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02x09 - You're Grounded

Posted: 04/21/24 11:54
by bunniefuu
- Previously on below deck...

- New deckhand?
- Yeah, I reckon so.

- Oh, yeah!
- Yes.

- First impression's good.

He's tall, strong.

- One hot son of a bitch.

- Okay, so my family said it's,
like, the slowest service ever.

- Okay, we're gonna bring
everything up right now.

- Yeah.

- Two on service, please.

And coffee after dessert.

And then this won't
happen again.

- Will you write that down
for me?

- Kate's head of service,

And she drops the [bleep] ball
every time.

And I'm damned if it's
gonna happen again.

- Amy has some issues.

- Can we just talk maybe

About what you're, like,
talking about?

- No, we can't.
Please leave us alone.

Thank you.
- This was ridiculous.

Kate and kat are in there
talking about me.

[Crying] it's like me
against the interior.

I don't want to do this.

- You're my chief stew.
- Yes, I am.

- And you were talking [bleep]
about me.

- I already tried
to be nice to you,

And I don't
feel like it anymore

'Cause I got lots to do.

- He's a good person,
but he's not my person.

- Don't do that.

You got a room to yourself.

- Kelley's moving
into your room?

- Kelley's moving in.

- Happy birthday to kelley!

- [Retches]

- That was a big moment
for me.

[Horn blares]

[Upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- It's 8:00.
Let's go.

I want people up.

I'm sorry you're tired

And you drank more than
you should have last night,

But we've got a lot,
a lot of work to do.

Why are we not on deck?

Wake up.

- I'm up.

- Good.

Get your asses out here
and start.

- Aww.

Somebody sent me a gift.

Want to see what it is?

- Your boyfriend?

- Yep.
It's not engraved though.

- Ooh!
Jewelry box?

- Yeah.

- Well, he likes you,

So clearly he's got
good taste.

- I know.

Oh, want to see what
my boyfriend got me?

- What's that, a chest
of drawers or something?

- No, it's a jewelry box.
I wonder what's gonna be--

- That's cool, right?
- Yeah, I love it.

- Hmm.

- You really should
get out of bed.

- Can we postpone 20 minutes?

Let me get, like,
a red bull in me

And see if I can get
to feeling better.

- You really that sick?

- Not really that tired.
- Oh, you're sleepy.

- I'm just not functioning--
no, it's the sleep.

- On top of other things.

- She took care of me
all night.

I kind of let my guard down,

And maybe it's gonna
pay off.


- Kate, ben, I need you guys
in the wheelhouse, please.

Next charter group.

Guy's an investment banker
from florida,

And he's bringing
his girlfriend,

And her family's
coming along.

- He looks good for 45.
- Does he?

- In a relationship
with shana weiner.

Wow, that's an age difference.

- Okay, these are
the primaries.

- It's her birthday.
You get to make a cake.

- I love cakes.

- Surf and turf dinner
on a secluded beach.

of the rich and famous.

They want champagne
and caviar.

- Bling, bling.

- Look at him,

Sideways baseball cap,
hoodie guy.

- So what do you think he is,
a musician?

- Aspiring.

- You guys are so bad.

- [Laughs]

- Jesus christ.

- I mean, it was
slightly obnoxious.

They were dropping
cristal and caviar and stuff.

You know,
it's the bling factor.

- You guys know what to do.

So go ahead,
get it done.

- All right.

- Last night
I hurt my elbow.

I don't know how, and I don't
want to go there, really.

- Ugh!

- Are you gonna help me
set this table?

- Of course I am.
- Oh, yeah, of course you are.

- I'm gonna sit here
and talk to you...

- Okay.
- The whole time.

- You can just sit there,
and I'll do all the work.

- [Groans]

- Don't you need to be doing
something outside?

- Kelley.

- [Groans]
- [mimics groan]

- Yeah, I probably do need
to be doing something outside.

- Captain, this is kelley.

- Oh, thank you for helping me
salvage last night.

I appreciate it.
- Hey, no worries, man.

- Oh, my god.

We were both pretty smashed.
- Dude.

I'm glad I'm on fuel watch

Because I am still
mud today.

- Oh, yeah, no, no.

No, I'm right there
with you.


Ugh. Okay, I'm gonna go
finish the rinse down

Or try to start
finishing the rinse down.

- [Laughs]

- Okay, I need
to talk to you.

- What? What?

- I'm not an idiot.

- What--what do you think
is the issue?

Let's address it
and resolve it.

- Where do I start, kate?

- I don't know.
Wherever you want to.

- It is so hard to talk
to kate about anything,

'Cause she's so defensive

And deflects any comment
that comes her way.

I want to talk about
the fact that, like,

I've put up
with a lot of [bleep].

A lot of [bleep] from you
and a lot of [bleep] from kat.

I've had to overhear
you and kat talk about me.

I just want some honesty,

And, like, say it to my face
instead of my back.

- I don't go out
searching for people

Trying to start

That's not who I am.

I'm pretty sure
I've been adamant

That I don't like that.

- But I'm pretty sure
you start it.

Like, you start it.
You do.

- If you think I do, I'll
try and be conscious of that

Over the next charter.

And I really am sorry
if you feel that way.

I really didn't mean to.

- If I feel that way
or if that's the way, like--

- I'm sorry if I did that.

- If you did that?

- I'm sorry that I did that.

I never meant to do that.

I'm sorry
that that happened.


This is what
professionals do.

They apologize
and they move forward.

- Okay.
- Okay. What?

- I just--

I don't--i guess I just
don't get your brain.

- Amy doesn't want

She just wants drama,

And she wants to be
the victim all the time.

I'm gonna let you
finish this bed.

- Thank you.
I got this.

Such a joke.

- This arm's heavy
for my little leg.


- Calling me fat?

- Yeah.

You need to work on it.

- I know, right?

All right.

you seriously...

- What?
- Need to save me today, so...

- How do I save you?
- I don't know.

- What do you want me to do
to save you?

- I have no idea.

Make sure I don't, like,
fall off the boat,

Pass out on the teak.

- Oh, kelley.

- All right,
I'm gonna go do stuff.

- Mm-hmm.
- Or try to.

- Mm-hmm.

- What can I work on
that would be helpful?

The bathrooms?

- Yeah, the bathrooms
would be good.

So there's tension
between kate and i.

She was like, "I don't want
to have a girl fight with you."

I'm like,
"I don't want a girl fight.

You're my chief stew."

- You guys had a talk.

- Yeah, I mean,
she's my boss,

And, like, I feel like
on a professional level,

I think things
have been really mishandled

And been really unprofessional.

Like, you just kind of, like,
follow in her footsteps,

And then it's like
y'all two against me.

I don't like
to surround myself

With this kind
of, like, negativity

And talking about people
behind each other's backs.

Like, we're supposed
to be a team here.

- I think it's wrong
for you to be upset

That we have a friendship
and a connection.

- I'm not upset that you have
a friendship and a connection.

I'm calling it bull[bleep]
that she's our boss

And y'all talk [bleep]
about me.

I showed up for a job,

And y'all are making it
the high school cafeteria.

- We're not making it
the high school cafeteria.

I don't think
that's true at all.

And I think it's unfair

For you to be attacking me
right now about this.

- I don't feel like
I'm attacking you.

- I feel like you and kate
have your differences,

And now you're
bringing me into it.

- No, y'all brought
yourselves into it

When y'all stand up there
and talk about me,

And I have to walk in
and overhear y'all giggling

About a joke about me.

Like--like, no,
I didn't bring--

And I'm not attacking you.

- I don't think
that's true, amy.

- Okay, kat.

- That's just
the way it is.

I don't know what to say.

- Yeah, I mean, I think
that's all we have to say.

I don't think
there is anything else

That needs to be said.

- Captain,
can we go talk?

- We have nothing
to talk about.

Go to your quarters.

- I'm leaving.
- Stop!

- No, you stop.

- I want you
to calm the [bleep] down,

Is what I want you to do.

- Eh, eh--
I'm done with this.

I'm done.

- Get the crew out here
on the aft deck asap.

Guests are on their way.

- Copy.

- Sense of urgency.

- Here we go, guys.

- Uh-oh.

- Is that daddy yankee?

- Is it snooki?

- It looks just like her.

- Oh, my god,
it is snooki.

- They're from jersey,
for sure.

- Oh.
Maybe they'll surprise us.

- Wow.

- Hello, hello.
- Hi.

- Hi!

- Hi, I'm shana.
- Shana, captain lee.

- Nice to meet you.
- This is your chef, ben.

- Hi.
- How's it going?

Ben. Nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm kate. Welcome.

- Hi, thank you.
- Thank you. Perfect.

Just the person
I wanted to meet.

- Yeah.

- Julia?
- Nice to meet you.

- My pleasure.
- Thank you very much.

- You're welcome.
Kat. Nice to meet you.

- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday!

- Thank you.
Thank you.

- Yeah!
- Happy boating.

- Awesome.

- We're gonna
get started here

Because we need
to get under way.

We've got a great
few days planned for you.

- Okay.

- Kate is gonna give you
a tour of the boat.

- Great.
- And we'll get started, okay?

- All right, thank you.
- Let's see this beast.

- This is the sky lounge.

This is our biggest
guest interior space.

The bridge deck aft table,

Which is where you'll have
most of your meals.

- Oh, my god.

- Oh, this is my fave part.

Jacuzzi time.

- Oh, it's going down.

I'll be here all day.

- I told evie no drippage.

- [Groans]
- eww!

I don't even know you.

- So the boat's
gonna get under way.

We're gonna go out
to anchor.

We have a cheese plate,
caviar on the way.

- Awesome.

- Did you try
this prosciutto?

It's so delicious.
What is--

I don't even know,
I think this is goat.

Can you pass me a cr*cker?

- Okay, y'all.

Here's caviar.

- Is that a lot of capers?
I think I put too many.

sorry, I dropped a caper.

- Is this roe,
or is this sturgeon?

- Actually, I'll have
to check with the chef.

They want to know
about the caviar.

They were asking if it was roe
or if it was something else.

I guess I just don't know
my caviar that well.

- Say it's beluga caviar.

- Just say it's beluga.

- Beluga caviar
is $150 an ounce.

I don't buy it unless
it's specifically written

In that preference sheet.

- You guys want to throw me
into the lion pen right now.

- No, no, no, no, it's--
- they don't know.

- Okay.
- It's a placebo effect.

They want to believe it.
- I got it.

- Listen, they wouldn't
have asked if they knew.

- So it's--yeah.
- Beluga caviar.

- Yeah, it's--
- from the black sea.

From a sturgeon.

- [Laughs]

- So I did check
with the chef.

- Okay.

- And he said that
the caviar is beluga caviar...

- Oh, that's beluga?
- From the black sea.

- Okay, good.
- The black sea.

- Typically,
if you eat caviar

You eat a small portion
at a time.

It's like a delicacy.

And these people are eating it
with, like, a ladle.

It's like they need, like,
a lobster bib.

- All right, let's do it.

- Are you frickin'
kidding me?

- That's good, eddie.

- Hold on, hold on,
oh, oh, oh.

- All right,
there you go.

Man, we just bust pylons
wherever we go.

- Yeah, dude.

- Don't sit there, buddy.

Get the hell out of the way.

- All lives on board,
all lives on board.

We are ready to go.

- I see a sailboat
coming in the channel,

And this guy is
not even slowing down.

We're so big,

We take up the whole entrance
to the harbor.


I believe this guy sees me,
but it's not stopping him.

[Horn blares]

All right, I got
a situation here.

I can't reverse.
It's impossible for me to move.

And I take up
the whole channel.

[Horn blares]

- Coming by.

[Horn blares]
- really?

Get a grip.

Jesus christ.

[Bleep] idiot.

- We are a vessel restricted
in our ability to maneuver

Due to our depth and size.

We have right of way.

Learn your right-of-way rules.

- Here's to thug life,
drug life,

Family life,
which is the best.

- Give me 200 feet.
Drop it.

- I want them to be
really full.

- Slothy.
I want slothy full.

- Slothy, gluttony.
- Yeah, yep.

- Ha.
- What are you doing?

Oh, you're hiding.

- You're asking--
I'm still drunk.

But I'm not drunk.
- Oh, my god.

- But, I mean, I'm like--

Come help squeegee,
'cause I can't really bend over

Without wanting
to throw up.

- Lovely.
- I know, right?

- Birthday hangover.

- Logan, you're going to be
on anchor watch tonight.

Go to sleep.

- It's got to be hit
with some spray.

- Roger that.

- Squeegee away, buddy.

- Do you want me
to wipe it down first?

- Squeegee it first.
- Squeegee it first, okay.

- There's no point
in not squeegeeing it first.

Try not to get it
on the chairs.

- Roger that, captain.

- Hi, how are you?
- Is the chef back here?

- Yes, he is.
- Can I speak to him?

- Sure, of course.

- Hello.
- Hi, chef, how are you?

- Great.
How are you?

- Well, I wanted to come back
and talk to you

About the dinner
for tonight.

- One-on-ones are amazing.

If I can understand
someone's character,

It really tells me what kind of
food they're gonna like as well.

Whether they're shy
or whether they're gregarious,

It's very important.

Are you into lamb?
- Yeah, I love lamb.

- Do you want to do
lamb and scallops tonight?

- Let's do that.
- Easy.

- Is that good?
- Yeah.

- Thank you very much.
- Yep, cool.

- Appreciate it.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

- There's a boat
right over here

With a giant slide set up.

- Oh, [bleep].

I really hope
they don't see that slide

On that other yacht.

After just putting
logan to sleep,

I really can't be setting up
a slide right now.

- I wanted to ask if you did
want to use the slide today.

- I would love that.

- Go ahead, kat.

- The slide today.

- No.

- Did they just say no?

- I don't give two [bleep]
how hungover you guys are.

When the primary says, "jump,"
you say, "how high?"

I'll give you a hand
getting this slide up.

- We're putting
the slide up?

- We're putting
the slide up.

- Okay.
What time is it?

- It doesn't make
any difference.

We're putting the slide up.

- This slide
is so much work to put up,

And then the guests
use it for 20 minutes

And are like,
"oh, what's next?"

- Can these lines
be spread out where they go?

- Uh...

Usually we do it
after we unroll it.

- You don't know
which ones go where?

- Um, no, not exactly.

- That's interesting.

- [Groans]

- Kelley's just dragging
his ass all over the place.

He needs to suck it up.

I really expected a lot more
out of a marine.

What's the matter, kelley?

- Nothing.
- Something is.

- No, I'm good, captain.

My arm is shot,
but that's good.

- Why is your arm shot?

- Heavy lifting
around the boat.

Tweaked my elbow a few days ago
when I fell down the stairs.

- Huh?

- Tweaked my elbow
a few days ago

When I fell down
the stairs,

And then it's just been
bothering me ever since.

- That's funny.

- He sees that
I'm holding my elbow.

He just doesn't give a damn.

Here you go, cap.
- I got it.

- Well, I got to take them
up to the fairlead

And run 'em through there.

- I'm capable
of doing that as well.

- Yeah, I'm done.

- Things are about
to get ugly.

Okay, I don't know
where kelley is.

I don't know where he is,

But he's really starting
to piss me off.

So I want him out of my sight.
- Okay.

- All right?
- Yep.

- Get him the [bleep]
out of here.

- All right.
- The three of us will do it.

Tell me how this thing
gets laid out.

- I'm pissed off.

He just left me
on the [bleep] deck

To do all this by myself,

And that's a [bleep], [bleep]
thing to do.

[Object thuds]

- I need you to step up
to the plate

And take charge
of your guys.

If I walk by him
and I don't see him working,

I'm gonna come looking
for you.

- Dude, I know
that it's [bleep] hard, man.

But the problem is, man, you're
getting too heated about it.

It's not that big of a--
- I wasn't that [bleep] mad.

- Dude, you're super heated
right now.

- I'm not.
- You're so angry right now.

You're the hardest-working guy
on this boat,

And I need you,
I need you,

Because we are
on a boat that's moving,

And we got to deal
with our hiccups right away.

That's all I'm asking.
All right, man?

[Woman speaking indistinctly
over walkie-talkie]

- All right.
Let's get this job done.

- Captain.
- Yep.

- Can we go talk?
- Nope.

- All right, well, um--

- No, we have nothing
to talk about.

You need to go
to your quarters.

- Roger that, captain.

- Eddie, eddie,
when you're done

With whatever it is
you're doing,

I need to see you.

- He didn't want to talk?

- No, he sent me
to my quarters.

[Air hissing]

- That's not good there.

[Upbeat music]

♪♪ ♪♪

- Get it.

- You got it.
- Yeah, buddy!


- nice form.

- He's a [bleep]

[Bleep] moving that slide
by myself

While he was
standing there laughing.

Yeah, he laughed

While I was trying
to pull the thing by myself.

- Kelley.

If you leave, you don't
fulfill your commitment.

- Okay, that's fine
with me.

What am I gonna
get out of staying here?

- Stop!
- No, you stop.

- I want you
to calm the [bleep] down,

Is what I want you to do.

- Eh--eh--i'm done with this.
I'm done.

- Sometimes I need
to pump him up a little bit

And be the sweet sister.

And there's sometimes
it's like, I just need

To give you a little swift
kick in the butt right now.

And get back to work.
Get over it.

You got this.

Good luck with all that.

- Cheese.

- So this is seared duck breast.

- One of my faves.
- Thanks, babe.

It's nice and clean.
I like it.

- So this is
a seared duck breast,

Some fennel,
and black truffles.

Next up you're having
lamb and scallops.

I know that this is gonna
really make ben angry.

What would you like?

- Um, like a...
A cow or a chicken.

- Okay, yeah.

And I can't wait
to tell him.

- How exclusive.
Dinner in the penthouse.

I'm so lucky.

Oh, my gosh.

We're eating dinner
in the penthouse.

- On the floor.

- Is eddie up
on the sun deck right now?

- No.

The guests are done
with the slide.

Kelley and I are getting
closer and closer.

I just wanted
to show him, like,

"I've got your back."

- When the captain
was laughing at me

When I was
moving the slide...

- Maybe he wanted to prove that
you can't stay out that late,

And he was trying
to break you maybe.

I don't know.

But I felt like
he was trying to, like,

Prove a point.

- Thank you for coming
and eating with me.

- Primary master would like
a different dish.

She doesn't eat lamb
or scallops.

- Just find it amazing

That I had a conversation with
the primary charter guest...

- Yeah.
- And we based a new meal

Around someone else's

And he doesn't know
that his wife

Doesn't like scallops
or lamb.

- He said if you have skirt
steak, that would be great.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

- Oh, why don't we go and
dissect the cow in our bilge.


- Late in the charter season,

Crews get a little lazy

And bitch and complain.

- It just sucks for us.

- If it gets a little tough,
so what?

Usually they need
a kick in the ass.

- Gonna make two fillets.

- We want sh*ts,

So we can really get drunk
and be really annoying.

- I'm never wrong
about charter guests.

First impressions
are all that matter.

- Hey.
- Oh, yeah, let's just, uh--

Let's just board
this $20 million yacht

And wear a [bleep]

Yeah, 'cause I got class,

- Hey, ben.
- What?

- Your pot's boiling over.

Bon appetit.

- Thug life.
- Thank you.

- Look at that carrot.

That's good.

- The lamb is delicious.

- I don't do "delish."
- Oh, yeah, of course.

- It's very good.

- Thank you.

- My pleasure.

- Yeah, I'll wake up at 6:00.

So set your alarm for, like,

Jennice helped me a lot.

She was there to comfort me,
listen to me.

I'm not a quitter.
I don't leave jobs.

I won't abandon my team.

- How's it going?

- What's up, girl?
- Not much.

Your ready for your big
nighttime anchor watch?

- You know it.

- Logan is fun to flirt with,
fun to talk to,

But the possibility to be open
to something with a crew member,

Which is dicey in itself,

But it's extra dicey
when your brother's on board.

So let's not jump
the g*n here.

- Today's gonna be
a great day.

- Need some drinks too.

- There's a chicken
for your chicken and waffles.

- Can you throw me
a piece of bacon?

Fling it. I don't care.
I'm, like, starving.

- There something else
I can get for you?

- We're just so classy.

- We don't care.
We don't care.

- You're the head
of the servers?

- Yeah.

- Okay, I don't know
how to say it,

Like, we want, like,
more service.

- Okay, no worries.
- So that's how we are.

- Like, yeah,
drinks flowing

And just snacks,

And you guys
can just bring the food,

And we'll come to it.

- Okay.

- Yesterday
we didn't eat lunch.

We just had--
- yeah, snacks.

- You know, if our
dishwasher was working,

I wouldn't mind so much
this constant feeding schedule.

But the food hardly
spends time on the plate.

Can we just switch to paper?

I don't want to see
anything below halfway.

Water's below halfway,
we're filling.

- Should I literally
stand there?

- Yes, make it creepy.

Like, "you know, we hardly
even ate lunch yesterday.

All we had was snacks."

I was like, "you were eating
the entire time

You were on board."

- They ate, like,

- Shrimp cocktails.

- They ate two big pots
of caviar...

- Two p--
- shrimp cocktail.

- Uh-huh,
then a cheese plate...

- Uh-huh.
- Chips.

- More waffles.

- Okay, more waffles.
- And chicken.

- Eddie, eddie, lee.
- Go for eddie.

- I need you up in the bridge.
- Copy that.

- We had a rough day

- We got it done though.

- Well, it wasn't exactly
a "we" thing.

I'm not pleased
with your decision making.

Day before a charter,

You guys really
screwed the pooch.

I'm especially
disappointed in you,

'Cause those guys
work for you.

You need to lead
by example.

- Kelley embarrassed himself,

But I don't care
if he embarrasses himself.

Just don't embarrass me
as his boss

In front of the captain
like that.

- You can't always
be their friend.

In fact,
it's more often than not

That when it comes time
to lay down the hammer

They don't listen.

And you're getting a little bit
of a dose of it this year.

First with andrew.

Now with jarhead.

I need you
to step up to the plate

And take charge
of your guys.

- All right.

- I want his ass working
all [bleep] day.

- You got it.

- If I walk by him
and I don't see him working,

I'm gonna come looking
for you.

And I will confine him
to his quarters

For the rest
of this charter.

- No problem.

- Your ass is on the line
if he [bleep] up.

- I got my [bleep] ass
chewed out big-time,

Big-time, and--

- I'm really sorry.
- I know, dude.

If he sees you not doing
something when you should be,

For that one minute,

He's gonna be back
[bleep] on me.

- I tend to miss
all of the drama.

I get to sleep through
pretty much all of it.



- I'm switching you guys.

I'm putting you
back on to kelley's shift.

So you're gonna work
till midnight tonight

And then go down, and he's
gonna work anchor watch.

And you're gonna go
to sleep soon.

- Okay, yeah.

- Eddie knows he needs to keep
me away from the captain,

And I'm thankful for that.

Like, eddie looks out for me.
Eddie does.

And he also knows I'm hurt,

So he's trying to, you know,
lighten my load.

- Let's get
the beach stuff set up.

- Yeah, I'd like to have
both of you guys on that,

So that you learn
about that also.

And then--and then, uh--

And then you can go down
once you're done with all that.

- Okay.

- Amy, I need you
to stay here

And set up
the birthday party.

- Okay.

- There's a lot
going on today.

We're doing a beach party
and a birthday.

I'm gonna go
to the beach with kat.

Amy, she can handle
the birthday party.

- Do we need
to bring anything?

- We need to bring

- Do you want me to help you
take it out there?

- My sanity?
- Where did you leave that?

- Don't know.

- Let's do it!
- Come on, trace!



- Ohh.

- I hate beach parties.

- Oh, can I have
one of those sh*ts again?

- You want a round of those?

- I don't know
who's coordinating

The interior right now.
- Where are kat and kate?

They're still at the beach.

- It's [bleep] unbelievable.

- Oh, my god.
Let me show you what I found.

- [Laughs]

I'm gonna--oh, no.

- Check out that.


It's crotchless panties.

There is something
so wrong with that.

- "Give me diamonds."

- [Laughs]

Oh, god.

Oh, my god.

Why would you wear that?

"Buy me a bunny."

Like, "I want a pony."


- They're not even swarovski...

Please, buy her
some diamonds.


- "Send your lover
a message."

- Yeah.

Like message in a bottle--
message in a thong.

- All right,
you motherlovers,

Let's [bleep] do this.

- Kate, kate, amy.

- Go ahead.

- Yeah, I just want
to give you the heads-up.

The guests are coming down.

- Copy.
Thank you.

- Bye, y'all.

Time to throw up
some birthday decorations.

- I got into yachting

'Cause I love meeting
interesting guests.

You know, like serving
leonardo dicaprio dinner

In saint bart's.

It's not serving
snooki and her escort friends


I don't think I'm snobby.

I've worked
in hot dog stands.

I've done the whole
spectrum of service.

And when you find out
you enjoy it,

It becomes a craft.

It takes
a sophisticated customer

To appreciate that craft.

So serving these guests,

It's just, like,
rewinding six years,

And that's frustrating.

- Put on your smiles, guys.

- I'm smiling
on the inside.

- I don't think I've ever
seen you smile, kate.

- Shut up.

- I love it.

- Welcome.

- Thanks.

- Oh, this is beautiful.
- Wow. Yeah, yeah, nice.

- So we have
grilled zucchini,

Potato salad,

And your steaks
available now

And these lobster tails.

- Perfect.
- Looks delish.

- That's delish.
- Mmm.

- Right?

- So good.
- Love it?

- That's good.
- It's really good.

- Good.
- Really.

- I love food so much.


- I want to say toast to shana
and say happy birthday.

- Happy birthday.
- Oh, absolutely.

- Thank you guys.
I love you all.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.

- Thank you guys.
- Yeah, this is beautiful.

- Amy, amy, kate.

- Yeah, kate, go ahead.

- Okay, amy, the guests
are getting ready

To go back to the boat.

They'll be back on the boat
in about five minutes.

- Bye, see you soon.
- Bye, guys.

- See you in a little bit.
- No rush.

Grill's still going.

- Wonder if we should throw
those scallops down for us.

- Yeah.

- All right, now.

- Whoo!

- You want to sit
in the middle?

- Yeah, sit in the middle.

- Sit in the middle
of the two girls.

- Poor...amy.
- Poor amy.


- They're delicious.
You did a great job.

- It does taste good, right?
- Yeah, really good.

There are perks to yachting,

And sitting
on a beautiful island

Eating fresh scallops
under the moonlight

Is one of 'em.

- Step directly
onto the deck here.

- Okay, thanks.

- Watch the line.
Here we go.

- Oh, wow.

- Oh, I was--
I'm trying to finish up

To set up
for the birthday cake.

- Oh, no, no, it's fine.
You're fine, you're fine.

- Oh, y'all can stay.

- It's fine.
It's beautiful.

Great, thank you.
- Oh, thank you.

- I just wanted
to wipe that off maybe.

- Oh, okay.

I'll get--i'll get it
taken care of.

Hey, deck crew, deck crew.

Is there any way
we could get a chamois?

There's some seating
that needs to be wiped down

Where the guests
want to sit.

Somebody could run it up here.

I'm setting the table.

We have two stewardesses
on the beach

And one on the boat
setting up for a birthday party.

If your guests are leaving,

You send at least
one of those stewardesses

Over with the guests

To help accommodate them.

- Oh, can I have one
of those sh*ts again?

- The patron xo?

- You want a round of those?

- Let's do one of those.
- What?

- So I got to make
a piña colada.

I don't know who's coordinating
the interior right now.

- Where are kat and kate?
- They're still at the beach.

- They're still
at the beach?

- This is bull[bleep].

- Did you hear that?

All there is,
is the beach.

Nobody's asking us
to get them something.

- I remember this feeling.
I like this feeling.

- I know.
Me too, right?

- You get a small rocks glass,
and I'll get the glenlivet.

You can pour that out

So that the primary
has his drink

Right from the get-go.

Like, any glass--
- this?

- No, like one--
I'll show--

[Glass cracks]
- oh, [bleep].

- Two out of three
service girls

On the beach cleaning up.

Anyone can [bleep]
clean it up.

- Oh, my god,
I don't want to go back.

- We have heads of department
for a certain reason,

And apparently
ours are [bleep] up.

- Whoa.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Eddie, eddie, eddie.

- All right,
because two of them

Are [bleep] breaking down
the beach party right now

When we're doing
a birthday party on the boat.

It's bull[bleep].

- I feel like we're actually
being catered to for once.

- I know, I'm like,
"take your time.

This is nice."
- Sitting.

[Both laugh]

- Somebody can go up
and give her a hand, please...

- Yeah.
- Right away.

- You should not have
been absent for that long.

- You shouldn't have left
your [bleep] on the beach.

- My [bleep]?

- Yeah, all your pots,
pans, knives.

- We have deckhands
for that, don't we?

- They have stuff
to do too.

- You're the head stew.

Amy's been struggling,

And it's just been
an absolute [bleep] show.

- It's not my fault
that amy's been struggling.

I mean,
I served them dinner.

You're waiting for me
to serve some cake?

- There don't need
to be two of them.

Two stews at the beach.

- I pulled every--
okay, thanks.

- For her birthday party.

- It looks wonderful.

It's just so extravagant.

- Well, I wouldn't--
it's a birthday party.

- That's true.
- You gave me streamers,

And we're serving
birthday cake.

I wouldn't call this

What a bitch.

I just don't get kate.

From day one,

I thought we were
charter stew soul mates.

And as time comes to pass,

I realize we couldn't
be more opposite.

- Hey, hey, hey.

- Yeah, we need the light.

[Cheers and applause]

- Thank you guys.

[Cheers and applause]

- Very nice.

- Oh, what is this?
- Sugar.

- Sugar.


- Oh, nice.

- All right.

- Are we going back now?

- Yes, we're going back
to the dock.

Primary miss would like you
to pack her--

- I'm not [bleep] packing
dirty laundry.

- She wants it all.

- Yeah.

- Okay, guys,
we're going in.

- Ew!
Quit hitting me.

- Ooh.

We need to get
you guys out here.

- [Whistles]

- There we go.

How you doing?

- Captain.
- Thanks for being on board.

- Thank you guys.
- We really enjoyed it.

Hope you had
a really good time.

- It was great.
- That's good.

- Thank you so much.
- Happy birthday, girl.

- Thank you.

- Glad you survived.

- I give you this?
- Oh, yeah.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- It was so nice
meeting you.

- Right?
- Yeah, but seriously.

- Bye-bye.
Thank you so much for coming.

- Take care, guys.
- Thanks for coming.

- Bye. Thank you.
- Take care.

- I'd like to get everybody
in the crew mess.

- If he tries docking
your pay,

Don't be disrespectful.

Go out with dignity.

- I don't want to have
the tip meeting.

I don't.

- Okay, let's get started.

I don't think
that this charter

Was our finest hour by
any stretch of the imagination.

I don't think as a unit
we all pulled together.

I just didn't see it happen.

I think one thing everybody
needs to keep in mind

Is that these people
are paying to be here.

We work for them.

Everybody, like, prejudges.

And I don't know
how many times

You guys have had it come up
and bite you in the ass.

I don't know, anybody remember
that movie pretty woman?

You know, where she
rolls into the store,

And she wants
to buy some clothes,

And they just like,

"You really
don't belong here."

Well, that's the impression
that I got, you know,

Of this group
with this charter.

Well, they belonged here
to the tune of 20 grand.

- They're the ones
that gave us the biggest tip

The entire season so far.

Who knew?

- And I'll be honest with you,

I don't think we earned
a $20,000 tip.

- Thank you.

- Amy, thank you.


- Thank you.

- Ben.



- [Bleep].

- Kelley.

There it is,
but I want you to know

I had to think
long and hard about it.

It's a full share--

- And I just wanted
to apologize for walking away.

I shouldn't have.

My elbow, I let that
and frustration

Get the better of me.

And I'm sorry.

I'm very happy that I get
to, you know, say I'm sorry,

And I did it
in front of everybody.

Because I did mess up.

He's the captain,
and I need to respect that.

- Words are really good.

You want to prove something
to me, let me see it.

We've got
two more charters to go.

We can't let up,
not on my watch.


Thanks, thanks.

- Oh, god, you're gonna
fall asleep immediately.

- No, no, I'm not.
- Ha.

Oh, good, a pillow.

Ohh, so silly.

- So talk to me.

- Well, kelley,

I know I always say
that you don't

Really get to choose

How you feel about
something or someone.

You can only choose
how you react to that feeling.

- Mm-hmm.

- And so I think
my first reaction

Was to say like,
"no, we're just friends.

We're just buddies.
I'm not--"

That didn't work very well.


So my second reaction
was like,

"No, we're not compatible.
It could never work.

We're not--
it's not a thing."

And I know that
sometimes, like,

I get butterflies.

Like, when you come on deck,

I, like, get
a little nervous.

And I know what that means.

So my reaction
to how that feels

Is now to acknowledge it.

It's true.

I have feelings for you.

- So what are we gonna do
about these feelings?

- [Laughing]
I don't know.

I'm not running away.

- Good.
Neither am i.

- Okay, good.

- But you have anger issues.
We got to work on that.

I could totally
go to sleep right here.

- I know. I feel like
you are gonna fall asleep.

- No, I'm not
falling asleep.

- We still got--

Good, 'cause we still have
to cover all these cushions.

- Oh, [bleep] my life.

- [Laughs]

- Next time on below deck...

- Mini wolf of wall street.

- They are our slaves
for the next three days.

- Who here knows
what a penny stock is?

- I think it's like still--

- It's way over their head.

- You happy?

- Miserable.

- Jennice talked about
y'all moving in together.

- No, no, no.
Haven't been filled in on that.

- I'm trying to push
for you to be on service.

We're doing
a really fantastic dinner

For the two of them--
it's a romantic occasion.

- Just sit back,
watch the show.

[Both humming
circus-style music]

- Kate and kat are looking
for any excuse

To just beat me down more.

I got to get this right.

Our first course
is oysters.

- I don't give a [bleep]!

- All right.