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02x16 - Skunk'd

Posted: 04/21/24 16:17
by bunniefuu
Oh, hey, it's a note from Chels.

"Rae, can't go to the mall,

"got to stick around school.

"I have to do some... Stuff."

And yesterday she canceled

'cause she had to
do some... "Things."

This girl's got a lot going
on that I don't know about.

And you can't stand it, can you?

No, it's driving me crazy.

Hey, Eddie, I have an idea.

Maybe I should dress up
like a janitor and follow her.

No, no, no, wait, I
did that last week.

I know.

I'll be the lunch lady.

Okay, I'm going
to need an apron,

I'm going to need a hairnet.

Ooh, a mustache.

Rae, why don't you just
ask Chels what's going on?

Just ask her?

It's like you don't
know me at all.

Okay, outdoor club,

I hope you're all excited
for the big camping trip

this weekend... I know I am.

Now, since we will be
sleeping on the ground,

why don't we have Chelsea,

our president, explain

the ground rules.

Okay, you guys, I
have a bunch of cool,

fun stuff that you are
going to love, okay?

Some cool activities
that we're going to do.

First we have a pinecone hunt.

And then we have
a moonlight hike.

And then we have
a bird calling contest.

I know, I know.

Okay, let me go over
to the map so I can

explain our campsite rules.

All right, first,
we're going to...

How y'all doing?

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

[font color="yellow"]Captioning sponsored by
[font color="yellow"]abc cable networks group

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Rae, I don't get it.

You know, you put
on a fake mustache,

snuck into my
classroom, hung on a door,

just to find out what I'm doing.

Rae, why didn't you just ask me?

Oh, seriously, does
anybody know me at all?

Rae, Rae, listen,
the reason I didn't

tell you about the outdoor club

is 'cause, you know,

I just know you're
not really into nature.



Isn't that that place

with the dirt and the trees?

You don't know
what you're missing.

Camping is really fun.

You want to go camping.

Chels, girl,

we can go camping at the mall.

Okay, Rae, I love
shopping with you,

I do, I really do, but you know,

sometimes there's
stuff to do like

outside of the mall.

Like parking lot sales.

I got you, I'm hearing you.

Those are great.

Okay, Rae, listen.

You wanted to know

what I'm doing and this is it.

And it would be really cool

♪ if my best friend
did it with me. ♪

Yeah, yay, that's the spirit!

I'm so excited.

Yeah, me, too!

I don't want to go camping.

I call this... ♪ Na, na, na ♪

Los nachos gigante...

Del vito!

I don't care what you call it,

but I smell hot cheese.

Bring it on, daddy!

Uh, Eddie, you got
about two seconds

to back up off my nachos.

I'm sorry, Mrs. B.

I just eat when I'm depressed.

Eddie, let me tell you
something about nacho cheese.

That's not your cheese!

Hey, hey, hey.

Come on, guys.

Let's show a little
compassion here.

I mean, Eddie obviously
has something bothering him,

and we should
help him work it out.

As soon as he gives
up them nachos.

I had my first paying gig

rapping at the
freshman dance tonight

and they replaced
me at the last minute.

I'm sorry to hear that, Eddie.

Now, you know, if
I was you manager,

stuff like this wouldn't happen.

What does a young tyke like you

know about being a manager?

I know if you have a contract,

you'd be getting
paid no matter what.

Corey, if you do
that, it's a done dilly.

I'll start the paperwork.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Hold it.

This feels like our spot.

Señorita Rodriguez,

your outdoor instincts
are unbelievable.

Yes, I know.

Plus there is a sign...

"Reserved for bayside."

Well, I think it's
a perfect spot.

You know, just us and nature.

Rae, isn't this
the perfect spot?

Hold on there tree
huggers, I'm coming.

These boots are
not made for walking.

Excuse me, coming through,

please move it
back, people, please.

Very delicate... Hey, hey, hey.

What is that smell?

Well, Rae, that
would be fresh air.

That has got to go.

Excuse me.

Oh, see now, that is what
I call fresh mountain pine.

Okay, Rae.

Rae, we have real mountain
pines up here, you know?

Rae, didn't you notice

any of the natural beauty
on your way up here?

You know what,
Chels, actually I did.

Oh, good.

There was this

beautiful rock that looked
like a little cell phone

and on top of it,
girl, was a little bird,

and it was chirping
like a little ringer.

Chirp, chirp.


Raven, you did not
exactly travel light.

You know what? That reminds me.

Where can I plug this in?

'Cause it's kind
of dark outside.

We're in the woods.

There's no electricity.

Well, that is a good thing

I brought my portable generator.

Always handy.

So where do I set up tent?

Rae, we are all sleeping
under the stars tonight.

That's pretty funny, but,
um, I'm sleeping inside.

Inside what?

Tent in a tube.

Everybody move it back, people!

Stand clear, stand
clear, everybody.

Hot tube, hot tube.

I just wonder how you
get it back in the tube?

Okay, cool.

All right, great. Thanks.

Eddie, what are
you doing tonight?

Well, I'm going to eat
my weight in liverwurst.

Well, step away
from the sandwich,

'cause I just got you a gig.

Get out of here.

Forget the freshman dance,

I got you rapping
at the senior party.

Man, how did you hook that up?

Don't worry your
empty little head.

Rae, hurry up.

Come on, we're about to start.

Okay, here's how the
pinecone hunt works.

Uh, excuse me, the
taquitos are ready.

Party in the tizz-ent.

How could you make taquitos?

I made them in the microwave.

What? You brought a microwave?


People, this is ridiculous.

Thank you, señorita Rodriguez.

The taquitos are getting cold.

What? No... no, you guys.

Come on, please. You guys?

Oh you guys, hey,
hey, look, look, look!

I found one, I found one!

♪ I've got a
pinecone, yes, I do ♪

♪ I've got a pinecone,
how about you? ♪

♪ I've got... ♪



I was getting it down.


Chels, girl, you were right,

camping is all of that.

Actually, Rae, I don't
think what you're doing

can be really technically
be called camping.

What? Chels, me, hello?

I'm in the forest.


Hey, I made you a smoothie.

And girl, if it makes
you feel any better,

here, look... I'll
stir it with a twig.

Rae, you don't get it,

you're missing all
the fun of camping.

No, Chels, actually,

I think I brought the fun.

Look, you know what?

I came on this camping
trip for nature, okay?

So, I'm going to go
on that moonlight hike.

Okay, who's coming with me?

You guys, who is coming?

That is the spirit.


♪ Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba! ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba! ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba! ♪

You guys!

Hey Chels, just calm down

and join the conga
line, girl, just join it.

♪ Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba! ♪

Forget it, Rae, I'm going
to go on that hike alone.

All right, you conga k*ller.

Hey, party over here!

Oh, that is a beautiful
camp fire, Raven.

Thank you.

It's my favorite screen saver.

So, where is Chelsea?

Oh, she went on
the moonlight hike.

Without a buddy?

Do not worry, okay?

Chels knows the woods
like I know the mall.

It's good.

Outdoor club, grab
your flashlights,

we are going to
look for Chelsea.

Oh, wait, me, too?

No. Oh... Okay, you can come.

Okay. No, maybe you should stay.

No, you can come.

No, maybe stay.

Okay, now, should I stay?

I should stay, right?

Yes, in case Chelsea comes back.

Plus, you are
clueless out there.

Come on, people, let's move out.

Oh, okay, I'll wait
here and hold the fort...


Man, I hope Chels is okay.


Ow, my foot's stuck.

Oh, snap!

Chelsea is stuck
on cell phone rock.

Okay, I've got to save her.

I'm coming Chels! I'm coming.

Oh, no, I did not
just break my heel.

You know, I'm going
to stay and glue it here.

No, I should go and save her.

No, I should stay 'cause it's...

No, I should go.

Now she's got me doing it.

I'm coming, Chels, I'm coming.

Senior party, here I come!

Are you ready to rip it?

I'm ready to rip it.

Are you ready to rip it?

I am ready to rip it.

Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go, go, go!

Now get in there
and tear it up, baby!

Go ahead!

What's up, senior...




Oh, you thought I meant
high school seniors?

Please, the freshman
didn't even want you.

What kind of manager are you?

What makes you think

all these old folks around
here want a rapper?

They didn't.

They wanted ukulele Jake,
but he canceled last night.

Peacefully in his sleep.

Oh, man!

Listen, man.

This is a music
appreciation class for seniors.

Make them appreciate your music.

Are you ready?

Let's make some noise.

Don't worry, Chels.

I know where you are.

I just don't know where I am.

Don't worry, Chels, I got you.



I'm coming, Chels.


I'm coming, girl!

Oh, okay.

Cell phone rock.

Chelsea, I'm coming
to save you, okay?

♪ Yo, I'm hoppin' on
my way to the crib ♪

♪ my celly's blowing up ♪

♪ my little mommy's on the
phone saying, "papi, what's up?" ♪

♪ Now somebody scream. ♪

We don't know
what you're saying.

This ain't going well.

You think?

Come on, Eddie.
You're a professional.

Reach out to them.

You can do this.

Yeah, hip-hop is universal, man.

I should be able to
reach them in some way.

Are you ready to rip it?

I'm ready to rip it.

Then rip it.


I'm going to take
a little free-style.

All right?

♪ Ugn, the seniors
always want to complain ♪

♪ about how they never hear ♪

♪ from their spoiled
grandchildren ♪

♪ all through the busy year. ♪

Yeah, hear, hear!

Okay, huh.

♪ We all know the
least they could do ♪

♪ was give you a little ring ♪

♪ but they focus on mall
hopping and bling bling. ♪

♪ Hey, y'all were young once ♪

♪ yeah, you knew how to groove ♪

♪ and if we chill
with you a little ♪

♪ you can teach us some moves ♪

♪ now shake your Booty, ha! ♪

♪ Shake your Booty ♪

♪ now shake your Booty... ♪

Ah, nature sounds so beautiful.

I hear you, Mr. Owl.

And I hear you, Mr. Frog.


And I hear you, miss mouth.

Chelsea, I'm sorry, sweetie.

I'm coming for you.

Stay right there.

Rae, you are just in time.

I was almost relaxed.

Hey, hey, hey, I had a
vision that you were stuck

and you needed
my help, so I'm here.

Well, I'm fine.

Don't you have like a smoothie
to go blend or something?


Chels, what is your problem.

The only reason
I came on this trip

was to do what you like to do.


Well, you haven't done
anything that I like to do, Rae.

Okay, you're ruining everything.

If you don't mind,

I am going to finish my hike.

Thank you very much.




Ow, my foot's caught.

I hope you're happy, Rae.

Your vision has now come true.

You know what?

I traveled through
the dirt and the mud

and all the sticky,
icky, little creatures

that live in the dirt and
the mud on one heel,


I broke my heel
just to save you.

That's love.

Well, do you really
want to save me?


Get my foot out of this crack.

Okay, let me get
around, let me get around.

Be careful.

Ew, ew.

Okay, I see the problem.

Okay, what, what, what?

We just have to move the rock.

Okay, okay.

Hurl... This
gazillion-pound rock.

Oh, okay, uh...
I'm just gonna...

You're gonna have to stay here.

I need to get some help.


Oh, snap, is that a bear?


Oh, Chelsea, please, don't
let the bear get me, Chels.

Wait, wait, wait!

I am the one who is stuck here.

Let me see if I can get you out.

Um... I got lip gloss, I got,
uh, eyelash curler and...

Oh, I have nail
Polish. Look how cute...

I will be the pretty...

This might work... moisturizer.

I could pump it in there
and slide your foot out.

Great idea, come on.

This is, this is kind
of expensive stuff.


You're worth it,
you're worth it, girl.

Okay, I'm pumping, I'm
pumping, I'm pumping.

Come on!

Hurry up!

Okay, come on.

One, two, three!

Oh, gosh!

See that? The
expensive stuff works.

Come on, Rae, let's
get back to camp.

Chelsea, are we safe now?

Well, from the bear, yes.

From the skunk, not so much.

It's the bear.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Hide, hide, hide.

Okay, Chels, Chels... Yeah.

Okay. Whoa!

Oh, my... Oh... Chels.


Um... I think something's
tickling my foot,

but I don't really
think it's you.

Rae, I think your
boot has a boyfriend.

What? Yeah.

What is it, Chels?

Well, Rae, it's a skunk.

Ew, no!

A skunk, ew!

What do I do?

Okay, just take
off your boot, okay,

before he sprays us.

You must be kidding.

First my moisturizer,
now my boot?

This is becoming a
very expensive weekend.

Hurry up!

All right!

I did it. I did it.


Chelsea, Raven?

Chelsea, Raven?


Chelsea, Raven!


Oh, great, now I
have lost two kids.

This might be hard to explain.

Chelsea, were you hiding
in the log this whole time?

No, no. Uh... ah, well,
I-I was stuck in a rock

and then Raven
came and rescued me.

And then

well, there was this
bear and then a skunk

and then we rolled
back to camp in this log.

Right and I am miss
Dominican Republic.

Any more taquitos left?

Yeah, there... there's
some. Help yourself.

Oh, and there's
lemonade in the fridge.

Check that out.


Oh, my goodness.

I have never seen so many stars.

Yeah, you can't really see them
like this in the city, you know,

with all the lights and stuff.

Now I know why you
like it up here so much.

You know what?

I am sorry I never gave
this place a chance.

It's okay.

You don't have to love the
outdoors just 'cause I do.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

We can like different things
and still be best friends.


It sure is beautiful.



♪ I've got a
pinecone, yes, I do ♪

♪ throw them in the pot
and make pinecone stew. ♪

Ooh, uh, yeah. That's me.

I'm sorry about that, Chels.

I forgot I was baking
peach cobbler.

Peach cobbler?!

Ooh, I get dibs on the crust.

I did it again.

Well, you know, you did
sing the pinecone song,

so I guess I could
have some cobbler.

Yeah! Come on.

Hey, Rae, your boot's back.

That is not my boot!

Why don't you just take
the other one, you nasty!