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03x06 - One Text Changes Everything

Posted: 04/20/24 09:39
by bunniefuu
["Strange Days" playing]

♪ These are the strange days ♪

♪ Life plays out in the strangest way ♪

♪ I want what you want ♪

♪ To be alright ♪

♪ To be noticed ♪

♪ To find my place ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

[dog whimpering]

[Chrishell sighs]

- [knocking]
- [dog barks]

[Chrishell] Coming.

- [Chrishell] Hi.
- Hi. Honey.

[Mary sighs]

- How are you?
- This is so beautiful.

- Here.
- Thank you.

- Come on, Grace.
- I want another hug.

I just wanted to give you a hug so bad.

- [Mary] How are you?
- [Chrishell] I've been better.

Not gonna lie.

[sighs] What... What happened?

I'm sorry.

[groans] Okay.

[sigh] I just have to...

f*ck. I don't know.

I just feel like, um...

Sorry, I'm just kinda in shock
with it all, so...

I'm trying to, like...

keep it together,
but it's just a lot all at once

'cause everybody in the whole world knows,
like, at the same time that I knew, so...

I know.

Have you ever been knocked over by a wave,
and you don't know which way to swim

- to get up?
- I know that feeling.

I've been there,
and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.


I don't think anyone ever gets married,
thinking that they'll ever get a divorce.

I'm definitely a hopeless romantic.

And I feel stupid
even saying that out loud.

I-I'm so confused.

At the charity event, like,
he donated all this stuff. Like, what...

[Chrishell] You wanna see
what our donation items are?

This is an Annie Leibovitz signed poster.
And then coffee with Justin Hartley.

This is my husband, by the way.

We were totally fine that day.

I mean, I thought we were totally fine.

Did you get in an argument or anything?

We had a fight that morning

over the phone, and I had...
I never saw him since.

We didn't talk things through and...

Before we had a chance
to figure anything out, he filed.


[Mary] How did you find out?

Did he, like, just come talk to you
out of the blue or what?

[Chrishell sniffles]

Um, I found out...

because he texted me.

That we were filed.

He texted you?

Forty-five minutes later, the world knew.

He just blindsided you?

[Chrishell] Because of the crazy way
in which this went down,

people want answers.


I f*cking want answers.

That's shitty.

Like, beyond shitty.

I know people are saying
we were only married two years,

- but we were together for six years.
- You deserve more respect than that.

In a fight, like, that's his go-to.
You know, like, I'm out, I'm out.

I hate that kind of impulsive stuff,
but I always just thought, you know,

that's just an issue
that we work through it.

Part of a relationship, you talk about it
and, you know, compromise and try

and change for the other person.
But those are two different things.

Getting upset and going down
to the courthouse and filing...

that's huge.

If that's really what he wanted,
there are better ways to go about.

Yeah. Have you talked to him?

Like, at all, since?

Well, I talked to him right after,
'cause I thought that must be a joke.

But that was kind of the end
of the communication.

What am I supposed to say?
What do you say after that?

It's like,
now I have to find a place to live.

Now I have to scramble
and figure this out, you know?

When I found out, I was...

um, minutes before leaving the house
for work.

So I immediately just grabbed a few things
and I...

And I just got out of there
as fast as I could. I didn't...

I don't think I really knew
where I was going

or what I was gonna do,
but I... I just had to... to leave.

Is it going through attorneys
or something now? Or...

[sighs] Oh my God. It's so weird.

Like, whose life am I living?
I've never had an attorney in my life.

I, like, wha...?

I don't even know... It's just so strange.

[Mary] Going through a divorce,
it's emotionally draining.

It's almost like a death.

It's like someone that you are so used to
spending so much time with,

and you can't see them.
They're out of your life.

But it's worse than death because not only
are they out of your life,

but then you're fighting over money.
You're fighting over assets.

It's probably one of the worst things
you can go through.

- Sorry, this is so depressing. I'm sorry.
- [Mary] No! Oh my God.

[sighs] f*ck.

I just...

Is there anything I can do?

Uh, this is it. I really appreciate it.

When I think of marriage, I think of...
you know, you work on things with people

if they're not perfect.

No one is, you work on it.

You talk about it.

You... [scoffs]


I just... You don't throw out...

You don't go out
looking for greener grass.

Sometimes you have to water the grass
that you have.

And that's what marriage is.

You know, sometimes it can be hard.
I mean, I don't think...

it should be more hard than easy,
I mean, at all.

But that's why I'm so confused, 'cause...

I didn't feel like that balance was off.

I just feel stupid.

It's hard, like, it takes a toll on,
like, your self-worth,

where you just feel, like, the anger.
Like, how could you do it this way?

And then, the sadness of, like,
I love him so much,

this was my best friend.
Who do I talk to now?

Just, like, such a... roller coaster.

["Hurricane" playing]
♪ Comin' like a hurricane ♪

♪ I take it in real slow ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

[upbeat pop music playing]
♪ It ain't over 'til I say it is ♪

♪ It's ain't over
'Til my heart stops beating ♪

♪ Can't stop me
No, you can't stop me ♪

♪ High climbing
I go ahead at full speed ♪

♪ Don't slow down
Don't slow down ♪

♪ You can try your best
But you can't stop me... ♪

- [Davina] Hello? Knock, knock.
- [Christine] Hello! Come in.

I'm in here.

- Hi, babe.
- Hi!

- You look so cute.
- How are you?

- Good.
- You look great.

- Hey.
- Hi, honey, how are you?

- How are you doing?
- Good. So I need help with my Keurig,

because of my nails
I can't push the Continue button.

- Can someone push Continue?
- [Maya] Sure.

- Shit. Okay.
- [Christine] I'm making tea.

- [Davina] Are you making something?
- Yeah, tea.

I'm like, are you cooking?

[Christine, Davina] It's not working?

- [repeats] I'll just do the microwave.
- [Davina] Living the dream.

I thought you were cooking for a second.

- I was like, no...
- Well, yeah.

It's tea time, b*tches.
I am cooking, actually.

Listen, it's not really hot,
but I'm not saying I'm Wolfgang, okay?

But it'll work for now.

[laughs] You actually look a lot
like Wolfgang,

- I was getting confused.
- I thought so too.

- Yeah.
- [Davina] Let's do it.

Honestly, this whole thing with Chrishell
just made me... I'm shocked.

The article came out,
and I thought it was a joke.

[Maya] I'm so disappointed too, like...

I mean, it was like a ton of bricks,

You don't know what to say.
You're just in shock.

Like, I don't think any of us
had any idea, like...

You know, she's not very open.
Like, we're so open with our stuff,

and I don't know him, and he has his side
of the story too probably.

- So I don't know.
- We're only hearing one side of the story.

- [Davina] Yeah.
- So I'm trying to do my best to...

[both] Be open-minded
and considerate too, yeah.

Look, someone might have done
something wrong,

we can't assume and just judge.
And it's none of our business and...

- It's not.
- ...maybe she'll tell us...

- Yeah.
- ...maybe she won't. We have to obviously

respect her and their privacy.

I'm sure it's awful, like,
devastating for both of them.

It's hard to be unconditionally supportive
and 100 percent Team Chrishell

when she's so guarded
and so protective all the time.

It's really tricky
to understand if she's blindsided or not.

We don't know any details of anything.

It's so crazy, yeah.

- It's just so wild.
- To me, Justin and Chrishell were perfect.

They were a good-looking couple,

- look happy and they just...
- [Davina] You don't know, right?

And I don't know Justin,
but from when I met Justin

he seems like a very cool nice guy...

- I know.
- ...she talked highly of him...

He was always nice to us...

So what the heck happened?

I don't know what he's going through,
I don't know how he's feeling...

I wanna ask her,
"Did you really have, like, zero idea?"

- Do you think you'd get the real answer?
- Probably not.

I believe, in my opinion,
that it's something that has been ongoing.

I don't believe
someone just files out of the blue

because you had a fight or a bad day.

I don't think anyone has zero idea.

- Yeah, that's how I feel.
- Something happened.

I read an article that said that

Justin's sisters unfollowed Chrishell
on Instagram.

The thing is, like, why? Right?

Then the questions
all start into whys again.

[Maya] Davina and Christine think
Chrishell wasn't blindsided.

I think, personally,
she probably was blindsided.

But, uh...

Who knows? You know what?

All we can do is just support and...

- [Davina] That's it.
- Every article that I have seen her in

has always been "Justin Hartley's wife."

I hope she forms her own identity,
you know. I want that for her.

Do you?

I do. Honestly, I'm excited for her to be
Chrishell Strauss.


Stause? Strauss?


Stause? Isn't there an "r" in there?

I thought it said Strauss too,
but it's not.

- It's without an "r."
- It's Stause? Stause?

- Is it Stause?
- Hey, guys! She should keep Hartley

- 'cause it's easier.
- [Davina] Guys, no.

["Can You Feel It?" playing]

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Can you feel it? ♪


[Amanza] Honey, I'm home.

- [Heather] Is it locked?
- [Amanza] Yeah.

I forgot my key.

[Heather] Oh, sorry, I guess I thought
this was my house now. [laughs]

Hi. Oh my God.

- Right?
- Whoa. It's so clean and...

It really came together.

- This looks amazing.
- Jason's gonna be happy.

What do you think?
- [Amanza] Heck yeah. These are fun.

Heather and I are working
together to stage the Fennell house,

but the renovation took longer
than we expected,

and I wasn't able to help her pick out
the artwork. So...

I really hope we don't run into any kinks
tonight because we have to get this done.

There's one, two, three, four, five.
So, six.

- Is this all of it or are there more?
- [Heather] I had chose... eight.

Maybe they must have sold
because she... well, she didn't tell me.

So I don't know,
I'm a little frustrated, but...

[Amanza] Maybe we should start
placing it and seeing

if it's actually gonna work.

We just need to figure out
if we have enough and...

and hang 'em and see
what fits best where, you know?

I probably would've made sure

that there was way more art
than necessary, but I'm gonna fix it.

Sometimes I'm late...
but I know how to stage a house.

That's what I do. Problem solved.

I would say because of size,
this one needs to go here

because of the scale.

[Heather] What about the dining table?

That needs to be pretty big,
so the other biggest one.

Then where would this one go?

- Oh, above the master.
- The master.

[Heather] I am not good
at hanging paintings

because I can never find
the little hook thing.

Okay, you know what?
I'm just gonna go in here

because I really think
this needs to go in the office. [giggles]

Shockingly, Amanza and I
are actually getting along.

We're working well together,
and I've seen her really step up.

So I'm proud of her,
and I think we got this.

I think maybe...
we could scoot the bar thing over.

- It's kind of tall, you know.
- [Heather] Okay. Oh God! [squeals]

And I'm actually having fun with her,
which is very shocking.

It looks like we're robbing the place
in white gloves, aren't we?

Is that our...?

Right on.


It's on.
I don't know if it's even, but it's on.

- I think it's even.
- [Amanza] Is it?

No, now it's not.
I was gonna say something really stupid.

I was, like, maybe we should turn it,
but it's a square, right?

- [Heather] Have you talked to Chrishell?
- A few little voice memos, and...

like, brief conversation,
but I haven't seen her.

And how she doing?

Like, she's devastated, she's heartbroken.

I'll hopefully get to talk to her
and get more details when she's ready,

but what the f*ck?

- I feel so bad.
- [Amanza] I feel so bad for her too, yeah.

I'm such a lover,
and I believe in true love,

and so it's, you know, it's really sad.

It makes me think too, 'cause I,
you know, I'm in Tarek's kids' life,

and then she was a stepmom to his daughter
and so close with her and...

It's so scary. feel that bond, and now
it's just taken away.

Heather's realizing now how sensitive,
how delicate these situations can be.

This wasn't supposed to be a sad moment.

We can't cry on this painting. Like...

[Heather] Our make-up is gonna be
all over it.

- [Heather] Is it on?
- Yeah.

[Amanza] That actually looks
really good there.

[Heather] I honestly think
Jason is gonna be super happy with us.

[down-tempo pop music playing]

♪ Oh oh oh oh all the time ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh all life... ♪

[Mary] Do you have a few minutes?

This situation with Chrishell and Justin,
like, has really...

- It's really hit me.
- How is she doing?

I mean...

- Not okay, but she will be.
- Yeah, poor thing.

It's to be expected. She's strong.
She'll pull through, and she'll be great.

- But right now, it just...
- Suck.

Who would be okay?


like, need a solid foundation.

And we haven't really had a chance
to talk about the whole Vegas thing.

- [Romain] Mm-hmm.
- Obviously, I was pretty...

- Am I in trouble? [laughs]
- Pretty ups...


My only rule was you don't
have girls come back up to the room.

I didn't. Don't blame that on me.

- I...
- That's not my fault if we have a suite.

I never bring anyone.

So I respect your rules.

Uh, how is the respect when I asked,

"Were there girls up there?"
and you lied?

- Where was the respect then?
- I didn't think it was the right thing

to tell you at that point.

[Mary] Lying is a very sensitive thing
to me.

It led ultimately to my divorce,

and I don't want
to go down that path again.

Romain's a very,
what I thought was, trustworthy guy,

and this stupid lie has...

It's made me question everything.

- [Romain] I didn't want to lie.
- But you did lie

- when I asked you...
- Yes, let me finish.

I did it for a good reason,

'cause I don't want you
to get hurt just a week before, right?

But do you see what it looks like?
When you hadn't said anything...

- I know.
- ...and I find out from somebody else?

Do you see what that looks like?

Why would you lie
if you didn't do anything?

- You were so stressed...
- [Mary] I understand,

but do you see how a lie like that...

- Yeah, I do, I do get it.
- ...makes me question everything?

Have you lied about other things?
Have you... Can I actually trust you?

So my brain is, like...
going and going and going, thinking,

is this the same person
that I thought you were?

I have more respect if you own it,
if you mess up, you own it and come to me.

I can hate what you did.
I can be mad at you.

Hell, yeah, I'm going to be mad at you,
but at least I still have trust.

It's scary.

Yeah, I do get your point. But you can't
put back everything in question.

- No.
- That's what a lie does...

[Romain] Yes, but then when you get
to know the whole story.

It's wrong what I've done.

But I don't want you to freak out
because I knew you would.

Like, it's not like
I was trying to hide something bad.

It's still...
Those thoughts go through your head

once... once you've lied like that
about something...

pretty shady.

I mean, that's not cool.

At this point, I really feel like...

like I don't know if I can trust him.

["Big Bad Wolf" playing]

♪ Living like kings comes with a price ♪

♪ You're rollin' in riches
Then you're rollin' the dice ♪

♪ Ain't it
No ♪

♪ Nothing's ever free
No, nothing's ever free ♪

♪ Is it?
Is it? ♪

♪ When the big bad wolf
Comes running around ♪

♪ Baby, get yourself right outta of town ♪

♪ Royal hearts are meant to break ♪

♪ 'Cause everybody's got
A big debt to pay... ♪

[dog barking]

Okay, just straight back here,
to the left. Thank you very much.

♪ Stuck in the head
Falling deeper down, down, down... ♪

- [knocking]
- [dog barking]

[both] Hi.

- Thank you.
- You look pretty.

This is sweet, thank you.

- Well...
- It's been a rough day.

- Rough week.
- Just what I needed.

And I think that's maybe
a big enough glass.

Oh my God.

Let's try it. Let's...

I could use it today. I'm not gonna lie.

[Amanza] I've been through a divorce.
It's... it's brutal.

Especially the moving day.

Because that's when it really gets real.

When you're separating furniture
and walking around your old house,

trying to figure out what to take
and what to keep,

and it's just, like, it's final.

This doesn't...

- I love that.
- Really?

- No, this I love.
- [Amanza] Oh my God.

Are you kidding? That was one
of the points. I thought it was a sign

it was, like, perfect.

I hate you. I have to figure out
how to turn it on. [laughs]

I wanted to be there for her
because that transition is hard.

She's just trying to move on and heal.

And she can't even get away
from the public eye.

Oh my gosh.

- Well, welcome to my new... home.
- Your new home.

So I'm gonna change the curtains,
but for now...

I've decorated the room in my head
five times since...

I'm definitely
gonna be able to use your help,

but there's paparazzi following me
from the house to here.

I'm impressed with how...

But don't judge right now.
I'm gonna change that.

There's no... This is a no-judgment zone.

[both] Cheers.

- Thank you.
- Obviously, I've been through a divorce,

and I just... I'm so impressed
with how fast you got moved in.

Like, I literally, when I moved out
from my husband,

that was the part that made me break down.

I just remember it sucks.

[Chrishell] I just got my stuff,
and I got out of there as fast as I could.

I mean, I'm literally just barely...
getting everything together, so...

And I'm... I'm so sorry.

And I don't think there's anything

that anybody can say
to make it better right now, but...

I've got two big ears
and a big old shoulder to cry on.

I hadn't thought about a plan B, like...

I'm... madly in love with him.

That's the part that sucks.
I'm like, what?

I don't know how you're holding up
as well as you are. I mean...

- Today was a big day...
- [Amanza] Yeah, of course.

...with the moving
and the paparazzi on top of that.

Like, that's an added thing, and, like,
just going through the photos and...

our stuff of like...

All the things that...

we had and he promised.

I want to hide under a rock
until this all goes away.

What about, uh...

his daughter. You talk to her?

I love her so much, and...

I had to write a letter to her, like...

Oh my God.


[Chrishell sniffles]

[Amanza] C'mere.

[Chrishell] I don't wanna be crying.


[dog whines]

I'm so sorry.

Oh my God, that's my old house.
Someone's at the door.

- Paparazzi?
- I still have to take this off my phone.

- When someone rings the...
- Yeah.

...the bell, it comes on my phone.

I'm still getting packages to the house.

Like, that's how fast this was.
I literally...

I'm still getting stuff that I had ordered
before I knew anything, like, coming in.

I'm... it makes me so mad...

because this all could have been avoided,
you know, if we'd done this privately.

My mind is blown
that he would think that this is the...

the way to conduct himself, but...

I can't even imagine.
I mean, just going through a divorce...

privately is tremendously heartbreaking
and overwhelming, and...

But at the end of the day,

there can't be
one person fighting for a relationship.

- Yeah.
- You have to have two people.

And I think a lot has changed
in the six years that we were together

And in the two years that we were married,
like, a lot has changed, and...

Well, his... I mean, I didn't know him
before, but his life has...

Just went, like, sky high.

I don't know what that does
to somebody's head or to their...

But, like...

I didn't care about that stuff.

And I met him before all of that.


To you, he's the same person, but...

maybe to him it was...

a lot fast, and maybe he couldn't...

I can't talk about it, I'm sorry.

- It's still really hard.
- It's okay.

- Don't say anything more than you want.
- [Chrishell] It's annoying...

I know.

And then you get rid of the people that...

[Chrishell sniffles]

That have been there for you
and helped you climb.

'Cause one day that's gonna go away.


It just sucks because I feel like...

outer elements have reared their ugly head

and inserted themselves
into our relationship that...

You know, these aren't normal things.

It's not normal to meet somebody
and then they become wildly famous

or they become wildly rich
or all these things, it's like...

I don't, at the end of the day,
think that those things matter.

[sighs] And I can understand, like...

God forbid...

your feelings obviously changed for me
at some point, but...

I just feel like
that's how you would treat...

the garbage that you throw out.

I know it is lame and cliché to say
everything happens for a reason, but...

it does make me think of, like,

things that I bended on for him.

I had a plan, but then I met him.

And I loved him so much,
so I changed my plan for him.


it just makes me think,
then maybe there's a bigger plan for me.

That's a really great way to look at it,
and that is all... the truth.

But you still f*cking hurt.

But I see your survivor mechanisms
kicking in.

And I feel like
we have similar childhoods,

and we have some... some gritty shit
that people don't know,

and it's made, I think,
both of us really strong.

And I can see it in you, and I admire it.

Just make sure you tell yourself that too.

Thanks, babe.

[down-tempo pop music playing]

♪ There's no runnin' from this ♪

♪ No more hiding from the daylight ♪

♪ Seen it comin' for a long time ♪

♪ Get ready now
Get ready now ♪

♪ There's no runnin' from this... ♪

Do we have glasses for the wine,
or are they just gonna chug

outta the bottle?

Come on, who's really
gonna be drinking at 10 a.m.?

Me and Mary.

[both laugh]

Today's the open house for Fennell.
Amanza and I worked really hard

to get everything done, and...

keep it under the budget-ish, I guess.

And we're really excited
for Jason and Kat to see it.

And we hope they love it
just as much as we do.

[uptempo pop playing]

[Amanza] Welcome to the beautiful...

newly refurbished...

Have you seen it
since everything's been done?

I haven't seen it like this.

- [Heather] What do you think?
- I love it.

- [Heather] Doesn't it look amazing?
- [Jason] Looks good, brings color in.

- Yes. Good.
- [Amanza] She picked some good ones.

[Jason] God,
kitchen looks so much better too.

I think we spent, what, 40,000 on this?

We probably added 240,000 in value.

Yeah. No, it looks amazing.

[off-key scales play on piano]

- Heather's gonna entertain the guests.
- [Heather] Let me play you one thing!

- Gotta be careful on this hill.
- [Amanza] Well, hello.

- [laughs] Well, hello.
- Hi, you guys.

[Heather] How great, right?

- [Maya] I love the beams.
- [Davina] Gorgeous beams, yeah.

- Hey.
- Wow.

- You look spunky today.
- Thank you.

- Congrats.
- [Amanza] Thank you.

Wow. It's beautiful.

[Heather] Hi.

Hey guys. Jason.

- Pleasure.
- Arthur.

[Heather] Hi, how are you?

- [Mary] Those skylights are awesome.
- They are, right?

So there's an office,
which could be a bedroom

because it has a bathroom over here.
There's a master...

So the exposed beams in the ceiling,
again, like, open to the pool.

- [Morgan] Yeah.
- Very private.

[Heather] There's a guest room right here.

- [Morgan] It's actually really nice. Okay.
- Three bedrooms total.

- [Heather] There's a sound room...
- [Arthur] Really?

...which could be a home theater
or whatever you want.

- [Arthur] Wow, look at the view.
- Yeah, it's stunning.

[Jason] Hi, Kat.


[Amanza] Oh, she hasn't seen it.

[Kat] How are you?

- [Jason] Good to see you.
- Looks amazing.

- [Heather] You like it?
- [Kat] I love it.

- Yay, hi.
- Wow. It looks like a different house.

- How are you?
- Isn't it beautiful?

- How's it going?
- [Kat] Hi, nice to see you.

- You like it?
- Oh, I love it. Yeah.

[Justin] I think it came out great.

- It looks newer.
- [Kat] It looks so much better.

[Kat] The whole place looks like
it's been remodeled,

- when it's just a few key things.
- Yeah, just a bit of paint.

Look how much brighter
and whiter everything looks.

- [Kat] The floor makes a huge difference...
- [Heather] I know.

...and it's the same floor.

Have you talked to Chrishell?

I messaged her, and she replied briefly,
so I haven't talked to her,

- and I'm gonna give her space.
- [Davina] I messaged her too.

Yeah, I think, um...

Yeah, she... I mean,
she's doing okay as she can be.

You know, I mean, as can be expected.

I'm still shocked, I...

Oh my God, can you imagine?

- [Arthur] I love the white cabinets.
- Mm-hmm.

- You gonna head out? Are you happy?
- I'm really happy.

- Good!
- You've done such a good job.

- And we're gonna sell it for you.
- Thank you.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- Glad you like it.
- Glad you're happy. We'll talk soon.

- Okay.
- Bye, Kat.

- [Heather] She's happy?
- Very.

- And she should be.
- You guys did a good job.

- I'm out 40K, so we have to sell this.
- [Heather] Once we sell it,

maybe we'll get a bigger project?

- Yeah.
- Well, let's sell it first.

- You will. Definitely.
- Pinkie promise it.

- Three and a half times?
- He pinkie-promised me!

- I'm just saying goodbye.
- No, that is bound.

Amanza, grab his other pinkie!

[Jason] I was just trying
to give you my coffee to hold.

I'm gonna get, but I'm really proud
of both of you ladies.

- [Heather] Thank you.
- Good job. Now let's sell it.

I had my doubts working with Amanza,

but she totally proved herself
on this project,

and I honestly couldn't have done it
without her.

I think people were surprised.

They were like,
"You... Wait, you guys did this?"

We didn't fight.

We had our moment already,
and I think, like, we're so past all that.

- That's good for the year. We did great.
- Yes! Good job, girl.

[uptempo pop playing]

♪ Makin' it a good time
Good time, a good time ♪

♪ I'm hangin' with the birds ♪

♪ Yeah I'm feelin' so fly
So fly, so fly ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah... ♪

[Chrishell] Hey.

- Hey.
- Hey!

- [Jason] Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.

- Um, can I talk to you for a second?
- Yeah, of course.

[Chrishell sighs]

Uh, so I was just wondering if...
It's so much craziness.

Um, if it's okay, I think
I'm gonna go home for a little bit.

And kind of, I don't know,
make sense of everything.

So I was hoping I could...

get out of town
and go see my family and stuff.

Take as much time off as you need.

I cannot imagine what you're dealing with,

Yeah, take what you need.
You know, we're gonna be here for you.

I'm gonna...

just figure this out, I don't know, um...

- Listen, I'll cover all of your work.
- [Chrishell] Thank you.

Just send me
whatever you need me to cover.

- [sighs] Thank you.
- [Jason] And honestly,

take the time you need. I mean,

weeks, months, I don't care.
Like, whatever you need.

Uh, your desk isn't going anywhere.

Thank you.

But honestly,
please rely on us and lean on us

and let me know if I can do anything.

Have you talked to any of the ladies here?

[Chrishell] I talked to Amanza and Mary.

Um, but I gotta be honest,
everyone's been so amazing and sweet,

but I've just been a little overwhelmed.
My phone...

It's like everyone I've ever known
found out at the same time. So...

I kind of shut my phone away.

- And I feel like everybody is... watching.
- I'm sure everyone's asking you

a million questions.

And look, I won't ask any questions.

Just want you to know that...
that we're there for you.

Thank you. I do want them to know, like,

I really appreciate them
being so sweet and nice.

It's just I haven't...

When you see them, tell them.

- [Jason] I will.
- I appreciate that.

They're just concerned. Obviously.
We all are.

I wanna just let them know
that you're okay.

You know, I'm sure
you're probably not okay in some ways,

but I know that you will be okay.

That's how I feel.
I feel like I'm not okay,

but that I will be okay.

- So...
- I'll take that.

[door opens]

- [Mary] How are you?
- Oh.

[Mary] Good to see you.

Hey, I'm sorry.

- Thanks for the flowers.
- Of course.

You both are so sweet, thank you.

[Jason] Well, she's gonna take time off,
see some family.


It'll do... do you good to, like, get away,
have your family to support you and stuff.

- Yeah.
- [Heather] Just get away from everything.

- [Jason] Yeah, like, turn your phone off.
- [Mary] Mm-hmm.

That's why I feel...
I was telling Jason to please say... hey!

- [Jason] Hey, Amanza.
- let everyone know

everyone's just been so sweet.
I haven't really been responsive, but...

[Amanza] Aw, love you.

- [Amanza] Are you eating?
- I just am not hungry. Yeah.

- It's a lot of stress.
- [Jason] Hey, Maya.

- [all] Hi, Maya.
- [Chrishell] I should get outta here...

I don't know how stable I am,
seeing everybody, but...


- [Chrishell] Hi.
- How you doing?

How are you feeling?

- Oh, man.
- I've been better.

- Hi.
- You look so good.

[Chrishell] Thanks.

[Chrishell sighs]

[Heather] We don't want to bombard you

- with questions and...
- [Chrishell] Yeah...

Just wanna make sure you're okay,

I know. I'm sorry, I can't really...
It's too soon to, like...

- talk about everything 'cause I'm trying...
- [Jason] No, don't.

...keep it together. But I do wanna say

I really appreciate everybody
being really sweet and reaching out.

I'm just gonna go
and spend some time with family and...

just kind of regroup.

Guys, let's give Chrishell a group hug.

- [all] Aww.
- You need some love now.

[Heather] We love you.

Thank you.

Thank you, guys.

- [Jason] I'll let you go.
- Appreciate it. Um, I'll be back.

- Travel safe.
- Okay. Thank you.

- Love you, honey.
- [Jason] Bye, Chrishell.

Okay, honestly, guys, she lost 15 pounds.

I'm not even kidding.

- [Maya] You okay?
- Yeah.

It, like, just...
It really just makes me so...

[inhales] so sad to see her like that.

["Hold On" playing]

♪ Everything you need to know ♪

♪ You think you've got
Everything under control ♪

I just feel terrible for her.

She just doesn't deserve it.

She doesn't.

♪ Sinking like a stone ♪

♪ So hold on ♪

♪ Don't forget your heart is so strong ♪

♪ Even when it falls apart
It fits back together ♪

♪ Better than ever and restarts ♪

♪ Oh... ♪