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01x07 - The Return of Raggedy Android/The Boy Who Cried Robot

Posted: 04/21/24 10:30
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ At the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ But my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ From annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could go
for a walk ♪

♪ W♪ it's enoughg
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ The story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪ ♪

[Ominous music]

♪ ♪

[Techno music playing]

I can't believe it, jenny.

I can't believe
I got this job.

It's so cool.

Mezmer's is the coolest
hangout in town.

computerized jukebox,

Deluxe five-cushion
booth seating,

Air-conditioned dance floor,

And wall-to-wall teenagers.

I can't believe I'm hanging
with normal teens.

Well, why not?

With me in charge,

You can hang out
anytime you want.

...make a fortune--what?!

You filthy
mechanized nuisance!

Get out!

Hey, you can't
kick me out.

Oh, yes, I can.

"We reserve the right
to refuse service...

To robots."

They're dangerous.

They can't be trusted.

And they stink too.


No robots allowed!

Bradley, my boy,
throw her out.

But, mr. Mezmer,
she's my friend.

I won't throw her out.

Then you're fired.

It's okay;
I'm leaving.

What an ignorant jerk.

Who wants to hang out
in there anyway?

I do.

Come on, come on.

It's got to be here somewhere.


[Clears throat]



What do you think
you're doing?

[Laughs innocently]
hi, mom.

I was looking for
the human exoskin.

You know, the one
that'll make me look

Like a normal girl.

You said you've been
fiddling with it,

Improving it?

Well, I do admit
I have been toying with it

In my spare time.

But it's not done!

I'll let you see it,
but that's all.

Here we are.

[Electricity crackling]

[Alarm wailing]


It looks worse than before.

Oh, but it's far more advanced.

I don't think
it'll even fit me.

It's too small.


We'll do a fitting
and see.

Try it on.


Mom, what's happening?

Hmm, very interesting.


I can't breathe!

You don't breathe, honey.

[Muffled screaming]

[Zipper zips]

Why, why, jenny.

My dear lady,

Do you think I might sashay
around town a bit?

Oh, how can I say no
to a face like that?

[Techno music playing]

[All talking]


[Wolf whistle]

[Talking and music resume]

Hey, sweetie.

Can I get you
a frosty beverage?

Uh, no, thanks.

Can I get you
a frosty beverage?

[All talking]

Uh, excuse me.


Oh, hi.

What's your name?



Jenny, huh?


[Laughs embarrassedly]

My best friend's name is jen--

[Electricity crackles]



Best friend, huh?

Wow, what happened?

You look totally normal.

I know.

It's so great.

No one looks at me
like I'm a freak.

It's been bliss.

Hey, brad!

Come here and clean up
the soft serve.

Go have some fun.

I'll talk to you later.

Hello, beautiful.

I couldn't help
but notice you.

Would you honor me
with a dance?


[Engines roaring]

[Car alarm beeps]

[People gasp]

Don't stop the party
on letta's account.

We're just here for the fun
like the rest of yous.

Right, lenny?

Just who do you think
you are?

Get out
of my shop.

"We reserve the right
to refuse service to robots...

And space bikers."

Now, get out,
or I'll throw you out.


and what army?

Army of me, you jerk.

[Woman's voice]
a normal young lady

Would let the boys handle this.

We can take this wimp.


Wimp this take away.


You illiterate creeps.

Take this!

You haven't seen
the last of me.


Oh, man,
party's over.

[All grumbling]

Don't worry.

I'll have a new jukebox

I promise.

There'll be boogie-woogie
for sure!

Looks like we didn't get
our dance.

That's okay, doll face.

We can dance tomorrow.

Same time, same place.

I sure had a great time tonight

Until that space biker crashed
the party.

Normally, I would have pounded
the fins off of her.

I wonder what held me back.

[Ominous music]

♪ ♪




What happened?

isn't it nice
to wake up beautiful?

Well, sure, but--

Hey, who said that?

It's me, your second skin.

Don't we look beautiful?

I--i am beautiful,
aren't i?

Yes, we are.

But this isn't the real me.

The real me--

Isn't beautiful?

No, I'm beautiful
in my own special way.

But wouldn't we rather be
beautiful in a normal way?

Beauty is a 24-hour job.

We can't just look
like a normal girl.

We have to behave
like a normal girl,

Believe we're a normal girl.

A normal girl can do anything.

We'll have the boys eating
out of the palms

Of our beautiful, normal hands.

Normal is good.

Normal is good.

[Techno music]

Pick up the pace,
bradley, me boyo.

We've got customers

Right away, sir.

Welcome to mezmer's.
What'll you have?

[Jenny and skin together]
well, what do you recommend?

Jenny, what are you doing?

You don't eat.

Well, I am trying
to watch my figure.

Or nobody else will.

And malts are bad
for my skin.


What's the beauty queen act for?

When you're a beauty,

Why shouldn't you act
like a queen?

Well, your highness,

I like the way
the old jenny acted.

Shall we dance,

I'd love to.

Don seems to like

The new jenny
just fine.

[Engine revving]

[Glass smashes]

Ha ha ha!

Did you miss letta?

Now we'll really have some fun.

Yeah, olga is here.

Sledge is in the house.

And tammy!

She's new.

[People coughing]

Drinks on you!


[Glass smashing]

Jenny, do something.

Why would we want
to do anything?

We might break a nail.

Oh, please help!

Keep cool, man.

Someone's got to do something.

Mr. Mezmer,
I'll get you out.

Hold on.



Atomic wedgie!




Huh, could we move, please?

We need to kick
some space biker butt.

That would be
most impolite.

Kicking buttocks is not
the sort of thing

A normal girl does.

Well, I admit
I'm not a normal girl.

we are now.


Give me back control--now!


We will be normal!

I'm not letting you
control me any longer.

I have to save
my best friend.

you're just a girl.

It's not normal
for girls to save boys.

well, it's normal for this girl

To save everybody.


Let's get out
of here!

And what should we do
with you?

Atomic wedgie?


Don't hurt me, robot.

You and your space biker friends
can have all my money.

Just don't hurt me.

She wasn't trying
to hurt you.

She saved us all
from those space thugs.


look at my shop.

It's a mess.

It's all your fault!

I always knew
your kind were no good.

No robots allowed!

that's fine.

I'm leaving.

Hold on, jenny.
I'm coming with you.

If you leave,
you're fired.

You can't fire me;
I quit!

Fine, quit, then.

Leave with your stinking
robot friend.

No robots allowed!

No exceptions!

Well, I guess I got
to go too.

man, let's get out of here.

[People agreeing]



Where's everyone going?

Can we have
a little music, jenny?


[Techno music plays]

Wow, jenny,
a built-in boom box.


It's just one
of my normal features.


[Owl hooting]


[Beeping quietly]

[Wind howling]


At last.

I do hereby claim this peak,

The highest in all of asia,

For the village
of stickney, illinois.

Thus do I claim thee
mount milajankaro!



[Alarm wailing]

[Glass shatters]

Made it with time to spare.

[Whistling casually]





Hold on, tuck!

[Noise of brakes squealing]




So, jenny,
I'd like you to meet

My friends,
george and carver.


[Clears throat]

Oh, yeah,
and this is--

What's your name

my name is...


Lon was telling us
about this really cool wolf.

He's going
to show us later.

With huge teeth
and big yellow eyes

And horrible
sharp claws.

And a blood-curdling howl
that pierces the night air

Like an assassin's

And since we were speaking
of cool things,

How could I resist mentioning
that I live

Next to a laser beam-sh**ting
rocket-powered kick-butt...


Of course, no one believed me,
so I called you over.

Pretty cool, huh, guys?



Oh, tuck, I'm flattered.

But you really shouldn't
send out distress calls

Unless it's an emergency.

This was sort of an emergency.

No, tuck.

I mean a real emergency,
like fires, floods,

Falling off a mounta--





Why, thank you,
young lady.

No biggie.

I think I'm a winter,

But what if I'm really a spring
with autumn undertones?

[Alarm wailing]

[All screaming]


The dike,
she's about to blow!


Let's see.

"Allow 20 minutes
for cement mixture to harden."

Hmm, a sandstone glaze on top
might be a nice effect.


Tuck? Again?

jenny, hurry!

Looks like I'm going to need
a quicker fix.

That ought to do it.

Hey, everybody!

Snots brinker
fixed the dike!

Way to go, snotty boy!



our star has arrived.

What is this?

I told you to call only
if it was something important.

But it is important.

Lon didn't believe

You had cool gadgets
and powers and stuff.

He said you were wimpy.

Listen, you.

I've got more important
things to do

Than to perform tricks

For a bunch
of geeky little boys.

Ha, geek.

You are not
to call me again

Unless you actually
need my help.





Hmm, let's see.

Everything seems
calm and peaceful.

You appear to be fine.

No broken bones,

Not leaking
any bodily fluids.

At least not yet.

You do know what
the wordhelp means,

Don't you?

But I do need your help.


How's that?

I have a splinter.

Tuck, that's not
what I meant by--

Oh, so my stupid little pain
isn't important enough for you.

Is that it?

No, that's not what I said--

So, what,
I'm never going to see you

Unless I'm going to be
run over by a train?

No, of course--

Or crushed by a gorilla

Or swallowed
by the loch ness monster?

That's ridicul--

I thought you wanted

To have friends
like a normal kid.

I do.

I thought we were friends.

We are.

Well, as a friend,
let me give you

A little advice
about friendship.

Friends help friends out

Not just with
the gorilla-sized problems

But with the splinter-sized
problems too.

Oh, all right.


But I can only come over

If you need my help
with something.

Oh, I don't think
that'll be a problem.



[Radio warbling]











jenny! Jenny! Jenny!


hey, jenny.


Oh, brad.

I am so sorry.

Uh, let me--

One more little--

Almost got it.

stop helping.

Oh, if only your brother
would let me stop helping.

Oh, boy.

What's tuck up to now?

He keeps calling me over

To help him
and his geeky friends

With the stupidest stuff.

So why do you
keep going?

Tuck says that's what friends do
for each other.

Plus what if I don't show up
and he really needs me?

Oh, this reminds me
of a certain story.

look, everyone.


Ah, perfect timing.

[Children cheering]

of electrolysis, please.

Here you go, amy.

The dunderhead's guide
to idiocy.

Enjoy, billy.

in the rye.

Not today, ed.

Tuck's pulling
the same scam

As the kid in this book.

the boy who cried wolf?


Good night, tuck.

No need to walk, gentlemen.

Jenny will be here in a moment
to fly us home.



Never mind, tuck.

We'll walk.

No, wait.

I know she's coming.


so, tuck.

Now that we've eliminated
that robotic distraction,

I think it's time
to meet the wolf.


Forget it, tuck.

I'm not falling for it



Now the brat's quoting
the actual book.

Well, I'm not going to be
the fool

At the end of this story.

Say, how does
this story end anyway?

Mm, I don't know.

Maybe the kid gets a ticket
for disturbing the peace.

[Dramatic music]

He gets a ticket, huh?



No, jenny,
don't fall for it.

But the ending
of the book.

Who are you going
to believe:

Me or some stupid book?

You're the one who gave me
the stupid book

In the first place.

[Tuck screams]

Sorry, brad.

I won't have tuck's blood
on my hands.

I tell you he's faking.

Hold on, tuck.

Hold on!

[Tuck screaming]

Oh, hi, jenny.

I wanted you to see
lon's dog, wolfie.

He's really part wolf.

Isn't that
the coolest thing?



Help! Help!

Jenny's attacking me!

Help! Help!

[Rock music]

♪ ♪