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02x09 - Faster Horses, Younger Women and More Money

Posted: 04/21/24 15:41
by bunniefuu
- It's your moment son. Take it.


- You seem different.
- I'm purged.

You don't have to
worry about me anymore.

Gonna introduce me to your friend?

Nate, this is, uh, Russell.

- Is he your boyfriend?
- Definitely not.

He has a wife.

You deserve better than that.

Agent Garn here is from the FBI.

Tells me they're looking to account
for a decommissioned flak jacket

from your department.

I was ambushed by an
FBI agent and the new DA.

Which means you're trying
to pin West Virginia on me.

- Steve.
- I will not go down for what you did.

What both of you did.

No cold feet, Harris.

Otherwise, that duffel we
promised you could easily make it

into Steve Park's hands instead.

Someone with access to our files
is responsible for the leak.

There's still somebody out
there planning more damage.

Wait, Russell, Hey. I've
been trying to reach you.

People came to my house. Upset.

Don't follow me.

Don't come at me in the
f*cking street, Grace Poe.

Mr. Cleveland? You
left these on the desk.

It's all happening tonight, Brotherhood.

I'm willing to gamble my life on
it, but I'm not willing to gamble y...

Are you f*cking kidding me right now?

[ANGELA] I tailed you. Found you.

[CYNTHIA] You put a bug in my apartment.

You lied to my face, and that's
just the shit that I know about.

[SOBBING] Get the f*ck out of my house.




[CHIEF BOLT] Got it.


Where are you?

Get over to 45 Windgap immediately.

Doxman Tire Yard in the rocks.

There's an officer down, and
you're the closest one there

by at least 20 minutes.

Why isn't it being
called in over the radio?

Burgos, it's not just one cop down,

we think it's an
altercation between two.

Don't have IDs yet, and I don't
want to broadcast it widely.


Has Larkin found any leads on Vic?

Who's he even talking to?

He hasn't interviewed me, and I
saw Vic the day he disappeared.

He should be interviewing everybody

who saw Vic that day and the day before,

- before they forget and they just...
- I'm sure Larkin is doing his job.

Don't you have work to do?

Okay, then.

Hey. Leave a message.

Ang. Hey...

I know that we're supposed to
be mad at each other right now,

but I just have to say,
I think you were right.

Something is going on.

Chief Bolt is lying.

And... Yeah, he
definitely just lied to me,

and I know that this sounds crazy,

but I think that he
knows something about Vic.


I'm gonna do what I
think you were doing.

I'm gonna figure it out on my own.






Hi. You're...


How'd you get in?

Remind me your name again.


You remember me, Nate.
I'm a friend of Isaac's.

This is Lee's room.

I'm a friend of Lee's too.

We work for the same company.

You're a lawyer?

I just stopped by to grab
something off her desk.

We need it urgently at the office.

Did she tell you what
we've been working on?

Not really.

Big case.

Where's Isaac?

It's Friday, shouldn't you
two be out together? [LAUGHS]

[VIRGIL] Yeah, baby. Bring it, bring it.

- Be all you can be.
- Hooah!

♪ When dreams were all ♪
♪ They gave for free ♪

♪ To ugly duckling girls like me ♪

All right. Wait. Wait.


♪ And when we dare to cheat
ourselves at solitaire ♪

♪ Inventing lovers on the phone ♪

For luck.


[VIRGIL] Well go on,
you big dummy, open it.

Don't shake it around
and look at it, open it.

♪ At other girls like me at seventeen ♪


What's it for?

That right there, that's
the key to your success.


It's the key to the trailer.

The trailer that burned down?

Yes, siree. That...

is a key to a door that
does not exist, right?

- Right.
- [VIRGIL] So you keep that with you.

You remind yourself,

anytime you come back to Buell, there
is not a bed for you to sleep in,

so you cannot stay here.

You gotta be out there in the
world, making your fortune.

'Cause your future in Buell...

is nothing.

I mean...

I love you. I do...

and you can come back and visit
anytime, but you won't wanna stay

because you're gonna be happy,

and you're gonna be winning
stuff in the army, man.

Right? So, to my son, Billy.

And faster horses, younger women,
older whiskey, and more money.


Well, Isaac and Lee, they're so close.

They're lucky.

Sorry, can you...

What are you doing here?

There are probably things that Lee knows

about Isaac that no one else knows,

no one else will ever know,

and Isaac probably knows
stuff about her too.

She tells him everything, doesn't she?


Does it ever make you jealous?

Do I make you jealous?


Tell me about your necklace.

It's Saint Sebastian.

Isaac's mother gave it to him.

His mother who's dead.


So now...

Saint Sebastian protects you...

and you protect Isaac.


What is this?

There's an officer down in there.

If there's cops in there,
where are their cruisers?


[HARRIS] Let's go.


There's no cops here.

You cover me.

You're a better shot.


[FISHER] The g*n in her
hand is untraceable.

Use it to shut the bitch up for good.

Who was it?


What are you doing?





- [g*nshots]




- [g*nshots]
- [ANGELA] Cynthia!



[OFFICER] Chief?




[DISTORTED] Cynthia...



Did you like Russell?

- Sure.
- That's the thing.

Every time with him, I'd
have this buzz in my ears,

my heart in my ears.

Thump, thump. Fight or
flight, fight or flight.

On the outside I was
calm and cool, but...

- You were very, very cool.

But on the inside...

Nate's a nice guy.

A good guy.

He's really nice to me.

He probably really likes you.

I know.

What's wrong with that?


- I have a question.
- I have an answer.

I'm serious.

Say no more, the answer's yes.

I want to propose to Lee.

And your dad's gone, so is it okay?

Is it okay for you to propose to Lee?

[EXHALES] Probably not.

No college degree. Prison record.

Do you even know if she likes you?

[LAUGHS] Ask her yourself.

I'm gonna. Tomorrow morning.

Before I get on the bus.

- Is that a real diamond?
- Yeah.

- Where'd you get it?
- Zales Outlet, Grove City.


You really are serious.

I'm crazy about her.

You marry Lee...

we'll be brothers.

And when the end of the
world finally comes...

- It'll come to Buell first.
- [LAUGHING] It will.

And when it does, if
you can't find me...

we meet here. In this exact spot.

And Lee, too.

Lee, too.

[MAN ON RADIO] We'll get
back to more music later,

but first a look at the weather.

We have a cold front
coming in early Sunday,

a high of 34, a low of 22, with some
snow as we move into the evening.

Here's Paula Beutel with Metro.

[PAULA ON RADIO] Comptroller
Anthony Tobias of North Union

has settled in a sexual harassment case

brought against him last October.

- [STEVE] Not cool, Toby.
- [PAULA] And a breaking story:

an altercation between
Pittsburgh police officers

at a tire yard in Lawrenceville

left one officer dead and
three detectives wounded.

All four were rushed to
Bouvy Hospital for treatment.

Stay with us on WESA after the
break as we turn to other news.

[WOMAN ON PHONE] Bouvy Memorial.

Hi, a patient Delmont Harris was
brought into the hospital last night.

Would you connect me
to his room, please?

One moment, please.

Thank you.

I'll connect you now.




[GRACE] Hey. How long you been awake?

[EXHALES] Not long.

[SIGHS] How you feeling?


You have two broken ribs
and a punctured lung.

Well, I got shot.


Oh, what are you upset about,
I'm the one who got shot. Me.

Huh? Oh, boy.

Good old Cheer-Me-Up-Poe, huh?

- [COUGHS] Oh. Oh.
- Don't laugh, don't.

Oh... [GRUNTS]

Careful, I'm seriously injured.


So they're gonna keep you
here for a week to monitor you

and then, um, PT for a
couple of months, uh...

You're not allowed to
lift anything over...

What happened at the tire yard?

Did they get everyone?

They posted an armed
guard outside your door.


- [DEL] Yeah.
- Am I interrupting?

[GRACE] Mnh-mnh.

Oh, come in.


I'm Grace.

Heard a lot about you. Angela.

Heard a lot about you.

Okay, let's agree not to believe

- anything this man says about us.
- About anything.

About anything. Until we
verify with each other.

It's a woman after my own heart.

Are you okay?

[SCOFFS] Flesh wound. It's nothing.

You look awful.

- Thank you.
- Thank God Bolt has shitty aim.

I'm gonna go, um, grab
a coffee. Do you want?

Okay. Keep an eye on him.

Bolt turned. Like that.

- Did you ever suspect he was...
- No.

Do you think there are
others we don't know about?

If he turned, I hope
he turned on everyone.

Well, Cynthia got him in the knee.

He'll be walking with a cane
for the rest of his life.


I'm sorry.

They made nine arrests.

Everyone. Except Fisher.

I won't be here long. We'll find him.

Cyn... Cynthia was
rewatching the CCTV footage

from Nell McKenna's.

Can you bring me the drive?
I think we missed something.

We put an armed guard outside
your room for a reason, Burgos.

- You can't just roam around unsupervised.
- And what? You're gonna supervise me?

Fisher's dangerous, and
we don't know where he is.

Tell her. We have to
put her in a safe house.


The tire yard was a
trap. You didn't know.

You let my best friend
get shot in front of me.

You let Fisher escape.

You f*cked up every step of the
way. You're what's dangerous.

- Del?
- Can't argue with that.

Okay. So then explain this.

Bolt's Brotherhood, and
you didn't even know.

- I'm leaving.
- [DORDT] He'll drive you.

Stay with her.

Good luck.

Usually, each client sits
together with his lawyer

on opposite sides of the table.

It's an amicable divorce.

If you need a lawyer,
I, uh... I have friends.

[ALEJANDRO] She is a
lawyer. A wonderful lawyer.

So, she doesn't need one.

Is that all?


I have this crazy idea.

Have dinner with me tonight?

Wait, wait. Let me
explain before you say no.

Not a date.

Today is the end of our marriage.

But it's also the
beginning of a friendship.

If you want.

And we can't have a friendship like
this with anyone else in the world.

But we must mark that with a meal today.

Otherwise we wait too long,

I don't call, you don't
call, it gets awkward.

Just come over for an hour.

Uh, I have a new place.

Nothing big.

- We can order a John's Pie.

Come on.

You can't leave New York without
having at least one slice of John's.


Home sweet castle.

Oh, I need a shower.

I need a bed.


Hey, this is for you.

- [BILLY] What?

He's gone.


So the married guy leaves
me and the nice guy does too.

What is wrong with
me? Why are all my boys

skipping town all at the same time?

Yeah, we are.

That's why I'm joining the army.

To get away from you.


Maybe he's right.

Maybe you're not over Russell.

Russell's married.

A lot of people are gonna
love you in your life, Isaac.

You're the best person I've ever known.


You'll find someone, I promise.






I'm friends with Detective Harris.


It's okay, you can let me in,
I'm the Chief of Police of Buell.

- Where?
- Buell.

In Fayette County.

I'm sorry, there's no
unauthorized visitors allowed.

Okay, you can't dismiss me,
I'm an officer of the law.

I'm here on official business.

I'm a master wizard at Bogwarts,

and you're still not getting
in if you're not on the list.

It's Hogwarts.

It's Hogwarts. Like a hog.

There was someone here, right?


Yeah. Thank you.


A little, uh, get-well gift.

Do you mind stepping out for a moment?

She knows.


How romantic.

I'm giving this to you
as an act of good faith.

[HARRIS] 'Cause you're such a nice guy.

You're giving it to
me 'cause you have to.

I'm his key witness, and
I can't be a key witness

if I've got a criminal record.

Fisher's in the wind.

We'll find him.

We'll see.


- Hola.
- Hola.

Come in.

I always loved this one.

This is the only thing I put
on the wall that you ever liked.

Why do I like it?

Because you're a romantic.

That horse can understand
what he's saying.

No one else can.


You can have it.

No, thanks.

You didn't take anything.

Half of all this is yours.

I don't want your stuff.


I will get us a glass.

What happened with the old place?

I had to move.

- Why?
- Well...

I will tell you...

I was angry at you.

And I was sad. Very sad.

It was maybe the first
real heartbreak for me.

I lost a few months.

Ten pounds.

Then Tony... Remember him, tall guy?

He said, "You're spoiled and too rich.

Get out of bed. Get over yourself."

The other apartment
reminded me of you, so...

I moved.

It's pretty spoiled and bougie
to switch apartments on a whim.


I'm sorry, I get it.

It's good I went through it.

I was sick.

I had the Lee English sickness.

Now I am immune.

Now we can be friends.

- Salud.
- Salud.


Thank you so much.





[WHISPERING] Thank you.


He wheezes in and snores
out at the same time.

It's kind of impressive.

Do you smoke?


I haven't had one of these in a minute.

I can't say exactly how long.

Maybe like three years,

- four months, four days and a few hours.

Cigarettes were my most committed
relationship for almost a decade.

Why'd you quit?

At this moment, I
couldn't really tell you.

You know those times
when you blow out a candle

or you find a penny and you're
supposed to wish for world peace

or something selfless?

Most of the time I secretly wished

that cigarettes could
magically become good for you.

I secretly hope that macaroni and
cheese with chunks of ham in it

- could become magically good for you.
- Yes.


[GRACE] It's a perverse pleasure

smoking right in front of the hospital.

Yeah, Cynthia always used to...


[SIGHS] Jesus.


It's okay.

I mean, this is like
your first true exhale

- in what, three years, four months...

Ah, it's been a real few days.

cares about you a lot.

And if you've got him,
you've got me if you want it.

I mean, I know we're not the
least f*cked-up family in the world

but we're definitely not the most.

And besides, you're basically
a part of it already,

so you don't really have a choice.


- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.

I don't like mushrooms.

You're not serious.


All those times we had
pizza with mushrooms.

- I was that kind of wife.

Well, don't I feel like an assh*le?

Well, you may be an assh*le, but...

That's not the reason. [LAUGHING]

What else did you pretend to like?

Aside from you? Nothing.


There must have been
secrets you kept from me.

There must be secrets you kept from me.

What about that girl, uh, Scarlett?

Fine, I'll admit it now, I
liked her but nothing happened.

- Unfortunately.

Do you think you'll get married again?

I don't know.

Are you still with Billy?

- He's such a sweet guy.
- Mm.

That's good.

There's always been a
real connection between us.

I hate him.

It's just there's so much pressure,

he wants, needs so much.

Sometimes I can't breathe.

You know what I think?

I think we're both at a
place in our lives that...


You're watching that?

- Oh...
- I thought that idea

was the morphine talking.

You're obsessed.

She turns herself in,
then commits su1c1de?

Doesn't make sense.

Well-to-do white murderesses

can have a hard time
in a five-by-eight cell.

Yeah. And if we got the wrong person,

our mail bomber's still out there.

[ANGELA] I'm gonna go
out to Fisher's place.

I think I can get a warrant
for his office hard drive.

FBI probably already has it.

Yeah. I might need some help.

I kind of left Garn sitting in
an alley behind the precinct.

You don't have to do this alone,
I'll be out of here in a few days.

- No.
- Fine.

Then will you please accept the
FBI escort so I can sleep better?


You want me to call them?

I'll do it.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- I like her.
- Yeah, she's a great cop.

Much braver than me.

There's something about her, like...

the worst thing that
could happen already has

and she survived it, so...

the rest is gravy.

And I don't want you
brave. I want you alive.

- Dordt.
- Detective Burgos.

Your partner, uh,
Garn. He's not with me.

- Why not?
- I evaded him.

Left him in the alley.

Which wasn't hard 'cause you guys
can't keep your eye on anything.

He's probably still there.

Actually, he's on his way back
to the hospital right now.

[SIGHS] I wanna... apologize.

I decided it's a good idea
for me to have someone.

A bodyguard or whatever you want.

I'm sorry, okay?

He'll find you.



You work with Del Harris?

I'm Steve Park, Buell Chief of
Police. I used to be Del's partner.

Angela Burgos. He's gonna be fine.

Punctured lung, uh, broken
ribs, but he'll live.

May I, uh... ?

How well do you know Del?

He's my partner.

So you know what he did last year
before he escaped to Pittsburgh?


The contents of this might interest you.

I would suggest reading it in private.

Dell Harris is a m*rder*r.

Three times over.

Chief Park...

I strongly advise you to go home
to Buell and stay the f*ck there.

Do you need me to have
you physically removed?

Excuse me.

Thank you.

I'll be right back.

I gotta go.

I have to drop Billy off at
the bus station tomorrow at 7.

I'm sorry I can't be there.

I think he'll understand.

I've got something for
him at the apartment.

Could you grab it,
give it to him for me?

It's... It's in the closet.

What is it?

You'll know it when you see it.

Do you need anything else?

Just you.

Can I make this disappear for you?


See you tomorrow.







[ISAAC] Sit.


- Wow, you cooked.
- Shut up.


When are they picking you up?

Soon. Seven.



Sue Herlitz. What the
hell are you doing there?




[ISAAC] Next on
American Rust: Broken Justice...

Surveillance footage has Sue Herlitz

approaching Nell McKenna's
home three weeks ago.

And a few days ago, Nell McKenna
hanged herself in her prison cell.

Does that not even bother you?

That her life is in danger?

If she calls looking for
her phone, can you te...

you tell her not to go home?

Why would I even begin trusting you?

If you do this... I'll
give you what you want.