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05x06 - Step Up or Step Out

Posted: 04/20/24 09:49
by bunniefuu
["Watch Me Go" by Hot Kicks plays]

♪ Put 'em up, get a look
'Cause we wanna fly ♪

♪ If you need a little somethin'
Tell me what you like ♪

♪ Yeah, 'cause I'm a bad bitch
And I got the high ♪

♪ Watch me go! ♪

♪ Unbreakable ♪

♪ So feel the flow ♪

♪ I'm unstoppable ♪

[song ends]

[Vanessa] I have never had
a tattoo in my life.

Oh, me neither.

But I always said that,
"Oh, when I meet the love of my life,

-I'm gonna put a tattoo on my…"
-Ooh, wow.

[laughs] I don't know,
my wrist or my finger.

Brett's girlfriend got his name
tattooed on her finger, you know?

[Emma] Oh! Yeah, I saw that.
It says "Brett" on her--

[Davina] It says "Brett"
on her ring finger.

I was like,
"Brett, time for you to step it up."

[Emma] Put something else
on that finger, Brett.

I know. Where's that ring?

[Emma] My ex
got my name tattooed on his arm.

[Davina] Really?

-He got it covered, but-- [laughs]
-[Vanessa] Yeah?

He's married with somebody else, so…

But my name is on there, "Emily."
On his arm.

I just want something
feminine and-- and not that big.

[Emma] You're not gonna get
a full sleeve with his face?

Yeah, she's getting the full, like…

[all laugh]

-[Emma] Uh… Oh hi!

On Franklin?

-[Jason] Yeah. And he…
-[Mary] Okay.

[Jason continues indistinctly]

Perfect, all right.

Thanks. Uh-huh. Bye.

-[phone beeps]
-[Davina] Hi, Mary!

-[Vanessa] Hi!

-Hello! Pretty in pink! Elle Woods! Hello!
-[Vanessa] Hello, pretty girl!

I know, kinda is Elle Woods, isn't it?

We were all gossiping and talking,
then you came in, and we were like…

-Like, we didn't even mean to be!
-[laughs] I'm not that mean.

[Emma] No! We were like… I'm telling you.

We must like you as a boss,

'cause clearly we like
to pay attention when you're here.

-So sweet.
-We're all trying to be the teacher's pet.

[Mary] So Jason just called.
He just got a new listing on Franklin.

Great, great Hills property,

epic views, and it's gonna be priced
at just under 4.7.

[Davina] Good price.

-[Emma] Wow, right?
-[Vanessa] Yes.

Yeah, so, we all need
to contact all of our clients,

get them in there right away.

This one's gonna go fast.

-[Vanessa] Amazing. Yes.
-Wow. Yeah, for sure.

Jason's been in OC a lot lately,

and he's depending on me
to keep all the agents working hard,

motivated, and productive.

It all falls on me
if they're not doing it.

It's a lot of pressure.

Ooh, boom. I just closed
on a house in Mount Olympus.

-[Davina] Congrats.


Wait, is this the house in Mount Olympus
that was in multiples?

-Wait, that's the house I put an offer in.

I was buying it for my family.
You're the one that got it?

-[Davina] Oh…
-[Vanessa] Oh…

[Mary] I'm sorry.
I'm not sorry, but I'm a little sorry.

What did you put the offer in for?
I did 3-1, no contingencies, all cash.


-We had to remove all contingencies.

I had to do it for my clients.
It was nothing personal.

-[Mary laughs]

This was the house I thought
my family was going to be in,

so it's a little bittersweet.

Even though I'm so happy for Mary,

but I would love to have
my family out here sooner.

What do you guys have going on now?
Can you give me an update? Emma?

Hello. Um… [laughs]

So, um, I have Nightingale
still up, uh, 8-9-9-5.

So, just under nine million.

My client, Jamie, wants to do the remodel.

He wants to put an offer in.

So, hopefully that works out
and the offer is accepted.

I have a client
we're about to list on Lloydcrest.

He's finishing the development,
around 20 million.

[Mary] Oh cool.

[Emma] That would be cool.

Like, the last house that he did,
he sold to Brooklyn Beckham

and then his fiancée.

-Wow, fancy.
-So, he's very talented, and cute.

-[chuckles] It's ready to go.
-Yeah, I wanna come see that one.

And then, um, I have a house
coming up on Macapa.

That-- It will be two-five.

So, another really great price point,
and it's so dope.

-[Emma] You'll fall in love with it.

You are on fire.

Give everybody some tips
'cause you know what you're doing.

Well, how's everything with you, Davina?

[Davina] Uh, right now,

I'm gonna be honest,
things are a little slow.

I'm definitely hustling
as much as possible.

This is truly what's happening.

I don't think it's an issue with me.
There aren't as many listings out there.

You need to figure it out.

It is frustrating when Mary is kind of
comparing everyone in the office,

when real estate ebbs and flows.

I have 15 years of experience.

I know what I'm doing,
and she needs to just chill out.


-Um… So, I'm working on the…

-Granito, yeah.
-[Mary] Okay.

[Vanessa] I tried
to make it look even better,

but it's not having the movement
that I thought it would have.

So, I don't know if there's any help
that you can give me, uh…

Yeah, 'cause this-- this is important.

This is Jason and Brett's father's house,
and there's no room for errors on this.

Start working with Amanza.
Have her help you stage it.

We need to market the crap out of it.

That thing should be sold already.


I mean, after hearing Emma's,
try to step it up a little bit,

'cause it kind of seems your listings
and buyers right now are a little light.

Try to hustle, okay?

[pop music plays]

♪ Lookin' right like it's time to fight ♪

♪ I am dangerous ♪

[song ends]

["Get on My Level"
by Vanacore Music plays]

[engine revs]

♪ Hot girl, hot dress, hot summer date ♪

♪ So hot make the competition run away ♪

♪ Jump on in and let's cruise ♪

♪ You know you want
To get on my level ♪


-Hi, darling.
-How are you?

-You look fantastic.
-So do you.

[both] Mwah! Mwah!

You look adorable.

-Know who you look like with that hair?

-Elizabeth Holmes.
-I love that.

I love the scammer vibes for me.

It works. It's really giving me…
"Oh my gosh. I'm scared now."

I was going for, like, running for office,
Ivanka Trump kind of vibes.

-Yeah, nailed it.
-Nailed it. Thanks.

-Half Ivanka Trump, half scammer. Perfect.
-Love it!

-I love that for myself.
-So how was your birthday?

Aw. Uh, my birthday was good.
I didn't do anything.

I just ordered Pizza Hut, actually.

-And sat at home.

What did hubby get you?

Like, "I'll take you shopping."

And I was like,
"I don't have time for that." So…

How old did you turn?

-Thirty-three. Yeah.

-How've you been? Work and stuff?
-Good, good.

Just busy with work,
and I caught up with Mary the other day.

-Yeah. So, that was interesting.

-What happened?
-So, her and I, uh, met at a cafe and…

[awkward music plays]


[music continues]

I put, you know, the face-lift tape?

I didn't know you did--

-I thought you looked different.

My makeup artist has these little things.

You're supposed to Bella Hadid
the shit out your face,

but it didn't work, it fell.

-Am I crooked?
-Relax your face for a second.

Oh my God.


No, I'm just kidding.

Um… [scoffs] The things we do, I swear.

-[sighs] But anyways, so--
-Beauty is pain.

So, my conversation with Mary was just…

[sighs] Um…

There was a lot of tension
between us, you know, and…

So, it's unfortunate she read something
that hurt her feelings in an article and--

-What did she read?
-She read-- she read something…

Well, saying Mary and I
were, like-- weren't that close.

People are getting
these little clips and bits of the story.

But, you know, in reality,

I was unfolding a tale
and telling a story about another person.



You know, it was hard, you know.

She was, you know,

talking about a lot of the stuff
that I've done to other people.

You know, and she said, "You've said
about Jason and Chrishell," you know?

What did you say about them?

So, I was wondering
why I wasn't getting listings for a while.

Then I said, "Oh yeah,
it's 'cause I'm not f*cking my boss."

-That's hilarious, and you're welcome.
-It was a joke.

She's like, "You can't say these things,
they hurt people's feelings."

I'm like, "Oh my God."

Mary's blowing this way out of proportion.

At the end of the day,
I was making a self-deprecating joke,

making fun of myself,

so, I don't know
why she's getting so worked up about this.

I mean, it's silly.

But then again,
she dated the boss too, so…

Ah, that's why she's mad about it. Yeah.

I get it. Yeah.

Well, Mary is just butthurt

about, you know,
things that I've said about Chrishell.

It's 'cause they shared dipstick though.


-That's right. They did, didn't they?
-This is why I get in trouble. See?

-Yeah, but you're stating facts. Um…
-Sorry not sorry.

I don't know. So, it's just, like,
these are funny, throwaway comments.

Mary's like, "They hurt people."

I'm like, "You guys are 50 years old.
Get over it."

'Cause then, you know,
Mary is protecting her friends.

You… Like…

Like, looking at you, I feel like I see
a sadness in your eyes. Like, I see, like…

You're kind of over this.

-You're tired.
-It's just the Botox, girl.


Maybe it made my eyes sag. [laughs]

-It's just the f*cking Botox.
-So you're not sad?

This doesn't make you sad?
It doesn't really affect you?

-Doesn't really affect me.

Did she say anything about me?

No, we were stuck on other things.

Well, you know that I kind of
gotta play the game right now,

'cause I wanna be in the office.

I wanna support you. You're my girl.

I want us to have, like, that unity

so you're not feeling like
you're alone in the office.

But at the same time,
I have to prove myself.

Other than just being Christine's friend,

I have to show that I'm about my business,
and real estate's first,

and the drama, I'm not for.

So, I'm thinking of going to look at
some of Jason's listings with my client,

and, hopefully, one of them
would be perfect for him.

I think that's a great idea.

So, now Mary is like the new principal,
do I have to impress her too?

Yeah, I feel like you do.

So I've really got my work
cut out for me, don't I?

-You really do.
-I have to impress Jason and Mary

and all of these ladies in the office,

and I'm coming in with you,
whom they frickin' hate.


I appreciate Christine opening the doors
for me, but listen, I'm not an idiot.

If Christine's a sinking ship,

I'm not gonna sink with her,
'cause these float, so I'm good.

I wish everyone would just stop
being so obsessed with me.

They're just so petty and--

We just got a bunch
of Sensitive Sallys, then.

A bunch of Sensitive Sallys,
and it's like kindergarten.

So many misunderstandings.

I know.

[pop music plays]

♪ I'm ready for the green light, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go! ♪

♪ Green light, go ♪

♪ You can be anybody
Dressed up and painted gold ♪

♪ We don't do carbon copies
We feel it in our bones ♪

♪ Just imagine it
Close your eyes ♪


The measurement between
here and here and over there to the wall,

it's different.

Romain's working on
these amazing penthouses for Jason.

It's this big project,
and he's been really stressed,

because it's time for inspections.

I wanna just say hi,
try to calm him down just a little bit,

and see my husband
because we never get to see each other.

Hey, baby, are you okay?


-No. [kisses]

-It looks--
-How are you?

Good. I just wanna come say hi.
I was on my way home.

This looks good.

So show me, what is the whole setup?

So, here's gonna be the main bedroom.

["Oh Wow!" by ZBRAS plays]

-[Mary] Where's the kitchen gonna be?
-Here's all the cabinet and everything.

-This is all the living room over here?
-[Romain] Yes. Correct.

I like it.

♪ Oh wow, this city's ours
We paint it gold ♪

[Mary] These views are so good.

Yeah, you can see
almost the ocean when it's clear.

[Mary] Wow.

I can't wait to see it when it's done.
It's gonna be so nice.

-Well, it's gonna take a little time.
-How long, do you think?

Probably six months.

Six more months?

[Romain] Yeah.

So, how was my tour? Did you like it?

-What, your home tour?
-[chuckles] Yes.

Um… [laughs] You're learnin'.

-[Romain] I know.
-[Mary] I'm proud.

-I love you. I miss you.

You look so pretty.

Oh! Thank you. You kissed right in my ear.

-That was loud. [laughs]

Well, with the promotion,
I-- I just started realizing, like,

what is gonna have to be put off

so that I can concentrate
on all the new responsibilities,

and a big one is, um,

embryo freezing.

I know, but I have to do all the hormones,

and I feel like I need to be
on my A-game and not hormonal

when I'm the one that's supposed
to be keeping the peace, you know?


I'm gonna, like, be all agitated
and-- and flip out on Christine.

-And that's not very boss-like, so…

The hormones definitely scare me.

And… And I don't know if I want
to have another baby right now.

I've been a mom since I was 16,

and I'm finally able to focus

And it scares me to take a step back.

Did you ask Jason to try
to cover for a little bit more or so…

Well, no. That's my job.
I took on the job. It's my responsibility.

I know, but we can try
to ask them and figure out something.

Well, I'm gonna lose the promotion,
because that's my job.

He's your best friend.

I mean, I don't know why I'm the one
that has to lose my promotion--

I'm not asking you to lose your promotion.

I-- Like, I have to keep work and
my friendship with Jason separate.

So, when Romain said, "Just ask Jason
for time off. He'll understand,"

it doesn't work like that.

What's your solution?

If she… [sighs]

I don't know.

Uh… I don't really think
you're understanding, though,

the whole thing about this is my job.

-They gave me the job.
-You don't want--

So I either--
So I either give up the promotion

or I do this for a ba… Uh, I mean, okay.

-There you go.
-I'll see you at home.

-["Sabotage" by Emma Kern plays]
-♪ I always sabotage myself ♪

♪ This is always my fault
And no one else ♪

["Get Up" by Maggie Szabo plays]

♪ I'm comin' at you with a heart of gold ♪

♪ That precious glow is all me ♪

♪ Get up, get up now
Get on my feet… ♪

-Well, hello.
-[Emma] Hi!

-Wow. Lady in blue.

-[Mary] I know. I love your hair!

Where do I sit?
Like, I never know where to sit anymore.

Yeah, right?

Mary, I'm not used to seeing you there.

I don't know if Jason's coming in today.

-I'll sit here, I guess.
-Emma, I love your suit.

-Thank you.
-So nice.

-Blue vibes.
-I love it.

I'm dying to find Emma, like, a nice guy.

-[Mary] You looking?

Keyword, "nice." I mean…

I am so weird, I think,

because I'm like,
"Oh, my ex is a really--"

"He's great…" I'm like…

[Emma] That's good, though!

-But was he nice? Was he good?
-[Mary] Super nice.

He is a, um, OBGYN.

Um, specializes, like, in…

In vaginas. Specializes in vaginas.

-Specializes in vaginas.
-[Mary] But--

[Maya] "I'll be a specialist--"

-[Emma] He sees vaginas all day long.
-Yeah. He's an expert.

[Emma] He actually sounds like my ex.

[Mary] If he finds out…
Well, he probably will.

I got here at the right time.
What are you guys talking about?

Mary used to date a doctor,
but she said he's OBGYN.

Wait, was he actually ever
your OBGYN before you dated him?

-I could not go to a cute gyno.

-[Maya] Really?
-No. That would be so weird.

[Mary] Yeah. I like females better now.

What's up, ladies?

-Oh, hello.
-Hey, Brett.

[Brett] Fifth-best looking person
in this office right now.

[Emma] Oh…

-[Chrishell] Aw, that's nice.
-That was sweet.

-It's also a fact.
-[Chrishell] You're in a good mood.

-Yeah, I am.
-[Chrishell] This is great.

-I actually have some good news for you.
-[Brett] Good.

So, we got a backup offer on Maple,

which is actually
$100,000 over what we're in escrow on.

-A hundred thousand over full price?
-[Chrishell] Yeah.

And we also got inspections back.

-There are some things on there.
-Mold and termites? I'm kidding.

Nothing major. They're asking
$100,000 credit for repairs,

which I know is just them
asking for the world.

So, we have a full-price offer on Maple,
which is amazing.

But you put inspections through a home,

things come back, you know,
definitely need to be addressed.

The buyer that I have now,
full-price offer,

they want a credit for whatever
needs to be fixed on the home,

which is very normal.

I get it, $100,000 was too much.

I was thinking, you know,
somewhere around 40 might be reasonable,

because it's a little…

You know, kind of meets in the middle.

This is a $10.6 million house.

$40,000 in the grand scheme of things,
I know it sounds like a lot,

and then that way,
if something falls through,

then we have the backup.

That's what I was thinking.

Ordinarily, I would agree with you,

but that backup offer…
I would give them zero.

Brett, I can't give them zero.

Are you serious?
I'm not gonna give them zero.

Tell them we have
a backup offer better than theirs,

and we're giving them zero.

[Maya] That's aggressive, Brett.

-[Chrishell] Well…
-[Brett] They'll take it.

Okay, we were aggressive on the price,
and I listened to you, and you were right,

but I feel like now is not the time to be…

'Cause at the end of the day,
let's get this done and make it easy.

Now's exactly the time,
when you have a backup offer that strong.

Now's the time.

What if the backup offer backs out,
and then you just stay with nothing?

Didn't you tell me you think
it's a strong backup offer?

-It is. I've looked through it…
-So then let's offer them zero.

…they want the house really badly,
both of them do.

These things happen.

What if they're out
still looking for other houses?

My priority is my client, not you.

Brett, you have to be
a little more reasonable than that.

It's my client's money. Zero dollars.

This is the most frustrating debate.

What if, you know,
we do this and we lose the offer,

and then the backup offer falls through?

It's just not a position I wanna be in.

So, my work relationship
with Brett is love-hate,

because I obviously love him,

but sometimes I really hate, you know,
having to work things out with him,

because it's always his way or no way.

So, there is no compromise ever.

[Mary] I think Brett's being
a bit, like, firm,

but I tend to agree with him.

It's like, if there's a market,
like, where you can do this,

and you have that backup…

I mean, if there's a time to do it,
you-- you can do it now.

If you didn't get a higher backup,
I'd agree with you, maybe $30 or $40,000.

But don't tell me you brought a backup,
two people that want this house

at full price or higher,

and then ask me
to ask my clients to give a credit.

Not gonna happen. Zero dollars.

[tense music plays]

Didn't you bring me onto this
so that I could help in these instances?

Because otherwise, what am I here for
if you're not gonna listen to my--

You're here because
you just brought in two great offers.

You don't put in the work
and get the offers that you did

and not use it to your maximum advantage.

[music continues]

Tell them that you have
a backup offer that's stronger

and if they want it, they pay full price.
They get zero credit.

Pick and choose your battles,
know when to be aggressive.

I'm not always a d*ck.
Just right now I am.

You are being unreasonable.

I am making your job harder,
that doesn't bother me,

and I don't think I'm unreasonable.

I wish my brother was here,
and it wasn't just me on all of you,

because he'd probably agree with me.

You're crazy.

Good talk.

[music fades]

Good talk. [scoffs]

[rhythmic pop music plays]

♪ Ya, now how you doin'?
What, you readin' my mind? ♪

♪ And you keep on gettin' better at it
Every time… ♪

-[Vanessa] Okay.
-[Amanza] Come on, Vanessa.

[Vanessa] Let's do it.

Wow. Okay.

I always choose
the worst outfits to move furniture in.

Probably the shortest skirt--

I'm boiling, of course,
because of this weather, but yeah.

Fashion over function.

♪ What I want is what you got ♪

♪ I been wishin', I been lookin' ♪

♪ I been waitin' all this time
Ay, ay, ay, ay ♪

[Amanza] Um…

Let's move this LA thing…

-…the black LA next to the fireplace.

[Vanessa] I hope Amanza's staging is gonna
bring the magic to get this house sold.

Even though I have been putting
a lot of work into the Granito property,

uh, it hasn't had the results that
we obviously expected it would have.

Absolutely brings a lot of pressure to me,

'cause it makes me
question myself about real estate.

-Oh my God.

Oh my God.
I think I need to work out more.

-That's kinda cool.

-Why is everything so heavy?
-Okay. This is not from Ikea.

[Vanessa laughs] Oh no!

Ay… Are you okay?

I'm okay, but I'm afraid to look.

-Watch your toe.
-[Vanessa] It's so heavy.

-No, that's good.

-Oh thank God. This is about a $600 stool.

-Yeah, for real.

We should move this furniture
so we can put the rug in.


It's definitely not as glamorous
as it just looks from the outside

to work at the Oppenheim Group.

Expectations are high,
you have to prove yourself,

and Granito is a very important listing.

It's Jason and Brett's dad's house.

And so now Vanessa has
that little bit of an added stress.

[Amanza groans]

Okay, Jesus. We're going to put
all the gray in the one room.

-Like a little family.

I think Vanessa just needs
to trust the process

and let me help her with the staging,

and it'll sell.

-Jesus, everything's so heavy. Okay.

I'll just sit down.


-Can we just--

-Let's talk about it for a second.

-Have a seat. Let's talk about it.
-Let's bring that.

I think less is more
when it comes to staging.

You can probably put stuff in the garage
that's not going to be needed.

I'm super happy that, um…
put me in this project with you,

because I feel extra pressure
to do things impeccable. So…

Plus you're new, so you're just getting
in the groove of learning all of this too.

I get the same feeling sometimes.

I'm kind of in the same boat as you,

and-- and I've been here
for 21 years, you know?

So just know, like, you're not alone.

[chuckles] I totally feel you.

I also feel a little disconnected
from a lot of things right now.

I'm in a long-distance relationship
with my boyfriend.

We live in separate countries
because of work.

And sometimes, it's very hard.

It'd be great
if you could start traveling with me.

With all the work
that I have on top of me,

I cannot travel right now.

I don't want to be away from you.
I promise you that.

Yeah, def--
That's gonna be emotional. I mean…

[Vanessa] Our relationship is so magical

that our love is getting stronger
and stronger and deeper and deeper,

and that obviously makes it
harder to be apart. So…

Maybe the real estate market
in Los Angeles is not meant for me.

You know? Like, I don't know.

-I just… Yeah, I feel weird.

I just feel weird.

I don't know
if it's also because I miss my sister

and doing things like this
reminds me a lot of her.

Yeah. Of course, I mean,
of course that's gonna be emotional.

You kind of remind me of her sometimes.

Really? She must have been so awesome.

-[laughs] She was. Exactly.
-[chuckles] I'm kidding.

So, instead--
Try, instead of being hard on yourself,

be so proud that you are
able to make it happen.

-Yeah. Sometimes it's so hard, Amanza.
-Yeah. Aw.

-Sometimes it's hard to…
-Heavy chair. [laughs]

Babe, you're doing so much.

I mean, I'm gonna be honest,
when you came into the office

and they're like, "There's a new girl,"
I was the new real-estate agent.

And then you came in, like,
"I have a $5 million listing," I was like,

"Oh shit. I gotta step up my game."
You're doing awesome.

[sniffles] Thank you, sweetie.
It means a lot to me.

You're awesome.

Oh, yes, thank you.

[both mumbling]

-Thank you, my love. Okay.
-No crying.

No, no crying. So…

We'll bring the orange chairs up here
and put the gray ones down there.

Okay, let's do it.

[aggressive pop music plays]

[Davina] I feel like the pressure's on
with Mary for me.

I mean, I could sell
and close something tomorrow,

but if not, I'm kind of screwed.

♪ Steady, I'm the baddest
Wishin' you could have this ♪

♪ But you can't get too close inside… ♪

Adnan is a real-estate developer,
and he is a very good client.

The last time that I saw him
was at his $75 million listing.

I think we can go 70, maybe--

Honey, I don't like
you negotiating with me.

You should be negotiating
with the clients, not me.

-Absolutely. Yes, sir.
-You should be getting the best price.

So, it was a tricky listing.

I got no support from Jason at the time,
which didn't help at all.

And I think Adnan was also
really disappointed that it wasn't sold.


At the end of the day,
I did do my best for Adnan,

and I think he does have respect for that.

So, I'm meeting with Adnan today
to see if we can maybe work together

on a different property
that's priced to sell,

but fingers crossed.

♪ Don't think you're gonna run
Past me now ♪

♪ I been workin' too hard
For this moment ♪

♪ It's all right
If you think I'm too proud ♪

♪ I got the first-class ticket on my own ♪

-[Davina] Hello.
-How are you?

-Good. Nice to see you.
-Welcome. Nice to see you.

-[Adnan] Hello.
-[Davina] Hello.

Nice to see you.

Thanks for, uh, making time.


-[Begum] Thanks for coming. Welcome.

Uh, thank you for meeting me today.
I appreciate it.

Um… And I know it didn't work out
with this property,

um, but please know that
I'm always pitching it.

I'm always mentioning it.
Still looking for people.

I'm here to see if there's something else
we might be able to work together on.

[awkward music plays]


So, you're asking for third chance?

[Davina] I'm asking
for a third chance because,

no disrespect to you,

but it was a little bit overpriced
for the area based on the comps.

And three-month listing agreements,
off-market, was very limited exposure.

I didn't have support from Jason,
and that was very tough, you know?

'Cause it was like me against…
I felt like everyone at the office…

Because everyone said,
"The price is too much."

And I said, "Well, I gotta try, right?
And have you seen the place?"

It's hard when the agents don't believe,
because they don't pitch to their clients.

It has to be a hands-on project
that everybody will support…

-[Davina] Exactly.
-…each other.

-Yeah, but at the end, you didn't perform.

Twice. And now you want me
to give another property to you?

I do feel that there was a lot of factors
that contributed to that outcome,

and I know that I'm capable
of bringing you business.

I know you said
there are other properties,

I know you have
a ton of real estate in Beverly Hills, so,

uh, here I am.

I mean, openly said,
she loves you, she likes you very much,

and she wanted
to give you the third chance.

Great personality, all good.

Yeah. I mean, yeah. Definitely, we have.

I mean, one of the latest
construction just finished.

[Davina] Wonderful.

-[Davina] What's the price point?

It's, again, a 15,000-square-foot home.

And because we have seen,

looks like the bigger ones
are a little out of your league.

So, maybe this time,
we will try a smaller project.

[Davina] Adnan is not the easiest client,

but I always treat clients
with maximum respect,

and I don't wanna overstep my boundaries,
but I do have to hold my ground a bit

because he's also testing his boundaries.

So it's a little bit of a dance
with the guy. You know?

We have another property on Shadow Hill.

[Begum] It's a one-story house
with a pool from the room.

-[Davina] That's nice. Yeah.
-[Begum] Very nice.

But that's for lease, not for sale.


So, the maximum what I can give you
for the last time, is that.

Eh, if you cannot even lease out
a property with a really nice price

on a great, high-prestigious street,
then, what else to talk?

Mm-hmm. I'm gonna find somebody for sure.

In this environment, it should fly.

[Davina] I agree with you.

I will make this happen.

-Make a deal this time.

-Last chance. Last chance.
-Thank you.

["Never Seen This" by Zombi Knves plays]

♪ Attention, everyone ♪

♪ The show's just begun ♪

♪ I'mma abracadabra your body ♪

♪ Like a magician ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ I'll be the rhythm to your drum ♪

♪ Don't make me show ass in this place ♪

-[server] Exciting.
-Thank you so much.

-[server] You're so welcome.
-That is fabulous.

-[server] Enjoy.
-Oh my goodness.

What kind of oysters do we have?

[server] Uh, we have
East Coast and West Coast.

Delicious. We'll get to that in a second.
Really quickly, so talking points.

-Are you and Jason gonna chomp it up--
-This isn't about me. I'm your arm piece.

-Here to make you look good. That's it.
-Okay, good.

I want to sell ten million, 20 million,

even $50 million houses,
because I know I can.

The O Group's like a family.

They are so exclusive about who they
not only choose to let in the O Group,

but who they spend time with.

I need them to get to know me for me

and trust that I am going to be an asset
to the brokerage and to their lives.

I think there's a missing ingredient,
and it sounds like you're it.

You would say that.
You're my bloody husband.

That's just the reality.

No matter what situation it is,
that's the case.

So when I say schmooze…

-It's happening.
-…so I can't lose…

-It's game time.
-Yeah. Yeah.

All right.

Oh my God.

-What's up, bud?

-[Jason] Hi, honey.
-Hi, love.

-[Jason] Good to see you.
-How are you? Mwah!

How are you, bud?

[Jeffrey] Oh my gosh.
A blast from the past.

Good to see you. It's been a bit, man.

You already eating without me?

We had to get started.

-Ooh, seafood tower. All right.
-[Jeffrey] Yes, sir. Dive in.

I knew you'd dress nice,
so I had to step it up.

-Bro, it's been a few years.
-My gosh.

It's been a few. Seems like it's been--

Does he look the same?
Has he gotten better-looking?

You get more handsome.

-I was gonna say the same.
-He does, doesn't he?

-I get older. Look at these eyes.
-[Jeffrey] No, just stop.

-You look great.
-You look exactly--

I'm a guy, it doesn't matter.

-[Jason] Hey, hon.

Hi, honey.

-[Jason] How are you, babe? Mwah!

-[Mary] You look beautiful.
-[Chelsea] Thank you.

-Good to see you again.
-[Mary] You too.

Thank you.

Oh, yeah. Babe, you're gonna like…
Well, I shouldn't say "babe."

-[Mary] What's wrong with it?
-You'll like that.

-I will? Is it super spicy?
-Yeah. Yup.

So, what is it--
Okay, what is it with the super spicy?

What is that?

-We just like--
-We just like spice.

If your nose starts running
and your throat's burning, it's like…

-[Jeffrey] Not spicy enough.

-[Chelsea] So do you like spicy food?

-Oh wow. Okay, great. I--
-So I say "k*ll-me" spicy.

-[Chelsea] Are you kidding?
-It's never spicy enough.

-Here, try this, try this.
-I'm like, "Is there anything in that?"

By the way,
cheers to us all getting together.

Seriously, this is wonderful.

-Thanks for joining us.
-[Jeffrey] A long-awaited reunion.

So, I know we met in, like, a tornado.

So, I really wanted
this opportunity to, like…

-You know…

So you can get to know me
a little bit in a better setting.

I wanted that because I'm like,
"That's not fair to throw you into that."

And unfortunately, that was like…

It was a tornado.

It's not like that in any situation
unless Christine's involved.

I'm really not about drama in the office.

-It tends to leak out outside the office.

I lose my shit.

The most important thing
at the Oppenheim Group is ethics.

Everything by the book.

To be quite honest, nothing upsets me

unless someone purposely
does something they shouldn't do.

When she's involved,
there's a lot of drama that happens,

and there's reasons for it,
and we can explain later, but--

No, I don't even want…

-I don't like to unpack--
-Christine's a big personality.

I've had such a wonderful
relationship with Christine.

You know, I can make my own decisions
with regards to relationships.

So, uh, I'm really excited
to kind of have more intimate,

one-on-one time with everybody…

-…and get to know people of my own accord

and go from there.

Ultimately, I just want Jason and Mary
to know that I am not for the drama.

I'm all about my business.

I think that'd be good.

You seem like a super direct,
wear everything on your chest…

-[Jason] I like that.

-I really like that.
-I do too.

More importantly,

I really want to join the O Group.

I have the tenacity, and I want to work.

I like to live a lavish lifestyle.
I just do.

I'm not going to suffer in this life ever.

So, I have to work hard.

I actually respect that so much.
He does-- I know he does.

I have some exciting deals
brewing in Manhattan Beach,

but I don't just wanna work
in South Bay, Manhattan Beach.

I want to start picking out
my network in the Hills.

I saw that you have a listing on Franklin.

-The one that we just put on?
-[Chelsea] Yeah.

"Expansive, panoramic views
from every point of the house,

including the bar."

Are you reading the description
I put online? That's how it sounds.

And I think I have someone
that may be interested.

-Oh, as a buyer?

Yes, someone that may be interested.

It's actually one of
my international clients from London.

This is what I love hearing.
You sell Franklin, you're definitely in.

So, if my client buys Franklin,

I get a desk at the Oppenheim Group.

Did I hear that correctly?

That's a deal.

-Let's do it.
-[Jason] Deal.

-All right. That'd be impressive.
-[Jeffrey] I bear witness.

You can do that?

I'm going to sell.
I'm coming for everybody's business.

I'll make it happen.

Well, if you come in,
someone else has to go.

Let's chop the waste. Okay?

Onto bigger and better things.



If you wanna be at the O Group,
you've gotta produce,

and there are a couple agents that
aren't really pulling their own weight.

At the end of the day,
it's up to Jason who comes and goes.

But… [sighs]

…I think we all know who should go.

-[Chelsea] Cheers to that.
-[Jeffrey] Cheers.

Cutting b*tches left, right and center.
All right.

["Ready for w*r" by Juliet Roberts plays]

♪ Are you ready for w*r? ♪

♪ Bang, bang
Down you go, yeah ♪

♪ Bang, bang
Watch them fall, yeah ♪

♪ Are you ready for w*r? ♪

♪ Bang, bang
Down they go, yeah ♪

♪ Droppin' like dominos, yeah ♪

♪ Bang, bang ♪