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04x06 - A House for a Hero

Posted: 04/20/24 09:44
by bunniefuu
[dramatic pop music playing]

[dogs barking]

♪ Standing on the edge ♪

♪ Me, you, and... ♪

- [Jason] I want you to enjoy this day.
- [Mary] Me too.

We spent a lot of money,
we put a lot of effort in this.

We don't want the drama here.
If she wants drama, do it at the office.

She's not gonna start drama.
Come on. She's not.

I just have to sit back, as usual,
like, "Okay, Christine,

do whatever the f*ck you want."

"Make everybody miserable."

- [Jason] I just want you happy, honey.
- [Mary] Yeah, well, then she can leave.

[Christine] Why would she storm out?
I said hi to her. She just ignored me.

[Mary] It definitely pisses me off.

It would be one thing

if this were a work event,
where she's part of the group. It's not.

This is a private party with our friends,
and we're not friends with her.


Was Mary mad that I was here?

[Vanessa] I don't know. Maybe she thinks
you'll start drama with Emma.

[Maya] Maybe if you talk
and get it out of your way, it'll be fine.

I don't mind talking to her,
just, like, get it over with.

It's like, it wasn't me that...

I still don't care about her.
I'm so unbothered by her.

- You sleep well at night?
- [Emma] I sleep great.

She has a problem with me for no reason.
I couldn't be any nicer of a person.

Like, everything that she did do to me,
I just, like, took the high road.

- [Tarek] Always do the right thing, right?
- Not always! The high road is overrated.

[Romain] Yeah! f*ck, yes! f*ck that!

Literally, she's banging on my windows.
I'm just chill, you know? Like...

I've been so easygoing
but I'm like... [chuckles] You know?

[Christine] I just popped out a baby.

I can't deal with Mary
and her frantic energy.

I just want to talk to Emma,
let her know where I'm coming from.

Hey, Emma! How are you?

- Hi!
- Hey! Can I chat with you?

- [Emma] Sure.
- [Christine] Let's go.

- [Heather] Be nice.
- [Vanessa] Really?

I'm always nice.
I don't know what you're talking about.

- Well, thanks for talking with me.
- [Emma] Yeah.

I feel like I've never met you,
and I just wanted to have a conversation.

[Mary] I'm over it. I'm sick of the front.

I'm sick of this "nice to my face,"
and then does f*cked-up shit.

We obviously did meet before.

I wouldn't really say, like,
you strolling with my boyfriend

was the first time we were meeting.

I wouldn't really consider
that our conversation.

Well, I said, "Hi, I'm Emma,"

and, obviously, you were at my window,

and it was kind of not
the best-case scenario for me.

Honey, it's fine. It's fine.

That was years ago.

That's what I'm saying.
It's been five years, so...

This is me talking to you now,

meeting you,

telling you, like,
everything that happened doesn't matter.

I don't wanna act like nothing happened.

Obviously, we haven't had
the best interactions in the past.

I thought for the longest time
that you knew.

I was like, "There's no way
this girl didn't know." Like, "What?"

That's why it's so mind-blowing to me,

because, like, soon as I found out
about you that day...

It was March, I remember that.
It was March and everyone told me...

I mean, Jason, Brett,
I'm talking everyone,

assured me that you guys
had not been together since August.

I mean, let's clarify the story, though.

So I dropped my friend off for lunch.

My friend was the one who saw him.

You guys were walking down the street.

You got in your car.

I pulled my car right next to your car,

and that's when I rolled down my window,

and said,
"Hey, I don't know what's going on."

And that's when I told you,
I said, "You can contact me."

"I'll send you screenshots,
anything you want to see."

[Emma] Everything that's coming
out of her mouth is bullshit.

I would not describe
her banging on my windows as calm.

She was 100% reinventing the story,
creating her own narrative,

which is what she's famous for.

I've been dating this guy
for two and a half years.

So I feel like my reaction was warranted.

- I was heartbroken, I was devastated.
- Yeah.

The love of my life
looked at me in the face

and said, "I don't know who you are."

[voice breaks] "I don't know
who that person is."

I'm sure you have your own stories,

but I never experienced
anything like that in my life.

To have someone say,
"I don't know who that person is,"

that was hard.

No, and I understand that,

and that's why
I'm saying I do feel for you.

In that moment, I felt for you,

because I wasn't feeling,
obviously, the best way either, you know?

I was with him for two and a half years.

He proposed to me.

- He proposed to you?
- Yes.

Oh, my God.

[dramatic music plays]

He definitely didn't mention
that he proposed to you.

Yeah, he did,
and then he took the ring back.

Okay, well, that's the first time
I'm hearing that.

- I didn't know that he proposed to you.
- Yeah.

I didn't tell anyone.
The only person that knew was Davina.

Even then I was like,
"I don't know what to do."

As you know, he proposed to me,

and said that was
the first time he'd proposed.

Two months later, I couldn't believe
you guys were engaged two months later.

I was like, "Oh, my God,
is that the ring that he gave me?"

'Cause he took it back.

I mean, I definitely don't... I saw
his bank receipts and stuff like that,

so I know that he bought a new ring.

- Okay, good.
- [Emma] I don't think he...

Clearly, like,
when he got down on one knee for me,

he made it seem
like it was the first time, so...

So when did he propose?


three months before...

I would say three months
before all this happened.


I'm listening to her lie
over and over again.

I feel super uncomfortable.

I'm the only person
that my ex has ever proposed to.

I know that,
everyone around us knows that.

She's just delusional.


♪ I've got this weakness ♪

♪ Can't help myself ♪

♪ My crowning achievement ♪

♪ It'll drive me ♪

♪ It'll drive me down to hell ♪

♪ Maybe I'll go ♪

♪ Maybe I'll rise again ♪

♪ Singing, singing Hallelujah ♪

♪ Rise up from the ashes ♪

[Mary] I'm gonna do
the hibiscus matcha lemonade.

- [server] Sure. For you?
- And I'll do a soy latte.

[groovy music playing]

If I redo my house,
I'm going to do this color, I think.

This is coming back,
this kind of '60s, like, vibe. I like it.

Yeah. I do too.

Thanks for jumping out here with me, uh...

[inhales sharply] kind of back me up with Davina.

I do generally like to defer
to giving someone a second chance.

Everybody deserves a second chance,

but it's what you do
with that second chance.

That's exactly right,
and if she performs, awesome.

- If she doesn't, then...
- Bye.

Yeah, basically, bye.

[intriguing music plays]

- Hi, guys.
- [Jason] Hey, Davina.

- Hi. How are you?
- [Davina] Good. How are you?

- Good.
- Can I say hi?

- Oh, yeah. Hi.
- Hi.


It's a little awkward
because we haven't seen each other,

like, since... For like a year.

But her outfit was... I don't know,
a little over-the-top for a coffee shop.

I'm feeling really underdressed right now.

So the reason
that I asked you to come here

is because I wanna have a very direct
and honest and transparent conversation

to make sure we're on the same page.

- Right.
- I hired you originally for a reason.

I've always liked you,
always thought you're very competent

as a real estate agent.

You know I supported you leaving too.

I mean, it's not a revolving door,

but I support you
coming back in this instance

with the understanding
that we're all on the same page.


[Jason] One concern I have
is you bringing listings.

You have a good listing
in West Hollywood right now,

but I really expect
a lot more over the next year.

Two, I don't want a situation
where we're going back and forth.


I want you to understand
that if I say no, it's no from now on.


I'm not wasting one dollar
on a listing that I know

and you should know is not gonna sell.

We don't just take listings.
We sell houses. That's our business.

So I guess with that...

[Mary] When you were here before,

there was a lot of negativity
that came from you,

where it was always...

Almost a pot-stirrer, is how we felt.

And we have such an amazing group now,
and we all get along so well.

Everyone's extremely positive.
So we want you to fit into that...

I hear you, Mary.
I hear you, but I also need you guys...

This isn't an option. This is...

- Can I express, though, how I feel?
- Yes, you can.

I think we need to give each other
chances a little bit, you know?

And don't assume things about me
because I'm friends with Christine.

Things have happened,
for example, at Christine's wedding.

There are certain moments,

even if something's in your head,
you don't say them.

- I know you're a very direct person...
- Fair, fair.

When it comes to feelings,
when someone's going through something,

keep your mouth shut,
because it'll only hurt somebody.

You're right. I shouldn't have said that,
and that was insensitive and unnecessary.

And I wanna talk to Chrishell.

I wanna apologize to her genuinely.

Hearing all the criticism is really hard.

I wanna start on a fresh page
and have a good attitude,

but I want people to know me better

instead of constantly talking
about how negative they feel I am.

They can't just put everything on me.
It's a two-way street.

♪ We were created
From the ruins, ruins, ruins ♪

♪ Created from the ruins, ruins, ruins ♪

♪ Rising up from the ruins, ruins, ruins ♪

♪ Thank God, don't stop us now ♪

♪ Feel our feet stomping on the ground ♪

♪ We were created
From the ruins, ruins, ruins ♪

- [Christine] Hi, babe!
- Hey!

How are you?

- [Vanessa] I'm good. How are you?
- [Christine] Good to see you.

- You look great.
- You too.

Every time I see you,
I just get like, "wow."

- I wanna be like you if I have a baby.
- Girl, you are.

- [laughs]
- I promise.

- This place is so cute.
- How are you? How's little Christian?

- Good. He's so good.
- Yes?

Is he letting you sleep?

Well, not really, but I'm fine with it.

- [laughs]
- It is what it is.

[bartender] Can I get you a cocktail?

- What are you drinking?
- Red wine and iced tea.

I would love just a virgin something.

- Non-alcoholic.
- Non-alcoholic.

- I got you, then.
- You're not drinking?

I'm still trying to figure out
the formula, breast pump,

so that's why I'm kind of waiting to see.

I feel like since I'm a mom,
my fashion sense is, like,

a little less hoey,
a little more maternal.

But I mean, no. No, who am I kidding?
No, I'm still a ho. [chuckles]

- [Christine] Well, cheers, babe.
- Yeah, cheers. So great to see you.

I kind of miss you.

I'm actually glad
I saw you at the dog party.

I saw you speaking with Emma,
and I think that was great for you to do.

Believe it or not,
Emma was the least of my problems

at that party.

It was Mary just storming out
out of nowhere.

I was I was so shocked.
I was so surprised.

- Mm-hmm.
- But, I mean...

Not even to look up and acknowledge me?

Her and I haven't talked in so long,
I didn't know where we even stood.

- Mm-hmm.
- [Christine] And I don't know why...

Like, she got up and stormed out

because I was breathing
the same air as her.

I want to be friends with her,
but I always find her...

defending other people,

when her and I have had
the longest relationship out of everyone.

And Mary's history shows

she meets someone really quickly,
attaches with them,

and then quickly forgets about me.

So the loyalty thing
is just really what did it for me.

- I'm just happy that you, my friend...
- [chuckles]

...and Maya, my friend, were there,

because I felt alienated.

My thoughts... Again, because I always
give people the benefit of the doubt,

obviously, tell Mary about your feelings
and that you miss her,

especially if it means so much to you,

and you've been friends for so long.

I think it's worth to try.

Sometimes, I just wanna vent
to people because I don't...

I don't really...
Like, I don't talk to Mary.

What are you gonna get
from you telling me how you feel about her

if you love her?

You're not gonna get anything from that
because she doesn't know how you feel.

You have to understand,
also, that I'm in the middle,

and then I'm in an awkward position,

so she needs to know
how you're feeling, Christine.

Even if you're not gonna be friends again.


[dramatic pop music playing]

♪ There's gonna be bad things ♪

♪ Gonna be bad things coming for you ♪

♪ They're coming for you ♪

[funky music playing]

♪ It's life ♪

♪ Time for something new ♪

♪ Yeah, we got that juice ♪

♪ Got 'em like yeah ♪

♪ Let me do my thing ♪

Hey, Jason, I'm working on
getting some listing in Studio City.

It's 3,000 square feet.

It's gonna be like modern, you know?

- Yeah, modern-contemporary.
- Yard, pool, or...

Nice pool, a nice-size yard, actually,
for the Hills, and nice parking, so...

I'll go take a look.

You guys, I'm so excited.
I told you I'm working with Simu Liu.

My Marvel superstar.
He's coming in the office today.

- [Maya] Really?
- Yeah.

- [all] Ooh!
- How did you meet him?

It's so funny.
I met him through social media.

We found out we had a mutual friend,
and he's looking for a house.

That's great. Is he single?

[Chrishell] Yeah. I went to dinner
with him, and really great guy.

- [Maya] Nice.
- He's so nice.

- I love that!
- [Chrishell] Yeah.

'Cause, like, the newest Marvel movie,
like, he's the guy.

I used to go door knock
right up in this street.

You can actually knock
right at their door from the street.

I had Keanu Reeves, one time, coming out.

A few months later, I read that some lady

was sitting in his living room.

Like, she broke in?

She was just sitting in the living room.
Maybe it was Christine! I'm kidding.

- What?
- [Maya laughing] I'm kidding!

- It's something that she would do.
- [all laugh]

[Emma] I'm dying!

Maya seems so sweet and innocent
with her cute little accent,

but that woman can be a savage.

[all continue laughing]

Don't ever change, Maya.

Oh, my gosh. Hello!

- Hi, everyone.
- [all] Hi!

[Chrishell] You guys, this is Simu.
This is who I was telling you about.

- Welcome to the office.
- It's a nice space. Thank you.

- [Chrishell] How are you?
- I'm good. I'm holding up.

- Good to see you.
- What's up, man? Jason.

- Nice to meet you.
- Wonderful to meet you.

- Congrats on everything.
- Thank you. Really appreciate it.

Simu Liu is a Canadian actor,
who is trailblazing through Hollywood.

He's the latest Marvel action star,

and I'm so excited
that he wants to work with me.

- This is Mary, Emma, and Maya.
- [all] Hi.

- Hi. So great to meet you.
- [Mary] Nice to meet you.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

I can't believe
I'm actually at your office.

I'm so excited to have you here.

Pretty fun considering
we just, like, met over Twitter...

- [Chrishell] I know! I told them.
- [Simu] ...however long ago.

We met through social media,

then we found out
we have a mutual friend, so then it...

- [Simu] That's right.
- It's kind of meant to be.

And now here we are, gonna get you
in your new amazing house that you're...

[Simu] Yes.

This is a big step for you, right? I mean...

It is huge.

Well, as you know, I mean,
I was cast all the way back in 2019.

I mean, I was just
on such a different trajectory then,

and I feel like I'm at a place in my life
where I need A, a little bit of privacy,

and B, I think just a place to call home

that'll really make me feel
like a celebration of how far I've come.

And it's also so important for me
to be able to share that with my family,

so, you know,
guest suites are a big thing.

And in terms of price,
I'm thinking maybe between six and eight?

- Okay. If that...
- [Simu] That'd be a good range.

But I'm flexible,
especially for the right one.

Okay, so, what are your deal-breakers,
and what is your wish list?

Since I come from Canada,
which is a frozen tundra,

and it's totally impractical
to own a pool,

I never grew up with one, and I just...

If I'm gonna live in California,
I need a pool.

Okay, a pool, no problem.
That budget, we will absolutely...

Right. I would say that's like,
high on the wish list, slash almost...

[Chrishell] Oops.


[laughs] No, you're all good.
You all right?

Okay. It's my fault
that I was trying to look cute.

I have a big movie star coming in,
and now I tried too hard.

- I'm sorry, Simu.
- Not at all. You look great.

[Chrishell laughs and sighs] Okay.

I would love... I know this is hard,
but I would love a basketball court.

- I'm a big basketball fan. I love playing.
- Okay.

I know that land is hard to come by
in the Hills, so I get it.

Would you be open
to putting one in yourself?

- Mm-hmm. As long as there's space.
- [Chrishell] Okay.

There aren't many places
with basketball courts,

but I'm gonna look.

I appreciate that.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

Between what you're looking for
and your budget, this is very doable.

You have a little time, right?

- A little time.
- Couple months.

I'm gonna try and find
some things for you this week

that we can get you into.

- Awesome.
- This is important.

- I don't wanna let you down.
- I'm so excited.

Oh, I wanna tell you guys something.
The house where I had the dog party?

- You sold it?
- I just sold it. Yeah.

- Nice.
- Seven million.

[all exclaim]

How come you're not ringing the bell?
Too cool for the bell?

[Brett] I'm too hungover for the bell.

It's not often
that I get to work with a client

so humble and successful as Simu.

Jason, this is not about you right now.
This is my turn. It's just annoying.

Normally, we do this when we close a deal.
Wanna ring the bell?

Yes! I kind of wanna ring the bell.

- [Chrishell] No, do it! It's so fun.
- [Simu] Okay.

- I'm doing it.
- [Chrishell] Hold your ears!

- [rings]
- Oh, it's loud!

Get in there!

Oh! I'm sorry, sorry.

Oh, no, it's fine!

- [bell rings wildly]
- [laughing]

- [Simu] There you go.
- [Chrishell] You gotta go for it.

You really put a lot in there.
I appreciate that.

That was a great job.

- We are gonna find him an amazing home!
- [Simu] Let's do it.

- [Chrishell] You're so sweet.
- You're gonna k*ll it. I'm so excited.

You would never know
he's a huge movie star.

- You're so sweet.
- [Simu] Oh, my God. Stop.

[Maya] Why are you blushing?
You're blushing too.

Oh, my God. [laughs]

[peppy music playing]

♪ Baby, let's get stupid ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ I'm not a souvenir ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ I'm not an accessory ♪

♪ I'm a necessity ♪

♪ So come and pick me up now ♪

- Hello, gorgeous. Hi.
- Oh, hey. How are you?

I'm good. Oh, my God.
This is such a beautiful house.

[Mary] Isn't it?

So glad you made it.

Thank you for having me.
So how long has the house been built?

- It's seven years old.
- Seven years old.

Yeah. Upstairs, she redid the plans
to have two really large owner's suites.

- Dual owner's suites upstairs.
- I love that.

- [Mary] Closets are massive. I think...
- Perfection!

- [Mary] I know.
- Yes.

That is one of the biggest things.

Where people are like,
"Uh, I love the home,

but the closets are too small."

So I think this is gonna be
really appealing to younger, kind of...

- Yeah, couples.
- Couples, or single people.

- Right.
- Whatever.

A couple of staging items
just to kind of bring some color.

[Vanessa] It doesn't need that much,
but, yeah, it will make it look better.

[Mary] Yeah. So, what is up?
I haven't seen you in a couple of days.

- [Vanessa] I know.
- [Mary] Anything new?

Well, not much. You know,
I haven't been able to see the girls.

I only spent some time
with Christine the other day.

- Oh, really?
- [Vanessa] Yeah.

We had a nice conversation,

and, well, I'm just bringing this up,

because I think
it's important for me to say.

- Um...
- Uh-oh.

- [both laugh]
- No, it's not anything bad.

No, I think that she has
a lot of love for you still.

[Vanessa] Mary and Christine
used to be like sisters.

I definitely see that there was
a beautiful friendship there,

and now they're really mad to each other.

But life is too short.

And if you ask me, I would give anything
to have more time with my sister.

If you maybe have a conversation together...

I always try to see the good in people.

I've been through this.

I can't have all of her ups
and downs and unstabilities,

like, in my head because it confuses me.

She says she misses me,
doesn't invite me to the shower.

She invited you, who she just met.

- Yeah.
- She didn't invite me.

I'm like, "Really?"

You miss me and love me,
but you are doing things on a daily basis

that completely contradict
what you're saying.

I don't like that negative energy,

and I am not going
to allow it in my life anymore.

It's been years of this,
and I keep being betrayed.

The way she is with me
looks like she's sweet and caring.

- But...
- She does that, that's her whole MO.

I mean, where she's super nice
to people's faces until she's not.

Christine told me that, you know,
loyalty is very important to her.

[Mary] Uh-huh.

Being her minion is important to her,
just doing anything she says.

"If you don't like someone,
I don't like someone."

She gets mad at people
for so many different reasons,

and I don't think
she knows what loyalty is.

Like, I am a loyal friend,
and I gave her chance after chance.

Okay, so even though I feel that you are,
obviously, you know, done with her,

how do we feel, maybe have a face-to-face
conversation with her, maybe just to...

I'm really not interested.

I know who she is now,
and I just don't want any involvement.

What if she showed up at the office,
like, "I want to talk to you"?

Stop talking. Now. Stop.

My stance is not gonna change.

I don't want anybody
coming to me trying to mend this,

because there is no mending anymore.

I want her out of my life.

Just please stay out of it.

[pop music playing]

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ And I know I deserve it ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

Got it. Okay. Sounds good.

It's hard to find a guy that is confident
with someone who's successful.

- Yeah.
- They're very insecure, a lot of them.

[Chrishell] What? Just kidding.

[Maya] Someone who's successful.

If you tell someone, a guy,
like, "Hey, I just got a house,"

and they find out it's three million,
they get so intimidated.

They have to make
a lot of money to be okay with the fact

- that you have stuff like that.
- Yeah.

It's hard to find
someone who'll be supportive

of you doing you, basically.

[Mary] Romain's good with it.

He's just proud of me,
but I worry about it.

I'm like, does he feel bad?
'Cause I'll offer to pay. He's like, "No!"

You're married, so it's different.
It's not like boyfriend-girlfriend.

All right, ladies.

Remember when we were talking
about bringing Davina back?

Well, I decided to bring her back.

- You know, I think she's an asset.
- Did you say "ass hat"?

- [Jason] No.
- Oh. I heard "ass hat."

- I'm sorry.
- So welcome her back.

I think she has good listings
to bring to the brokerage,

and I did speak with her
about the office dynamic, and...

- Positivity.
- ...keeping things positive, yes.

- What'd she say?
- [Jason] She said she's gonna be positive.

[Chrishell] I'm not excited
that she's coming back to the office,

if I'm being 100% honest.

However, I feel like you're coming back
to the turf that we've created,

and so it's kind of like,
you know, get with the program

and do things the way
that we're doing them,

or don't and you're out.

[Jason] So let's just all, you know,
welcome her back on the team

and support her.

All right?

- [Maya] All right.
- [Mary] You're the boss.

- [Heather] When is she gonna start back?
- Uh...

- In one second?
- [all laugh]

- Today?
- Yeah.

- [Emma] Today?
- Today.

He loves to spring stuff on us,
so that we don't have any opportunity...

[Maya] Time to adjust.

- Just a heads up.
- [Chrishell] A two-minute heads up!


Have you met Davina?

Just in passing.
Never officially, I don't think.

- [Heather] Hi.
- Hi.

- [Emma] Hi!
- Hola!

- Hi! Good to see you!
- How are you, hon?

[Davina] Good. How's it going, guys?

[Mary] Welcome back.

Honestly? She looked very...


Like, if a Barbie were to just put on,
like, a little church dress and a bow,

that's how she looked.

How are you? What's been going on?

Oh, it's good. It's good. Um...

This project I was working on wrapped up,

and so I was chatting
with Brett and Jason,

and discussing, you know,
maybe focusing on single-family.

I have this amazing client
that has a house down the street,

so I thought it'd be a great match,
and I like working with you guys,

and hopefully you'll have me back.

How have you guys been?

- [Mary] Good! Yeah.
- Good?

- [Heather] Busy, huh?
- [Mary] It's been fine though.

[Maya] Davina, where are you gonna sit?

I don't know.
Maybe the couch? I don't know.

- Couch is cozy.
- There's one desk.

What about that? Oh, Vanessa. No.

I mean, I know I'm new here,
but I'm not giving up my desk. [chuckles]

There you go. Davina, you have a desk.

- Oh, cool.
- [Maya] Yes. It's a little bit messy.

[Davina] Thank you.

How's it going here, Vanessa?
Are you having fun?

I am having fun.

Vanessa's sitting at my desk,
but sitting at the desk

doesn't decide how well you do.

- Welcome to the Oppenheim Group.
- Thank you. Welcome back.

I mean, I'm not feeling
any negative energy from Davina,

but there's definitely an awkward one.


- Yeah, let me know if I can help.
- [Vanessa] Thank you, Davina.

- Chrishell.
- Yeah?

- [Davina] Can I talk to you for a sec?
- Yeah.

- Back here?
- Yeah, why not?

[suspenseful music plays]

Um, so I just wanted to reach out to you,

because I know
we obviously had a difficult past,

and I just wanna apologize.

I'm really sorry
for hurting your feelings, genuinely,

and that was not my intention.

It was just a thoughtless comment
that was offensive,

and I'm sorry for hurting
your feelings. I really am.

Okay, I appreciate that. I just... I mean...

I would have appreciated it...

- Sure.
- It's been a long time.

It would have been a little more genuine
if you'd said it before.

It is genuine, and just so you understand
from my perspective,

I didn't have any information,

I felt like you weren't very open with me,
and maybe I wasn't either, you know?

I wasn't open with you because I was
going through a divorce publicly,

and we weren't friends.

If we're gonna air it out,
if it was just one comment,

but you kept going
after I asked you several times to stop.

So that's why I was hurt by it,
'cause I was going through a lot.

I was just trying
to get through the night.

I asked you several times to stop,
you kept going.

It was almost like you were finding
pleasure in it in a sick way.

I was definitely not
finding pleasure in it.

And why would I need
to tell you anything, you know?

I don't know what else to do
but say I'm sorry to you.

[Mary] What's happening?

I think she's apologizing.

[Davina] I hope we can move past this.

Maybe we can get to know each other
on some new level, you know?

Okay. I don't think
we'll braid each other's hair,

but we don't need to.

But I also wanna be given a chance.

A lot of times, people judge me
because I'm friends with Christine.

- It's not fair to put me in that boat.
- Right.

And if you hadn't done anything to me,
I wouldn't have put you in the boat.

- I judged you because of your own actions.
- Yeah, that's fine.

- That's why I'm here.
- I appreciate the apology.

- [Davina] Okay.
- Hug it out.

[Davina] Thank you.

I've never had
a more awkward hug in my life,

but I do feel like,
you know, she's got a new look,

this is maybe her trying to,
you know, be a new version of herself,

so let's see how it goes.

- To new energy.
- [Davina] There we go. I like that.

♪ Can you feel it, feel it?
Can you feel it now? ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ It's all just something you feel ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I'mma make you move like hey, hey, hey ♪

- Wow, this is awesome, guys.
- [Maya] Looks beautiful.

Christine walking
like she's on the runway.

- [Davina] I know! We are!
- [Christine] All right. Wow.

- [Maya] This is so pretty.
- [Davina] Love the flowers.

I used to go out here all the time.
With no kids, you know?

Those were the days.

Honestly, I can't believe
you had a baby four weeks ago.

[Christine] I know. I can't either.

You look incredible.
Seriously, you look amazing.

- Thank you.
- [Davina] You're like an alien.

- I know I'm an alien, I'm such a weirdo.
- How do you feel? How is CJ?

- "Christian Junior."
- He's good! He's been really good.

He's not fussy at all.

I'm sure you'll be an amazing mom,
and you'll balance everything you can.

Sorry, I'm struggling.

There's a couple behind us,
just making out there,

almost about to have sex on the couch.

Look, look! It's really gross.

I don't wanna break my neck.

Oh, that's... Yeah, wow,
that's quite a situation. Yeah.

It's been a while
since I was like that in public.

I don't even think I was like that.

They just have to be careful tonight,

because, you know, nine months from now
things can look very different.

You know, Heather is doing a party
with her and Tarek to celebrate love.

It's on a yacht. Are you guys coming?
I think it's in a week or two.

- Uh, I'm not invited.
- I don't know about this.

- Are you invited?
- No.

- Aw! Really?
- Oops. Okay. Never mind.

- But you're okay with Heather.
- I'm great with her.

Maybe because you weren't
in the office, and you...

Maybe, but why wouldn't
Christine be invited?

You're cool with her, right?

I thought Heather and I were,
like, on good ter...

I just feel like,
since she met her fiancé,

she's been, you know, like,
in his bubble, in his world, in his land,

and she just kind of left me in the dust.

I invited Heather to my baby shower.
She didn't come, but I did invite her.

So I'm not really sure
what I've done wrong.

I feel like it's more
coming from him than her.

Why from him?

'Cause I said some things.

I saw in one of the interviews.

I got you a lot of press, Tarek.

You're welcome.
I don't feel like I did anything wrong.

[Davina] We were laughing.
I didn't think she would get offended.

I didn't she would either,
but, you know, she's very sensitive.

- She's very sensitive.
- I feel like you'll be fine.

I haven't seen her in so long,

because Mary has this theme of,
like, cock-blocking people,

so I never see them.

We are celebrating
your welcome back to the office.

- I know.
- So wait. So how did that go?

I was nervous,
I wasn't sure what to expect,

but it was actually really nice,
and the vibe was a lot better.

- I feel like it was a good vibe, right?
- [Maya] I thought it was great.

[Davina] Really good.
Vanessa was a doll. She's really sweet.

- Yeah, she is.
- [Davina] Emma was there.

She was really nice too.

How was it with Chrishell?
You know, I heard you apologize.

So I pulled her aside, and I was like,
"I just want to clear the air,

and apologize to you,
and I'm really sorry about what happened."

She was just like,
"I don't feel like you're very genuine."

Thank you so much.

I'm, like, really trying here, you know?
I don't know what else I could do.

[Christine] She's really bitter,

and, honestly, I feel bad for her.

That's a horrible place to be,

- but you can't take it personally.
- [Davina] I mean, hopefully,

things will kind of evolve a little bit.

- Cheers to...
- [both] Cheers.

- ...the new O Group vibe?
- Yes!

[bold pop music plays]

♪ I'm a savage ♪

♪ I'm a savage ♪

♪ If I want it, I'mma take it
I'mma have it ♪

♪ Then I get to have it ♪

♪ Victory, I grab it ♪

[Mary] All right.

- [Emma] Oh, it's so pretty.
- [Mary] Yeah.

Your client is gonna absolutely love it.

- I love it.
- [Mary] I know! [laughs]

French's house fell out of escrow,
and it's so frustrating

so I'm hoping
that Emma's client will like the house,

bring us an offer,
and we'll get this back in escrow soon.

Oh, wow.

[Mary] It's five bedrooms inside,
then you've got the guest house,

music studio down below,

and a full studio apartment.

- [Emma] Wow, it's big.
- [Mary] Yeah, it is.

[Emma] This is amazing.

I love this!

[Mary] Such an entertainer's home.

Speaking of entertaining, the dog party...

Yeah, that was interesting.

Yeah, "interesting" being
an understatement of the year.

[Mary] So, what happened?

I might need to put my bag down for this.

I sat there trying to be respectful,
and give her the benefit of the doubt.

- Yeah.
- [Emma] Because she just had a baby.

I was like, "Maybe she's changed."

"Maybe she's a better person,"

and then she lied the entire time.

What'd she say?

That our mutual ex proposed to her.

- I know. You might just pass out now.
- What?!

She never had a ring.
They were never engaged.

He didn't even give her a key to his place

because she was so crazy.

That is a bold-faced lie.

Like, let's hook her up to a lie detector,
because it would break.

- [laughs]
- Okay? Like...

Oh, my God. Where's the ring?

Oh! She was like, "I wasn't sure
if he gave you the ring that he gave me."

Well, he didn't give me an imaginary ring.
He gave me a real, big diamond.

He put Jason and Brett through the wringer

trying to pick out
the most perfect ring for you.

- I know.
- So she's just saying this to you...

Oh, and, by the way, she only told Davina.

[Mary] Davina wasn't... Wait.
Davina wasn't even at the brokerage.

Thank you, Mary.

Thank you. I know.

- She came... Oh, my God. She...
- [Emma] None of it adds up.

Christine dated this guy
a whole year and a half

before Davina even came around,

so she is completely caught in this lie.

She wanted to come off,
in that moment, like the victim,

when she is the farthest thing
from a victim.

- Why can't she just, like, be normal?
- She can't help herself.

Just be like, "Yeah,
maybe I was just jealous and upset,

because I wasn't over him yet,

and saw you guys together,
and went ape shit."

- That's probably what really happened.
- I would appreciate that so much more.

It's like, you guys had not been together,
and why weren't they together?

Wasn't his fault.

So, like, let's just be honest here.

I really don't know how she thinks
she's gonna get away with it,

when everybody around you knows the truth.

[Emma] I don't harbor resentment
against people forever,

but why is she still making up lies?

All you have to do is come,
be nice, don't do f*cked-up shit.

I'm the nicest person in the world.
I would've babysat!

- [laughs]
- I would have... Seriously!

Christine is a very jealous person,
and I think that, in her mind,

I'm the girl that came in

and stole the life that she wanted,
the guy that she wanted,

and she's trying to ruin
my reputation by making me out

to be some homewrecker, which isn't true.

She just can't let it go.

I don't know why she thinks it's okay
to behave the way she does.

I was so excited

to come in and work with everybody.

We had such a positive group.

- We love having you.
- I know. I love being there.

But when she's around,
everybody's on edge.

You see everyone's demeanor change.

- I know.
- Everyone's.

Anybody that is a remote threat
to her is terrorized.

There's no end to it either.

I don't deserve
to be in that type of environment.

No one deserves to be in an environment
with such a toxic human.

I hope that Jason and Brett
can understand that,

but I'm done, the gloves are off.

I don't want to work with her,

so it's gonna come down to a point
where it's gonna be me or her.

♪ This could be dangerous ♪

♪ Oh, here comes trouble ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Look out ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Take cover ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Can't stop ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Here comes trouble ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Time's up ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Pop the bubble ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Look out ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Here comes trouble ♪

♪ Here comes trouble ♪