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01x14 - Dude, Where's My Lab?

Posted: 04/21/24 16:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Lab rats

okay, now we'll check
your bionic reflexes.

First the left arm.


Okay, now the right arm.


Oh, I hate this game!

Okay, Adam. Well, you
can sit this one out.

I'll just do Bree
and chase.


Come on, big "d,"
it's summer vacation!

Let's hit the beach.

Slap on some shorts
and show everyone

your pasty little
walking sticks!

Not now, Leo.

We're doing some routine
bionic chip maintenance.

Besides, this is fun,
right, guys?

A blast.Es.

Okay, are we done here?

I wanna go be normal
for a while!

Can't we go just five minutes
without something sparking,

exploding, or oozing
around here?

Ever since summer
vacation started,

it has been like one
long science experiment.

I'm sorry, honey.
I... you know...

Maybe Leo's right.

Maybe we need to take a
break and go to the beach.


We'll take a whole weekend,

as a normal family,
you know?

No gadgets, no phones.

We'll do it
totally tech-free.

That is exactly
what I need.

You would really
do that for me?

Of course. You are way
more important to me

than the amazing innovations
born of my genius.

Wow, big "d,"
it's really nice of you

to blow off work
for my mom.

Well, you know, Leo,
now and then,

everybody needs
a little peace and...

[ Klaxon blares ]


It's the early warning
satellite system.

It's detecting
a giant solar flare.

When that thing
hits the atmosphere,

it'll cause massive
power failures

and a total blackout
of satellite communications.

Okay, I should tell my mom we're
not going to the beach, then.

No, no, no, no. Don't tell
your mom a thing about this.

Oh, right.

Let's just ignore the biggest
solar flare in history

to keep the little
lady happy.

Don't worry
about the solar flare.

I'll handle it.

Just pack your stuff
in the r.V.

And get ready to get
your beach on!

I know nobody says that.
I know that.

Adam, safety goggles aren't
going to protect our eyes

from the solar flare.

No, but it will
protect us from the glare

when pasty-legs Davenport
puts on his shorts!

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


All: Aaaahhh!

All right, Tasha,

your totally tech-free
weekend starts now.

Great. I'm gonna
go claim our spot.

If we wait too long,
we're gonna end up

sitting next to talkers.

I hate friendly people.

You go ahead.
I'll be right there.


Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where do you guys
think you're going?

Did you forget about
the solar flare?

What do you expect
us to do?

Bionics can't stop
a solar flare.

No, but I have
something that can.

Male voice:
Identity authorized.

Welcome to the Davenport

mobile action lab.

Very impressive,
big "d."

You're the master
of the ta-da moment!

♪ Ta-da

I call her the ugly lady

because it's what's
on the inside that counts.

You guys will launch
the rocket just like

in your training

It will block
the solar flare

by releasing a cloud of heavy
gas into the atmosphere.


You're goin'
down, sun!

This supercomputer
is calculating the precise time

that you need
to launch the rocket.

It could be minutes,
it could be hours.

You'll just have
to wait and see.

In here?

But we're supposed
to go to the beach.

Yeah, and I was supposed
to be six-feet-one.

Life is full
of disappointments.


So we all have
to pay the price

for another short guy
with an axe to grind.

Look, guys, focus.

It takes all three of you
to initiate the sequence.

Once the alert sounds,
you'll have a 2-hour window

to launch the rocket before the
flare becomes unstoppable. Got it?

Yeah, we got it.

Saving the world's
gonna ruin my vacation.

Stupid world!

Guys, come on!
You're missing all the fun!

There is a bulldog in
sunglasses riding a surfboard!

[ Violent splash ]

Ooh! Never mind!

Be right there, honey!

Look, as soon as you guys
launch the rocket

and save the world,
you can get outta here

and go get your beach on.

What, still nothing?

You know what? I don't need
your approval. I'm rich!

Am I the only person who thinks
launching a rocket is cool?

Big "d," go slather on
some spf fifty...


I got this.

No, the only thing
you've got

is the uncanny
ability to break

the most expensive
thing in the room.

Is this about your guitar?

What about my guitar?

Let's go! We're missing
the surfing bulldog!

What about my guitar?

Ah, listen to that...

No phones ringing,
no gadgets buzzing.

Just the sounds
of nature and...

A bulldog barking up
[ Doseaweed.G ]

Yep. There's nothing more fun
than sitting completely still

in direct sunlight
for hours on end.

My back sweat is headed
towards unnatural places.

Leo, come here.

I still have to secretly
supervise the mission from here,

so how would you
like to be

my covert communications

Is this like the time you tricked
me into doing the dishes

by calling me your culinary
implement decontaminator?

Yeah, pretty much.


Well, Leo,
you look, uh, parched.

Let me get you
a frosty beverage.

Drink up.

[ Dialing ]

It's a secret can-phone!

[ Ringing ]

There is no such thing
as a tech-free weekend.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Super-boring mission

Bree speaking.

Hey, Bree.
How's the mission?

Leo, what are you drinking?

Call-you-back cola.

You know you're not
supposed to drink soda.

It makes you all jumpy.
Give me that.


[ Crackling and whirring ]

I knew I should have sprung
for the whole six-pack.

Well, I'm sorry,
big "d."

Looks like I'm gonna have to check
in with 'em the old-fashioned way...

With my feet, my face,
and a whole lot of this.

Yeah. Just
hurry back, will ya?

The only reason I'm letting
you go in the first place

is you stopped doing
that anywhere near me.

Hey, super sibs.

How's the mission going?

This stinks!

We're gonna waste the whole
stupid day in this stupid lab

waiting for this
stupid computer.

It's all just so...

Why don't you take turns
coming to the beach with me?

We can't. The launch procedure
requires all three of us.

Mmm, but if there are
three of us plus one,

then two can stay and two
can go until we need three,

and then one can stay
and one can run and get

the one who's having
fun with the other one.

Wait. Somebody
check my math.

He's right.

Someone pat him on the head
and give him a biscuit.

Cool, so one of us
can leave.

I think that we should
put it up to a...

Me first!
Come on, Leo!

[ Leo cries out ]


Hey, super speed does
not overrule democracy!

Theso gone! E!

Thiso not fair! R!

She is not gonna
get away with this!

So not gonna get
away with this!

You know what?

I'm gonna march
right down to that beach

and I'm gonna find her, even
if it takes me all day.

Yeah! You go with
your bad self!

Make her pay!

Wait, did he just do
what I think he did?

Ohh, he did!

He went to the beach
without his sun hat!

Chase, you're gonna get
a sunburn!

Launch window open.

[ Klaxon blares ]

Chase, what are you
doing here?

Watching this guy.

People keep
giving him money,

but he just won't leave.

You're supposed to be
watching the mobile lab.

No worries.
Adam's watching it.

What's up, beach bums?

Adam, what are you
doing here?

Well, I wanted
an ice cream cone,

but they had 21 flavors.

And you know me... I'm never one
to make an uninformed decision.

Adam, get rid of those.

We need to get back
to the mobile lab.

Oh, right.
Free ice cream!

Oh, and don't worry,
it's barely licked.

Where's the mobile lab?
It was parked right here.

It's gone!

Okay, all right,
nobody panic.

[ Shrieking ]

Sorry. Brain freeze.

Where's the r.V.?

How could the mobile lab
just disappear?

Maybe it got tired of waiting
and it split like we did.

We have to tell
Mr. Davenport.

Oh, yeah? And what are
we gonna tell him?

"Hey, remember that
really easy mission

"where all we had to do
was sit around and wait?

"Well, guess what...
We totally blew it,

and the world is toast.

[ Freeze! Squawks ]

Officer, we'd like
to report a crime.

Someone stole our r.V.
From this spot,

and it's supercritical
that we get...

Cool your jets, spanky.

I had it towed.

What? Why?

Your car alarm's been goin'
off for, like, an hour, dude.

Plus, I thought it'd be funny
to watch a little tow truck

pull that huge thing away.

It was.

Car alarm?

If you want your
r.V. Back,

you're gonna have to
cough up 200 clams.


But does it have
to be clams?

'Cause, personally,
I'm more of a shrimp guy.

[ Syou guys... s ]

That "car alarm"
was the alert tone

telling us to launch
the rocket!

Wait. So that means
we have under an hour

to collect $200,
get the mobile lab back,

stop the solar flare,
and wrestle a shark.

Oh, what? You're bionic,
and we're at the beach.

I'd like to do one
fun thing today.

We need to tell
Mr. Davenport.

He'll give us the money
to get the r.V. Back.

No. No way.
We can still fix this.

Come on, I know how
we can get the money fast.

Chase, get back here.

No one's gonna pay to see
you wrestle a shark.

Wow, Donald, I'm impressed.

You have
almost made it to lunch

without using any of
your gadgety gizmos.

Yeah, who needs 'em?
I am super relaxed.

[ Giggles ]

Hey, have you seen the kids?

Uh, you know, they're
probably in the arcade.

You know what? I'm gonna
go check on 'em. Bye!

Come on, work for daddy.

[ Oopf! ]

Excuse me, miss.
Billionaire genius,

potential world crisis.
Do you mind? Thank you.

Hey! Ow!

Do you mind?
I am on the phone!

Ladies and gentlemen,

step right up
and see the wonders

of Leo's legendary
boardwalk freak show!

Side show.



direct your attention
and your dollars

to Adam, the incredibly
but not suspiciously

strong man!

Hey, little girl.

You like bunnies?

Me too. Check this out.

[ Clank ]

Crowd: Ohh!


Here you go.

[ Clank ]

Leo: Oh-ho!

[ Applause ]


Wasn't that amazing,

Now, keep your eyes
and your wallets open

for Bree, the magnificent
mistress of magic.

Okay, do I have
a volunteer?


Okay, looks like
it's you, big guy.

Okay, people,
keep your eye on the shell.

Where is it?

Nope. And look
what's over here.

Bam! Your driver's license.

[ Applause ]

You know, I never would have
guessed you were bald under there.

Her flying fingers are
quicker than the human eye,

but it's actually a simple trick
that's not that impressive

once you know how it's done.

And last but not least,

let's keep it going
for the amazing chase,

who will...

What can you do
that won't bore people?

I got this.

Now, if someone
could kindly give me

a prime number
with at least four digits,

I will mathematically

Great job!
Let's give him a hand!



Adam, go make
another bunny.

Make a bunny.

[ Siren squawking ]

Great show, little man.

Thank you.

I was talkin'
to him, dude.

You totally bombed, bro.

Now, unless you dudes
want to sh**t the curl

on a longboard of hurt,

you'd best show me
your performance permits,

like, right now.

We don't have permits.
We're busted.

Oh, relax.

He's wearing flip-flops,

and his squad car
has handlebars.

He's not even a real cop.

Yet he has a real jail.

Okay, there's only one thing
left for us to do...

We have to find a way to get in
touch with Mr. Davenport fast.

Uh, I'll just call him.


[ Laughing ]
I can't believe that worked!

I did not steal anything.

That woman committed as*ault
with a deadly floatie!


Long story short,
big "d"...

Botched mission,
world is doomed,

solar flare's a-comin.


You know, an hour ago,
I was a little freaked out

because I didn't know
what was happening,

but now I think I prefer
the mystery.

What are we gonna do?

I can use my strength
to break us out.

Good one. Okay, we have to
figure out a way to distract

captain cocoa butter
over there.

If only we had a burrito or,
like, a monster wave, dude.

Luckily, there is a genius
inventor in the house.

Everybody empty
your pockets. Come on.

Uh, two dimes.Um.

Ninebobby pin.Ery.

Bobby pin?

What? Bree had
a 9-volt battery,

but no one said
anything about that!

All I have to do
is take these items

and fashion a makeshift
phone out of them.

What am I talking about? This
is a bunch of pocket stuff.

I can't do anything
with this.

[ Surfer music
it works! Plays ]

[ Hello? Tone plays ]


What do you mean someone's
towing my scooter, dude?

Now's our chance.
Adam, be discreet.

Just turn the lock pin
ever so slightly...

[ Oops. ]

Or that'll work too.
Let's go!

Oh, no! Everything
got all messed up

when the mobile lab
got towed!

This is bad.
This is really bad.

Yeah, it is. Two hundred
dollars to get my r.V. Back,

two hundred dollars
for disorderly conduct,

and a hundred dollars
for stealing a cell phone.

What were you thinking?

That was you!

There is
a solar flare

headed towards us
right now!

Ahh, I'm freakin' out!

Look, don't panic.

In simulations, you guys have
launched this rocket in two minutes,

and you've still got...

Launch window closes
in 60 seconds.

Half that. Okay, we're
gonna have to work together.

Adam, pick up that rocket.

Leo, find the launch keys.
Bree, console.

And, chase, you're gonna
have to help me

figure out
the launch vectors.

The vectors are corrupt
in every system.

The computer isn't fast
enough to recalculate them.

Bree, how many words
can you type in a minute?

Right. I knew that.
Okay, type this in.

Launch to 60,000 feet...

Then change altitude
to generate negative q Alpha

within 4% of
predicted trajectory,

and then fire rocket thrusters to
initiate... [ Indistinct remark ]

Both: Done.

Launch window closes
in ten...

Leo, the launch keys.

I-I found 'em,
I found 'em.

They have to be turned
at the same time.

Where's the othover there.

Four... three...



Everything looks good.
It's on target.

Solar flare neutralized.

It worked! We did it!

Bree: Yes!

Okay, now that that's
finally taken care of,

can we please go have
fun at the beach?



[ Kiwhat now?! S ]

Nothing. I'm just messing with you.
It's my car alarm.


♪ Lab rats

oh, hey, guys. Oh, I
must have dozed off.

Did you all have
fun today?

Yeah, tons of fun.

We weren't in jail,
that's for sure.


Well, I have had my fill
of fun for the day,

so... let's go home.

Wha... go home?

But we didn't get to do
anything fun yet.

Wait. If you guys
haven't had fun all day,

then what
have you been doing?

Home it is, then.

[ Overlapping chatter ]

♪ Lab rats

♪ lab rats

♪ Lab rats

♪ lab rats

Voice: Yes!