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01x15 - Air Leo

Posted: 04/21/24 16:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Lab rats ♪

Hey, Janelle, how about
that lunch special today?

Really? That's your opener?

Well, I was gonna go with "where
have you been all my life?"

But I'm only 14, so...

What are you up to?

I'm signing people up for the annual
one-on-one basketball tourney.

Ew. How'd you get
stuck doing that?

I love basketball.

Me, too!

I too love the basketball.

In fact, they call me
"hoop master Leo."

No, they don't.
No, they don't.

Hey, check this out.

Where'd that come from?
Who threw that?

Oh, hey, do you wanna sign up
for the one-on-one tourney?

We need people badly.

Oh. Sign me up.

Not that badly.

One-on-one tourney?

Don't you mean
"the Trent show"?

Starring Trent...

With a special appearance by...


Trent, you're the five-time champ.
I already signed you up.

You've been in high school
for five years?



Hey, little guy...

Think fast!

[ Laughs ]

Okay, you got me.

Ah, that never gets old.

Yes. Yes, it does.

No one's signing up
for the tournament

because he wins
every year.

Oh, look how sweet.

He's autographing
that kid's cheek.

I am literally
all up in your face.

And I used his freckle
to dot the "I."

[ Blows ]

If he just spelt "Trent"
with an "i,"

he's gonna be here
a lot longer than five years.

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


♪ lab rats ♪


♪ Lab rats ♪

All: Aaaahhh!

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪


And no matter what I do,

Trent always makes me look like
a fool in front of Janelle.

Well, he does get a little help
from you in that area.

[ Laughs sarcastically ]

How awesome would it be
if I could beat him

in that
basketball tournament?

That would impress her.

[ Beeps ]

Wait a second.

Uh-oh, you just turned on that
chase I'm-smarter-than-you-

light-bulb face!

It's not your best look,
by the way.

Davenport has been working on
an anti-gravity high-top sneaker

for astronaut training.

Maybe the sneaker's
will up your game

with a few
gravity-defying slam dunks.

Chase, not to play
the obvious card,

but there is now way my compact kickers
are gonna fit into those shoe canoes.

Just put 'em on.


Oh, yeah, baby!

[ Chuckles ]

Whoa! Whoa!

[ Laughs ]

Say hello to air Leo!

Now for the real test.


Did you see that?

I don't need these shoes.
That was all me.


[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

Okay, it was the shoes.


Ready! Okay!

We're dynamite!
We're dynamite!

We're tick-tick-tick-tick-boom!

Dynamite! We're boom!

Dynamite! Whoo!

Boom! Boom!
[ Panting ]

Bree, you scared me!

I thought you blew up!

No, I was practicing my cheer.

Oh, you mean...

We're dynamite!
We're boom!

Also, what is boom dynamite?

I'm all excited and I don't
even know what it is!

Adam, that's the beauty
of cheerleading.

You don't have to think.

Then it's perfect for me!

I cannot wait for tryouts.

Wait, you're trying out?

Duh, you just saw
my mad tick-boom-pow skills.


That's the "pow" part.

You can't try out for cheerleading.
That's my thing.

And besides, there's only
one spot open on the squad,

and you do not
wanna compete against me.

Yes, I do. See, cheerleading
is one of the few sports

that isn't competitive enough
to raise my adrenaline

and make me glitch out.

So primp your pompoms, girly,
'cause I'm about to...

Be aggressive! Be-e aggressive!

[ Chuckles ]

Again, I'm all excited
and I don't even know why!


Attention, everyone!

Trent is now in session!
All bow to the honorable Trent!

Is there anyone
brave enough

to challenge me
in the tourney yet?

Oh, I've got an itch
to crush a dream or two.

Who's gonna be my ointment?

Ladies and gentlemen...

If I may have
your attention,

I present to you
the soon-to-be champion

of the one-on-one
basketball tourney...

Dunkin' Leo dooley!

[ Imitates crowd roar ]

Will assist, flick your wrist,
win the game, and pump a fist!

You think
it'll go down smoothly?

Well, you've never played
a champ like dooley!

Yes, that just happened!

[ Cheering and applause ]

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm the dude
who's gonna...

[ Mumbling ]

Somebody give me
some words that rhyme!

Leo, what are you doing?

He is signing up
for the hoop-a palooza.

Don't miss the event
of the school year,

where Trent will be destroyed
by a scrawny underdog

Laying it on a little thick,
aren't ya?


Let me help you with that.

Hey! I wanna sign up!
I can play ball!

He can play ball!

I've been practicing.

He has been practicing!

Miracles do happen.

Miracles do hap...

Stop it!

Yeah, stop it!

I wanna play!

Okay, fine.

Trent, I guess you
finally have an opponent...


I'll see you on the court.

And try not to be so short.

Just rhymed!

Leo, you don't
have to do this.

I don't have to do
a lot of things, Janelle.

I don't know what that means.
Neither do I.


Please, please, please?
No! No!

Okay, fine!

I'll think of a number
between one and five

and if you guess it right,
you can try out before me.

Hmm... four!

Nope, you lose.

How do you always
with that game?

Next we have Riley, Bella,
olive, siri, and Tommy.

Uh, that's a no.

No. Never. Nice try.

You might wanna
think about tennis.

Bye! Thanks for coming!

Next we have Adam and Bree.

Well, they got two points
for lame names.

And cheer.

Both: We're dynamite!
We're dynamite!

We're tick-tick-tick...

Okay, okay, I've heard enough.

Better luck next year.

And welcome to the squad!

Oh, pinky hug.

How is that possible?!

He spent all morning
wearing my pompoms as a wig!

Oh, not a wig!

Secret agent disguise.

We need someone to catch us
when we dismantle the pyramid.

There have been
a few problems.

It's ironic 'cause she's
a total pain in the neck.

[ Gasps ]

See ya at rehearsal!
Him, not you.


It's almost
tournament time, boys!

I'm going nerd shopping!

Oh, nice!
Spearmint's my fav, bro.

Oh, you guys, who's behind this?

I love a big logo.

You have nothing that I want.

[ Sighs ]

What ya hiding there?


How ya doing, Trent?

Oh! These are some cool kicks!

Thanks for donating to the
Trent-likes-your-stuff fund!

Trent, those are Leo's.
You can't...

Well, not anymore.

They're not even your size.

Yet they fit perfectly.

Thank you for providing me
with the proper footwear

to kick your friend's butt.


We have a major problem.

Trent stole your sneakers.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Calm down,
calm down, calm down.

Let's look
at the bright side.

What's the bright side?

He is gonna kick your butt
much faster now.



All right, 30 seconds
until game time.

Trent's got first ball.

Trent is wearing my sneakers!

What am I supposed to do?!

Run. Run far, far away.

Cry like a baby
and hope for sympathy.

Fake a cramp!

Is that all you've got?

Where's that unattractive
light-bulb face when I need it?

Oh, there it is.

I'll be right back.

All right, play to 11.

Best two
out of three games wins.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
How many is that?

Two out of three.

Okay, so somebody wins three...

No, Leo.

It's two out of three.

Wait, is it two
or is it three...

[ Whistle blows ]
Game on!

Oh! These shoes are so springy!

They're the best things
I've swiped all day!

Oh! Charlie horse!

Oh, what a faker.
Walk it off.

Aah! Double Charlie horse!


Ready! Okay!

Two, four, six, seven,
who do we appreciate?!

That was great, Adam.

My favorite part
was when you stopped talking.


Now get ready. We're about to
perform at the hoop-a palooza,

and I don't need to tell you
how important this is.

This is important.

Got it.

Hey, I know I took
the last spot on the squad,

but do you think you could
make room for my sister Bree?

I think
she's kinda mad at me.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

If we let her join, she won't
feel the true sting of rejection.

And I generously try to give
everyone that experience.

Girls, come look at this.

Ew. She looks like my pet pug when I
paint her paw nails against her will.

[ All laugh ]

Hey, stop talking
about my sister like that.

Um, I'm cheer captain.
I talk, you listen.

No, when it comes to defending my
sister, I'm gonna talk all I want.

In fact, I quit the squad.

Hey! Back off, neck brace!
Those babies are mine!

Game one, shut out!

How about a shout-out
for the shut-out?!

Whoo! Still rhyming!

Shouldn't you be off somewhere
juggling airheads?

Yeah, but I quit the squad.

What? Why?

I can't say why because
it will hurt your feelings

that they were
making fun of you.

Wait, you quit the team because
they were making fun of me?

I just told you
I can't say that.

Adam, we have moves that are way
better than anything they have.

We should
just do our own cheer!

Oh, good idea! We'll see how they like it
when we hit 'em with the turbo Booty shake!

Where have you been?

I tried stalling, but I ran out
of injuries to fake.

The compound in the sneakers is
highly susceptible to electron beams.

So I ran home and got these
electron-beam generators from the lab.

And those will mess up the shoes?

Say hello
to "attract" and "repel."

I'll make Trent
dance like a puppet.

If I were less mature,
I'd evil laugh.

[ Laughs evilly ]

Okay, first player
to score 11 points

wins the second game.


[ Blows whistle ]

[ Crowd cheering ]


[ Crowd cheering ]

Oh! Did you see
my hang time on that one?!

I'm even greater than I thought!

[ Beeps ]


Nice try.

What is this?!
What is this magic?!

[ Laughs ]

Hey! You're not a cheerleader!

Quit stealing our boom-pow!

[ Laughs ]

Hey! Stop laughing at me!
I'm supposed to laugh at you!

[ Laughing ]

What is this?!

[ Beeping ]

What are you doing?

I am... cheering.

Go, Leo!

[ Sighs ]

I want my old shoes back!

Okay, since Trent
left the court,

I guess game two
goes to Leo.

[ Cheering and applause ]

That's right!

Leo, me, winner!
Small's the new tall, y'all!


[ Cheering and applause ]

Go, dingoes!

[ All cheering ]

Move back! I'm in front!

Ready! Okay!

All: We're dynamite!
We're dynamite!

We're tick-tick-tick-tick-boom!


Both: Cheer b*mb!

Oh, Stephanie,
can you do that?

No, I didn't think so!
[ Laughs ]


Ready! Okay!

Ooh, what's that?
What do I see?

Bree cheers better
than Stephanie!

Adam: Hold up there!
Not so fast!

Stephanie's a thing
of the past!

Both: Better call your mom!
It's a cheer b*mb! Huh!

Ring, ring! Hello?
Oh, it's your mom!

Hey there, mom!
It's a cheer b*mb!


Both: Cheer b*mb!



Yeah, that's right.

Special effects.

When we say "boom,"
we mean boom!

Yeah, and when we say
"brunch," we mean a

delicious combination
of breakfast and lunch!

[ Cheering and applause ]

Did you have anything to do with that
little display of dancing with the jocks?

What makes you think
that I would be

responsible for giving
Trent his comeuppance

for always picking on smaller,
smarter, cuter people?

Yeah, not Leo. Nope.

[ Laughs evilly ]

You're right,
it's crazy to think

the guy with the inventor dad
and genius brother

would somehow
use electron beams

to manipulate Trent's shoes
so you'd win.

Don't be ridiculous.

[ Crash ]

Will you look at that.

Good luck, buddy.


You know why
I can't stand Trent?

Because all he does
is make people look bad.

And now you're doing
the exact same thing.

[ Sighs ]

I guess there's only
one thing left to do.

Yep, I agree.

Get out there and lose
fair and square.

What?! No!
That's a terrible idea!

I was gonna say
slip out the back door.

Okay, let's finish this thing.

And this time,
you're getting the real Leo.


First one to 11 wins.

Good luck, Leo.

[ Mocking ]
Good luck, Leo.

[ Blows whistle ]

[ Crowd cheering ]


Look that way.

[ Sighs ]

Come on, Leo.
Don't give up.

[ Chanting ]
Leo! Leo!

[ All chanting ]
Leo! Leo! Leo!


[ Grunts ]

[ Cheering and applause ]

Yes! I did it!

I scored a point!

That was nothing but net!

And rim and backboard,
but it went in!


Winner, right here!

I'll be signing foreheads
in the hallway!

Leo, you may have lost,

but that shot was awesome!

And you did it on your own,
without any gimmicks or gadgets.

Nope, I just relied
on the other "g"...



♪ lab rats ♪

Chase! Chase! He's our man!

Typing on the keyboard
like no one can!

Chase! Chase! He's...
Guys. Guys!

Do you really have to do that?

It is so annoying!

Chase, you don't understand.

It's part of our creative
process and you're our muse.

In your shoes.

[ Gasps ] Shaking your head
like you got bad news!

Don't just sit there,
clap and cheer!

You can't be a downer
every day of the year!


Chase is sad.

Chase is mad.

Both: Chase needs a cheer
to make him glad!

Whoo! Chase! Chase!
He's our man!



♪ lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪

♪ Lab rats ♪

♪ lab rats ♪