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01x12 - Drone Alone

Posted: 04/21/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
Oh, this is so exciting!

I have never been
to Australia before.

Hey, maybe you'll like it so much
you won't want to come back!

Donald, honey, do you
have the plane tickets?

[Laughs] Honey, we're taking
my fully automated private jet.

[Scoffs] Plane tickets. Why don't
we just slap on a bunch of stamps

and mail ourselve[Laughs]

Private jet.
That works.


Okay, Leo,
this is your chance to prove

you're responsible enough
to stay at home without us.

Me? What about them?

They were designed to go on
missions and save the world.

You were designed
to break stuff.

Don't worry,
I know the rules...

No touchy-touchy
your stuffy-stuffy.

Leo, I'm serious. There's millions of
dollars' worth of technology here.

So no goof-ups, no
explosions, no fires...

You know what? I'm not going.
I'm not going.

Donald, Leo will be responsible.
He is a big boy.

Sweetie, I left your flame-retardant
undies on the dresser.

Mr. Davenport,
Leo will be fine.

I mean, what's the worst
that could happen?

Funny you should ask.

I've made an actuary chart which
covers every possible catastrophe.

You have an 82% chance of coming
back to a perfectly normal house.

Happy travels.

Don't worry!

Eddie is here to monitor
every room in the house.

He is like
a virtual baby-sitter.

Yeah, and I virtually
care about your kids.

Big d, I got this.

No explosions, no goof-ups,
no fires, no floods...

Wait. I didn't
Donald, let's go!!!

[Aokay, be careful.S]

There's an inflatable raft
in the closet.

Algoodbye! Go!

Party in thewhoo!

Did you not hear
what Davenport just said?

We're supposed to be
reoh, right.

I'll be responsible
for the snacks.

Leo, you're responsible
for blowing up that raft!

Party in tyeah!!!


And he's worried about me?

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,
faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!



Australia looks interesting.

But I'd really like to
check out New York.

Yeah, well, maybe someday
when we're older...

Or now.

And what are you up to?

I am combining foods.

Butterscotch pudding
and tomatoes is probably a no,

but being home alone and doing
whatever I want is a huge yes,

so I'm gonna do it anyway!

Oh, that is bad.

Chase, what are you doing
at Davenport's computer?

I'm pulling a prank on him.

The next time he checks
his bank account,

it's gonna be in Euros!


Same value,
but still funny, right?


No, no...

Give it to me.

Where were you?

Well, I was headed
to New York City,

but I got stuck in Jersey.

Check out my bling. Boom!

How's ya like
them sparklers?

look what you did!

You got butterscotch pudding
all over my broccoli!

What a delicious mistake!

Aw, I'm sorry, Adam.

I meant to get it
on your face!

Ho ho! Boom on
throwin' puddin' here!

Oh, look!
Chase and pudding!

I hadn't thought of
that combo!

Bree, you are goin' down.

Bring it!
Adam, pull my hoops!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Stop! I really need this
weekend to go well for me.

Chill out, Leo.
What's the big deal?

We're just having
a litI'm not.

If Davenport trusts me
to stay home alone,

then next he'll give me
a project in the lab,

and then he'll let me
go on a mission with you.

Don't you want me to
go on missions with you?

Not so much.

Okay, that's it.
No more crazy foods,

no more pranking Davenport,

and no more breaking your curfew
to go to New York.



This guy,
what a nudge.

Just get in your capsules
and go to sleep.

I'll turn on a nightlight
for you.

[ Whirring ]


Ew! It feels like
my stomach just popped!

Can I leave my door open
a crack?


All right, but it might
blow open by itself.

That sunset
was soyeah.Tiful.

Everything looks better out the
window of your own private jet.

You know, if I wasn't so accomplished,
I'd probably sound like a jerk.

Oh, no, honey.
You do sound like a jerk.

Oh, no. I think I forgot
to unplug the lemp.

I better call home.

You are just making up words so
that you can check on the kids.

"The lemp"? Where's that,
on the toble next to the bid?

The lemp is a localized
electromagnetic pulse.

I think I left it on the
console in the lab.

Don't you mean "the leb"?
[ Laughs ]

It's not funny. If one of
those kids turns it on,

it could fry every electrical
circuit in the whole house.

It's late.
Don't call and wake them up.

Besides, if anything goes wrong,
Eddie will call us.

Eddie: Unless I stowed away
on your tablet.

I stowed away
on your tablet!

I'm on vay-cay!
Let's party!

Can I get a "whoop whoop"?

[ Lemp beeping ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Alarm wailing ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Whistling carefree tune ]

Good morn... aaahh!

Chase: Leo?

Leo? Is that you?

What happened?!
All I did was go to sleep!

Leo, something happened to my vision.
I can only see pixels.

I'm okay.

Buddy up what's.

He sounds different.

Yeah, that's 'cause
he can only speak backwards.

It was fun for about
the first five minutes...

Now I just want to
rip his head off.


Wait, where's Bree?

And if you say she went
to Paris for crepes,

I'm gonna lose it!

I don't know where she is.

Something woke us up
in the middle of the night,

she started bouncing
around the room like a pinball,

and I haven't seen her since.

I haven't seen anything since.

I'm gonna... all right.
Okay. Okay, I'm gonna...

I'm gonna call her
and I'm gonna get her back.

[ Computer dials ]

Leo: Bree! No!

Please don't tell me
you've gone back in time.

No! I just woke up
and started running.

The next thing I knew, I was
in the middle of the desert,

my feet were smoking, and my
navigation system was all goofed up.

My phone's about to die!
What am I gonna do...

Bree! Bree!


Guys, a little help here,

Okay. Okay.

All right, and...
There you go, buddy.


Ha ha ha ha!

The kids should
be up by now.

And if they're not, it'll be my
distinct pleasure to wake them up.

What the heck is that?!

Well, it's either
Mr. Davenport's radon gas alarm,

or it's his emergency phone.

And being that none of us
have passed out yet,

it's his emergency phone!!!

[ Loud beeping ]

Oh... no...
Hey. Hey.

Davenport industries, home of
the little man's big dreams.

Leo speaking.
How may I help you?

Leo! What's going on?

Not a thing. Watching cartoons, eating
cereal. You know, Saturday morning things.

Cartoons watch want to I!

Was that Adam?
Let me talk to him.

Um... no,

it's the TV.

I'm watching captain backwards.

He saves the day
in the beginning and...

Does all the boring stuff
at the end.

It's a terrible show.
I don't know why I watch it.

What about Bree?
Is she around?

No. You know girls. She's
knee-deep in makeup and unicorns.

What am I saying?!

Look, Leo, I need you
to do me a favor.

I need you to unplug the lemp
on the console.

[ Snickering ]

Oh. You mean...
The nightlight?

It's not a nightlight.

It's a localized
electromagnetic pulse.

Please tell me
you did not turn it on.

[ Lempno.mming ]

No, I did not. Um...

I should go.
Tell my mommy I love her.

Oh, I will. Okay.

What did he say?

He said,
"tell my mommy I love her."

He said "mommy"? He's hiding something.
Turn this plane around.

Turn this plane

Leo! We are coming home

right now!

[ Disconnects ]

They're coming home right now.


"Tell my mommy
I love her"?

I'm sorry. When I freak out,
I talk baby talk.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go upstairs

to take a night-night
with my binky.

Leo, how could you
turn on the lemp?!

It's a giant glitch machine!

That's what
goofed us all up!


So this is one of those things that Davenport
talks about we're not supposed to touch?

Good to know...
Good to know.

Look, we have to fix this
before they get home.

I'll locate Bree's signal and send her the
coordinates so she can find her way back.

I thought
you couldn't see.

Oh, Leo.
Genius has no boundaries.

Well, it's good to see
that your lack of sight

hasn't taken away from
your sense of superiority.

[ Beeping ]

Oh, good, it's flashing
"signal received."

But what are we gonna do
about you guys?

Well, Mr. Davenport did install an emergency
video file on my internal hard drive.

But we're only supposed to
watch it in an emergency.

Oh, up wake!
Emergency it is this!

So if you're watching this,

I must have gone to that
big hard drive in the sky.

How could this have happened?!
I was so young!

[ Crying ]
Look at me!

I was so beautiful
and talented and smart...

This is awful!

Right about now I'm sort
of glad I can't see this.

Is that really what he wore
to say his final farewell?

Slap on a suit, dude!
You're on a stairway to heaven!

Now, you're probably in crisis,
so first things first.

If you didn't have time to
have me cryogenically frozen,

just Chuck me in the fridge
for now, it'll have to do.

Don't you let him
near my cold cuts!

Oh, and, uh,
I would like you to play

my super funeral mix
at my service.

Also, money is no object,

so I'd like
a super-huge blow-out,

you know, something befitting
a man as awesome as I...


I'm sorry. You guys
must miss me so much!

Is there a fast-forward?

Yeah. There are
different chapters.

Okay, searching,
searching, searching...

There it is.

Well, that's eerily specific.

Get into the middle capsule
with bare feet

and press your hands against
the sides of the cylinder.

This connects the circuit,
initiates a reboot,

and will repair all the damage.

Okay. Once I restore my settings,
we can get things back to normal

before Tasha and Davenport
get home.

And they'll never know how thoroughly
and completely you messed up.

[ Video powers down ]

[ Loud humming ]

[ Whooshing ]

Where am I?

Who are you people?!

Oh, great!

Ha! Just kidding.
You're next.

Luck me wish.

If he's gonna take his shoes off,
we might want to take a step back.

[ Humming, whooshing ]

I think I'm okay.

Wait, my voice isn't coming
out of my butt, is it?

And he's back.

Okay, everything's cleaned up.
Now all we need is Bree.

No problem.
I'm tracking her right now.

According to this, she
should be here any minute.

That took forever.

My phone died,
and I had to buy a map...

A paper map.

I mean, do you know how hard
it is to fold this thing up?

A map? Didn't you get
the coordinates I sent you?

What coordinates?
I didn't get any coordinates.

Wait. If Bree's here,
then what are you tracking?

I don't know.
It's probably just a bird.

[ Beeping faster ]

Or not.

Guys, this is one of
Mr. Davenport's drones.

I must have sent it
the coordinates instead of Bree!

Oh, yeah. A giant flying piece
of metal and a teenage girl...

I see how you can
get that messed up.

I messed it up because
my vision was impaired...

By you, Mr. Touchy-stuffy

Chase, let's not play
the blame game.

Guys, this drone controls all of
Mr. Davenport's GPS technology,

including the plane that
he's flying on right now.

What?! Why would he keep the command
center for all of his technology

flying around in the sky?

Probably because
you're down here.

What was I thinking? I knew Leo
wasn't ready to be left home alone.

How could I let you
talk me into this?

You talked me into this!

Donald, let's not
play the blame game.

This is so weird.

I programmed the jet
to take us home,

but it's not reading
the coordinates from my drone.

I'm sorry. Your what?

I have an orbiting drone
that coordinates all of my...

Eddie: Don't bother, Donnie!
She'll never be one of us!

She's dial-up in a 4g world.

Are you telling me that we are just
randomly flying around right now,

no flight plan, no pilot?!

Gee, Tasha,
this sound pretty serious!

You should probably jump out.

Unless one of my other computers
takes the controls

and lands this jet for me.

Wait. He's gonna
fly the plane for us?

You have got to be
kidding me!

Buckle up, sugar.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride!


All right, that's the last
of the broken glass.

And the drone is fixed.

Go ahead, chase, hop in.

Ha ha! That's a joke,
'cause you're so tiny.

[ Laughing ]

Yet my brain is still
twice the size of yours.

Oh, yeah? Well... i-i...

Yeah, you got me.

We'll deal with that later.

Let's focus on getting Adam
and the drone outside

so we can launch it off the
roof and back into the sky.

They're walking up
the driveway!

They are walking
up the driveway!!!

Eddie: Well, Tasha,
looks like

the stupid computer
got you home safe!

Guess it's time
to go back in the wall.

Oh! Here, let me help.


Well, it certainly has been a
joy traveling with you two.

You are on the list, cupcake!


Hey, what do you know?
The house is in one piece.

Welcome home, mommy.


What are you guys up to?

Just chillin'. Ya know.

We didn't do anything. Nothing happened.
Nothing at all.

You two...
Always so suspicious.


I don't smell any fires...

And no one's in
a full body cast.

Wait... where's Adam?

Adam? Uh, Adam is...

Right here warming up your welcome
home hugs. Bring it in, peoples!

Ooh! Okay.

Well, I guess
we overreacted.

Right. I will go reschedule
our trip to Australia.

This time on a big plane
with an actual pilot.

What is that?

[ Crashing ]

By the way, we forgot
to reset the coordinates.

Reset the coordinates?!

It looks like somebody

touched my stuff!!!


So nothing else happened
while I was gone?

No. Just the drone thing.

Yep, just that
drone thing.

Just the drone thing.

Ahh. Anybody want to
see a slide show?

Ooh! Is is Australia?

No! Ha ha!

It's my surveillance cameras
that show everybody's movements

the entire house.

"Huh. I never thought of using my
priceless guitar as a hammer."

"Hey, what happens if
I stick my head in here?"

"Now that my hair's big,
I can get on all the rides!"

"Here we are exploring the
deep, dark waters of idiocy."

Ha ha ha!


So you're all grounded...

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha!