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03x02 - No Harmony with Melody/Tuckered Out

Posted: 04/21/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
♪ 5:00, get a call
to go blading ♪

♪ at the skate park
down by the mall, ♪

♪ but my mom says ♪

♪ I gotta prevent
hostile aliens ♪

♪ from annihilating us all. ♪


♪ With the strength
of a million and 70 men, ♪

♪ I guess I really
shouldn't complain. ♪

♪ Still, I wish I could
go for a walk ♪

♪ without rusting
in the rain. ♪

♪ It's enough
to fry my brain. ♪

♪ So welcome to my life
as a teenage robot, ♪

♪ the story of my life
as a teenage robot. ♪

♪ My teenage robot life. ♪

[girls screaming]

[male announcer]
Ladies of Tremerton,

here he is,
every girl's dreamboat,


[crowd cheering]

Evenin', ladies.


He winked right at me!

You wish.

He obviously winked at me.

Did not.
Did too.

Did not!
Did too!

Ladies, ladies, please.

The Brad loves
all his girls.

We love you, Brad!

Which is why my first song
tonight is dedicated to

all of you!



♪ It's Friday night,
and I'm feeling all right-- ♪

♪ Going to spread my wings
and let my mood take flight. ♪

♪If you want to come,
you just grab on tight, ♪

♪and let the Bradster
take you out of sight. ♪

Brad has left the building.

[wacky xylophone music]

♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

That must be Jenny.


Hey, Jenn.
So where to tonight?

Uh, actually,
I'm here to pick up Tuck.

Yeah, step aside,
High Pockets.

I'm sorry, Brad;
I promised Tuck I'd take him

to the cockroach fighting
championship in Dallas.

But we always hang out
on Friday nights.

I'm sorry; this was
kind of a last minute thing.

We'll hang out tomorrow,

See ya.

Ah, who needs her?

Some lucky girl
is going to get the call

she's been waiting for.

I'll just call, umm...

Uh, hmm.

No, uh...

[female operator]
If you'd like to make a call,

please hang up
and try again.

Will you go out with me?


[doorbell rings]

I knew Jenn would come back.

After all, what's a Friday night
without Brad?

Hi, Brad.

Oh, ma--ma.

Don't you remember?

[urgent music]


♪ ♪


Wait a minute.

[romantic music]


Oh, Brad, it's so good
to see you again.

Wow, you too.

Wait, what are you doing here;
are you okay?

Where's your dad,
the evil Dr. Lokus?

[booming evil laughter]

Oh, him?

Don't worry;
I'm his least important project.

He doesn't even know
I'm gone.

I'm here with you now.

Want to show me
the big city?

You got it, doll.

Just stick with me.

Wow! It's just amazing.

Yep. Well, now that you've seen
the big city,

let's hit Tremerton
before everything closes.


[carnivalesque music]

♪ ♪

[air whooshing]

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Gosh, Brad.

I can't believe we stayed up
all night talking.

Of course,
there are other things to do

with your lips
besides talk.

♪ ♪

That's not
what I had in mind.

[harp strums]

[lips smacking]


Hey, Bradley;
I brought you a surprise.

This little slugger is Carol,
the winning cockroach,

and one fierce filly.

that's great, Jenn.


Hi, Jenny.

Uh, Jenn,
you remember Melody.

The daughter
of the evil Dr. Lokus?

[evil booming laughter]

Where is he?
What are you doing here?

Whoa, Jenn, Melody's not
in cahoots with her pop.

So, Melody...

What brings you to town?

You're looking at him.

That's swell.

Well, nice seeing you again.
Come back real soon.

Uh, actually, Jenn,

I'm going to hang out
with Melody today.

I thought
we were going to hang out today.

I'm sorry; this was kind of
a last minute thing.

Well, that's super.

See ya.


Hey, where's Brad going?

Apparently, he's spending
the day cavorting

with his new girlfriend.

[laughing hysterically]

Who could possibly be interested
in my doofus brother?

The daughter
of an evil villain.


[evil laughter]


One of the evil biker g*ng?

[evil laughter and whooping]


Stimpy the evil wonder-puppet?

[maniacal cackling]

The evil Dr. Lokus.

Oh, I never
would have thought of him.

Well, Jenn, the heart wants
what the heart wants.

We simply need to trust
in Brad's common sense, and--

You're right, Tuck.

I should follow them,
and if necessary,

break them up
for Brad's own good.

But that's not what I--


I'm staying
out of this one.

♪ Melody, my Melody, won't you
make sweet music with me? ♪

Oh, Brad, you have
the voice of an angel.

There is definitely
something fish--

strange about Melody.

And it's not
that she likes his singing.

[both laughing]

Higher, Brad, higher.

You're so strong.

Oh, brother.

[in falsetto]
Higher, Brad, higher.
You're so strong!

What the heck
is going on here?

Crikey! That girl is a walking
disaster area.

All right,
this has gone far enough.

Oh, Brad, I know we haven't
known each other for long,

but I'm very drawn to you.

I feel the same way.

It's almost magnetic.

What the--

get away from her!

She's up to
something sinister!

What on earth
are you talking about?

Everything she touches
is destroyed.

Bad stuff's been happening
around her all day.

You've been following us?

I think there's
something wrong with you.

If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were jealous

because I'm spending time
with her instead of you.

Don't be absurd.

I'm--just trying to
look out for you.

She's evil,
just like her father!

No, I'm not!

[in a high voice]
I mean, I am not.

Look, Jenn, Melody would never
hide anything from me,

and she is most certainly
not evil!

Come on, Melody.

She's a robot?

You're a robot?

Jenny was right;

you were hiding
something from me.

Please don't be upset,

The whole reason I ran away
from my dad is because

I want to live
like a normal girl.

But you lied to me.

How can I ever
trust you now?

[lips smacking]

Duh, so she's mechanical.

Oh, no, you don't.

Jenny, have you
lost your mind?

It's for
your own good, Brad.

You're too close to this to see
the evil master plan at work.


You'll be safe here
while I take care of this.

Now, look, Jenny;
I know what you're thinking.

Please let me--


No more tricks,
Miss Lokus.

Hey, what's going on?

You wouldn't
understand, Tuck.

Looks like Jenny's fighting
your girlfriend Melody,

who's apparently a robot,
on the predisposition

that as the daughter
of Dr. Lokus, she must be evil,

while in fact, it's all a
thinly veiled streak of jealousy

over your companionship.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Imagine fighting over you!

No, really;
what's going on?

No, it's got to be a trick.

Now, Jenny;
please listen to me.

No way.

You may have Brad

but I've seen
your destruction.

My what?


Wow, cool.

Aw, come on.

You're as evil
as your father.

I'm not evil;
I'm a normal girl!!

I don't belong here.

I don't belong anywhere.


She had me dead to rights,
but she didn't destroy me.

Of course not;
she's just a confused kid,

a robot just like you
who wanted to fit in.

But what about
all the disasters she caused?

What disasters?

Melody just saved
our lives, Jenn.

Still think she's evil?

Well, maybe I overreacted
a little.

Hey, wait a minute;
Jenn's got a point.

If Melody wasn't
tossing cars around

like so much confetti,
who was?

Yeah, not to mention
all those other disasters.

Carol the champion cockroach?

But why?


Looks like Brad's been
quite the chick magnet lately.

I think she was
the jealous one.

So let me get this straight.

This little cockroach
has been wreaking havoc

all over the place,
because she's gaga for Brad?



Look, Carol,
if I've learned anything today,

it's that I might not be ready
for a serious romance.

it would never work;

you've got your career
to think about.

You understand, right?


[footsteps boom]

This has been
the weirdest day in my life.

Come on, guys;
let's go home.

Oh, man.

I'm never going to
let you live this down.

So long, Mel.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

Well, class, we're all
approaching the finish line

of the second grade.

Unfortunately, we do have
one or two stragglers.

They've got
one last chance to pass:

A Salute to the Hero,

a presentation about
the person you admire most.

I'm doing mine
on Abraham Lincoln.

I want to do
this dirt bike guy on my binder.

And, Milkweed,
who would you like to pick?

My mom.

Hey, I'm doing
a presentation too, you know.

Oh, Tuck, you can get an F
without doing the presentation.

Try AAA+.

Mine's going to be
about a real hero,

one I know personally:

Global Robotic Response Unit

What should I do?

Write a report?

A scale model.

Interpretive dance.

Ah. A movie?


Wow, Jenny's creation;
I pictured this so many ways.

I'm ready for my close-up.


Please use
the sets provided.

Here's your
scientist costume.

What's wrong
with my lab coat?

"Mad Scientist"?

Well, I wasn't before,
but I'm starting to get there.

Sheldon, can you
get our star some makeup?


I'm thinking
more robot-ish.

I thought you were helping
with the lights.

I'm sort of the camera man,
gaffer, gofer, groupie.

Places, please.

Hey, Tuck,
about my costume--

Come on, Brad;
it's for his school,

and it's important
to him.

Be a good sport
for our director.

Lights! Camera!


Master, I have the brain.

This shall be the greatest
invention since the creation of

tuna melts.

This is not
a good comparison at all!

Fire, maybe.

I am not about to degrade
myself for this tomfoolery.

Okay, Sheldon, let's cut.

I understand; the film process
can be frustrating.

Why don't you take some time
and relax in your trailer?

What trailer?

It's for the best.

Kids today want
young and vibrant;

not old and Wakeman-y.

But this is my house.

Now what?
Who'll play the scientist?

You tell us,
Mr. Director.

Don't worry, Tuck,
you can do it.

I can do it?

I can do it!

Lights, camera, action!

[laughs maniacally]
It's alive, it's alive!


[creepy organ music]


I'm not comfortable
with this.

This isn't
how I was created.

I had to use a little
creative license.

After all,
I'm the director.

Next scene!

Okay, listen up.

This next scene is about
how XJ9 first met humans.

this is where I come in.

Here's your
new script.

I had to make
a few changes.

Local bystander?

This is a blank page!

Where are my lines?

I'll need you
to stand back there.

Way back there.

Now, Jenny, remember:
you are angry in this scene.

I want to feel the fury
in your soul.

But I wasn't--

What the--

What are you doing?

Red means rage,
anger, fury.

Camera man!


Come on, Sheldon,

I'm not paying you
to lie around.


[whip cracks]

Back, you monster!

Tuck, watch it
with that thing.

Your lines?

Uh--Please, you must
tame the beast within me.

I'm not sure you are ready
for my wisdom and guidance.

Oh, please,
I wish to meet the humans.


That's not how Jenny
would say it.

But I am Jenny.

Don't question me.

I'm the director.

Oh, and you're not acting
robotic enough.

Excuse me?

You know!
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

That's a crude
and insulting stereotype,

and I won't do it.

Come on, Jenn,
if I don't ace this project,

I flunk second grade.


Ooh, fine!

Beep, beep.
Boop, boop, boop.

Beep, beep, beep, boop.


Oh, no!
What terror have I unleashed?

I'm king of the world!

I don't think we're
in Tremerton anymore.

Here's Jenny!

Tuck, this is ridiculous--

[rubber stretching]

What's going on?

This is your big
flying scene.

But I really
can fly.

Less talk,
more acting.

Grip, get her up higher, higher.
What am I paying you for?

You're not paying me!






Stay in the background!

Now, listen, Tuck--


Come on, my grandma could do
better stunts than you yahoos!

That's it!

No more!

We've had it!

If Jenny's leaving,
so am I.

But if I mess up on this,

it means
getting left back.

Scholastic humiliation, a failed
attempt at trucker college,

life as a data entry clerk.

I've learned my lesson!

I promise.

I'm not sure what's worse:

Tuck the crazed director

or Tuck the crybaby.


All right, we'll help you
with the rest of your project,

but no more
Tuck the dictator!

I'll be polite,
I promise.


Need any help?

That's okay, I got it.

[metal crunching]

Brad, I've given you
a starring role,

as the monster.

Sheldon, could you please
help me for a sec?

Uh, sure.

This is so silly.

Yeah, but at least he's
acting like a human being again.

I mean, I don't eat,

but the catering table
looks fantastic.

Yeah, underneath it all
he's a good kid.

[Tuck over megaphone]
All right, you monkeys!

Please get hopping.
Move, move!

What are you staring at?

Could I please get
some monster action?

Please get moving,

That's it!

The humiliation
ends now!

[concrete crunches]

A real monster!


What are you doing?
Keep filming.

I gotta get this.

All right.

I've handle you crab nebula
destructo droids

about a million times.

It's just a matter of how
to package you up for shipment.

Now for a good laser blast
to the--

[metal clunks]

Hey, what the--

You're winning
the battle too quickly.

I need more drama.

Tuck, this isn't--


[metal creaks and crashes]

[robotic scream]

Tuck, get out of here
before you get trampled!

Oh, boy, my bystander.

Join the action
and be a victim of chaos.

Tuck, I'm not going to--

[robotic screaming]




[frantic music]

♪ ♪

[robotic moaning]




Jenny, we talked
about your energy level.

Well, I'll save it
in editing.

[electronic dance music]

I don't know, guys;
it just bugs me

that Tuck made us all look like
fools in his stupid little film.

At least he's only showing it

to a bunch of second graders.

[Sheldon and Jenny]

[crowd cheering]


[Miss Angotti]
Thank you for coming

to our citywide presentation

ofA Salute to the Hero.

We've got to do something.

I have an idea.

Quick, wheel me home
as fast as you can.


Sheez, you call that a robot?

Too bad you don't know
a real hero, like me.

Third grade, here I come.

And our first presenter
will be--

Thank you, Miss Angotti,

but I really don't need
an introduction.

Before I present,

I'd like to thank
three very important people

who helped me
on this project:

me, myself, and I.

So without further ado,
I bring you:

[country western music]

♪ She crushed my heart,
when all I did was fart ♪

♪ in front of Mother. ♪

What's going on?

Hey, where did
you get that footage?

You're not the only one
with a movie camera.

Yeah, we've got a lot
of home movies.

[crowd laughing]

[Brad on film]
Don't be scared, Tucky.

Ho, ho--whoa!

[all laugh]

What a doof!

His social standing
is plummeting, even as we speak.

What a baby.

[hearty laughter]


What have I done
to deserve this?

Now I'm going to flunk
second grade.

[Miss Angotti]

an autobiographical project

is the most original idea
I've seen in years.

So few students have
the confidence to admit

that they are
their own heroes.

Your final grade
is a C+.


Oh, thank you, Jenny.
I love you.

Oh, Jenny,
me too.

Oh, Jenny!


Uh, can somebody please
let me in?