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09x10 - Final

Posted: 04/20/24 18:36
by bunniefuu
In the beginning...

I think the dome is spectacular.

Extra points for the outfit.

...there were 12.

I really hope this holds!

This is gonna be a disaster,
I can feel it.

Ah... it's going, it's going.


What a nightmare.


Oh, I've got to breathe.

...there are three.

Please don't collapse,
please don't collapse...

Please don't collapse.

Finalists, please pick up your
gingham-covered trays,

and come with us.



Right, let's do this.

Good luck. Yeah.
Good luck, guys.

This is very, very surreal.

Never thought I would come that far.

I am definitely very, very,
very nervous.

From the get-go, scientist Rahul has
received the highest of praise.

I've never given a handshake for
a Showstopper before.

Although his ambitious designs
initially led to his supremacy...

You're a little genius, Rahul.'s been the reason for
his recent decline.

It does look a bit of a mess.

I think you just did too much.

But having received the most
handshakes so far...


..he won't be changing his
approach for the final.

Just trying to do my best.

I think I'm saying the same
thing from week one.

I think that's probably my motive.

I think it's probably going to be
said, I'm Rahul, try my best.

Kim-Joy has consistently
impressed throughout...


Well done.

..with her whimsical creations.

I think the design is flawless.

And even though the technical
challenges became her

Achilles heel...

Really undercooked and pretty
inedible, I'm afraid.

..she has earned a place in
the final.

Last night, I started thinking,
"Oh, what if I won it?"

That would be amazing.

I would love to win it.

Ruby has taken an unconventional
route to the final,

nearly leaving in the very
first week.

That must've been, like, the
tightest call ever.

I'm so sorry.

She's had her fair share of

Oh, man.

..and triumphs...

That with the curry together is
absolutely delicious.

..and proven she's a force to be
reckoned with after winning

Star Baker for the last two
weeks running.

A few lows, a few highs.

Can it get any higher? I don't know.

I mean, I'm praying it can, but
Kim-Joy and Rahul are phenomenal.

So to be able to still be here
standing my ground and be part

of the final three,
I just feel so lucky.

Three remaining bakers,

three final challenges,

before one is crowned the Great
British Bake Off winner, 2018.

Congratulations, finalists.

Doesn't that sound great?

Today the judges would love you to
make two batches of

beautifully iced doughnuts.

Six filled doughnuts,
and six ring doughnuts.

As this is an iced doughnut
challenge, the judges are

looking for impressive icing
technique and beautiful decoration.

Your batches should be consistent in
shape, size and finish,

like me and Sandi.

You have three hours.

On your marks... Get set...


The final has started!

The more I think about it,
the more I stress about it.

It's a bit tense, but I'm just
gonna do what I need to do, just
crack on.

It's the final, and the
Signature Challenge is doughnuts,

one of my favourite things.

It's actually quite difficult to
make properly.

We're looking for an aerated texture
inside, beautiful and golden

brown on the outside, and flavours
that pack a punch.

Keep it simple, but keep it perfect.

The fascinating thing about this
final is that all of our bakers

have won Star Baker twice.

So it's a totally level playing
field, there's nobody who's

out front - it's genuinely a
fantastic competition for a final.

Good morning, Rahul.

Hi, finalist.

So we're on doughnuts.

And when you cut into a doughnut,
what are we looking for?

Very good question,

I never had doughnut in my life
before I made this challenge.

Really? No.

Is there no equivalent,
Indian equivalent? No, no.

And here I have seen doughnuts, but
I feel like, "Oh, it just looks like

"a deep-fried bread,
I'm not gonna eat it," so...

Rahul's unique take on doughnuts
will combine a mango creme

patissiere filling, with a
Paisley Royal icing decoration.

His ring doughnuts will be flavoured
with spiced orange

and a decoration on top,
which is sure to be a mouthful.

I'm going to do it like a wreath,

so I'm going to cover it with a
buttercream on the top.


Buttercream? So... Oh... ..when you
pick it up to eat it...?

Ah... yeah.

It sounds a messy business.

I think you two are gonna need a
knife and fork.

Yeah. Well, good luck, Rahul.

It's the final, no pressure.

Ah. It's making me more nervous now.

NOEL: Kim-Joy is feeling less
frightened by her doughnuts.

I've made doughnuts before I think,
yeah, I did quite enjoy it.

Doing well in the Signature
will definitely be a good start,

so we'll see.

SANDI: Both of Kim-Joy's doughnuts

will be made with the same

lemon-flavoured dough.

Her filled doughnuts will contain

an amaretto creme diplomat,

topped with an orange glaze.

I'm doing one flavoured dough
for both doughnuts,

just cos there isn't
a whole lot of time.

This is my cinnamon dough.

NOEL: Ruby has decided to make
life twice as hard.

I'm making two different doughs,
so I'm proving for about 35
minutes each.

I think you kind of have to
push yourself.

I mean, what's the point in coming
all the way to the final and
just coasting?

Ruby's cinnamon dough will be filled

with a dulce de leche creme

and her cardamom ring doughnuts

will be decorated

with a white chocolate
glaze on top.

She's hoping practice
makes perfect.

I've practised doughnuts about
five times this week.

Did you take the week off work?
You said you were going to.

I did, yeah. And I've never been
more exhausted in my life.

You look so organised,
I'm really impressed. So, good luck.

You got this. You got this.
Good facade. You got this.

Good luck in the final. Good luck.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

I do want to prove to myself
that I can do it.

Because it's one thing my family
saying, "Oh, that's delicious."

They're going to say that,
they have to.

Well, they don't actually,
they don't always say that,
they can be quite cruel.

Look at you. Aw. I know,
look at my two front teeth...
You're so cute. ..coming out.

Look like a little Goofy, innit?


SANDI: Ruby's determination has
shone through from an early age.

She's always wanted to be the best
at what she does,

whether it's been sport,
whether it's been academically.

"Hardworking pupil, displaying the
energy and determination to

She goes to work, comes back
and straight away, she's baking/

And she'll be in that kitchen
until gone midnight.

You know she's had some weeks
where she hasn't done so great.

But I think now she's really
starting to believe,
you know what actually, I want this.

She will show the whole world what
she's capable of doing.

I will be the proudest mum
in the world,

to see my daughter...

..winning the Bake Off.

Simmer, come on.
About to make my dulce de leche.

I need to let that sit, so the
mixture inside can get really
nice, rich.

While the bakers' dough is

It's basically milk and mango puree.

..the race is on to make
their fillings.

I'm adding almond liqueur. I like
cooking with alcohol, gives things
a bit of a kick.

Oh, there you go, lovely.
That's actually perfect.

That's what...
Exactly what I wanted.

Is anybody coming for the final
for you? Yeah.

I don't really have my family here.

But David and Liz, who are
like my family here, they actually
inspired me.

David pushed me that I need
to apply.

I think we all need friends like
that, don't we? Yeah, true.

Without them, you know, it's almost
impossible for me to do
even anything here.

This is me when I was about nine
years old, probably.

Oh, wow. That's you at the Taj.
Oh, right, so you were at the Taj.

The Taj Mahal, yes.

But you're not even smiling there,
are you?

NOEL: David and his wife Liz met
Rahul through work and took him

under their wing after he moved
from India eight years ago.

I think it must be really hard for
him to have arrived in this
country and be on your own.

I think it's a very,
very hard thing to do.

I think David actually said to him,
"Look, why don't you start baking?"

To actually pick up the cuisine of
a new country and get to a level

where he's one of the top
three amateur bakers in the country

is, is just phenomenal.

He is family.

And I know he sees us as his family
in sort of Sheffield.

I think my life would be a lot
poorer if I hadn't met Rahul.

I'm slightly behind my schedule,
but it might be recoverable.

Bakers, you are halfway through
your doughnut challenge.

Halfway through.

It's done its last prove.

So, now I need to do stamp out
the doughnuts.

Paul and Prue are expecting
doughnuts that are uniform
in shape and size.

I'm just shaping them like
a bread roll.

And identical doughnuts will never
be more crucial
when it comes to frying.

I am being precise cos if they all
weigh 50g, then I know

they'll be cooked in the middle.

NOEL: For our finalists...
Just to give them the best chance,
I'm using a proving drawer today.

..precision is about to become
a lot more important...

Chocolate rainbows. they have to make not one but
two sets of exquisite decoration.

They're not going to like the
buttercream one,
maybe I shouldn't have done that.

I love the detail. I definitely
think detail's a strong bit.

I've chosen bees
cos Nabil, my partner,

my nickname for him is actually Bee,
cos like he's a bee. Bzzz.

You're so cute, aren't ya? Yeah.
That's me in a pink dress. Yeah?

Kim-Joy and Nabil met four years ago
at a board gaming club.

It was perfect meeting Kim-Joy
because she's into her board games,

she's into baking.

It's, it's like heaven, it's like
having a bakery in your house,

like constantly.

She's like a mad artist,
she'll be throwing stuff together,

the next minute you know,
she's just created this incredible,

beautiful piece of art.

Sometimes when she bakes something,
I actually want to have it as

an ornament around the house
instead of eating it.

But I am so proud of what
she's done.

I've never seen her take onto it
like this before.

Getting to the final is the best
thing that's ever happened to her.

But to actually win it,
that would be just something else.

I have no doubt,
I think she's going to do it.

Marks out of ten. Ten. Handshake.

I like these tiny bees,
they look great.

Look, look, Oh, my God, look!

Oh, my God!
You've blown that guy's mind.

Well, what's he doing?
He's wiggling his...

Do you think they're getting sexy?
Maybe. I think they might be.
Sexy time. Wow.

That guy's going to be embarrassed
when he gets back to the hive.

Bakers, you have... One hour left.
One hour.

I'll see what they're like.
These are definitely ready.

I will get cracking with frying.

NOEL: To achieve a doughnut that is
crispy golden on the outside,

while remaining beautifully soft on
the inside, the bakers need to

ensure the oil is at the perfect
temperature for frying.

It's always the really
nerve-racking part.

Too low and the doughnuts will end
up oily and dense.

180 is my magic number.

Too high and the outside will be
burnt before they can cook
through to the middle.

Right, it's getting there.
That's fine, it's there.

And I'm putting the doughnuts in.

Good luck.

I'm quite worried.

I go for two and a half minutes and
they seemed to be cooked.

The last thing you want is
like raw dough.

Two minutes on each side.

If they're raw in the middle, it's
going to be the worst thing ever.

About to flip. Oh, flip then.

Come on you. Oh, please, please,
please, please, please don't do
that with me.

Oh, sugar puff. Oh, start. Ooh.
I did not put the timer on.

Oh, I need a second timer.

Just get this second lot in.

I did 'em 45 seconds.

40, 45...

Is there extra stress today?
It's like a normal stress stress.

You know Rahul. Yes, sure.
So, just like a Rahul stress.

No, no, no, no, no. Don't do that.

He's got a massive air bubble.
Do I just pop it?

Two doughnuts coming out.

Uh, they're a bit paler than normal.
Maybe the oil's not as hot.

No, I think these should be
done by now.

This one is more than done.

This is burnt, actually.
No, no, no, no, no.

Coming out.
I think these are a bit darker.

He's a bit misshapen, isn't he?
Don't tell them this.

Oh, no. I just get carried away,
they're just so over.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Bakers, you have... 15 minutes left.

I'm going to fill these guys.

I'm just filling in my
dulce de leche.

I'm weighing because I want the same
quantity in each one.

I quite like doughnut
with lots of filling in.

Is it actually filling?

Did I put filling in that one?

I've forgotten when one I've put
these into now.

Oh, that one's a heavy one.

Is it actually working?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
This is such a big mess.

You've got mango on your wrist
and on your collar.

Your wife's going to think you've
been having an affair with a mango.

No, I don't think I would be
having a fruity affair.

It's a lemon glaze. Tricky thing is
getting the right thickness.

That is just white chocolate.
They're going to hate it.

Probably going to look like a cake
rather than a doughnut.

Bakers, you have one minute. Huh?


You've got to be kidding me. I need
to start doing the other ones.

Oh, stop it. They're a bit drippy.

I hope the judges will love my

I'm going to be really pushed
for time, as usual.

Ah, my hands are way too shaky.

Not going very well.
Not going very well.

Ooh, come on.

I'm done. Finally, swervy doughnuts.

Urgh, drip, drip, drip.

Bakers, your time is up.

Please place your doughnuts
at the end of your stations.

Final Signature done.
Final Signature done.

Whatever happens, happens. Happens.

It's judgment time for the bakers'
last Signature Challenge.

Hello, Kim-Joy. Hi, Kim-Joy.

The ring doughnuts
are very un-uniform.

That doughnut there is quite dark.

And then this one here is
quite light. Oh, yeah.

So there's a little bit of
inconsistency in this.

We'll start on the ring doughnut.

The shape of it's pretty good,
it's nice and round.

And as always with Kim-Joy,

the decoration is very delicate...
It is.

..and carefully done.

Nice texture inside.

Mm, nice and light.

Mm, very nice and lemony.

It works, that as a doughnut.
It's got a nice colour,

it's got a great texture
and it's got a great flavour.

Let's have a look at one of these.

Oh, wow, these are heavy. You've
got a lot of filling in there.

This is the one
with the almond liqueur? Yes.

Lots of filling.

Hmm, very almondy.

It's a great flavour.

It really is a lovely flavour. Aw!

And you've got it just right,
cos a quarter of a teaspoon more

almond liqueur and it
would've been too much.

Thank you, Kim-Joy.
I might come back and eat that!

You're welcome.


Great designs on the top.

I think the decoration is
very clever.

But it's got a little bit of
dripping round the ring doughnuts.

Let's have a look at these.

It's got a nice texture inside.

It's light.


Because you've used the chocolate,
you've got all that...

It's really sticky.

..and I'm not sure that that's
the right way to go. OK.

The basic doughnut is excellent.

You've just spoilt it a bit with too
sweet, too sticky topping. Yeah.

Let's have a look at the fill.

These are under-filled.

It's a bit boring. Right, OK.

You needed lots of that
filling in there.

But if you did that you really
would need a lighter icing, because
how much sugar can you get?

So much sugar, isn't it? Yeah.
Thank you, Ruby.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Oh, I don't even think
I filled that one.

Rahul, I think the colours are
absolutely amazing.

I mean, they have such personality.
Thank you.

Slightly over-decorated
for a ring doughnut? I dunno.

Probably. Probably.

It depends what it's gonna
bring to the flavour.

It's like a doughnut you'd get at
a funeral, and that makes me happy.

Looks a tad on the dark side. Yes.
A bit oily.

I think overall your texture is a
little bit tight.

I think it's under-proved.

My issue is there's far too much
buttercream on there.

You do get that orange flavour,
but we're tasting butter.

The last thing I want to do
when I'm eating... I know.

..a doughnut is taste butter.

But let's have a look at
one of these.

One thing I do like is the height

you've got off your filled
doughnuts. They're massive.

Oh, it's too much filling.

Oh, my goodness.
That's... that is plenty!

That texture's much better,
lighter than the first one. Yeah.

And I do like that mango filling.

It's like a little mango b*mb,
cos it is absolutely... Stuffed!

Thank you very much, Rahul.
Thanks, Rahul.

Thank you. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

Can you lay some of those on my
gravestone when I die?

Oh, no, don't say that!

I knew it was too much icing.

I do agree with their
feedback, totally.

Dear me. It's not great but
hey, hey. What it is, it is now.

Wasn't the best of starts.

I never like making it easy.

Just gonna keep on going,
keep positive

and focus on the next challenge.

They loved the flavours and I think
Prue seemed to really like it.

It's my last chance to win a
Technical which would be lovely,

but I'm not gonna put any
pressure on myself.



For our three finalists...

It is hot!

..the temperature is about
to go up a notch.

Hello, bakers, welcome back to the
tent to your last ever

Technical Challenge, which today has
been set for you by the lovely Paul.

Any words of advice?

Make good use of your heat source.

Well, that's pretty good advice

in any kitchen setting,
I would imagine.

Right, off you two go.

For your Technical Challenge today,

the first thing I have to tell you

is that your ovens are
out of bounds.

And so too are your workbenches.

Because we are going outside.

Please pick up your gingham-covered
trays and come with us.


In your own time.


This is cruel. Out you come.

Oh, this is fun. Come on, Rahul.
Thank you.

It's heavy.


I have no idea what is going on.

Oh, there's a fire.



So today, for your Technical
Challenge, Paul would like you

to bake six pitta breads
on the campfire in front of you.

And he wants you to serve
three dips -

a baba ganoush,

a smoked garlic salsa verde

and a burnt pepper salsa.


You have 90 minutes.

On your marks...

..get set...


Like with any other
Technical Challenge, the bakers have

been given exactly the same
ingredients and pared-down recipe.

Oh, OK. Crazy.

But this time they won't have their
normal ovens, but an open fire...

I've never really cooked in
a fire before.

Why would I do that?
People would think I've gone mad.

..which they will need to
manage themselves.

I have no idea what I'm doing!

I just don't know.

Bear Grylls eat your heart out.

So Paul, you have asked the bakers
for campfire pitta bread.

We've never done anything
like this before.

This technique of baking bread
on a hot stone has been around
for thousands of years.

I think it's a great challenge for
'em for the final.

Now, the character of a pitta
bread is a pocket.

That is critical on this challenge.

If you make a good pitta bread,

it puffs up like a balloon
when it's cooking.

If the temperature of the slate gets
too hot it kills the yeast and it'll

actually bake a bit like a flatbread
and will not get the pocket.

Now, the other element is
the three dips.

We've given them lots of ingredients
to play with but it's up to them

to come up with something that goes
really well with the pitta bread.

You can taste the roasted
aubergine. Mm! Fantastic.

I expect they'd never have come
across anything like this before.

They're probably going to get
a little bit hot under the collar,

because working over that
stove itself,

the temperature is going
to be extreme.

I am actually cooking alive,
I feel like.

For the pitta, make dough,
and leave to prove.

Pitta would have to be pretty wet.

I'm trying to remember when
I last made pitta breads.

I can't remember.

I've made pitta bread before but
it was quite a while ago.

Knead it till it's nice and elastic.

It's wholemeal flour,

so I'm thinking I still need to
work it quite a bit.

I'm trying to do
the windowpane test.

It's not working so I definitely
need to knead a little bit more.

Another minute. Oh, my God.

My eyebrows are gonna be running
down the side of my face.

I've been to hell.
It's similar to the heat.

This feels like hell.

Maybe you've died and this is
just you in hell.

Lovely! Thanks for that(!)

I think this is done.

Right, I'm just gonna let
it sit now.

I'll give it 30 minutes.


I will leave it here next
to the fire.

"Whilst the dough is proving make
your three dips."

"To make the three dips make sure
the logs are burnt down

"so there is little flame."

Burnt down.

I don't know.
There is flames there.

Just poke it a little bit.
That's what you do, isn't it?

Need to put some coal on it.
That's a good idea.

So no flame, good.

So add the vegetables to the log

and roast until cooked through and

To the logs.

So do you just add the veg whole?

To the logs.

I feel like I'm just doing
something really bad!




The fire is not turning down -
it is going up.

I don't like what I'm doing.
I have no idea why I'm doing it.

Get on there. Oh, get on there.

It doesn't say how long to cook it
for, it just says blacken them.

Oh for goodness' sake!

It's just rolling off the fire!

Is it supposed to sit
straight on the fire?

Isn't it?!

I need help.
Am I doing it right?

We can't really tell you that,

HE HUFFS Thanks!

Darling, you look panicked.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I just hoped putting some charcoal
would help, but I feel like
maybe that's not a good idea.

It's not so much fire
over that side.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna put
it there.

They are actually exploding.
They are going to explode.

I might go before I hit by a pepper.

Bakers, you have one hour left.

Come on. Let's go.

Ah, right in the face!

I mean that looks blackened.

That skin is starting to come

Roughly peel and chop and then
combine with the rest of the

It smells amazing.

Mm, tastes good. One dip down.

For the baba ganoush, combine the
flesh of the aubergine

with garlic, with the other

I don't like baba ganoush.

I don't know how to get it smooth
without a masher.

Maybe I just mush it in my hands.

Piping hot!


What you saying, good or bad?

Well, it's better with a little bit

of lemon juice. I wouldn't
still eat it.

On my smoked salsa verde.

Roast the garlic,
squeeze the flesh out,

chop up all the herbs and finish
the remaining ingredients.

Oh, my God! Where's my garlic?

Oh, my goodness gracious me.

They're supposed to be burnt,
aren't they?

Yeah, but this is like...
Burnt burnt.

It's actually on fire.
It's actually on fire.

Two tablespoons of cider.


Quickly, quickly, quickly.

I think some of this
liquid's got to go.

Bakers, you have half an hour.

Oh, my God!
I need to shape the bread dough now.

Shape your dough into six
equal pittas.

It's as equal as it's gonna get.

Just make sure that they're thin

Two more, two more.

I mean, it's not really a good
shape. I made them too thick.

Lightly spray each pitta with water
on one side topped with zaatar.


I put the zaatar mix
in the salsa verde.

How will you cook the pitta?

On that slate, I guess.


To achieve the perfect puffed up
pitta bread...

Goodness gracious!

..the bakers will need to heat
their slates

to exactly the right temperature.

OK, I don't know what that did.

I'm not sure.
It's probably not hot enough.

But heat it too much and it'll
instantly k*ll the yeast

and then the pitta breads
won't rise.

I don't know what I'm doing.
That's hot.

Cook the pitta on a slate,
put the zaatar side down first.

Oh, did it wrong.

Uh-oh, uh-oh!

Please puff!

Gonna let it puff up a little bit.
It's not really happening.

It's not really puffing much, is it?

It's got little bubbles,
but it's nowhere near.

There's not gonna be the pocket,
that's it.

I think this is too hot.

I don't think anybody's are puffing.

It needs to turn.

Oh, God.
That is not a good pitta.

I think that pitta's a write-off.


Oh, no, great(!)

Oh, goodness gracious.

I'll have to hide that one.

Maybe I can squidge
an extra one out.

Turn this into three.

Let's just try again.

Bakers, you've got five minutes


Oh, get on the slate!

This one is just like as
flat as a shoe.

Just not gonna happen, is it?

Oh, dear.

It's an awful pitta.

Oh, no. That is completely burnt.

Oh! That is bad.

How much damage control
can I do here? Oh!

It's just disgraceful again.

If I peel that off,
I might just cook it again.

Wish I can scrape off the
burnt bits.

I better just not come tomorrow.

Gonna try that again.

The final one.

So I can bin that one.

It's just utter disgrace of pitta.

Bakers, your time is up.

I mean, this is diabolical.
Had a bit of a 'mare.

Please bring your pitta breads
and place them

behind the photographs on the table
inside the tent.

Let's also get out of the sun.

I will never complain about that
heat in that tent, ever again.

Prue and Paul are expecting six
beautifully baked pitta breads

with a trademark pocket, served with
three fire-roasted dips.

They'll have no idea whose is whose.

Shall we start with this
one over here?

Bit charred on some of the
places here.

They are baked but they are more of
a flatbread than a pitta.

This is the flamed pepper.

Mm, that's got a kick to it.

What do you think about the
baba ganoush?

Charry aubergine. Lovely.

The texture's really nice on
that, actually. Mm.

Now moving on to number two.

This is actually a much
better shape.

They are thinner.

You can see a slight
envelope in there.

But it's very charred
and the zaatar's burnt.


Baba ganoush.

Mm. That's got a nice flavour.

Salsa verde.

Wow! That's got a nice kick.

OK, moving onto number three.

This is the thickest
and the smallest.

Needs to be much thinner than this.

Let's try these dips.

It's not very salsa verde. It's got
zaatar in it as well, hasn't it?

Hmm. That one piece just stabbed me
in the mouth.



Mm. Lovely.

It's a nice blend.

OK, it's gonna be quite tricky.

Who has triumphed in the final
Technical Challenge?

In third spot,

this one.

Ruby, these weren't too bad.

The big problem I had was with
the bread. That's fine.

So in second place we have this one.

Rahul, if this had been a
competition about dips

you might've come top, I think.

But your bread was a little too
charred and a bit thick.

Which means in first place,
we have this one.

It's me!

Your pittas are much better but
they weren't perfect.

And your dips weren't too
bad either.

Well done, Kim-Joy.

You do realise when he says,
"they're not too bad"

he really means, they're quite good.

That's a compliment.

I won a Technical!

Finally! It's my first one.

Ah! I feel like I can sleep well

I'm not saying I came last,
I came third.

It's not been the best day but I've
had to come back against worse.

Trust me, I've still got a lot
to give tomorrow.

Have a good night's sleep,

come tomorrow morning,
have my glass of milk

and literally put my best,

put my everything into it.

There is just one
final challenge remaining.

Good luck. Oh, good luck.

In just a few hours,
at a very special garden party

for family and friends,

we'll discover the winner of the
Great British Bake Off 2018.

Even though Kim-Joy won
the Technical, it was so close.

There's not really that much in it.
It was pretty close.

Didn't Kim-Joy do really well
in the Signature as well?

Well, they were all pretty similar
in the Signature too.

They worked this hard, been here
this long and it's all down to this
last challenge.

It all comes down to the challenge.
That's crazy.

Someone will always do something
a little bit special today.

I hope it comes down to the baking

and the baking chooses the winner,
not us.

The baking won't do that. You know
that, right? Well, yes.

It will. It will. I like the idea
that that might happen, but...
I promise you it will.

It's not that abstract this show.

I don't... "And the winner is...
Hang on a second.

"The baking says..."


If they use any of this,
I'll be astonished.


Morning, bakers, welcome back
to your final challenge.

I think you can feel the sense of
calm in the air.

For your last ever
Show Stopper Challenge,

Paul and Prue would love you
to create an incredible landscape

Your landscape should be a delight
for the senses -

visually exciting, texturally
stunning and a taste sensation.

Now, we don't need to remind you,
this is your last chance to shine.

Yeah, I think we should remind them.
Shall we? Just to rub it in.

It's your last chance to shine.
This is it guys, yeah. Come on.

You have four and a half hours.
On your marks... Get set... Bake.

The beginning bit is
when I'm usually more stressed.

Yeah, nothing big happening today,
just the final.

I'm extraordinarily excited.
I'm quite nervous too.

I think that this time the concept
is almost as important as the bake.

So, we're looking for a landscape
that we're not expecting

and that is perfectly ex*cuted.

It needs to have at least three
elements in there.

If it's a cake, nice and light,
full of flavour.

Biscuits, a nice snap.

So, all the criteria throughout
the Bake Off,

it's all happening in this
one challenge.

I'm wary about some of them having
such ambitious plans

that they won't finish.

It's 32 degrees and rising. They
really have got to keep their heads.

I have no idea who's going to win
this final.

Morning, Ruby. Morning. Hello, Ruby.
Your final Show Stopper.

My final Show Stopper is going to
be a magical landscape.

My three main elements will be a
choux mountain in the background

and then some shortbread hills
and some passion fruit cake.

NOEL: Ruby's passion fruit
cakes will be the hills

overlooking sweeping
praline dust pathways

with salted pistachio
brittle stepping stones.

Her rolling shortbread hills

will be flavoured with cardamom

and filled with
mandarin buttercream.

And her towering choux
mountain will be

filled with lemon
creme patisserie.

Where's the magic?

There'll be two unicorns sat on
top of the cake mounds.

They'll be an isomalt lake and some
little mushrooms.

Wow. You can see how excited Paul is
about unicorns.

He's like, hmm, hmm. Good luck,
Ruby. Thank you very much.

Try your best. I will, definitely.
Good luck. Thank you.

Unicorns appear a lot in baking,
don't they? Do they?

Minotaurs, not so much.
You're going to get three...

SANDI: Kim-Joy's final Show Stopper
will also be minotaur-free. Oh.

But mythology is at the heart of her
bid to be crowned this year's

So I'm doing the
Lost City of Atlantis.

Atlantis because I just like fantasy

and I feel like I live in a fantasy
world anyway.

Atlantis will be built with a ginger
cake and biscuit recipes

that won Kim-Joy Star Baker
in Spice week.

Waiting to be
discovered amongst

the ruins will be
a salted caramel

filled well and treasure chest.

Isomalt coral,
crushed praline sand

and fondant seahorses.

But there's one ancient mystery

Kim-Joy has yet to solve.

Do you know any ancient Greek,

Do I know any ancient Greeks?
I'm old but not that old.

I need to know how to write Atlantis
in ancient Greek.

Ah, not a problem. I'll be back.
OK. Leave that with me.

NOEL: Unlike Kim-Joy, for his last
Show Stopper of the competition...

Great start, not working.

..Rahul is headed for dry land.

It's going to be like a rock garden
because who made the rock gardens?

Mainly Victorian explorers. They
went to different countries,
they liked some plants.

They just said, "OK, we're going to
bring that back to our country

"and then they create gardens
to put them."

I feel kind of related with that.
Nobody bring me here, I wanted to

come here and that's why I came to
do my PhD, but it's very similar.

Rahul's blossoming in the UK

will be represented by

buttercream plants,

nestling between

choux rocks perched on top

of a two-tier
chocolate orange cake

and a lemon joconde mound.

He'll fill a pond
with orange curd

and surround it
with ginger biscuit

stepping stones for
a giant rock garden

featuring almost 200
individual items.

I have to make two types of cake.

Chocolate soil, I have to make
praline dust, I have to fill the

choux as well and
then make the plants.

I cannot afford to waste
any single moment.


Wait. Stop.

I don't know what happened, I

How did it happen even?

Rahul's storage jar has shattered
from the heat.

Great. Just literally the whole
thing exploded.

I don't really wanted to use any of
this because there might be glass.

The production team will now have
to throw away anything that could
contain broken glass.

So I'm not using that.

Do you think it went through here?
It can be, to be honest.

Let's get rid of everything.
I think... is that OK?

Rahul will now have to start
the final challenge of

the Great British Bake Off all
over again.

I'm going to be so behind now.

With so much broken glass on his

I can't really use any of the
hazelnuts either.

..Rahul still hasn't been able
to properly restart his final
Show Stopper.

I'm just going to be literally 20
minutes out schedule now.

Well, Kim-Joy and Ruby certainly
seem in control and know what
they're going to.

Poor old Rahul got himself in a bit
of a tizz.

Can I have a measuring jug, please?

He's pushing himself maybe a little
bit too much, cos if he carries
on baking in the mind-set

that he is... I know, he's scared.
..I think he's going to be in

I just need to calm myself down,
that's it.

Rahul. Hello. How's it going?

This is a sign from God that I need
to stop baking. Are you behind?

Massively. Can I kiss you on the
cheek? Yeah, that's fine, yeah.

You can kiss on my forehead
as well, I could like that,

because that usually means
like a lot. Thank you.

Whilst Rahul has yet to get his
first element into the oven...

I just need to step on it now.

..Atlantis is already beginning
to emerge.

First spice biscuit dough
for my building and my steps.

Now I'm going in for my shortbread.

Just a bit of food colouring in
there. I didn't want something to be
too dull, it's meant to be magical.

This one's done.

Everything was so, so delayed.

I should've finished all of these by

Hot, hot, hot.

That's that done.

Putting the cake inside now.

You calmed down now?

I'm really relying on that chocolate

If that's not OK I'm...
I have to do something.

NOEL: Paul and Prue have agreed to
allow Rahul an extra 15 minutes
to complete his Show Stopper.

You'll be fine.

Exactly the same amount of time
he lost.

But it might not be enough.

For his rock garden, Rahul needs to
find time to bake not just one,

but two different types of cake.

I'm making joconde sponge.
I just have to crack on, that's it.

Noel, what are you doing in
Paul's chair?

I'm just practising being a bit more
judgmental. Oh, OK.

Bakers, you have three hours.

That wasn't a very good time call.

Wow, is that it? That's the
judgmental thing?

This is my biscuit well and it's
going to have caramel in it.

These cakes are all something wrong.

I think I've put too little sugar
in them.

Trying to multitask at the minute.

So, I've got shortbread in the oven,

the choux pastries are going on
here. I've got my sponges.

I don't feel like I'm massively
behind, but I just need to keep
the pace up and not start slacking.

NOEL: Whilst the judges have
demanded at least three perfectly
baked elements,

the finalists also have to juggle
the creation of dozens of
decorations and fillings.

This is the mascarpone cream
cheese icing.

Just a bit of orange flavouring.

So that's my lemon creme pat,
which'll be my filling for my choux.

I've got lemon extract and zest.

I'm just going to make the orange
curd now.

There's this blue food colouring.

So, this is going to be for
the slimy old lake.

So, this is my blueberry
dipping sauce.

Have I got enough elements?
20 stages is bonkers.

But not everyone's final to-do

There is no point in me looking
at it. It's not going
to change anything. proving impossible.

Oh, wowzies.
It's like a big puzzle.

Big jigsaw puzzle. You've got all
your stuff out, though.

I know. You're ahead of the curve.
I just like to start assembling,

You've got to assemble Atlantis.

No, but I love the fact that you
just don't care and you go whimsy.

You go, I'm doing whimsical stuff.
Yeah. But, Ruby's doing unicorns.

Do you think she's slightly stepping
on your whimsy? No.

I don't really think of Ruby as
being whimsical. No? More stroppy.


I'm not having stroppy.
Stroppy Ruby and whimsical Kim-Joy.

Rahul, one word to describe

Depressing. Depressing.

90 minutes remaining...

That's done, that's done.

Once this cake is constructed,
I'm going to start doing my mountain

and then everything starts
coming together.

A good thing if you're doing a ruin,
if anything looks a bit rustic,

you can say you intended it
that way.

But whilst both Kim-Joy and Ruby
assemble their landscapes...

You guys saw nothing. ..planting
the rock garden has yet to begin.

They're a little bit over cos
I forgot to take them out,

but it's OK, I have to soak them
with sponge syrup anyway.

I'm just doing the biscuits now.
That's for the pond.

It's just too much.

I think it's just going to be
Rahul's big mess.

Going to start making creme pat.

Do they look like a ruins?

Is that me?

Going to start doing my choux
in a second, filling them.

Think a little crack makes it look
more realistic.

When the choux is in the oven, I can
actually start doing other things.

So running behind.

Oh, I don't like this nozzle at all.

Oh, my God, all the heat coming out.

Ta dah! Yay! "Atlantis Island."

Perfect. I love it. There you go,
sweetie. Amazing. That's OK.

Finally I've been useful. I'll
present that with it. Don't look at
the back of it.

It says "pain" on the back
but don't look at that. Pain.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Completely lost count of when I put
the choux pastry in.

Please, please, please, don't make
me make the choux pastry again.

Bakers, you have one hour left.
One hour.

That was good. I've got to go,
I've got to present QI. OK.

Oh, I've got to breathe.

So I just need to pipe it
within the lines.

Oh, no, it's started collapsing now.
Oh, please don't collapse.

Please don't collapse.
Please don't collapse.

Do you think that looks stable

These are my little mushrooms.

So, there's white chocolate
and a mint Chantilly...

I need to airbrush the building,
make it look a bit mouldy.

OK, I'm going to put together now.

Trying to multitask at the minute.
So, I've got caramel going on here.

Doing some tuilles.
Just like sea weedy.

That's the call for my choux. OK.

I'll get it done, I'll push.

I think they should be all right.

I'm just isomalt over ice.


Sorry, I thought that was about
to burst into flames.

It forms a thing,
it kind of looks like coral.

Actually I think I can still use it
anyway. How much time have I got?

You have 15 minutes left.

I think now is the time when I can
put the choux's on.

The tricky tail end.

I do like that seahorse.

This is my little snow top

What colour is a seahorse?

Oh, no, this buttercream is melting.

Some edible flowers.
Very, very hot.

I don't know how I'm going to get
this into the shape of a bowl
to put my dipping sauce In.

Salted caramel, still a little warm.


Oh, my finger,
I don't know what to do.

How much time? Five minutes left.

This is gin.


Oops. All the treasure's spilling
out. Argh.

I wanted to make some long cacti.


I really want to make those

It is wobbly but it will hold.

What am I going to do with this

I literally don't know what
I'm doing, I'm just doing it.

You know what I'm going to do?


Oh, my thumb.

Ruby, Kim-Joy, your time is up.

Are you happy? Come on.
Rahul, you have 15 minutes.

It's going to be tight.
Oh, I can't watch.

I'm going to put the curd in
very, very soon.


So, that's an orange curd.

I would like to put it
when the chocolate is set.

Uh, I'll just put it now.

Can't find a palette knife, great.

One minute.

Just thinking if I am missing some
elements or not.

This is just to give like a
green algae look.

This is going to be literally
a very, very speedy pipe.

Great. Rahul, time is up.

Come on, Rahul.

Come on. Well done. Sorry.
Well done. Sorry.

They've left home.

What are we going to do now?
I don't know.

Oh, well. Shall we convert
their rooms into offices?

Yeah, let's do that.

Outside the tent, the bakers'
family and friends have arrived,

along with a few familiar faces.

It's only been a week, but I feel
like I've been gone forever.

This is so nice.

Kids are really loving it, they
can't believe they're there by the

So, I'm cheering for the girls

So we have Rubes,
the queen of Technicals.

But I think Kim-Joy's got it.

She's got the knowledge,
she's got the execution,

she's got this really unique
artistry as well.

Rahul, I do not know where but he's
got a magic wand that he

keeps pulling out.

If Rahul wins he probably
won't believe it.

He'll probably still think he's not
good enough to have won it.

Absolutely Team Ruby all the way.

Good luck whoever.

Whoever, I don't know.

It's judgment time for the
show stopping edible landscapes.

Ruby, would you like to bring your
Showstopper up please?

Yikes. Shall I help you? Yes,

Ruby, can you tell us all about
your landscape please?

I have done a magical landscape.

You have a choux mountain,
filled with lemon creme pat and

there's also a blueberry
dipping sauce.

There is a passion fruit cake
and a unicorn.

I'm very impressed you've managed to
make the choux pastry look

really rocky.

I'd like this to have been made.

I was making it out of isomalt and I
suffered a few burns at the end.

Shall we try this biscuit first?

So it's cardamom and orange

Very nice, crisp shortbread.

Hmm, it's got a nice
flavour to that.

It's buttery, that's how it should
be. That's very good.

What were these mushrooms?

It did have a mint Chantilly and
there was a raspberry gel and

they did look really effective at
the start, but it was just heat.

Beautiful flavour. That mint really
comes through, doesn't it?

Hmm, it is really delicious.
Thank you.

Beautiful sponge. Isn't it?

And the flavour with the
passion fruit goes really well
together. Ooh, that is lovely.

It's quite bitter.

I think that was the caramel.

You've overcooked it.

But the creme pat's good and it's
nice choux pastry. Yeah.

It's just a pity about the caramel.

I think overall the idea is
good, the flavour's very tasty.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

Rahul, please bring up your

Would you like a hand?
Yes, please. Thank you.

tell us about your Showstopper.

So this Showstopper is my
interpretation of a rock garden.

There is a chocolate cake there,
within which is buttercream,

orange flavoured and there is a
choux mound on the top of that.

And the other one is the lemon
joconde and then like a pond is

basically coloured orange curd and
the outside is choux pastry

filled with cream mousseline and a
little touch of cardamom.

And then all around there is a
chocolate soil and then some

small little biscuits and like a
stepping stone.

Sorry, I just talk much.

It's quite impressive,
there's a bit of a height to it.

It does look very natural as well,
doesn't it? It does.

But I can't say it makes my
mouth water.

I think it's the sludge
puts you off a bit.

Just remind me what the stepping
stones are made of.

Orange and ginger biscuit.

Dip it into the sludge.

That's delicious.

It is absolutely delicious.

That biscuit melts in the mouth.

And the biscuit is very well
judged with the curd.

The choux buns look hideous,
don't they?

So if I open my mouth wide enough,
I will be getting praline choux,

cardamom and some caramel
on the top?

Tiny bit.

There we go.

You do get the cardamom and it
is... it's juicy inside.

Is it good? It doesn't, it doesn't
taste what it looks like.

And it all comes into your taste
buds one after another and

it's lovely.

Oh, look at that. This is lemon
joconde and... Joconde.

That's a lovely joconde.

It's well-baked.

You see how aerated that sponge is
but the overall flavour is

Right, let's take a look at this
chocolate cake. Oh.

If I hadn't had the joconde first,
I would say that was an
exceptional cake.

But it's a good cake.

The orange with the chocolate
is delicious.

And that cake is perfectly baked.

You are so clever at thinking things
through and your flavours are
so good.

Well done. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

Kim-Joy, would you like to bring
your Showstopper up please?

Do you want some help? Yes, please.

Have you got it?



So I've done the lost city of

So we've got ginger biscuit, we've
got ginger cake and the... Caramel.

Caramel. And the praline, yeah.
And praline.

Well, I think it's very original and
I'd say colourful and some of

the work is really quite delicate.

I'd like to have seen more
height with the cake,

cos it's quite flat.

It's really like Jamaican,
sticky ginger cake.

The ginger cake's delicious,
it's well baked.

I do question the flavour of the
orange with that ginger.

Did you use zest in that?
Extract from the zest.

So it's the oils.

It's extract? If it was zest it
would be much more citrusy...

Yeah. ..and a bit more tang to it.

Nice caramel.

It's a nice ginger biscuit.

But the problem is, I think you
would've been wise to have

done a different flavour, because
the ginger cake is so gingery

that the biscuit is a bit of a
disappointment after it.

I think it's a missed opportunity.

What you've got is a biscuit,

a ginger cake and a praline, blitzed
it and put that down as sand.

I think you're missing a trick,

I think you could've done
something more with this.

It just falls a little bit flat.

Thank you, Kim-Joy.

The largest crowd a Bake Off Final
has ever seen are waiting to

hear Prue and Paul's final decision.

We came into the Showstopper with
Kim-Joy just fractionally ahead.

I think she played it a little bit
safe because it wasn't nearly

as much as Ruby or Rahul did.

That style of his, it's quite rough
and ready,

but because it was a landscape, it
fell into his brief.

Oh man.

But I loved Ruby's
passion fruit cake.

That sponge was delicious.

So light,
and the biscuit was good as well.

But do we have an outright winner?

We need to look at the three
challenges together and they

all did very, very well.

I've got someone that's just stuck
their neck out in front.

For me, one of the bakers made the
most consistent bakes

and another absolutely shone on

Well, good luck to the two of you

cos there's several hundred people
out there

with flaming torches and pitchforks,
so good luck.

That's just your family, innit?
Oh, yeah, yeah.

Before the winner is announced,

the finalists can at last join
their family and friends.

I think week one I said to Jon,

"Oh, I'd be really happy if I
got to week four."

Hiya, how are you doing?

And now I'm here.

Hopefully I've done enough.

I'm very nervous, Liz.
You're all right sweetheart.

Whatever happens, I know I have
to accept it, so...

..I hope I've done enough of

Have you made all that mess
on your pinny? Yeah.

I've been a bit of a,
a comeback kid.

You OK? Yeah, I'm going to end up
crying. No, don't cry, don't cry.

And the fact that they found it
tasty and Paul liked the cake...

That's why I bake.

I bake because people love to eat it
and it makes people happy.

This is Rahul, he's the other baker.
Hiya, nice to meet you.

I am more than happy with...
with that.


Thank you all for coming.

Please could I ask our three
wonderful finalists to come forward

and can we have a round of applause
for Rahul, Ruby and Kim-Joy?


I love you all. Thank you.

Now, I wish it could be
all three of you.

You've been amazing
and I love you all,

but, unfortunately, there can
only be one winner.

And the winner of
The Great British Bake Off is...



Thank you.

I can't believe it!

Thank you.

You did it! You did it! Thank you!

Congratulations! Thank you.

Well done, mate.

Thank you. Your mother would be very
proud of you.

I know! Thank you.

What are you going to say to her

I don't know! Eh? I don't know!

Are you all right? Yeah, I...

This is probably the first time
I got something like this,

like a trophy.

I just... I don't know.

I talk so much most of the time

..I just don't know what to say

Hey, guys, what did I tell you?
What did I tell you?

I think the amazing thing about
Rahul and why I'm so proud of him is

that he came in unconfident, but he
just kept going and he never reined

in his ambition, he always tried to
do a bit more than everybody else,

and it paid off.

I still can't believe it.

My hands are shaking!

He's one of those characters that
you'll miss

when you're not with him.

You know, his intensity
sometimes is amazing

and he's so good at what he does.

I don't think he realises, still,
how good he actually is,

and I think that's what's magic
about Rahul.

Rahul! Thank you.


Look at your people, Rahul!
Yeah, thank you.

I am so, so pleased for Rahul,

but I can just tell people
I was in the final.

It speaks for itself!

I've been working with 11 other
insane bakers.

It has been, hands down,

the best experience of my life and
I would not change it at all.

I can't believe it! My God!

I-I really don't know how to

I don't know what to say.

I don't know whether to laugh,
to cry or what. I don't know.

I just feel like I need to
talk with my mum.


Hello? Hello, Ma.


So she's really happy.

Just give this to Manon for
a minute, let her hold it. OK, OK.

What are you going to do?
What are we doing?

We're going to pile on.

Oh, my God! Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

No, no, it's fine, it's fine!
Ah, come on!

I'm going to fall!
I'm going to fall down!

Oh, my God!


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