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06x11 - It's Not Worth It

Posted: 04/20/24 13:47
by bunniefuu
["Affection" by Lady Bri playing]

♪ You've got my head all flipped around ♪

♪ My heart is jumping up and down ♪

♪ You've got me floating
High up above all the clouds ♪

♪ You always stand and deliver ♪

-[Jason] Did you want some coffee?
-Yeah. But do we have, like, Coffee Mate?

I don't know, babe. It's oat milk.

You can look and see
if there's something else.

-[Mary laughs]

So what do you want?

Coffee Mate or something like that.
Non-dairy creamer.

-[Jason] This is non-dairy creamer.
-Okay, fine.

Just this once.


Yeah, you got bougie on me.
Come here, Zel.

I don't want brew over ice.

[Jason] Old Mary was working hard
and not bougie at all.

This is new Mary right here.

Oh, what?

I can be fancy and still work hard.
I've been working my ass off for you.

-And for me.
-For us. Not just for me.

Okay, well, I'm glad you're back.

There's just been a lot to juggle.

-I'm back for good.
-It's been like a nightmare.

Palm Springs, I think, was my last straw.

I mean, just the insanity going on,

and no one to talk to because
everyone's going at each other.

It's just chaos.

I'm trying to keep
everything under control

for you, for the brokerage,
for everybody else.

I know you joked around,

but probably not really, that everything
went to shit when you went away.

But, I mean…

I was doing my best,

and I don't have time for this bullshit.

Like, I have my own things,
like, real issues.

Well, I know I put
a lot of responsibility on you.


I just, uh…

It's just put everything in perspective.

[Mary] I expected more from my friends
and the agents in this office.

They are just making it very hard for me,
um, both personally and professionally.

They've never been in this position,
and I need support.

It's too much for anybody.

I mean, I understand
why Chrishell's frustrated, for sure.

Yeah, I get why they both are.

But it was just unlike her to hit so low.

I mean, she's just never done that.

-She's always been one to punch back.

I feel like Nicole is over it.
I feel like Nicole's willing to let it go.

Chrishell needs to do the same.

I agree.

I don't think it's a question,
more, it needs to be a demand.

[pop music playing]

♪ We walk through the fire ♪

♪ And we find us ♪

♪ We fight for our lives ♪

♪ We fight ♪

[upbeat music playing]

♪ I just wanna have a little ♪

♪ I just wanna have a little
Fun, fun, fun ♪

-[Chelsea] Have you walked on The Strand?
-I have not. It reminds me of being home.

-I like it.

Like, in Boston.
I mean, I grew up on a beach.

[Chelsea] So Manhattan Beach is,
by far and away,

my favorite place in all of California.


I will say there's extremely hot guys
in Manhattan Beach.

-You think so? I wasn't looking.
-[laughs] All the athletes live here.

They do, yeah, they do.

-You want to race?
-Would you like to?

-Are you fast?
-I don't know.

I'm a good swimmer, but I don't know
about racing, but I'm down.

-All right.
-[Emma] We should start here.

[Chelsea] So what does
the winner get if they win?

Ooh! I don't know,
like a sexy Nobu dinner?

-[Chelsea screams] Or, okay, so who--
-Or a Chanel bag? [giggles]

-All right, ready?
-Shit, hold on. Okay.

Okay, who's saying go?


We have to say,
"On your mark, get set, go."

Okay. On your mark.

Get set. Go.

[upbeat music playing]

Chelsea, you're fast!

Wait, you're, like,
way faster than I thought!

-Okay, you win. I'll take you to Nobu.
-[Chelsea laughs]

I did tell you
I used to run the 100 meters.

Wait, what? I was like, "What the hell?"

-I was like, why are you so fast?

-So when we talked about--
-I'm like,

Chelsea's like a damn rocket ship.

-We should sit because I'm, like--

-Yeah, I'm tired after that.
-Oh, you amateur.

-Well, you're like a secret track star.
-I'm absolutely not.

But I do know that I'm fast. [laughs]

You are fast, this is true.
I was like, "Oh, damn, okay."

Emma, you are so much fun.

Honestly, I feel like,

ever since Bre's gotten here,
the office has been like, womp-womp.

It's just been so sad.

I just feel like I'm not in my element,

I'm questioning some of my friendships.
I don't know where Heather and I stand.

I thought my relationship with her, um,

was a lot closer
than her relationship with Bre.

I just feel like Heather thinks I'm being,
like, flippant or judgmental towards Bre,

and… she doesn't really understand
where I'm coming from,

and she's never really taken the moment
to, like, sit down and talk to me and say,

"Hey, like, why are you being this way?"

-And just kind of taking Bre's side.

And the truth is
there is so much more to it.

I grew up in a divided household.

So I didn't come from a broken home,
but we, like, started from like nothing.

-Both my parents had nothing growing up.

Like, absolutely nothing. And my mom,
she got recruited by a big firm stateside.

It was going to set her up
to change our circumstances

and give someone like my mom,
who is a Nigerian immigrant,

opportunities that you don't really
see people looking like her get.


My mom moved to the States
with my brother and sister.

Oh my God.

I stayed in the UK with my dad.

My parents did what they had to do
to survive and for subsistence.

I wouldn't be in the States if it wasn't
for my mom and the sacrifices she made.

But the sacrifices she made

ultimately strained our relationship
for a very long time.

-I felt abandoned for many years.

-And I struggled.

Like, it was really…

[voice breaks] It was really hard.

Oh, Chels.

-It was--
-You poor thing.

-I don't want to cry.
-No, I know.

It was really hard.

There were things I needed my mom for,
and I literally couldn't even reach her.

Like, I'd call her…

There were so many instances
where I cried myself to sleep

because I was like,
"Mom, I need you, I need you."

And bless her, she didn't reply because
she probably was asleep, you know?

Yeah, I know.

And it's just so sad for me now because…

She's always done everything.
She's always gone above and beyond.

Every decision she's made
is for her family,

and to change our lives.

But… as much as
she wanted to change her life,

she really abandoned me
at some point in time.

She really, like,
left me to figure it out by myself.

I never got to sit and talk
to my mom about my first boyfriend

or what it was like to get my period,
or what I should do with my hair,

or general things that young women
want to talk about to their mothers.

I was stripped of that opportunity,
and I struggled a lot.

It took me a lot of years
of therapy to get through it.

And nobody really knows what that
feels like unless they've been through it.

And people say to me, "You're so strong,"
but it's because I had to be.

[poignant music playing]

So when I look at Bre's situation,

and I really think, like,
fundamentally why am I sad about it?

-Like, why does this trigger me so much?

It's because I see so many kids…

-That are in different homes.
-Multiple kids in different homes, Emma.

-Not to take away from single mothers.

-Just trying to make it.
-No, yeah.

You can have so much money in the world,
but you don't have so much time.

-You can't be in 20 places at once.

So you are willingly
creating a broken home.

I'm not okay with that,

and how can I forge
such a close friendship with someone

when we're so fundamentally
different from what I know?

Otherwise, I'm building a friendship
over lies, over falseness, over…

things that I don't necessarily
understand or agree with.

I-- I-- I can't. It's just so hard for me.

I know everybody's like,
"Chelsea, you're not usually judgmental."

I'm not, but this hits
a different string on me, babe.

-Yeah, of course.
-It just does.

♪ Explain in the water ♪

♪ Love in the cut ♪

♪ Explain in the water ♪

♪ Love in the cut ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ In the prowl
Always in the frontline ♪

♪ I'm gonna take them out one at a time ♪

♪ sh**ting for the tide ♪

♪ Don't you know
It's only up from here ♪

♪ It's about to go down ♪

♪ Don't you know
It's only up from here ♪

♪ It's about to go down ♪

[Mary] So this is looking great.

-Yeah, it's really coming together, right?

Minimal color. I want to keep everything
neutral to play off the travertine walls.

[Mary] Brings out
the materials, I like it.

With where we're at,
we'll be done by the end of the day.

-That's amazing.

-Ready for your party.

[Mary] And the windows
are getting cleaned?

Definitely needed
after two years of construction.

-I would be scared to death doing that.
-[Kiel laughs]

That is insane to me.

Yeah, that is insane.
He does it every day.

It's impressive.

-[Heather] Hello.
-[Mary] Hi.

-[Bre] Hi, guys.

-Hi. How are you?

-You look so pretty in yellow.
-[Heather] Thank you.

[Mary] It's important for the girls
to know what they're talking about

and see these penthouses,

take a look at the quality
and get their clients excited.

This is so pretty. Wow! There's a balcony?

[Bre] Oh my gosh. This is so massive.

The rooftop deck on both sides.

-This is a gorgeous view.
-[Mary] Yeah.

Check out the bedrooms.

-[Heather] This is the primary? Gorgeous.
-[Mary] Yeah.

So check out this bathroom.

-It is like a spa in here.
-[Heather] Oh my gosh.

[Bre] Wow.

♪ Amazing ♪

-[Bre] Beautiful.
-[Heather] Gorgeous.

[Mary] Like, the details
in the bathroom and closet.

-Everything is done just to perfection.
-[Bre] Beautiful.

-[Heather] Pretty.
-[Bre] Ooh.

-So what do you guys think?
-I love it.



[Bre] You k*lled it.

-[Heather] Great job, Mary.
-Good job.

Thank you.

[Heather] You deserve
some of the commission.

I do deserve some of the commission.

Especially taking care of all the animals,
as in the women, in the office.

[chuckling] We were definitely animals
while he was gone.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go
check on the stagers, but--

Go ask your husband why there's
a paintbrush sitting on the travertine.

-I will.

-So happy that this is finally done.
-I bet you are.

[Bre] I know you're busy
with your baby shower,

but I've been meaning to tell you
I talked to Amanza,

and she heard that Chelsea was talking
about the situation in Palm Springs,

and she was, of course,
not happy that you "took my side."

-And that you've known her longer.

And, like, why'd you stand up for me?
You don't even know me, whatever…

-So, she's upset that I stuck up for you--
-Mm-hmm. Instead of her.


I don't know. She can't let it go.

If Chelsea felt a certain way about me,
she should have called me and said,

"I wish you'd talked to me after Bre
and let me know Bre was upset with me."

We're not in middle school.
I'm not a teacher trying to, like,

"She said this and she's upset now
that you said this." That's not my job.

So I just feel like I'm in the middle
of bullshit and I just want to end this.

I mean… we've seen each other since then.

She hasn't seemed like
there is, like, issues,

but why would she keep going with that?

Why does she care?
I stand up for what's right.

And you and I have gotten close,
so I felt in that moment

if I did not call you and say that
your name was brought up in the office…

It wasn't like, "Guess what happened?"

I was like, "Hey, you were
brought up today, blah, blah, blah."

I told facts,
just like I told her to her face.

I'm not a shit talker.
I don't stir drama up just to be…

I'm not that type of girl.

She can't take accountability
for what comes out of her mouth.

Like, why would she be mad at me
for something she did?


-She's mad that she got caught.
-Yeah. Exactly.

♪ Bad girls like bad things ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ I can tell it's just what I need ♪

♪ It's so smooth
Feels like… ♪

♪ You caught me with super glue ♪

Should we have bubbly?

-Yeah, baby. Let's do it.

Oh, we have a fancy one. I have this.

-Yeah, let's do fancy. Let's do that.

What time's your flight?

-Car's coming at 5:00.

Oh, ready?


[cork pops]

-Good job.

I've been hit in the head with one before.

Really? Did it hurt?

-[chuckling] Oh no.

[chuckling] Okay.

Thank you.

To you, because you just finished
so much work on the album,

and now you're done and
you get to go and tour and have fun.

-And maybe I'll come with you. [giggles]

[G Flip] Baby.

You should come.

G is going to Australia
to play the summer festival tours.

They will be gone
for almost two whole months.

So if I stay here, you know,

of course I can focus on real estate
and get a lot of work done.

Obviously we FaceTime
and we talk to each other every day,

but clearly I'd rather be together
than apart, so it's just tough.

Come with me.

I could be front row.

Come front row.

Screaming along.

Come have a little cheeky sing.


That would be so fun.

Making me excited.

I feel in life, we're all trying
to get it right, you know?

Whether that's relationships,
your career, whatever it is.

I've been through a divorce, breakups,

but this is a time in my life
where I really feel like

I got it right in my relationship.

I understand that career is something
that you can always put work into

and it can always kind of be there.

Relationships are not like that.

I feel like you have
to make it a priority.

That's what I really want to do.

Are you having cheeky thoughts?



-Yeah, baby.

[Chrishell] I actually would love
to say "f*ck it" to the work.

Well, then why don't you take
cheeky visit? Cheeky days off?


This sounds really fun. [chuckles]

Yeah, baby.

And a lot more exciting
than what I'm dealing with, so.

Yeah, sweetie.

Why don't you just come for the summer?

-That would be so fun.
-Making me excited.

♪ So if you're lonely ♪

♪ Please send your… ♪

[pop music playing]

♪ I want it all ♪

♪ I bring all that perfection ♪

♪ Chase that magic, you won't regret it ♪

♪ Chase that magic, you won't regret it ♪

♪ It's a state of mind ♪

♪ Drink of my best glass ♪

♪ It's a state of mind ♪

Guys, let's center these.

The last one should be, like,
another six inches over, right there.

♪ Hello ♪

-[Jason] Hey.

Oh my God, it looks so good.

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ I want it all ♪

-Hey. We're matching.
-You look good, honey.

-Totally matching.
-Hey! [laughs]

-What's up?
-How are you?

Good to see you. You look great.
Yeah, did you rob the Queen?

-She can't be robbing her. She's passed.
-No, I robbed Vivienne Westwood.

-Hi, guys.
-[Jason] Hey, Nicole.


-Looks beautiful.
-Oh my God, you look beautiful.

I thought I liked the other one,
but I like this one better.

-So funny.

-That's what I said.
-I'm stuck on the other one.

I was dead set
I liked this one better and now…

I mean, I will say…

It's gonna be challenging.

-[Brett] Yeah.

Very challenging. It could be months.
This could be quite an endeavor.

Especially with the new price increase.

-I'm not trying to make it easy.

-He put it up to 7.5.
-7.495. I almost went to 7.995.

-I was like, Jason is very confident.
-I almost went to eight.

The average price per square foot
in Hollywood is about 800-1,000.

Jason is asking 2,000 a square foot.

-I was going to list them at 6.995…

Then I walked in here a couple days ago,

I called Brett,
and we discussed raising the price.

I was thinking maybe even 7.995,
and we compromised at 7.495.

-You're on board?
-[Brett] I was.

I was surprised because when I walked in,
I was like, God. These things are…

There's no comps.

-You can turn a comp.
-I agree.

There's nothing like it.

I guess I nailed the staging on these,

because Jason now thinks these penthouses
are worth a million dollars more.

Should we reduce?


[Jason] I'm gonna make sure they're not
leaving rings on the travertine.

-You're gonna be a joy tonight.
-Good luck with that. I know.

♪ Come on, come on ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on ♪

-Hey, guys. How are you?
-Good to see you.

♪ We don't know where we end up tonight ♪

♪ Chasing trouble down is what we like ♪

♪ We like[span style="style1"]… [/i]

How many floors is this? Do you know?

I have no idea. I just pressed penthouse
and came straight to the top.

[Austin] Hello.

[Amanza] Hi, beautiful.

Thank you.

♪ I don't care where we go ♪

♪ We just wanna rock and roll ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on ♪

-This is my better half.
-Thank you.

Clients, a couple from San Francisco,

and this is actually in their price range,

and they're looking
for something with stunning views.

-And so this could actually be perfect.

[Jason] Take photos, do your thing.

-I will.
-Sell this unit.

How are you?

-How's real estate?

I mean, I'm staying busy, you know?

You got that house in escrow.
Still in escrow?

We closed.
Yeah, I closed on it two weeks ago.

-Oh my God. I'm so happy, yay.
-Thank you, yeah.

Yeah, I'm getting like whiffs
of smog right now. Not ocean breezes.

We're gonna take a tour to the other side.

Lead the way.

♪ You know I do it right
I'm puttin' on a show ♪

♪ Don't even gotta try… ♪

-Oh, hi.

How are you?

-[Emma] This is beautiful.
-My gosh.

It's interesting which one
they like better.

-We've both not seen this!
-Oh, God.

[Chrishell] Hi. How are you?

-[Jason] Good.
-[Chrishell] Oh my God!

Honest opinion. I mean,
'cause you were kind of negative on this.

Oh my God, I love it.
I just don't think… The price is a lot.

-Fair enough.
-Because of the location.

Jason did an amazing job
renovating the penthouses,

but he shouldn't have
picked ones on Hollywood Boulevard.

I mean, this is where
Julia Roberts worked in [span style="style2"]Pretty Woman[/i]

before [span style="style1"]she met Richard Gere.[/i]

Hands off the Calcutta, please.
The Calcutta Vagli.

-[Chrishell] Oh, sorry, sorry.
-[Jason] Thank you.

-Got you.
-Love it.

[sultry music playing]

♪ Ooh, look at me ♪

♪ Aah, I know you like what you see ♪

♪ Ooh, I've got what you need ♪

We went balls out. The kitchen's all from
Italy, the closet's $125,000 in each unit.

I mean, we went nuts. The sinks are
$4,500 apiece. Every sink is $4,500.

I just sold a five million dollar home.

Good girl!

-You know. Hey, stay.
-All right, okay, toe touch.


[Bre] All right.

This is a lot of people.

-It's so loud.
-It sounds really loud.

[woman 1] Hi, how are you?
So nice to see you!

[woman 2] Hi!

-Hi. Nice to see you.

-[woman 3] Hi, babe!
-[Jason] Hi, honey.

Hi, my loves. Oh my God.

-I got a sandwich.
-[Jason] Ah! Oh!

-Are you dating?

[Chelsea] Kinda, sorta? Snacking?

-I feel like he's a whole meal.
-[both laughing]

I'm gonna talk to Chelsea,
what do you think?

[Bre] I think
that'll go badly, but we can.

Are you coming over?

Not right now, but in,
like, a couple minutes? Okay.



[upbeat music playing]

[Heather] Hello.

-I haven't seen you. Hi!

-How are you?
-Oh my gosh, how are you?

Good to see you.

-Can I have a moment with her?

-Yeah. Thank you, hon.
-We have to continue.

Yeah, 100%.

-High perch here.

I wanted to talk to you because I want
to make sure things between us are cool.

After I left Palm Springs,

I had heard you said,
"Why does Heather have Bre's back?"

"She's only known her for two weeks.
She's known me a year."

Why does it matter
how long I've known her or you?

I wasn't doing anything wrong,
I wasn't stirring up anything,

I wasn't trying to cause drama,
so take me out of it.

Hundred percent.

Your guys' issue is something…

Speak of the devil.

-Here I am. Did you summon me?
-Oh, hi.

[Chelsea] We summoned you.

-Okay, I have arrived.
-There we go.

Heather was saying that
she doesn't think anything she's done

has caused a rift between us.

I think my issue with you
was only the fact that

I felt like we had a friendship and
I wanted you to come to me and say to me,

"Hey, I relayed this information to Bre,
Bre's pissed, maybe you should call her."

You're upset that I didn't call you after
I talked to her which was a non-issue.

I wasn't doing anything
to stir anything up, and now--

-You sure you weren't doing a bit of…
-Was I?

-I don't think so.
-[Heather] That's what pisses me off.

Because I'm not that person.

I don't stir shit up.
Like, I'm not a drama starter.

Like, I like everyone.

Like, I really generally do, and the fact
that you think I'm trying to start drama

between you and… For what reason?

For you to get upset that I called Bre

and then didn't go run to you right after
and call you and say, "Bre's upset."

It's not my job to do that.

Why am I brought into your guys' shit?

It wasn't an issue.

-It's clearly an issue.
-Does it sound like I'm covering up--

Was it an issue for her to then talk to
Emma, Chrishell, and Amanza about me?

I mean, it's an issue.

I think this is being convoluted
and becoming something a lot bigger.

You always have
something to say about something.

-Don't be two-faced when you're upset.
-I'm what?

You're being two-faced
because you're saying that

you're mad that I didn't call you
after I spoke something to Bre.

-I'm two-faced? You sure?
-You talked to Chrishell, Amanza, Emma.

Bre and Chelsea and Heather are, like…

It seems like it's getting intense.

But I don't know if we should go over.


Do you care if I spoke
to Emma and Chrishell and said,

"I'm sad because I don't know if me
and Heather are as close as I thought"?

Why would you think that? Because I talked
to Bre about something you brought up?

I didn't bring it up.

But you can't argue
with the way that I feel, right?

-No, I'm not arguing, but I--
-You are.

You're saying I'm two-faced because
I voice an opinion on a feeling I have.

That wasn't me shit-talking Bre,
putting her down.

That was me, girl to girl,
coming to you and saying, "Hey--"

I wasn't going to her and saying,
"Chelsea's saying this and that--"

What did you say? "Chelsea said
she doesn't f*ck with you right now"?

I don't even…
First of all, do I even speak like that?

-Conveyed that conversation.

-Did I ever say that to you? Never.
-What did you say in that conversation--

I don't think there's an issue
with me going to Bre and saying--

But I do.

-I think there is an issue with that.
-I don't.

I think that added fuel to the fire.
I think that needed--

I think that you have
your issues with her.

You're trying to put it off on me
for whatever reason.

I don't want to put it off on you.
Why would I?

That's for you to have to work out.
I'm gonna go, you guys. I'm so tired.

I'm dealing with f*cking pain.
I don't know.

-Just don't talk about me.
-Can't say anything to the pregnant woman.

But I didn't do anything
for you to say anything!

But I can't even get--

-Just once, I feel like--
-Because I didn't do anything.

I don't want this to continue.

There's no issue.
I want this to end here and be done.

-All right. Bye.
-[Bre] Bye.

[tense music climaxing]

So, I don't know what
we're going to do about this situation.

For you to discredit me
and dislike me as a person based on--

I don't dislike you,
I just don't really, like, love you yet.

-Great, you don't have to.
-That's where I'm at.

But you're judging me based off of my man
and based off of how he lives his life.

Maybe I'm too freaking
conventional or traditional.

-Maybe that's it.

-I have--
-I don't get it, girl.

You don't have to.

My thing is, you do not have
to understand my relationship.

Nobody does. I don't give a f*ck
if they understand my relationship.

This is my relationship.

-I go home to bed to him. You do not.

[Emma] I think they're yelling.

-[Chrishell] I can't see.
-[Emma] I can see, I can see heads moving.

[tense music playing]

Doesn't there just have to be a mutual
understanding of where one another is at?

But we don't have a mutual understanding.

You don't agree with my lifestyle,
which you've said.

[Chelsea] I don't understand it,

-I don't, but that's okay. Right?
-Yeah, it's okay to not.

So I have to agree with it--

No one said you have to agree with it,
you just keep telling me you don't,

which makes it seem like
more of an issue than just not agreeing.

This is my personal relationship,

and who I f*ck
and have children with is my business.

I don't need a judge and a jury.
I don't need anyone's anything.

So, on that note,
I'm going to go home to my son.

[tends music ends]

[somber music playing]

[Amanza] What happened?

[Bre] Same old stupid shit.

-[Amanza] What'd she say?
-[Bre] She's backpedaling.

-[Mary] Hi.

Great job. This place is unbelievable!

-Thank you, I know.
-So excited.

Hopefully we have a buyer.

-Yeah? Did you bring anybody?
-Fingers crossed. I didn't, I…

To be honest with you,
the area's tough at this price point.

-So I don't have anybody that would spend…

I mean, 7.5 is high for this area.

It is high, but I think that
based on the quality of work here,

and I know how much my husband spent
time away from me for the past two years.

-Sure. Yeah.

But I just think
it came together so amazingly,

and it is like perfection,

but we all have to do our best to sell it.

Like, point out all the positives,
not the negatives.

No, I get that. I just… For me,

I don't want to spend time on something
that, personally, to be honest with you,

I think it's overpriced.

I don't think that really matters.

Like, what really matters is this is

something that our brokerage
and us as a team are promoting.

-We need to all pitch in.

We need to all, like, promote it
and promote it to its fullest.

I probably am not gonna help on this one,

but I'm excited to see
what it ends up selling for.


But how is that being, like,
a total team player though?

It's not.


I feel like sometimes
you get too attached to a project

because you're the ones
that put in the blood, sweat and tears.

You know?
And you can't see it from a perspective

of somebody that's not emotionally
attached to it, you know what I mean?

So I'm not emotionally attached to it.

Of course, I want you
to make all the money you can,

but as far as, like, the team goes,

like, I feel like there are people
that, you know, they're hungry.

And I'd be lying if I said that
I'm in that same place right now.

I'm not, I'm so happy
in my relationship and I'm having--

It's a part of being
at The Oppenheim Group.

You have to be hungry, you have to be--

[chuckling] I know, but I'm well-fed
on other things, so it's hard.

Believe me, I've been dealing with this
and I've been dealing with my own shit.

-And my own, like…

I've given so much
over the past couple months,

like, just to be a f*cking team player.

[bittersweet music playing]

[voice breaks] No, it's just like,
Palm Springs really was a lot.

And I'm f*cking putting every single thing
I have into this job, into making…

I'm just…

I'm trying to take over Jason's,
like, responsibilities while he's out,

and living up
to all the expectations put on me.

And I… talked to my dad
as I was driving there,

and he's not doing well,

and I'm trying to process it.

And that same night,
right when I get there,

everything goes down
between you and Nicole. I'm just like…

I can't deal with this.

And my life is going to pieces.

I have a great life,
but it's going to pieces

trying to put
everybody else's shit back together.

And none of it makes any sense.
None of it even matters. Nobody--

But I'm just trying to keep the peace,
and there's real shit going on.

I get that and I feel like there's so much
about your life that I'm not in on

because I feel like
we're not in the place that we were.

I-- These are things
that normally I'd be there for you for,

and because I've felt
a little like I don't know my place,

I've taken a step back.

Admittedly, I'm in my own bubble
and I don't really know where I'm at,

and I'm wondering if we can get back to it
or if it's not worth it, to be honest.

I-- I-- I openly admit I'm not giving
my end-all-be-all to this office. I'm not.


But I am…


You know, even now,
I have to be 100% honest with you.

I mean, we're here
having a very important conversation,

but in the back of my head,
G is in Australia.

It's not real estate
that my brain is thinking of.

It's just like, you know, I don't know.

I… I understand it.

I do. More than you know.

I appreciate your honesty.

I really do. Um…

Go be with G.

I don't know what to say.


♪ We built a house ♪

♪ Made of sand ♪

♪ It didn't stay ♪

♪ The way we planned ♪

♪ We planted seeds ♪

♪ In the ground ♪

♪ But never saw ♪

♪ The coming draft ♪

♪ But we can build ♪

♪ From where we stand ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ It's out of your hands ♪

♪ Let it go ♪

[man screaming]

What were you doing,
christening the house?

[hip-hop music playing]

[Emma] You just pulled a Cheeto
out of your Birkin bag.

♪ But I'm still standing ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm still standing ♪

[Amanza] He was madly in love
with that woman.

Chrishell gets away with m*rder.
I say one thing, I'm burned at the stake.

She's as real as the meat in my empanada.

[Bre] It's like f*cking playing Clue.
I don't know who was talking shit.

Their only plan is to take me down,
in any dirty manner possible.

-I knew something was wrong.
-On so many levels.

♪ I've got the key
Nothing can hold me back ♪

You've said horrific things about me.

-Everything I say is true.
-[Amanza] Hold on.

-I need to pause right now.
-Stop or I'm gonna f*cking end you.

[Amanza] Two words:

f*ck you.

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ This is the story ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪

♪ This is the story ♪

♪ This is the story ♪

♪ Nothing can hold me back ♪