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04x02 - New Friends, Old Enemies

Posted: 04/20/24 09:42
by bunniefuu
[driving rock music plays]

♪ I got goals, I'm motivated ♪

♪ While you're sitting there
Just waiting ♪

♪ I got a million dollar attitude ♪

♪ And making money's what I do ♪

♪ Making money's what I do ♪

♪ I'm making money, boo
Making money ♪

♪ I'm making money, boo
I making that money, hey ♪

♪ I'm making money ♪

- [man] Hey, how are you?
- I'm doing well.

- I'm Mary.
- [man] Nice to meet you.

I'm Ayoub, French's younger brother.

- Okay.
- He's actually in the Bahamas right now.

- Okay.
- Finishing up his album.

Oh, my gosh. That's so exciting.

He told me to come over here
and show you the place.

French Montana
is a total badass music artist.

I'm so excited,

not only because
he's this amazing celebrity client,

but it's an amazing house
right on the border of Hidden Hills.

It's technically Calabasas,

which is about 30 minutes from L.A.,
from West Hollywood, without traffic,

so it gets me
venturing out into a new area

that hopefully I can start dominating.

You said six bedrooms, correct?

- Yeah, six bedrooms.
- Okay.

- Six bathrooms.
- All right.

Do you happen to know square footage?

[Ayoub] Think seven,
eight thousand square feet?

- [Mary] Okay.
- [Ayoub] Yeah.

Right this way to the movie room.

- [Mary] I love this.
- [Ayoub] Yeah.

- The walls are insane.
- It is so unique.

[Ayoub] Yeah. I know, right?

It's like Beverly-Hills-Hotel vibes.

- ♪Spit it! ♪
- ♪ I wanna know ♪

♪ Are you ready? Let's go
I'mma turn it up some more ♪

[Mary] That piano.
Oh, my God, that's beautiful.

- Does he play?
- Yeah, French plays a little bit.

- Yeah?
- [Ayoub] Here is the patio area.

[Mary] Oh, this is so charming.

That makes sense here,
it looks like there's a wine cellar there.

- [Ayoub] Yeah, there is.
- You just bring up a bottle and hang out.

Play some pool here.

[Mary] Those ceilings are epic.

- [Ayoub] Yeah.
- [Mary] Wow!

I wanted to show you the studio.

Oh, my gosh.
Yes, that's definitely exciting.

Oh, my God, an elephant?

[Ayoub] Yeah. So it was actually a gift
from Iggy Azalea.

- Really?
- [Ayoub] Yeah, it was, yeah.

Oh, my gosh. That's a good gift.

[instrumental hip-hop music plays]

This is where all the magic happens.

- Oh, my gosh. [gasps]
- Yeah.

- [Mary] This is incredible.
- [Ayoub] Yeah, I know.

This is where he records his albums?

[Ayoub] His last album and the one before.

- "Unforgettable"?
- Yeah.

- I love that song. [laughs] Love it.
- Yeah.

[Ayoub] Here's the pool area.

[Mary] This really has it all.

- This is the living-room area.
- [Mary] Okay.

- [Ayoub] And the kitchen right here.
- [Mary] It's beautiful.

- I'm getting a call from French right now.
- Cool.

Yo, I'm with Mary right now,
the real estate agent.

A pleasure meeting you. How you doing?

[Mary] I'm doing well.

I love your house,
so I'd love to get the listing.

So why do y'all think
you're qualified to sell the house?

Well, our marketing
that we do is extensive,

our database is extensive.

I mean,
just unparalleled to everybody else's.

There's not one buyer or agent

in the entire city,
and the world, actually,

that is not gonna know about your home.

I saw your music studio.

That is incredible.

Thank you.
That's my sanctuary right there.

Can I ask how much it cost to build?

Well, the build-out cost about $350,000.

But what's in it cost another $300,000.

Wow, so that's very, very valuable.

I'll make sure people know that,
because that's a huge selling point.

[Mary] Getting French's listing
is so important,

because I want to expand
out into the Calabasas area.

Tons of celebrities live there,
like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Drake,

because it's so private, exclusive, gated.

It's a very desirable area.

So if I can get a celebrity client,

it will open up the doors for me
with a lot of others.

What do you think it's worth?

I would say, based on comps, um...

- I would say about five million.
- Five?

But I would suggest doing 4,999,

just because a lot of people, even agents,

only look up to a certain number.

I think five is a great number,
but, again, it's up to French.

I understand. He's so busy.

So I'll do whatever I've got to do.

- I'm available 24/7.
- Got it, okay.

I legit work every day of the week,
whatever it takes.

- I'll give him some time to think.
- Sounds good. Thank you for having me.

- Thank you for coming by.
- It was a pleasure.

- Later.
- Bye.

[pop music playing]

♪ Get your kicks on ♪

♪ Better get your feet a-running ♪

♪ Get a move on
I feel something good is coming ♪

♪ Got message
I know you're anticipating ♪

♪ I gotta tell you
All of the things I've heard ♪

♪ I gotta let you know ♪

♪ All about it ♪

♪ I gotta let you know ♪

Hey, girl.

- Oh, hey!
- How are you?

I'm good! Thank you. You look gorgeous.

Oh, my God. Where's that baby?

- Hiding in there.
- Yes!

And this baby is starving, girl.

[Vanessa] Oh, yeah? Good,
because I'm hungry too. [laughs]

Good! Well, thank you so much
for coming to lunch with me.

No, I'm super excited.

Well, Christine makes an entrance.
She's the most beautiful pregnant woman

I've seen in my life.

I would be excited too
if I could come to lunch with myself.


[Vanessa] I don't know Christine,

but I can feel she has
a strong personality, and I think that's,

you know, that's her charm.

When I met you at the office,

you said and mentioned
something about energy and spirituality.

- So...
- [Christine] Oh, my gosh!

This is for you.
This is a little something.

I hope you like it.

It has been super protective to me,
and I'm just sharing that with you.

[Christine] You are so sweet.

Is this amethyst?

[Vanessa] Yeah.
I want this quartz to protect your baby.

- [Christine] Thank you so much.
- Oh, my pleasure.

[Christine] You are so sweet.

I would love to invite you
to my baby shower.

Oh, yes! Yeah, thank you. I'm there!

- Count on me.
- Okay. Perfect!

I mean,
I have worked all my life with women,

and it's kind of weird.

Sometimes, women can be...

You know, instead of helping each other,
sometimes can be competitive,

and I think
we should be the opposite, right?

[scoffs] Yeah.

[Vanessa] So I was nervous
to meet all the girls in the office.

It's just like going to school
for the first day, but ten times that.

- [both laugh]
- Exactly.

- Would you like anything to eat?
- [both] Yes.

I mean, I love the burrata salad here,
so that would be for me.

- I would love the burratasalad as well!
- [waiter] Okay. Amazing.

- And with a side of French fries.
- Of course.

- Thank you so much.
- [Vanessa] Okay. Thank you.

I'm gonna give you some advice.

You said it's like high school.

You're totally right,
and on Wednesdays, we do wear pink.

Okay, let's see.

Chrishell, I fell into this trap.

I thought she was, like,
this cute little sweet girl.

She's not. She's not at all.

Heather, she comes across so sweet,
but she's very easily swayed,

and I just found her being very,
like, jelly-fishy with me, and...

What's "jelly-fishy"?

You know, 'cause, like,
jellyfishes have no spines,

so they're like... [mimics wobbling]

- And they just, like, go in the current.
- Okay. [laughs]

You know?
She, like, really goes with the current.

I mean, wow. If that's how
she expresses about her friends,

I don't know
how she expresses about her enemies.

And I don't want to be there! [laughs]

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- And then Davina, she left the office.
- [Vanessa] Yeah.

[Christine] She works
at a different brokerage,

and, I mean,
she's one of my closest friends.

And then Mary and I
were really, really, really close.

We were really good friends,
and then Chrishell joined the brokerage.

- [Vanessa] Okay.
- [laughs]

And, needless to say,
our dynamic changed a little bit.

Okay. Why?

I felt like her and Chrishell
got really close,

and then we got to a point where

these cliques
kind of started forming where...

I wasn't invited to things.

I thought she was loyal,
and I was really surprised.

It's been hard for me.

She actually became
really close to someone

that I didn't expect her
to be really close to.

- To who?
- [Christine] Um...

Long story.

- My ex-boyfriend...
- [Vanessa] Okay.

...was dating this girl
at the same time he was dating me.

I had no idea.

[Vanessa] Oh, wow.

I caught him red-handed
during the day with her.


So we broke up,

and Mary started
becoming really close with her.

And who is she?

[sighs] Her name's Emma.

I know this happened years and years ago,

but this is all coming back to life now,

because I wasn't aware that Mary
continued her friendship with Emma

after the cheating came out.

That was really surprising to me.

So it just feels like another betrayal.

So Mary is friends with all the people
that have hurt you in some ways.

That's why you feel
that you don't connect with her anymore.

[groovy pop music playing]

♪ Ooh, la-la, la-la-la ♪

♪ Ooh, la-la, la-la ♪

♪ I look good with the lights on ♪

♪ I push play
Watch me go off ♪

♪ New kid on the same block
I'm the one ♪

♪ I write the law ♪

♪ Freeze the frame ♪

♪ I shake up the game ♪

♪ Instead of that, I attack 'cause ♪

♪ I, I, I, I look good in this ♪

♪ I look good ♪

♪ I look good in this ♪

♪ I look good ♪

Hey, Emma.

- Hi.
- [Jason] How are you?

Good, how are you?

- Good to see you.
- [Emma] Nice to see you.

[Jason] So Emma has been
at the Oppenheim Group for years.

Unfortunately, in the last couple years,
she's been focusing on other endeavors.

She goes back and forth to the East Coast,

she's got several other businesses
that she's working on,

and, quite honestly, I'm just hoping
that she can come back on full-time.

- [Emma] Isn't it beautiful?
- [Jason] Yeah, it really is.

My problem is every time I go to a house,
I want it.

That's like me. Are you kidding me?
I wanna buy every listing I have.

Every house that I go into,
I'm like, "Huh, I wanna buy that."

So tell me about the guy, about the house.

I was in Vegas having dinner
with Alesso, the DJ.

- You know Alesso?
- [Jason] I've been to his concerts.

[Emma] Of course.
He became an amazing client,

and he bought this house
two and a half years ago for 5,850,

and we're relisting it now.

He wants to get a home in the Hills.

- [Jason] What are you asking?
- [Emma] Six-four-nine-five.

[Jason] Okay, so you sold it to him
for 5,850 two years ago.

Yeah, the market's gone up.
That's not unreasonable.

This is such an entertaining house.

I like how some of the pool's covered,
so you don't get sun.

[Emma] Sun, shade,
you have a little bit of everything.

Beautiful kitchen.

My favorite part.

Dual ovens.

You know what's funny?
These have never been used.

- [Emma] Or he just keeps it really clean.
- [Jason] No, this is...

- I might see an empanada in the back.
- [Jason] What do you...

Just kidding. You literally looked!

[Jason] I'm hungry.

So hungry, you would've eaten that.

[Jason] Show me the rest.

- Then I wanna go eat.
- Perfect, let's go upstairs.

[poppy electronic music plays]

♪ I'm looking pretty ♪

♪ Hot damn, I'm looking fine ♪

It is over 6,500 square feet.

Six bedrooms, eight baths.

- Where's the owner's suite?
- Right in here.

[Jason] This is really nice.

Oh, did he do this
so you can watch movies on the blinds?

That's actually really cool.

[Emma] Check out the closet.

- How gorgeous is this?
- Wow, this is nice.

Feels like you walked into a Chanel store.

Is this just the woman's closet,

or is this the his-and-hers?

This is just the woman's closet.

- And that's her bathroom right here?
- [Emma] Yep.

- [Jason] I cannot believe how big this is.
- [Emma] I just want to get in this tub.

Come outside.
Look at this view. Isn't this gorgeous?

Yeah. I mean,
this is a proper estate, Emma.

You should take every buyer out here,

you can really get a good idea
of how big this yard is.

You can totally jump
in the pool from here too.

Yeah, whoever buys the house,
I'll jump in the pool for them.

[Jason laughs] Seriously.

I feel like you're doing more real estate.

I definitely am, but, you know,
I have my other things going on too.

Actually, that's what
I was gonna talk to you about.

Um, so Christine's having a baby.

She's not gonna be in the office
for I don't know how long.

She's got business
that she can't take care of.

We're busier than ever.

And I already trust you,
you know what you're doing,

so I would really like you to think
about coming on more full-time.

[sighs] I knew you were gonna say that.

Um, it's definitely something
that I would need to think about.

You know I love real estate,
but I have so many other things going on.

I'm back and forth between both coasts,

because, you know,
I have my business, all the investments.

I'm always flying around,
and just, like, so many things.

I would have to see
if I could actually do it full-time,

'cause I wouldn't wanna not put 100% in.

You know me.

You have your empanada thing,
and I know that's k*lling it.

The good thing about having,
though, that business and real estate

is I'm meeting clients...

- Oh, that's... Right, like investors?
- Exactly.

The investors, 'cause they all
wanna buy property out here.

So it honestly kind of goes
hand in hand, which is nice.

But I do feel like
you could do that business.

I'm not saying, like, backburner it.
I'm saying, like, just two burners.

- [Emma] Two burners.
- Real estate, like, just slightly up.

I really need you to come on.

Someone has to handle
all of Christine's listings,

and you're the right fit for it.

I don't want you
to get your hopes up for something...

Well, don't give me an answer yet.
I'll take a maybe for now.

- A maybe.
- Let's just say you're 50/50.

- I'll take 50/50.
- Okay.

[intriguing dark pop music plays]

♪ Original
It's anything but typical ♪

♪ Something new
It's something so unusual ♪

- [Mary] There we go. Voilà.
- [Romain] Voilà.

Now you're like a real French chef.

[Mary] Kind of.

[both laughing]

[gasps] Ooh!

I love this driveway.

I love how private it is.

- Where are we right now?
- [both laugh]

- The Valley.
- The Valley! Yep. More space, more trees.

I hope they like the house.
No one's seen it.

Romain and I have moved
out of our high-rise in West Hollywood,

and we have moved to the Valley.

You know, we just wanted
to start a new chapter in our life,

maybe start a family.

I'm still not super comfortable
with having another child right now.

I finally have freedom,

and I'm finally able
to focus on my career.

However, I know it's important
to have the option be open,

so I'm just gonna freeze my embryos,
and have that opportunity there.

Maybe in a few years we'll readdress it.

- [Mary] My ladies.
- Hello!

- Hello!
- Hello!

- Wow!
- Yay! You're here.

- [Heather] It's so pretty!
- Hi!

- Hi!
- Oh, my gosh!


[Chrishell] This place is amazing.

- It's so pretty.
- Thank you!

Hi! Congratulations, you guys.

Thank you.

- Look how cute you are!
- I love it.

- Oh, my gosh!
- [Chrishell] This...

- Is that burrata? I wanna try.
- [Mary] Yes.

- Mmm.
- [Heather] Love it.

Mmm. That's so good.

- Are you guys loving your new house?
- [both] Yeah.

We're getting an infrared hot sauna
in the next couple days.

Where are you putting it?

We're gonna have it in the gym for now.

- You have a gym?
- [Mary] Yeah.

[Mary] Romain has really high ambitions.

He has been k*lling it
as a project manager,

and he's studying
for his general contractor's license,

so that we can start
trying to flip houses together.

It's such a good opportunity to have me
doing the real-estate side of it,

finding the properties,

and him doing the work,
which will make it a lot less expensive,

which means we make a bigger profit.

- What can I do to help?
- I said earlier, "I hope she has tequila."

[Mary] I do.

- She always has tequila.
- [Romain] Do you know Mary?

It's like Mary without tequila
is not Mary.

[Chrishell] Mary and I drink way too much
tequila when I'm over, so yes.

- Okay, cheers!
- [Heather] Another toast!

[Romain] Cheers!

[Chrishell] Cheers to more listings
and more money.

Yes. Keep them coming.

- Oh, this is good.
- Mmm.

[Chrishell] Okay, so what did
you guys think about Vanessa?

She seems like she has a good heart,
really sweet.

I actually invited her.

- Good.
- [Chrishell] I love that.

I thought it'd give us a chance
to get to know her.

- She's the new agent, right?
- She's new.

She basically replaced Davina.

- Yes!
- [all laugh]

Davina does tend to have
a very negative energy,

and I am looking forward
to having a breath of fresh air.

We could definitely use it at the office.

I mean,
Christine actually seemed nice to her.

Speaking of Christine, I did hear

that there's a baby shower coming up.

Have you guys been invited?

No, but I wouldn't expect to be invited.
That's fine. We're not friends.

- Were you?
- Not yet.

No, I wasn't.
It doesn't surprise me that I wasn't,

because we just haven't gotten along.

I heard through the grapevine
this baby shower's happening,

and I'm like, "Okay, I'm not invited,"

and then in person
the other day, in the office,

she, like, casually was like,
"You're coming, right?"

Like, "Did my assistant invite you?"

I'm like, "Where was the invite?"

- "You never texted me."
- [Mary] Yeah.

Then I found out it's co-ed,
she never invited Tarek,

and, like, things have not been good.

I haven't heard from her.

She's never said anything
to Tarek besides,

like, talking shit in the media.

[Heather] After Christine
said multiple things about Tarek and I,

and talking so much crap to the media,

Tarek got really frustrated with her,
and I did too.

Tarek is, like,
big on loyalty and friendship,

and I think he sees
that she's not loyal to me,

and she's not a supportive,
positive friend.

She's done nothing
but put you guys, as a couple, down.

I'm not going to the baby shower.

I think I'm just gonna send flowers,
send a gift.

- 'Cause it's not the baby's fault.
- [Heather] Yeah.

I know. The baby's the innocent one
in this whole situation.

Just send a gift.

- She's here!
- Hi!

- [Mary] Hi, babes!
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi!

What a beautiful place.

- [Mary] I'm so glad you made it!
- Thank you for inviting me.

Hi, love.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

- How are you? I'm Vanessa.
- Romain.

I got you a glass of wine ready,
'cause we've already started.

- Thank you.
- [Mary] Is that for me?

- Yes.
- [Mary] Thank you!

Well, I'm gonna let you guys
have your girls' night.

- [Vanessa] Thanks for having me.
- [Romain] Of course.

- [Mary] Let's just sit here.
- Okay.


[all sigh]

I'm honestly super excited
to join the company with you.

I really appreciate
the love that you gave me,

especially when I was sharing my story,
which is... You know, it was hard for me.

- Yeah.
- So I didn't want to, like...

It was like,
"I'm crying on my first day here."

It's not necessarily un-normal
for people to cry

their first day at the Oppenheim Group!

Yeah. So welcome.

In acting, as I'm sure you know,

it's sometimes such a nightmare
to work with some people.

That's how I knew
you were gonna be amazing,

because you came from the soap world,
and that's the only reason I was able to...

- [Heather] Handle it?
- [Chrishell] Yeah.

It was a lot thrown at me,
but because I was like,

"Okay, at the end of the day,

if I can deal with some
f the soap divas I've dealt with..."

- [all laugh]
- Exactly!

"...I can deal
with luxury real estate in L.A."

"I can do this."
So I know you've got this.

[Vanessa] I love it.

We should, like, do like a soap night,
where we have a little acting night,

and you guys can do your soap scenes.

- Mary and I will, like, do our best.
- [Vanessa] Yeah.

- How dare you?!
- How dare you, Mary?

[Heather] Was that right?

You've gotta lock your elbow
to really sell it.

Ready? I'm gonna go that way first,
and then I'm gonna go that way.

- Ready?
- [Vanessa] Nice!

[all laughing]

How fun. Oh, gosh.
What'd you think of everyone?

I love all of you!

I mean, all of you were super sweet to me,

and I actually had lunch with Christine.

She was very sweet,

and she actually ended up
inviting me to her baby shower,

- which was like "wow."
- Of course.

I mean, she just met me
and, you know, it's super sweet.

I have learned that Christine
can be one of the most calculated,

manipulative people that I've ever known.

I just don't think that anything she does
is not thought through,

and there's a purpose behind it
that will eventually somehow serve her.

But, you know, maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe she genuinely
wants to befriend Vanessa.

I doubt it.

I want you to make your own decisions,

but I also certainly don't want someone
to have the same experience that I had,

because it took a toll on me,
it really did.

I've had a long road with Christine.

She's kind of burnt
all of us at this point,

but especially when I was dealing
with the death of my dad,

and the death now,
more recently, of my mother.

Unnecessary rumors and drama
that she was trying to put out there,

that I had to put all of my effort,
all of a sudden, into k*lling,

because they weren't true.

I just personally will
never get past that.

- She kicked you when you were down.
- Yeah.

- It was a moment...
- I'm sorry about your mom.

- [Chrishell] Thank you.
- And your dad.

[Chrishell] Thank you,
but just be careful.

[Vanessa] It's kind of crazy
to work with so many women,

but I'm just gonna let them
prove who they are with me.

And I appreciate what you're saying.

- She obviously hasn't done anything to me.
- Good. I hope it stays that way.

And I'm sorry that, you know,
that it happened like that with you.

Mary, she mentioned that you were friends
with someone that hurt her in the past

or something like that,
and I said "Well, maybe she didn't know."

I was friends with someone that hurt her?

[Vanessa] Yeah, that was in, I don't know,

like, in a relationship with a guy
or something like that.

[suspenseful music playing]



She's upset that you're friends with Emma?

I am friends with Emma.
Emma's a total sweetheart.

And I know the story, I was there,

and Emma hasn't done
anything to Christine.

[Mary] Emma and Christine
share a mutual ex-boyfriend,

but Christine's relationship was over
when Emma started dating him.

Emma played no part
in Christine's breakup,

and I know this for a fact.

[Vanessa] I didn't mean
to say any of this.

- I'm not trying to bring information or...
- No.

You can always be completely honest,

and there's no hard feelings
about anything.

[Heather] Is that news to you

that she was upset at you
because you're friends with Emma?

Not once.

Maybe that's why
she's been such a bitch to me.

Yeah, maybe...

Because I am friends with her.
She's a very sweet person.

I wish Christine, like, the very best.

I just don't really wanna be
in the line of fire anymore.

♪ Who do you think that you are? ♪

♪ Coming round nose in the air
With your fancy car ♪

♪ You don't think you gotta work hard ♪

♪ To see your name on a star
on Hollywood Boulevard ♪

[Chrishell] It's hard to type
with your nails sometimes.

[Amanza] Ugh. Look!

- That's why.
- Oh, that...

And also, when I'm designing,

a lot of times I'm moving stuff
and they just break.

[computer dings]


Wait. No!

- Mary.
- What?

[Chrishell groans]

- What's wrong?
- Good news and bad news. I just, um...

The buyer on Queens just went through.

Released all contingency.
So it's final. It's gonna sell.


- Wait, that's the house you...
- The house I put an offer in on.

[all exclaim sadly]

[Chrishell] I want to be mad
at Jason, you know,

because he came
and totally trumped my offer,

but at the same time, I can't,

because I am going to make
the commission off of it.

But I'm really just wishing
for my own dream home.

- There are many more houses out there.
- [Chrishell] I know.

- This could be a blessing in disguise.
- Yes.

[Chrishell] I wanna have
something to really be proud of,

something that shows
I'm taking care of myself.

I don't need anyone,
I don't need any help, I've got this,

and that would mean a lot to me.

Why don't you ring the bell?

- Okay.
- [Vanessa] Yeah!

- [all chanting] Ring the bell!
- Thanks, guys.

Ring the bell!

[all chuckle]

- She was stumbling over there.
- She's like, "Okay, fine."

- [Heather] Come on, Chrishell!
- [Mary] Bell, baby.

- [bell rings]
- [Heather] Yeah!

[all cheer]

I'm gonna find an even better house.
I really know that.

- There are better ones.
- You made money and will find a new one.

You're good, girl.

I mean, I'm in real estate.
If I can't find my own self

a house that I love, well, I better quit,

because I suck at my job.

If you don't know already,
sorry about the eardrums,

but we always ring the bell
after we close a deal,

because I feel like it adds a vibe,
and we get excited.

- Celebration, of course.
- Yeah.

Wait till I ring the bell
when I'm closing on my house.

- Oh, yeah!
- That thing's gonna come off.

[Maya] I always say
real estate is like dating.

There's always someone better out there,
and something better.

[phone rings]


It's like when a guy travels for work,
nobody is judging or saying anything,

but if a woman would travel
for a day or two, it's like, "Oh!"

"She left the kids."

[Mary] I won't let you down.
I'm going to get this sold. Thank you.

All right.

Okay. Bye.

- [mock screams]
- What?

- [Mary] Guys.
- [Chrishell] What?

I just got the listing
for French Montana's house!

- Shut up!
- [all cheer]

Oh, my God!

- That's huge!
- Congratulations.

It's in Calabasas,
right on the border of Hidden Hills.

Five million.

I FaceTimed him, I went up there
the other day for a listing appointment,

and his brother just said, like,
he loved my energy and my vibe,

just even through FaceTime.

- [Amanza] That's cool!
- That is so exciting.

- Congratulations.
- [Mary] Thank you.

- [Chrishell] What a great client.
- [Heather] Awesome.

You guys have gotta see
this music studio too.

It's where he records all of his albums,
and it's like... incredible.

Can you get us in his next music video?

[all laugh]

Instead of, like, being video hoes,
we've got, like, our real estate,

and we're just, like, boss b*tches.

- [all laugh]
- [Chrishell] Yeah.

♪ Click, click
I'mma tell you what I want ♪

♪ 'Cause I got nine lives
And I won't waste another ♪

♪ Bang, bang, welcome to my jungle ♪

♪ This is where the wild things are ♪

♪ Bang, bang
Behind the doors of my jungle ♪

♪ This is where the wild things are ♪

♪ Bang, bang, welcome to my jungle ♪

- [Jason] Didn't you almost wear that?
- [chuckles]

[Maya] Hi, guys.

Wow, this is, uh... It is a jungle.

This is awesome, guys.

This is cool.

So pretty.

[Maya] Hi! Hello. How are you?

- [Christine] Do they bite?
- [woman] They can.

- They've got pretty sharp teeth.
- [Christine] I'm scared of it!


Maya, I'm gonna write my name down
before I forget what I...

- That's right. The names.
- [Amanza] Did you do it?

- [Jason] Is this baby names?
- Baby names.

- [Jason] You write it on a leaf?
- Yeah.

[Amanza] We just have to make up a name,
one for a boy, one for a girl,

that starts with a C.

We don't know the name
of the baby yet, but we know

that we want it to start with a C, so...

Like Christine and Christian.

Like, we wanna be like the Kardashians,
basically. [chuckles]

Oh! I know mine. Chrishell.

- [Amanza chuckles]
- [exclaims]

- Are you serious?
- I win. Yeah.

- Did you just think of that?
- Yeah, I did.

♪ I'm blasting off
I'm a rocket ♪

♪ You can't stop me now
You can't stop me ♪

- ...thinks he can talk...
- Yay!

- Hey!
- Hey. How are you?

- Girls' night, girls' night!
- [Chrishell] I love it.

We're catching up
on how she never gets to see Romain.

- I mean, I love how busy we all are.
- Thank you.

[Chrishell] This looks...
Definitely. Your drinks look cute.

- [waiter] What are we thinking to eat?
- [all exclaim]

Do you want to surprise me?
Something with tofu and veggies.

- No carbs! [laughs]
- [waiter] I got it.

- That is very limited.
- [laughs]

- Can I have the Thai shrimp?
- [waiter] Thai shrimp.

- Thank you.
- I'll put that right in.

Wait. Does the shrimp have the feet on it
or is it, like, feetless?

Do you know how many times I've cut your...

- [waiter] The skin?
- Yeah, like does it have the...

- [waiter] No.
- Okay, great. I'll have that.

[all] Cheers, ladies.

So I didn't wanna bring this up
when we first sat down, but...

I'm gonna drink, because anytime
someone prefaces something like that...

Justin got married. Did you hear that?

I mean, obviously, like...

Yeah, I feel like the world heard that.

My ex-husband Justin is remarried

to someone I know
from back in the day, pretty well,

and a lot of things made sense
after finding that out.

I wish them the best.

I just... You know,
I think that it actually,

if anything, it felt good to know that.

It felt like a little bit of closure.

I still wanted to ask,
'cause it's like... you know.

I appreciate that,
but that's what's funny,

like, it's a weird thing.

Honestly, I've never been
in a better place in my career.

I really feel empowered
of being a different,

a better version of myself

than I ever have been,
and I feel like I found my voice and I...

I feel like there's no anger left there,

because now I realize that's not something
that I wanted for myself.


I mean, if he wants to have 50 wives,
like, go live your best life,

because I really feel like I am.

You are. You really are.

You know,
you go through awful things in life

to sometimes see the best version
of yourself come out of that,

and I think that
that's Chrishell at this moment.

I'm so proud of her
and, you know, get it, girl! [laughs]

I think that's, like, the key,

once you know something wasn't right,

whether it was your decision or not,
it's like now...

You are where you're meant to be.
I'm so excited.

I love that.

- I'm so excited for you.
- Out with the old, in with the new.

Cheers to moving on,
and to thriving in our lives. Yes.

- Cheers.
- [Chrishell] Love you, guys. Thank you.

♪ I know I'mma keep going ♪

♪ You know I'mma keep rolling ♪

[Amanza] How have you been? Are you good?

- It's a lot to be walking around pregnant.
- It's okay. It's good, yeah.

So Mary and Heather, are they coming?

Heather couldn't come.

She's not feeling good,
but she sent me flowers.

- Was Mary invited?
- [Christine] No.

- Oh, okay.
- [both laugh]

- I mean, Mary and I, like, haven't talked.
- [Amanza] Still kind of off.

- It's still such an awkward thing.
- Ugh.

I kind of just wanted to invite people
that it doesn't feel, like, tense.

- Pushed or forced.
- You know?

It's just, like, I'm having a baby,
and I don't want all the drama,

but at the end of the day,
it's like, yeah,

like, I do miss what I had with Mary,

but I know that what we had

isn't what we're gonna have anymore,
and it sucks.

So I sent flowers to Christine
for the baby shower.

- That's nice.
- And gifts.

I don't know if the gifts arrived,
but the flowers did.

She sent me a text.

- She sent me and Tarek a text, actually.
- Really?

That's more than I got.

I got a gift for her,

wanted it to be there
for her baby shower, and, uh, nothing.

She will not respond.
She won't even accept it.

- She won't respond at all?
- Not so far.

If she has issues with me, fine,

but I'm sending my assistant with a gift,

so I just don't get why
she won't even accept it that way.

It's childish, it feels petty,

and I don't understand
why she's acting this way.

- I'm still gonna go try.
- Right.

I'm still going...
Like, I want to give the baby a gift.

And the fact that, like,
she won't even accept a gift for her baby...

That's what doesn't make sense.

[lively music plays on loudspeakers]

- Hi!
- [Amanza and Maya] Hi!

- You look like a super hot, like...
- Hi.

...Wilma Flintstone! [laughs]

- [Maya laughs]
- So good to see you!

- You look gorgeous too.
- Good to see you.

- I'm glad you came.
- [Vanessa] How are you?

- I know! My first event with you guys.
- [Amanza] Yes!

- Half of the office is not here, but...
- We were talking about that.

- Did you see Christine yet?
- No, not yet. You?

- She looks so good.
- So that's weird that she invited you.

I didn't expect it, because we just met,

and this is something very...

- [Maya] Personal.
- ...personal.

Well, I have to say
you kind of won us over.

Aw! [chuckles]

[funky music plays]

Oh, look at her!

- [Christine] I'll be there eventually.
- Oh.

- Hi, gorgeous!
- Hi, beautiful ladies!

- [Amanza] Hi.
- Oh, my God. I'm gonna sit right here.

- You look spectacular!
- You look incredible.

- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you for having me.

- I'm so happy.
- It's such an honor to be here.

Thank you!

Oh, my goodness.

Hi, my angels!

- [Amanza] You look beautiful.
- [Christine] Thank you.

Wait, this is the longest
I have not had Botox.

I can't wait.

I'm gonna pop this baby out,

and I'm just gonna,
like, be like, "Inject me."

I wanna look like this.
I'm ready to look like the cat lady.

[Maya] You can't do shit
when you're pregnant.

- [Christine] You have no idea.
- Christian, hey.

- How's it going? This is my husband.
- [Maya] Congratulations.

Hi! How are you? Nice to meet you.
Thank you for having me.

This is Nat... Nata...

- Natalie.
- [Amanza] Vanessa. Vanessa.

- Vanessa!
- Vanessa.

[laughs] Wow, really?
Like, we had a super nice lunch yesterday,

and you don't even remember my name?
I was like, "Okay."

[Vanessa laughs]

- [Maya] Pregnancy brain.
- "Vanessa." [laughs]

I'll be up there in literally two seconds.
Love you.

- Bye, Christian!
- Bye!

- Congratulations.
- Nice meeting you!

- Are you having a good time?
- I'm having so much fun.

Where is Mary and Chrishell and, uh...

Yeah, don't get their invite?
What happened? [laughs]

Let's be honest. I mean, like,
the three of the girls that aren't here

are the three of the girls
that I've grown apart from the most.

So are you guys talking at all? Or...

Not really. I just see her in the office,
and that's pretty much it.

I don't know, I guess...

when you're going
through a big life change like this,

you just realize
who your real friends are and...

who's not there for you.

[melancholic music playing]

I guess Vanessa
doesn't really know any of us,

so she's just getting information
from all of us,

and poor thing
is having to like piece her own... You know?

- [Mary] Yeah.
- Yeah, I think she's...

Listen, everybody's gonna give her
their own... side.

We've all known each other a long time.

The side that Christine gave
about you is, I think, ridiculous.

Oh, about Emma

and how she doesn't wanna talk to me
or whatever because I'm friends with Emma?

- Is that the first time you've heard that?
- [Mary] Uh, yes.

Emma's the nicest person.

Emma never hurt her.

She never did anything to Christine.

If she doesn't speak to me, what?

Five, six years later,

because I'm friends with Emma,

I mean, that...

Obviously, that is not the case,

because the timeline doesn't match up,
as you guys were friends way after that.

She's using it to manipulate Vanessa.

- It's very clear.
- Yeah.

Guys, we're trying to apply logic
to something that is illogical.

[sniffles and sighs]

I really don't like talking so much shit.

I really don't.


You don't have to say anything else.
Just take a minute.


This is really personal for you.

I have my days
where I'm just like, "f*ck you,"

but then other days, I'm like...

[sighs heavily]

I keep trying to do the right thing,
and be the bigger person,

but it all keeps building up.

And knowing she's inviting
a perfect stranger like Vanessa

To come to her event,
and won't even accept my gift...

[Vanessa] Thank you.

[Christine] I'm so happy you came.
I wanna say welcome to the family.

- You're gonna be my new friend.
- [Vanessa] Thank you for having me.


♪ Isn't it cruel? ♪

[aggressive pop music plays]

♪ Whoa, oh ♪

♪ If you play with fire ♪

♪ Then you're gonna get hurt ♪

♪ If you look for trouble ♪

♪ Then you're gonna learn ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm a lioness
Don't mess with this ♪

♪ No, I wouldn't ever envy you ♪

- Hey.
- [Emma] Hi!

[Jason] I just ordered you a black coffee.
Is that right?

Perfect, yes.

So I'm kind of anxious to hear.

So, obviously, had a lot to think about.

You know, I have my company,
and bunch of other things going on...

- but I'm 110% in.
- Oh! I love it, Emma.

- To the new team member.
- [Emma] Yay!

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

♪ I can't stop my demons ♪

♪ And now it's my time ♪

♪ So come hell or high water ♪

♪ I'm about to rise ♪

♪ Watch out, I'm coming through ♪

♪ With the moves on moves
On moves on moves ♪

♪ Right now watch how I do ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody can do what I can do ♪

♪ I'm coming through ♪