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02x03 - Run, Raven, Run

Posted: 04/21/24 16:09
by bunniefuu
Ooh, and now it's time to play

"who is your perfect guy?"

Chels, we have seen
every guy here, okay?

Either we need a new
game or a new school.

Ooh, our new contestant.

Mr. Perfect, come on down.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

You know what?
That's Devon Carter.

Bucktooth Carter?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

He got his braces off
and his face cleared up.

Ooh, he had a
really good summer.

You're going to go for it?

Yeah, 'cause I had a
good summer, too... ooh!

Baxter, you're breathing my air.

Alana doesn't like
her air breathed.

Alana, when are you just
going to just get over it?

Oh, if you're referring
to what happened,

between you two
in the fourth grade,

Alana's over it.


Then we never have
to bring it up again.

Right. Right, right.

Because you know what?

It was just a silly play
about dental health, okay?

It was not Raven's fault

that the teacher picked
her to play the tooth fairy

and Alana got stuck
being tooth decay.

Girl, and that would
be bringing it up.

You only got that part
because you were a kiss-up.

Iy la maestra no quiere
te ver llorando. Ah!

I got that part because
I was the tooth fairy.

That's what the critics said.

I was just repeating
what they said.

Okay, Rae, we all
saw the reviews, okay?

Thank you. Now it's time to
make your move on Devon Carter.

Stop... Come on, come on.

Break me off a piece of that.

What you want me to break?

Loca, chill.

It means I like him.

Which means you can't have him.


Stinky boyfriend stealer!

What did you say about Alana?

I said, "shneeky
shnoyland shnealer."

It means "don't hurt
me" in German, please.

Okay, okay, Rae. You know what?

She may be a "shneeky
shnoyland shnealer,"

but you will always
be the tooth fairy.

Hello, ladies.

Look like we got a
party going on over here.

Aah, do we know you?

Eddie Thomas, but
you can call me e.T.

Because my rap
is out of this world.

Funny. I like you.

I-I like you, too.

You better.

Yeah, right on.

Y'all, I think I got
a new girlfriend.

And I'm scared.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now, about
to break down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the Rae now ♪
♪ hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, here we go ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me ♪ I like that.

That's so Raven
♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah. ♪

Yep, that's me.

Okay, Corey, the
microchip is in.

It's ready for the test.

Well, what do you think?

I think I still have to walk
over there and get the food out.

There's no pleasing you.

William, why don't
you invent a gizmo

to help us meet the ladies?

You mean girls?

Just hearing the word
makes me itchy. Oh!

Okay, you're going
to have to stop that,

'cause you're making me itchy.

Can you get that for me?

That's good.

Wait, we can work together.


Ooh... A little to the left.

Aw, that's good. Right there.

Yeah, a little to the right.

All right, this
play date is over.

What are you two doing?

I have to cook with these.

William started itching,
then he made me start itching.


Oh, no.


Looks like we got a couple
of cases of chickenpox.

Chicken pox?! Chicken pox?!

Oh, don't worry,
guys. It's no big deal.

Of course, I wouldn't
know, I've never had it.

I must be immune to it.

I mean, I've gone all these
years without ever getting it.

And yet you seem to be

scratching incessantly.

Oh, well, it's nothing.

I mean, I'm just...

Covered in spots that are

really, really itchy,

and I seem to have
one on my back

that I can't really get.

Allow me, sir.

Oh, yeah.


Check this out.

Devon Carter and Alana.

What does she have
that I don't have?

Um, Devon Carter?

Thanks, Chels.

You and me are going out.

Why me?

Because we got chemistry.

Close... we got
biology, third period.

My boy's got jokes.

All right.

Right on.

Eddie, are you okay?

That one hurt down to my ankles.

Watch where I'm going.

Did you just see that?


You, you just had a vision.

Yeah, I don't... Oh!

Hey, those tech
nerds are out of control.

You guys, that was my vision.

One of those carts is
going to slam Alana.

What are you going to do?


Ooh, that was close.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, hey, how you doing?


This is all your fault!

Icada vez que te
estoy cerca, te hago...!

Listen, it wasn't supposed
to happen like that.

You made a big
mistake, girlfriend.

I know, I know.

Not now, loca.

We've got a hair emergency.


My hair lady? It's muffy.

Clear a chair. We're coming in.

I'm sor... Girl, I'm sorry.

Oh, okay, bye, Devon.

Girl... okay.

Rae, you really should
have just let it happen.

I was trying to
do the right thing.

And you did, Rae, you did.

It just, you know,
turned out horribly wrong.


Hi, I'm looking for Alana.

I just got to apologize
for something

that I did in school.

I got paint all...

You don't care, do you?

Thank you.

I'm just going to get some
gum to calm my nerves.

It's not working.


It's about time.

Look what that freak
Raven did to my hair.

If I see her, I swear...

What are you doing?

Darling, uh, I got
to shampoo ya,

so I got to protect those
gorgeous eyes of yours.

All right, here we go.

So, yous was saying something
about this Raven person.

I love the name,
doll. Very exotic.

Sounds like a gem.

Don't even mention
that name in front of me.

Yo no quiero nada a hacer.

Oh, okay, um...

Darling, now listen to me.

You need to lay back, lay back

and keep your eyes closed.

What is this?

Darling, wednesdays
are free facials.

Free facials.


Good girl, very good, very good.

All right, okay.

Alls I'm saying is,

sometimes you got to take
the high road and forgive Raven.

I mean, um, you knows
whos for yous knows what's.

All right, now I got to dry you,

so let me get the towel.
Here we go. Let's go.

Now lean up there.

Keep your eyes closed, darling.

There you go.

Like we say in Jersey,
accidents happen.

Yeah, and Raven's going
to have one tomorrow.

Best thing is, she won't
even see it coming.

Is there a problem?

No, I'm just...

Um, no, darling,

I'm just admiring your roots.

They're so deep, ooh, so strong.

So bubblelicious.

Who did your roots?



Iporque estas esperando...!

We're looking for Alana.

My hair!

Îmira a lo que me a hecho!

Tonya, we're fine.

It's just chickenpox.

Yeah, yeah... no, no, no, no.

William's staying here,
'cause his folks don't want

his little brother to catch it.

Yeah. I love you, too.

Yeah, don't worry. I
got everything covered.

Okay, bye.

Corey, what'd I tell you
about scratching with fruit?



I never really thought
it would come up.

Would you believe the luck, dad?


Those chickenpox
are super-contagious.

Guess I can't go
to school today.

Nice try.

You had chickenpox
when you were four.


Would you believe,
um... Turkey pox?


Ray, sweetheart, I don't know

what it is you're
trying to avoid,

but eventually, you're
going to have to deal with it.

Dad, you said no scratching

with fruit... Ah...
this is a vegetable.

So... You're trying
to avoid something.


I believe we have
the technology to help.

For a price.


Ew, no!

There is no way I am
cleaning this nasty room.

For two weeks?!
You must be crazy.

Okay, but a new set of teeth
cost a whole lot of money.

Okay. How does it work?

It's a simple tracking device.

It'll let us know where
you are at all times.

And we'll make
sure you and Alana

will never bump into
each other, never.

This is your tracking sensor.

You can implant
it in your flank.

Not going to happen.

Or we can stick
it on your shirt.

Like this?

Now, put this little
speaker in your ear.

We'll be able to warn
you when Alana gets close.

Through a global
positioning satellite,

we can follow your every
move on the computer.

And there's only
one more small thing.

You have to get this other
tracking device on Alana.


That's too dangerous.

That's crazy.

It's... Nice to see you, ladies.

Group hug, come, come!


All right. There you go.

Tough girls need love, too.

I'm outta here. Out!

Who is this clown?

This is Eddie. He's
with me. He's cool.

Okay, fun's over.

Let's go get Baxter.


Attention, blue chicken!

Red hawk is on the hunt. Repeat:

Red hawk is on the hunt.

Chelsea, it's working.

I know. Just a spritz, and
your breath's kissy fresh!

Chelsea, focus.

I just got the word.

Eddie got the sensor on her.

Alana's on the move.

Start moving.

Turn right down the hall.

Come on!

'Scuse me! 'Scuse...


Now look to your left.

What's he talking about?

There's nothing here
but a candy machine.

Now... Put in 50 cents

and get Corey something sweet.

I would coat you
like a sugar-coated...!

Red hawk's swooping down!

Go, blue chicken, go!

She was here.

I can smell it.

Kissy fresh.

Hey, Devon.


Wow, I can't believe it.

You spoke to me
twice in one week?

Why shouldn't I?

I don't know, you know.

Last year, you acted like you
didn't want to be around me.

Oh. Well, I never, ever want
you to feel that way again.

- Red hawk closing in!
- Gotta go!

There she is.

She's getting closer!

Chelsea, if we
get out of this, girl,

we really got to do some
more cardio. Chelsea?

What is wrong with you?

Well, let's see.
I have flat feet.

Can't really whistle
with my... Can it!

Where's your friend, Raven?

Oh, okay.


You are not breaking
me down, okay?

Uh, she went that way.

She's right on you!

Get out of there!

My bad, fellas!

Right on your tail!

Chelsea, come on!

She's closing in. She
can't get any closer.

Oh, come on.

Closet, closet!


Chelsea, Chelsea!



Oh! Oh, Chelsea,

this is the first time
all day that I felt safe.

I know.

Raven, get out of
there! It's not safe!

What is he talking about?

She's right on top of you!

She's gone.


I'm going to miss her.

Me, too.

Can you pass the
chips? The chips?

Why is Alana's sensor on you?

Hmm? Look at that.

You know, that must
have stuck to me

when I bumped into Alana.

Isn't that funny?

Al that running for nothing.

Yeah, that's funny.

Hey, Chels?

Uh-huh? Get out of my closet.


Shh... Hey there, Raven.

Do you know what time it is?

A quarter past payback.

Really? Mine only says ten past.

Alana, listen, my
dad was right, okay?

Alana, that is it.

No more running.

No more intimidation, okay?

We have to settle this.

Okay. I want to
settle this, too.

All right.

Get the stuff.

Stuff? There's stuff?

Why does there got to be stuff?

Listen, I am not
backing down, Alana.

The only reason I pushed you
yesterday was to help you out.

Alana says...

I can't really explain it, girl,

but I kind of knew that that
nerd cart was going to hit you.

Yeah, right.

What? You're psychic?

¿Tu puedes decir futura?

Well, if I could
see into the futura...

I would know what the stuff was.

Seriously, girl,
what's in that stuff?

You're about to
find out... Right now.

You know what?
This is really weird.

'Cause I didn't
save you this time,

'cause I thought this
time was last time,

and I saved you last
time, 'cause I thought

this time was this time,
but I guess it wasn't.

If Alana we're conscious,
she'd say, "what?"

Come on.

Get away from me, Baxter.

You're a jinx.

And you're a bully.

Maybe if you had
a better attitude,

bad things wouldn't
happen to you.

That's crazy.

Is it?

I mean, think about it.

We used to be friends, Alana.

Now, maybe if you let
go of some of that anger

you're harboring, we
could be friends again.

You and me friends?

It's better than getting
smushed every day.

So, what do you say?


Okay, whatever.

Oh, you guys!

Oh... gosh.

This is a beautiful moment.

You know what? I bet one day,
you two will look back on this

and laugh about all the funny
stuff that went down. Yeah.

Oh, oh, like yesterday

when Raven got that
gum stuck in your hair!

That was you?!

You did this to me?!

Iyo no puedo creer
que tu me histe estoi

iyo no puedo creer... I

Alana, Alana, Alana, Alana!

Let me handle this for you.

Let me hook this up.

Loca, get the stuff.

Chelsea, come with me!

Hey, boyfriend!

Hey, girl!

I didn't even see
you standing there.

Stop lying.

Listen, it's really
cool that you like me.

And as painful as it
is for me to say this,

I really think that maybe
we should just be friends.

That okay?

Yeah. We can be friends.

I'm cool with that.

Hey, great. So,
I'll see you around.

See you around...

