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03x07 - Two Sides to Every Story

Posted: 04/20/24 09:40
by bunniefuu
["How To Say Goodbye" playing]

♪ Thought this was what you wanted ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Now looking back down on us 

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ You keep pulling me underneath ♪

♪ Why couldn't we learn to leave ♪

♪ Don't you think that it's time ♪

♪ But we still don't know ♪

♪ Still don't know... ♪

[Chrishell] I'm so glad I'm here.

- [Shonda] You wanna get in the car?
- [Chrishell] It's freezing here.

[Shonda] I'm sorry.

Sorry, I only dressed for L.A. weather.

It's just a real relief to be with Shonda

because, you know, she's my big sister

and at this point in time,

I need someone to take care of me
for a second.

Just kind of regroup.

And this is exactly where I know
I need to be.

[Shonda] So how was your flight?

The flight was actually good.
Like, I didn't...

So no issues?

I feel like I was recognized a few times,

but no one, like, came over
or asked me questions

or said anything so...

We were worried about that.

I still think I'm in shock to be honest.

Well, I think we're all in shock.

I'm so mad.

I say that, and then I wanna cry. Sorry.

[Chrishell gasps] I don't know
what I'm feeling right now.

[Shonda] I think that's okay.

I think that it's gonna take a few days
for you to process what happened.

I just can't believe everyone's
finding out when I'm finding out.

I had literally no time to...

The people that were in our wedding
found out through TMZ.

You know what I mean?
That's so disrespectful.

And he couldn't have given me a heads-up?
He couldn't have...

I just...
I'll never, ever be able to comprehend how

this is how someone would choose
to handle something like this...

- [Shonda] No.
- the public eye.

[Chrishell] Like, you go to therapy
and you talk about it,

or you talk about it with family members
and you have a plan in place.

Like, this is not...
You don't just, like...

- make a decision and then text someone.
- [Shonda] Yeah.

[scoffs] I can't even believe
these words are coming out of my mouth.

I'm still in shock. That doesn't even
sound like real life what I just said.

That is insanity.

[Shonda] There needs to be
a proper ending. Like a proper way

to speak to somebody and communicate.

Just the respect that you owe that person
that you've spent so much time with.

- I mean, we were together for six years.
- [Shonda] Right.

And then you just... throw... [scoffs]


I'm... I don't know... I need to, like...

exhale and, like... [sighs]

Well, that's what you're here
to do. I'm gonna personally pamper you.

I'm gonna take care of you.

Thank you. That sounds wonderful.

♪ I'm a warrior ♪

♪ I'm a warrior ♪

♪ Never gonna hold me down ♪

♪ Solid as a rock
I'm ready for a challenge ♪

♪ Hard as you can hit
Can't knock me off my balance ♪

[Amanza] I have to find a buyer
for the Stanley house.

We just did
a 100,000 dollar price reduction.

So, hoping this is the move
that we need to sell.

♪ I'm gonna stand up
I'm a warrior... ♪


- Hello, Amanza?
- [Amanza] Hi.

[man] Hey. How's it going?

- I'm well, thank you. How are you?
- [man] Good.

[Amanza] Good to see you.
- Good to see you. Beautiful home.

Yeah, it's really nice.

- [Amanza] Hopefully... yeah, take it.
- [Patrick] Thank you.

[Amanza] I'm excited
you have a possible buyer.

I'm excited that you have a possible home
for my client.

I've been looking for him
for about two years.


I literally feel like I've been trying
to sell this house for, like, two years.

I got wrinkles. I'm getting old.

But Patrick's client is a designer,

so now it makes sense

because we designers
can be a little bit picky.

I need something with high ceilings,

nice open space, beautiful backyard, so...

Well, I mean, this is amazing.

- [Patrick] Wow. It's gorgeous.
- [Amanza] It's like an oasis.

- Yeah. It's beautiful.
- [Amanza] It's so quiet,

- just the sound of the waterfall.
- [Patrick] It doesn't feel like the city.

I wanna sell this thing,

- but I'll miss doing open houses.
- [Patrick] I'm sure.

[laughs] Just pretended it was my house
for a while. So...

- What are we looking at square footage?
- It's about 2,476.

- What's he looking for?
- In that general range.

A few bedrooms, you know,
he likes to entertain.

Is your client into cooking at all?
Because this kitchen's amazing.


Patrick's client
actually lives in New York,

but because they've worked together
for so long,

he knows exactly what he wants.

What's cool also about this house,
is they kept its original charm,

but everything's just updated.
So it's still got that character.

I love the nice, updated,
brand-new appliances,

and with the breakfast nook
and the large window looking out.

[Amanza] It's really charming.

There's a fireplace and...

[Patrick] Nice. Love the windows.

- [Amanza] The touches of stained glass...
- [Patrick] Yeah, it's gorgeous.

- [Amanza] It's pretty cool.
- [Patrick] What's the asking price again?

Two three nine nine.

The seller is very motivated,
and we've had a lot of action,

but just no firm offers yet.

Not only is the seller motivated,
I'm motivated to sell this place.

My baby's gotta eat, I need new hair,

and I think Patrick's client
might be the one.

I gotta run to another appointment.
Let me go talk to him,

and I'll let you know.

[Amanza] Okay.

I think that went well. I just really hope
that they come back with an offer,

because I don't wanna go to Jason
with any more bad news.

It's time to bring him something positive.


♪ The future is calling ♪

♪ I'm taking it all in ♪

[Heather] I have to tell you
what Tarek did for me.

It's, like, sentimental, but my parents,
they... we live in the mountains,

and that's where I grew up, and the house
next door became, like, for sale.

It's like a little cabin. So he bought me
a house. He bought me the cabin, yeah.

[Davina] I love that. That's very sweet.

- [Christine] I don't understand, a cabin?
- A little, itty-bitty mountain cabin.

Right next door to my parents, and then
my grandpa's on the other side.

I know that you can have cabin fever.

I know that there's, like,
horror movies about living in cabins.

[laughs] What the f*ck is a cabin?
I really don't know.

Are you excited about your wedding?

- Yeah, I'm really excited.
- So is everyone in the office invited?

- Is everyone coming?
- Yeah. I mean, unlike certain people,

- I invite everyone. I'm very inclusive.
- [Davina] I know what that feels like.

[Christine] I want everyone to come.

The only person
I haven't heard back from is Chrishell.

I really want to be excited
for my wedding but, obviously,

it's overshadowed by Chrishell's divorce.
It's just hard with her and I.

I don't know if I should reach out to her
and ask if she's coming

or just assume that she's coming.

I feel like,
given our very minimal friendship,

I'm just gonna let her come to me,

and hopefully she'll come.

It's nice that you invited her though,
'cause like...

- [Christine] Of course.
- ...unlike what I went through with Mary.

You know, I would love to know
that for Chrishell...

- At least she's wanted.
- If it were me, like,

I would just want to get out of the house,
be around friends.

You know, this is no backyard wedding.
I mean, this is an event.

So if anything would help Chrishell
take her mind off this, it's this event.

Come to my wedding, dance, drink,
have a f*cking steak, a cocktail shrimp,

whatever, you know? Have a good time.

I don't know what I would do.
I'd probably wanna go spend time

with my family while things settle down,
and the media goes away and then...

Because she's so famous.

All the cameras were just like...
all over her.

[Davina] The Oscars'll probably be on hold
till she comes back.

[Christine laughs] Yeah, exactly.

How do they know where you are, though?

I'm on the corner of... [laughs]

Her whole life is here,
but it was with Justin.

- So...
- Yeah, of course.

And they probably have a lot
of mutual friends too,

so it's hard. She's gonna have
to probably,

maybe be a little nicer to me,

rebuild up, you know, the other friends.

I'm not gonna, like, coexist
and block people out of my life.

- I really hope she comes.
- Well, I'm excited.

- I am too, it's gonna be fabulous.
- You're wearing black, right?

- I'll wear black...
- [Davina] Cool.

- It's, like, a very sparkly...
- [Davina] Very festive.

- ...poofy.
- With a veil? Long train and veil?

You know what? I think
I'm just gonna pretend it's my wedding!

[all laugh]

Alright, I'm here guys!

[Heather sings the Wedding March]

- [Christine] She's so funny.
- [Davina] Can't wait.

It'll be my night. Might even grab Tarek
and bring him up with me.

- [Davina] It's so good.
- I love it.

[upbeat pop playing]

So cute.

[Shonda] After you.

My older sister Shonda lives in St. Louis
with her husband and three kids.

And she's an aesthetician
who owns the spa.

So I'm really lucky

that I'm getting taken care of
by the very best.

[Chrishell sighs] That's so nice.

I am excited to get a facial
from the master.

- Oh, what's that?
- [Shonda] This is your mask.

- [Chrishell] Do I look crazy right now?
- No, you look beautiful.

- [Chrishell] You have to say that.
- You look beautiful.

It's hard not to feel worthless
in this moment.

It's hard not to feel like
everyone's laughing at you.

So it's just such a relief
to be with my family and to see Shonda.

And I just really needed this,
and it's perfect.

Some wine.

Thank you.

Never had a facial like this,
but... cheers.

I'm sorry it's under these circumstances.

Like, what's going on?
I still don't really understand, like...

- Did you feel there was a sign?
- A sign?

I don't really know that there's a sign
that somebody's going to file for divorce

with no face-to-face conversation.

When I got home that night,
everything was fine.

But, we got into an argument.
When I look back on it...

part of me thinks...

he had made a decision...


I wasn't given a say in this.

- [Shonda] Sweetie.
- Sorry. [gasping]

I just... Part of me can't wrap my brain
around the fact that...

he would make such a hasty decision
without sitting me down and talking to me.

But then the other part of me
uses that to realize,

like, he had made a decision.

There was...
He didn't want to be talked out of it.

It has to have...
be two people that want to be married.

Like, you can't just have one person.

[sniffles] And I just feel like
it was just me...

[gasps] fighting for something that...

was a lost cause because he didn't...

care enough to even sit me down
and tell me.

I get it.
Like, that's a lot to change in your life,

all that money and fame
and all that stuff, but...

it shouldn't change how you treat people.

I know, baby.

- I'm sorry. [laughs]
- [Shonda] No, this has,

I think, been hard for everybody.
You have been his biggest supporter,

and you were there
for him through everything.

- A lot has changed with him.
- I would've done anything for him. [sighs]

I think there's nothing you could've done.

Yeah, 'cause you work so hard to, like,
make choices to, like, prop someone up

and support their life and what they want,

and now, all of a sudden, I'm like,
"Wait a minute... What do I want?"

You've been through so much.

You have so much strength,
and you have done so much already.

- You don't need anybody. Except us.
- [repeating] I need you.

[Chrishell] To be honest,
when I look at what's going on,

it doesn't really feel like my life.

It feels so surreal. It feels like this is
something that happens to other people.

This isn't something
that actually happens to you.

And so, I just kind of feel like

I'm putting one foot
in front of the other,

and just trying to keep moving
to the right place,

which is at this point,
you know, my family.

And, hopefully,
I'll wake up from this nightmare.

- [Chrishell] I love you so much.
- [Shonda] I love you.

You make me feel like I can...

you might be right,
just because I have you.

[Chrishell] I don't want to flash you.

Like, we're having a sentimental moment,
then my boob pops out.

[both laugh]

Although they are pretty nice,
I paid a lot of money for them.

["Get Down" playing]

♪ Call me a renegade
I'm on a moving train ♪

♪ You say go left, I'm going right
Better get out of the way ♪

[repeating] ♪ Oh oh ♪

♪ You can't slow me down ♪

♪ Watch me, watch me now ♪

♪ Full speed ahead
I'm on the edge, I'm burning rubber ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna low me down ♪

[Mary] Today I'm showing Alpine,

which is the listing
that Brett brought me onto.

It's in a different area.

I'm used to showing homes
in the Hollywood Hills,

and this is in Beverly Hills.

So I'm super excited
to be showing in a different area,

and these are bigger homes,
which means bigger clients.

- Hey, Mary.
- [Mary] Well, hello, how are you?

- Doing good. Nice to see you.
- Nice to see you.

I'm glad that you were able to come.
I know you've been working with Jason

for a while,
and we just listed this property.

I thought it would be
kind of a good fit for you.

- [Oliver] Looks better than the pictures.
- Well, that's good,

'cause we normally do
really, really great pictures.

So my client, Oliver,
he has a very unique vision,

and he's not afraid
to tell me what that is.

So it will be interesting to find out
if he likes Alpine.

[Mary] It's about 6,400 square feet
in the flats of Beverly Hills.

♪ Like what you see
You won't believe ♪

♪ Got what you need ♪

We just listed it
at nine million, four-nine-five.

Six bedrooms, six baths,
beautiful pool in the back.

You've got the formal dining here,
a formal living here.

Nice open little living space here,

you can see down below.

The master is a room that,
I think, has so much potential.

High ceilings, so bright and open.

And then, I think the kitchen
is a really great selling point.

There's even an indoor water feature,
basically a pond by the staircase.

[Oliver] Interesting.
How did a fireplace end up in the pond?

- [Mary] I don't know. [laughs]
- [Oliver] Guess the fish gotta stay warm.

- [Oliver] Where next?
- [Mary] Backyard.

[Mary] Nice flat lot,
cool cabana over there, nice-sized pool.

[Oliver] Look at the pool.

It's the weirdest shaped pool I've ever
seen. The current owners built this house?

So the current owners
did build this house.

This must be like a Feng Shui,
zen design.

- [Mary] Yeah.
- I don't think I've seen a house like it.

I like this cabana idea,
but I like having a pool to the side

- rather dead-on.
- [Mary] Right.

It's cool you can see the yard over here,
but I'd want to see a little bit more.

Open up these doors, pulling out
all the cabinets all the way down,

opening up the sliding doors here as well.
The waves just don't work.

Take away the rounder features. This room
could totally be taken out as well.

The staircase would look really cool
in all glass.

I could see someone living in this house,
it's beautiful.

But, for me, in order to create value,

I'd have to make it
geared towards today's design standards.

Bring everything to a next level.

Oliver definitely keeps me on my toes.
I've gotta keep up.

I'm wondering
if other Beverly Hills clients

are like this as well. I guess we'll see.

- [Mary] I'm glad I brought you in here.
- [Oliver] Yeah. It's cool.

["Shake, Shake, Shake" playing]
♪ 'Cause I'm on top, and I won't stop ♪

♪ Can you feel
The whole earth start to quake ♪

♪ Can you feel it
Shake shake shake shake ♪

♪ Shake shake ♪

♪ I'mma keep it going
Till the ceiling's raised ♪

[Amanza] There's chicken noodle soup,
Marla, in the refrigerator

in a Pink Dot bag.

- [Marla] Okay.
- Buddy, you can't even hold the phone up?

- [Braker] Mama?
- [Marla] Isn't he cute?

He's the cutest.
Okay. Bye-bye, I gotta go, okay? Love you.

[Amanza] Hi. How are you?

- [Both] Good to see you.
- [Patrick] How's it going?

Thanks for meeting me.
I really appreciate that.

- Okay. So I talked to my client.
- Uh-huh.

The house is great. Fits everything
about the L.A. lifestyle,

- everything we've been looking for.
- That's good.

But we looked at the comps,
days on market and such.

So, what he's come up with
and told me that I can offer is

two-two-seven-five, all cash.

- Okay.
- Seventeen-day inspection contingency.

[Both] Okay.

That's a start, let's see.
I'll make a call

- and I'll try to work some magic.
- Okay. Let me know, thank you.

I'm literally on the inside, like,

"Please buy this house.
I'll beg you. I'll pay you."

But I'm trying to keep it professional,
you know.

[phone rings]

- [man] Hello?
- Hi, it's Amanza. How are you?

- [man] I'm good. How are you?
- [Amanza] I'm doing well, thank you.

So we have an offer
on your Stanley listing.

It's an all-cash offer.

And they're coming in at two million,
two-hundred seventy-five thousand,

with a 17-day contingency.

[Alex] I know the amount I put
into the remodel. I know what it's worth,

and I really can't take anything less
than $2,340,000.

And, if they're all cash,

they can come in
with less of a contingency.

So if we could lower that to ten days,
then I think we can make a deal.

So $2,340,000

with a 10-day contingency

- and a 30-day close.
- [Alex] Okay.

I will see what he says.
I'll call you back.

- [Alex] Thank you, Amanza.
- Thank you, bye.

It's pretty normal for someone
to have a counteroffer.

I just hope that this price
is still in the range

that Patrick's client is willing to pay.

So, time to turn on the charm
and sell this house.

[Amanza] Okay. So good news.
Now I know we can get this deal done.

But because of the upgrades,
all the renovations he's done,

comps in the area,
he's not comfortable with that offer.

He wants to come back with $2,340,000

and a 10-day contingency.

My buyer's in New York,

let me check, see what he thinks.
He's pretty quick usually, so...

[message typing]

- [Patrick groans]
- [laughs] The clock ticks.

- [phone chimes]
- Oh, here he is.

[Patrick] Okay.

He'll take it.

I just sold a freaking house.
Should I do it?

Hallelujah, praise the Lord!

[bell clangs loudly]

That felt really good.

[Patrick] You just made me very happy
because you have no idea

- how long it's taken me to buy it.
- And you just made me very happy

because this was
my first real estate sale.

- Shut up.
- [Amanza] Yes.

- I didn't know that.
- Yeah. I'm the newest agent at the office.

Oh, fantastic. Well, could've fooled me.

- Thank you. And he's a designer.
- Yes.

I sold, as a designer,
sold my first house to a designer.

- It was meant to be.
- There you go. We'll get things rolling,

put the contract out, we'll get it
taken care of and sh**t it over...

- [Amanza] Yay!
- All good? Congratulations.

- I appreciate everything.
- [Amanza] Congratulations to you too.

I don't know how much

their first sale means
to the other agents in the office,

but for me, it's so much more
than just the commission.

I'm doing it for my kids,
but I'm also doing it for myself.

I proved I'm not just a designer
or a stager,

I'm also a real estate agent now.

- [Patrick] Talk to you soon. Thanks.
- [Amanza] Have a good evening.

♪ Me, myself and I are making ♪

♪ Me, myself and I are making news ♪

♪ News... ♪

[Mary laughs]

- Oh!
- [Mary] I need some caffeine!

Christine, do you even know
how to do photocopies?

[Christine] God, no.
I have people for that.

[Jason] I can't take Amanza seriously
in those glasses.

What? These are my glasses.

- [Heather] Let me see.
- [Maya] You look like a naughty teacher.

I'm going back to Miami next week.
I'm putting my penthouse

- back on the market.
- You are? That's awesome.

So I'm gonna spend some time there
for a while,

and try to get some work you know, going.

What is everyone doing for... New Year's?

I'm gonna be in the Bahamas.

[various] You are?

- Yeah.
- [Christine] How fun.

- You gotta go to Atlantis, just pop by.
- That's where we're going.

- You're staying there?
- [Maya] We are.

- Oh, that's so nice.
- We're staying there.

Heather and Amanza?
Let me talk to you guys real quick.

Good luck.

Oh, no. Is this good or bad?

[Amanza] Any time I've had to go
to Jason's desk,

- it's been bad news.
- [Jason] No, I've got you on the couch.

- Just sit up here.
- [Amanza] Okay.

[Jason] You guys all know
the situation with Fennell

that I put them under,
where they were kind of under the g*n.

And they had to use the concierge service

to fix up the entire house
and then get it sold immediately.

They did exactly that.

We got three offers in the first 48 hours.

[Christine] That's awesome.

[Jason] We were on the market
at 3.699.

- We're in escrow at 3.650.
- [Davina] Wow.

And we have two back-up offers behind it.

- So that house is sold. In 48 hours.
- [Mary] That's incredible. Nice.

I know. I know. She did good.

- Thank you.
- She did very, very good.

Stanley, now Fennell too. I'm, like,
I can do it. I did it. I'm doing it.

I'll do it again.

I'm on a roll. [laughs]

- That's teamwork. Knew you would k*ll it.
- Good job.

Good job, guys.

When I first found out that I was working
with Amanza, I was like,

"Oof! This is gonna be very hard."

And now, seeing that we've pulled together
and how fast we pulled it together

and sold it very quickly,

I'm very proud of me and Amanza.
And I'd be happy to work with her again.

Ring the bell!

- You ready?
- Ring the bell!

Wait, hold on, I wanna video. I wanna
video. I wanna video. Hold on, hoes.

[Heather] Ready? And...

- Oh, wait!
- [Jason laughs]

Oh, my God.

[Heather] Go! No! Okay, you go.
- [Amanza] It's like tug-of-w*r.

[bell clangs loudly]

- [Heather] Yay!
- [cheering, applause]

- We did it.
- I'm proud of you both.

Chrishell's not here for the bell.
She'd be so excited.

That was a good one. We did good.

["Brave" playing]
♪ This is my reason ♪

♪ It's why my heart's beating ♪

♪ Just takes believing ♪

♪ I will be brave
Not gonna break ♪

♪ Don't care what they say... ♪

[Shonda] Hey.

Oh, you guys already have the table.
I'll do the... What else can I do to help?

We're gonna make a salad. And we're going
to probably pop the bread in the oven.

- [Chrishell] Yum.
- [Shonda] Where are the boys?

[Chrishell] Hey, bud.

Hey, Nicholas.

- Dinner.
- [Nicholas] Okay.

[Chrishell] You always do it up
with the food.

[Chrishell] Quality control.

Oh, my God. Those are so good.

[Chris] Ready?

[Chrishell] Oh, my God.
Chris, did you make all this food?

- [Chris] I had help.
- [Chrishell] Very impressive.

[Chris] Well, thank you. Wanna cut it?

Cutco knife,
I used to sell these door-to-door.

Did I sell you these?

- [Chris] Yes.
- [Shonda] Probably so.

- One of my first jobs.
- [Chris] One of your first sales.

[Savannah] I could not imagine you
as a door-to-door salesman.

Sold knives door-to-door.
How weird of a job was that?

Like, "Hi, I have a bag of knives,
let me into your home."

[Savannah] Yeah, that's fun.
You worked your way up.

I worked my way up.

[Savannah] Now you sell multimillion
dollar mansions, and that's great.

- Yes.
- Anything is possible.

Well, yeah. It could be worse,
getting kicked out of my home. [laughs]

I could be selling knives door-to-door,
guys. [laughs]

My sister, Shonda, has been married
to Chris for almost 20 years now.

They have three kids,
which are all teenagers at this point.

[Chris] Dig in, guys.

[Chrishell] And I'm crashing.
So they have their hands full.

I haven't had much of an appetite lately,
I will say, this is like,

this will do it. This looks so good.

Sometimes in L.A.,
we get too caught up in things

that are supposed to matter
that really don't.

And being here, you know,

this is... this is exactly
what I think really does matter

and really is something to be so proud of.

They've been married so long,
and they have this beautiful family,

and I just think
it's really hard to be around

because that's what I wanted,

and that's what
I'm realizing I don't have.

But it helps me be inspired

to know that it might be out there.

It just might take a different path
than what I was thinking.

So what are you guys up to?

[Savannah] I just started taking
my GED classes again.


I really want my GED
so I can apprentice with Mom.

- [Chris] Yes.
- Is that what you're planning on doing?

- Yes, we're working on a five-year plan.
- I love that.

- [Chris] That's what we're doing.
- That's exciting. And I know you built

your own game console?

[Nicholas] Gaming PC.

- That's amazing.
- [Shonda] It's a whole computer.

I feel like I've been coming
from a situation where

all the focus is on me,
and all the questions are directed my way,

and it feels almost like an interrogation.

And so it is nice to talk
about other people, you know?

It's nice to be able to ask,

"What about this?
And what about your school?"

You can kind of, for a second,
feel like everything's normal.

Have you sold any, like,

really big houses lately? Like, expensive?

I did actually,
just sold over four million in the Valley.

So, that was a big sale.

Well, I had a really good lead,
but I had to...

I had to hand it over just because I had
to leave town, but that's okay.

So how are the girls?

Christine is getting married
when I get back.

[Shonda gasps]

So her and I are on good terms
and everything,

but a wedding is on another level.
I haven't decided if I'm gonna go or not.

I don't want to be
at someone's wedding crying.

I just don't know.

I have to think about it.

I have a lot of anxiety
when I think about going back to L.A.

I just don't know that I want to.

Now I feel like, okay, like,
I have a lot to get done, and...

let me, like...

get my... wind underneath me

and kinda, you know...

You're one of the strongest people I know.
You can get through anything,

- just keep your head up. You'll be fine.
- Thank you.

You're so sweet. Thank you.

So I'll see him at the gym five times...

Brett, just relax.

[Heather] Hi.

- Hey. How are you?
- I'll sit by a heat lamp. Can I?

- [Davina] I like this place.
- I've been a couple of times.

[Heather] You guys realize this is vegan?

- Yes. I'm excited to try it.
- Did you pick this spot?

- [Heather] Did I give a suggestion?
- I thought you picked it...

Okay, I picked it.

At the Oppenheim Group,
we have a great balance,

we work very hard,
but we also celebrate our wins,

and I'm really proud of all the girls.

Hello, ladies.

- Hey.
- [Jason] Hi, ladies.

Jason and Brett, that's a given.
But I'm really proud of all my girls.

We're doing a kick-ass job this year.

Nice, perfect.
I'm ready for some chips and wine.

[Davina] I'm starving.

- [Maya] Amanza's coming, right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah she is.
- [Brett] She better.

- [Maya] Cool.
- [Jason] That looks good.

[Heather] We can't eat that.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Where should I sit?
- [Mary] Hey, girl.

Wherever, here, here.

[Maya] Hey, Amanza. Hi.

Is Christine coming?
Do you know where she is?

[Maya] Christine's dog got lost, I think...

- No way.
- I think she's looking for him.

Can you pass the cauliflower?

- [Davina] The salad looks good.
- [Maya] I love it. Salad.

Guys, I'm glad we all got together
'cause there's a lot to celebrate.

Amanza, Heather,
you guys just crushed it on Fennell.

We have the concierge service
moving forward.

Amanza also took care of Stanley recently.

You're k*lling it.

Mary impressed her client,

he is giving us an eight
and a 12 million dollar listing.

- [Heather] Wow.
- Star associate, right here.

- [Amanza] Sold her wedding venue that day.
- [Jason] Unbiasedly.

[Davina] That's totally unbiased.

With the Hillside sale,
we'll be getting larger listings.

- Amazing.
- [Jason] We're in nine escrows.

As a brokerage,
we're 18 percent this year over last year.

This has been an amazing year.
I'm proud of everyone.

- Cheers.
- Good job, guys.

[all] Good job. Congrats. Cheers!

- [Heather] Cheers to us.
- [Jason] Onwards and upwards.

- This is only the beginning.
- [Maya] L.A. is a great market,

but I have a lot of big changes
coming in my life.

And it makes me think a lot
in what I'm actually going to do.

Should I focus in Miami real estate?

Should I just leave the Oppenheim Group?

I don't know. I have a lot to think about.

- [Maya] As I opened the diaper...
- [Jason] Hey, honey.

- [Davina] Oh, really?
- [Amanza] There she is.

- Hey.
- Sit here, sweetheart. Sit here.

- [Mary] You look so cute.
- [Amanza] She made it.

- [Davina] I love her purse.
- [Mary] You found him.

Teddy ran away
like the Harry Houdini that he is,

and I am looking for him for hours.

I finally found him, and I'm so stressed.

If I lost Teddy,
I don't think I could live.

I could get another husband
but not another dog.

Went on every single door.

- [Maya] Did you ask if they'd sell?
- Christine finally went door knocking.

[all laughing] Yeah!

- Wait, where's Chrishell?
- She, um...

...she's staying in St. Louis
for a little while longer.

You guys really believe that she was,
like, blindsided by this?

A thousand percent!
I think she was blindsided.

You think they had problems
for a while?

I mean, every relationship has,
like, small problems.

I mean, you always have small arguments,
you have...

And I don't even know the details
about anything, but it was nothing.

She was one hundred percent blindsided.

[Davina] Mary and Amanza are
die-hard Chrishell, and that's fine.

And I would love to support Chrishell,
but I have met Justin before.

Justin was nothing but a gentleman to me,
he was very warm and kind and polite.

So whether you didn't expect them
to necessarily file for divorce that day,

fair enough,
you can say you didn't expect that,

and that's believable.

But you knew
things were probably not going well.

[Amanza] She feels humiliated,
which she shouldn't.

- No, she shouldn't.
- [Amanza] If anybody...

- She was the best. From what I...
-'s him.

- [Maya] Why would she feel humiliated?
- Like, it's out there.

Like, your husband divorced you,
that's embarrassing.

And everyone's writing her and messaging
and social media and it's, like...

It should be embarrassing for him.

I feel like Justin was a very,
like, solid, steady...

- [Amanza] We don't know.
- ...predictable. We don't know,

- you're right.
- [Amanza] You met at a party.

Even when Chrishell
wasn't talking to me and Davina,

he was really nice, and,
like, he went out of his way to, like...

Even though Chrishell was like,
"No, don't talk to them."

He went out of his way
to come over to us and say,

"Hey, so good to see you."

Like, you know? Like, he was, like,
really nice and warm and polite,

endearing and...

That doesn't feel
like a very supportive husband.

So maybe you can look at it like,
"Oh, he's super sweet."

[Davina] It's what we do know of him
was positive.

Just saying that he was very positive.

If I ask my man not to speak to somebody
because I'm having issues with them,

and he goes out of his way
to talk to them.

That's not a good partner.
Like, that's an ass.

And even if you thought that was nice,
keep it to your f*cking self.

We're not talking good
about him. There's nothing good

that he can do. Nothing.

There is no Justin.

I just think
there's two sides to every story,

and maybe
they've been having problems for a while.

And she just didn't think
it was gonna come down to this,

and he had enough. You just never know
what really happened.

[Davina] He has to have
a side of the story.

[Mary] Davina's never even met Justin,
so I don't know why she's

even getting involved.

[Amanza] Well, she's our friend,
so the judgment call is Team Chrishell.

- Oh, yeah. There's no question.
- [Amanza] Period.

We don't need to know what his side is.

In my opinion, there's not two sides.

The right side is Chrishell's side,
because she is our family.

And we support her. Period.

["Fearless" playing]

♪ That's what they say ♪

♪ Though you find it hard to make a play ♪

♪ You've been hurt before ♪

♪ And you're keeping score ♪

♪ So you never give yourself... ♪

[Chrishell] Alright.

[Shonda] I am so glad you got to visit.

[Shonda] Don't forget, we're always here.
You can come any time.

You go back, you make your house a home.

Remember where we came from.
You've lived in a car.

This is nothing. You got this.

Thank you.

I just love you so much.

Love you too.

♪ No matter the stars
You know who you are ♪

- [Chrishell] Thank you.
- [Shonda] I love you.

[Chrishell] Love you too.

- I got this.
- [Shonda] You got this.

Right? Thank you.

Bye! Have a safe trip. I love you!

[Shonda] Bye!

♪ We're fearless ♪

♪ Fearless ♪

[Chrishell] This is not something
that I ever wanted for myself,

but I have been through a lot
in my life,

so I know that I have a strength
inside of me.

I know that I will get through this.

♪ You know who you are ♪

♪ Your spirit is fearless... ♪

♪ Fearless ♪

♪ Fearless ♪