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01x18 - Hexoren Squared

Posted: 01/30/14 11:34
by bunniefuu
You're Daniel's siblings.

The v8s.

The t3s.

What happened to your eyebrows?

You look like one of my dolls.

Yeah, the scary-looking one.

You mean Ophelia?


What are you doing here?

Were you just spying on me?

What did you hear?


We didn't hear anything, because...


Tommy kept farting up a storm.

No, I didn't.


I said, were you spying on me?

I'll answer your question with the same question.

Were you spying?

Uh, no.

I was walking to class, minding my own business, when I just happened to overhear a conversation.

"Overhear" is just a nice word for "eavesdrop."

Or spying.

Well, at least I go to school here, and you guys don't, which means you guys came all the way over here just to spy.

Now spill.

She's right, guys.

We'd better tell her.


(Chuckles softly) Okay.

First we heard a knock.

And then another knock.

And then someone said, "who's there?"

And then someone else said, "orange."

And then the first someone said, "orange you glad..."

What are you doing?

Just dropping a silent smiley.


That's awful!



My eyes! It's burning!

My eyes! My eyes!

(Upbeat pop music)

♪ I cast a spell ♪
♪ it takes a hold of you ♪
♪ I see my dreams ♪
♪ and they're all coming true ♪
♪ come on, let's go ♪
♪ you and me together ♪
♪ look up ahead ♪
♪ there's a magical adventure ♪
♪ Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm trying Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
♪ I'm going Every Witch Way, ay, ay, ay, ay ♪
Every Witch Way

Emma, wait, wait, wait.


Man, you're fast.

You should try out for our track team.

No way.

I'm fast but not very coordinated.

At my old school, I ran the 100-meter dash the wrong way.

See? That's what I mean.

You always make me smile.

What's going on?

Why did you run from me like that?

I mean, I thought we kind of liked...

It's not that I don't like you.

I do.

It's just that right now, it's not a good time.

I can't go to the dance with you.

Okay. I get it.

Is it because of Tony?

No! I...

I'm sorry.

This better be good.

What happened to your...

Long story.

Go on.

Might as well bore me with a long story.

I overheard a conversation between Tony and Andi.

They're preparing for the eclipse and the party.

I think they're planning on line-dancing and stealing your powers.

That's impossible.

Well, they have the hexoren.

Only three people signed up for the "little dance on the prairie."

Well, are you surprised?

That theme is so old-fashioned.

Got any better ideas?

Yeah. Anime.

Oh, we did animals last year, and that bombed as well.

That's not what I meant.

Anime, like the Japanese comics.

Anime. I like it.

I'm officially getting the theme changed.

Excuse me.

So explain to me again what Lily said, that I might not be the chosen one?

No, you are. But so is the principal.

You guys have to share powers or something until one of you claims them all during the eclipse, I think.


Lily was pretty sure you were the true chosen one.

And I was doing some research...

The hex!

Oh, down, boy. Down.


And it said...

That the chosen one has a star-shaped birthmark.

But I don't have any birthmarks.

Are you sure?

I mean, we recently found out you're a witch.

Maybe you just didn't notice the birthmark.

I would've noticed.

What if it's on your head or somewhere and you've just never seen it because of the hair?

I guess.

But I'd have to shave my head to find it.

Don't even think about it.


Well, the hexoren is yours.

And if the witches' council went through all the trouble of sending Lily to protect you, then you most likely are still the chosen one.

What do we do now?

I have an idea.

It better not have anything to do with me shaving my head.


No, I don't want to buy any cookies or candy bars or magazine subscriptions.

But if you're selling husbands, I'll take a tall, handsome, funny one.

(Chortles and snorts)

No, I'm not selling anything.

I'm Andi. I go to school with Maddie.

Right. You're Emma's sidekick.

Me? No way. I'm not a sidekick.

I'm a kick, front and center, not on the side.

The main course. The entree.

The filet mignon...

Can I help you with something?

I need to talk to you about Maddie and the eclipse.

Oh, you mean that store in the mall that sells only black clothing.

I'm talking about the chosen one, the hexoren, the stealing of powers, the whole enchilada.

How do you know about that?

You're not a witch.

And this is a complete and total violation of all things related to the magic...

(No audible dialogue)

You and I have a lot to talk about.

And if the council finds out about this, I don't want them thinking that I had anything to do with revealing secrets about an adolescent...

(No audible dialogue)

There must be something wrong.

I think it's broken.

(No audible dialogue)

Is this even English?

I thought I had a decent vocabulary.


Don't get offended, but I don't understand half of you.

Are you saying I'm not the only one?

Good. That makes me feel better.

So what did you find out?

Okay, there appears to be some kind of "magic book" they're trying to keep hidden, Emma and Andi.

And Tony sometimes.

He's not always with them.

He also does magic a lot.

Well, tries to do magic.

And Emma's been chosen for something.

We're not sure what it is, but I hope it's to be on one of those reality TV shows, you know, where you have to eat slugs for money.

And it all goes down the night of the eclipse.

Anything else?

Oh, yes. The best part.

The juiciest tidbit.

The piece de resistance!

The... Mel.

Okay, here it is.

It seems that Emma is...

All: A witch!

Hey, we agreed that I was gonna say it!

No, me!

(Kids arguing)

So you're a witch with no powers, so you're a guardian.

Recently appointed Maddie's guardian, yes.

The chosen one.

Um, you know she's not it, right?

I don't know that for sure.

The whole thing is just crazy, that someone can just suddenly take the chosen one's power.

It isn't suddenly, dear.

This kind of eclipse happens only once every 300 years.

With that kind of power at stake, inevitably there's going to be a battle, a battle between good and evil, a battle that will define the future of the magic realm.

A battle... Are you reading off that book?

Well, we're prepared, anyway.

We even have coordinating outfits picked out.

I'm not worried about you two.

There's a bigger problem, the principal.

The principal? Why?

Don't you know?

The principal's a witch, an evil former chosen one.

And she's after them.


Look her up.

Try "Mildred woodard" or "felicity bumpermidge."

Those are terrible witch aliases.

I know. But she's dangerous.

And she's trying to use Maddie to steal the chosen one's powers.

Even if that were true, Maddie would never listen to her over me.

Have you heard nothing about teenage rebellion?

We love to not listen to our parents.

Yoo-hoo! Nurse Lily!

You here?

Hmm. No one's here.

I should go check the bathroom.

(Door closes)

Aha! I found you.

(Gasps) And with my book!

Listen, Maddie, we don't have to be enemies.

You're kidding, right?

You stole my boyfriend, you want to steal my powers, and you like bohemian chic.

How are we not enemies?

Ugh, we both like...

Mint chocolate chip ice cream?

I hate mint chocolate chip.

sh**t. Thought that was a gimme.

'Cause seriously, who doesn't like mint chocolate chip?

Give me the book!

Lower your voice before you scare it and it flies off again.

I'm surprised it hasn't flown away at the scary sight of your face.

Give me the book! No, you!

You're gonna rip it!

Let go!

Look at what you did!

It's fine. It's just a little wet...

What? There's two!

Oh, really, captain obvious?

And another!

Both: (Screaming)

Is it over?

I think so.


It's okay.

Don't be scared.

I'm not.

I'm just... I'm just making sure that if they attack us, they get you first.

You really are always plotting how to get your way, aren't you?

It's one of my many great qualities.

How did this happen?

I think it was the water.

When it got wet, it started multiplying.

That's all it takes to make copies of the magicrum's most important book?

I know.

Someone really dropped the ball on that one.

So which one is the real hexisketch?

I don't know.

Looks like they're all the same.

Well, you can't have any.

They're all mine.

Uh, I'm pretty sure there's enough to go around.

But they all belong to one person: Me, the chosen one.

So paws off, Alonso.

Wait. You think you're the chosen one?

I know I'm the chosen one.

I mean, I'm smart, beautiful, brave...


It was just another hexoren.

That one's mine too.

I think they're done.

We're safe now.

Oh, are you?

This is amazing.

They're all exact copies.

Told you.

"Told you." So childish.

So you.

Of course, they all belong to Maddie.

Told you.

Well, then I should be going.

School is out, and I have to go home.

Don't take another step.

Yeah, right.

Not one more.


This solves most of my... I mean, our problems.

Now I have everything for my coronation.

Yes, we have everything.

But it seems we have too much.

Hello, hello. Over.

Witches' council, do you hear me?


This is Andi Cruz. Over.

What you doing?


Uh, nothing.

Why are you here?

What's all this? Looks cool.

Yeah. Don't touch that.

It's my science project.

Yeah, I'm taking apart my dad's old c.B. Radio and juicing it up to talk to Russia.

Again? You did that last year.

Besides, that's what the Internet's for.

Yeah, I know. Now give me that.

What are they?

And don't tell me they're for a science project.

Well, they're my...

New glasses.

I need them to see.

Oh, there, I can see.

See ya.



Uh, thanks, coach.

It's a witch catcher.

It looks like a dream catcher, but it catches witches.

Emma is not a witch. Witches don't exist.

But we heard them say that the book was...

Special or spackled.

I couldn't really hear.

What they were saying was true. Trust us.

You can ask Katie. She was there.

I don't have to ask anyone.

Emma is not a witch.

Come on. I don't have all day.

You have parent-teacher conferences or something?

No, fangs McGee the bounty hunter is on in half an hour.

Maybe we should keep one as a backup?

No. There's only one hexoren.

Like there's only one chosen one.

So both of you think that Maddie...

How do you know?

That's classified.

The principal told coach Julio, who told the nurse Lily, who told the principal, who told me.

The chosen one shall have no tolerance for gossip and sharing said gossip with the enemy.

I won't say anything.

I don't believe you, and now I don't need you either, now that I know who the chosen one is.


I get a pageant and everything.

Move, move.

Maddie, she's playing you.

She wants you to think you're the chosen one so she can use you.


The chosen one's busy right now.

She's a conniving old witch who turned Lily into a frog.

I had to get her out of my way.

She was gonna help Emma steal your powers.

She's lying.

And now we have to get Emma out of your way.

Yes, Emma, out of the way.

Tell me how.

You vaporize her.


I-I don't think I know that spell.

Oh, it's easy. All you do is...


(Dramatic music)

What did you...

Why did you...

I did what had to be done.

I had to make sure she wasn't the chosen one.

By disintegrating her?

If she were the chosen one, her reflexes would have saved her.

Don't look so scared.

It's so unbecoming.

The things I have to do.

What did I do?

Maddie Winkie, I'm off to...

What's wrong?

This is all your fault!


You lied to me about being in the guardian.

Maddie, I didn't lie to you.

Honey, what are you talking about?

The principal turned Emma into dust.

Ursula, hi.

Do we have rhyming book club tonight?

I don't have anything really prepared, but you know what?

I have a tuna and onion casserole I made last night.

Oh, Francisco, we're so sorry.


Why? W-w-what happened?

You're so brave.

I am?


He's in shock. Poor thing.

What happened?

Francisco, I-I'm just going to come out with it.

It's Emma.

She's gone!



Oh, man, Ursula's here with Maddie, and they think you've been... Poof.

Oh, we have to tell them I'm okay!

No, wait. They're both here.


That means their house is empty.


Think more wickedly than that, will you?

Like you said, we have to find Maddie's achilles heel, and if she has one, it's in that trunk.

I said heart.

Find Maddie's heart, not achilles heel.

Ah, heart, achilles heel.

They're like the same thing in Greek mythology.

Come on.

See? She is right here...

Oh. (Crying)

You must be in the following stage of grief, hallucination.

Uh, Emma!


Maybe she just stepped away for a moment.


Andi, what's taking so long?

Almost... I almost have it.

Just a tad bit longer.

You said that ten minutes ago.


We've got to get in. No time to waste.

So open the door right now in haste.

It just seems so...


I know.

I hope we find an embarrassing baby picture of her.

I need to find something...

Anything that the principal might have about kanays.

Hmm, this seems interesting, like some sort of t*rture device.

It's an eyelash curler.

Gigi has one.

It must be miss pitch's.

How does it work?

Well, you hold it with these two ends.

Then you put your eyelashes between those... yep...

And then you close it. Yep.

Ah! Ow! It is a t*rture device.

Just pop it back open.

I can't. It's stuck.

(Sighs) Give me. Just give me.

Come here. Just let it go.

Just give me...


Diego, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Step back. I'm coming through.



I didn't expect this.

Me neither. It's just a photo.

This must be her dad.

That's all she has in here.

I know.

I have tons of pictures with my dad...


Now you're just making me feel bad for her.

This must be her only one.

We shouldn't be doing this.

This is wrong and private and all sorts of...


Yeah, I'm not used to feeling bad for Maddie, and I def don't like it.



What are you doing here, and why are you going through Maddie's stuff?

Well, we can explain.


What are you doing here?