah, sounds good.

- Alright.
- Mwah.

- See you soon.
- Alright guys, thanks.

- [Christine] Bye, James. Thank you.
- [James] Bye.

- Oh, my God, he's so nice.
- [Mary] I know.

- [Mary] I love him.
- He's so masculine.

- So, are you in a rush?
- No, I have a minute.

Okay, cool. Because, um...

I talked to Davina, um...
about the wedding.

She said you'd already told her.

I did tell her.

I feel like you know
that you went about this wrong.

You should have pulled Davina
to the side and told her alone.

You shouldn't have told
everyone else in the office.

I didn't tell everyone in the office.

Romain let it slip out
because he was joking around about...

He, like--

But then everyone was talking about it
at the lunch.

Did you tell Davina yet
she's not invited?

[Mary] I think it's better
to do it in person.

Not over the phone
and I haven't seen her at all.

Because everyone knows except her.

[Christine] I didn't feel
like that was fair to her,

to be left in the dark.
Like, you know that I'm a loyal friend.

I mean, we got into a fight
about this before.

You know that I have my friends' backs
and it's a two-way street.

But you didn't have my back.

Oh, I had your back at the pool party
a year ago

and you didn't have my back.

[Mary] Christine is definitely
holding a grudge.

I didn't know she was, but, um...

I guess because I didn't go
completely ballistic

on Chrishell last year when she did?

At the end of the day, like,
own up to what you say.

Do you have, like, f*cking dementia?
I don't know.

Like, I feel like you need
a little hug right now.

I've always been loyal to her.

I feel like my definition of loyalty

is if I want to bury a bitch,
you will be there with a shovel.

If I don't like someone,
you don't like someone.

That's my definition of loyalty.

Davina's been
a very good loyal friend to me.

I didn't want her
to be blindsided at the party.

If Christian didn't want someone
coming to your wedding,

and you were like, "Come on.

That's gonna be horrible,
that's not fair,"

and you're trying to change his mind,

but obviously,
you're going to side with him

- over someone you barely know.
- But that's not what this is about.

This is about you
not telling Davina in time.

You should've owned up, been an adult.
You should've told her.

- Are you kidding?
- You should've called her.

I was the one being an adult,
trying to give her respect.

Which she doesn't
f*cking deserve actually

because she disrespected Romain so bad

and has said just really childish things.

And she's done it over and over.
Anything negative said--

Tell me what you're upset about.

Davina is the one at the center of it all,

where if someone hears it,
who's it from? Davina.

And she's caused so many f*cking problems.

It's ridiculous
and I still wanted to invite her.

I was fighting my fiancé,
who I love more than anything,

to let her come to the wedding

because it's polite
and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

I don't think it's really about her
coming to the wedding.

I think it's more about her
feeling excluded, and--

And I didn't want-- I didn't want to make
her feel excluded.

She was very confused.
She thought you guys were friends.

She didn't know where it was coming from.

[Mary] Well, you know what?

We've never hung out outside the office
at office things.

We've never hung out on our own.

We don't text about anything
other than office stuff,

but other than that,
I'm just not good friends with her.

I think you handled the situation poorly
by not approaching her first.

I was going to tell her.

- I was trying to do it.
- You waited.


[Mary] I'm... I'm just done talking.

I can't trust you.

You disrespected me,
you weren't loyal to me.

I feel like you weren't loyal to me at
the pool party so, like, I love the irony.

I think Chrishell is right about you.

[Mary] I'm just, like, so anxious.

Having to talk to Christine,
and talk to Davina.

My nerves are shot. [sighs]

Just because of how much drama
that this whole thing has caused.



♪ Sit back
Watch me go ♪

♪ Feel the adrenaline
Take control ♪

[Brett] It's another one of my babies.

You have a lot of babies.

This is exactly why I like
development properties.

It can pay off.

Usually when dealing with the developers,
it's all about the money and the numbers.

They want to be in and out.

The quicker the better.

[Maya] Oh, gosh, what's that smell?

♪ You think you can do this
Better than me ♪

- [Maya] Your baby stinks, buddy.
- It's not bad.

- [Maya] It's awful.
- Check out these views from here

[Brett] This is a permit-ready
RTI project.

- Okay.
- When it's done,

it's gonna be three stories.

[Maya] The property goes all the way down?

[Brett] There's two levels below this.
It's all open floor plan.

We're gonna put an infinity pool
surrounded by a 70-foot deck.

from every room.

Often with my clients
and their developments,

I act not only as the agent,

but as a consultant
throughout the project

because I'm very experienced
in that process.

But when I do that, they also typically...

actually, always, give me the listing
at the end of the project,

so I will be selling that house for them.

That's kind of my present for helping
them throughout the process.

[Maya] The view is nice.

Let me ask you this, the tree.

Can they cut it?

Yeah, it's the first thing
anybody should do.

When he bought it two years ago,
you could see everything.

And these trees have grown eight feet.

So why doesn't he want to do
development himself?

[Brett] My clients decided not to build,
so we sold it.

The guy who bought it then called me
two years later

and said he didn't want to build it.

He's like,
"Brett, I don't wanna deal with this."

The Sunset Plaza development,
is very appealing to buyers

because all of the permits
have already been issued.

Sow now, someone can buy that project
and begin developing on day one.

[Maya] Is it safe?

[Brett] Everything's pretty safe.
Just gotta watch that hole.

[Maya] sh**t.
I'm glad I wore the right shoes.

[Brett] There's gonna be a staircase
going three levels down.

This is gonna be an open kitchen
with an island here.

Let me take you outside.

It's actually a really cool location.

You're only a 30-second drive
up from Sunset.

- But you feel like you're removed.
- Yeah, it's not too far up,

and you still get the view.

This is a big boy project.

Somebody who knows what their doing
and has done a development in the Hills.

[Maya] So then, the downstairs
will be what? More bedrooms?

Exactly. Let's go to the middle level.

- Be careful, don't step on this.
- Oh, sh**t.

- [Maya] This is big.
- Yeah.

So yeah, one more bedroom.

- This is gonna be an office.
- Okay.

Then this'll be a second bedroom.

Yeah, it's a good space.

- [Brett] Yeah.
- [Maya] Just looking from here,

it has such nice potential with the views,
once you get the trees down.

Yeah, it's gonna be awesome.

Tell me how much you think
it'll cost to finish this.

I mean, you gotta do everything.

- Yeah.
- Adds up pretty quickly.

You're talking about $300,000
at least for the pool.

So then, 3,500 square feet, let's say
they do the job for $300 per square foot.

So I'd say at least a million.

I think that's exactly the bid.

How long do you think it'd take?

I'd say maybe 14-16 months?

You're on the ball right now.

That's exactly how long it'll take,

You know Brett, I gotta tell you,
when we first walked in

I was like, "What is this dump?"

But now that I see, like, the view

and the proximity to Sunset,

I think it's such a cool project.

I really care about this project,
it's one of my favorites.

I've been involved for a long time,
the permitting, the planning.

- I want somebody to do it right.
- Yeah.

You're actually really good
at what you do.

- I actually know my shit, right?
- Yeah, you really do.

I have a little gift for you.

What, is it chocolate?

- What is this?
- That's the key to this house.

- You're giving me the listing?
- Yeah.

- Just mine?
- Just you.

No way.

You're getting in construction,
I want you involved here in the Hills.

You ready for that?

Pile of plywood for 2.7 million?

[Maya] That's the goal.

How does it work when Brett and Jason
assign property to you?

I don't know you, can ask Mary.

She will know all the answers. [chuckles]

I'm gonna do a good job.

I know you will. I wouldn't have given
you that key if I didn't think you would.

- Thank you.
- Alright, let's get out of here.

From now one, every time
you show me places,

I have to wear tennis shoes.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ A little sweetness
A little spice ♪

♪ I know you're watching me... ♪

- [Chrishell] Hello?
- [Jason] Brett, for you.

- [Brett] Hello?
- [Chrishell] Five, six, and a pool house.

I was thinking, "What am I missing?"

I'm getting a stress rash, you guys,
it pops up on my forehead.

Mine's on my face.

He said he owned some private jet company
that was electric?

It's hard to work with no internet.

- It's stress, right?
- [dog growls]

[Chrishell] Congratulations.

[dog growling]

We'll be in touch. You too.

Mary, I just got the offers from Amel.

- [Mary] For Sunset Plaza?
- Yeah.

- [Mary] What is it?
- 2.9 million, best and final.

- 2.9? We're asking 3.2.
- It's an offer.

Jason, that's a shit offer.

It's only been on market 30 days.

I've never had an agent so upset
about getting an offer on their listing.

They're interested in leasing it out.
This'd be an investment.

- He's looking for the same thing as well.
- Exactly.

You know what I wanna pay.

[Jason laughing] All right.

I'm going to suggest not to take it

and I'm gonna get another buyer
to make a better offer.

She's telling her client
not to take my offer, awesome.

They shouldn't take that.
You know they're gonna lose money.

- I think it's risky not to take it.
- Don't get too greedy, Mary.

No, I'm not getting greedy.

I want my clients not to lose money.

- Listen, do what you want to do.
- [Mary] I will.

[Matt on phone] Hi, Mary.
- Hey, how are you?

[Mary] I just want to let you know
that we got an offer just now.

I just forwarded it to you.

The problem is I know you needed
a $3 million offer

and this is at 2.9.

- [Matt] 2.9...
- Yeah, it's obviously up to you.

But my suggestion is not to take it.

[Matt] Is that the best offer we'll get?

I think I can get someone else
to step up higher, I do.

[Matt] Okay, do what you need to do.
I just don't wanna wait.

[Mary] Okay. I'm on it.

- [Matt] Okay. Thanks, Mary.
- Thanks, bye.

[Matt] Bye.

- [Mary] Guys...
- [Jason] How'd that go?

[Mary] Yeah, it went okay.

- Okay for me or for you?
- [forced laughter]

Is he gonna take it?

[Mary] He hasn't said yet.

He's giving me time
to talk to other people

and see if I can get a higher offer.
I'm gonna get other people in.

I'm gonna call my other clients
and see if he'll step up.

I have till the end of the day, so...

I mean...

- What's going on?
- I'm fuming.

His client came in and wrote a low offer,

so now I'm like struggling to
make sure my clients don't lose money.

- [Jason] Mary?
- What?

My clients really want an answer.

Jason, you're being a d*ck right now.

- It's been like 10 minutes.
- [Jason] Is he gonna take it or not?

We will give you an answer.

I just think you're being dismissive
about a good offer.

I'm not being dismissive.
I submitted it to them.

And I gave them my professional opinion.

They can do what they want,
but it's 300,000 less than we're asking.

A lot of homes sell for 300,000 less.

But it's new construction,
it was priced well.

If it sits on the market more,
he won't even get 2.9 again.

They're thinking it over

and allowing me to get them
a better offer in the meantime.

My clients can pull their offer
at any time.

It's a shitty offer. Pull it.

- [Jason] It's not a shitty offer.
- Yeah, it is.

- [Jason] You don't have any other offers.
- I don't have written offers,

but I have other very interested buyers.

All these other interested buyers,
have you called them?

I... I am if he stops talking to me.

Well, I would like an answer.

♪ The flame is burning ♪

♪ The flame is burning ♪

♪ Don't wanna let this go ♪

♪ Fly, fly high ♪

[Christine] We went to Spago last night
and we had a bottle and a half of wine.

- Oh, wow.
- It was one of those nights.

- [Maya] I miss that.
- Thank you so much. Thank you.

[Christine] All I drink,
coffee and red wine.

- f*cking caffeine whore and alcoholic.
- I know.

[Christine] Sign me up.

I'm so glad Christian and I
are going away today.

- [server] French toast?
- [Maya] For me.

- Thank you.
- [Christine] That smells so good.

- [Maya] Eat.
- I can't. I just put my lip ointment on.

So, the engagement party was...

- It was so-- It was a beautiful event.
- Awkward.

- Well, duh, it was gorgeous.
- Besides...

But Romain seemed super heated.

- It was weird--
- [Maya] I talked to him.

Like, "You think you're gonna move on
and forget this?"

He's like, "No..."

He was very stubborn.

The thing is, it's not about me,
it sucks for him.

Like, it's not healthy for him, you know?

[Maya] I didn't know
he was upset about it.

I didn't either.

I never realized he was
this f*cking hypersensitive.

If he's taking his anger out
on me a year later,

it doesn't make any sense.

Like, why are you still this mad?

I was more offended
by how they handled it.

Like, why would they tell
the entire office?

I told Mary too, " I'd probably
say something,"

because otherwise, it also makes us
hide a secret from you.

Yeah, and that's why I really appreciate
that you told me.

I really do appreciate that.

I mean, she had plenty of opportunities.

[Maya] I think you handled it very well.

Most important thing
is you really apologized.

Hopefully, obviously,
I'm sure you meant it,

so what else can you do, right?

And like, I'm not gonna beg
on the floor and kiss your feet.

- Like, that's it.
- At that point

if he doesn't accept your apology,
that's on him.

And then he looks stupid.

He's gonna Chrishell-grudge you.

[Maya] I though it was very nice
that Chrishell sent you flowers.

The nicer gesture would've been for her
to accept my invitation.

If she would have came
and just sucked it up,

everyone in the office would've been
like, "Wow, Chrishell's really trying."

But the fact that she didn't come
makes her look even worse in my opinion.

I don't hold grudges, like, sorry.

I'm a Christian. I believe in forgiveness.
I forgive people all the time.

I apologize,
I do stupid shit all the time.

I'm a f*cking mess, I get it.

But I feel like she hasn't
really forgiven me.

You know, maybe in time
she'll renew the friendship.


♪ Walk in, we're turning heads
No money, we're on the list ♪

♪ Play it like they got to know
Who we are, yeah ♪

What are you guys doing this weekend?

I'm going to change diapers.

[Maya] It's very exciting. [chuckles]]

How are you doing with two kids?
It's a lot of work.

We have a nanny.

- Where is Christine?
- [Davina] With Christian.

They're heading to Mexico.

[Maya] Christine just got back
from vacation a month ago.

- A month and a half?
- Two months.

Dude, people go on vacation once a year.

She's just going for, like, three days
or something.

But still, for them, like,
it's been a while, you know?

- [Davina] Good for her, man.
- She told me he likes staying in hotels.

Guys, I wanna show you my new listing.

- [Chrishell] Ooh, I wanna see.
- It's super cute.

- Is it new?
- Is that the yard?

- Yeah.
- [Davina] It looks new.

With that price point,
you should be able to move it.

- [Heather] Yeah!
- [Davina] It's a great area.

[Chrishell] Oh, sorry. I gotta take this.
One second.

Yeah, if you guys know anyone,

Hello, this is Chrishell Hartley.

Hi, Chrishell, it's Shawn Elliot.
How are you?

Hi, how are you, I'm Chrishell.

Hi, Shawn Elliot, nice to meet you.

Oh, Hi, Shawn. I'm good, how are you?

[Shawn] Great. Listen, I just sent you
an email on the house on Laurelwood.

And I think I have the perfect buyer.

Really? Is it someone I know?

[Shawn] Do you remember the Dream Team?

Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman,
Michael Jordan?

[chuckles] Yeah, I've heard of them.

[Shawn chuckles] So, Scottie was married
to my friend Larsa, who's also my client.

But her son is playing ball at Vanderbilt

and your house has a basketball court.


[Chrishell] Okay, I'm telling you
this is perfect then

because there's not a lot of houses that
have that, especially not in that area.

So I feel like you have to bring her.

[Shawn] Alright, I'll give you a call
during the week.

We'll set this up.
I think we'll sell this house.

Okay, sounds great.

I'm looking forward to it.

- Alright, speak to you soon.
- Okay, bye.

- That sounded awesome.
- It sounds too good to be true.

So I'm gonna, like,
try not to get my hopes up.

What was that, babe?

Um... I have this listing I've been dying
to sell on Laurelwood.

I just got contacted by an agent
that has an interested buyer.

And her son plays basketball.

- Oh!
- [Maya] That's perfect.

His dad is Scottie Pippen.
You guys know who that is?

Yeah, I know who that is.

- [Davina] He's a huge player.
- [Heather] That's good news.

- Yes.
- [Maya] Wow.

I know, let's hope.

Every deal starts with a phone call

and Shawn is a great agent.

And this really could be the sale.

I really need to sell this listing because

I've finally gotten an over
four million dollar listing in the Valley,

Jason is behind me.

But this listing could basically be a
domino effect if I don't sell it because

I've got all these other
listings coming up.

If I don't sell this one,

then you can watch them all fall down.

I'm showing a house actually
to Michael Jordan tomorrow.

- [Chrishell] Oh, really?
- What?

- I am.
- Michael B. Jordan or Michael Jordan?

No, Michael Jordan.

[chuckles] Maya.

No, no.

Different Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan is the biggest
basketball player of all time.

He's the one that's on...

The boxing movie.

What's it called?

Space Jam?

- [Chrishell] The real Michael Jordan?
- Yeah.

He lives in Florida, I think. Right?

- [Davina] I think so.
- Actually, I was kidding.

[Chrishell] Oh!

- [Maya] Bullshitting around.
- [Heather] That would've been cool.

[Davina] That's funny.

♪ It's the same thing, same thing ♪

♪ We're living like superstars, baby ♪

Just a taste of that sweet,
Sweet game play ♪

- [Jason] Babe, we gotta hurry.
- Ah.

[Jason] Can we cross? Yeah.

I talked to my clients

- for 1628 Sunset Plaza.
- Yeah?

[Mary] Um...

They're going to accept the offer.

[Jason sighs] f*ck.

I don't know if you're gonna hit me
or hug me right now.

I'm deciding. It's still up in the air.

I feel like I could've gotten them
something higher.

[Jason] Listen,
it's your client's decision.

I know you were trying
to get more for them, but...

[Mary] I'm happy for them.

[Jason] Me too. I'm happy for you.

Listen, it's a safe play, you know?

- Yeah.
- We know my client's going to close.

- You get to work with me,
- Yeah, they're good buyers.

At least we know we're not gonna fall out,
start the whole thing over, so...

It's good. I'm just a little disappointed
because of the price point.

I know you are.

You're the most disappointed person
ever to get into escrow.

I'm hard on myself.

Yeah, you are.

[Mary] The difference
in the commission for me

is so small it barely even affects it,

but it's not okay with me.

With these clients, they understand
they overspent. It took longer.

They realize it was their fault,

but my relationship with my clients,

and knowing that they're going
to lose a little bit on this,

is gut-wrenching.

[Mary] Before we go in, I want to talk
to you about something else.

[Jason] Okay.

So, I just want to thank you
for offering your house.

- It was so sweet. Thank you.
- Of course.

- You're one of my best friends, so--
- One of?

- Well, you and Amanza are pretty close.
- I'll take that.

I want you to be part of my bridal party.

- If you'll--
- I would love to.

[both laughing]

That's cool, that'll be fun.

- Yay!
- I'm not wearing a dress, though.

♪ Everything I'm dripping
Dripping luxury ♪

♪ We get paid to play
To play professionally ♪

♪ We start the trends
Loved by the brands ♪

♪ #Whoop and tag all my friends ♪

♪ All the twisted parties ♪

♪ Keep it VIP ♪

♪ Make it look that easy ♪

♪ It's a lifestyle bling ♪

[Chrishell] I will say no house
ever comes without any challenges,

but this one has definitely
had quite a few.

Just like the dog,

the plane, the driveway,
but you don't see that at first.

You see the floors and the marble bathroom

and the wine cellar.

My job is to keep them looking
at all those things

and don't look at the man
behind the curtain.

- [Shawn] I'll call you.
- Hey!

- How are you?
- How are you?

- This is Chrishell.
- Nice to meet you.

- Welcome.
- [Larsa] Thank you.

[Shawn] You ready to buy a house?

- Yeah, I definitely need a house.
- Alright.

Well, we've got the house for you
right here, hopefully. Um...

- [Chrishell] I'm gonna hand this to you.
- [Shawn] First impression? What you think?

I mean, I took two steps in.
I like the location, though.

I'm just scared of the driveway.

- [Shawn] Okay.
- [Larsa] The driveway is pretty steep.

What you need to do
is drive right up into the garage.

Okay, but I have 12 cars.

Twelve cars? Who has 12 cars?

I actually do know a house
that could fit 12 cars,

but it's gonna cost you
about 40 million dollars more

and it's on the other side of the hill.

[Chrishell] Well, let's look at the house

because there are always places
you can put the cars.

[Larsa] I love the kitchen.
The kitchen is amazing.

- Yeah, it's really modern.
- Right?

[Chrishell] I love it.

They did a great job with.

I like how it's really open and airy.

- It's brand new, never been lived in.
- It's new construction?

[Chrishell] New construction, just built.

- [Chrishell] Can I show the outside?
- Yeah. I'd love to see.

[Chrishell] We've got the basketball court
and the BBQ...

Scottie Jr. can practice
his foul sh*ts right there.

Right. Yeah, that is kind of a cool thing.

I love how private it is.
It's really private.

I love the pool.

[Shawn] I love the view
of the Valley also.

- Yeah.
- [Shawn] I like the outdoor fireplace.

[Chrishell] You can have the game on,
that's what we do at home.

Fireplace, pool time...

[Larsa] I love how it's open and airy.

- [Shawn] Right?
- Yeah, you can really enjoy the outdoors.

It kind of makes you feel like you're out
of the city just a little bit.

Just tell me there's
a huge closet in the master.

There is a huge closet.

I feel like, for me, the most important
thing is the master and the kitchen.

I'm kind of selfish.

If my kids' rooms are a little
on the smaller side,

I'm okay with that as long as the master

- is, like, a really amazing master.
- I hear you.

I'm excited to show you. Right this way.

[Shawn] Let's go.

[Shawn] The moment of truth
is the master bedroom closet.

[Chrishell] Here's the closet.

Very big and beautiful.

[Larsa] It's definitely beautiful.
Is there another one?

It's just the one closet for the master.

You think you could fit
everything in here?

I don't know,
let's see the rest of the house.

I feel like it's kind of small.

Let me show you the bathroom.

I think they did a great job.

Beautiful. Is that a steam shower?

[Chrishell] It is.

Obviously, big soaking tub
with the jets and everything.

You've got the view.

- I love these light fixtures.
- I do, too.

No, I love the bathroom.

Yeah, I like it, too.
In fact, it's very spa-like.

It is. I like the bathroom a lot.

[Chrishell] Here is the master bedroom.

I love these wood beams because I feel
like it kept the space really warm.

With the high ceilings
and you've got the views.

[Larsa] The view is insane.
love the view here.

[Shawn] I think
there's a lot of value here.

[Chrishell] Yeah,
that's the other thing, you know,

- the price is really good for the house.
- Right.

'Cause this price, yeah...
I mean, I feel like you get so much.

To put this house in Bel-Air,
it would cost you more like ten.

Yeah, for sure.

The clock is definitely ticking
on this listing.

I am trying to beat the clock.

A buzzer beater if you will.

But it seems like Larsa
likes this property minus the driveway.

If she buys it,

she could hit one of those buzzer-beaters
right at the end.

Save the day, win the game, house sold.

Let's do it. [chuckles]

[Chrishell] Alright, you guys,
that is the master tour.

What did you think?

[Larsa] I love the house.
I feel like the house is amazing.

The kitchen is gorgeous.

I love the layout of the house,
it's beautiful.

Thank you so much for coming.

- I really appreciate it.
- It was so nice meeting you.

I'll hug you goodbye.
Thank you for coming.

- [Larsa] Thanks for having us.
- Yeah, absolutely.

- [Chrishell] Bye, guys.
- [Shawn] Take care.

♪ You're superhuman ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ You're superhuman ♪

Hey Carol, I'm calling to let you know
I just sent you a list

of some open houses for Sunday.

Keep me posted what you think
and I'll talk to you soon. Okay, bye.

Alright, well, good luck
on all your open houses.

- Thank you.
- Have a good weekend.

- Mwah.
- Bye.

- [Chrishell] Enjoy your weekend.
- You too, take care of yourself.

Fingers crossed I'll be calling you with--

- Yeah, good luck with the buyers.
- Yeah.

- Keep me posted.
- Alright.

[Chrishell sighs]

- [Mary] My God...
- I know.

This week has been unreal.

I know. You've had so much to deal with.
Are you okay?

It's after five, right?
I'm gonna have a glass of wine.

You wanna join me?

I'm waiting for traffic to die down,
so I'm your girl. Let's do it.

[Mary] Thank God for Oppenheim Wine.

Yeah, so this week has been
absolutely insane with the wedding stuff.

It's starting to come together,
though. We've got the new venue...

- We've got...
- [Chrishell] Okay, good.

You sorted out the stressful part
with Davina.


Uh, kind of.

[Mary sighs] So I went
and talked to Christine.

Once I found out that Christine
was the one who told her, I was like,

- why would she do that?
- Right.

- You know, we used to be so close.
- Here.

Thank you. Yeah.

How did the conversation go down with
Christine when you did confront her?

[sighs] So... I mean...

[exhales] It's so hard
because I'm not a confrontational person.

I was actually shaking
when I was doing it,

but I felt super hurt and betrayed

because I was trying to find
the right time to tell Davina myself

and Christine didn't allow that.

She just went and told Davina,
and she's like,

"Well, she's the one that's been
a good friend and you haven't."

I was like, "How have I
not been a good friend?"

And she's like, "I was loyal to you
until you went and consoled Chrishell

when I was defending you." I was like...

You were defending me
on something that was a lie.

This whole thing started...
Davina was a catalyst in it

and started all of these lies
and got you involved,

and then they were all mad at you
when you didn't even do anything.

You asked questions.

See, that's what bothers me the most.

It always feels like
if anyone is nice to me,

Christine is gonna lash out at them.

She, you know, wants to keep her soldiers
in line and she wants it known,

"Nobody be nice to her,"
and it feels like...

I'm not a soldier.

I was a friend,

and I will like who I like,
and be friends with who I'm friends with.

I'm not ten.

- I'm not only allowed one friend.
- It's not high school. Right.

Where the queen bee decides
what table you're gonna sit at

and who has to sit over by themselves.

That's how it feels
she still wants it to be.

I just know for myself, like,

she has a very toxic vibe.

I wouldn't want a friend like that
because I couldn't trust her.

That's what it comes down to,

and why I'm like... I'm shocked and...

I thought of almost all people,

I would never think
that she would be the one

to run back and tell her.

And there was no apologies,
there was no anything.

It was almost like, um... aggression

towards me, and...

I just don't know...
I don't know what to do about it.

I don't know, do you even...

Have you thought about it?
Do you even want her at the wedding?

[sighs] I don't know.

♪ I hope you're ready for, ready for
Ready for action ♪

♪ I hope you're ready for action ♪

♪ I hope you're ready for ♪

♪ I hope you're ready for action ♪