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05x02 - New Blood

Posted: 04/20/24 09:47
by bunniefuu
[phone rings]

I've actually never had Oreos.

-[Mary] What?
-[Maya] Really?

-No. I've never had the desire.
-Do you like chocolate?

I like chocolate.

Okay, next time we come to the office,
I will have Oreos cookies.

-[Amanza] Do they make vegan Oreos?
-Yeah. They're vegan.

[Amanza] Oh, they are.

Let's triple check. "Are Oreos vegan?"

I don't like the Double Stuffed.

-What is the Double Stuffed? Two?
-[Amanza] Has more cream in the middle.

Don't Google that. [laughs]


Okay, so they are vegan.
They're just not "healthy."

Definitely not trying
to persuade you they're healthy,

just that they were vegan.

Do you guys know where Vanessa is?
Is she here?

-She was in Mexico with her guy.
-Oh, good.

["Simple Thing" by Juliet Roberts plays]

♪ I got a natural feeling ♪

♪ These vibes are good ♪

-[car lock beeps]
-♪ I'm high above, this is love ♪

♪ And I'm not comin' back down ♪

I'm gonna show you what love can do ♪

♪ It's simple as A, B, C ♪

[Mary] Right? Uh?

-[women cheer]

[all] Hi!

You know we're gonna bombard you.
No real estate talk today.

Now tell us everything! [laughs]

When the news broke,
I had a bunch of people messaging me--

-Oh, we're just jumping right in.
-Sorry! Sorry!

[Davina] Way to put her on the spot.

-Starting to sweat.
-[Heather] Been waiting in anticipation.

-[Emma] My God. I couldn't be happier.
-I need to hear everything.

I know. It was actually-- I think it was
the hardest not to tell you, because--

-I was trying to set you up with someone.
-I know.

Why didn't you tell me
"I'm seeing someone"?

"It's getting serious,
you know. Wink, wink."

-[Davina] You'd have asked more questions.

No! [laughs]

And I-- And I still get
a little nervous talking about it.

Just because I don't know
what everyone's reactions will be.

People are always gonna
talk negative about something.

Not us, though. We're all very happy.

Remember how we were all like,
"Jason's been in a really good mood"?

It's good for the office.

Remember when Christine
brought her baby in, and he was like--

-[Maya] I know.

[Amanza] How weird was that?

I wish he was here.
We're here and he's not.

-[Heather] I know!
-Was he nervous about, like,

the reaction or something--

No, he's working in the OC now.

-So, otherwise--
-I wanna see that office.

I just wanna know how it developed.
How did it start?

Actually, you play a part in it.
You don't even know it yet.

Tell me!

[Mary chuckles]

-[Emma] Wait!
-So, the day that he, like,

sat me down and got nervous

and told me that he had real feelings,

it was the night of your engagement party.

It was?


-He's like, "Can I talk to you?" "Yeah."
-Like, "What do you want?"

The thought had not crossed my mind.

What about him? Had it crossed his mind?

-Well, that--
-[Emma] I'm sure!

Yes. The answer is yes.

[Emma] I think
it's crossed everyone's mind!

You guys know Jason.

He's the first person to say

he was a lifelong bachelor.

So that's why it never crossed my mind,

and then I feel like Jason slowly has,
like, changed his tune a little bit.

Yeah. He was talking about babies.

[Mary] She changed his tune. Right girl…

-That's what we were talking about.

But I feel like I didn't think about it
until he actually kissed me,

and then I was like, "Oh."

-How was it?


-I know, but I'm just… I don't know.

[Maya] The kiss better be worth it.

I mean, look,
I'm sure they know what they're doing,

but working and dating in the same
environment could always be risky.

If it doesn't work out, what do you do?
Do you stay in the same office?

Because we all know
relationships are not perfect.

This is what I will say.

We became best friends
before anything ever happened.

I've never had a relationship
start like that before.

-So good.
-Was it fun sneaking around?

[Emma] That's what I said.
It must've been fun sneaking around.

In the beginning. It's just that,
before we came out, it started to get old.

We couldn't fully experience things--

In public, with your friends.

Yeah, it had to be a big secret,
and we were so scared.

-[Emma] Yeah.

We were acting, like, super, you know…

Friends. Like, "Bro!" "What's up, dude?"

Does it feel now a relief?
Now that everybody knows?

Yeah, it does. It definitely does.

You know, by the time
now we're sharing it, like,

we're very in love.


-I love it.

[Heather] I love "in love." [laughs]

Do you guys have a Hollywood name yet?

-What? No.
-[Heather] Maybe…

Crayson! Crayson.

-[Davina] Jushell.


I think Jushell. Or J-Shell.

J-Shell! That's good. Yay!

I am very delighted
to hear that they are in love.

However, I've seen
Jason break a lot of hearts.

I've seen him non-committal.

I've seen the whole gamut
of his relationships,

or situation-ships,
whatever you wanna call them.

Sorry, Jason.
I know I made you sound like a ho,

but you kind of were.

For a little bit.

I hope that this is different,

but time will tell.

It is what it is.

Will he move into your new house?

Well, let's still, like…
Let's not jump to the--

We instantly are like, "You're getting
married, having babies. That's it."


Oh my God.

[upbeat pop music plays]

[funky pop music plays]

Keep gettin'  bolder ♪

♪ They'll know your name ♪

♪ Too hot to hold ya ♪

♪ No, you can't be tamed ♪

♪ So make your move ♪

♪ Get a groove ♪

Baby, what you got to lose? ♪

[song fades]

[Jason] My only real concern was that

he doesn't want to execute the purchase
agreement with the option, comma,

the point of executing
the purchase agreement

is so that there's no ambiguity
as to what both sides are agreeing to.


[both] How are you?

-Good to see you. [laughs]
-If it isn't the voice dictator himself.

I swear, I've never seen you
actually type a text message.

-Once I learned how to voice dictate--
-I know.

-You look great! Nice and tan.
-Thank you.

-Let me send this quick.
-No problem.


So I know you've been doing real estate
from the house, but tell me,

are you… are you
kind of ready to get back?

I… I am.

And it's been one of those things, like…

You know, first of all,
I apologize, I was so late to your party,

and then when I got there
it was just like…

I don't know what the hell happened.
All hell broke loose.

You have lied and done things

-to each person individually.
-I never lied.

And then you come up
with the story with that person.

If you wanna talk to someone,
then talk to all of us.

And it was kind of difficult.

No apologies that you owe me
for being late.

I'm glad you made it.

It was just hard for me…

-I could tell it was a lot going on.
-It's hard for me to get there.

It'd be nice to have you back
in the office doing some real estate.

Yeah. You know what?

I've been here a long time.

I shouldn't-- I shouldn't be afraid
to go into the office, you know?

At the end of the day,
we're all there for the same purpose,

and that's to make money. So…

Yeah, I feel like
we're all rejuvenated from our travels.

-I'm ready to get back to work.
-I am too.

So, um…

I was at a broker's open the other day.

Really beautiful house,
with these new developers.

You know, huge homes.
This one was up in Mulholland.

And I started chatting
with all the agents, you know,

and there was this girl by the pool,
and she was really, really, really cool.

Really smart.

Her name is Chelsea,
and I think you sold her husband a house.

Well, that narrows it down
to, like, 400 people.

There's no way I'll know.

Anyway, she's looking for,
you know, a place to hang her license.

So, um, I invited her to come have coffee.
So she's gonna stop--

-She's coming now?
-Yeah, I told her stop by if she's in LA.

I mean, I just brought
on Emma and Vanessa.

So, I'm not, like,
looking for someone else.

-I get it.
-I'm happy to meet her.

I mean, you think she… is, like,

a qualified agent
that would produce a lot?

I think so. I think so.

Nothing ever gonna bring me down

♪ Head held proud ♪

♪ I'm up in the clouds ♪

[dog whines]

[Christine] She lives in Manhattan Beach.
She's got some fire in her. She's smart.

-She's got her master's degree.

I got my MRS degree.

I've never heard of that.


Yeah, like a "missus."
Like when you wanna be a housewife?

Oh. That went right over my head.

Got a little "what's up?" in my step ♪

♪ You're gonna know my name… ♪


-Hi, beautiful.
-Hi, beautiful!

Oh, you look great. Mwah!

-Mwah! Double-kiss.
-Hi. Jason.

Chelsea Lazkani.

-So you guys just met at an open house?

-[Chelsea] Yep.
-We did.

So, um, do you remember me?
Have you seen me before?

-Oh my gosh. Come on.
-I don't remember.

How many Black British people do you know?

-A few.
-[Chelsea] Okay.

How many Black gorgeous
British people do you know?


-[Chelsea laughs]
-I know. I told you.

About five years ago,
when I first came to LA,

I met my husband, and, um,

one day he was like, "Let's go visit
one of my buddy's broker's opens."

Who's your husband?

Jeff Lazkani.

Yeah, I sold him a house in the Doñas,
which is, like, just up Mulholland.

-That was, like, five, six years ago.

And you'd also shown him
Kanye West's house, right?

-Yeah. Oh my God.
-You showed him Kanye West's house.

That was him?

This is funny, because not only
did I show him Kanye's house,

where we get into escrow on Kanye's house.

We didn't say who it was.

Jeff invited his mom,

and his mom,
not knowing whose house it was, says,

"It looks like
a lonely narcissist lives here."


-And Jeff canceled the escrow.
-I'm done! I love my mother-in-law.

There was a painting of Kanye
as Jesus on the ceiling, like, pointing.

The-- The shower was
like a-- like a goldfish t*nk. It was--

When they have the estate sale
at my house, that's what they'll say.

"It looks like
a lonely narcissist lived here."

[laughs] So, fast-forward
three years, two kids,

and we decided to move to Manhattan Beach.

-So that's where you are now?

We're talking about
some of the most exclusive,

luxurious beachfront property.

Some of them run north of 20, 30 million.

Manhattan Beach is only five square miles,
so it's a very small community.

Everybody kind of knows each other.

And I really think I could bring you
some really great listings there.

I can see how she can sell a house.

-I'm very f*cking convincing.

I always get what I want.


Well, I did just bring on two new people,
like, not long ago, but, I mean--

-Are they from Manhattan Beach?
-[Jason] They're not.

-[Jason] And you are certainly impressive.

And I actually don't do a ton of business
on the beach, so I do like that aspect.

You know, just food for thought.

[Jason] Listen, bring me a listing,
and we'll talk.

Okay. I got you. I'm working on it.

All right.

Ooh, we electrified? ♪

♪ I know I feel it ♪

♪ You feel it ♪

♪ We're gonna dance together
Right to the moon together ♪

♪ Let's have a break 'round the world
Z-z-z-zoom together ♪

♪ We're letting loose together
V-v-v-voom together… ♪


Woo! Na-na-nah! ♪

♪ Na-na-nah! ♪

Oh, hello!


As I'm, like, wobbling.

Okay, be careful. I've got you.

Right? We need to hold hands

down this driveway.

[Emma] I'm viewing
this gorgeous house for my client Patrick.

He's a very high-profile billionaire
over in Singapore.

He is looking for an amazing,
iconic property here in Los Angeles,

but he is not able to be here today.

So, I'm bringing the beautiful
Chrishell with me to view the property.

Wow, this is… Wow!

Oh my goodness.

This looks like a nice,
perfect home for me. Just kidding.


-Hello! How are you?

Lovely to see you.

-So nice seeing you. This is Chrishell.
-Hi. How are you?

-[Emma] Izzet.
-So nice to meet you.

I haven't seen it
since it's been finished.

I am obsessed.

[Izzet] This is, uh,
five years in the making.

My latest baby. Come take a look.

Chrishell, I would like
to show you the area down here.

-[Chrishell] Oh!
-[Emma] Yes.

[Chrishell] It's L-shaped, I didn't know--

How many houses
can say they have two pools?

We have this whole hillside.

[chuckles] Yes, you do.

[Emma] Yes.

High-end buyers
definitely want an infinity pool.

Wow. That is event space for sure.

♪ Life's too short
Not to get what you want ♪

♪ I gotta have it
I gotta get it ♪

♪ Yeah, I gotta have it
I gotta get it ♪

♪ I gotta have it
I gotta get it ♪

[Izzet] 11,500 square feet.

Yeah, I mean, I feel like
this is perfect for my client.

You should take a look
and see if it's gonna tickle his fancy.

-Thank you. We'll be good judges.

Last time I was walking down these stairs,
there was no railings.

-And I was in heels, so…

Now I feel like it's
a whole new house. Oh my God.

[Chrishell] Wow.

I am so obsessed.
I feel like it's a whole new experience,

every level that we go to.

[exciting piano music plays]

Okay. Wow. Let me take
some videos and pictures for him.

Oh, good idea.

[Emma] Okay, so we have
the amazing view that you want, Patrick.

This kitchen. Oh my God.

Let's go see the rest of the house.
Should we take the elevator?

[Chrishell] With our shoes?
A hundred percent.

We have to take the elevator.

I don't have the best elevator mojo.

You're telling me this now?

-I'm sorry!
-As we're in the elevator?

[elevator clunks]

-Why is it--
-Oh my God. We're stuck.

-Oh my God! I need to get out!



That was a serious pause
that I was not okay with.

-[Chrishell laughs]
-My God. I'm obsessed with this bedroom.

How was it when everyone was at the office
and asking about you and Jason?

Oh my gosh.

You know what? I feel like it was,
kind of, a lot all at once.

I hadn't even fully sat down, and it was…

But it was-- I felt like everybody
was super supportive and nice.

And seeing Jason.

-He's so cute.
-Oh my God, he is in love, love, love.

When I saw him
driving down the street in the Bronco…

-[Chrishell laughs]
-The biggest smile I've ever seen.

I'm like, "Chrishell! I see that. Okay."

It's kind of nice,

'cause I think all the people
that he was dating before, you know…

It was great for the time,

but he wasn't dating somebody
that is more like an equal.

An equal. Makes a huge difference.

We work together, we're best friends,

and I feel like
I don't want anything from him.

-I don't need anything from him.

And I think it's nice
to kind of feel like…

He said the other day, he was like
George Clooney, when he met Amal.

And I was like… [gasps] "I love that."

Oh my God! You're his Amal!

You know, he was like famous for,

like, you know,
always dating some young blonde,

and then all of a sudden,
someone totally different, his own age,

and that was super, kind of, his equal…

-I'm not trying to say I'm like her…
-No, no, no!

Are you kidding? I think you're like her.

You are his game-changer.

Can we talk about
all of the things you are?

But, no, I mean, 100%,
it's like-- I feel like he respects you.

It's so-- It's so nice to see.

These bachelors, it's so frustrating

when they… they say
that they want a relationship,

and they, you know…

Then they don't really want that,

and their actions do something else,
and they end up hurting you.

So I feel like we just wait
and see what happens.

But for now,
I feel like things are going really well.

I wanna ask you, are you seeing anyone?

I'm not dating anyone at the moment. So…

-I think that's healthy, though.

-Putting yourself first.

Your business is insane.

It's nice to have your own thing.

It's nice to feel empowered, and then,

whoever you end up with,
they're your partner.

You don't need anything
from them. Exactly.

I am extremely family-oriented.

Love my family. They come first.
Can't wait to have a family.

And that's a huge thing
that people differ about.

-I know.
-It can be a deal-breaker.

Seeing Chrishell and Jason
and their relationship,

and being "couple goals"
and everything else,

it gives me motivation to date.

You know, it opens my eyes that
you can find happiness anywhere, and love,

and be extremely happy
and find my forever partner.

There's lots of changes
at all times when it comes to my life.

-All I care about is that you're happy.

-Should we look at the rest of the house?

I would like to take you out
to see this magnificent pool.

-Ooh, I wanna see the pool.
-Maybe jump in.

-I know. We could, actually.

[Emma] Oh, wow.

-[Chrishell scoffs] This is so pretty.

Now, this is why
the Bird Streets are the Bird Streets.

-I mean, you don't get pools like this.

If you're literally
laying there or sitting there…

I wanna go walk across that.

-Okay. Well, don't do that.
-[both laugh]

[Emma] Right? I mean, that view, though?

I just feel like that view is, like…

[Chrishell] Emma, you better not.

If I took my heels off, I could do it.

No, you're not doing that.
What is wrong with you?

-Absolutely not happening.

But I feel like he would appreciate
a picture of, like, me standing there.

Are you talking about on this ledge?

-Yeah, but if I take my shoes off.
-No, you're not doing this.

[Emma] Yes! Wait. If I take my shoes off--

-What? No! Oh my God.
-No, I'm telling you!

What is wrong with you?

-Have you been drinking?
-No. I'll give you this. Ready?

-I'm not taking--
-I love you.

-No! What's happening?
-This'll sell the house. I'm telling you.

-Oh my God! I hate this!

-What are you doing?

-See, this is gonna sell the house.
-I'm not… Oh my God! I cannot be…

I'm telling you!

-What is honestly wrong with you?

Patrick will like this!

I'm already here!
You have to get the picture!

-If I take the picture, will you get off?
-I will get off.

Oh my God.
I can't believe you just did that.

What is wrong with you?

-Okay, I got the picture.
-Perfect. Okay. I'm coming back.

Don't run!

-Oh my God!


-I'm… I need to sit down.
-See? We're good.

You just made me sweat so bad.
Why… Take this. I just--

That might sell the house, you know?
Anything for my clients.


["Take a Picture" by Red Parker plays]

I got that new thing
New style, new walk ♪

♪ I got that new vibe
New drip, new talk ♪

♪ Been travelin' around the world
And ain't nobody quite like me ♪

♪ Go ahead, take a picture ♪

[song fades]

I gotta get over my frustration at Brett,
'cause he's literally 45 minutes late.

It's just disrespectful and rude.

Just rub my head for five seconds.

It is what it is.


-You're right.

[kisses] All right.

Ooh, I'm showing some chest today.

Sure you don't want
to sit over there, baby?

[cheerful music plays]

Who wins?

You do… I don't know.

I'm sure I take this one.

You look awesome.
Especially with these things.

[laughs] Thank you.
Guess what they're called.

-I would--


-That's a good guess.



I'm calling them stringers from now on.

-[Brett] What's up, guys?
-[Tina] Hi, guys!

-Hi, guys.
-Hey, bro.

-[Jason] Good to see you.
-[Brett] What's up?

-Hi, gorgeous! This is so cute.
-Hi, gorgeous! Hi!

You too. So good to see you.

-Hi, honey.

-How are you?
-I'm great.

I'm gonna assume that Brett is
the reason that you guys are late.


["Show Me You" by Foxxi plays]

♪ I wanna hear you roar ♪

♪ Lightnin' at your fingertips ♪

♪ Let it rain, let it pour ♪

[Christine gasps] Hello!

I… I could hardly see you.

My gorgeous queen!

-Okay. How are--
-How are you?

-Look at this outfit.

-It's good to see you!
-You too.

-You dressed up so nicely for me.
-Just for you.

What are you drinking?

[chuckles] Honestly, I don't know.

-I was like, "That's pretty."
-Like a tropical vacation.

I think it has whiskey.

-[server] Can I take your order?
-[Christine] Um, that looks really good.

I'll try it. Mix it up.

-Yeah. I'll give it a try.

-When in Rome.

-I'm excited.

How did you just lift that eyebrow?


-You lifted one eyebrow.
-Did I?

I have so much Botox.
It's not even possible.

-How do you do that?
-I need to call my doctor.

-That's not supposed to happen.

Make note to doctor.

My forehead is not
as frozen as it should be.

-Time to freshen up.
-Time to f*cking freshen up.

[server] This is for you, love.

Oh, thank you so much.

Well, cheers, babe.

-So happy to see you.

You look beautiful.
I'm glad we could catch up.


[Tina] What did you guys get up to today?

We did have a lazy morning.

We did have business after that,
which was good.

-We've been so busy.
-I know.

Brett and I are actually gonna be going
down to OC a lot more.

That office is already getting busy.

I feel like we need to get
coverage in the LA office.

I mean, there's no way we can be
managing both offices full-time.

[Brett] I'm pretty busy,
so it's gonna be tough.

I need help on a listing in Beverly Hills.

It's a $10 million listing on Maple,
and I am too overwhelmed right now.

I was about to tell you
I need you on this.

Are you serious?


-Okay! Really?
-Yeah. Yeah.

Aw, that's so nice.

I've never actually
co-listed with Brett before.

I've never had a listing
over ten million, so this is a big deal,

but I do know I'm going to take
some heat as far as favoritism goes

because I'm dating Jason,

but, honestly, I stand by my numbers,
and I've worked really hard,

and this shows
that Brett really trusts me.

And I need to deliver.

[Brett] You're perfect for it.

I'll tour you
through the property in a few days.


-The house is so beautiful.
-I need you on this.

How's Chrishell?
I haven't seen her, I don't talk to her,

but when I found out they were dating,

I was like, "I knew it,"
and it all made sense to me.

When I first heard
about Jason and Chrishell,

I was a little confused by the caption.

I believe she captioned it
"The JLo effect."

But the JLo effect is when you were
dating someone prior, you took a break,

and then you dated someone again.

-It's very incestual.

I don't think so. I mean,
I heard from Jason, and then

she assumed that I knew
that she knew that I knew.

Isn't that odd she didn't tell you?

Not really.

Do you think the dynamic is gonna
change between, like, Mary and Chrishell?

This is the thing:

You're not in the office anymore
'cause you're on maternity leave,

you know, as you should be.

But I hear stuff from everybody,

and I'm like,
there's a lot of people that…

You have to understand--

…you're not friends
with anymore that you used to be.

I haven't talked to Mary
in person for over a year.

I haven't talked
to Chrishell in over a year.

So, they're just getting
worked up and spiraling.

They don't even know why they're mad.
"Guys, this is so exhausting for you."

Even Jesus rested on the seventh day.

-Wow. Okay. Yeah.
-I'm like, jeez Louise.

I feel like there's a lot there.

They think you won't give them a break,
and you feel like they won't let it go,

and I'm hearing it all, like…

I don't even know,

but whose job is it to pick up the phone
and be like, "Yo, let's talk"?

Because you're saying
they won't talk to you,

but do you wanna talk to them?

No one has the balls
to hear my side of the story.

They just go off of
what they hear from everyone else.

[tense music plays]

[Brett] Aw…

[Tina] Aw, are you guys having a moment?

That's so cute.

I'm glad I got a kiss right there,

because I might not
get a kiss in a second.

I met up with Christine the other day

about her coming back in
more full-time to the office.

[dramatic music plays]

All right. I mean,
we all knew this was coming.


-[Jason] Yeah.

Are you saying you don't want her back?


I'm sorry. It's just, she just came out

and said a bunch of terrible stuff
about our relationship.

-[Tina] Wait, what?

-Why haven't I heard about that?
-She implied--


What she said to TMZ
or something like that was,

"As soon as Chrishell
walked in the office,

we totally connected and everyone saw,
and it was so obvious."

She 100% knows better.

Exactly. She's basically accusing me
of cheating in my marriage with Jason.

-Are you kidding me?

And she knows it's untrue.
She's just stirring the pot.

It's happened to me several times,
and that's what frustrates me.

I hate fakeness.

It's so annoying.

I hear in the press, certain comments.
Because you really don't give a f*ck.

Period. That's who you are.

You speak your mind.

You say things that I hear, that I'm like,

that was an unnecessary dig.

I'm never trying to kick anyone
while they're down. That's-- Not at all.

But, like, what is your side of the story?

What is this? Like, an intervention? Like…


You and Chrishell
are never gonna be friends.

You've had your shit.

Davina… You guys are cool. Right?

No. She's just like, "Listen."

"There's a point where I can't
have these people being mad at me,

so I just go along
with whatever they say."

She'll do anything to be accepted.

These b*tches will not give me a break.

But they feel like
you won't give them a break.

-I didn't think it was a problem.
-I heard it was--

No, I will tell you about this.
Don't cut me off.

She's not been in the office for so long,

so, for her to even
give an opinion about anything

when she didn't know anything
about the relationship before,

she doesn't know anything
about the relationship now…

The girl couldn't sell a house
if her f*cking soul depended on it.

Just saying. When's the last dollar
she brought to the brokerage?

-Baby. I know.
-Just what was the date?

I don't know. I'll talk to you
about it. But this is not…

He can't think of it
because it doesn't exist.

Like, honestly,
you really should fire her.

There's no road as low as it is that
she will not take to take someone down.

I wanna see someone with
a new perspective coming into the office

and just seeing it for what it is.

No bullshit.

I think we're ready for some new blood.

[dramatic music continues]

I know how to handle
the agents in my office.

[Brett] Was this
your biggest fight right here?

Keep it down ♪

♪ Quiet now, hush your mouth ♪

♪ You know once I've found ♪

♪ You can go on and let it ou-ou-ou-out ♪

♪ And then nobody needs to hush ♪

Do you like this?


Or I'm thinking pink!

I like red.

You like red?

-Like this?

[Chelsea] Maddox is two years old.

He is such a mommy's boy.

I've been so blessed

to have been able to spend the last
two years at home with him and his sister.

I just love being a mom.

It's the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Want to pick shoes for me?


You want me to wear these shoes?

[Chelsea] Before they were born,

I had a really successful
real-estate career.

Although I know it will be a juggle,

I'm ready to jump back in
the real-estate game full-time.

[Maddox] I want them here!

-You want shoes now?

-Yeah? Okay. Say, "Papa. Where are you?"

Here I am. Oh, come here, you.
What happened? You want your boots?

-Let's go find those boots.

And what else do you want?

-Do you want a lollipop?

-[Chelsea] Okay.
-Big kiss for Mama.

-All right!
-I want my boogie.

Okay! Let's go get your boots
and your boogie.

[Chelsea] My husband Jeff
has an ad-tech company.

We've been married for almost five years.

I do believe women can truly wear
every single hat you want to wear.

I was raised by an incredibly
hands-on and successful mother,

one of the most successful
Black women in corporate America.

So, I had that role model growing up,
and I always believed that

you can be an amazing wife,
you can be an amazing mother,

you can be a boss woman in the office,

and you can find time
to take care of yourself,

and be a role model, not to just
people of color, but to everybody.

People can be, like, "Wow, she is
breaking that proverbial glass ceiling."

"I'm the king of dinos!"



-[Chelsea] Hello, family!

-Hi, Bubba. Mwah!
-What are you doing?

-Playing Dino Kingdom.
-Can I join?

-[Chelsea laughs]

-I put Melia down for a nap.

Perfect timing. [roars]

[both roar]

"Okay, okay, high five.
I want to be friends."

Hey! What dinosaur can I be?

I wanna be a T. rex.

-[Maddox] No.
-[Jeff laughs]

[Chelsea] What sound
does a zebra make, Maddox?


-[Jeff] Perfect. [hoots]

Wait, do they go… [neighs]

[Jeff] Work-wise, what's going on?
How's the market? Listings?

You wanna hear the drills?
Wanna hear the tea?

-[Jeff] I wanna hear.
-[Chelsea] Okay.

I can't wait for it.
Say, "Mama, spill the tea."

-Spill the tea.
-Spill the tea.

I had this listing appointment.

He wants to sell,

but he wants 16.9 million.

With the right staging,
the house will sell itself.

So, that's something
that I've got on the pipeline.

Then, Christine thought
that I'd be a massive,

great addition to the Oppenheim Group.

We scheduled a meeting with Jason,
whom you know.

She works for his brokerage and--

Small world. Can you say, "Small world"?

-Small world.
-Small world.

Oh my gosh. He liked my vibe,
he liked my passion and,

you know, how determined and fiery I am.

But he did say that his office
is kind of full.

He did just hire two new agents.

-[Jeff] Yeah.

And he's Westside. I mean,
obviously, your turf is Manhattan Beach.

Well, not just Manhattan Beach.

I mean, I'd be in the South Bay.

But, predominantly,

-I'd give him a new market to enter into.

-So, okay, now, question.
-[Jeff] Yes.

You know Jason.

How would you feel
about me working at the office?

Oh, 100%. Cosign. All the way.

-You would?

-[Chelsea] Okay.
-[Jeff] A lot to learn, opportunity.

I mean, I know Jason. I've known him…

He's-- He runs an amazing business.

He wants people
that can empower one another.

That's what strengthens the team,
the organization.

They're gonna love you immediately,
'cause who doesn't?

This is my opportunity to really shine.

Show these ladies and Jason

that I'm about to be

-the new B-I-T-C-H in that office.

Ain't nobody ready for your mama.

-No ready.
-Yeah. There we go.

They're not ready. My son said it best.

-They're not ready.
-They're not ready!

[both] They're not ready!

Come along for the ride ♪

I don't know why I got
a hot coffee on such a hot day.

[laughs] I… I know.

-I should get iced coffee.
-Rookie mistake. We should've got iced.

I was sitting there and debating it,
and I made the wrong decision.


I wanna talk to you
about something more serious.

The Newport Beach office
is drawing me down there now,

a couple days a week.


And Brett's out of the office
sometimes on his deals,

and also helping me down in OC.

So, I've been thinking
a lot about the idea

of making you a managing partner here,

taking on more
managerial responsibilities.

What? Seriously?


Oh my God, babe. Thank you!

-I need someone.
-I have chills right now.

Well, listen, with your experience
and my trust in you…

You've earned this opportunity,

-and I think it's appropriate.

That's so exciting!

-Like, I was not expecting that.
-Well, but listen.

The responsibility…

What's that saying from Spider-Man?

"With great power
comes great responsibility."

-That's true. I know.
-Yeah, so…

-I can handle it.
-It's true.

I think I can handle it.

Oh my God.
Super excited, um, about my promotion,

but it's a-- it's a big role.

You know, gonna be doing team meetings,
um, managing staff, uh, productivity.

And trying to navigate these girls
in the office is gonna be--

It's going to be a job,

um, trying to keep everyone calm,

but, um, I think I'm up for the challenge.

So, I'm excited.

[Jason] And, listen,
I'm not just gonna dump everything on you.

I'll be there. I have my phone--

It's a couple days a week.
I have to always be in the know.

When you're not there,
I have to know what's going on

to be able to handle it and guide people…

There'll be important questions
people have with their clients,

legal questions, contractual questions.

It's a lot. I'm not expecting you
just to grasp everything on day one,

but I think that you're ready for that.

That is so exciting.

Well, it's a win-win, because I need it,
and I think it's good in your development.

I really appreciate…
I feel like… I'm so giddy right now.

I-- I just feel, like, honored
that you would pick me.

["Go Go Girl" by VANYO
and Tina Parol plays]

[Mary] Good morning!

[Chrishell chuckles]

Hi, guys.

You look like a ray of sunshine.

Thank you! Yellow's my color, right?

-I love it.
-I keep buying everything in yellow.

-I love it. Yellow and blue, I feel like.
-[Mary] Yeah.



-[Mary] Hey, sweetie!
-[Jason] How are you?

You look like a vision.

Oh, thank you.
You always look like a vision. Hello.

-[Chrishell] Hi!
-[Emma] We have sunshine, pink Barbie.

-Gorgeous little leopard.
-[Mary] Zebra!

[Emma] I like that.

Ooh, I like the flowers.

I know. It's a nice little touch.

[Jason] Listen, Christine's gonna be
coming in today.

So, if you guys could just make it work?

[suspicious music plays]

[all] Oh… Um…

[Mary] Is Emma gonna have to move?

Can Christine sit at another seat?

I'm gonna give Christine
her seat back. Yeah.

I'll just sit on everyone's desk
for, like, 30 minutes.

[Davina & Mary] You can sit with me.

-[Emma] Do yoga poses on everyone's desk--
-Maya's not gonna be here today, right?

Yeah, maybe you can sit at Maya's desk.

I'd prefer to not be
in hair-pulling distance.

[Mary] I don't blame you.

-Just… Just a thought.

Emma, it's not that I want you
to move desks, it's just that--

No, you're doing the right thing.
She had a baby.

-She left to have a baby.
-[Emma] That's the only reason. I know.

Yeah. And you would expect the same,
to have your desk back.

I would. And I plan on having children,
so I hope I get my desk back after.

-[Jason] You'll get it back.
-Thank you. [chuckles]

Yeah, no. I'll just go to Amanza's desk.

Amanza's not gonna have a problem.

I don't think Amanza will care.
You can just move.

Well, I'm gonna get settled over there.

-See, I love it over here! And this--
-[Mary] I know…


Oh my God!

Guys, no big deal.

-My boobs just broke my dress.
-It's right here.

-What just happened?
-My boobs just popped open my dress.

[sighs] I heard the news of her coming in,
I got a little hot, you know?


I actually really like it here.

This is, like, the nice side.

I feel like an Oreo, like,
I'm a really nicely stuffed Oreo.

You're like the ones Chrishell likes,
the super thin ones?

I'm the crispy Oreo!

Wait, actually, we are like
the rainbow Oreo for real right now.

-Ooh, I like that.
-[Chrishell] That sounds good.

Chrishell, why don't you give me
a little progress report on Maple.

I haven't actually gotten to see it yet.

So I'm gonna go maybe later today,
if not tomorrow, and go check it out.

Um, so, where's this house at?

[Chrishell] Oh, it's so cute.

It's on Maple in Beverly Hills.

-So, I think it'll be--
-[Emma] I love that area.

I know. I think it'll be
a good, like, family home.

What are you bringing it on for?

Just below ten, hoping to go
into multiples and get ten or above.

-[Brett] Like that attitude.

But I kind of passed this one
onto Chrishell, so…

Chrishell only works on $10 million
listings in Beverly Hills now.

I am curious why Brett
chose Chrishell for this listing.

Um, I am happy for her, but it is really
difficult to get a $10 million listing.

I do think there's a little bit
of favoritism with her dating Jason.

I do wonder why Brett
has never given me a listing like that,

or the other ladies at the office.

-[rock music plays]

You look like a Spice Girl!

Look at this!

What's happening? You're at my desk.

[Emma] I know. A little rotation today.

She nannied my child for free,
so you can have my desk.

Thank you. Thank you.
I'll give you some empanadas.

["Showstopper" by Kali J plays]

One of these things
Is not like the other ♪

I'mma do me… ♪

-[Jason] Hey, how are you?

Hi, guys. How are you?

Good to see you.

Good to see you. Good to see you. Mwah!

Hey, girls.

-[Chrishell] Hey.
-[Christine] Hi.

[background laughter]


The first time the office has been quiet.

-Christine, you need to come more often.
-Don't get used to it.

[Amanza] Heather's bridal shower's
coming up.

-[Chrishell] You're going?
-I don't have a gift yet.

Get some lingerie. It's easy.

Go to, like, a sex shop, and just get
a bunch of fun, rippable stuff.

I made her custom,
vegan, gluten-free spring rolls,

not for-- not for her shower,
but I did offer them for her shower. Yeah.

-[Davina] Here it is.
-[Chrishell] That's so cute.

[Davina] Very Heather.

[Chrishell] Yes.
You know what it reminds me of?

What's the movie?

-Austin Powers?
-Austin Powers!

Fun fact: I was a featured extra
in Austin Powers 3.

I wanna see it!

But guess who didn't
end up getting featured?

-You? Oh shit.

Didn't you tell me
you auditioned to be a Pussycat Doll?

Yeah. It was the most
embarrassing day of my life.

-[Chrishell] Why?
-[Amanza] We all have a number.

They stand in line… "Say your name, age,
where you're from, and what you'll sing."

Everybody's, "Twenty." "Twenty."
I'm like, "Hi. I'm Amanza,

To this day, I don't like that song.

[Chrishell] That's how I feel…
So, like, there's a song, Harry Styles.

I messed up the Viennese waltz
on Dancing with the Stars.

[Amanza] You're traumatized?

So every single time it comes on,
I'm like, I have PTSD for the song…

-[Amanza] Me too.
-…for messing up.

First of all, who can do a Viennese waltz
to Harry Styles' "Adore You"?

I can.

Christine's absolutely ridiculous.

I mean, she can't even control herself
and behave like a professional.

And she comes into the office,
the whole dynamic changes.

Before Christine walks in the office,
it's like a fun carnival.

We're having a blast.

All of a sudden, she walks in,

there's a damn thunderstorm that ruined…
We can't go on the rides.

So, I was thinking that I kind of
needed a "boots on the ground" here,

someone to maybe lead a team meeting,

take some more
managerial responsibilities.

There's somebody in particular
who has proven themselves.

Oh, who?

I'll have Mary as managing partner here.

-[Chrishell] Oh damn.

[Amanza] Does that mean
that you're my boss now?

Boss babe!

I have the hottest boss ever!


Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!


[chuckling] This is awkward.

Um… Yeah, so I'm-- I'm super excited.

It was a total surprise,

like, when he told me.

If she sits at my desk, tell me.

[Mary] You might be a desk short here,
so maybe I'll test it.


How do I look, guys?

Oh, it looks good on you, girl.

[Davina] Change the settings on the chair.

Let me kick my feet up here.

-[Emma] Oh, that looks really good.
-Oh, hello!

-Do I look like a boss?
-[Amanza] You're looking real bossy.

What the f*ck?

[Amanza] You earned it, babe.

[tense music plays]

Bye! Congratulations, Mary.

[tense music continues]



I'm talkin' 'bout danger ♪

♪ Now that I got danger ♪

♪ Everywhere I am it's there, yeah ♪

♪ I can't help it that I crave danger ♪

♪ Ooh ♪