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05x09 - Sabotage in Stilettos

Posted: 04/20/24 09:51
by bunniefuu
["Microphone" by Lady Bri plays]

[woman] Testing, one, two, three.
Here I go, gimme that microphone.

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Gimme that microphone ♪

Hi, thank you so much.

I'm so excited for you!

I know. Like… It's like a goodbye party.

Hi, everyone!

-Wow. Hi, ladies.
-[Christine] Oh my goodness!

[Maya] I love the colors.
Thank you so much for coming.

-You look gorgeous.
-I love this.

-Hi, darling!
-[Maya] Thank you for making it.

-Hi, Emma.
-Hi, Maya!

[Emma and Maya] Oh…


[Maya] Blue, green, we have pink.

-We got everything.

[Maya] Wow. Thank you, everyone,
for making it. I'm very touched.

I thought some people will not show up
because, you know, obviously…

-[Heather] We all love Maya.
-[Maya] Thank you.

I love that we can all bond
over our love for Maya. [laughs]

-Only thing we agree on.
-[Chrishell] We take what we can.

[Emma] Maya. Maya's the best.

Love you, Maya. [laughs]

Oh hey, Brett.
So I was showing Georgina the other day,

and I just got a message.

We got an offer.

[Brett] Yeah?

-12,500,000. No contingencies.
-[Jason] Isn't that full price?

-[Amanza] Wow.
-What was the asking?

Thirteen. That's pretty…
Zero contingencies?

Zero contingencies.

They have to make a decision quick,

because they're in escrow
in a different property,

so we gotta, like--

[Emma] Go, call!

-[Brett] Okay, I'm gonna go--
-That's a strong offer.

[Emma] Yeah! Right?

I'll be right back.

I am not gonna ring the bell, but…

Beem-beem-beem-beem. [laughs]

sale in this neighborhood.

I think it's risky to not take this offer.

-[Chrishell] So cute. Yes. I love it.
-[Christine] Maya, I'm so happy for you.

[Maya] Honestly,
if-- if-- if-- if the clients will agree,

that'd be a great way to kind of…

"Okay, we closed this listing.
Go to Miami."

-Give us good news, bud.

-[Heather] Give her good news.
-[Maya] You better deliver.

-[Heather] She needs new--
-I gave you the offer, like…

-[Jason] He's got that wry smile.
-Come on, Brett.

Maya just sold Georgina for $12.5 million.

-[all] Yay!
-[upbeat music playing]

-Congrats, babe!
-[Maya] Thank you.

-[Christine] I'm so excited for you!
-Thank you. Cheers.

[Emma] We need her
to ring the bell somehow!

[all] Cheers, Maya!

Mine's right here.

At the end of the day, I know I have
to take a break from bouncing to LA,

and I'm gonna miss you guys.

[Maya] LA will always be home.

It is, in a way, closing a chapter,

and it's bittersweet.

But at the same time,

I'm very excited to focus
on really what's important in life,

which is my family.

Well, Maya, you were
the first agent at this brokerage,

and I love you, and I'll miss you a lot.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

And, Maya, you and I were the first two,
and I've always looked up to you.

You're the best mommy,

and I hope to be
an amazing mommy like you.

So, I love you so much.

I'm going to miss you.

-[Maya] Thank you.
-I'm so proud of you.

Obviously, we're not always…

Some of us not always
get along with each other,

and it is a big family.

And you know what, family is not perfect.

[all] Cheers, to Maya!

-Cheers to Maya!
-Thank you, guys. Thank you.

-[Emma] Love you.
-[Heather] Love you, Maya!

-Yay, Maya! So cute.
-[Emma] Oh my God!

[pop music plays]

[Chrishell] Good job. Wow.

[Chelsea] That was. That was exciting.

Can I have a cup of hot tea?
Chamomile, actually.

-Yeah, absolutely.
-Thank you so much.

So, I wanted to pull you guys aside,

because I know you weren't able
to make it to my tea party.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I was so sick.

[Chrishell] You told us the day before,

and I was going live
on the market the next day…

-You did say.
-…but I'm in escrow now,

above ask, so that's good.

Sorry I missed it, though.

So, basically, at the tea party,

I was just taking time to really
get to know all the other ladies,

and let them know my vibe.

And I wanted to speak to you, because,

for transparency, I had completely, like,

a very negative impression of you,
if I'm totally honest with you, I--

Well, I-- Be-- You can be honest, because…

Did you hear some things
that maybe would have made you

not like me from whatever you heard?

-You don't have to tell me.
-[Chelsea] Yeah.

I heard some things that
would make it questionable,

but at the same time,
I think, as women in this office,

we should give everybody a fair chance.

We should, kind of, go based upon
our relationships versus

-what I heard.
-[Chrishell] I love that.

I assumed that that would be the case.

So I'm nervous to now
talk to someone that probably…

-I felt that.
-…doesn't like me, anyway,

or was told things about me
that might not be true. I don't know.

It's like, she really has
burned every bridge that--

Let's not even talk about Christine.

She's my girl. I love her. I do.
I love her, and I just want you to know--

Well, the fact that she's burned
every bridge is a fact, whether you--

I've heard it.
I've heard it so many times and--

You need to make up your own mind.
That's up to you. You're your own woman.

If we can kind of, like,
let whatever, you know…

-[Chelsea] Away!
-…has been said,

we can judge on our own interactions,
I would honestly love that.

-I'm excited you're here.
-[Chelsea] Thank you.

I'm sorry I missed the tea.

I would love to host you at the next one.

-I'm gonna hold you to it.
-[Chrishell] I'd love to do that.

[Christine] So, this was
our baby's first helicopter ride.

[Amanza] Oh my God.

-[Vanessa] Wow!
-[Amanza] Did they put headphones--

[Christine] They have little headphones.

-[Davina] So cute.
-Isn't that the cutest thing ever?

So, Vanessa, how is everything with Nick?
I haven't seen you since you came back.

It's wonderful, my love.
I mean, uh, I'm a-- I'm a little sad,

because he's leaving again
to the UK for work.

He's going back to the UK?

-Being apart feels like a nightmare, so…
-[Davina] It's so difficult, yeah.

So difficult. And, uh, I don't know
what to do, to be honest,

because I don't know
if I should go with him and…

[Chelsea] Thanks, love.

-I don't know.

Okay. Of course!

You'd visit, or would you stay there?

I might visit or I might…

-[Amanza] Oh, hello, ladies. Welcome back.
-…be maybe there and here.

-[Maya] Is everything okay?
-[Vanessa] Hi.

-[Davina] That's a lot to think about.
-A lot to think about.

I know.

So, who else, uh, is on the list
of having a-- a baby?

[Emma] As Maya
does direct eye contact to me!

"Who else is next on the list?"

[Maya] I totally looked at Emma.

I didn't wanna look at Chrishell,
because I knew she'd be like,

"Leave me alone."

[Chelsea] You want kids,
probably, sometime, right?

Yeah. I mean, I haven't--

I mean, I think
it will be nice to have one, maybe,

but I haven't, you know…

Maybe, hopefully, one day. Yeah.

I-- If-- If we decide to have a kid,
it'll be one girl,

because I'm scared of,
like, the Oppenheim male genes.

-Genes. Yeah.
-And my heart is melted on the ground.

[Chelsea] Well, you know--

[Heather] Now we all make it awkward.

[Davina] Good going.

[Heather] Makeshift. [laughs]

-Anyhoo! Okay.

-[energetic pop music plays]
-♪ And everything is comin' together ♪

♪ Everything is comin' together ♪

[music fades]

[pop music plays]

♪ How could you not, not? ♪

♪ With a body this hot ♪

♪ We'll be the talk of the town ♪

♪ Go ahead and talk, talk
How could you not, not? ♪

♪ We make him stop, stop… ♪

[server] Okay, we have
a coconut-vanilla cake.

-[server] Enjoy!

♪ Oh yeah, that talk, talk ♪

♪ Oh yeah, that talk, talk ♪

-Hi, babe.
-Oh hi!


-How are you?


-Nice to see you.
-Thanks for coming. You too.

Thank you for inviting me.


I was very taken back after the tea party.

I felt a little bit ambushed.

I was caught off-guard,

so I wanna talk to Chelsea
to see if we can maybe clear the air

and hopefully we can have more of
an open conversation without Christine.

How are you enjoying your first few days
at the Oppenheim Group?

You know, I'm treading lightly a bit
because I think there's a lot of tension.

-But Maya's brunch was fun yesterday.

-How are you feeling?
-I'm good.

You know, I… At the tea party, um,
I-- I just want you to know,

you basically pushed a button
with me about Christine.

I love Christine.
I know she's so sweet and fun.

-Do you really love her?
-I do.

I really do. And you can ask everybody,
I've been defending her.

But when she talks shit about me,
puts me in positions that are difficult,

and she hurts people I care about,

all of that combined hurts me.

I just broke down
because I felt overwhelmed.

-[server] Here's your coffee.
-Thank you so much.

[server] You're welcome.

Okay, so, you know,
I invited you, I invited all the ladies,

because I really wanted
to get to know you, and I felt like

there was a point
where you were alluding

to the fact that I invited you

to, kind of, talk about things
that would make you feel uncomfortable.

Is that really how you feel?

I don't feel you were trying
to make me uncomfortable.

Okay, good.

I was worried about Christine,

because she didn't speak at all.

And so, I thought,
"This is not the Christine that I know,"

and I wasn't sure if she had asked you…
You know what I mean? Like--

-Asked me? [laughs]
-Well, I don't know.

Like, I'm not her parrot.

She wasn't speaking up,
and she just looked so sad,

and you were only speaking in her defense
made me feel like you were her soldier.

I don't know. Maybe you were
speaking for her, so I was--

I wasn't speaking for her.

You can understand that
as the new person in the group…

-Yeah, I didn't think about that.
-…like, I have a genuine curiosity

to understand why there is so much chaos,
and where I fit into this chaos.

I-- I-- I hear you now,
but how Christine hates being bullied,

I felt a little bit bullied.

-By me?
-No, by the situation. Not you. Just--

I was the only one speaking.

-That's just how I felt.
-You felt bullied?

I mean, I cried because I was upset.

Yeah, I was almost like,
"Girl, why are you crying?"

There's been a lot of emotion
going on with Christine and I.

That's the nerve you hit.
It wasn't even about you.

It was just overwhelming.

I get it, but I don't like that you think
that I'm Christine's mouthpiece,

because I'm not.

These are my own opinions,

and if every single time
I ask you something,

you kind of go into defense mode…

-…and victim mode,

-then we can't have a relationship.
-That's why we're talking openly now.

Does that make sense?

-Yeah, obviously.
-Okay. Great. Good.

The shadiness is her way
of telling me you don't like me,

but not being direct about it.

So, I do have my eye on Davina,

because some of those
shady comments are uncalled for.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,
but I'm putting you on notice.

[chuckles] Okay.

Don't shade me.

Don't cut me off.

Don't come at me
with any of that bullshit.

I think when you don't know someone,
and you come at them like this,

then it's difficult to demand respect.

Wow, I'm gonna be so honest with you.

I could puke right now.
Like, this is absurd.

So, I don't know
if you're overly sensitive--

-You don't even know me.
-Let me finish.

-Don't embarrass… Like, what?
-Let me finish talking.

Don't come at me.

If you don't want me to give this energy
I'm giving to you now in front of people,

just respect me.

I'm not doing this.
I'm just not doing this.

Seriously, this is crazy.

[pop music plays]

♪ Gonna wreck your town
Wreck your town ♪

♪ Hit you where it hurts ♪

[pop music fades]

[pop-rock music plays]

♪ They sold out
Hands in the air ♪

♪ We can start a party anywhere ♪

-[Mary] Ooh. You are great… [gasps] Wait!
-[Amanza trills]

[Mary] Oh my God, that scared me.

-[laughs] Oh my God.
-[Amanza] Like we're in San Francisco.

-[Mary] Oh. I can barely get out.
-[Jason] Can you get out? Sorry.

I made sure to give myself plenty of room.

-Such a gentleman.
-[Amanza] I'll be in here.

-Sorry, honey.
-[door thuds]

[Amanza] Okay.

-[Jason] Oh…

-[Amanza] How am I gonna get this ass--
-[Mary] Why don't you go out that side?

-[Amanza] See how smart you are?
-[Jason] I should've come over more.

Jason's previewing
this house for a client.

But I'm coming along because
I need to get back into real estate.

I've been k*lling it in design work,

but I have the license,
I should probably use it.

I didn't study
all those hours for nothing.

Look at our shoe game.
We're like a little box of Skittles.

-Oh… Right.
-[both laugh]

-Good to see you, man.
-[man] How are you? Nice to see you.

-[Mary] Hi!
-Hey. How are you?

-Good. Nice to see you.
-Nice to see you.

-[Mary] Hi.
-[Anton] Welcome. How are you?

Wow. This is great.

-[Jason] Yeah, it is.
-It's amazing.

["Here We Go" by Red Parker plays]

♪ I shine, we shine ♪

♪ You already know ♪

[Anton] You got 11,096 square feet
of living space.

It's on three levels.

There are four bedrooms up,

and then you've got two bedrooms,
plus a gym, an office,

and a theater downstairs.

it's a little bit foggy right now,

but normally it's full-ocean views,

Catalina, Palos Verdes.

You sound like me talking to a client.

-[Anton] Exactly.
-I swear there's ocean out there.

[Anton] Yeah.
We all-- We all sound the same.

-All right. Thanks. We'll check it out.
-Of course.

-Good seeing you.
-[Anton] Enjoy yourselves.

-[Amanza] Thank you so much.

[Amanza] I like these finishes.
They're clean and airy.

[pop music plays]

Being a contemporary house,
I definitely like that it's warm

and has, like, that soft, natural palette.

♪ Some say I'm crazy… ♪

-[Maya] Kitchen seems small for the space.
-It does, huh?

[Jason] Yeah, but it's a grower,
not a shower, 'cause…

-It goes all the way back.
-[laughs] It is quite long.

And then all this too.

♪ I'm amazing ♪

-This is a nice house, though. I like it.
-I like this.

[Mary] You don't see
this color wood often.

-[Jason] No, it looks bleached.
-[Mary] Yeah.

[Amanza] Ooh, I like this.

This is nice.

Yeah, I like this a lot. Shit.

Look at this 30-foot span pocketing
into the wall. That's impressive.

[pop music fades]

Oh, this is nice.

[Amanza] I'm not sure that I love that.

What if you get in this way,
and then you want to, like…

[Amanza] Get out the other way? Like--

Come out this way
and take a look at the view.

-Say hi to your neighbors.
-[Jason laughs]

You don't wanna walk
through your girlfriend to get out.

Or fiancée, or wife?

Are any of those coming up for you?

-Every chance…

-Or a baby?
-Every chance you get.

I just want it to happen!

I would absolutely love it
if Chrishell and Jason got married.

It would be the perfect situation,
with Chrishell as my doggy stepmom

and also one of my best friends.

I just don't want
Jason to hurt her, though.

He hasn't always
been the best in relationships.

But so far, he looks like a changed man.

So, I don't know. I'm shocked.

-I love that smile on your face.
-[Jason] I'm happy.

-It doesn't go away.
-I know! You can't stop.

I mean, she is amazing.
I mean, she's just exceptional.

-[Mary] I agree.
-We-- We get along so well.

You're so calm. It's so…

-Look at this smile! He's glowing.
-I know. I know.

[energetic pop music plays]

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ Do it like a woman ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, do it like, do it like ♪

-Oh my God! Hello!

-Oh, fun. You're so beautiful. Okay.

What have you found so far?

Well, I was just kind of perusing.

I was curious. Are you gonna do
white lingerie for the honeymoon?

Or are you doing, like, whatever goes?

-So, I think wedding night, white, right?

-Honeymoon, sexier the better.
-Okay, good.

Nothing too expensive.
We might rip it off.

There you go. There you go.

[Heather] We're getting married very soon.
So, I'm so excited.

I'm ready to do this.

I'm stressed in a way, because it's like

I'm balancing so much in my life
between work, the kids, and the wedding.

So, this is such a nice day
to be with Chrishell

and look at lingerie and just, like,
have fun and have quality girl time.

-Ooh, what about a whip?
-I wanna see… Wait.

-[imitates whipcrack]
-Oh my God. You have to.

We have some already, but I like the gold.

-Do you?
-I do.

Does this really hurt?

-Can I try it? [giggles]

-Not too hard.

-Oh my God! That was hard, Chrishell!

-Come here.

[both laugh]

-No, you can do it harder than that.
-Ooh, really?

-[Chrishell] Yeah.
-[taps harder]

-[scoffs] Heather.
-Okay, fine.



[both laugh]

Look at me. I'm sweating over here.

Okay. Let's keep looking.

This is fun.

I know it's not very sexy,

but I'd really wanna wear this
just because it's so soft.

Jason'd be like,
"Honey, what are you wearing to bed?"

-What do you wear to bed?
-He's seen me wear some crazy stuff.

What do you wear to bed?

I choose my bedwear

-to let him know what's gonna happen.

So, if I wear
something like that, it's like…

-Inviting him in.
-"You may pass go. You may collect $200."

Anyways… Um…

I'm, like, crazy wedding prep right now.

We need to actually pick our songs
for the garter toss and then the…

[gasps] …bouquet toss.

-You better be right there in front, girl.

I'm gonna be,
"Chrishell, where are you?" [laughs]


If you got married again,
would you want a big wedding

or would you want something,
like, small and intimate?

To be honest with you,
I really feel confident in saying

that I'd leave it up to him.

-Because I've done it.
-You've had your moment.

You know? So, I could get excited
about, like, eloping in Vegas by Elvis.

You know what I mean?
I actually think that could be really fun.

I've done the big
fairy-tale wedding, you know?

And we all saw how that worked out, so…

I just feel like, you know, that's,
personally, not a goal of mine anymore.

My focus is really on finding somebody

that wants to commit
to raising a child together.

To me, that's the ultimate commitment,

and that's really…
that's really my goal right now.

In our group, he must get--

People must bug him
about this all the time.

So, I feel like I never bring that up.

I don't spend much time… Whether we're
engaged or married or not right now.

Like, the decision for me is,
do we have a child?

-Ah! Wait.
-[Jason] She has eggs frozen.

-We're gonna try to fertilize them.
-[Amanza] Embryos.

-[Amanza] Making embryos? When?

[Mary] Really?

-We're doing it now.


We have talked about maybe having a kid.

-We're doing all the things right now--

So, you've met
with the doctors together and, like…

-[softly] Oh my God.

-I'm gonna cry. I'm so excited. Okay!
-Don't cry!

I don't wanna get my own hopes up.
You know?

Yeah, but that he's even open
and you're even open to that,

and you guys are talking about that?

That's huge.

We'll see.

It's something that Chrishell…
I mean, she wants a family,

so this is kind of
the prerequisite to everything else.

So, I mean, where are you at?

Like, what percentage, like,
of onboard with having a baby are you?

Listen, there's-- I think there's
a lot of reasons for me on both sides.

That's why it's such a consuming decision.

There's no bigger commitment.

I mean, it's the biggest decision
I think you could make.

Oh yeah.

Every time I see a baby,
I talk to the parents, and--

What do you ask them?

I'm like,
"Are you happy with your kid?" [laughs]

-You'd be surprised how honest people are.
-[Amanza] It's not a new car.

[Jason] It's also timing.

Like, I also need to consider my work.

Like, I'm very much engaged in growing
the brokerage, the Newport Beach office.

I wanna open up in Las Vegas.

Like, I don't know--

I can give you
a million reasons why you both should.

[Amanza] I know that Jason
would make such an amazing dad.

I just hope that he hurries up
and decides sooner than later,

because, you know,
Chrishell's of a certain age,

and she doesn't wanna wait around.

And I just hope he decides "yes" ASAP,
because I want them to have a baby,

and my ovaries are tingling
just talking about it. [laughs]

I don't think you'll ever get the answers.

You just have to decide
what's most important to you.

I-- I don't know.

That's a difficult… question.

[Heather] How old are you?

-Okay. So, yeah, you're…

You're at that time
where it's time to do it.

It's time to make a decision. Yeah.

If he doesn't wanna have kids,

that's one of those kind of deal-breaker
things when you're, you know, my age.


["A Curious Thing" by Jaymee Carpenter
& Robert Forrey plays]

♪ A little revolution ♪

♪ To be bigger on the inside ♪

♪ Oh, deeper than my skin ♪

[song fades]

[funky pop music plays]

♪ We got it all ♪

♪ Whatever it is ♪

♪ And you feel it in your soul ♪

♪ We got it all ♪

♪ All together now ♪

♪ Anywhere we go ♪

♪ The good times should shine all right ♪

[Chelsea] Wow, look at this entrance.

Let's check out this beautiful house.


-Hi, Danny.
-[Danny] Christine, how are you?

[Christine] Good, how are you?
Thanks for having us.

-My girlfriend, Chelsea.

-[Danny] Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-Good to see you. How are you?
-Hi. Good.

-You smell incredible.
-[Chelsea] This house is beautiful.

Yeah, it's one of a kind.
What are we looking for today?

We're just taking a look around.

I'm trying to impress my new client,

and, um, I think
this is a really cool house.

I wanted to show her.

You could live in this house
and lease it out on short-term.

A lot of people want this
for parties or for content sh**ting.

That's, like, the main squeeze
of the house.

If you have a client
that wants a statement piece,

like, this is the house.

[funky dance music plays]

[Danny] We have
about five bedrooms, six baths.

We have a movie theater also.
It's a stunning movie theater.

[Chelsea] This view is mesmerizing, girl.

-[Danny] This is the money shot here.
-[Christine] Yeah.

[Chelsea] What does 20 million
put it at per square foot?

[Danny] I mean,
you're probably at 2,000? So…

[Christine] That's high.

[Danny] You can't find
anything like this anywhere.

It doesn't suit everybody,
and it's not a house that…

"Okay, I'm waking up,
nine-to-five job," right?

You're going to bed at five here.

-You're waking up at 2:00 p.m. here.
-[Danny] Yeah.

You're doing cocaine over there.

-You're listening to Drake there.
-You have strippers over there.

-[Christine] Strippers over here.

-Strippers everywhere.
-They're on payroll, you know?

Yeah, exactly.

So, listen, I could talk
about this house all day,

but you won't get the real feel
unless you explore it on your own.

-[Christine] Thanks. We'll look around.
-[Danny] Yeah. Take a look.

-[Danny] Sure.

So fun.

-[Chelsea] It's beautiful.
-I wanna look at all this.

Oh, this is cute. I love this kitchen.

[Chelsea] The perfect kitchen for you.

It's black and looks like
it's never been cooked in.

[Christine] Never been used.

That is for damn sure.

[Chelsea] This is very my vibe.
Eccentric, over-the-top.

[funky pop music plays]

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoo… ♪

The only thing that I'm having
a bit of a hard time justifying

is the fact that this is
over $2,000 a square foot,

which I think is pretty wild,
and not in a Kim Kardashian kind of way,

but in the outrageous kind of way.

♪ Whoo! ♪

I'm trying to figure out
why this house is so expensive.

The price per square foot
doesn't really add up in my mind,

but I'm guessing
the way that this house looks,

maybe it's coming
with kilos of cocaine? Hopefully?

Asking for a friend, I mean.

I don't know. I think the type of person
that would really live here, legitimately,

is someone who would rent it out

-and just kind of party and trash it…
-[object clatters]

…like I just did
with my Birkin against the mirrors.

And they'd have "f*ck you" money.

Who would be interested
in a property like this?

I feel like
they'd have to be in the industry.

My client is looking
for investment properties.

You could bang out rental after rental,
sh**t after sh**t, photoshoot, magazine,

music video, whatever.

This is the spot.

[Chelsea] Oh my gosh, girl.
I have some tea to tell you.

[Christine] Tell me, bitch.
I haven't seen you in days.

[sighs] So, Davina invited me to lunch.

Oh Lord. How did that go?

I guess she was having some PTSD
and wanted to discuss the tea party.

She does that a lot. Mm-hmm.

So I was like, "So, Davina,
why did you start crying…

-So weird.
-…at the tea party? What was that about?"

And then she was,
like, alluding to the fact

that I only invited her
to the tea party to basically attack her.

She was like, "Yeah, I did feel att*cked."

I wanted to clear the air and let her know

that I don't resonate
with that behavior and don't do that.

The thing I love about Chelsea is
she's just really straightforward.

It's honestly nice to see someone stand up
for themselves and have a backbone.

As far as Davina's concerned,

I can't trust her
as far as I can throw her.

-I feel I'm a good judge of character,

but… I just don't feel
like she's authentic.

I do feel like there's--
she's always putting on a façade.


And that worries me with people.

When Davina left the brokerage,
she got totally iced out by everyone,

and they wanted nothing to do with her.

And I find it ironic now

that she's doing everything she can

to be a total teacher's pet
and a total kiss-ass.

I just don't feel like she's being
her genuine, authentic self,

and that sucks to see.

Like I've said,
her main concern is being liked.

She's afraid to speak,
afraid to be herself, who she is.

She's willing to compromise who she is.

And I will never do that.


-[dance music plays]
-♪ And I won't back down ♪

♪ Yeah, I won't back down ♪

["This Is Magic" by Taki Waki plays]

♪ I got a feeling, I got desire ♪

♪ I've got a burning ♪

♪ I've got a burnin' love ♪

♪ I've got a heart
That's takin' me higher… ♪


Oh, this is cute.

♪ Let me go and bum-bum-bum ♪

♪ Bum-bum-bum ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Bum-bum-bum ♪

♪ Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum ♪

My client bought the house for 1-5-50…

-…and put a million dollars into it.

Seventeen hundred square feet.

Interesting numbers.

-Huh. Seventeen hundred square feet?

-Seventeen hundred.
-Let me see the house.

-'Cause it might wow me.
-It is a special house.

-You know John Lautner, famous architect.

His master cabinetmaker made this house,
did the designs, everything.

-So, I'm calling it a "phantom Lautner."

You'll be able to tell.
Like, it totally goes with his whole vibe.

John Lautner's definitely known
for his unique design elements

and the structure of the house,

and the angles
and all of those type of things,

and that's what makes
this house so special and so rare.

Well, I like the style of it for sure.

Yes. It's very masculine.

-It's gonna be a bachelor pad for sure.

So, obviously we have
the kitchen area, fireplace, living room,

but I think the selling point is outside.

-So, we can venture out here.

["Better Than Ever Before"
by Shangrii-La plays]

♪ New and improved
And doin' things different ♪

-[Mary] Oh, this is peaceful.
-[Emma] Isn't it so peaceful?

You can hear the birds chirping.

The square footage
I'm a little concerned about, but--

It's on the smaller side.
There will be a buyer.

It's just about at what price.

-And it's Outpost Estates.

It's the super celebrity area.

What are the comps showing?

[tense music plays]

You know, it would be on the higher end,

but it's a unique property.

Is he okay with just breaking even?

'Cause that would be around 2.5, right?

-Is that where you're at?

I'm waiting to hear
your expert advice, Miss Mary.

It's a little high, but in this market…

Two-four-nine-five, something like that.

That's literally what we discussed,
'cause he wanted two-five,

and I said, "Let's at least put it under.
It looks more appealing."

-We came up with 2-4-9-5.


-All right.
-Teamwork! I'm looking for a high five.

Now that we've agreed on the price,
ready to bring it to market,

hopefully get some multiples in there.

But, you know,
we are looking for a specific buyer.

-And we're back to the AC.
-I know.

You're gonna get somebody
that's into architectural design,

and they're gonna come in
and know that it's a gem.

-This is an interesting couch.

I know. Isn't that couch cool?

This is an interesting fluff.
I thought it'd be softer. I'm like, "Oh."

-"I'm on cardboard."
-Or a spaceship.

But this is gonna be a really cute home
for somebody. Like, their first home.

Speaking of first homes, um,

I put an offer in
on a house the other day, and--

Oh my God.

-Well, I didn't get it, unfortunately.

-I know.
-I'm sad again. Sorry!

I knew it was gonna go really fast,

so I tried to get an offer in,

-like, right from the start.

I didn't really tell Romain.

And he was like…

-"Fun fact, I forgot to tell my husband!"
-"I'm sorry. What?"

I'm really bummed
this first house didn't work out.

I loved it.

But I'm confident that we're gonna find
another house that we love just as much.

And this time, I'm actually gonna tell
Romain that we're putting in an offer.

Um, okay, so, I do have something
that I did wanna talk to you about.

-It's actually something really serious.

So, an associate of Christine
contacted my client

and offered $5,000 on her behalf

to not work with me,
and to work with her instead.

Ok-- Okay.


You know this for a fact?


-When was this?
-Talking about it now gives me goosebumps.

-It's the worst--
-No, I do too. That is unethical and…

Wait, did this just happen?


And the worst part of it
is that he said to me,

"I want you to be aware that she said
that she was out to sabotage you."

What is wrong with her?

I've met a lot of people, and I've never
met such a nasty, evil person in my life.

[Emma] I saw Christine at the tea party.

She asked for, you know,
an opportunity to get together and talk,

and it crossed my mind,

and I gave her the benefit
of the doubt for a second

and thought maybe-- maybe there's
a chance that she's changed.

And then, instantly, when I hear this,
I know that that was complete bullshit.

I'm, like, fuming right now.

What is she gonna do next?

I mean, I have other things going on--

No. This is, uh, like,

beyond unethical.

I don't even know what to say.
I've never, ever…

seen somebody do this.

Oh, she just, I think,
put the nail in her coffin.

-[dramatic pop music plays]
-♪ Now what's done is done ♪

♪ Now I wanna run ♪

♪ Now I wanna run ♪

[music fades]

[Mary] We definitely have
to talk about Christine.

Go ahead.

Emma sat me down.

She took me to another new listing,

and she told me that she found out

that Christine offered
to pay one of Emma's clients,

uh, for him not to work with Emma.

[tense music plays]

-S-- Sorry, say that again?
-Right? Yeah.

Christine offered to pay a client
money to not work with Emma?

Five thousand dollars.

Just to be spiteful?

[tense music continues]

I guess.

When did you find out about this?

I just found out.

I called her client,
and-- and I confirmed it with him.

And then I told her,
"I have to talk to you."

-Oh my God.
-"I need to talk to you." This is…

In my opinion, she would be fired.

If this is true, I cannot have an agent
acting unethically towards anyone,

let alone towards
an agent in our own office.

And she's pulling clients into this.

She's just crossed the line
in every way possible.


Trying to take someone's client
through, like, a bribe.

I mean, what the f*ck was she thinking?

-I've never heard of anything like this.
-Neither have I. Neither have I.


[dramatic hip-hop music plays]

♪ I'm a bad chick ♪

♪ I'mma, I'mma, I'mma wreck havoc ♪

♪ I'm a, I'm a, I'm a bad habit ♪

♪ I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a bad bitch
So sad bitch ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, I'm a bad chick ♪

♪ I'm a bad chick ♪