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05x05 - Do You Think We're Friends?

Posted: 04/20/24 09:49
by bunniefuu
[pop music plays]

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh ♪

-♪ Whoo! ♪
-♪ You think you got me figured out ♪

♪ You think you know what I'm all about ♪

♪ I'll give you a lot for your money ♪

♪ Got a new kinda flow ♪

♪ You won't see me comin' ♪

♪ But you're gonna see me go, go, go ♪

[Emma] Oh…

[Chrishell] Oh wow.

-[Emma] I love the floors.
-[Chrishell] I absolutely--

[Emma] I love this homey vibe.

It reminds me of Boston and, like, family.

[Chrishell] Oh, this is cute.

Right? I saw the pictures and I was like,
"I have to get Chrishell up here,"

because you know my style,
but also, too, you know good houses.

-I live down the street.

And we would be your neighbors
when I'm over with my parents.

It's always been a dream of mine
to buy my family a house.

Not everyone knows this,
but my mom grew up in…

There was a time where
they weren't able to pay their bills.

My mom was living
with her friends at the time,

and I didn't find this out
till later in life because

they wanted to protect me
and just, you know,

not have me worry about those things.

So, being able to buy my family a home
when they dealt with that

is so important to me.

I wanna spoil them and have two primaries,
walk-in closets, amazing tubs.

They showered me with love,
and they deserve the world.

-[Chrishell] What is the house price?
-[Emma] Two-nine-nine-five.

For this price point,
I think it's a no-brainer.

Now, this price point is tricky,
'cause I'm like,

"How far over ask is it gonna go?"

When do they need to move?

I'm basically asking
how aggressive you need to be.

They don't need to move.

It's more just, like,
I want them to spend more time out here.

I don't know,
I feel something special about this house.

-It definitely has a great energy.

If you like this house,
you're gonna need to move on it.

Yes. Let's go check out the upstairs.

[Chrishell] Where the action would happen.

Am I allowed to talk about
the action if it's your parents?

-[Emma] Ew!
-[both laugh]

Oh wow.


-[Chrishell] This is so cute.
-[Emma] Beautiful. It's so spacious.

I love this room.

Um, you know I'm gonna ask you,
so, don't be mad at me.

But I feel like, okay, we just talked
about your mom's… life in the primaries.

I wanna know what's going on.

I haven't talked to you
one-on-one for a minute.

'Cause I'm like,
"I'm gonna look for guys for Emma."

I just wanna know the update.

Um, obviously I'm still single.
You know what I mean?

Would you ever do online dating?

I mean, I've done, like,
the whole, like, you know, Raya thing.

Pull your phone out.
Let's look. Do you have the Raya app?

-We can swipe. I wanna help you swipe.
-Swipe. Okay.

It's so fun, like a video game.

-[Emma] I do have the app.
-Oh my gosh. I'm so excited.

-You know on Raya there's fiery people.
-No, I've never been on it.

-You haven't?
-[chuckles] No. I've heard of it,

seen screenshots that went viral.

You'll know people on there.

Remember when Ben Affleck went viral
because he, like, sent some girl…

He may or may not have been texting me.

Oh my God! He wasn't! [gasps]

You have to show me.

He may or may not have asked to grab

coffee a few times.

-I didn't know what he was asking to grab.
-No, no!

Probably would've grabbed other things.
No. But I didn't go. My mom--

-You could've foiled Bennifer.
-Right? It was right before that.

-Maybe that wouldn't have happened.
-He was on the hunt.

We have the Boston connection.

-So that was like his opening pickup line.

Can I have a peek?

I think that's like…


[reading silently]

What road…

I did-- Can I read that one?

[Emma laughs]

[laughs mischievously]

Ah, I know. I was like, casual…
I was like, "I don't know who that is."

-So he asked you out.

You-- Oh, you were very sweet and cute.
But you said no.

Okay, well, I think
it's actually very lovely, nice…

-It was very sweet. Yeah.
-…and sweet and cute.

That's not the man for you.

-So, let's keep looking.
-No, exactly.

It's hard to find
a quality guy on a dating app.

There's a lot of fuccbois
here in LA, that's for damn sure.

It is definitely like swipe, swipe, swipe.
It's like a full-blown workout.

By the time
you're searching LA for a date,

it is like you were on the damn Peloton
for three days straight.

They could be a good guy,
they could be a bad guy.

I could be on a date with,
like, Prince Charming or a sociopath.

And you never know. You have to keep
an open mind because literally,

the person could be sitting next to you.

-You could work with them.
-I know!

You're a prime example of that.

So, don't keep a, like, closed window.

Yeah, no. I met this, like, super cute
developer that's taking me to drinks.

He was, like, super handsome,
and he was so nice.

-I mean, like, cute and--

-Wait, this is exciting.

Anyways, I am in love with this house.

I may not be in love in real life,
but I'm in love with this house.

We'll get there. We'll get both.

I feel like this is
the perfect house for my parents,

and I feel like, honestly,
I should really put an offer in.

What a boss move
to get this for your parents.

-No wonder you're intimidating to guys.
-I know, right?

["Game Changer" by Shadow Island plays]

♪ I'm a dream-maker ♪

♪ I'm a rule-shaper ♪

♪ This is my stage
And I'm ready to shine ♪

♪ Open the curtain
And turn on the lights ♪

♪ This is my moment now
This is my time ♪

♪ I'm a game-changer ♪

♪ You can't deny
That I was born for this, yeah ♪

♪ Are you ready for? ♪

♪ Are you ready for? ♪

♪ Whole lot of confidence
A little more grit, yeah ♪

What's been going on, jewel?

I just booked a consultation…

-Go on. Uh-huh?
-…for my boobies.

Because of the breastfeeding,
they damn near touch my belly button.

-I know.
-Like, seriously, it's not a joke.

They were, like, my statement symbol,

and now they're just like, grandma.

I know. I could tuck mine into my belt.

-No! Stop!
-I swear.

Being around Chelsea,
I finally feel appreciated.

It's nice to be around someone
who not only gets my jokes,

but has more than three brain cells.

Girl, you're freezing. Put your jacket on.

-Ugh! I know. I'm trying to be cool.
-Your lips are trembling. [laughs]

I know, bitch. Oh my God.

f*cking speaking of icy… [groans]

-What's icy?
-My broker's open.

The tea at that party was piping hot.

I mean, for two seconds,
can we just act like normal humans?

[chuckles] That's all I'm asking for.

And then I got home and I remember going,
"Okay. That was f*cking rough."

And I looked at my phone
and I was waiting.

Nobody said anything?

My phone was f*cking drier than…

[chuckles] Than your grandma's--


And I was like, "All right. Okay."

Silence is compliance.

[sighs] I know.

And you tell me
that you're friends with Vanessa,

you're friends with Davina,
and you're friends with Maya.

Babe, I'mma be real with you.

They're not your girls. Period.

-[slow pop music plays]
-[Christine scoffs]

♪ I'm burnin' ♪

♪ I'm burnin' up ♪

♪ We want it, we want it, we want it all ♪

[song fades]

[peppy pop music plays]

♪ Yeah, this is what I'm made for ♪

♪ Ready to burn this up ♪

♪ I wanna dive in head first… ♪

-Hello, hi. Hey.

I brought you some fabric.


Roll out the red carpet for you.

-Roll it out. Let me see.
-[laughs] Just to get a little feel.

[Amanza] So, for the last four months,
I've really been working hard

on this project that
I'm designing with my friend Tanisha.

Um, the She-E-O Project.

The entire 3,000-square-foot store
is about female empowerment.

It is everything from female-owned
businesses for the retail space

to the SheIP Lounge.

The entire store is focused
around powerful women.

♪ I feel good ♪

-[Amanza] So, all this will be--
-Will be all the brands for women.

Yeah. And then all this, there's some
really cool black and white pictures

of, like, back in the day, like,
women holding signs, "Women's rights."

Being able to vote, all that.

-Yep. I got you.
-[clicks tongue]


-[Amanza] Oh, hi.

Hi, guys. How are you?

-How are you?

You guys look adorable.

-This is amazing.

-This is such a great space!

I believe Tanisha could not have
chosen a better designer,

because I'm very on my high horse
right now as a girl boss.

I'm raising two kids on my own,
I'm building a business on my own.

I feel like I'm kind of the poster child
at this point for She-E-O.

It's good to see you. Congrats.
I can't wait to see it done.

Are you gonna come back here
after your meeting?

-[Tanisha] I will. Yes.
-Then we can finish up.

-Yes. Okay, bye.

-Cool. Thanks, Tanisha.

-Ugh! So cool.

-It's exciting.
-Let us know when the opening is.

Oh, we're gonna do a big party.

We're gonna do, like, a big party.
We'll invite all the office, everybody.

Well, probably not
one person in particular.

That was interesting. Right?


I'm just over it.

That's why I didn't want to go,
I was afraid, 'cause it's her event.

I'm like…

I mean, even Davina's over her,
and they're, like, best friends.

-I don't know. It's just--
-[Mary] Yeah.

I mean, obviously, I can't tell Jason
how to run his own business.

But, I-- I mean,
I have said my point of view.

It's not a secret that, you know,
I don't think she should be there,

and I think at this point
he's getting fed up.

She's just digging her own hole. So…

Well, this store is
about women empowerment.

So we're gonna sage that conversation
right out of this atmosphere. [chuckles]

-[Chrishell] Yes.
-[Amanza] It's about girl bosses.

-[Chrishell] Yes.
-Not girl bullies.

Yeah, so…

How are you doing
with the stress of it all?

'Cause I can't imagine.

This is actually a release for me
because everything…

I-- So, two weeks ago, I had a mediation.

Ralph was supposed to, obviously, come,

and then we were supposed
to, like, talk about the custody thing

before it had to go to court.

Obviously, he didn't show up.

I mean, nobody really thought
he would at this point.

Then they gave us a court date.

It was two, three days ago
and it was so… It was simple.

The judge was like,
"So you're wanting sole legal custody

with no visitation rights
from the father because

he's been absent
for the past two years." "Yes."

He's like, "Granted."

Like, it was that quick.

It's not like
I'm celebrating it as a victory.

It was more of, you know, a necessity.

I had been doing it
on my own for two years anyway.

But it just was
the legal action that we needed

so that I could make sure
to continue to make choices solo

for my kids, their future, and…

It's bittersweet.

It just sucks for them.

Like, I mean,
every kid needs their dad around.

Yeah. Honestly, they're--
they are doing better than me.

I think, as parents,
you take on, "What are they feeling?"

"They must be feeling this,
they must be feeling that."

So much guilt about stuff
you have no control over.

[Chrishell] But you can't take
that guilt on yourselves,

because that is a grown human being

that decided not to be
a part of their kids' life.

-I can't even fathom…
-[Mary] Right.

[Chrishell] Fathom doing that.

Austin's dad, he, like, ten years later,
finds my number, calls me and he's like,

"Oh my God. Does, um… How are you?"

I'm like, "Okay. So, he's grown up.
He wants to be a part of his life."

I'm like, "Good."

He's like, "What are you up to?
What are you doing?"

-"Raising our son."
-"Just taking care of Austin."

And-- And he's like…

"Uh…" [gasps]

-He forgot he had a son?
-"Oh my God. How is that kid?"

-He's like, "Oh my God. How is that kid?"
-"That kid."

I said, "That kid is amazing."

-And, and…
-"No thanks to you."

And he's like, "Oh cool. Oh man."

And then goes back to talking about,
like, "What am I doing?" And I was like…

-Never heard from him again.
-[Amanza] Oh my God.

He's better off.
If someone has the ability to do that…

-[Amanza] That's how I feel too.
-You don't want them around your kid.

Being a single mom at 16 was not easy.
One of the hardest things I've ever done.

Austin's dad, you know,
left at a very young age.

And a child raising a child
is so difficult.

I had to put myself through college
and then work while having a baby in tow,

trying to figure out his life
when I don't have mine figured out yet.

I feel I've done something right,
'cause I've got a great kid,

but filling the role
of both mom and dad is not easy.

You guys, I don't know
how either of you do it, but I'm…

Is there, like,
a bow-down station to activate?

-Yes, we're gonna add that.
-Activate bow down. Activate bow down.

Really feeling… I'm feeling
very empowered now.

-It's the store. The She-E-O Project.
-You've got good vibes going in here.

And we're gonna have Men-Hate Group.

[all laugh]

Just a bunch of drunk,
bitter, 40-year-old women.

[energetic pop music plays]

♪ Yeah, look at me, look at me ♪

♪ I feel free, free, free! ♪

♪ Yeah, look at me, look at me ♪

♪ Feelin' so free! ♪

[Mary] Oh, this is nice.

-[Davina] Cute, right?
-[Mary] Yeah.

-I like it. Yeah.
-Really like it.

Let's see how this goes.

My client Amanda
has not been the easiest to work with.

I've been very patient with her,

but the other day she texted me that
she wanted to work with multiple agents,

which is a problem.

So, I'm going in with Mary
to see where I stand.

Thank you for coming.

Of course. Yeah.
I told you I'll help support you.

I feel supported, yeah.

-[Mary] Hi!
-[Davina] Hi.

-Hi, come on in.
-I'm Mary.

[Davina] This is Mary,
the manager at our office.

-[Mary] Nice to meet you. Amanda.
-Nice to meet you.

-Amanda. How's it going?
-It's beautiful.

Thank you so much.

["Yeah We Do It Like" plays]

♪ Rude girl with the right stuff
Do it like ♪

♪ Rude boy lookin' real tough ♪

♪ Young blood gonna step up
Do it like ♪

-♪ Do it, do it like ♪
-♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[sighs] Okay, so as you know,
I spent two years renovating this house.

I put so much into it.

And when it finished, like I told you,

I just really wanted
some time to enjoy it.

I wanted about 30 days to,
like, work here and use it as an office,

enjoy the neighborhood.
And… [sighs] …to be honest,

I felt, like, a lot of pressure
to sign this listing agreement.

I would be
a very, very happy woman at 4.2.

I'm sure you would be happy at 4.2.

I'd feel like I was selling myself short.

She's an advisor. I'm an advisor.

You got some advice.
You don't have to follow it.

You've texted me multiple times,
my boyfriend, my attorney, my assistant.

Everyone's asking me
what to do, and I'm like,

"Tell her that I'm still in my time
of trying to enjoy the house."

And it really hasn't felt great to me.

[dramatic music plays]

Okay, so I guess, from my perspective,

you told me that you wanted
to list the property with me.

I was planning photography.

I had an event
for the agents at my office,

and, you know,
I was trying to move things forward.

So, that's where I was coming from.

And I think I communicated that,

and I-- I-- I didn't appreciate
that you didn't respond at all.

Right. But I'm not
required to respond to you.

[Davina] Okay.

Go ahead.

Oh no, I mean,
I guess that's-- that's understandable.

Um, but I-- I think Davina had…

From what it sounds like,
Davina had really good intentions

trying to do a good job,
trying to get it on,

and that's, I guess, the reason I'm here,
because she came to me asking for advice

on, um, how to just get the listing,

'cause you can do a listing in advance.

Sign now,
doesn't mean you have to list it.

I just wanted my time
and space to be respected.

But I'm trying to plan the photography

'cause you wanted to go live
on MLS on August 1st.

I didn't say to go live a certain day.

I told you I wanted to sell it by October.

I get taking pictures,

but it felt like when I hadn't really felt
taken care of as a client at that time,

pressured, when you wanted pictures--

-You didn't feel taken care of?
-I really did not.

What do you feel like she didn't do?

Make a strategy for marketing and
talk to me about what we're gonna do--

But you're telling me you want, like,
"Leave me the f*ck alone for a month."

It felt like other than price and
telling me it's pretty, I did a good job,

it didn't feel like there was
much of anything I could work with.

I did so much for you
before I even got the listing.

Then you tell me to leave you alone,
then you're not taken care of.

You're not giving me a chance
'cause you're ghosting me.

There's no way to even communicate.

-I did communicate.
-[Davina] When it was too late. Yeah.

How was it too late?

You were like, "I don't want
to work with you exclusively."

That's when I was like, "I can't do that."

But just the energy of the pressure
was really, like, off-putting to me.

It didn't feel very good.

And I think had I been left alone
a little bit to enjoy my time--

August 1st is what you said.

We agreed.

Then when I left here that day,

you said, "I'll call you about
photography. Let's get that ball rolling."

I wouldn't have followed up
if you hadn't said that.

I'm not gonna message you
when you haven't given me an indication.

I think, when I deal
with difficult clients,

I just try to understand
their personality,

but it takes a special kind of agent
to be able to do that.

So, I'm trying to do my job
based on our agreement.

[Amanda] There was
no August 1st agreement.

There was "Leave me alone for 30 days,
and then we'll talk."

Okay, is there still a possibility
of Davina getting the exclusive listing?

Is there anything we can do?


I feel like with everything
that's happened, the way I felt pressure,

I'm not comfortable giving you
the exclusive rights to sell.

It's not feeling right.

[sad music plays]

Okay. Well, I wish you best of luck.

Thank you.

I came here to support Davina,
but it's just…

You have to realize,
when a client's dug in their heels,

we can't battle them
into making a decision.

It's better just to bow out
gracefully and let it go.

However, if she's losing clients,

we have to take that into consideration

when we're looking at
who's gonna stay at the brokerage.

[Davina] Maybe we'll hear
from her in the future.

[Mary] I don't think so.

[ethereal pop music plays]

[pop music plays]

♪ You're such a little heartbreaker ♪

♪ It's like I'm living in a dream… ♪

[Micah] Thank you so much
for coming to see the bar.

Of course!

This is Sagrado.

[Emma] I love it.

♪ I almost stopped believing ♪

It's gonna be
Atwater's newest mezcal bar and kitchen.

-Oo… Okay.

The vibe's gonna be a lot like Lloydcrest.

I usually don't mix
business with pleasure,

but Micah's a little bit different.

We had one or two meetings,
and I was like, "Oh my God."

Not only is he attractive
and successful and confident,

but we actually have a lot in common.

So, hopefully he'll continue to check.

I mean, basically he's just,
like, checking every damn box.

I'm like… Whoop! Whoop! [laughs]

Set up something special
in the back for us.

Oh my God. It's so nice.

-You like it?
-Wow, I love it.

Oh my goodness.

[quiet guitar music plays]

[Micah] Wanted to get everything set up

so we could enjoy
a little tasting for ourselves.

Perfect. I'm assuming
I'm one of the first people to try it?

-[Micah] The first.

[server] Hey, guys.
So, this is the Sacred Kiss.

So, you've got two ounces
of Beso Sagrado mezcal,

you've got half an ounce of lime juice,
quarter ounce of violet liqueur,

another quarter ounce
of Maraschino liqueur,

and topped off with an edible flower.

[Micah] Amazing.

-[Emma] Thank you.
-[server] Welcome.

To the Sacred Kiss.

Yes. Cheers.

[music continues]

That tastes really good.

It's fantastic.

So, the Sacred Kiss, we've named it that

because the name of the mezcal
is gonna be Beso Sagrado,

which is "sacred kiss" in Spanish.

Oh, I love that.

So, we wanted to partner with a family
that was producing it in Oaxaca.


Build a distillery and then be able
to bring it back into the US.

That's a fun place.

I'm going back and forth
for work to Boston.

You get to go to Mexico.

I love traveling. How about you?

I travel all the time.
I bring my dog everywhere with me.

The girls in the office would joke,

'cause I fly private
with just the dog a lot.

Yeah, that's the best way to go.

"You need a plane
for you and the dog?" I'm like…

-What's his or her name?


-Benny's my boyfriend.
-Benny's your boyfriend. So, you're taken.

Yes, I'm taken with Benny.
Benny is my boyfriend.

It's been going strong for four years.
So it's a pretty solid relationship.

It's good to have a solid relationship.

Right? Exactly. I mean,
honestly, for me… Oh.

-Empanadas. Emma's empanadas.
-Ooh, this is--

This is the moment.

-[server] Yeah. This is the set.
-[Emma] Yes. Wow.

-You did a very nice job with everything.
-[server] Thank you.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you. Thank you.

[Emma] So, now the pressure is on you.

This is mini beef.
So, that's kind of like a taco flavor.

This is cheeseburger,
and then that's the pizza.

So they're vegan,
but you've named them pizza, taco…

[laughs] All the things that aren't vegan.

-That's what makes vegan so fun.

-So, I would do the beef first.

I feel like…
That was the first one I created.

-I was going for that.

Look at us.
We're just connected, you know?

On the same page.


So, I'm just going to try it first.

Oh yes. By itself.


Good? You approve?

It's actually fantastic.

Thanks, "actually." What did you expect?

Do I seem like I would bring
you something that wasn't top-notch?

-You absolutely don't.

That's why you picked me for your agent.

You knew I was bringing
everything to the table.

-These are really good.
-Right? I know.

Do you know what this is?

I have a feeling that might be…

-Wanna see or no?
-I'm not super brave.

It's crickets.


So, in Oaxaca, it's like a snack.
It's everywhere.


They're flavored
in a bunch of different ways,

so let me find a good one here.

This one looks great.

[laughs] Extra juicy.

Would you like a cricket?
I don't wanna be rude.

I might hold off on the cricket,
but I will let you enjoy it.



I could hear that crunch. [giggles]

That cricket crunch.

I feel a new flavor of empanada coming on.



It wouldn't be vegan, though, would it?

-Definitely not vegan.
-Maybe just flavor.

Okay. Perfect.

-Cheers. Here's to new opportunities.

["Midnight Dream" by Calia plays]

It's smooth.

-[both chuckle]

♪ Forgot everything that I wanted ♪

♪ To do ♪


It's nice getting to know you.

There's not a lot of people that you meet
that are very good, authentic people.

Also very business-minded,


You have all of these things
that are very rare.

[laughs shyly]


["Thing of Beauty"
by Summer Kennedy plays]

Which kiss do we choose?

I feel like this one.

I feel like
we have to go with the sensual one.

Of course the most sexy one.
Cheers to the Sensual Kiss.

Cheers to the Sensual Kiss.

♪ And it never gets old ♪

♪ Welcome the new ♪

♪ A sight to behold ♪

♪ It's a thing of beauty ♪

[song ends]

[rhythmic pop music plays]

♪ I'm signin' them checks ♪

♪ I'm livin' my best ♪

♪ I'm stackin' it up, up, up ♪

♪ So hi, oh, honey, yeah ♪

♪ I want more, more, more, more ♪

♪ I want it all ♪

♪ Gimme all you got ♪

♪ Just what I'm lookin' for ♪

♪ I want more, more, more, more ♪


This is really nice. Is this staged?

Yes, they k*lled it.

So, I'm hosting
an open house at Maple today,

and it has been such a whirlwind
trying to get it ready for market.

We didn't have a lot of time,
there was a lot to do,

but it's finally ready, and I am
so excited to finally show it off.

What are you pricing it at?

Okay, so originally Brett
was saying nine-nine-nine-five, basically.


But now that it's all done,

he was like, "Oh, it looks so great.
I think we can do ten-six."

-And I was like, "Well, wait." Like--
-That's a big jump.

-Yeah, so I'm a little nervous.

I am going to go through my Rolodex
and find somebody, I hope.

I actually wanna show you
the dining room/kitchen.


-I love the exposed brick. [gasps]
-Isn't that pretty?

-[Mary] Hey, Brett.

-How are you? Good to see you.

-Oh my God, I love this house.
-Isn't it pretty?

This looks nice.
Let me talk to you about one thing.

If this house is going
to sell at or near full price,

it's gonna be today.

-Okay, no pressure.
-You understand why I'm saying that?

If this sits even for a week,
not getting full price.

-I know.
-So today is the day.

That's it. Yeah.

I have sent this out to every
single person that I've ever even,

I mean, bumped into in my life.

I really do love Brett.

He's like a brother to me,
but he can also be a huge pain in the ass.

I've never had a listing over ten million,
and I've seen it, even in a hot market,

you overprice and you'll sit there,

and then you have
to price reduce and price reduce,

and you just kind of miss that buzz

that a house has
right when it hits the market.

-Oh Jesus! Oh no.

[Brett] Oh, man. Everything was
looking so good, Chrishell.

-[Mary] Where's the paper towels?

[Mary] Are there any paper towels?

-[exclaims] No!
-I needed those. Don't use all those.

-Don't use toilet paper, it makes a mess.
-Well, we gotta use something.

I'll get paper towels.

-I can hear people.
-[Chrishell] Don't use toilet paper!

["Got the Magic" by Louis II plays]

♪ What I'm made of ♪

♪ What I'm made of… ♪


-Hello! How are you? Welcome.

♪ Now your searchin' is over… ♪

Seven baths, it's got an office, a gym,

huge, private backyard.

And there are just so many detailed
designer finishes and touches.

Six thousand square feet,
six bedroom, seven bath. Office, gym.

I know all that.

I've only said it 15 times.


-Oh hi.
-[Davina] Hi.

♪ Magic ♪

Hey, hi.

Oh my God, Brett. It's amazing.


If you have anyone in mind, let me know.

We're not expecting to be…

Hi, ladies. How are you?

-Hey. Wait.
-[Chrishell] How are you, boo?

Good to see you. Oh, you look so cute.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming.

Get a room.

-Look, do you like?
-Come here.

[Chrishell] My career
is very important to me.

I take it very seriously.

You know, I feel like Jason and I
do a good job of kind of separating

work mode to, you know,
relationship mode, because

it's one of those things,
we both get into career mode,

and we want to work and…

Sometimes you just have
to switch that switch and, you know,

get into beast mode, I like to say.

I mean, I just decided
I like to say that, but whatever.

If you have anybody
you're thinking of for this…

Brett, obviously, is putting
the pressure on me a little bit.

I wish I had someone for this.
I don't know, gotta think.

Wow, Brett.

-Oh my God. This is gorgeous.
-[Brett] Hey. What's up, guys?

[Maya] This is beautiful.

Chrishell cleaned it up for a month.

-How is it to work with Chrishell?
-We'll see if she sells it.

It's gonna sell.
I just want it at or near full price.


And when am I gonna get one of these?

-Yeah, I know.
-Good luck.

-[Vanessa] Yeah.
-In time. In time.

-You know, it takes time.

She's been here for a long time.
You just got here.

But this is what happens
when you kick ass after a few years.

-So, this should be your motivation.

-It is. Definitely. For sure.
-Okay, all right.

[peppy pop music plays]

I really, personally,
love the space we were just in.

A huge, tall ceiling.
So perfect for entertaining.

-[man] Yeah.
-But this is really nice as well.

I love all the natural light
you get as you enter.

This is gorgeous.

I mean, this is just
such a little oasis, I feel like.

Yeah. No.

But yet still in the heart
of the best, you know, 90210.

Yeah, I know. We are in the 500 block,
which is where everyone wants to be.

-Not completely sold, so let's keep going.
-Let me show you.

♪ Door is open
Come on, get in ♪

♪ Don't play unless I'm winnin' ♪

♪ Ain't stoppin'
Got no limit ♪

♪ I, I got this ♪

I love the floors. This is really
designer-done, which is awesome.

Very interested to get
my clients on call to write an offer.

-Okay, let's do this. I like this.

Let me show you a little bit more.

[song ends]

-[Jason] How are you?

[Brett] Hey, hon.

-Nice to see you again.
-Good to see you.


-Hi, how are you?
-How are you? Good to see you.

-This is fantastic. Wow.
-Glad you made it.

-[Brett] Yeah.
-What a fabulous house.

-Thank you so much.
-[Chase] Thanks, Chrishell, for the tour.

Lovely to see you. I'll get out of here.
I'll give you a call.

-Okay, we'll talk soon.
-Good to see you.

[whispers] Okay. That's very promising.

He has a really good buyer
that he thinks it's perfect for.

-All cash.
-[Chelsea] Wow, this is gorgeous.


Hi, ladies.

-[Chrishell] Glad you made it.
-Thank you for inviting me.

-[Chrishell] Of course.

-Your listing. Congratulations.
-Thank you so much.

Congratulations to you, because,
obviously, you're the boss.

[laughs] Oh, thank you.

-[Chrishell] Yeah.
-Well, I'm gonna take a peruse.

-And I'll let you guys know what I think.


-It's nice she came.

-Maybe she'll bring me a buyer.
-I hope so.

Should we go in?


[Chrishell] I'm feeling good
about the turnout today.

I'm not feeling as good
by the prospective buyer count,

but it only takes one.

Thank you, guys, for coming.
I feel like that was a hit.

-Thank you so much.
-Yes, thank you, thank you.


-It's beautiful.

-I bet on two days on the market.

[Mary] Getting used to ringing that bell.

-[Davina] Right?
-[Mary] You're very good at it.

Hi, ladies.

-[Chrishell] What'd you think?

-Oh my gosh.
-It's pretty, right?

[Chelsea] To die for. It's breathtaking.

I think I have someone
this house would be perfect for.

-I'm gonna contact them and see.

[Chrishell] That's so nice.

-Yeah, let me know.
-That's awesome.

So, what did you guys think
about my broker's open?

[awkward music plays]

Which one?

[music continues]

Caviar and couture.

-Wait, it was also hers?
-Christine's, but I helped her.

-So, our broker's open.

Oh, gotcha.

The event was beautiful.

I think the house is a little overpriced,
to be honest.

[Chelsea] But, I'm curious.

What did you guys think of,
you know, the drama that ensued

-at the broker's open?

-More importantly, what did you think?

-Because you're new to all of us.
-Honestly, I was so shocked.

When you're at a professional event,
you conduct yourself professionally,

and private matters you handle separately,

and I was like,
"Wow. Like, this is so unnecessary."

Everything started privately,
and then somehow it moved to the couch,

and we were all sitting there.

And what were we gonna do?
We were just sitting there.

Going forward, 'cause that is unfortunate…

I don't think any of us
want that to happen.

It should never happen.

So when you're having issues
with someone, it's probably best

to not go to their events
and them not to come to yours.

-Well, I don't think that--
-Unless you work it out beforehand.

No. I don't agree.

Look, there has to be a precedent set,
and that precedent should be,

"We support each other
on a business endeavor,

that's what we ladies do."

We may not like each other personally,
but we empower each other professionally.

But that's the problem.
She hasn't been doing that.

She's been trying to tear people down
instead of empower them.

But in those scenarios, take her to lunch,
go to her bloody door, talk to her there.

Yeah, none of us wanted to go.

I begged not to go. I'm sorry.
It's like, I like to keep it real.

It's too late.

Yeah, it's just one of those things.

I understand where you're coming from.

[Chelsea] I'm an independent party.

I'm not attached to Christine.
I love her. I think she's fantastic.

But I may have difference
of opinions on certain things.

I was just, like,
whatever the situation is,

do it anywhere else than work.

[Mary] Chelsea's completely right.

The events at the broker's open
were not okay.

That should never have happened
at a professional event.

And I'm glad she could recognize it.

So, in my new position as a manager,

I need to figure out
how to get everybody on a clean slate

so we can move forward
in a more positive way.

I wanna get to know you guys, and I want
to see whether you guys actually like me

or you f*cking hate me,
and am I guilty by association?

Oh my God.

"sh**t her dead."

-We would never. Guilty by association?

Okay, good.
Unless I'm actually f*cking crazy.

[all laughing]

Then that's on you, Chelsea.
That's on you.

[pop music plays]

♪ It's the right time
Never felt better ♪

♪ Ding, ding ♪

♪ I bring my best ♪

♪ Oh, success, success ♪

♪ I'm the player
With the diamonds, diamonds ♪

♪ Comin' at you like a lion, lion ♪

♪ Ding, ding ♪

♪ I bring my best ♪

♪ Oh, success, success

-Hey, Mary.

-How are you?
-Good. How are you?

-Good to see you.
-You too.

You don't have to get up.

-Oh. Hi.

Sorry, I touched your boob. [laughs]

Oh… I didn't notice.


You look nice.

You do too.

So, I just…
Being in this new manager role, it's just…

It's, um, been difficult.

And I'm trying to keep things,
you know, friendly and-- and positive.

It's been very, very difficult to do that.

And I think you know, like,

you're at the center of all of it.

I need you to recognize your behavior

and change it.

-You are the one person--
-I have changed my behavior. I have.

By putting a fake smile on
in the office, that's fine.

You need to stop the behavior
outside of the office

that is pissing people off.

Maybe my humor is
off-putting for some people--

-Because it's rude and disrespectful.
-I don't think it's rude. It's funny.

Well, stop doing it.

Because when this is our group,
and every single person

all get hurt and upset
because we don't get your jokes,

stop making jokes,
they're not coming off right.

This is why I'm sitting down
with you, because…

[sputters] …I can't continue to allow

every person in the office that's
bringing in deals and doing a good job

to be miserable and want to stay at home,
like, whenever you come in there.

-That's not okay.
-I have never once instigated a situation.

Okay, Christine.

Jason does not know this yet,

but it's been brought to my attention
from Maya and Vanessa

that you are going around
saying you don't get any listings

because you're not
f*cking your boss like Chrishell.

As your boss, I am telling you,

cut the shit.


-Tell everyone else to cut the shit too.

You are talking
about Jason giving favoritism.

The owner of your brokerage!

-This is the disrespect I'm talking about.
-Okay, let me paraphrase…

-No. I'm telling you.
-…what I said.

-As your boss… As your boss…
-Here's what I said.

-No… Don't put words in my mouth.
-Stop the bullshit.

You've said it about me,
you've said it about Chrishell.

It was a joke.
Come on, guys. It's just, like--

-Stop joking. Your jokes aren't funny.
-My jokes are hilarious.

-They're not.
-They are.

Then why does everybody
have a problem with you?

-They have no sense of humor.
-Or you're acting like a bitch.

-Okay, maybe.
-Stop acting like a bitch.

Work. That's all you have to do.

-Work. You will get listings.
-I am. I had a great listing.

And it got all f*cked up because
the girls came in and started screaming.

-I was att*cked by seven people.
-You weren't. You were called out.

No. I was absolutely att*cked,

and I was bullied,
and you know that I was.

As your job and
your new position, you know,

it's advantageous for you,
if you see a situation going on,

instead of removing yourself and saying,
"I'm out, you guys have fun,

fight each other, I don't care,"

to step up and say,
"Ladies, this is a professional event."

Everybody agrees that
it wasn't the right time and place,

but you've done so much to everybody.

It's at a boiling point.

Everyone has done things to me as well.
I just don't care.

-Give me an example.
-I don't hold grudges.

Really? You don't hold grudges?

No, I don't.

What about… You said
you and I have been superficial at best.

Christine did an interview with the press

about not being invited
to Heather's wedding,

and while playing up
her friendship with Heather,

she managed to completely
shit talk her relationship with me.

You used to say we were ride or die.
Now we're superficial.

Let me give you context.

-I feel stupid.
-The context that… No.

Someone was asking me
about Heather's wedding,

and if it hurt my feelings
that I wasn't invited.

And I said, "Yeah, absolutely."
I said, "Heather and I were really close."

I said, "I knew more about her
in five minutes than I did anyone else."

She was telling me about her family,
the things she's been through.

Then they said,
"What about Mary? You guys were close."

And I said,
"Yes, we were close, in proximity."

"However, you know,
it was more surface level."

"We hung out, we went to bars."

If that's the, uh… You are…
And it's-- it's eye-opening,

because I thought
we were actually very, very close.

And I have been hurt for a very long time.

We were close.
Absolutely, no doubt about that.

But you just said
we were superficial at best.

I didn't mean it like that.
I said, "surface level."

You don't know anything about my family?

I was drawing a comparison to Heather.

Her and I did have
a really close relationship.

-I'm not saying you and I didn't.
-That's exactly what you said.

-We were superficial.
-No, just different.

Okay, that's fine.

But I considered you
a close friend when we lived together,

and now?

Oh, superficial at best?

Okay, well, stupid me.

Mary started this whole thing by saying

she can separate
her personal feelings from her job.

Yet, here she is getting butthurt over me
saying that we're not best friends.


I mean, did you feel like
you and I are really close friends?

I used to, yeah.

Did you know today is my birthday?

[tense music plays]

Yeah, it's on my calendar.

Well, that's nice.

[music continues]

-Do you want me to throw you a party?

-I want you and I to be friends again.
-I'm just your boss at this point.

If you wanna be part of the brokerage,

then you need
to stop disrespecting the other agents.

[music ends]

And they need to stop disrespecting me.

Thank you for meeting
and hearing me out and…

And-- And I hope that you will
stay true to your word and-- and stop…

Stop doing this to everybody. Okay?

-Good seeing you.
-You too.


["Hold You" by Dita plays]

♪ You're not alone ♪

[fork clinks]

♪ I will carry you ♪

♪ I will lift you up ♪

♪ I will be the light that's guiding you ♪

♪ That shines for you ♪

♪ I will hold you ♪