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14x08 - Party Week

Posted: 04/20/24 20:06
by bunniefuu
Hey, Alison, it's Party Bakes Week.

I know, I'm so excited.
I love a good party.

Please say you ordered
the bouncy castle.

Course I did.
Feast your eyes on this beauty.

Yes, wicked.
When can I bounce on it?

I've just got to inflate it.

Oh, OK.

How long's it gonna be?

It'll be ready imminently. OK.

Welcome to the
Great British Bake Off.

I'll be back in an hour, Noel.

If only I hadn't lent my foot pump
to Paul for his BMX.

Last time...

I've brought my own spoon.

..was Dessert Week.

And despite some steamed
pudding catastrophes...

That is disgusting.

..Dan's Thai curry creme caramels

won him Star Baker
for the second time.


But it was Saku whose time was up.

It's a privilege to be
a part of this lovely family.


..the quarterfinals...
Go, go, go.

..means Party Week.

The bakers take on a
classic celebration Signature...

I'm being generous
with the sausage.

No-one wants a small sausage.

..tackle a much-loved
multi-legged Technical...

I think you need to do it again.
Shut up.

I'm never, ever going to
get this done on time.

..and create a colossal
show stopping spread...

This is the hardest
I've had to work

and I thought Biscuit Week
I had to do a fair bit.

..worthy of the
glitziest celebration.

The ones underneath
aren't getting cooked.

How long have we got?

So who will be
this week's party-pooper?

Let's hope no-one goes too hard
too soon.

And who will be the tent's
number one party animal?

Bakers, you've had four hours.

This is outrageous.

They're going to be soggy.

Choux didn't rise.

They're only making one cupcake.

Quarterfinals, Party Week.

Let's do it, team.

I am buzzing.

I'm so excited.

I don't know how I've got here.

I'm full-on thinking, like,
impostor syndrome right now.

Like, it's hard to get my head
around the fact that I'm still here.

To be in the quarterfinals
is just such an honour.

I'm made up.

Quarterfinals, there's just
no hiding place now, is there?

You make an error,
they're gonna pounce on it.

Laser focus.

I felt anxious the previous weeks,

but this is the first time
I've felt actually really nervous.

As soon as you say quarterfinal,
it's a big 'un.

The pressure's definitely on
for this week.

Good morning, bakers.

I hope you're all in the mood
to celebrate

because it's Party Week today.

Come on Paul, let's do the conga.


OK, your loss.

I think he's more of a sort of
Oops Upside Your Head kind of guy.

I agree.
So, for your Signature bake,

the judges would like you
to make 12 delicious sausage rolls.

The sausage roll,
an absolute staple for any party.

An essential, like pass-the-parcel,
musical chairs,

or putting your keys into a bowl
at the start of the evening.

You can use any pastry
that you feel works,

and the filling and the flavour
is completely open,

as long as it's shaped into
a sausage wrapped in pastry
before baking.

You have two hours.

We're gonna be Cake's Corner,
doing the Agadoo.

On your marks. Get set. Bake!

I'm from up north. I love a pastry,

love a sausage roll,
so I'm all over it.

I don't really eat 'em
all that often, if I'm honest.

I don't think the ones
from the shops are all that nice.

Can't really go wrong
with a good sausage roll.

I mean, it can go wrong
in many ways.

It's pastry.
So many ways you can go wrong.

It's Party Week,

and the Signature challenge
is my favourite challenge ever,

sausage rolls.

I've practised this
quite a lot at home.

I don't want to say,
"Yes, they've all been consistent,"

cos then that means today they're
gonna be horrendous, aren't they?

We've said they can make
any kind of pastry they like

but I think most of them
will do a rough puff.

It's a shorter way
of doing puff pastry,

cos puff pastry takes hours.

It's quite hot today in the tent,
and obviously butter's going melt

very, very quickly.

They're going to have
to use that fridge,

keep it chilled all the time,

up until the moment they
actually put it in the oven,

and that will create the lamination,
flake and butteriness

that you need on the exterior
of a good sausage roll.

Next, we go onto
the sausage filling.

When it comes to flavours,
it's got to pack a punch.

You want that little bit
of moisture in there as well.

You don't want it
too dry or too claggy.

The pastry won't have
much flavour to it,

so the filling needs to stand out.

You can't beat a good sausage roll.

I've baked millions and millions
of sausage rolls in my time,

so this challenge is something
I'm really looking forward to.

Hiya, Cristy. Morning, hello.
Hello, Cristy.

Right, Cristy, tell us all
about your sausage rolls.

My sausage roll is just
a combination of all Paul's
tutorials I've watched.

Oh, right.

Are they the videos where
he's making a sausage roll

but he's wearing just Speedos?

Not seen that one, no.

Serving up her take on
Paul's rough puff pastry,

Cristy's party sausage rolls
will have a classic

pork and sage and onion filling,

with a layer of home-made
cranberry sauce.

That looks like
six cloves of garlic.

Lots of garlic, just because
I've got lots of sausage meat.

I don't want it
to taste bland, you know?

I think it sounds lovely.

It does sound a classic one,
doesn't it, with the sage stuffing?

Sounds really good. Yeah, I like it.

Look forward to it. OK, great.
Thank you, Cristy.

Thank you, guys.

Not everyone is staying true
to the much-loved British classic.

My sausage rolls are inspired by
my love of dim sums,

so I'm doing a siu mai
sausage roll.

So, we're off to the Far East again.

We are. You love it, don't you?

Next you'll be saying there'll be
a soy dip to go with it.

There is a soy dip to go with it,
it's a dipping sauce. Unbelievable.

Mixing up food cultures,

Dan's dim sum-inspired
sausage rolls will have

a punchy pork, prawn,
ginger and garlic filling,

with Five Spice-flavoured
rough puff pastry.

I do like siu mai. Yeah.

However, sausage roll, one of my
all-time favourite foods... Well...

And then you blend them together.

This better be good, Dan.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. Cheers.

"Don't let me down," I know.

I'm like his son, aren't I?

Josh is also adding ingredients
not usually found in

the humble sausage roll.

I definitely haven't put sprouts
in a sausage roll before.

It wouldn't be Christmas, would it,
if you didn't have sprouts?

We're back in Christmas?

Yes. Oh...

We've got Christmas.

I've got some turkey mince in there,
some sausage meat as well,

just cos the turkey can
get a bit dry.

I think it's a nice idea.

It's Christmas in a sausage roll,
which can't be a bad thing.

Josh's festive sausage rolls
will be filled with pork,

turkey, Brussels sprouts,
chestnuts and apricots,

along with a layer of
cranberry sauce.

Josh is bringing the party
with his top, look at this!

I know, we've gone all Christmassy.

How's your sausage rolls going?
This is an easy one, innit?

There's quite a lot that can go
wrong still.

What can go wrong?

And you've got
quarterfinal nerves as well.

Oh, don't be nervous,
that's why I'm here,

to calm you down a little bit.
Have I calmed you?

Yeah, you have a lot. Job done.

If the bakers are to achieve

the flaky, laminated layers
the judges expect...

Going to grate some more butter in,
do a little turn.

..their dough must get multiple
turns and oodles of butter.

So, this is frozen butter.

The key is keeping it cold,

otherwise the butter just melts
and then you lose the lamination.

You can see the butter
coming through.

You want it thick,
but I've got very, very warm hands,

so you've just got to work nice
and quickly with it.

Do you like making pastry?

Not as much as Paul.

It's such an odd skill.

"And you will be the fastest,
and you will be the most powerful,

"and you will be good at pastry."

Such a weird thing, isn't it?

With the sun baking the tent,

it's crucial doughs
go back in the fridge

while bakers crack on
with fillings.

A lot of multitasking today,

because the pastry needs
a lot of time to chill.

It's Party Week!

Imagine the party if you win this
Bake Off.

We'll have a party if
I lose as well.

Inspired by picnicking in the park,

Tasha's sausage rolls
will be filled with pork,

apple and moistened with
a layer of cider,

apricot and apple sauce.

I'm looking forward to this.

This is going to taste amazing.
I hope so.

So, how do you feel about
the final now?

Do you think you're in reach?

Whatever happens now,
I'm really proud.

Yeah, but you definitely want to
win, right?

You're talented enough to get
yourself through to the final,

but it's all about
concentrating on each dish

and getting it absolutely correct,

so good luck.

Tasha's not the only quarterfinal
baker opting for a fruity flavour.

The apples are quite good
in getting some moisture

into the sausage rolls.

You can't have a dry sausage roll,
can you? That'd be gross.

Matty's tweaking classic pork, sage
and onion sausage roll flavours

by adding grated apple
and a touch of chilli.

It's kind of like a play on pork
and apple with stuffing. OK.

Sounds like a good idea.
Where are the chilli going?

I've just put, like, half a teaspoon
in the sausage meat.

A little added element.
Hopefully it works.

Fingers crossed.

In addition to punchy flavours
in their fillings...

There's some soy sauce,
ginger, garlic...

Definitely not traditional, no.

..many of the bakers are adding
a fruit sauce...

That is my cranberry sauce. complement their meat
and keep the bake moist.

So, we have apricot sauce,

just to give it a little bit
of something different.

Give it a good squidge.
Everything's banged in there now.

Hello, Dan.

Is this sausage roll going to bring
the party today?

Hopefully so, yes.

What's the best party
you've ever been to?

When I went to Ibiza when I was 20.
I've finally recovered.

My party now, I'm in bed by
about a good eight o'clock.

Me too, you're exactly like me,
that is...

My party is in my bed.
Yeah, I like...

Erm, yeah...

Bakers, you are halfway through.

That was powerful.
Thank you.

It's time to roll.
Nice and chilled.

I'm looking for about

Then I've got enough pastry
to fold it over then, hopefully.

It's so cold.

It's gone quite stiff.

I can't have it thick,
cos it'll just be not nice.

I don't know about you,

but I like quite a thick pastry
on a sausage roll.

The apricot sauce is going to go on.

This is still hot, so I'm going to
have to work really quickly.

Go, go, go.

Good fun, isn't it?

Spread a bit of cranberry sauce
to go on the inside.

A nice bit of sweetness round it

to cut through that really
savoury filling.

We're being generous with
the sausage.

No-one wants a small sausage.

You want a good mouthful, don't you?

I've given myself enough filling
to have absolutely no excuses.

So, this is the caramelised onions.

I like to make
them all individually.

That helps me keep it uniform.

Just trying to get it sort of
as equal as humanely possible.

I'm pleased with the pastry.

I think it looks really,
really nice.

Right, egg wash, sesame seeds,
sage leaf, sea salt,

and then hopefully it looks nice.

We're going in, yeah.

To prevent the carefully
incorporated butter leaking out,

the sausage rolls must go
into a piping hot oven

for the first blast of heat
to set the pastry.

So, I'm doing them at half
an hour at 200 degrees,

but we're going to flip 'em round
after 15 minutes

so they get an even colour.

They're going to go in, well,

probably till pretty much
near the end,

so 40 minutes.

OK, that's my timer saying
it's time to hurry up.

But not everyone's oven ready.

Going to have to work like
the bloody clappers now.

These aren't done.

They are not neat sausages.

Oh, I hope they taste good.

Bakers, you have 30 minutes left.

Oh, flipping heck.

Yeah, they look good.

Yeah, you get a bit of, like,
juices come out of it

but I personally love that colour

that you get around
the edge and on the bottom.

How they looking? They're looking
all right, pretty groovy.

I feel like Paul was quite
frightened that you were putting
prawn in.

He'll either dig his heels in
and go, "No,"

or he'll go, "Yeah, you've
actually surprised me there."

You're quite close to the final now.

Very, very weird. Yeah, yeah.

Who do you think? Josh.

Yeah, I've had my eye on him
since about week three.

Yeah, your card's marked, sunshine.
You know what it's like.

They're all your friends,
but ultimately...

Ultimately, you wanna take 'em down.
"Going to crush you." Yeah.

They're OK, they're puffing up.

I'm just debating when to change
the racks round.

They're all right, to be fair.

Not far off being done.

One tray, one shelf now,

so that I can get
a nice even colour on them.

The sausage meat's squeezing out.

They're all soggy at the bottom.

This part here's horrendous, cos
you just second guess everything.

You don't look at them
and think they look nice,

you look at them and think,
"What are they going to say?"

The ones underneath, the ones
underneath aren't getting cooked.

How long have we got?
Bakers, you have five minutes left.

Oh, my God!

Right, I'm going to take
them out now.

For Paul's most beloved bake,

the judges expect nothing less than
mouth-watering, delicious

Could do with a bit more colour.

They look like they're cooked
but I just want them to get dark.

..and delectably rich, tender

Holy mackerel. Nuclear, them.

Yeah, all good, look great.

Yeah, they look all right,
to be fair.

I've actually done them for
five minutes longer than normal.

Just thought,
an extra bit of browning.

Going to take 'em out.

They're going to be soggy.

Not the prettiest things in
the world.

They just don't look good.

They might taste amazing,
just be ugly on the outside.

Oh, my gosh.

Bakers, that is your time
on your Signature.

Step way from your sausage rolls.

And if you've got any scraps for me,

I love munching on a sausage!

Can't wait to get involved in
Dan's sausage.

Ooh, me too.

The bakers' party sausage rolls

now face the judgment
of Paul and Prue.

Hello, Tasha. Hi, Tash.

I do think they look good.

You can see the lamination,
it's beautiful.

You obviously made some very good
pastry dough

but you just ran out of time
somewhere along the line

cos they needed longer in the oven.

Mm, I love that. Thank you.

Flavour is superb.

The apricot works beautifully well
with it. Absolutely lovely.

The only issue is the bake.

It's too soggy.

It needed another ten minutes
to make that flaky and beautiful.

But your filling is exceptional.

Pop them back in the oven for
ten minutes, have 'em for lunch.

I'll switch it on now.

Like the colour,

they do look all right
with those seeds on there as well.

They do look good.

Nice bit of flake there.

So, it's prawns and pork, isn't it?
Yeah. Hmm.

It certainly tastes Chinese.

Um, I'm not keen on the flavour. OK.

It's not my favourite thing. Yeah.
The flavours are delicious,

I'm just not used to them
in a sausage roll.

Anything's allowed in pastry,

But not a sausage roll!

Thank you very much. Ah, cheers.
Thank you very much, nice one.

Win some, you lose some, don't you?

I can see a bit
of lamination there.

I can see it, but with a laminated
dough you expect that lamination

to grow so you don't end up
with gaps.

These are very gappy.

It needed longer in the oven.

Does it taste like Christmas Day?

It's got the sharpness
coming from the cranberry.

It's a bit dry, the sausage meat.

It's quite solid.

It is a tiny bit dry,
but I think the flavour is terrific,

and I like the texture,

but if the pastry was a little more
baked, I think it would be perfect.

Thank you. Well done. Thank you.

Happy with them?
No, at home they got a lot darker.

They do look a bit pale.

Yeah, got a bit of
a soggy bottom there.

Yeah, I'm so sorry.

They smell good.
They are a little under-baked.

They are.

I quite like the flavour.

I think the flavour's good and
it's well-balanced, well-seasoned.

The pastry is your weak link.

It comes down to the baking. Yeah.

I think that that filling
is absolutely perfect.

The sharpness you get from
the cranberry is delicious.

But I agree about the pastry,
under-baked and too thick.

I love the shape of them,
they're nice and round.

Couple of things
I really like about them.

One, I like the colour.

You've got a nice strong
bake underneath.

But you see the layers here,
the lamination. Yeah.

That's a good sign, there.

They do look very nice.

Ooh, nice crisp.

Nice bit of kick there
from the chilli.

Little bit of chilli flakes, yeah.


Thank you for bringing me
a sausage roll.

It's a very good sausage roll.

It's delicious.

The onions really work,
the apple really works.

The chilli is great in there.

It's really good.

Thank you, Matthew.

That went well!

I never thought
about getting a handshake.

It kind of took me by surprise.

I'm pretty happy with that, yeah.

Happy with that!

I fully expected worse.

I knew that they needed
baking longer.

Bit of a mixed bag, but, you know,

I've taken a few risks.

Some pay off, some don't.

Prue liked 'em.

Next up,

the bakers have no idea
what they'll be asked to make

in the mystery that is
the Technical challenge.

Welcome back for your
Technical challenge,

set by the life and soul of any
good shindig, it's Paul Hollywood.

Paul, any trinkets, nuggets
or words of wisdom?

You'll all know this for sure.

It's a very, very famous bake,

so just read the recipe carefully
and enjoy it.

OK, Paul and Prue are going
to take a little time out

before they get over-excitable
and start showing off in front
of their friends.

Thank you, guys. Bye-bye.

Paul would love you to make

a chocolate caterpillar cake.

So, your caterpillar should be made
of a chocolate Swiss roll sponge,

filled with a chocolate
meringue buttercream,

and then coated in
a silky-smooth ganache.

Not forgetting the chocolate
and meringue features

that will bring
your caterpillar to life.

You only have two and a half hours
for this.

We were going to give you
three hours,

but we didn't want your caterpillars
to metamorphosise into butterflies.

On your marks. Get set! Bake!

A staple of any birthday
in our house.

Yes, even my own.

Never made one, though.

I've had a few varieties
from a few different shops.

We've got 16 steps.

There's a lot of components
to this one.

So, Paul,
the famous caterpillar cake.

It's a terrific challenge.

It's a Swiss roll sponge,
which they've all done many times.

The trick is getting the bake right.

Overbaking it by a minute,
it's going to be bone dry.

What's important
is to create the ridges.

We've explained how
and where to cut the strips,

and it creates these bumps all
the way along.

Inside, they have the
Swiss meringue buttercream.

On top of that they've got to
put a ganache.

The decoration, this is where
they can have a little bit

of their artistic flair.
Have a bit of fun with it.

All kids love that
at a birthday party.

Well, I quite like it too,
give me a bit.

There you go.

It's the right proportion
of buttercream to cake

and that looks like
really light cake.

The ganache, with the buttercream,

with that chocolate sponge,
it's three hits of chocolate.

I think it's lovely.

On my birthday, Prue, you'll
have to make me one of these.

I'll have a caterpillar cake. OK.

Step one, "Make a chocolate
Swiss roll sponge."

Just whipped up my eggs and sugar

and I'm going to fold through
the cocoa powder and flour

to try and keep as much
air in as possible.

For the light, delicate bake
the judges expect...

Don't want to get any lumps,

but also you don't want
to knock the air out.

..ingredients must be
gently combined.

Over-mix, and the baker's sponge
will be dense.

Happy with that.

Are you familiar with this cake?

Is there anyone who doesn't know
this cake?

Do you know what?
It's one of my favourite cakes ever.

Yeah. But the thing is,

can you believe
you've got to the semifinals?

Sorry, it's not the semifinals,

That's a bit awks, ain't it?

Uh, I'm rushing the show on.
That's really awkward.

Can you believe you won?

How does it feel?
Thank you, everyone!

Get it in to bake.

See you in a bit.

It doesn't give us
a bake time, as per usual.

They bake very quickly,
Swiss rolls,

so not going to bake it
for too long.

Try that for ten.
See what it looks like.

Next one is to make
the batch of Swiss meringue.

I've not done a Swiss meringue
for a long time, so what I'll do is

look over my shoulder and copy
what someone else is doing.

When you're making Swiss meringue,
you are whisking sugar

and egg white together
over a bain-marie.

How'd it go before?
Did they like yours?

No. Why, cos it had prawn in it?

It was a bit dry as well, so, yeah.

You've gotta make this one count.
I have gotta make this one count.

Anything out of the top three,
I think you're in trouble tomorrow.

I can see that it's starting
to get a lot thicker now.

Must be done,
cos it's got no sugar grains

and it's holding
really stiff peaks.

Happy with that.

Add butter to meringue
into the bowl.

Now I just need to
fold in the chocolate.

Should be delicious, though.

That is flipping lovely.

Quickly just check my sponge.

Feel like that's done.

Yeah, I'm happy with that.

OK, that's looking all right.

Cake's all cracked.

Bit of a bummer.

Hopefully be all right.

Bakers, you are halfway through.

I'm going to colour
the Swiss meringue.

"Divide between three small bowls.
Colour one green, red and yellow."

That's a lovely red colour, that is.

How green are we going?
Oh, it's a birthday party.

Really green.

"Pipe small seven meringue kisses
of each colour."

So, I take it these are going to be
for the top of the caterpillar?

And then you've got to pipe legs.

And then green antenna.

Swiss meringue, how long's
that going to bake for?

Meringue takes a long time.
Low and slow.

Get 'em in babes, get 'em in.

So, obviously you're familiar
with caterpillar cakes, right?

I mean I've eaten 'em,
but I've eaten loads of stuff

and couldn't tell you
how to make most of it.

I am going to do the face.

"Melt white chocolate,
pour into the lined cutter."

So, I'm going to let it set and then
puts its little features on.

You could have it as me.

You could create my face...
Shall I try? ..on your caterpillar.

I'd probably do you
an injustice though.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

Come on, guys, this is serious.

"To create the ridges on the
caterpillar, you need to cut

"some strips out of a sponge."

"Make 13 cuts

I think we've just got to bite
the b*llet and go for it, I think.


There we go.

Isn't going to be that way, it's
going to be that way, isn't it?

Like a flipping dog's dinner,
this sponge.

Like that.

"Now remove seven of
the fingers of the sponge."


"Spread the Swiss meringue
buttercream over sponge

"and re-roll
from the non-ridge end."

What's the non-ridge end?

Have I gone the right way here?

Should have gone that way,
shouldn't I?

You doughnut.

I've done it wrong.

I'm re-making it.

I'm going to try.

OK, let's go.

OK, this is not fiddly
in the slightest.

Now we roll.

Just do a bit at a time.

Not the prettiest of caterpillars.

Go on, my son.

Oh, yeah! OK.

So I might as well go with
what I've done now.

Going in.

Going to try my best.

Best thing I can do here is
I'll cut that off.

A very small caterpillar, isn't it?

Got a swirl.
I was expecting a better shape.

What will be, will be.

I think my cake might be a little
bit dry, but we'll move on.

Cover it in chocolate
and hope for the best.

Splodge a bit more on
just in case, eh?

Bakers, you have 15 minutes left.

Flipping heck.

Not very long.

That's done.

"Make a chocolate ganache
to coat the cake."

Heating the cream to the point
where it should melt the chocolate.

I'm going to spread it with my
palette knife for the control.

Fingers crossed we are hiding
a world of sin.

"Create features for the face."

Rosy cheeks may look quite nice,

This'll be the best bit of
the whole cake, I think.

This is Noel.

How big shall I make your sideburns?
Massive. Massive.

How big do you want your pupils?
This is going to be you. Massive.

Just surprise me.

Very excited.

It looks fairly cute.

It was supposed to be
a little cuter.

Roll it up.
Still quite warm, you know.

Get it in that freezer.

Bakers, you have five minutes left.

I can't wait for a pint,
let me tell you.

Just gotta let it chill for, like,
a minute or something.

Also, there's a squirrel in
this freezer. That's not funny.

I don't know who did that.

It's gotta stop, that sort of stuff.

Oh, come on.
Ganache, ganache, come on.

Right, what do I do for the face?

Now, where shall I stick his face?

It's not quite the children's party
I was hoping for.

God, that's terrifying.

And decorate.

Splodge them on everywhere,


I forgot to pipe antennas.


Bakers, you have one minute left.

Right, come on, let's move it.

Get the meringues on.

I think you need to do it again.
Shut up!

I need to put the soil
round it now, don't I?

Soil, soil it all up.

Move, move, move, move.

Dan, can I use your crumbs?
Go for it, do you need any more?

Do you wanna take some of this
off mine? Oh, yeah, anything.

Yeah, let's just go for it.
Just stick that there.

I'm not allowed to help you, sorry.

I'm sorry, Noel,
but you have been done dirty.

He's a bit weird,
but we still love him.

He's a beauty!

Bakers, your time is up.

Please bring your caterpillars
down to the gingham table

and place them behind
your photographs.

If anyone buys me one
of these for my birthday

I'm going to literally be fuming.

I think I made a mistake
by doing Noel.

He's terrifying.

It's judgment time
for the bakers' caterpillar cakes.

Paul and Prue are looking
for a light sponge

with a smooth chocolate
buttercream filling,

coated with a shiny ganache,
decorated with meringue features.

As always... OK.

..they have no idea
whose bake is whose.

Shall we start with this
strange-looking animal here?

This is unusual.

It's quite a scary-looking face,
to be honest.

It is quite scary,
but it's quite neat.

It's got lots of legs.

No antennae. It looks like a train.

The filling doesn't look too bad.

There's a little bit of
a swirl there.

Lots of buttercream in there.
Yeah, there is.

The chocolate in there's quite nice.

The sponge feels quite dry, though.

I think that's slightly overdone.

Moving on, this seems
slightly all over the place.

Running out of time
could have been a big problem.

The legs are there, no antennae.

This one feels
a bit softer on the sponge.

Yeah, it does, and a little less
buttercream, which is good.

A little less.

The Swiss meringue buttercream
is delicious on that

and the ganache is pretty good.
And the cake is good.

I don't think it's
particularly neat, though.

Moving on to this one.

Legs are good, antenna is there.

It's got Noel's face on the front.

With his tongue stuck out.

Yeah. But it's not scary.

Thanks, Prue. Mine or the cake?

I like the decoration on this,
I think it's pretty good.

Yeah, I think it's good.

It's very light.

That is delicious.
That's a kid's delight.

I mean, that's... It's gorgeous.

That's a kids' birthday party,
that's amazing.

It's delicious. Moving on.

It's a bit short on legs,
this caterpillar.

Very much so.

Everything's in place,
it just looks a bit messy.


Bit drier, that one.

Cake is bit drier,
but it's still delicious.

It is lovely.

This looks a bit of a mess.

This is a very skinny caterpillar.
It's a very small one, yeah.

Look at the size of those legs.

I don't think the baker understood
about how to make the ridges.

Yeah, it's very, very small.
At some kid's party,

they'd be a little bit disappointed
with this one.

It seems to be all Swiss meringue
buttercream than sponge.

Over-mixed, over-baked,
either-either or both.

Very good face, though.

The caterpillar cakes will now be
ranked from last to first place.

In fifth spot, we have this one.

That's me.

Dan, not quite sure what this is.

I cut my things the wrong way.
Hence it's small.

In fourth place we have this one.

Josh. Tastes all right,
but the cake's a bit tough.

And in third spot, we have this one.

Matty, the sponge was a
little bit dry

but you managed to get all
the elements pretty much there.

In second place we have this one.

Who's that?

this tastes absolutely delicious

and it's a beautifully made sponge
but it doesn't look great.

I had to remake it all
and rush it. sorry.

And in first spot, we have this one.

Tasha, this is pretty good.

You have all the elements in place
and it's beautifully round as well.

That's a decent cake, well done.

Even if it does look like Noel.

First in Technical.

Maybe I'll just base everything on
Noel's face from now on.

I knew I was going to come last.

It's tough when you're working at
the front,

you can't see what everyone else is
doing behind you, can you?

That's the problem,
you can't copy people.

I mean,
it was an absolute nightmare.

Never want to do it again,
but I can't believe it.

I'm so proud of myself.

Party Week, Matty's definitely
bringing the party.

He got a handshake,

those sausage rolls were
off the scale.

They were,
but he was third in Technical,

so he let himself down a bit.

Tasha won the Technical.

Obviously, she slightly cheated by
using my face on a caterpillar.

Obviously she was going to
win with your face on it.

It's between Matty and Tash

who at the moment are
in line for Star Baker.

That leaves Josh,
Cristy and Dan in trouble.

I'm so surprised at Dan,

because Dan started off
the Star Baker.

Is there anything in the fact that
when you become Star Baker,

then the following week
you're rubbish?

Oh, darling, it's the curse of
Star Baker. It's well-known.

It's actually a real thing.

Also, if they win Star Baker, then
next week I turn their ovens off.

Welcome back, bakers,

to your final challenge
of Party Week.

Let's hope no-one goes too hard
too soon.

That's true.


That's my life mantra.

So, for your Showstopper challenge,

the judges would like you to create

an incredible
anything-but-beige buffet.

We don't want beige,

so let's hope none
of you are thinking

of serving up my Auntie June's
living room,

which is a hell of a beige room.

Paul and Prue would love you
to create a colourful

and highly decorative display of
a mixture of sweet

and savoury party bakes.

You have a whopping four-and-a-half
hours to complete this task.

So don't waste it, party people.

We wanna see you twerking.

On your marks. Get set. Bake!

Stacks of work, not enough time,
living the dream,

what can go wrong? Everything.

Biggest challenge is just trying
to get all the components made

and give myself enough time
to get a nice decorative finish
on everything, really.

It's like order of operations.
I'm just gonna try and stay calm.

The bakers' tricky task is
to reinvent

the buffet's stale image of beige,

bland bakes by creating colourful
and highly decorative party food.

I am starting off with my bread.

I'm using beetroot just to colour,
you can't taste it at all.

This is gonna be a,
a couronne so a bread.

I've got the green colouring by
using some pureed spinach.

We want a mixture of savoury
and sweet.

At least 12 of each of them.

We're actually asking them to
do quite a big catering job.

Four-and-a-half hours is long,
isn't it?

I know. I, I did ask for six.
I got politely turned down.

To do multiple baking, it's about
your timetable.

While something's in
the oven or cooling or in

the fridge you should be cracking on
with something else.

If there's a dead time,
you're doing something wrong.

I'm trying to multitask,
which is far from my forte.

Getting close now,

it's semifinals next week

and I want to see the bakers really
show off what they can do

but they don't wanna push themselves

too much that they fall off
the cliff.

I do think that many great bakers
slip up

because they're too ambitious.

You can have the most
wonderful vision

but if you can't make it happen in

the time it's not gonna be
worth anything.

In this gigantic challenge...

Is that your first book?

Yeah, my first book, yeah,
there's only 26 things to do.

..Josh and Tasha are starting
with savoury breads...

I'm gonna make a pesto,
which I'm gonna mix into it.

So you've got some be
beautiful flavours.

..while Dan, Matty and Cristy kick
off with pastry.

I've got curry powder
and turmeric going in there.

So it'll be bright yellow.

That's the shortcrust pastry
for my curry pies.

Hello, Dan.
Good morning. Hello, Dan.

How we doing, all right?
Hello, hello.

Dan, we need to know
about your buffet.

So I'm doing a prehistoric-themed
anything but beige buffet today.

For my savoury element, I'm doing
chicken curry dinosaur feet.

They'll be trotting up my
presentation board.

For my sweet elements I'm doing some
ankylosaurus tea cakes.

Tell us about them.

Apparently they had a brain
the size of a walnut

so I'm putting a little walnut
on top for decoration

cos they had like armour on as well.

Yeah. And two little fondant horns
and a big grumpy face.


Dan's giant Jurassic buffet features
not only savoury dinosaur feet

curry pies but sweet,
lemon shortbread fossils,

ankylosaurus head teacakes,

cake pop stones

and white chocolate dinosaur eggs
in chocolate nests.

How many things are you doing,
five, six?

Six. This is so ambitious.
Maybe he'll pull it off.

To be honest it's simple elements
done, hopefully, really
well that's what I'm hoping today.

Thank you very much. Thank you very
much, cheers. Thank you.

I've got a lot to do it appears,
doesn't it? Yeah!

While Dan's plan is quantity,

doing half as many bakes,
Josh is prioritising precision.

A very, very meticulous
schedule for today.

It's the quarterfinal
so I've planned things down

to it, every single ingredient is
thought through

and has a reason why I did it.

Creating his second Christmas-themed
bake of the competition,

Josh's festive buffet will have
sweet white chocolate

and coconut snowman macarons,

choux bun Christmas puddings
with chocolate craquelin.

His savoury bake will be

a traditional French Christmas

couronne wreath with cheese,

spinach and pesto.

What do you love about Christmas?

I love doing the themed baking
you see. So Christmas is an easy one

to do isn't it, cos there's so many
Christmas bakes, isn't there?

There's something quite
elf-like about you.

I've got elf socks I nearly wore
today. It's too hot.

Have you? I was gonna have them up
here with red and white.

Put 'em on for the judging.

When it comes to their
savoury bakes...

It'll be spicy,
a little bit of a kick to it.

..the bakers need to ensure
they deliver not only on colour

but delicious flavour.

I'm just putting madras curry powder
in it.

It goes really nice with
coconut milk, I've found.

So more than one baker's
embracing Indian flavours.

So we've got curry
powder, fenugreek.

I guess it's like a take on a balti

but I don't wanna call it that in
case I've, erm,

not quite hit the brief.
If I call it curry, it's open-ended.

PE teacher Matty's going sporty

with curry-filled colourful
cricket ball pies,

basketball creme brulee doughnuts,

green tennis ball macarons

and a golf course of chocolate
and orange cupcakes.

Oh, this is the party I wanna be at.

Pies, cupcakes, doughnuts.

Is this the sort of buffet you'd put
on for your kids at school?

No. No!

I'd have a buffet all day
long, a Chinese buffet.

Oh, yeah. Oh, come on.

If the bakers are to deliver
the kind of spread

the judges expect it means juggling
both savoury bakes and sweet.

This is pistachio
and raspberry Viennese biscuit.

Pretty strong flavours.

That is just fossil biscuits.
Trilobites and ammonites.

The flavours are chocolate

and orange, which is hopefully gonna
be quite nice.

Also going big on chocolate...

Making my Swiss roll.

..Cristy's celebrating
a king of confectionery.

The theme's Willy Wonka.

When I was a child that was my
favourite film so,

yeah, hopefully I'll do it justice.

Full of innovation,

Cristy's marvellous sweet factory
buffet will have pink chocolate

Swiss roll lollipops

and lemon meringue cupcakes

topped with toadstools.

Her savoury bake continues the theme

with candy cane style cheese twists

and spiced beef and onion patties

shaped as sweets.

It's going to be one of those things
that twists your brain.

It looks sweet. Yeah.

And it's going to be savoury.
Yeah, that sort of thing, yeah.

I like the sound of this.

I've practised loads but God knows
what'll happen in here.

Hopefully it'll be good.
Yeah. Thank you, Cristy.

Thank you, guys.

With one hour gone, a batch
of sweet bakes are the first

to hit the oven.

And the bakers are on to assembling
their savoury breads and pastries.

Just putting my dinosaur feet
together now.

They're like canapes really.
Just bitesize trinkets.

This is the beef and onion
filling for the pastries.

The pies are red because they're
gonna be cricket balls.

I'm hoping that it dies down
a little bit,

it's quite vibrant at the moment.

Looks beautiful. Nice and green,
very well proved. This is all good.

I'm actually just gonna stick it
back in for

a bit longer.
It's not quite stretchy enough.

All the bread dread.
So I'm doing a farmyard party.

It's basically how I remember
my parties.

I'm sure my parents remember them as
being very stressful with a lot

of like six-year-olds
running around, high on sugar.

But, erm, I remember them being

Tasha's farmyard buffet celebrates
parties from her childhood

with sweet choux bun lambs filled

with blackberry creme diplomat,

raspberry and pistachio biscuit
wagon wheels,

and after taking Star Baker in
Bread Week, she hopes

to play to her strengths with
za'atar and sumac milk bread pigs.

Bread Week was great week for me

but this is the Bake Off
and I don't wanna get complacent.

Cupcakes are done.

We're onto the doughnuts, which
I already regret deciding

to do cos they
need to prove twice.

Biscuits are done. So I'm gonna move
on to my ankylosaurus teacakes.

This is the candy cane twists.

When they're done, they'll look
quite good cos they're twisted with

the white dough.

I've got pesto, fresh tomato,

sundried tomatoes
and some cheese for the couronne.

Just gonna get these shaped

and then they just need
to be proved and then baked.

Do you think you've learnt
a lot from the tent?

Yeah, I've, I've learnt loads.

I've followed Paul for a long time.

When you say you've followed Paul
for a long time, do you mean online?

I've followed him on
the Bake Off and obviously with,

uh, with his books and things.

Yeah, sort of tailgating his car.

I sometimes get in his glove box.

He reaches in there for
a Marlboro and I go, "Ah!"

and he's like, "Aaah!"

Bakers, you are halfway through.

I'm behind time.
They needed to be proving ages ago.

Do you wanna feel?

I like the big one.

In you go, kidda.

Get my pies in.

Anything but beige, that's a hell of
a title, isn't it, for a buffet?

Half an hour at 180.

We've got curries from Dan again.

He's doing about six things.

I'd rather he does three
and smashes it out of

the park than six which
are adequate.

These are gonna be my
dinosaur eggs.

But some of them are more simple
than others,

maybe he'll pull it off.
He sometimes does.

I am making choux pastry now
for my choux lambs.

Tasha and Dan are always the ones
who are most ambitious.

I've gotta get an absolute
wriggle on.

They're in at 180
for about 20 minutes.

Josh is back at Christmas.

The couronne idea with the spinach,

it may look OK. I'm a bit concerned

about the flavour being
a little bit bland.

This is snowmen macarons.

Just wanted to try and show some
more skills today with these.

I think when you look at Matty,
fairly straightforward.

What's next? Um, macarons.

Matty looks quite organised.

He does actually, he does.

It's the meringue for the top of
the little lemon meringue pies.

And Cristy,
I love her Willy Wonka theme.

Yeah... Yeah.

I think she's got a good idea.

The only danger is over-complicating
them and therefore messing them up.

I think at this stage in
the quarterfinals,

starting to whittle it down
and I think it's,

it's getting more
and more complicated to judge this.

Bakers, you have one hour left
of this party.

This is outrageous.

We're gonna kick you out in an hour.

We have to go to bed.
We've gotta get some sleep.

We're getting a bit tighter on
time now with everything.

Pig breads in the oven.

What am I doing now? Anybody know?

Oh, yeah, I'm now gonna get the
ankylosaurus teacakes filled.

Pies are demoulded.
Um, macarons are in.

They need 14 minutes.
So we're onto the doughnuts.

Couple of minutes each side.
I just go by sight.

Never used a deep fat fryer though.

Yeah, I'm really pleased with
the bread,

looking nice and green.

Gonna quickly make the ganache
and get the jam on now for those.

I just hope my twists are all right,
they're in there.

I've just gotta not look, haven't I?

And just let 'em do their thing.

I'm just gonna roll up
the Swiss roll now.

It's a big bake, isn't it?
This is a big one.

It's too big for me.
You decided to do a dinosaur.

I know, yeah. It was your idea.

I know it was. Yeah, and it was my
idea to loads of things with it

as well, wasn't it? But I'm not...
Oh, what's that, is that my two
minutes up?

Yeah, that's your two minutes up.

Oh, my God,
are these your dinosaur feet?

Look at this. Oh, they're the best.

I think I've done everything in
terms of baking things.

I'm behind time,
I really need to catch up.

Bakers, you have half an hour left.

You've had four hours.
They're only making one cupcake.

There's a, a lot to do.
Decorating snowman time now.

They're done and it's good cos
the egg wash makes them look a bit

like scaly sort of, don't they?
Yeah, it's pretty cool, isn't it?

The lemon meringues are in
the oven so I'm just making

the little toadstool toppers.

Going in with the orange curd.

Conscious that they will say
it's a cupcake

and this is the quarterfinal.
So it's a cupcake with curd.

All my elements are done.

I just need to start rocking
and rolling now.

I need to get a move on as I
need to brulee them as well.

I want to fill the choux buns now,

which are gonna form Christmas

Bakers, you've got 15 minutes left.

OK, that's going in.

Just covering the back of
the lollies.

It's a bit messy.

They're gonna be tennis balls.

This is just white chocolate
this one.

I'm putting a walnut on top of
the head so like

an ankylosaurus armour

and then just a couple
of fondant horns.

This is the hardest I've had to work

and I thought Biscuit Week
I had to do a fair bit.

I've never worked harder
to make food

and I probably never will do once
this chaos finishes.

My jam didn't set. My tractor wheels
are gonna be rough.

Bakers, you have one minute left.


OK, bakers, your time is up.

They don't look like cricket balls

but I'm happy that I got it done.

It all looks a bit beige.
Tried my best.

Oh, my God, that was insane.

The bakers' anything but beige

now face the judgment of
Paul and Prue.

Cristy, tell us all about your
non-beige buffet.

So I've got Swiss roll lollipop,

cheese and rosemary twists,

spicy beef and onion patties
and then lemon meringue pies.

It's a bit rough and ready. I know.

Everything has got flaws.
You look at the canes,

they are pretty rough.

It tastes OK, but it's
not baked enough.

It's a pity because I love
the flavour.

OK, shall we try the pies?

So they're meant
to represent sweets?

Yeah, and they're spicy.


I love that, tastes great.

I think that's delicious.

Oh, OK, good.

So those are the savoury ones.

Yes. This is lemon meringue.

Proper lemon meringue pie taste.

It is, comes down to the look again.

It's not the best-looking thing
I've seen.

Yeah, they're a little uneven.

It's Willy Wonka, guys,
it's gotta be a bit uneven.

It's lovely soft cake,
I like the flavour.

I think all your flavours
are lovely.

OK, that's good.

Everything else, when it comes to
the visual effect,

has fallen short of what we expect.

I agree.

Matty, tell us all about
your Showstopper.

We've got a cricket ball curry pie,

a orange cupcake golf course,

lime curd macarons

and some creme brulee
doughnut basketballs.

I like the colours,
you've managed to achieve

a few different colours in there.

Your little pies look pretty good.
They look pretty uniform.

Matty, I think that you've achieved
something quite clever.

You've got a different-looking
finish on every one of them.

OK, let's try doughnuts.

Very lovely shiny caramel, isn't it?


They taste of creme brulee
so you can have that.

Oh, no.

Your oil's too hot. OK.

And because your oil's too hot,
it's a little bit raw inside.

The flavours are good.
The texture's not good.

Bit uneven, these.

Lovely colour. Nice shine there.

Nice flavour.

That curd is so delicious,
really lovely.

Right, cricket balls.

Cricket ball pies, yes.

That's delicious. Really nice, yeah.
Hmm. Oh, thank you.

Then you have a...

It's a chocolate orange cupcake.

There's a little bit of
orange curd in there too.

It's a lovely flavour. It works
quite well, there's a nice sharpness
coming from that orange.

Quite a moist sponge that as well.

I think you've got your flavours
right on most of the things.

I think your textures are
slightly off. OK.

Certainly on your doughnuts.

But generally your flavours
have been pretty good. Hmm.

Well done, Matty. Thank you.

Tasha, tell us all about your
buffet, please.

So this is my farmyard party.

I've made milk bread,

uh, pigs and blackberry creme
diplomat choux

and pistachio
and raspberry flavoured Viennese

whirls with a raspberry
and peach jam.

I think some of these things look
quite nice.

I love the little pigs.

The Viennese whirls are underbaked.

As soon as you pick 'em up they,
they just fall apart.

They're falling to pieces. Yeah.

But the flavour is
absolutely perfect.

Oh, OK.

Hmm, that's quite disappointing.


Yeah, underwhelming.
Let's have a look at these pigs.

Nice, uh, structure inside.

The pigs are lovely.
I like the texture,

I like the crust on them,
you are such a good bread maker.

Thank you.

Overall, a little underwhelmed.

And they are a bit beige,
which was banned.

Dan, tell us about
your Showstopper.

So this is my prehistoric buffet

with chicken curry dinosaur feet,
lemon biscuit fossils,

strawberry marshmallow ankylosaurus

and then some dinosaur eggs
with vanilla mousse.

I do like the theme and everything
looks pretty neat and tidy.

It's ambitious,
there's a lot of stuff going on.

Shall we try the... Dinosaur feet.
..the feet?

The curry is lovely.

The pastry is very crumbly

and actually delicious,
but it's very dry.

Love the flavour, love the idea.

Shall we try fossil lemon biscuits?

Very nice biscuit. Um, it is beige.

Right, let's have a look at these
little chocolate fellas.

The flavour's overwhelmingly
chocolate, you hardly get the middle

because the chocolate's quite thick.

This is an authentic egg.

That's very good.
Very clever, you did six things.

Perhaps if you'd done four things,
you could've got them perfect.

Josh, tell us all about your
non-beige buffet.

We have got some Christmas
wreath couronnes,

then you've got choux buns as my
Christmas puddings

and then the snowmen macarons.

They're neat as a pin,
they're uniform. Aren't they?

Your little snowmen are perfectly
piped. They're absolutely lovely.

The couronne look nice, even,

quite tricky to do so small.

Delicious actually,

really soft, it's well baked.

It's got a crust to it and soft
in the middle. Very delicious.

Hmm, I think they work in looks
and in flavour.

So we've had the savoury.

They've got a caramel-like pasty
creme custard going through those.

That is absolutely delicious.

The vanilla level in
there is lovely.

Very, very silky filling.

Right, these are the coconut?

Yes, those are coconut
and white chocolate ganache,

and there should be
a jam right in the centre.

Hmm, well, I love 'em...

Josh I think you've done really
well. It's hard to fault anything.

I think you've done really well
with the flavours.

It's something I would go back for.
I think these are a triumph.

Aren't they?
These are particularly good.

Thank you. Well done, Josh.
Thank you.

That was amazing, really chuffed.

My favourite comment was Paul
with the couronne.

To hear any comment like that
from Paul, king of bread,

that's, amazing. So I will take that
with me forever.

I'd say this is the most positive
I've felt after

any Showstopper so I'm pretty happy.

If I hadn't come first in

the technical, I would be really
anxious right now.

I'm pleased they liked all
the flavours

so I'm just gonna focus on that.

General feeling is I think
I'm bouncing around between third

and fifth.

It could be any one of three of us,
to be honest.

So how do you think
the Showstopper went, Prue?

Who's gonna be reaching
the semifinals?

If you look at that whole display,

they did get the idea of colour

and some of the things
were so delicious

and some were so disappointing.

Let's look at Cristy cos those
patties, you really liked those.

The problem with Cristy's is
the way that it looks.

It's just not polished enough.

I thought Josh did very well.

His couronne were delicious.

So actually there's
a couple of people I think in line

for Star Baker. I think Matty...
Matty. in line.

Matty. I do think Josh is there.

What, for Star Baker, Josh? Yeah.

But he had a particularly bad day
yesterday, didn't he?

Whereas Matty got a handshake. Hmm,
Matty had a, Matty had a great.

Had a really great day. Yeah,
he had a decent day yesterday.

He could be one to watch.

But Josh had the good sense
to just do three things

and do them exquisitely, whereas
Dan on the other hand...

Dan did everything.

Has he done enough to survive?

I think Cristy is also another one
that could go

so I think it's between those two.

It's so sad I can't believe we've
actually got to that stage where

two really good bakers are here.
Two Star Bakers.

Well, we've gotta send
a Star Baker home...

Hmm. ..because they've
all been Star Baker.

Well done, bakers, you really did
bring the party to the tent.

I've got the great job of announcing
this week's Star Baker.

And the Star Baker is...



Unfortunately, I've got
the horrible job of announcing

who's leaving the tent today.

The baker needs to know
that when you get to this stage,

you have done so, so well.

And we're really, really sad
to see them go.

The baker leaving the tent
today is..


So sorry. It's OK.

Oh, Cristy, you've done so well,

I'm so sorry to see Cristy go

because she cares so much and she
is a really, really good baker.

Well done, Cristy. Thank you.

It's been such a crazy,
fast-paced experience.

So now, I can sit back

and reflect on what
an amazing time I've had.

I'm really proud to have got this
far, I'm really proud.

Well done, Matty. Thank you, Prue.

I wasn't expecting that.

I had a pretty perfect week,
the handshake, the Star Baker.

I am happy for Matty.

He just, just pipped Josh
to take Star Baker.

It was really because he did
fantastic sausage rolls yesterday.

Lara. Yeah? I won Star Baker.

Oh, my God!

I hope this gives me
the confidence that maybe I needed,

knowing what I'm up against
next week and hopefully beyond.


Paul said lucky!

But I'll take lucky!
Come on, group hug.

Bring the party, yeah!

Next time our four semifinalists...

..face off over patisserie...
Don't know what's going on.

..with a signature
full of finesse...

It has to look like it's from a
Parisienne shop, don't it?

Which isn't easy.
Oh, it's so curdled.

Certainly not for me! apple tart technical...

..that demands a delicate touch...

My God, I can't watch.

..and a beautifully buttery
puff pastry Showstopper.

Is that moving? Set!

Oh, my God.

There's no layers in my pastry.

I just want to go to the pub.