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09x06 - Pastry Week

Posted: 04/20/24 18:31
by bunniefuu
Noel, are you up yet? Hang on a sec,
I'm just waking up the bakers.

Quite cramped in here. There's only
seven bakers left,

it can't be as crowded as when there
was 12 in there.

Paul and Prue have decided to move
in. Prue's cooking breakfast.

Prue, they are NOT sausages.

PRUE: Sorry, Noel. Is Paul up yet?
Yeah. He's washing his new car.


Sandi, can I ask you a question?

Mm. How come you get to sleep in the
big house

and I'm in a tiny tent? You're the
smallest person on the show!

Yeah, I've got an irony clause in my

Rahul, it's a small tent,
if you could be less animated? OK.

I'll start the show. Welcome to The
Great British Bake Off.

Wait a second,
have you got a contract?

Last time...

Do you know what we're doing? No.

..a heady mix of spice and

Oh, cripes.

Kim-Joy seasoned her way to Star
Baker for the first time.

That is exquisite.

But for Karen...
Oh, no. ..and Terry...

Goodness me, they've melted. was double despair.

Oh, my darling.

Obviously, it's emotional.

This week, pastry.

Pastry, it's got a dark side.

It's the heavy metal of all
the bakings.

The bad boy of baking...

How has this happened to me?

..will be fried... Aah!


So scary, the blowtorch.

..and formed...

It's not cooked.

..into the most extravagant pies...

..ever to grace the tent.

This is about a celebration of
pastry, and that is not a
celebration of pastry.

Pastry. It is possessed
by the devil.

You turn your back on it and it
will eat you alive.

Pastry's not something I've
done a whole lot of.

It is quite stressful,
it's not something I'm used to.

Best of luck, man. Thank you, good
luck. Have a good one. Smash it.

Last week, getting Star Baker,
there is always

that little fear in the back of
my mind that it's

upwards and then a big crash.

We all started off really jovial
and having a laugh,

but I think during the
challenges now

it's going to get a bit more
serious, a bit more intense.

I do believe in myself, and I know I
can go in there

and I can produce something good.

It's just whether it's good enough.

Hello, bakers.
Welcome to Pastry Week.

For your Signature Challenge, the
judges would

like you to make samosas! Now these
delightful pastry parcels

are over 1,000 years old.

1,000 years, they're going to
taste weird, aren't they?

No, not today's ones, the...
Oh, it doesn't matter.

The judges would like you to make
six sweet and six savoury samosas

with a dip to complement.

Each set must be uniform,

skilfully shaped and
beautifully presented.

Samosas in uniforms.

I'm quite into that.

You have two hours.

On your marks...
..get set... ..bake!


Do I make samosas? No. No.

I don't really like them.

I could happily not eat a samosa
ever again in my life.

If I'm being entirely honest.

Everybody's had a savoury samosa,

I don't think many of us have
ever had a sweet one.

Whatever they want to
put inside there, they can.

I like to see different colours,
different layers,

different textures.

The last thing we want is a bland,
boring samosa.

The filling in a samosa is
critical in the Bake Off.

For sure. But for me,
I'm really looking at the pastry.

How good are their pastry skills?

Traditionally, it's fried.

Now when you fry a samosa,
the key thing is, it's crispy,

it's thin and it's light.

This is samosa pastry with
just some oil,

some plain flour,
some salt and some water.

Though beautiful in its simplicity,

samosa pastry is difficult
to perfect.

Just adding the water.

Ugh. I've gone over, as always.

It's quite a tough
dough, it's very easy

to keep on adding lashings of water.

But you don't want your
pastry to be too soggy,

you want a flake,
you want a bit of bite.

Just as important is the amount
they work their dough.

If you overwork your pastry, the
gluten gets too developed

and it springs back too strongly.

And also,
it's very likely to be tough.

Morning, Jon. Hello, Jon.
Morning, how is everyone?

More important, how are you, Jon?
And tell us about your samosas.

my samosas are loosely based on

when I first wooed my wife and

cooked her romantic meals
in my flat.

Samosas were part of the romantic

No, no, no, no, the filling was.

I used to do a chicken and basil in
white wine,

so I'm doing chicken and pesto.

Alongside his savoury samosas,

Jon's hoping to woo the judges

with a sweet samosa, filled with an
orange and vanilla creme patissiere.

I like the flavours that you've
done. Thank you very much.

I like the shirt this week.
Thank you very much.

No more compliments.

You've got a tiny bit of
orange there

where you've been tasting...

Have I? Other side. I've got your
back, Jon,

I've got your back! Cheers, mate.

I have a traditional Indian filling.

Just thought, traditional,
you can't beat it, right?

There's a reason
why everyone loves it.

Very simple flavour combinations,
but they seem to work.

Ruby's authentic savoury samosas
will be accompanied

by an orange-infused date
and almond sweet.

But there's something she's
worried about.

Cos I'm Indian I'm
expected to... Oh.

..smash the samosas!
Extra cultural pressure.

Yeah. But do you actually make
samosas at home? No! No!

I don't make Danish pastries,

I don't make them from scratch. Does
anybody in the family make them? No!

Don't be daft!
People have got lives, Sandy!

While Ruby might not be reliant
on help from home,

Rahul's counting on it.

Good morning. Hi. Has your mum
helped you with this one?

I did have a long conversation
with Mum about it.

Samosas. She's in India. Right. And
she made a samosa last night.

Oh, amazing. Yeah,
she sent me pictures of the samosas.

Rahul's mum's samosas will be

by a sweet inspired by a
traditional Indian kalakand,

packed with coconut, ricotta and

When Prue and I are going to be
judging your samosas... Yeah. pales into insignificance

what your mother's going to say.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.

You know that I'm your English
Mummy, right?

Yeah, you can be that, that's fine.

You'll never disappoint me. You're
already a winner in Mummy's eyes...

Aww, thank you! ..Rahul.

I just remembered my pine nuts.
I'm going to have to do them again.

So my samosa's based around my
husband's favourite pie.

My husband is my biggest baking
advocate, bless him, so...

Also putting on a fair amount of
weight from...

..from all the baking practice!

Along with her pie-inspired

beetroot, spinach and
walnut savoury,

Briony's been expanding her
husband's waistline

with a decadent sweet.

It's peanut butter cheesecake.
Obviously. Obvs.

Your classic samosa filling!

I feel a little foolish now.
Can I try it? Go for it.

Ooh. Mm?

Wow! I could just go... Yeah!

I am making a chicken tagine.
At home, Mum has

the biggest tagine, and you know, in
the summer

it's something we'd do often and she

put everything together.
So, cooking for Mummy today.

For all of the time she spent
cooking for us,

running a company and
having three kids.

I don't know how she did it,
but, yeah.

Paying homage to her mum, Manon's
also making her favourite sweet,

tarte tatin.

I'm trying to get my head
round tarte tatin

in a samosa.

Can get a little bit dry.

Is that all you've got inside it?

I just bake the apple with the
caramel, so yes.

Hopefully you're going to like it...

This is making quite weird noises,
is that OK? Is it?

I think so, yeah.
It's speaking to me.

I'm just trying to roll out the
pastry very thin.

To create the samosa's
signature crunch,

the pastry needs to be wafer thin.

Requires a bit of elbow work.

Painstaking, this is.

And while everyone puts
their back into it...

It's a pasta roller.

..Dan's hit upon a short cut.

I'm too posh to push.

My samosas are my husband's idea,
it's like, inspired by

the cheese course of
Christmas dinner.

Dan's festive stilton,
pear and walnut savoury samosas

will be served alongside banana and
caramelised hazelnut sweets.

His fillings, however,
are the least of his worries.

I'm not sure what's going on
with the dough.

It's tearing.

Bit of a schoolboy error.

I just let the machine go
for too long.

And my pastry got overworked

because, um, there just looks like
there's way too much gluten in it.

So I'm just going to have to
start another batch.

The bakers are halfway
through. Are they?

No, you have to tell them that!

Bakers, you're halfway through!

Wow! 47 hairs.

Such a weird place to keep a ferret.

While Dan starts batch number two...

..the rest of the bakers push on
with construction.

I formed a rigid pattern on it.

This is like a not-Indian
samosa technique.

So you basically fold it up.

Just... so many samosas...

I'm just finishing the
savoury ones...

This is my traditional
Indian filling.

They better like spice!

Oh, no! Forgot to add any of the

Just so much to keep on top of.

I'm forgetting things.

Spice Week's winner may have
forgotten to spice her savoury,

but Kim-Joy's hoping her apple chai

will help fend off the curse
of Star Baker.

You won Star Baker last week.

How's that feel? Can't believe it.

The pressure, the pressure.

I know, but now there's pressure.

OK, so let me get this straight,

this guy's gonna be with us this

and then next week I'm gone
and he takes over?

Bakers, you only have half an hour.

Oh, good lord.

That machine just doesn't have
enough power to do it.

So I'm just rolling it out by hand,
which is...

..a lot more time consuming.

Those who have kept to schedule...

I just wish them the best of luck.

..can hit the fryer.

Fry well, friends.

Ten minutes inside and fry them

at 180 degrees.

You can't put too many in at once,

cos it will bring
the temperature right down.

As if that wasn't enough to
worry about...

I'm just going to keep
an eye on them,

at the same time I'm
going to start my dip.

..they also have their dipping
sauces to contend with.

Oh, I've totally forgotten about
my double cream,

I'm going to have
to double whip that.

Has it curdled?
Totally curdled it, yeah.

Oh, my God! That's not going to be

Oh, dear.

Oh, that's not all right.

Oh, damn it.
Damn it, damn it, damn it.

That was orange syrup,

that over-syruped.

Oh, yikes.

With just minutes to go,

Dan's discovered a problem
with his pastry.

Too much water.

This is a mess.

We ain't got time to worry about
anything, we've got to get these in.

Please tell me I've got more than
ten minutes left.

Bakers, you have ten minutes!

I'm gonna need every minute with
that in this fryer.

I've just heard something
split open.

Oh, I've got one burst! Two burst!

Ah. Oh. Mm.

That's a French face you're doing.

That's definitely a French face.

The English don't make that face.

Tend to do that with their lips.

This seems really cold.

Maybe I'll just crank it up.

This is a technique to fry
the sides.

It's great. All good.

This is my mum's chutney.

She is buzzing that I'm
using her recipe.

Beetroot decoration Pythagoras.

Cos it's a triangle.


Oh, that face is a picture!

I'm not too happy, because
they have exploded.

I put too much inside.

One minute!

Oh, God, I need to make a ganache.

Very, very nervous and stressed.


Oh, dear. Come on!

I'm rushing now.


Bakers, your time is up!


Just about.

God, that didn't go to plan at all,
did it?

Aah! Hot!

Stop eating them. What?

WITH MOUTH FULL: I'm not eating
anything, I swear.

Whole samosa in your mouth.


Mine opened.

Oh, I'm scared now.

Could be a little bit better.

Better than mine!

Yeah, that's true.

I'll take that!

Now the bakers' pastry will face
the judgment of Paul and Prue.

Hello, Ruby. Hello.

Beautiful. Thank you. The pastry is
crispy, thin all round. Yeah.

You've got potato, peas and onions.


It's quite hot. It's too spicy?
Sorry, I never know when to stop.

I like the fact that you
haven't scrimped.

You've gone, right, there it is.

What I like about it is that
you've been brave enough to say,

"Right, I'm not going to try and
improve on the samosa or do

"anything fancy," and you've done
them perfectly. Thank you.

Let's try the sweet one.


Good strong orange.

I get the almond in there,
I get the dates in there.

It's a juggernaut of flavour.
On both.

Yeah. Oh! Yes!


Amazing, thank you. Well done, Rube.
Thank you so much. Stunning.

The only thing I will say is

get your mum to write down her
chutney recipe. I will do.

She'll be made up with that.

Well done, Rubes. Thanks!


The pastry is OK in places.

Some of them are quite soggy,
though. Yeah.

Mm, a chicken pesto.
That's delicious.

Yeah? Thank you.

I didn't think that would work.

Your sweet one...
The jam might need a spoon!

Not so much a dip-in,
bit more of a spread. It's a smear.

The flavour's great. You have
the orange, the creme pat.


So beautiful. Thank you!

You can hardly bear to eat them.

I think the pastry's perfect,

And the texture, because you've got
the nut in there as well,

and the beetroot.

But the sweet one is too gluey. OK.

Peanut butter always is. Yeah!
But great job.

I mean, the best-looking samosas
I think I've ever seen! Thank you!

I have never had a samosa

with a Pythagoras theorem on.

Mm! The pastry's beautiful
and light.

Very traditional flavours.

It's almost like you're missing

It is spicy enough? Cos I thought
it might need a bit more chilli.

That would've helped.

But I must say, the apple chai
samosa is absolutely lovely. OK.

Thank you very much.


I think we know
where we're going here!

A bit tough, Prue?

How could you guess that?
Just a bit.

Oh! Goodness me. Dan, taste that.

Wonderfully soft.

When you lie, your face goes red.
You know you've got that?

It seems to be absolutely about
too much water in the pastry.

It's more like a bread. See?
Mm-hmm. They are both like leather.

But the fillings are beautiful.
Well, that's one out of two!

I love this little pattern
you've got on the top.

They look quite authentic,
don't they?

Rahul, if I tell you they are
absolutely delicious quickly,

will you start looking happier?

Great flavours.

What it is, is the texture,

you've got the nut,
the flavours, the spices.

And that with the raita as well,
it's that cooling effect,

the whole thing together.

Cos the pastry's beautifully crispy
and it almost melts in the mouth.

The sweet one, the oil in
the coconut is so moist.

I think it's absolutely faultless.

If he doesn't put his hand out
and give you a handshake,

I'm going to k*ll him.

It's fine. If you like it...
Death or shake?




Erm... Your mother would be
very proud of them.

Oh, I'm stressed...

The pastry's a little bit thick
on the top.


It's split a bit on a couple there.

There's much more potato
than there is chicken,

so the chicken has a hard time
coming forward. OK.

The sweet one, I just think
it's a little bit too dry. OK.

You do get the apple,
but you need that caramel,

and that caramel is too thick
as a dipping sauce.

This is disappointing.

It's not like Manon
to miss flavour.

Mm... Anybody's game this week.
I know, mate, I know. I know.

Not very happy with that.
I have to do good later today.

It's good to get appreciated
by Paul Hollywood

and the way he does it
by, you know, shaking your hand.

I feel sorry for Paul.
My hand was probably sweaty.

I probably had clammy hands
when he gave me a handshake.

That wasn't good. I should have had
a towel just to quickly...

I wasn't expecting that. At all.

Wow, I'm so happy that I finally
produced a Signature

where they've gone,
"That looks really nice,"

as opposed to, "Mm, a bit messy."
You know, like, yeah! Finally.

Let's hope for the Technical.

Top three would always be nice.

How about top?

Pastry week isn't about to get
any easier.

The bakers have no idea
what they'll be asked to bake next.

It's time for your
Technical Challenge,

and today's gingham-covered mystery
recipe has been set for you

by the gorgeous Prue. Prue,
some advice? There's a lot to do.

So, keep calm and keep going.

There you go!

Right, off you two pop!

What are they doing today?

I think Paul's paying Prue
to clean his cars. Oh!

She doesn't know he's got 149.

Now, the judges would love you
to make

six of that French classic pastry
puits d'amour.

"Well of love."

So, rough puff pastry, choux pastry,
compote and creme patissiere.

And you've a mere two hours to
complete this Technical Challenge.

On your marks... Get set... Bake!

Oh, God. Have you ever heard of one,

I haven't heard of it, mate,
I've got no idea what I'm making.

I'm a really bad French because
I'm sure that a lot of people

would know about it, but...
never seen it before.

This fancy French pastry
was invented over 250 years ago.

I've never been in a well of love.

I don't even know what
a well of love is.

It was thought to be scandalous
due to the erotic connotations

of its look and name. Perhaps it's
a well where you go to make love.

I didn't know I had a well of love,
to be honest with you.

So, Prue, puits d'amour. Mm.

"Well of love." "Well of love."

Why have you chosen these
beautiful pastries?

Well, mainly because
they're quite difficult.

There are five elements to this and
they have to get them all right.

First of all, you have to make
a puff pastry.

It's really important to get
the layers.

So, you want to keep that cold.

Then they have to pipe
a perfect ring of choux pastry,

but in the meantime they make
the compote and a creme pat

which they blowtorch to a caramel.

All right, I've got to try
one of these.

I hate to think we've got to eat
seven of these. Hate?!

The trouble is, I'll eat them all!
Bring it on!


Haven't had the best start
today. So...

..I need to do well, now.

They're really, really detailed

"Make the rough puff by grating
the frozen butter

"into the flour and salt."

Don't overwork it. You don't want to
melt the butter.

I think I have melted
the butter already.

Oh, my God, this is so bad of me.

I need to chill it. Ugh...


So, there's mine...

This is a French challenge,
how come you've never heard of it?

I've spent too long in England!
Do you think you'll be here forever?

If I find a English husband, yeah.

Are you looking for an English
husband? I've tried.

You've tried?

What, no takers?!

Wow! I think you're going to get
some letters.


I love working with puff pastry.
Love all the rolling and folding.

The folding is the technique
that you do to get the layers.

Tuck, tuck, tuck.

So, I'm doing a book fold,
which creates four layers.

Hey, Mr Handshake.

Oh, my God! Why do you have to
start with that?

Won't be the same thing...
Why are you never pleased?!

What happened with Paul, did you get
a handshake? No, no.

They were really complimentary,

Paul said they were the best samosas
he'd ever seen. Paul who?

Paul Hollywood. Oh, yeah.

I like that guy. Yeah,
he's all right.

Can he bake? I think he can.

Prue's the one
you want to watch out for.

Yeah. She's trouble.

It just says, "Make the compote
and then the creme pat."


So, the compote's OK.

I think I'm fairly confident
with a creme pat.

This is creme pat ingredients.

See, when you finish separating
your eggs

and you've got these lovely
egg whites,

never let them go
cos there's good protein in there.

Mmm. Reminds me of Rocky!

Is that looking as good
as everyone else's?

This is eggs and the milk
and a bit of butter.

You heat it until it burps.

You going to burp?

No, not yet.

You think that's thick enough?
I think that's thick enough.

But I've no idea what it is, so...

Good luck!

What have you drawn? So,
it's a bun and he's angry,

and it's really hot.

Toad in the hole!


Bakers, you have one hour left.
One hour.

Make the choux, OK.

Flour, butter, sugar, eggs.

Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix.


You want it to come clean
off the sides.

I hate this bit.

Is yours come together?

I'm slightly
concerned about my choux.

I'm just returning it to the heat

and trying to thicken it up
a little bit more

because it does not look right.

Right, roll out the pastry,
cut out six 10-centimetre rounds.

Using a small piping nozzle,
pipe the choux in a circle,

half a centimetre in from the edge
of each pastry disc.

Doesn't make any sense,
so I'll stop reading.

So, I'm doing a circle.

I think.

Don't fully know, like,

whether to space it out or not.

I guess if they haven't said...

It's not that I don't want to help
you, it's that I have no idea.

This is my interpretation.

I really had no idea what to do.



In a circle, a centimetre.

So, not circles.

In a circle.

Oh, man... Read, Rubes, read!

Not good.

Bakers, you've got
half an hour left.

"Nibbled sugar for sprinkling."

MANON: I like it like this.

Look at 10! "Bake." "Bake."

That's it. Nothing else!

Cheers, mate!

Heat up and... Pfft!

Me being me, I'm really scared.

I'm going to check after 15,

and see what happens.


Oh, no!

So, I forgot the nibbled sugar

but I'm not going to open
the oven

because it will let the steam out

and that will stop
the choux from rising,

so that's a big no-no.


You all right? Yeah, I just forgot
to put the bloody sugar on.

Right, shall we try that again?

Right. OK.

They're puffing up a little bit,

Beautiful. I quite like that
they were thought to be naughty.

I think that's rather fun,
don't you? Yes! Yeah.

Mine are overflowing.

Just got too much love to give,

Don't know when to take it out.
Let's have a check of this.


You can't see that.

Oh, man...

I'm too, like, embarrassed
to take mine out.

Oh, man!

The choux hasn't risen properly.



I'm pleased with them, yeah.
They're looking OK.

Just adding the sugar
that I forgot to put on.

Briony's look really good.

How has this happened to me?!

Bakers, you have five minutes.
Just five minutes.

"To assemble, spoon the strawberry
compote into the pastry shells."

Oh, I can't even look at them!

"Pipe the creme patissiere
over the top."


Hmm. That looks terrible.

"Sprinkle the demerara sugar
on the top of the creme pat.

"Using the blowtorch,
brulee the sugar."

I bought a blowtorch recently

but I was
really freaked out by it.

One minute left, bakers.

I don't even know how to do it.

Oh, God!

I'm trying not to burn the choux.

That is horrific.

Bakers, that is the end
of your Technical Challenge.

It's bad. It's bad.

I'm quite pleased. I'm not.

Please place your wells of love
behind your photos on the table.

Paul and Prue are expecting
six perfect puits d'amour...

..discs of flaky puff pastry
crowned with rings of choux pastry

and topped with bruleed
creme patissiere.


We start with number one.

Quite dark, don't you think?

I think that's probably
not enough compote.

And not enough creme pat.

It tastes fine.

Aeration in the choux.

Mm. Crispy base.

It's just a little bit dark.

OK, moving on.

This is actually a bit more...

That's a classic. the one
we're looking for.

Nice, strong colour underneath.

Very good compote.

The aeration you've got on the choux
is fantastic. It is very good.

OK. Erm...

Quite flat.

It is painfully thin,
that puff pastry.

Flavour's there, though.

Oh, it's good. Nice tartness.

It looks like, erm...

Well, it's been cremated, hasn't it?
Yeah, too brown.

I think the choux pastry
was a little bit too soft

when it was piped out.

I could taste a little bit of burnt
in that.


Nice interpretation.

Very original look.

A bit dark again, but not bad.

Creme pat's quite firm,

but it is delicious.

Moving on.

Creme pat.

We seem to have a split.

It's very flat,
that choux, as well.

That choux pastry was not cooked
enough. Yeah,

there's no well -
there's no sides to it.

I'm going to eat some anyway.

Component parts are OK, it's just
that pastry's a real shame.

OK. Last one.

These are quite neat, quite
a nice little colour,

nice bit of piping work as well.
That is a beautiful shape.


Mm. Tastes delicious.

But whose puits d'amour
is filled to the brim with love?

In the hall of shame, we have...

..this one, number seven.

It tastes absolutely delicious
but it is the worst one here.

In sixth place is this one,

whose is this?

Flat as a pancake. What happened?

Um, I am stupid, I opened the oven

because I forgot to put the sugar
on and... And it collapsed.

Kim-Joy is fifth,

Manon is fourth,

and Rahul is third.

In second spot is...

..this one.


All the elements were fantastic,
well done.

So, in top place...


Briony, they were elegant,
they were uniform,

and they were utterly delicious.

Oh, thank you so much! Thank you.


Yay! I still can't believe that!

Genuinely never thought
I'd come first in a Technical.

This is awesome!

I can make choux, I assure you.

I a-choux you.

Middle, I take middle today.

Today has gone slightly better.

And tomorrow...

I will have to do better tomorrow.

I just feel embarrassed because
it was just such a terrible day

and it looks like I can't bake.

I'm going to go and have a drink.


One challenge remains.

One last chance for the bakers
to earn their place in the tent.

I think one of the most
pleasing things this week

is the soaring success of Briony.
I know.

In the first couple of weeks I
thought, "She's not going to last."

She's in line possibly
for Star Baker.

I think Rahul is obviously up there
as well.

Do you want a secret bet?

What? I'll have Rahul,
you have Briony.

Let's have a look at the people
who are in some difficulty.

Dan. It was surprising.

I mean, he has done so well
up until now.

Manon is in trouble.
She did struggle with the samosas.

Ruby, on the other hand, did really
badly in the Technical, so I have

to put Ruby in there even though she
got the handshake on the samosa.

Nerves play a part, don't they?
We're down to seven.

It is really a wide open field now.

Hello, bakers,
welcome back to the tent.

It's time for your Showstopper.

Today, Paul and Prue would like you
to make a shaped banquet pie,

which is basically a pie in
the shape of a banquet.

Yeah, not completely, really.

The judges are looking for
a beautifully decorated and

impressively shaped sharing pie
which would be right at home

as the centrepiece at
a Tudor banquet.

You can use any filling, any pastry,

but it must be shaped with
your own hands.

You've got 3.5 hours.
On your marks... Get set... Bake.

I've got to nail it.
It will be fine.

She says now!

Oh, God.

I have to get it right,
there's no two ways about it.

I liked it when I kept
getting handshakes.

Let's go back to that, I think.

What we're looking for, really,
is a beautifully designed,

ornate pie fit enough to go
on a king's table.

One of the chief problems
with the pie

is the juice is likely to leak out.

We don't want anything
that's too dry,

we don't want anything
that's too soggy.

They have to get
that perfect balance.

They can't use a mould,
but they can use their hand

to manipulate and shape whatever
pastry they're going to use.

This is the bakers' chance, really,

to show us their little bit
of an artistic flair.

Briony. Good morning, Briony.
Hi, hi-hi.

Right, would you like to tell us
all about your banquet pie?

It's based around Alice In
Wonderland, hence the dress.

It's going to be
the Mad Hatter's hat.

The steam hole at the top
is going to have Alice's legs

and her skirt coming out,
as she goes down the rabbit hole.

This is the entire story of Alice In
Wonderland in one hat. I know, yeah.

Briony won't just be keeping
Alice's adventures under her hat,

her pie will be crammed with
rich layers of mushrooms,

sweet potato and venison.

You're putting Bambi in
an Alice In Wonderland hat?

I'm just feeling slightly
stressed now.

How are you soaking up the liquid?

I'm actually making some
savoury pancakes to soak up.

The thing is with meat and game,
it just is so juicy.

Briony, I'm really worried
about time.

Come on, Paul, let's leave the girl.
Good luck.

You're late, you're late! Oh, gosh.

The hurrier I go,
the behinder I get!

Time is a gift.
Every minute, every second.

And most of the bakers are sticking
with a traditional pie pastry

that's quick to produce.

My pastry is very simple.

It's hot water crust.

I just thought that making sure
it's given enough time in the oven

is going to be really key.

But Dan, Jon and Kim-Joy
are going off-piste.

We have puff pastry. This is
the heavy metal of all the bakes.

Ozzy and Slipknot is puff pastry.

Full puff pastry is made
with layers of butter

that need time to chill.

Because I want to keep my pastry
nice and cold,

it's taking me a bit longer.

They're hoping the wait
will be worth it,

as the flakes they achieve
should enhance their designs.

So, my pie is going to be
shaped like a fish.

For Dan, it will create
the illusion of fish scales.

His pie will feature layers of rice,

boiled egg and
lightly-smoked salmon.

You're shaping the fish, detailing
with the puff pastry itself? Yes.

So it's going to have
scales and tail.

Yeah, I mean,
I had this interesting idea

but I don't know if
it's a good idea.

Salmon is sort of black and silver
and then lighter,

and I've got some sprays and stuff.
But I'm not sure...

He's not keen, glitter is not
the way to go. I don't know.

You're more of a purist, aren't you?
Yes, silvery fish.

I mean, I think you should do what
you think's right. We don't matter.


I am making a mermaid pie,

and it's called
Silke the Vegetarian Mermaid.

Like Dan, Kim-Joy is relying on puff
pastry to enhance Silke's scales,

and she's not afraid to use glitter.

Her pie will be filled with
her favourite veggie flavours -

beetroot, butternut squash,

feta and caramelised onion.

I played a merman once,
called Old Greg. Oh.

He's a sea transsexual. Oh.

Quite a demanding role for me.

Morning, Jon. Good morning, Paul.
Hi, lovely.

Can you tell us about your banquet
pie, then? What are you doing?

Is it something Welsh?
Please tell me.

I'm doing a Welsh dragon pie.

With lamb? No, with dragon.

Jon couldn't find any dragon,
but his pie should still have

fire in its belly
with a chilli-infused mix

of minced beef, leeks and carrots.

And he's not shying away from
decorating his puff pastry scales.

It's going to be green.
It's going to be green? Yeah.


It's going to be green puff pastry.
What is that device called?

This is my meat mincer thingy.
It's like a toilet brush.

Yeah, but it does work.
It's really good.

It's like my mini whisks and
my chopper and things like that.

I don't want to hear about that.

All right, then, Jon, it should be
finished in about an hour.

Yeah, about that.

With puff pastry,
it doesn't take long, does it?

I'm just sort of at a bit of
a loose end because, I mean,

I'm still waiting for my pastry.

While those with puff pastry
wait for it to chill...

..the rest of the bakers push on
with construction.

So, this is a rye pancake to line
the bottom of the pastry case,

because it helps with the moisture.

I added in rice. I'm hoping that
will take a lot of the stress out

of the soggy bottom.

The shape is like a butterfly
and, basically, a curry filling.

I think about the flavours
that I had as a child

and try to kind of reciprocate it
in my own way.

Rahul is calling on a secret family
recipe to spice his lamb curry.

He'll be embellishing his pie
with rich decorative colours

and intricate shaping.

What are you making now, a worm?

No, I'm making the tentacles.
Butterflies have tentacles?

Butterflies have a tentacle...
They have antennae.

No, the tentacle is the one
that they suck the nectar from.

That's their tongue! Oh, never mind.

You say tentacle, I say antenna.

Let's call the whole thing off.

So, the shape of my pie is a crown
inspired by the Kohinoor Crown,

which India surrendered to England
during the British Raj.

And the jewels in there are
absolutely amazing, it's fantastic.

Beneath the jewels of Ruby's crown
will be a layer of chicken curry,

sat atop a rice base.

You all right?
Rahul's doing curry as well.

Of course he bloody is!

He can't ever let me just have
my two minutes, can he?

I'm sick of that guy!

Do you want me to taste yours and
see which is better? Yeah, please.

I know what you're going to do,

I don't even want to look at
your face. Delicious.

Oh, that wasn't what
I was expecting.

And it's got a little kick. It has.

Oh! Sweet Lord. That's good.

I'm going to go for it.

An hour into the challenge,
Jon and Kim-Joy can wait no more.

If I was making this at home,
I'd make it over a longer time.

Harden up the butter
a little bit more,

because then you get
better layers from it.

It's not good, but, yeah, I've just
got to work as fast as possible.

Dan's, however,
is nowhere to be seen.

Are you all right, Dan?
Are you done?

No, not yet. I'm waiting on...

In an effort to salvage Pastry Week,
he's gambling on the perfect puff.

You know, obviously I want to do
well today, so I thought

if I made my pastry perfect,
it will be really impressive.

But it's a bit terrifying...

..because... just making sure
I've got enough time to do it all.

Another baker fighting for survival
is Manon. Morning. Hey, Manon.

Tell us all about your banquet pie.
What are you doing?

So, I'm making Poppy. Poppy? Yeah.

Which is an octopus.
Oh, it's an octopus?

And so she's eaten some whiting fish
with scallops and some salmon paste.

Manon's banking on her octopus
to keep her afloat for another week.

I hope you like it.

Just make sure it comes out
how you want it to come out

and do the best that you can.

Bakers, you're halfway through.

So if you've got pastry that you
need cooking, put it in the oven.

Baking, cooking, whatever.

What is this show? Who am I?
Is this a dream?

I love you, Jon.

I'm rushing now.

Time is not good.

Oh, God, I'm not ready.

Those with fully constructed pies...

That's it, we're going in.
Let's go. We're going in.

..can start the bake.

Poppy is going inside
for an hour and 15 minutes.

I forgot to put the steam hole in.

The steam hole is very important,
just to help release any moisture.

It can all come out from that hole.

Who's your favourite baker in here?
Whisper it.

No, I can't.
Oh, I knew you'd say that! Jon?

I'm not going to say any names.
What about Ruby and Manon?

I love them as sisters.

I can't choose any favourite,
that's the thing.

Who's your favourite presenter?
Um, I look like you.

Me? Come on, Rahul,
I thought it was Sandi.

Is it going to be ready?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah!

But will those with
puff pastry be ready?

I'm a little bit
against it with time,

so I need to get this in the oven.

Puff pastry takes, like,
40-45 minutes to bake.

While Kim-Joy and Jon catch up...


Hopefully that's
a good amount of time.

I don't think I could handle
messing up three in a row.

..Dan's lost track of time.
How long have we got left?

Bakers, you have 45 minutes left.

Well, then, yes, obviously
I need to get it in immediately.


So, I need one piece for the back.

Oh, God, how am I going to do this?

This is so not how
I wanted this to go down.

Oh, my God,
my pie is already leaking.

And this one is so under-baked.

I can see Dan's not in the oven.

I want to ask him if he wants help
but I know also it will

probably stress him out.

Is it all right, Dan?

Don't let him hear this,
but if Dan went, I would miss him.

Everything inside it is cooked,

so I literally just need
the pastry to brown.

And how long does that take?
Half an hour.

OK. We've got half an hour.

Oh, don't tear!

I'm going to go.

Come on.

Let's get it in the oven.


Decoration done.

Did somebody say croquet?

That looks so good.

I'm scared now.

Maybe Poppy is too simple.

We'll see.

Well done, Briony. Thank you.

Fancy a flying saucer?
Let's go back to the '70s.

There's a lot of taste
of polystyrene,

but then, wait for it...
Wait for it.

..then comes the fizz. Mmm. Mmm.

Getting the fizz.
I'm on my space hopper.

I've got flares on.

That's the way. That's the way.

Bakers, you have 15 minutes,
just 15 minutes.

Oh, good Lord. Whoa!

Poppy has exploded.
What exploded?

Poppy. Poppy? Poppy the octopus.

Poppy, don't explode.
No, I know. Stop exploding.

The hole for the steam
was a tiny bit smaller.

Little bottles of port.

I would never bribe
the judges with alcohol.

Rahul, I just saw an octopus
with antennae.

Yeah, it's not cooked.

Shall I just shove it up more?

I don't know what to do.

This is just my decorative stand.

I have to wait until it comes
out of the oven.

Sack it, I'm doing it.

Oh, no! Bit of leakage.

Dammit! Mine's leaking.

I didn't have time to chill
all my butter.

So, there's some juice.
That's so annoying.

Oh, my God, that looks so mess.


He's a bit of a baby, isn't he?

I know size doesn't matter,
but it's a banquet.

You're talking to the wrong
person about size.

I literally can't turn
the oven up any hotter.


The tin's stuck on the bottom.

I don't really understand.

Bakers, you have one minute left.
One minute remaining.

If your pie's still in the oven,
it will need to come out now.

Wow, great.

I think I'm just going to spray
in some colour to it,

it's more inventive.

Maybe Alice's feet could do with
a little touch-up.

This is battling to be here
next week.

Dammit, dammit, dammit.


Oh, my God.

Right, my lovelies, time is up.

That looks so good.
Hopefully that cooked through.

Off you pop. Off you pop, kids.

Don't worry, darling.

I still have some baking paper
underneath. It's so bad.

There he is. Skipping out.

The pie skipper.

And then there was just one.

A man alone with his thoughts
in a canvas tent,

in an empire of pastry.

The bakers' banquet pies now face
the judgment of Paul and Prue.

Kim-Joy, please bring up
your shaped banquet pie.

"Silke The Vegetarian Mermaid."

That is so Kim-Joy.

It looks great.

And what a great-looking
puff pastry.

You can see by the flakes in that.

But there's quite a big spot of
dough there where it's extra thick.

Which is a little bit worrying.

The caramelised onion
works really well.

The beetroot works and everything
works but that pastry's too soggy.

It's a pity because
it's so beautifully made

and it's top marks for decoration.

The colour's good,
decoration's good.

It's quite effective.

The plaiting of that is astonishing.

It's held together lovely.

Ruby, that is really good
hot water crust pastry. Thank you.

It's tasty, it's crisp.

The rice has really done its job of

soaking in all the juices
down to the bottom.

That with the curry together
is absolutely delicious.

It's a great pie.
Amazing, thank you. Thank you.

The insect is just exquisite.

I love the colours.


As soon as you get inside,
it starts to get a little bit wet.

I put only two little steam holes.
I should have put more.

I love that.

The lamb is beautifully cooked

and the flavours,
the spices are perfectly blended.

Jon, I think
the dragon lost the fight.

Where's its wings?

Not all dragons have wings.
Oh, right.

Oh, let's get into
the reality of this!

It's a monster sausage roll.

Isn't it?

It tastes delicious!

But it's really wet.

This is full butter puff pastry.

It's all about the chilling process
to get a bit of flake butteriness

and you never thought that through.

Time constraints with
everything else was my problem.

Looks more like a monkfish

than it does a salmon, doesn't it?

Looks great, though.

I know we had this conversation
before but my reaction is just

that it doesn't look appetising.

I don't want to eat it,
partly because it's so good.

It looks like a great
raw fish sitting there.

You feel like it needs cooking?


Does it? Quite possibly.

It's raw all the way round.

It could have been a bit
of dough, you know, anything.

The fish has lovely flavour.

Coriander pancake's delicious too.

But this is about pastry,
it's about a celebration of pastry.

Yeah, I know. And that is not a
celebration of pastry. No, it isn't.

It's clever, the idea's sound enough
and I do like the look of it.

Thank you very much, Dan. Thank you.

You wouldn't know unless
you said that's an octopus.

If you'd opened it up a bit and
really elaborated on the fact that

they are tentacles,
it would have looked more effective.

There is a bit of baking paper

It's on baking paper?

Because it got stuck? Yes.

I'm taking the paper with me.


See that underneath, Prue? Mm-hmm.

It needed longer.

Mmm. Bit too much salt.
It's very salty, isn't it?

It's too salty.
It's a little bit dry.

The pastry needed more baking
and the fish needed less cooking.

You are a dark horse, aren't you?

It's absolutely wonderful.
Thank you.

The little intricate
pieces of work look very clever.

And that's playable croquet
with the little flamingos.

Oh, look, there's the hedgehog.
There's the hedgehog ball

and he'll go through the little...
OK, here we come.



You missed.

OK, I think the baking of it
is very good. Thank you.

I hold reservation... OK... Because
you've got game in there as well

and it's notorious for
flooding out when you cut it.

Yes, I know, I am a bit nervous
about that. It's happened before.

Well done.

Well done. Phew! Oh, my God!

Mmm. Is this sweet potato? Yes.

Well, I would have had
much more of it. Yeah.

That much venison is quite an ask.

Dash of port? Yes, please.

That's my girl.

This is pure Prue.
Port, venison, croquet!

I am happy.
Very slightly Mad Hattery.

Yeah. Thank you.
Good stuff, well done.

Thank you. Thank you very much.


Really useful feedback
and I agree with them.

It would be amazing to get
Star Baker, of course it would.

We'll wait and see. You never know.

Obviously could have done better.

It wasn't my bake this week.

If I get to next week,
I'll be so happy.

I don't know if I can speak.

The one that seemed to me
to stop the show, Briony's one,

I just thought it looked fantastic.
It did. It was fantastic.

The whole of Alice in Wonderland,
from page 1 to page 88, was there!

A pie in the shape of a hat
is funny, right? It is,

and I think she's in line
for Star Baker.

And I'd have to say Rahul.

Even though he disappointed
slightly with the pie,

the flavours were great.
Talking about fillings,

you really liked Ruby's filling,
didn't you? Oh!

Ruby did get her flavour
combinations right,

and the baking was very, very good.

Has she saved herself enough to be
Star Baker, or not quite that much?

Mmm... I wouldn't...

Actually, I wouldn't
discount her from Star Baker.

So, where are we with Manon?

Too much sea salt in the octopus!

Yes, that was the one filling
that was badly flavoured,

and it was overcooked.

She's certainly in the danger zone.
Really, really disappointing.

Let's have a look at the salmon,

because, I mean,
it does look sort of raw.

That's part of the fun,
it's almost like an illusion cake,

you know, like
he's made a real fish,

but the pastry was terrible.

I felt disappointed,
because he's been so good

and so up there for weeks.

He has been Star Baker.

He just occasionally does things
where you think, wow!

He's got a gift.
He could get to the final.

Right, bakers,
end of a pastry-filled week.

Now, one person has really
impressed throughout.

It has been a stellar performance,

and I am delighted to tell you

that this week's Star Baker

is Briony.


Well done, babe.
Thank you! Excellent.

Unfortunately, that leaves me

with the horrible job
of sending someone home.

And the person who's leaving us
this week is...


Come on, mate. Never mind.
You had a really good run.

You had a good run, mate.

Thank you.

Never mind.

It was a disastrous week,
though, wasn't it?

BRIONY: I'm really sorry for you.

I think you're an incredible baker.
I am.

Yeah, well, that was expected,
wasn't it?

It didn't take Nostradamus
to see that coming.

Oh, I shall miss you, Kim-Joy.

Well, we'll catch up. We will.

I've had some good moments.

You know, as a stay-at-home parent,

sometimes you don't get to feel
very sort of special or important,

so it's been quite nice... It's been
quite nice to do something for me.

Oh, Dan!

Yeah, it was a bit of
a mess, though, wasn't it?

It was a bit, but it's been such
a good week as well.

You're such a good baker.

I think sometimes,
pastry can be quite tricky,

and I think pastry was
Dan's Achilles heel.

Sorry to see you go, mate.
Really am, genuinely, mate.

Push on for next week,
please, Manon. I will.

We lived!

Paul told me, "You'd better
do better next week."

No pressure!

Thank you so much, Paul.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I absolutely love Briony,

and it's such a pleasure to see her
just burst out and start blooming.


Star Baker!


That's fantastic!

Well done!

Hello, darling!

Say well done.
Say, "Well done, Mummy."

No, she's not... She's not going
to say anything!

That's amazing!

Next time... Oh, man!

..we're throwing out the eggs and
butter in our first-ever Vegan Week.

You look like you might know
your way around a vegan restaurant.

Oh, dammit!

With a tasty tartlet...
Can we have a kebab week soon?

..a tricky technical...
Vegan meringue.

..and a towering showstopper...
That's terrifying!

..that will leave the bakers... Ooh!

..teetering on the brink
of disaster.

Oh, man!