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03x05 - Girl of Steal/Mist Opportunities

Posted: 04/21/24 10:54
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪

[bell rings]

Hey, Brad.

How'd you do on that...

geometry test?


Oh, hey, Jenny.

I've been looking
all over for you.

All over?

You walked right by me.

I don't have all day, Brad.


Are you even listening to me?

Oh, hang on a second.

I couldn't hear you

over the sweet sound
of my new Musique.

A Musique?

What's that?

It's the latest thing.

Everybody's getting one.


Yeah, pretty much everybody.

It plays music.

It takes pictures.

It's a phone, a fan,

a fax,
and a metal polisher.


It even reminds you
to take a shower.

I've got mine set
on once a week

whether I need it or not.

It's so cool, Brad.

Where'd you get it?

Down at the mall, but--

but they're pretty expensive!



Only 2,981 more box tops,

and the Musique is mine
for free!


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

Please, please, please

please, please,
please, please, please,

can I have a raise
on my allowance?

Is this for a special event?

Perhaps a special celebration
this Nora-vember?

You wouldn't understand.

You probably never even heard
of a Musique.

A Musique, the only device
that can do base 5 trigonometry

and make a mean
spinach dip?

It's the most beautifully
designed machine of all time,

present company
excluded, of course.

I think everyone
should have one,

except you, XJ9.

They're too expensive.

No, if you want a Musique,

you're just going
to have to get a job.

Thanks for the box tops!

Box tops?
What box--



[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I'll have number three
with extra meat sauce


Welcome to Monkey Burger.

May I take your order?

Jenny, what are you
doing here?

Earning money for a Musique.

Hey, at least it's not
the Shoe Caboose or the arcade.


Is something wrong
with your Musique?

I think it's the smoke alarm.


All right, that's it.

Hand in your hat.

Don't make me get rough.

So can I get a...
shake with those fries?


[Tuck laughing]

Well, we don't
even serve cereal.

[whimsical music]

♪ ♪

Hi, there.

You look like
you need cheering up.

Nothing can cheer me up.

What about a party?

Party? What party?

Right here.

I don't get it.

How can you have a dance party
without music?

The DJ broadcasts the tunes
directly into your Musique.

So what do you say?
Is it a date?

But I don't have a Musique.

I, uh, I gotta go.

Hey, doesn't anyone
want this thing?

Who's gonna sign
for this special delivery?

Oh, for goodness sake.

I am right here.
No need to shout.

Fine print.

Who reads the fine print?

Take that
and that!

I've got my 3,000 box tops,
and I want my free Musique now!

But, son, you have got to mail
in those box tops.

Mail them in!

Forget it, stooge!

You either make
with the free Musique or--

Get your hands off!

I've got box tops,
I tell you!

Box tops!


Seal the exits.

Fan out!

Hey, you. Stop.

[adventurous music]


Hey, over here!

Get her!

Stop her!

She has stolen the new Musique.

[people gasping]


Oh, no, you don't!


You won't get away
with this, Ruby Rocket.

We won't stop until
you're brought to justice!

Oh, corn dogs.


It's so cool!

I can't wait to tell Brad
and Tuck and--


I can't tell them.

I can't tell anyone
about this ever!

But I can still listen to it.

♪ You plumb stole my heart, ♪

♪ you thievering thief. ♪

♪ I should lock you
in the jail ♪

♪ or just knock out
your teeth. ♪

I never cared for country.

♪ Wanted... ♪

♪ She's on the lam
and on the run. ♪

♪ She's wanted. ♪

♪ She's public enemy
number one. ♪

There's an oldie.

♪ Why you do wrong,
wrong, wrong? ♪

♪ You take my song,
song, song. ♪

♪ This is a long, long, long-- ♪

Stop it! Stop it!

That settles it.

I'm taking you back
right now.


XJ9, front and center!

We have a major situation!

Yeah, Mom?

What happened?
Alien invasion? Evil puppets?

That kid from third period
who eats glue?

I always knew
he'd snap someday.

This is
no laughing matter, XJ9!

A limited edition Musique
has been stolen!

It was going to k*ll dandruff

and make cavities
a thing of the past!

A limited edition?

Now, I know it's my birthday,

but I don't want
you doing anything

until you catch
the perpetrator,

the one they call
Ruby Rocket.

Remain calm.

Skyway Patrol is hot
on the trail of Ruby Rocket.

Even as we speak,
an angry mob is conducting

a door-to-door search.

Good afternoon, ma'am.

I represent the angry mob.


Have you seen
this super villain?

What's the big deal?

It's just a music player.

Just a music player?

Bite your tongue!

Can a mere music player
make a milk shake,

file your taxes,
and trim your nose hair?

I don't think so.


A Musique
is more than a machine.

It's like a family member,

a family member
you can stick up your nose.

That makes Ruby Rocket

a family member stealer!

So what's in the box?

What box?

What are you talking about?

I didn't do anything!


Man, she is so weird.

Okay, plan B.

I have to get rid
of the evidence.

[Wakeman gasps]
You remembered!

You remembered my birthday.

A Musique.

I love it!

Thank you very much.

[angry mob chattering]

It's the angry mob,

and they seem much angrier
than before.

Uh, Mom, don't you want
to take that new Musique

down to your lab?

Sorry, XJ9.

I can't hear you.

If you need me,
I'll be enjoying my Musique

down in my lab.

Find Ruby Rocket.


We know you're
in there Ruby Rocket.

There's red footprints
leading to this house.


[glass shattering]


You won't destroy me,
Ruby Rocket, that easily.

[all gasp]

Think again, Ruby!

You may scare poor
defenseless music players--

It's more than a music player!

But you don't scare me, XJ--

I mean, uh...

Yeah, XJ9!



You're going down,
Ruby Rocket!


boing! boing! boing!

♪ We have no bananas today! ♪


Limited edition.



Take that, Ruby Rocket!

And that! And that!

Oh, no, you don't!

You're not getting away
that easily.

[missiles whistling]


Great news, everyone.

I've destroyed
the very real

and in-no-way-fictional
Ruby Rocket.


So where's the Musique?

Oh, uh, sadly,
Ruby Rocket had it on her

when I blew her up.

[all gasp]

You--You let this happen.

It's as much your fault
as it was Ruby Rocket's.


I have the Musique.

Ruby Rocket didn't take it.

That weird old woman did.

Get her!

[mob screaming]


My mom had nothing
to do with it.

It was me.
I stole the Musique.

It's true.

There was never
any Ruby Rocket either.

It was all me.

You see,
I really, really, really,

really, really,
really wanted a Musique.

And I took it.

All I ever wanted
was to fit in,

to be one of you.

I'm truly sorry,

and I'll do whatever it takes
to make up for it.


Get her!

[mob screaming]


Hello, XJ9.

I brought you some lunch.

I'm so proud
that you told the truth

and are paying your debt
to society.

Don't worry, Mom.
I've learned my lesson.

I can't believe
I bought into all the hype.

I mean,
who in their right mind

would want one of these
that much?

[Tuck giggling]

[bell ringing]

Sure, I'd love to go
to a sci-fi, fantasy,

sorcery, comic book, magical,
retired-movies-stars convention.

Sounds like fun.


Gotta go. Sorry.

This always happens.

And I even brought
my magical staff.


[construction racket]


What in tarnation?



puff! puff! puff!


The molverine.

I thought
he only came out at night.

Less talk.
More action, robot girl.




I haven't truly lived yet.


Oh, my gosh.

I almost--

I know. You almost fell
in the wrong spot.


See, you're all right.

Down you go.


So what's on your mind,


[exotic music]

Oh, is all that noise
bothering you?


Hey, girlfriend.

I thought
you were meditating in India.


So what are you doing
superhero-ing in these parts?

Oh, sorry, buddy.

Am I stepping on your turf?

I just figured with
all the monsters, aliens,

and evil sock puppets,

this town has
enough weird stuff going on

for dozens of heroes.

You've got that right.

And don't worry.
I'll give you a cut of the loot.

Uh, okay?

You busy? Let me buy
my buddy a can of oil.

Well, I missed my chance to go
to the sci-fi convention, so--

Hey, we are sci-fi.

Come on, Jenn.

It's ladies' night at Mezmers,

and you're the closest thing
I can find.

Please, Mom.

Can't I skip the workout
just this once?

Not if you want to keep up
your reaction time.

You've got responsibilities,
young lady.

[siren wailing]

So how do you get
your hair so spiky?


Oh, my goodness.
Help me!

Well, I say,

I don't much cotton
to being upside-down.

Something about this
looks familiar.

Infrared Ivan.

Hey, Misty.
Be careful.

There's an invisible monster

You need any help
with that thing?

Oh, hi, Jenn.
You been here long?

Actually, I was here first,

um, but I guess this means
I can go to the mall.

Oh, no, you don't.

You have target practice.

What's the point
of practicing

if Misty's gonna take away
all my targets?

It's your duty
to protect the planet,

no one else's.

You're ready?

Three of clubs.


Jack of diamonds.


Seven of hearts.


What's the problem?

Already taken care of.

That Misty girl was here.

Looks like Misty's
stealing your thunder.


And doing all your work.


Leaving you with time
on your hands.


Time to finally be a normal teen
and do whatever you want.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[glass shattering]

[people screaming]

This is Reed Tanner
in north Tremerton

where space biker hoodlums

are causing panic
and mayhem.

Space bikers, Jenny.

Space bikers,

Misty'll take care of it.

How much do you know
about Misty anyway?

You met her once
for a day or two,

and she wanted you
to leave Earth forever.

Well, forever turned out
to be not very long.

And don't forget, Sheldon.

She's also a runaway
who was thrown out of school

with no parents,
no family, no rules.

Yeah! Is this who we want
protecting our city?

Why not?

Good news, Tremerton.

The space biker rampage
has been halted.

As usual, all credit goes
to the mysterious Misty.


[indistinct mumbling]

You need to calm down, Brad.

I can't understand a word
you're saying.

There's a monster downtown,

and it breathes fire.

It's destroying everything,

and Tuck is
down there someplace.

You woke me up for that?

Misty'll take care of it.

Misty's down there,
but she's not doing anything.

Oh. Oh!

Don't worry, Tuck.


Um, no problem.

I can run downtown.

Are you sure
you're up to this?

Please. It's only
been two weeks.


[people screaming]

Hey, little fella.

Have you seen a fire-breathing
monster around here?


Brad, help me!
I'm stuck.

You're never stuck.




Hold on, Tuck.

Dang it.

Is your arm broken?

I can get it to work.


Tuck, are you okay?

If anything happened to you--

That was awesome!

This has gone far enough.

All right, plush toy.

If you want to keep that cute
little face of yours, then--

clang! clang! clang!


You know, I usually burn incense
when I meditate,

but the smell of a burning city
can be just as relaxing.

People are in danger!

Why don't you do something?

They stiffed me.


Your town, Tremerton.

They wouldn't cough up the cash
for services rendered.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I'm a hero for hire.

I save people for money.

You knew that.

And if they don't pay up,

you just let them
get pummeled?

Pretty much.

I have to eat,
don't I?

I'm not living with my mom
like some people.


It's raining Jenn.

Or is it raining
Jennys from heaven?

Ha ha.

I could have gotten up
by myself.

I know, but since
you're a little rusty,

I thought I'd lend you a hand.

Are you sure?
I'm not paying you.

What are friends for?

Since you're out of shape,
we'll go low-tech.

We can use this bus
like a bat

to pound the bunny
against that building.

Are you insane?

Give me that! This is a busload
of small children.

And that building
is a hospital.

Hey, you've got break a few eggs
to make an omelette.

A true superhero knows her job
is to protect the eggs.

A professional superhero
knows that time is money.

The sooner we defeat
this thing,

the sooner we can move on
to our next job.

It's not a job;
it's a duty!

Listen, amateur.

People pay me
to solve problems,

and this thing
is a problem.

If you're smashing
busloads of kids,

you're the problem.

Well, gosh, Jenny.
Maybe you should be fighting me.


I will if I have to.

That...was a mistake.

Oh, no you don't.

She's mine.

I want you out of my town.

Why would I want to stay
in Tremerton?

Stupid people who won't pay
for protection.

Stupid heroes who work
for free.

Oh, but there
is one little problem.

Nobody tellsme what to do.

Tired, Jenn?

Here. I'll give you
a free shot.


What's that?

You want to give me
a free shot?

Gosh, it seems so unfair.

But since
it is your last request--



This is where it ends,
robot girl.

Why are you doing this?

I thought we were friends.

The only reason
I'm not destroying you

is because no one
is paying me to do it.

Well, looks who's up
and about.

How are you feeling?

I thought you were going
to be here a half hour ago.

I wanted to get in
some extra workout time.

Taking things
seriously now, hmm?

Did someone learn
a lesson, Jenny?

Did someone learn
a lesson, Sheldon?

Someone certainly did.

Just because someone else
flies into town,

it doesn't mean someone
is relieved from her duty

to protect the planet.


The point is,
I'm back.

I'm strong,
and I'm ready for anything.

Bring it on, world.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[rock music]

♪ ♪